Trima kasih... Barang nya sudah sampai... Berpungsi dgn baik... Pengiriman cepet bgt
Thank You. the goods have arrived. works fine. super fast delivery
bagus, mouse warna putih cakep, wireless donglenya jangan terhalang, karena bisa bikin stutter. kalau pake kabel gerakan tetep lancar karena kabel paracord sangat ringan. kalau main kompetitif gunakan kabel, karena waktu war bisa stutter kalau wireless. wireless lancar tanpa lag.
nice, white mouse is pretty, don't block the wireless dongle, because it can make it stutter. if you use a cable the movement remains smooth because the paracord cable is very light. if playing competitively use cable, because during war it can stutter if it's wireless. smooth wireless without lag.
pengiriman sangat cepat baru pesen kmren skrang udh sampe..setrika nya juga udh d cobain panas..semoga awet
very fast delivery, just ordered yesterday, now it's arrived..the iron has also been tried, it's hot..hopefully it lasts
Barang bagus ori asli, mudah mudah awet .
original ori good stuff, easy to last.
produk oke dan bagus tapi cukup kecewa dengan pengiriman Karana butuh cepat jadi pesen yang di dalam kota eh kok malah lama nyampeknya ya sudah lah yang penting barang sampai dan dalam kondisi 👌
the product is okay and good but quite disappointed with the delivery because it needs to be fast so I ordered the one in the city, but how come it took so long to arrive?
barangx sudah smpai dgn selamat . tpi ada sedikit penyok ...tpi ngak ap2 berfungsi dengan baik
It has arrived safely . but there is a little dent, but it doesn't work properly
Mantaaapp nih .. Baru order semalem udah dateng
this is great... just ordered last night and it's here
Bagus bnget packing rapi 👍👍
very good neat packing
nex order lagi sampai bertemu di belanja belanja berikut perthan kan aktifasi mudah walau ada banyak tanya dan hasil ya kondang
next order again see you at the following shopping spree thank you for easy activation even though there are many questions and the results are famous
Sendok besar kurang 1
less big spoon
Ga ada tutupnya jadi gk bisa dipakai.. komplain di service center ternyta kartu garansi thn 2013. Sungguh kecewa bgt..
there's no lid so it can't be used... I complained at the service center that it turned out to be a year warranty card. really disappointed..
Kualitas produk sangat baik.... Barang sesuai pesanan....
product quality is very good. goods to order.
it's good but the packing isn't safe enough no bubble wrap and the sound isn't loud enough huhu huhuhu
barang sdh ada sampai, bagus, kemasan bagus, seller baik sopan,, yg aku pesan yg dipakai utk dicok dilistrik, salah,, yg dtang yg biasa, ngk bisa dipkai dilistrik,, makasih udah kirim yah,,
the goods have arrived, good, good packaging, polite good sealer,, what I ordered was used to be electrified, wrong,, the one that came normally, can't be used in electricity,, thanks for sending it,,
barang cepat sampai, terima kasih banyak Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Respon penjualnya top
the goods arrived quickly, thank you very much, the seller was very friendly, the order process was fast, the seller's response was top
sesuai dengan pesanan terima kasi lazasa
according to the order thank you lazada
barang bagus tapi harga lebih mahal Rp 30.000,- daripada penawaran di penawaran yg lain di Tokopedia ( discount lebih kecil )
good stuff but the price is more expensive Rp.,- than other offers on Tokopedia (smaller discount)
maaf gak sempat foto,produk original,kualitas bagus,pengiriman juga cepat, seller ramah,jangan ragu deh beli disini bagus pokoknya.
sorry I didn't have time to take a photo, original product, good quality, fast delivery, friendly seller, don't hesitate to buy here, it's really good.
Bagus. Sudah dicoba untuk merebus air, aman, ga rusak. Tp sayang bgt kabelnya warna putih, ga nyambung sm warna rice cookernya.
Good. already tried to boil water, safe, not broken. but unfortunately the cable is white, it doesn't connect with the color of the rice cooker.
late posting, puas blnja disini hp nya ok bngt berfngsi dg baik, txs ya min semoga makin suksesBarangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Kelengkapan sesuai. Warna sesuai pesanan. Berfungsi dengan baik. Kemasan disegel. Spesifikasi sesuai .
late posting, satisfied shopping here, the cellphone is ok, it works very well, thanks, admin, I hope it will be even more successful, the item is original. there is an official warranty. appropriate equipment. custom color. works fine. sealed packaging. appropriate specifications.
