Terima kasih semoga produknya awet
thank you hopefully the product lasts
pesenan sudah sampai ternyata barang yg datang tidak sesuai dengan diskripsi dan angan2, sudah hp layar burik gk bisa dicas ulang, harus tambah biaya lagi ke tukang servis hp jadinya mahal, mengecewakan....!
the order arrived, it turned out that the goods that arrived did not match the description and expectations, already the dotted screen cellphone can't be re-charged, you have to add additional costs to the cellphone repairman, it's expensive, disappointing!
Barang oke dan sesuai banget
the item is ok and fits very well
Produk original, sesuai pesanan, barang sampai dengan selamat bagus.. tidak cacat sama sekali, packing aman jg, pokoknya recommended seller 👍🏻👍🏻
original product, according to the order, the goods arrived safely, good... not flawed at all, packing is also safe, just recommended seller
suara klo buat musik kurang sih menurut saya
the sound for music is lacking in my opinion
barang yg dikirim salah/tidak sesuai, belinya HP, malah yg dikirim masker, malah pembeli di bikin ribet sama penjual,, gak recommended beli di toko ini
the items sent were wrong/inappropriate, bought a cell phone, instead a mask was sent, instead the buyer made it complicated with the seller...not recommended to buy at this shop
Kukira spoilter iPhone wkwk ternyata tipe lain heheh Nice tapi bagus
I thought the iPhone spoiler turned out to be another type heheh nice but good
Barang bagus, semua oke, pengiriman kek gimana yah, jangan pake shopee express aja, pengantaran shopee express ahhh lamaaaa
good stuff, everything's okay, how about delivery, don't just use the shopee express, the delivery of the shopee express takes a long time
Harga:bagus.. sama pict, kokoh pegangannya.. lumayan tajem. makasih kak
price: good..same as pict, sturdy handle..pretty sharp. thanks sis
mantap beut
steady beut
Barang ok 👌 rekomended seller 👍👍👍👍👍👍
item ok recommended seller
baguss.. sesuaii😉
nice.. suit
Produk sesuai, pengiriman cepat, respon penjual sangat baik👍👍👍
the right product, fast delivery, the seller's response is very good
Mantap headset nya...berkualitas banget
great headset, very good quality
barang datangnya cepet. tp sayang endak ada suaranya. katanya dah di cek...nyesel deh...sellernya kurang teliti. untuk lazada dan kurirnya oce deh
goods come quickly. but unfortunately there is no sound. he said he had checked. regret deh. seller was not thorough. for lazada and the courier it's okay
gk bisa dipake...terlalu licin
cant be used. too slippery
Barangnya sudah nyampek,, kualitas produknya no 1. Packingannya jg rapi pake kardus.. Luar Biasa shopee.. Mantap.. Tidak pernah mengecewakan..
the goods have arrived, the quality of the product is no. the packaging is also neat using cardboard.. extraordinary shopee.. great.. never disappoints..
CS nya cepat menjawab pertanyaan, pengiriman juga cepat. Barang bagus. Terima kasih.
CS is quick to answer questions, delivery is also fast. good stuff. Thank You.
barang sesuai pesanan, mantab sukses reseller.
goods according to the order, great success reseller.
Barang sangat bagus untuk harga yg terjangkau. Packing juga rapi tapi agak lama untuk pengemasannya..
very good stuff for an affordable price. packing is also good but it took a long time to install..
Barang original, semoga awet
Original item, hope it lasts
Mantap respon sellernya, langsung kirim
Great response from the seller, sent immediately
pengiriman beda barang, trus dipaksa buat lanjut proses pembelian
delivery of different goods, then forced to continue the purchase process
kurang bekerja... nasi tidak terlalu hangat
less work. rice is not very warm
seneng banget pengiriman nya cepat bagus banget kurirnya cepat juga dan ramah 👍👍
I'm very happy, the delivery was fast, the courier was really good, the courier was fast and friendly
Sayang barang nya bnyk penyot Krn pengiriman....
