Barang nya dh sampe kira in besar teryata kecil bangatttt
When the item arrived, I thought it was big, but it turned out to be really small
Tampilan:ok Performa:baik Kualitas:bagus Pengiriman cpat dan aman rakit ny jg gak susah kok 😀 dann layanan ny jg oke bgt 😀🙏
display: ok performance: good quality: good fast and safe delivery assembling is not difficult and the service is also very good
tak bisa ber kata" lagi,awal pesen sempet kecewa karna lambat di pengiriman. tapi akhirnya minta advan dikirim xiaomi mungkin stok advan habis jadi kirim xiaomi,mungkin rejekinya yang mesen, mantap nih seller sangat amanah, bisa jadi langganan kalo kek gini ,pertahankan😊👍
can't say "again, at the beginning of the order I was disappointed because it was slow on delivery. but in the end I asked for an advan to be sent by xiaomi maybe the advan stock ran out so sent xiaomi, maybe the fortune was ordered, this is great, the seller is very reliable, I can subscribe if it's like this, keep it up
Sesuai deskripsi. Pengiriman cepat. Pesan jumat. Minggu pagi udh sampe kapan Jateng.
according to the description. fast delivery. order friday. Sunday morning until when is Central Java.
real sih tpi mode lampuny cuma dikit + g bsa milih warna
it's real but the light mode is only a little + can't choose a color
barang bagus tapi sayang bunyi nya nga kedengaran
good stuff but it's a shame the sound can't be heard
bareng sudah sampai. kendala hanya di JNE saja
arrived together. the only problem is jne
fast delivered, good quality
fast delivered, good quality
wkwk pengirimannya cepet banget, kecepetan malah tapi gapapaa baguss barangnya kok
wkwk the delivery is really fast, the speed is even but it's okay, the goods are really good
Kemasannya banyak lakbannya
the packaging has a lot of duct tape
Selalu puas kalo belanja di rexus
always satisfied when shopping at rexus
Gampang dirakit. Desain elegan. Proses pesanan cepat. Respon penjualnya top. Penjualnya ramah banget.
easy to assemble. elegant design. fast order process. top seller response. the seller is very friendly.
sapi, sapi apa yang nempel di dinding? stiker sapi wkwkwk 🏃
cow, what cow stuck to the wall? cow stickers wkwkwk
Sebenernya produk nya ok , sesuai lah sama deskripsi dan harga. Tapi sayangnya pada saat ada yang patah dan minta di tukar response nya lama dan di kasih warna yang beda sama yang di order.
actually the product is ok, according to the description and price. but unfortunately when something broke and asked to be exchanged the response took a long time and was given a different color from the one ordered.
barangnya sudah datang agak tipis sih tapi g apa2 sy sukak
the item has arrived a bit thin, but I don't like it
Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Fitur Terbaik:ok Blender nya dah sampai dg aman, udah dicoba jg berfungsi dg baik. Sukses buat olshop nya.
commensurate with the price: ok the best features: ok the blender arrived safely, I've tried it and it works fine. success for the olshop.
Fitur Terbaik:Ok Sepadan dengan Harga:Ok Aku kira yang merah bakal ada penghangat nya gitu aku pesen merah yang datang ungu tapi nggkpp si cuma gak ada penghangat nya gitu
best features: ok worth the price: ok I thought the red one would have a heater so I ordered red it came purple but it's ok but there's just no heater like that
Barang bagus dan cepat sampai, baru kemaren mesen padahal. Saya juga udh beli banyak barang disini dan pengirimannya cepat
good item and arrived quickly, just ordered yesterday though. I've bought a lot of stuff here and the shipping is fast
Oke banget pokoknya pengirinan cepatttt
it's really good, the delivery is fast
saya minta yg 5lt koq dikirm yg 21/2 lt...bagaimana sie
I asked for the lt one, how come the / lt one was sent. How about sie
Mantap deh...pokoknya the best lah...
great deh. just the best lah.
produk sesuai deskripsi, fast respon, packing rapi, terima kasih
product according to the description, fast response, neat packing, thank you
ok banget setrikanya pengirimannya juga sangat cepat muda2han awet
it's ok, the iron, the delivery is also very fast, hopefully it lasts
Udah dites & berjalan normal. Barang sesuai deskripsi. Garansi resmi.