Harga:cukup mahal Bahan/Material:sendok/garpu stainless, gantungan plastik rapuh Desain:sendok garpu ok, gantungan nya kurang dan sangat rapuh Pas dateng, dus paket sudah penyot Pas dibuka, ya sesuai dugaan, sendok ada yang bengkok, dan gantungan nya patah karena bahan nya juga plastik dan rapuh Packing juga sangat kurang aman, tdk ada bubble wrap Bisa di retur tp sangat merepotkan, yaudah terima aja deh
price: quite expensive material: stainless spoon/fork, fragile plastic hanger design: cutlery ok, the hanger is lacking and very fragile when it arrives, the package box is dented when opened, yes as expected, the spoon is bent, and the hanger broken because the material is also plastic and fragile the packing is also very unsafe, no bubble wrap can be returned but it's very troublesome, just accept it
Barang oke, sesuai dengan pesanan..👍
item ok, according to the order..
Kualitas product sesuai dengan ekspetasi
product quality as expected
tolong gantilah produk yg saya pesan. karena TdK sesuai saya minta teko kenapa yg datang teplon ini masak telur ??????
please replace the product I ordered. because it doesn't suit me I asked for a teapot, why did the one who came here cook eggs?
Ada harga ada kualitas... Bagi saya bass nya kurang. Build quality nya keren tapi suara standar. Untuk gaming sudah cukup tapi untuk lagu, kurang greget.
there is a price there is quality. for me the bass is lacking. the build quality is cool but the sound is standard. enough for gaming but for songs, less intense.
Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:oke mantap mania mantap
best features: okay worth the price: okay steady mania steady
Maaf sebelumnya Pesanan ini dari orang lain melalui saya. Atas permintaan. Pengembalian barang dri tersebut atau orang lain tidak punya aplikasi sendiri.dan minta di batalkan terimakasih atas pengertianya .
sorry in advance this order from someone else through me. upon request. Return of goods from those or other people don't have their own application. And ask to be canceled, thank you for your understanding.
pengirimannya agak lama
the delivery is a bit long
bahannya tipis, jelek, cpt gosong
the material is thin, ugly, quickly burnt
Kualitas produk standar Harga produk baik Kecepatan pengiriman baik Ini dalam Satu set memangggilnya gk ada pengukusnya atau gimana? Cuma Ada unit rice cooker, Teflon, kabel, dan gelasna takar Aja. Gk Ada tempat buat ngukusnya... Pdhal buat Anak kost penting buat ngangetin masakan
product quality is standard product price is good delivery speed is good this is in one set calling it doesn't have a steamer or what? There is only a rice cooker unit, Teflon, cable, and measuring cups. there is no place to steam it. even though it's important for boarding children to remember cooking
barang lucu sekali...imut kecil pas buat ngopi berdua ...barang ada penyok sedikit...mungkin karna dikirim yah...tapi tetep syuka dan sudah dicoba tidak.bocor dan bunyi...
very cute item. small cute just right for coffee together. item has a little dent. maybe because it was sent.
Fitur Terbaik:bagus
best features:nice
Terimakasih barang sudah sampai,, semoga awet ya Belum dicoba soalnya
Thank you, the item has arrived, I hope it lasts, I haven't tried it yet
Sangatt bagusss, belum dicobaaa semogaaa Bagus semuaa dr yg panas sampai yg dingin
very good, haven't tried it, hopefully it's good, everything from hot to cold
Barang oke, mantap
okay stuff, great
Original banget, barang yang dikirim sesuai dengan pesanan pengiriman barang lumayan cepat dan respon penjual juga sangat baik
very original, the goods sent according to the order, the delivery of goods is quite fast and the seller's response is also very good
sayang.. skrg pengiriman lama.. tdk seperti catatan.. yg panci sj 4 hari baru diproses. mepet batas cancel otomatis..
dear.. now the delivery is long.. unlike the record.. the pot was just processed the next day. reached the limit of automatic cancel..
barang diterima dengan baik, tp sayangnya gak da bubule warp nya. mudah2an bekerja dengan baik
the item is well received, but unfortunately there is no bubble wrap. hope it works fine
Barang sesuai pesanan, barang bagus. Cuman slow respon aja..
goods as ordered, good goods. just slow response..