It's a shame the item was dented a lot due to shipping.
Meluncur dengan mulus tapi belum dicoba buat masak , semoga berfungsi dengan baik 👍
glides smoothly but haven't tried it for cooking, hope it works well
aaah mengecewakan minta ukuran 2 liter malah di kasih yg kecil,,,
ah, it's disappointing to ask for a liter size instead of being given a small one,
Barang bagus, semua berfungsi dg sngat baik, RGB nyala, Mic berfungsi... Sdh d video unboxing durasi 5 menit, ga bs d upload d penilaian krn durasi maks 60 detik.. Overall semua berfungsi dan bagus sekali... Mksh seller, jasa kirim dan shopee.. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙏🙏🙏👌
good stuff, everything works very well, rgb is on, mic is working. I've done an unboxing video that lasts 10 minutes, can't upload it in an assessment, because the duration is max. seconds.. Overall, everything works and is very good. thanks seller, delivery service and shopee..
Aku kira panjang
I think long
minta warna hijau yg dtg warna ungu digambar hijau kan
I asked for green, the color purple was drawn green, right?
(+) : Lebih besar kapasitas memory, lebih lengkap dgn 2 SIM card, diskon, banyak bonus & cashback 👍 (-) : Update OS blm support (Kendala umum produk Advance sepertinya 🤭)
(+) : more memory capacity, more complete with sim card, discounts, lots of bonuses & cashback (-) : no support for os updates (general problems with advanced products it seems)
Barang bagus, bahan tebal, tajam.
good stuff, thick material, sharp.
Sukkaaaaaaa Sjsjjdidid hshdjdudidinsjsjdhduhdlshshdjskshshshshhshsbsksjdjdj
sukka sjsjjdidid hshdjdudidinsjsjdhduhdlshshdjskshshshhshsbsksjdjdj
Ko cacat sih tempatnya.. pdahal packingnya ekstra aman.. Tapi masih cacat gitu.. Ini kayaknya bukan dari pihak ekspedinya.. Gak dilihat dulu ta waktu dikemas.. Kalau pisaunya sih overall tajam.. Kecewa, apa gara2 flashsale kali yah, jadi dikasih yang rijek..hikhikhik
how come the place is flawed... even though the packaging is extra safe... but it's still flawed... it doesn't look like it's from the expedition... I didn't look at it first when it was packed... the knife is sharp overall... disappointed, was it because of the flash sale? give it a joke..hikhikhikk
mouse nya bagus,pengiriman cepat, dan tentu saja admin nya ramah sekali
the mouse is good, the delivery is fast, and of course the admin is very friendly
bodi kompor sangat panas dan berbahaya kalo sampe tersentuh. juga ada bau plastik terbakar. saya tidak rekomen untuk dibeli.
the body of the stove is very hot and dangerous if you touch it. also there is a smell of burnt plastic. I don't recommend to buy.
barang sesuai,, pembungkusan lbih baik d perbaiki,,,
correct item, better packaging,
baru beli, belum cobain
Just bought, haven't tried it yet
kaki nua pecah Peking kurang rapih huft belum di coba juga
Peking's broken legs are not neat enough, haven't tried them either
Dus sedikit penyok, sedikit kecewa tapi alhamdulillah barang aman. Sy kira fitur proteksi pengiriman (tambah biaya 15rb) itu bakal di bungkus buble wrap ternyata hanya di wrapping
the box is a little dented, a little disappointed but thank God the goods are safe. I thought the shipping protection feature (added the cost of rb) would be wrapped in bubble wrap but it turned out to be just wrapping
1 lagi barang saya ga nyampe,..
again my item doesn't arrive...