I've tested it and it's running normally. goods according to the description. official guarantee.
Barang terlipat dan agak lepas jahitannya
item folded and slightly loose seams
datang2 panci penyok :(
came dented pot :(
Sudah sampai dengan aman, terimakasih. Belum dicoba semoga berfungsi dengan baik dan bertahan lama
arrived safely, thank you. Haven't tried it yet, hope it works well and lasts a long time
ok dan mantap
okay and steady
Kerasa sih vibe semi mahal nya, bukan yg mewah banget tapi ada lah ya bedanya dengan yg murahan. Untuk barang saya kira cukup memuaskan, dengan harga yang lumayan dapat fitur banyak dan berfungsi dengan baik.
It feels like the semi-expensive vibe, not really luxurious, but there's a difference with cheap ones. for goods I think it is quite satisfactory, at a hefty price it can have many features and functions well.
ini cih bener bener gila masa barang nya bagus banget👍 aman paking rapih pengiriman nya juga cepet abang kulir y jg ramah detail poko nya smoga kita smua sucses dunia akhirat🤲
this is really really crazy when the goods are really good, safe, neat packing, the delivery is also fast, bro, the trowels are also friendly, the main details, hopefully we will all be successful in the afterlife
Harga murah pengiriman nornal,seller ramah sllu respon chat,baru datang langsung dicoba deh...
cheap price, normal delivery, friendly seller always responds to chat, just came and tried it right away.
Fitur Terbaik:lumayan bagus buat anak2 Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Alhamdulillah barang sdh sampai sesuai pesanan pesan sore jm abis magrib dateng, respon penjual baik cekatan dan amanah pengiriman super cepat. Abang Gojeknya ramah, sekali lagi mksh semuanya🙏🙏🙏🙏
the best features: pretty good for children commensurate with the price: yes, thank God, the goods arrived according to the order, ordered in the afternoon after sunset, the seller's response was both agile and trustworthy, super fast delivery. the gojek brother is friendly, thanks again for everything
Teko nya bagus cuman ada sedikit penyok dan packing nya kurang rapi
the teapot is good but there is a little dent and the packaging is not neat
Over all baik Cuma dusnya aja sih yg kurang bagus dikit, karna ini mau buat ngasih ke orang 😬
over all it's good, it's just that the box is a little less good, because I want to give it to people
Bagus dan kualitas suara baik.
nice and good sound quality.
Sdh sebulan pemakaian, panas setrikany sedang gk panas2 bgt Smg aj awet
It's been a month of use, the heat of the iron which isn't hot is really good it lasts
Respon adminnya baik banget tanya" dijawab, udh test suara oke bnget suaranya deep, belom smpet test mic, dipake dihp juga bisa pke otg, lampu nyala semua Cuma sayang ada sedikit noda" item gabisa ilang, plus udh beli ekstra bubblewrap tapi gadikasi, tpi masi oke mantap recommended buat gaming
the admin's response was really good asking "answered, the sound test was okay, the sound was really deep, haven't had a chance to test the mic, using the cellphone can also use otg, the lights are all on, unfortunately there is a little stain" the item can't be lost, plus I bought extra bubblewrap but gave it away, but still okay great recommended for gaming
bagus mouse nya. berfungsi dengan normal. cuman kalo masalah kurir nya kayaknya bintang 3. soalnya pas nyampe rumah langsung dibanting. saya lihat langsung pake mata ^_^
its a good mouse. function normally. it's just that the courier problem seems like a star. the problem is that when I got home, I immediately slammed it. I see directly with the eyes ^_^
kebesaran, tidak bisa digunakan di oxone
too big, can't be used on oxone
Pngiriman cepat.. barang lengkap, bagus, hanya box nya agak bolong2 dikit. Belom dicoba, smoga bagus & awet.
fast delivery.. the goods are complete, good, only the box is a little perforated. Haven't tried it yet, hope it's good and durable.
barang bagus, berfungsi baik, kurirnya ramah,thx Lazada,next order lg
good item, works well, friendly courier, thx lazada, next order again
Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab.....Mantab..... mantab.....mantab.....mantab.....mantab.....mantab.....
mantab.mantab.mantab.mantab.mantab.mantab.mantab.mantab.mantab.mantab. mantab. mantab. mantab. mantab. mantab.