Keren!! Bagus buat setup Pengemasan sama pengiriman cepet banget. Overall mantaps
Cool!! good for packaging setup and very fast delivery. overall steady
Pengiriman cepat, barang oke, mudah mudahan awet Sudah dicoba suara mulus, tapi beli dipakai blender sesuatu
fast delivery, okay item, hopefully it will last, I tried it, the sound is smooth, but I bought it using a blender
Barang sangat bagus, murah, dan berfungsi dengan baik saat di cek. Packing bagus meski tidak terlalu kuat sampai kardusnya agak rusak sedikit. Pengiriman cepat, dan respon chat lumayan cepat.
very good stuff, cheap, and works well when checked. packing is good although not too strong until the box is a bit damaged. Fast delivery and chat response is quite fast.
Mantab..packing aman dan rapi sampai tujuan
great..packing safely and neatly to the destination
terimakasih setrikanya sdh sampai, smga awet
Thank you, the iron has arrived, I hope it will last
Kirim cepat dan produk bagus Tapi memang smua tombol bisa dipakai Tapi tombol Q nya saat ditekan bareng tombol lain g bisa gan ( baru kedapat masalhnya saat ubah camera dlm game )
fast delivery and good product but indeed all the buttons can be used but the q button when pressed together with the other buttons doesn't work bro (just got the problem when changing the camera in the game)
berfungsi dg baik, smoga bs awet. saran saja.....di body g ada mereknya. mereknya pun klo bs jgn di sablon.sayang bnr mempunyai nama besar.
works fine, hope it lasts. Just a suggestion. There's no brand on the body. Even the brand, if you can, don't screen print it. Too bad it really has a big name.
cuma masukan aja, lain kali dikasih tambahan kardus atau apa kak soalnya tadi paket saya dilempar sama kurir sopinya dan itu pun cuma ada bublewarp yg ga tebel bgt, takutnya kalo ada barang yg rusak tp alhamdulillah aman tadi
I just put it in, next time I'll give you an extra box or something sis, because earlier my package was thrown by the driver's courier and even then there was only a bubble warp that wasn't very thick, I was afraid that something would be damaged but thank God it was safe
Tidak bisa hapus storage, dan pelayanan pun buruk
can't delete storage, and the service is bad
Barang berfungsi normal, thank u! Tadinya pengen beli mouse wireless ini dgn harga normal, eh tiba2 ada di flashdeal yaudah langsung angkut 😂
item works normally, thank u! I wanted to buy this wireless mouse at a normal price, but it arrived at flashdeal, so I took it straight away
Tampilan:kaleng Kualitas:kurang bagus Penyok bagian samping bawah
display: cans quality: not good dent on the bottom side
Ada garansi toko. Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. Packaging aman 🙏. Proses pesanan cepat.
there is a store warranty. there is an official warranty. the goods are original. safe packaging . fast order process.
walo kardus semua peyok tpi Alhamdulillah barang mulus thank lazada
wali the cardboard is all dented but thank God the goods are smooth thank lazada
Thank you, paket dah sampe kerumah, belom dicoba, semoga gk ada keluhan..
thank you, the package has arrived at home, haven't tried it yet, hopefully there are no complaints..
Pas blender dcoba, putaran ny krg kuat pdhal baru dicoba beban yang ringan
When I tried the blender, the rotation was not strong even though I had just tried a light load
TERBAIKKKK. pengiriman sangat cepatt. Barang juga bagus. Semoga awetttt............ Produk original
best. very fast delivery. good stuff. hope it lasts. original product
Barang udah sampe tapi kardus pengok, padahal udah ada lakban fragile , tetep aja pengok
the item arrived but the box was dented, even though there was already fragile duct tape, it was still dented
Mantap hari minggu pun tetap dikirim. Pelayanannnya cepat. Makasih banyak
great sunday was still sent. the service is fast. Thanks a lot
Barangnya bagus, sesuai harapan, tidak ada lecet, pengiriman cepat
the item is good, as expected, no scratches, fast delivery
Pengiriman cepat, kipas berfungsi dengan baik tp sayang remotenya berfungsi diawal saja, pas digunakan lgi ga berfungsi. Penjual tidak merespon pertanyaan saya.
fast delivery, the fan works fine but it's a shame the remote only works at the beginning, when I use it again it doesn't work. the seller didn't respond to my question.
