Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan lah, klo bisa murahin lagi hehe Fitur Terbaik:nyaman Desain gaming beuttttttttt dahhhhhhh, Ga keset kainnya, lembut, licin, ga licin banget juga. Nyaman dah pokonya mah
worth the price: it's worth it, if you can get it cheaper hehe best features: comfortable gaming design is great, no cloth mats, soft, slippery, not really slippery either. it's comfortable anyway
sesuai pesanan cuma pengiriman lama
according to the order only long delivery
Semoga awet dan bermanfaat, terimakasih sukses selalu ...
hopefully durable and useful, thank you success always.
makasih kak barang sesuai yang di harapkan
Thank you sis, the item is as expected
Barang bagus, hanya kardusnya penyok
good product, only the box is dented
barang diterima dengan baik, kemasan oke ..
item received in good condition, packing ok..
Pengiriman cepat, lagi ada diskon jadi ga mahal, packaging pake dus shopee jadi aman, dapet tas dan termosnya bagus cuma sayang tutup warna merahnya rawan patah
fast delivery, there's a discount again so it's not expensive, the packaging uses a shopee box so it's safe, got the bag and the thermos is good, it's just a shame the red lid is prone to breaking
Barang berfungsi dengan baik dan tetap panas cukup lama.
item works fine and stays hot for quite a while.
Bagus ssi deskripsi packing aman
nice ssi safe packing description
pengiriman cepet tapi barang kotor bared kaya sudah di pakai
Fast delivery but dirty beret looks like it's been used
barang sesuai pesanan.. pengiriman lama di gojek..
goods according to the order.. long delivery on gojek..
Mouse nya bagus banget, suara kliknya juga g kedengeran, keren pokoknya πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
the mouse is really good, the clicking sound is also not audible, really cool
Cocok sekali buat Miyako remote. Sayang sekali remote saya lagi rusak. But overall oke nih modul, fungsi sama seperti sebelumnya.
perfect for miyako remote. Too bad my remote is broken again. but overall the module is okay, the function is the same as before.
barang sudah di terima,................................
goods have been received.
Barang nya udah sampai tadi pagi, alhamdulillah packing aman dan ga ada rusak sama sekali, pas dicoba juga mesinnya berfungsi sempurna, udah dicoba buat giling daging tadi, memang di panduan max harus 15 detik jd harus nyala mati nyala mati gunainnya wkwk🀭🀭
the item arrived this morning, thank God the packing was safe and nothing was damaged at all, when I tried it the machine was working perfectly, I tried grinding the meat earlier, indeed in the Max manual it has to be seconds so it has to turn on and off and on and off.
pengiriman cepat namun packaging kurang rapih
Fast delivery but packaging is not neat
Fitur Terbaik:Sound Quality and Mic Tampilan luar bagus clean bersih, earpad nyaman, kualitas suara mantap, mic nya juga bagus
best features: sound quality and mic looks good, clean clean, comfortable earpads, great sound quality, the mic is also good
Seller fast respond, lgsg dikirim ga pake lama. Pengemasa rapih n aman. Kipas angin berfungsi dengan baik. Recommended.....
Seller fast respond, sent immediately, didn't take long. neat n safe packing. the fan works fine. recommended.
Kondisi barang okee, cuma sayang pengiriman nya lama, dari dari ekspedisinya yang lama
the condition of the goods is okay, it's just a pity that the delivery took a long time, from the old expedition
Sound mantap.Β  enak banget buat denger lagu bassnya mantep banget, buat main game juga enakk, suka pokoknya Earcupnya lembut.Β Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play.
great sound. it's really nice to listen to songs, the bass is really good, it's also good for playing games, I like it, the earcups are soft. convenient and practical just plug and play.
bagus bangeut
really good
Mulus banget Mousenya dan Nyaman di pake
The mouse is very smooth and comfortable to use
Produk baik, cuma saat barang datang kotak dalam keadan penyok dan hampir hancur. Karena bubble warp tidak mampu melindungi kemasan. Saran kedepannya diberikan dus pelindung lagi atau bublle warp yang lebih tebal. Karena kita tau semua pake selama perjalanan itu ditumpuk2 dan dibanting2.
the product is good, only when the goods arrive the box is dented and almost destroyed. because bubble warp was unable to protect the packaging. future suggestions are given another protective box or thicker bubble warp. because we know everything used during the trip was stacked and slammed.
Agak kecewa di waktu ngirimnya aja.
I was a bit disappointed when I sent it.