Kardusnya rusak, tp mousepadnya aman
The box is damaged, but the mousepad is safe
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:iya worth it Ini termasuk murah di kelasnya. Keren banget . 2 jutaan sudah daper keyboard sama pen. Meskipun pen nya agak lambat sih buat ngegambar di tablet. Dan dia ternyata pakai baterai .
best features: good for the price: yes worth it, this is cheap in its class. very cool . millions already have keyboards and pens. although the pen is a bit slow for drawing on a tablet. and it turned out to be on battery.
Terimakasih setrika cpt panas semoga awet
thank you, the iron heats up fast, I hope it lasts
Agak kekecilan, klo untk orang dewasa kurang cocok
a bit too small, not suitable for adults
Ukuran Produk Sesuai. Material Produk Bagus. Produk Original. Kualitas Produk Bagus.
appropriate product size. good product materials. original product. good product quality.
Terimakasih barang datang sesuai pesanan, pengiriman cepat 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Thank you, goods came as ordered, fast delivery
Seller memberikan layanan terbaik, namun kurir kurang bijak saat barang sampai
the seller provides the best service, but the courier is not wise when the item arrives
Barang sudah sampai pengiriman cepat..packing rapi..barang original..harga murah sesuai kualitias..makasih sellerrrrr..makasih shopeeeeeeeeeeee
the goods arrived fast delivery..packing neatly..original prices according to quality..thanks seller..thanks shope
Terimakasih, barangnya bagus. Tapi ko ga ada tempat yang putihnya (tempat untik dasar menghangatkan makanan)dibagian dalamnya
thanks, good stuff. but why isn't there a white spot (a basic place to warm food) inside
Mantep bngt gan... Joz gandoosss.. Sedkit lbih kcil sih mngkin aq slah order krna pnyaQ kipas besi 3in1... Tp rombak dikit jooozzz .. Semoga aja awet...
keep it up, bro. joz gandoos.. a little smaller, maybe I ordered the wrong one because I had this iron fan. but it's a little broken joz.. hopefully it lasts.
Barang ori tp kecewa pengiriman sampai 4hari padahal pake shoppe exsprees
ori goods but disappointed the delivery arrived today even though using shopee express
Garansi terjamin. Nggak cepat berbau. Gampang dipakai. Ringan tapi kokoh. Gampang dibersihkan.
guaranteed warranty. doesn't smell fast. easy to use. light but sturdy. easy to clean.
pesan 2 tapi paancinya satu penyokny lumayan mungkin packingnya gk pke cuma pke dusnya cuma sebagian jadi kebentur Dikin penyok di bagian yang GK ketutup dus. semoga kedepannya lebih baik lagi packingny biar pelanggan puas dan banyak yang order. makasih
I ordered but the pot was dented, maybe the packaging didn't work, I only used the box, only part of it hit the dent in the part where the box didn't close. I hope that in the future the packaging will be even better so that customers are satisfied and many will order. Thanks
Cantik kali sampek cosmosnya, mau pesan 5 lagi ah.. pengirimannya cepat, harnya murah, onkirnya lumayan, produk original. Distu dsruh tmbah buble wrap supaya aman, kita tambahin tp gak dpakekinnya, gila org jualan. Wlaupun 5rbu ntar lo kejar gua sampek ke akhirat.
it's beautiful when it arrives to cosmos, I want to order again ah.. fast delivery, cheap price, decent shipping, original product. distu dsruh add bubble wrap to keep it safe, we add it but don't use it, crazy people selling. even though you'll chase me until the afterlife.
