barang sesuai pesanan hanya sayang ga ada bonus ear phone nya
the goods according to the order, it's just a shame there isn't a bonus ear phone
penyok, di chat ga d bles orgnya :v
dented, the chat person didn't reply :v
Kualitas produk baik, cepat panas strikanya, pengemasan rapi, smoga awet barangnya..πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
product quality is good, the iron heats up quickly, the packaging is neat, hopefully the item will last..
Proses packing cepat walaupun harus install apps. Bonus sesuailah... πŸ‘ Cuma sebelum beli saya pastikan bahwa ntar Storagenya emmc 128 Gb + SSD 256 Gb & dijawab iyess oleh produk konsultan, begitu unit nyampe & dicek ternyata cuma SSD 256 Gb tanpa emmc..... Padahal kan emmc on board & saya cek di BIOS emmc kok ga ada ya... πŸ€” Bukan buat saya jga sih nih lappie utk pomakan .... Cuma rada ga puas aja krn ga sesuai yg dibicarakan via chat. Selebihnya ya cukuplah.. Namanya juga lappie murah meriah... Asal bisa dipakai ketak ketik utk tugas kuliah ponakan + nonton kalau lagi butek... πŸ˜πŸ‘
the packing process is fast even though you have to install apps. bonuses match. only before buying I made sure that later the storage would be emmc gb + gb ssd & the product consultant answered yes, when the unit arrived & checked it turned out to be only gb ssd without emmc. even though emmc is on board & I checked in the bios emmc how come it's not there. it's not for me either, the lappie is for pumping. it's just that I'm not satisfied because it's not what was discussed via chat. the rest is enough.. the name is also a cheap lappie. as long as it can be used while typing for my nephew's college assignment + watching it when I'm blind.
barangnya mantuuuuulll..mksih seller..smga sllu amanah tokonya .lancar sllu
the item bounces..thank you seller..hope the shop is always safe..all smooth
πŸ‘ dah ....
pompanya berfungsinya dengan baik. mdh2an awet..
the pump is working fine. long lasting..
bagus. cuma ada kendala dikit. ga mengganggu
Good. there's just a little obstacle. don't bother
Barang bagus mantap banget,Suara ngebas mantap!!! saya suka
really good stuff, great bass sound! I like
pengiriman cepat, packing aman, akhirnya bisa
fast delivery, safe packing, finally got it
mouse bagus tapi macronya kurang bagus
the mouse is good but the macros are not good
Kenapa barang rijekan bisa Lolos kejual ya?? Udah dicoba dr seminggu lalu ga ada panasnyaa. Tolong dong yang tadinya dikirim kerumah ibu buat ibu malah kacau order barang rusak, ada garansinya ga nih?
why can rijek goods get away with being sold? I've tried it a week ago and it doesn't get hot. Please, what was sent to your mother's house for your mother, the order for damaged goods has been messed up, is there a guarantee?
Tampilan:langseng stemer kukus 3 susun Performa:bagus Kualitas:sangat bagus. Sudah 2x pesan disini. Next mau order lg. Trm ksh
appearance: lasting steamed stemer stacking performance: good quality: very good. already x ordered here. next time I want to order again. thanks ksh
smoga barangnya bagus
hope things are good
seller responsif,langsung di kirim dong..pengemasan express..barangnga smpai dengan mulus
responsive seller, sent immediately packaging..the goods arrived smoothly
Performa:baik Kualitas:terbaik Tampilan:bagus Paket sudah sy terima ,,bqrangnya bagus bgt,gk ada penyok2 πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
performance: good quality: best display: good I received the package, the item is very good, no dents
Prodouk ok, panasnya berfungsi dengan baik, packing bubble wrap, aman tidak ada cacat, semoga awet
ok product, the heat works well, packing bubble wrap, safe no defects, hope it lasts
Dapat giveaway, kirian henset trnyata gantungan kunci tpi lumayan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€—
got a giveaway, the left of the headset turned out to be a key chain but not bad
terima kasih ya gan..barangnya udah sampe dg selamat, cepat dan oke semua
thank you, bro..the goods arrived safely, fast and all ok
Respon penjualnya baik dan cepet, barangnya bagus, keceeee sukaak!! TksπŸ™
the seller's response is good and fast, the goods are good, I like it !! thx
masih banyak codeyan jaitan yg kurang
there are still a lot of less stitches
Barang dah sampai, hanya saja pengemasan lama... Mungkin karna ppkm.. Sminggu lebih baru sampai. Paking aman hanya saja gak pakai bubble wrap.. Alhamdulillah g ad yg pecah.. Brg berfungsi dengan baik. Alhamdulillah mksh seller.