Barangnya bagus banget, baru pertama order gak ngecewain deh, sangat recommended dan bakal order lagi
the goods are really good, the first time I ordered, I didn't disappoint, highly recommended and will order again
Sesuai deskripsi, barang oke, belum di coba. Mudah2an awet
according to the description, the goods are ok, not yet tried. hopefully durable
Baru kali ini diminta bayar ongkir tambahan sama kurir
This is the first time I have been asked to pay additional postage by the courier
Makasih yah udah ngirimin paketnya cepat. Dan mari kita tunggu fantech ini sampai tahan berapa lama... apakah lebih cepat rusak fantech dibanding Joystick murahan dibawah 50 ribu. ok wait for the next review (when it's broken,) penggunaan untuk main fifa/pes.
Thank you for sending the package quickly. and let's wait for this fantech to last how long. does fantech break faster than a cheap joystick under a thousand. ok wait for the next review (when it's broken,) use it to play fifa/pes.
Penjual ramah...packing rapi
friendly seller. well packed
batrey sekali cas sangat awet dlm posisi stndby.
single charge battery is very durable in standby position.
Alhamdulillah sesuai pesanan...Senang bisa belanja ditoko ini...Thanks yaaah
alhamdulillah according to the order. happy to be able to shop at this shop. thanks dad
barangnya bagus bgeeet real pict tdk ada cacat trimaksih lazada n pa kurirnya yg langganan
the item is good, really, real pict, no defects, thanks lazada n pa the courier who subscribes
deskripsi krg detil, ternyata tdk ada tombol power on/off. admin agak error , pesanan hijau dikirim biru
description of dirty people, apparently there is no power on/off button. Admin has a bit of an error, green orders are sent blue
barangnya sudah sampai dan sesuai pesanan. tks
the item arrived and was as ordered. thx
Ternyata lumayan lebar juga☺
it's pretty wide too
Mantaf bangeh hengset remx sus β˜οΈπŸ˜…
really good hengset remx sus
ksret tdk cocok
unsuitable rubber
Respon seller sangat cepat. Produk memuaskan, bahannya terasa mahal.
seller's response is very fast. satisfactory product, the material feels expensive.
Ada lekukan di led jadi warna agak kabur
there is an indentation in the led so the color is a bit blurry
barang sesuai gmbar, dan pekingan ny aman bnget, makasih buat toko ini smoga selalu amanah ya,
the goods match the picture, and the packaging is very safe, thank you for this shop, I hope you are always trustworthy, okay?
barangnya baik2 aja ga ada masalah kerusakan cuma terlalu sensitif, ga nyentuh permukaan jg ngikut gerak kursornya jd kurang nyaman kl mau benerin posisi mouse rada ribet
the item is fine, there's no problem with damage, it's just too sensitive, it doesn't touch the surface, it also follows the movement of the cursor, so it's not comfortable to correct the mouse position, it's a bit complicated
pesanan diterima dalam kondisi baik, barangnya ori, joystick nya nyaman, cuma butuh penyesuaian sama layout nya saja yg mirip Xbox.
the order was received in good condition, the item is original, the joystick is comfortable, it just needs adjustments to the layout which is similar to xbox.
Alhamdulillah barang datang dengan selamat walaupun hujan, kualitas barang oke
alhamdulillah the goods arrived safely even though it was raining, the quality of the goods was okay
Ringan dispenser ya, bahan plastik, cuma sayang selang ke Aqua galonnya agak agak bau plastik, jd pas di minum berasa
The dispenser is light, yes, plastic material, it's just a shame the hose to the Aqua gallon smells a bit plastic, so it tastes good when you drink it
Barang ori, Pengiriman juga cepat banget baru kemarin pesan sekarang sudah sampai, suka belanja dsni..
original goods, delivery is also very fast, just ordered yesterday, now it has arrived, like shopping here..