Alhamdulillah barang sudah sampai dengan selamat,,blm d coba mudah2 bagus dan awet terimakasih lazada
alhamdulillah the item arrived safely... haven't tried it yet it's easy it's good and durable thanks lazada
bagus. n real pict
Good. n real pict
Respon kurang baik Kecepatan pengiriman jugak kurang baik Tapi saya tetap baik saya beri 5 bintang..
the response is not good, the delivery speed is also not good, but I'm still good, I give a star..
mantap gan , barang sampai cepat dan bagus , terima kasih
great bro, item arrived fast and good, thank you
Fitur Terbaik:bagus seri ME 5 Bagus seri ME 5, ditelinga kerasa pass
best feature:good m series good m series, in ear it feels pass
respon cepat., penjelasan lengkap., barang pun muantep., langsung test jalan tanpa ada cacat., terimakasih seller terimakasih tokopedia
fast response., full explanation.
Cocok lah dengan harganya
it's worth the price
Harga bersahabat. Kondisi barang bagus.. semoga awet. Terimaksih
friendly price. the condition of the goods is good.. hope it lasts. Thank You
Barang bagus.hanya aja pengiriman nya lama pake bangett
good item, only the delivery took too long
kipasnya berfungsi dengan baik, tp suaranya sedikit berisik... secara keseluruhan oke banget, semoga awet yaa kayak kipas maspion biasa nya.
the fan works fine, but the sound is a little noisy. overall it's really good, hopefully it lasts like the usual maspion fan.
Belum dicoba, kondisi barang bagus Semoga lancar pas pemakaian.hheehe
haven't tried it yet, the condition of the item is good, hopefully it will run smoothly when used
Thank you, for the extra fast delivery
Kecewa,pesanan gak sesuai,yg di pesan apa,yg dikirim apa,tapi ya sudahlh,semoga murah rezeki saya
disappointed, the order didn't match, what was ordered, what was sent, but that's okay, I hope my fortune is cheap
barang sampai tapi kardus penyok alhamdulilah teko dalam tidak penyok,dapat warna pink ,merek maspion mikado.Asa baret sedikit di teko tpi gak sampai membuat bocor.ukuran 3Liter
the goods arrived but the cardboard was dented, thank God the inner pot was not dented, got the pink color, the Maspion Mikado brand.
Nyampek rumah langung penyok parah, cuma bubble wrap doang ya gk aman, harusnnya ngerti lah yg dikirim apa rawan gitu
arrived at the house immediately dented badly, it's just bubble wrap, it's not safe, you should know what was sent, what's prone to that
Barang yang saaya terima keadaan rusak, packing rusak, barang yg didalamnya penyok, handling pada saat delivery kurang diperhatikan, alhasil barang tidak bisa dipakai.
the goods I received were damaged, the packaging was damaged, the goods inside were dented, the handling during delivery was not paid attention to, as a result the goods could not be used.
pancinya sih ssuai gambr kk .. tp gagang nya yng beda ...di gambr itm pas dtng ..kayu ...capek deehhh..
the pot is the same as the picture... but the handle is different. In the picture, the item is right there... wood... tired...
Dikirimnya aga lama tapi seller responsif. Barangnya panjang tapi aga kurang lebar. Jadi kalo geser keatas suka keluar2 tapi kualitas oke lah dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau.
Delivery took a long time but seller is responsive. it's long but not wide enough. so if you slide it up you like it to come out but the quality is okay at a very affordable price.
gokil fantech. Mouse aman, responsif, enak dipake.
crazy fantech. The mouse is safe, responsive, easy to use.
Baguus.. tapi pengirimannya cukup lama.. aku pilih pengiriman reguler dan ternyata pakai ekspedisi shopee express padahal satu kota sama2 surabayanya tapi pengiriman dari tanggal 16 baru sampai tanggal 18
good.. but the delivery took quite a long time.. I chose regular shipping and it turned out to be using the shopee express expedition even though it's the same city as Surabaya but shipping from the new date to the new date
bagus sesuai spek, respon cepat.
good according to specs, fast response.