The item has arrived, it's just that the packaging took a long time. maybe it's because of ppkm... a week later it arrived. it's safe to wear it's just that you don't use bubble wrap.. thank God nothing broke.. brg works well. alhamdulillah thanks seller.
Uda. nyampek setrikanya..puas sesuai gambar nya
already. arrived at the iron...satisfied according to the picture
Safety bgt sampe Ngawi. Packing nya mantap. Pengiriman juga cepat. Love love love
very safe until ngawi. the packing is solid. delivery is also fast. love love love
Lumayan lah oke sihπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ”₯πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ”₯πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
it's pretty okay
Pesen nya biru ....ternyata kosong.bagus...seller nya confirm dlu.pengiriman nya knp lamaa bett yaa
I ordered blue. Turns out it's empty. Good. The seller confirmed first. Why did the delivery take so long, bet?
Gak kepake stik nya... Gpp lah stik cuma harga 150rb an
don't use the stick. GPP is the stick, it's only Rp
semua'y sesuai pesanan,mantap wis pokoke gada yg kurng satu pun,hp'bagus berfungsi, sukses trs toko'y+lazada. tp cyng'y kmrin aga lama pengirima' ga masalah
everything is according to the order, it's great, basically there's one missing, the cellphone works fine, success continues, shop + lazada. tp cyng'y yesterday it took a long time for no problem
Sebagai kado pernikahan barang sangat disukai oleh teman saya yang baru menikah.
As a wedding gift, my friend who just got married liked it very much.
Kualitas barang bagus..respon lambat..proses pengemasan sangat lambat sehingga mempengaruhi proses pengirimam jadi lambat juga
the quality of the goods is good..the response is slow..the packaging process is very slow which affects the delivery process so it's slow too
Barang sampe dengan selamat pengiriman cepat bgt mlm pesan pagi udh sampe
Items arrived safely. Fast delivery. I ordered it in the morning
Untuk keseluruhan barang bagus dan berfungsi, cuma minusnya ada satu baut yang hilang (mungkin untuk QA bisa di cek kembali untuk setiap unitnya)
for all good and functioning items, the only minus is that one screw is missing (maybe for qa you can check again for each unit)
Lumayan jernih buat nonton drakor..tapi install WA..koq g bisa ya.. Terus tombol on/off nya harus pake tenaga dalam saking keras nya
it's pretty clear for watching Drakor..but installing come it doesn't work huh..then the on/off button has to use power because it's so hard
Alhamdulillah barang sdh sampai dgn baik walaupun agak lama. Barang sesuai iklan, semoga bs awet ☺
alhamdulillah the goods arrived well even though it took a while. item as advertised, hope it lasts
Seller bener-bener fast respon, less than an hour barang udh nyampe rumah, produk juga original, thank you
seller really fast response, less than an hour the goods have arrived at the house, the product is also original, thank you
cepat sampai, sesuai pesanan, terimakasih
arrived quickly, as ordered, thank you
Barang bagus banget! barang baguss pengiriman cepat top pokoknya
really good stuff! great item fast delivery top of the line
Untuk yg keep Barang ini.. Harga125 an ya.. Share"an kmren saya share 125 .. Sayashare tgl 29 harga 100 tp sudah saya revisi jd 125 karena saya salah share hargaπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
to keep this item.. the price.. share "and yesterday I shared.. I shared the price date but I revised it because I shared the wrong price
gammig dari segala gaming yang josss
gaming of all the jos games
tombol pembuka tutup ny macet..
the lid open button is stuck..
Bagus❀️😘cuman agak lama😭
good just a bit long
barang display sepertinya, sudah ada goresan2 dekat handelnya
display item looks like, there is already a scratch near the handle
mantap pokoknya, rekomen bgt
really great, really recommend
Alhamdulillah barangnya dah sampai,,,barangnya bagus ngak ada yang rusak,,,dusnya dikasih double,,,makasih gan mudah2an srikaannya tahan lama ....
alhamdulillah, the goods arrived, the goods are good, nothing was damaged, the box was doubled, thank you, bro, I hope it lasts a long time.