Akhirnya dateng juga, semua fungsi bagus, cuman mic nya inputnya kurang bagus jadi suara yang masuk kecil banget dan agak kecewa dengan pengemasannya padahal dah pesen buble warp nya dobell tapi cuman di kasih single.. pada penyok dah kotaknya, untung usianya aman
it finally came, all the functions are good, only the mic input is not good so the sound that comes in is really small and a bit disappointed with the packaging even though I ordered a double bubble warp but only got a single one... the box was dented, luckily the age was safe
Fitur Terbaik:Build quality bagusss, jahitan rapi, bahan berkualitas, licin responsif buat mouse Sangat disayangkannn untuk kemasan nya sangat minim keamanan dan kerapihan, kardus belum dibuka tapi barang bisa keluar sendiri wkwk ngga ada kemasan plastik atau apapun hadeuhh kardus ketemu produk, udah gtu kardusnya gampang jebol wkwk
best features: good build quality, neat stitches, quality materials, smooth responsive for the mouse it's a shame the packaging has very little safety and tidiness, the box hasn't been opened but the goods can come out by themselves but there's no plastic packaging or anything hadeuhh the cardboard found the product, that's it the cardboard is easy to break
Barangnya original πŸ‘ Respon penjualnya top Packaging aman πŸ™ Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Baterenya awet Ada garansi resmi. satu aja yg disayangkan, Advan gak sediakan tempat naro Stylus Pen wkwkwkw
the item is original, the seller's response is top, the packaging is safe, the seller is very friendly, the order process is fast, the battery lasts, there is an official guarantee. It's just one thing that's unfortunate, Advan doesn't provide a place to put the stylus pen
Barang diterima sangat rapi. Bagus cocok apa yang diinginkan tdk mengecewakan baru kali ini belanja dishopee... Jadi pengen belanja lagi
item received very neatly. it's good, it fits what you want, it doesn't disappoint, this is the first time shopping at the shopee. so want to shop again
Kiriiman cepat, Kualitas hasil blender kurang halus untuk bumbu dapur, saran kalau bisa Mata pisau dibuat empat daun, kalau mangkok terlalu penuh motor tidak berputar
fast delivery, the quality of the blender results is not smooth enough for kitchen spices, the suggestion is if you can make four leaf blades, if the bowl is too full the motor does not rotate
nice neat packing. There is a warranty card, I thought the lights could wrinkle, but it turns out the lights are flat
Maaf blm sempet foto masih d luar kota
sorry I haven't had time to take a photo, I'm still out of town
utk seller : pengiriman cepat, respon cepat utk produk : sayangny gagang panci ga dilapisin kayu seperti model ox yg classic jd klw kelupaan lg masak megang gagangny lsg ambyarr
to seller: fast delivery, fast response to product: unfortunately the handle of the pot isn't covered in wood like the classic ox model so if you forget to cook holding the handle it will go wrong
toko pembohong katanx ada bonusx teryata gk ad apa2x sangat kecewa
the liar shop said there was a bonus, it turned out that there wasn't any, so I was very disappointed
mantap... oke ..... mouse nya berfungsi dengan baik
Excellent. Okay . the mouse works fine
barang patah/.gagang patah
broken item / broken handle
.........O K........
.o k.
langganan lah pokoknya tinggal beli headsetnya doang yang blom wkwkw
The main thing is to subscribe, all you have to do is buy the headset, which doesn't work
Barang sesuai pesanan Udah pasti ORI Masih SEGEL KOTAK NYA MANTAP πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
the items according to the order are definitely ori, the box is still sealed, it's solid
Sayang panci penyok
love the dented pot
overall oke lah. yg lama pengiriman y di ajak puter" dulu jdi agak lama
overall okay. the one who took long to deliver y was invited by the puter &#; it used to be a while
Paketan dah datang ,barang ny ok.kemasan ny juga rapih.pokok nya mantapppppπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
the package has arrived, the goods are ok. the packaging is also neat. the main thing is great
Alhamdulillah pesanannya sudah sampe, cepet banget sampenya. Alhamdulillah puas banget belanja disini, pengemasannya rapih dan produk yang dikirim sesuai pesanan. Terima kasih ya, semoga berkah dan sukses selalu.
alhamdulillah the order has arrived, it arrived very quickly. thank God, I am very satisfied shopping here, the packaging is neat and the products sent according to the order. thank you, good luck and success always.
Ada garansi resmi.
there is an official warranty.
Barang sesuai dengan, bagus kualitasnya
the goods correspond, good quality
Barang bagus, harga juga bagus,,, recomended seller
good item, good price, recommended seller
Terima kasih.. barang nya sampai dengan selamat.. kondisi bagus dan lengkap.. belum coba pake tapi.. semoga awet.. πŸ˜πŸ‘
thank you.. the item arrived safely.. in good condition and complete.. haven't tried it yet but.. hope it lasts..
barang telah diterima dan berfungsi dengan baik.. terima kasih Lazada..
item received and working well..thank you lazada..