manteeeep , lengkap dan kecepatan oke banget , harga murah recommended banget Poko nya makasih lazada thanks juga buat kurir LEX ID 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
great, complete and really good speed, cheap price, really recommended, thanks lazada thanks also to the lex id courier
Bubble wrap nya tipis menurutku soalnya dusnya ampe robek & basah kena air ujan, RC nya bagus tp uapnya banyak bgt, gampang berkerak jg, mungkin krn masi baru, smga awet dah, overall bagussss✨
In my opinion, the bubble wrap is thin because the money is torn and wet in the rain, the rc is good but there's a lot of steam, it's easy to crust too, maybe it's because it's still new, it's pretty durable, overall is good
The best harga murah kualitas tinggi memang keunggulan Fan tech yang saya suka dari dulu
the best low price high quality is indeed the advantage of fan tech which I like from the past
promo. semoga awet
promo. hope it lasts
mendarat dengan selamat thanks lazada
landed safely thanks lazada
bagus banget barang nya ga ada yang cacat sedikit pun , kurir nya baik banget makasih lazada sudah amanah semoga terus amanah ya jangan sampai mengecewakan pelanggan.
it's really good, the goods aren't defective in the slightest, the courier is very kind, thank you, Lazada, you have been trusted, I hope you will continue to be trustworthy, so don't disappoint customers.
Bagus,.lengkap berfungsi baik... sayang jasa kurirnya lama...awalnya pake anteraja, berubah jadi JNe.. biasanya 3 hari smpe...ini smpe 5 hari
good, fully functional. it's a shame the courier service took so long. at first I used anteraja, changed to jne.. usually day to day. this to day
Bagus hihi, sayang di bagian mouse button telunjuk ada kayak grenjel-grenjel tekstur gitu, pas dipake agak ganggu, di lap nda isa, di kuku nda isa, tapi ya gapapa deh 😄
nice hihi, unfortunately on the mouse button forefinger there is a grenjel-grenjel texture like that, it's a bit annoying when you apply it, it doesn't work on the wipe, it doesn't work on the nails, but it's okay
barangnyabbagus hanyabsaja sedikit slow respond penjualnya
the item is good, but the seller's response is a bit slow
Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya simpel. Modelnya kekinian. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top. Penjualnya ramah banget.
the goods are original. the design is simple. the model is current. fast order process. safe packaging . neat packaging. top seller response. the seller is very friendly.
keren banget.. sangat worthed ini tabletnya harga segini bisa dapet performa dan aksesoris kaya tablet 5 jutaan
really cool... really worth this tablet at this price, you can get the performance and accessories like millions of tablets
Alhamdulillah terimakasih sista
alhamdulillah thank you sista
Bagusss bbget
good bbget
Baramg sesuai, hanya aja pesanan terlambat sehari, saya pakai same day soalnya
the goods are appropriate, it's just that the order is a day late, I use the same day problem
Sedikit kaget packing dari Rexus se berantakan ini. Setelah kotak dibuka mouse sudah lepas dari kotak (seperti sudah di buka atau di tes tetapi tidak di rapikan lagi), pengiriman juga sangat lama dan ketika di chat snagat lambat menjawab. Build quality nya sendiri seperti mouse biasa, semoga awet.
a little surprised that the packaging from rexus was this messy. after the box was opened the mouse was removed from the box (as if it had been opened or tested but not tidied up again), the delivery was also very long and when chatted it was very slow to answer. the build quality itself is like a normal mouse, hopefully it lasts.
puas dengan magic com nya,berfungsi dengan baik,terimakasih seller...👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
satisfied with the magic com, it works well, thank you seller.
Sesuai deskripsi, produk aman dan oke. Full remote jadi ngk repot untuk mati dan nyalakan juga full timer.
according to the description, the product is safe and okay. full remote so it doesn't bother to turn off and turn on the full timer too.
nasinya kuning bau kering juga
the yellow rice smells dry too
pesanan sesuai tp blm di coba mudah2 awet yah gan
the order is correct but haven't tried it yet it's easy to last, bro
Sis, itu kalo lagi ngoven apa emang bunyi2 ya? Bukan bunyi timer, tp bunyi spt cetak cetok?
sis, what does that sound when you're cooking it? not a timer sound, but a sound like a print print?
barangnya bagus dan sangat bermanfaat
good stuff and very useful
magic com nya sesuai dengan pesanan udah di coba semoga awet ,kulir ramah udah langganan...
The magic com is according to the order, I've tried it, hopefully it lasts, friendly trowels, I've subscribed.
Barang sudah saya gunakan beberapa hari dan sampek sekarang tidak terjadi masalah semuanya normal suara enak bass dapet buat main game valorant juga enak buat ngezoom juga enak buat ndengerin musik dan film juga enak. Mic aman tidak terjadi masalah suara yang di hasilkan dari mic juga jernih.