headset nya bagus sii tapi kotaknya hancur parah sama pengiriman sicepatnya jga lama kali, yg lainnya oke, mantap dah👍
the headset is really good, but the box was badly damaged with the fast delivery, it didn't take long, everything else was okay, that's great
Berfungsi dengan baik, plug and play
works fine, plug and play
Paketan sudah sampai, baru kemarin order barang langsung dikirim, cepat sampainya, sudah dicobain bagus tidak ada yang rusak, mudahan-mudahan awet ya. Terima kasih.
the package has arrived, just yesterday the order for the goods was sent immediately, it arrived quickly, it has been tried well nothing is damaged, hopefully it will last. Thank You.
kualitas bagus, enak di genggam, tombol responsif
good quality, comfortable in hand, responsive buttons
Mouse nya mati huhuhu
the mouse is dead huhuhu
Barangnya bagus no commend
the item is good no comment
Siiif Siiif
shift shift
Toko & pelayanan bagus. Saya cuma kecewa sama ekspedisi/kurir. Paket diletakkan gitu aja di pagar, ga ada ketuk² pintu. Padahal rumah saya tu pinggir jalan besar. Syukur ga ilang tu paket.
good shop & service. I'm just disappointed with the expedition / courier. The package is just put on the fence, no knock on the door. even though my house is on the main road. thank god i didn't lose the package.
Barang sdh sampai tp biarpun nunggu lama
the goods have arrived but even though the wait is long
katanya HARMOND(anti gores)kok pancinya,panci biasa,ngak item kaya di foto.
he said harmond (anti-scratch) why is the pot, a regular pan, not the rich item in the photo.
Belum di coba.tapi barang bagus dan gak ada yang cacat. Packing rapi dan aman sampai nyajuga cepat. Gooooooodddddddddddddd okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Haven't tried it yet, but it's good and nothing's wrong. neat and safe packing arrived fast too. god okay
Feed back dari seller-nya luar biasa. Dari nanya ketersediaan stock sampai barang nyampe di rumah ga nyampe sejam. Serasa belanjanya cuma melipiir ke tetangga. Pengalaman terbaik selama belanja online... Atau mungkin saya yg kurang pengalaman belanja online 😅
The feedback from the seller is great. from asking about stock availability until the goods arrive at the house it doesn't arrive in an hour. It feels like shopping just passing by to the neighbors. best experience during online shopping. Or maybe I just don't have much experience with online shopping
Pengiriman lama karna salah tempat pengiriman, barang original bagus, semoga awet sih
long delivery due to wrong delivery place, good original item, hope it lasts
Mantul dah, fast respon
it's helpful, fast response
mousenya bagus dan sangat nyaman untuk tangan bagong seperti saya. btw mari mabar valo AKG DewaMabok #9999
The mouse is great and very comfortable for big hands like mine. btw let's mabar valo akg dewamabok #
pesanan sudah sampai, pengiriman cepat produk bagus
order arrived, fast delivery good product
baguss sesuai
good fit
bagusss barang nyaaa selanatt tidam ada cacat sedikit pun, semoga awet
it's good, the item is safe, there's not the slightest defect, hopefully it lasts
paket sudah sampai, barang real pict, bagus. terima lasih seller, lazada dan kurir
The package has arrived, real pict items, good. thank you seller, lazada and courier
Barang bagus... Tidak ada yg penyok ataupun lecet....
good stuff. nothing is dented or scratched.
Alhamdulillah barang datang dg selamat tanpa cacat meskipun hanya dibungkus plastik. Sudah dicoba berfungsi semua. Seller Amanah jangan ragu utk order di toko ini. Kurir jg ramah.
alhamdulillah the goods arrived safely without defects even though they were only wrapped in plastic. all have been tried. trusted seller, don't hesitate to order in this shop. friendly courier too.