Kapok pilih shopee express paket lama banget sampai padahal jakarta - bogor tapi kaya kirim dari luar pulau jawa lebih dr 5hr
give up choosing the shopee express package, it took so long to arrive even though it was Jakarta - Bogor but it's like sending from outside Java island more than hr
Penyok + gores...#flashsale
dent + scratch. #flashsale
Alhamdulillah paketnya udah sampai bagus pisan mamah ku suka terima kasih banyak
alhamdulillah, the package arrived very good, my mother likes it, thank you very much
Kwalitas sangat bagus sekali
very good quality
Fitur Terbaik:tampilan bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:cucok Yang baru sudah buat kado nikah, ini poto magic com yg lama, beli disini juga, cucok
best features: good looks worth the price: new grandson has already made a wedding present, this is the old magic com photo, buy here too, grandson
Good seller , fast respon
good seller, fast response
Packaging nya tidak bagus. Barang tidak terbungkus plastik bubble wrap. Cuman ditaruh saja didalam dus *update: pihak rexus sudah minta maaf dan barang masih aman
the packaging is not good. Items are not wrapped in bubble wrap plastic. just put it in the box *update: rexus has apologized and the goods are still safe
Barang mantul, pengiriman 1 hari sampe (tangsel) gamepad sdh support x-d scr automation jd gk perlu setting x_input dl, recommended untuk harga sgt
Goods bounce, day delivery until (Tangsel) Gamepad already supports x-d scr automation so no need to set x_input dl, recommended for very high prices
Bagus tapi warnanya ga nyatu sama daxa ts1
nice but the color doesn't match daxa ts
Hp bagus, soft case& tempred galss bawaan dari kotak, kualitas bonus yg lain sangat biasa.
good cellphone, soft case & tempered glass brought from the box, the other bonus qualities are very ordinary.
sip lah, barang bagus
yep, good stuff
engga lemot, bagus sesuai harga nya.
not slow, good according to its price.
kemasannya minimalis sekali. syukur produknya aman
the packaging is very minimalistic. thank goodness the product is safe
Baguslah, meskipun muter2 dulu
it's good, even though playing first
Barang baguss sesuai dengan deskripsi, packing juga bagus. Recomended seller, bakal beli disini teruss
the goods are good according to the description, packing is also good. recommended seller, will buy here all the time
Pengiriman cepat, barang original dan bagus, harga murah. Thx seller
fast delivery, original and good item, cheap price. thx seller
Barang sudah sampai trimkssih
item arrived thank you
bagus tp kurang panjang, disambung selang lama
good but not long enough, connected to the old hose
Gak berfungsi sama sekali..di isi air panas gak sampe 1 jam udah adem airnya πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
doesn't work at all... don't fill it with hot water until the water cools down
Selalu memuaskan untuk setiap produk rexus
always satisfying for every rexus product
Produk kokoh, pengiriman cepat, pakai buble warp, tidak ada yg penyot mantap
koko products, fast delivery, use bubble wrap, nothing sucks
mantap dah pkoknya barang nya sesuai bnget.
it's great, the goods are really suitable.
Barang dah sampai,tanpa lecet,barang bagus bgt trimakasih reseller,semoga awet
the item has arrived, without a scratch, the item is really good, thank you reseller, I hope it lasts
Pengemasan aman...barang sampai dengan selamat.keybordjya berfungsi dengan baik
safe packaging. goods arrived safely. keyboardjya works well
warna hitam semua. tidak sesuai
all black. it is not in accordance with
Kipas ini bagus dan angin kencang, cuma kalo anda ngarep kipas ini mampu mendinginkan di saat cuaca sgt panas ga bisa, fungsi AC g bisa digantikan
This fan is good and the wind is strong, only if you expect this fan to be able to cool down when the weather is very hot it can't, the AC function can't be replaced
thanks responnya, barang diterima dgn sangat baik.
thanks for the response, item received very well.
Barang Bagus cmn seller mengirimkan lama
good stuff cmn seller sent a long time
Mousepad nya lega bahannya juga bagus kalo beli sarannya si sepaket sama Mousenya biar se Frekwensi
the mousepad is relieved, the material is also good, if you buy it, the suggestion is to pack it with the mouse so that the frequency is the same
Sy pesennya R5 dan sblm pesan juga saya konfirmasi produk dulu. Ternyata bukan R5 tp R5s. Saya chat berulang kali tidak ada respon sama sekali pdhl saat itu penjual sdg online. Saya tunggu 24 jam. Dan ga ada respon jg. Kecewa berat sm pelayanan disini, permintaan maaf pun tidak ada. Sorry bintang 1.
I ordered r and before ordering I also confirmed the product first. apparently not r tp rs. I chatted repeatedly with no response at all even though at that time the seller was online. I wait hours. and no response either. very disappointed with the service here, there is no apology. sorry star.