I have used the item for a few days and now there are no problems, everything is normal, the sound is good, the bass can play Valorant games, it's also good for zooming, it's also good for listening to music and movies, it's also good. the mic is safe, there are no problems, the sound produced from the mic is also clear.
barangny TDK sesuai
the item doesn't fit
Barang diterima tp bagian gilingan mienya goyang, rusak, baud nya lepas 1😔. Mau ajukan komplen, lupa video in pas unboxing. Untung bisa dibenerin sm ponakan, itu pun lamaa. Akhirnya bisa dipakai alhamdulillah.
item received but part of the noodle mill is rocking, damaged, the baud is off. want to submit a complaint, forgot the video in the unboxing. Luckily, my nephew can fix it, even that takes a long time. thank god finally i can use it.
barang bagus walau hanya di bungkus buble saja tp tidak penyok
good stuff even though it's just wrapped in bubbles but not dented
Barang OK pen lancar..nilai 4,8 hanya minus hanya 1.pen tidak bisa charge&tdk ada penyimpanannya di case serta 2.hanya ada 1 slot usb c dan hanya bisa digunakan OTG kalau tidak tersambung ketboard..padahal penting untuk bisa print dengan mode tersambung keyboard. kan cape dan mudah rusak kalau bolak balik lepas keyboard..good job Advan..mudah2an next ada seri perbaikannya dan ada jam android 4G kedepannya
the item is ok, the pen is smooth..value, the only minus is that the pen can't be charged & there's no storage in the case as well. There's only a USB C slot and it can only be used as an OTG if it's not connected to the keyboard..even though it's important to be able to print in keyboard connected mode. it's tiring and it's easily damaged if you take it back and forth and off the keyboard..good job advan..hopefully next time there will be a series of repairs and there will be an android g clock in the future
Barang nyampai, tapi tidak mulus, seperti banyak goresan kayak bekas dipakai gitu.
the goods arrived, but not smooth, like lots of scratches like it was used like that.
Barang sesuai deskripsi, pengiriman cepat, packing super aman, buat yang masih bingung kenapa LED merah nya ga semua nyala boleh dibaca di buku panduan nya. Recommended 👍
item according to description, fast delivery, super safe packing, for those who are still confused why the red led is not all on, you can read it in the manual. recommended
Demi apa coba dapat setrika seimut ini suka banget sama warnanya produk the best semoga awet 🙏😇
why do you try to get this cute iron, really like the color of the best product, hope it lasts
Harga murah kualitas ok bgt udh di coba semua berfungsi dgn baik tyu😊
the price is cheap, the quality is ok, I've tried it, everything works fine, tyu
kelebihannya, produknya cukup ringan dan enak dipegang. kekurangannya, gerakan mouse nya masih agak seret, sehingga sering tersendat pasa waktu dipindah pindahkan.
the advantages, the product is quite light and comfortable to hold. the drawback is that the mouse movement is still a bit sluggish, so it often stutters when you move it around.
Untuk orderan sekian kalinya perfect😊
for orders so many times perfect
puas luamayan lah
it's pretty satisfied
barang datang dengan selamat, produk sesuai, packing rapi, respon penjual oke, untuk kedua kalinya belanja di toko ini puas,,, seller rekomend.
the goods arrived safely, the product is appropriate, the packaging is neat, the seller's response is okay, for the second time shopping at this store satisfied, seller recommend.
Barang cpt sampai, cmn blm dicoba. Smg tdk ada kendala. Recommended seller
the item arrived quickly, but haven't tried it yet. there are no obstacles. recommended seller
Barang ori tidak kecewa belajar di sini
Ori goods are not disappointed studying here
Mungil, tapi kapasitasnya pas utk bikin nasi 2 org sehari2. Cakep desainnya. Semoga awet
small, but the capacity is just right for making rice for a day. cute design. hope it lasts
Mantap barangnya! Cuma perdananya yang kadaluarsa. Tinggal menunggu konfirmasi dari pihak Advan.
great stuff! only prime expired. just waiting for confirmation from advan.
Pengiriman cepat, beli kemarin sakarang sudah sampai. Barang berfungsi dengan baik. Cuma kardus agak penyok penyok padahal sudah menggunakan bubble warp, mungkin kedepannya bisa di pertebal lagi bubble warp nya..
fast delivery, bought yesterday now arrived. item works fine. only the cardboard is a bit dented even though it has used bubble warp, maybe in the future the bubble warp can be thicker again..
bahanya bgus...mntap lah..cman kok lambat ya kal saya gerak2
the material is good. it's good.. how come it's slow when I move