terlalu besar jadi harus di kikis :') so far so good si tapi klo bisa dikecilin lagi bisa best laa
it's too big so it has to be scraped off :') so far so good but if you can make it smaller it's fine
Harga:sudah pantas utk diluar kualitas ori Pengemasan:kurang bagus sampai di tangan pembeli banyak yg lecet2 Bahan/Material:ok Barang sampai Banyak nilai yg mengecewakan Banyak sisi yg kebaret2 Kemudian di informasi nya 12 L di cek hanya muat 10 ltr lebih saja Baiknya Di kemasan siyh naro keterangan 12 ltr Tapi ini muatanx hanya 8ltr sj Krn sy punya yg isian 12ltr merk lain lebih gede ukurannya
price: it's appropriate beyond the original quality packaging: it's not good until the buyer's hands are scratched material: ok, the goods come to a lot of disappointing values, many sides are scratched, then the information is checked, it only fits more ltr, it's better to pack it naro ltr description but this is only one ltr charge because I have one that contains another brand's ltr which is bigger in size
Nasi matang merata 👍. Mutu terjamin SNI. Nasinya tahan lama 🍚. Gampang dibersihkan. Gampang dibersihkan. Penjualnya ramah banget. Ringan tapi kokoh. Packaging aman 🙏. Garansi terjamin. Respon penjualnya top. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi.
evenly cooked rice. quality guaranteed here. long lasting rice. easy to clean. easy to clean. the seller is very friendly. light but sturdy. safe packaging . guaranteed warranty. top seller response. fast order process. neat packaging.
Produk sesuai dan kualitas baik, seller responsive dan sangat membantu menjelaskan... Terima kasih
the product is suitable and of good quality, the seller is responsive and very helpful in explaining. Thank You
barang bagus packing juga rapi
good item packing also neat
pembelian tgl 24. paket sampai tgl 26. dibungkus bubble wrap luar, dus setrika tanpa dus Shopee dan bubble wrap dalam setrika. stainless steel tetap lecet walau sudah dilapisi stiker. setrika tidak sepanas merk P. thermostat segera mati begitu maksimal. lebih murah drpd beli di swalayan. ringan.
purchase date. package until date. Wrapped in outer bubble wrap, ironing box without shopee box and bubble wrap in ironing. stainless steel remains scratched even though it is covered in stickers. the iron is not as hot as the p brand. the thermostat immediately turns off as soon as it reaches maximum. cheaper than buying at the supermarket. light.
Bagus. Original. Cuman sayang pengirimannya lamaaaaaaaaaa
Good. original. just love the long delivery
Langganan, udah co 9 hp dan 1 tablet, tapi admin lupa ngasih bonus hahaa
subscribe, already have cellphone and tablet, but admin forgot to give a bonus hahaa
Gak nyangka kirain bagus aj rupanya sangat bagus
I don't think it's good, it looks very good
kecewa!!! rice cooker nya penyokk parah! pengiriman terkesan asal !!
disappointed! The rice cooker is badly dented! original impressed delivery !!
Nice nice nicee
nice nice nicee
Ada baretan dibody, tombol belakang saat dipencet gak bisa balik lg dan standing mixer kalau dibakai brisik bgt, mesin berfungsi cm kalau dipakai lama2 mesinnya panas. 
there are scratches on the body, the back button when pressed can't go back again and the standing mixer when used is very brisk, the machine only works if it's used for a long time the engine is hot.
Keren bgt,,, ada bonusnya...
very cool, there is a bonus.
good really
Barang tidak sesuai deskripsi,yg datang advan s7,fisik juga beda tidak seperti gambar yg ditampilkan,lcd juga bergaris,alangkah baiknya jika seller jujur tentang jenis dan deskripsi barang
the item does not match the description, the one that came is advan s, the physical is also different unlike the image shown, the lcd is also striped, it would be nice if the seller was honest about the type and description of the item
Penyoookkkkk dong . Harga mahal loh kok packing gak aman gini. Minta packing plastik hitam ttp aja transparan . Malu woy kelihatan beli ricecooker. Yg paling penting ini barang mahal gak murah loh. Kalau buble wrap dalemnya dong jangan luar kardusnya . Ya penyok lah dalemnya . Gmn siihhh. Gak masalah penyok kardus drpd penyok rice cooker nya . Tdk profesional packingnya. Pdhl byk yg komplen PENYOK dipenilaian gak diperbaiki. Aneh.