Barang sudah sampai dengan selamat ukurannya minimalis dan fungsional bisa untuk menghaluskan daging, kacang2an dan lain-lain.
the goods arrived safely, the size is minimalistic and functional, it can be used to smooth meat, beans and others.
pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai pesanan, charger ok, tapi tidak bisa connect WIFI
fast delivery, items as ordered, charger ok, but can't connect wifi
Barang ok suka….sesuai harga Kurir kurang ajar dia ketok pagar rumah keras sekali menggunakan kunci motor,padahal ada bell rumah
the goods are ok like it…. according to the price the courier was impudent he knocked on the fence of the house very loudly using the motorbike key, even though there was a house bell
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original.
product quality is very good. product quality is very good. original product.
Dwi top L warna brown, Nonny tunic L warna dusty, Willen top M warna Green
dwi top l brown color, nonny tunic l dusty color, willen top m green color
Barang sampai dengan selamat ,packaging aman , belom di cba krna buat kado ,semga awett
the item arrived safely, the packaging is safe, haven't tried it yet because it's a gift, hope it lasts
Sebenernya produk bagus, cuma kecewa bangeeet packingnya gk aman, jadi gelas besarnya hancur lebur. Padahal itu yg paling pentingnya. Harapan kedepan smoga tokonya lebih amanah, peking harus lebih aman. Mksih
actually a good product, just really disappointed that the packaging wasn't safe, so the big glass shattered. but that's the most important thing. I hope that in the future the shop will be more reliable, Peking should be safer. Thanks
Produk sampai dengan aman, Kecewa karena softcase yang diberikan sudah dalam kondisi kurang baik (kulitnya terkelupas sedikit/mudal terkelupas setelah digunakan beberapa saat), Tetapi sisanya aman, mungkin karena produk lama jadi disarankan untuk cek terlebih dahulu.
the product arrived safely, was disappointed because the softcase provided was in poor condition (the skin peeled off slightly after being used for a while), but the rest is safe, maybe because the product is old so it is advisable to check first.
Pinggiran wristpad sedikit "terkelupas" dan juga ketika diterima wristpadnya sedikit terlekuk jadi tdk rata secara sempurna mungkin karena proses pengiriman atau lainnya. Overall barang bagus sih, nyaman juga di pergelangan
the edge of the wristpad is a little "peeled" and also when received the wristpad is slightly bent so it's not perfectly flat maybe due to the shipping process or something. overall the item is good, it's also comfortable on the wrist
barang bagus, berfungsi dengan baik sdh dicoba...mantabp
the item can, works well already tried. great
payah gak diplastiki. kardus penyok. ditingkatkan kenapa pakai bubblewarp. isinya gak kenapaa napa itu usaha kurirnya buat jaga.
it sucks not in plastic. dented cardboard. improved why use bubble wrap. The contents don't matter, why is it the courier's business to take care of it.
Packing annya bagus poll ga nyesel deh soalnya tidak ada kerusakan murah lagi good
the packaging is good, the polls don't regret it, the problem is there's no damage, it's cheap, it's good
salah warna
wrong color
Nice,Recommended seller and fast respon
nice, recommended seller and fast response
Kualitas produk sangat baik Harga produk sangat baik Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik Taapi kenapa pink semua,padahal jelas2 dicatatan pink&hijau  Thanks
product quality is very good product price is very good delivery speed is very good but why is it all pink, even though it is clearly marked pink & green thanks
Respon penjual baik mengenai barang ditukar karena ada kerusakan barang dari pabrik👍🏻. Terima kasih banyak 🤩👍🏻
the seller's response was good regarding exchanged goods because there was damage to goods from the factory. Thank you very much
ada yg patah sedikit bagian belakangnya, lebih teli
there is a broken bit on the back, more thorough
Barang sesuai dgn pesanan dan harapan.. Response penjual sangat cepat . Recommended seller
the goods according to the order and expectations.. the seller's response was very fast. recommended seller
Barang bagus , tebal , Dan keren 😍😍👍👍👍
good stuff, thick, and cool
terimakasih barang sesuai ,proses pesanan cepat
Thank you, the right item, fast order process
Barangnya bagus banget, pelayanan bagus, proses cepat, packing rapi dan aman, terimakasih.............
very good item, good service, fast processing, neat and safe packing, thank you.
Awalnya ga nyala.. Tp akhirnya bisa juga setelah di otak atik.. Tks
at first it didn't work... but finally it worked after tinkering... thanks