dent dong. the price is expensive, how come the packing is not safe like this. Ask for black plastic packaging but it's just transparent. I'm embarrassed to be seen buying a rice cooker. the most important thing is that this stuff is expensive, not cheap. If it's bubble wrap inside, don't go outside the box. yes, it's dented inside. how come. it doesn't matter if the cardboard is dented rather than the rice cooker dented. unprofessional packing. even though many complain that the dent is assessed as not being repaired. Strange.
Bahannya bagus, tapi sayang setelah untuk masak air ada bekasnya
the ingredients are good, but it's a shame after cooking the water there are traces
Kualitas barang dijamin original Pengiriman cepat pakai cargo Harga termurah daripada toko lain, apalagi offline
Quality of goods guaranteed original Fast delivery using cargo at the cheapest price than any other store, let alone offline
Sejauh ini oke... Tks agan.
so far okay. thanks bro.
mantap _ katanya 9 liter tp ko kecil bgt ya,, buat ayam 1 ekor muat _ anaknya tapi wkwkwkkw
great _ he said liter but how come it's really small, for the tail chicken it fits _ the child but wkwkwkkw
Penyok piso ny patah
the pizza dent is broken
Fitur Terbaik:pengiriman cepat, barang mantap josss Over all is good, kurir nya aja lama
the best features: fast delivery, good stuff jos over all is good, the courier just takes a long time
Penyok bagian luar aja ,pdahal udh pake buble warp ,pasti dari pengirimanya 🥲
Just a dent on the outside, even though I've used bubble warp, it must have been from the sender
Bagian scroll tidak bisa digunakan :))
scroll section can not be used :))
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Barang sampai dgn selamat.. murah .. bggs thk u.. semoga awet.. 
product quality is very good. original product. product price is very good. delivery speed is very good. item arrived a lot..hope it lasts..
Baguss banget, work juga desainnya muluss
really good, the design also works smoothly
Kecepatan respon baik. Barang sampai dengan cepat. Makasih
good response speed. goods arrived quickly. Thanks
ok...sudah dicoba dan panas semoga awet
ok. already tried and hot hopefully durable
Mantap pengiriman aja lama
great long delivery
sudah di coba dan divideokan unboxingnya, pengiriman cepat, barang berfungsi baik, semoga awet. Oxone emang berkualitas 👍🏻
already tried and video unboxing, fast delivery, item works well, hope it lasts. Oxone is really good quality
Barang Oke banget bagus, pengiriman juga cepat banget. Top lah penjual ini...
very good item, very fast delivery too. top seller is this.
Warna pink yg keren,,,mewah juga ,,sukses selalu ya! Cepet sampai bisa cod juga
cool pink color, too luxurious, always success! fast until you can cod too
Mantap gg lah satu set anti goshting lagi recommend lah kgk ngecewain
it's great, it's a set of anti goshting, I recommend it, it doesn't disappoint
Mantap bagus bgt
great great
Kurir sicepat brengsek amat, lagi dan lagi kita ambil sndiri di kantor ga mau antar ke alamat rumah
Couriers are really fast, really jerks, again and again we pick them up at the office and don't want to deliver them to our home address
bagus,sesui pesanan,lansung di coba ,kurir ramah sudah langganan
good, as ordered, tried immediately, friendly courier already subscribed
Selamat sampai rumah, tapi begitu dibuka langsung kecewa. Kecewa banget barangnya desainnya miring. Gak sinkron antara kanan dan kiri. Ada bagian yang penyok juga.
safely arrived home, but once opened immediately disappointed. Very disappointed with the crooked design. out of sync between right and left. some parts are dented too.