Ok terussss.. mayan buat war wer wor
ok then.. mayan make war wer wor
alhamdulilah barang udah sampai meski pengiriman 2 x gagal ttus tapi lom di liat moga aja sesuai dan gak ada cacat thaks lazada dan tiko nya
alhamdulillah the goods have arrived even though the xl delivery has failed
Pisaunya semua bagus, cm gatau kena peelernya kotor berdebu agak lecet2 tergores gt. Kayak bukan baru. Yg lainnya bagus
the knives are all good, but don't know if you hit the peeler, it's dirty, dusty, a bit scratched, gt. like not new. everything else is good
sama seperti ulasan orang sblm saya, packaging dateng dalam keadaan nyaris bolong. entah di pengiriman atau emg dikirim dalam keadaan gini? tapi barang aman sih alhamdulillah. ohiya, ini sepertinya mx9 produksi terbaru karena ada 1 perbedaan sama mx9 batch awal; capslocknya! jadi ketika capslock aktif, dia berubah warna jadi putih. awalnya saya kira rusak, tapi ketika keyboard idup pas pc booting, capslocknya ga ngelakuin hal ini. berarti emg intentionally dibikin berubah warna buat nandain kalo lg aktif. sesuatu yg gaada di mx9 sblmnya. nice touch rexus
just like someone's review before me, the packaging came in almost perforated condition. whether it was sent or was it sent in this state? but the goods are safe, thank God. oh yeah, this looks like the newest MX production because there are differences from the initial MX batch; the capslock! so when capslock is active, it changes color to white. At first I thought it was broken, but when the keyboard was on when the PC was booting, the caps lock didn't do this. meaning emg intentionally made it change color to indicate if lg is active. something that wasn't on mx before. nice touch rexus
Pak Koq saya coba tidak berfungsiiiii????? Bagaimana nie
Sir, how come I tried it doesn't work? how about this
Barangnya sudah sampai, ada agak baret bagian alas dan bagian putannya gak mulus seeh... Over all tidak mengubah fungsinya siih...
the item has arrived, there is a bit of a scratch on the base and the nipple is not smooth at all. over all doesn't change its function anyway.
Barang ada yg rusak, minta penggantian lama dan sampai saat ini blum dikirim.
the item is damaged, asked for a long replacement and until now it hasn't been sent.
paketan nya rapih,tetapi saya kecewa krna barang nya peang masa saya kudu benerin lagi sih,tp bgus ga lecet.. thx lazada
the package is neat, but I'm disappointed because the item is war when I have to fix it again, but it's good it's not scratched.. thx lazada
Tampilan:sangat bagus untuk office Semuany bagus tdk ada kendala dan perakitan yang gampang, hanya saja packing nya seperti di gambar membuat ujung kaki lecet
display:very good for office everything is good no problems and easy assembly, it's just that the packing as in the picture makes the toes blister
design bagus. kualitas bagus. sesuai dengan deskripsi
nice design. good quality. according to the description
Alhamdulillah terimakasih banyakk barang sudah sampai di rumah dan tidak ada yang kurang
alhamdulillah thank you very much the goods have arrived at the house and nothing is lacking
berfungsi normal , thankyou
working normally, thank you
kirain tablet,payah loh
think of a tablet, lousy
sudah ditanya ada, dipastikan warna ada begitu dipesan ga ada, pakai catatan harus di video unboxing segala. ga mau rugi tp bikin pembeli emosi nungguin. lain kali kasi tau dulu barang ga ada, jangan2 kalau ga komplain duit ga balik juga 😠. semoga saya salah
already asked if there is, confirmed that the color is there once ordered not available, using notes must be in video unboxing everything. I don't want to lose but make the buyer emotional waiting. Next time, let me know first that the item isn't there, don't if you don't complain, the money won't come back either. hope i'm wrong
Pengirimanny cepeet tapi blum dicoba mudah mudahan aawet
fast delivery but haven't tried it yet hopefully it will last
Harga ekonomis
economical price
Barang sudah diterima, lancar semua dan packing sangat aman dan rapi. Tapi barang tidak segera dikirim setelah order padahal butuh cepat terpaksa beberapa hari harus makan di luar.
Item received, everything is smooth and the packing is very safe and neat. but the goods were not sent immediately after the order, even though it needed to be fast, I had to eat out for a few days.
Kecewa......barang diterima dlm keadaan penyok...
Disappointed. Item received dented.
baterai cepat drop.. gk recomend
the battery drops quickly.. don't recommend it
Kualitas produk baik. Harga produk baik.
product quality is good. good product price.
Makasih ya.. Udah dipake masak jg.. Semoga awet
Thank you.. I've used it to cook too.. I hope it lasts
Barang bagus, mulus dan berfungsi baik. Tapi harusnya yg circus sih.
good stuff, smooth and working well. but it should be a circus anyway.
Fitur Terbaik:sangat baik Harga terbaik ,kualitas baik juga
best feature:very good best price ,good quality too
duh barangnyaaa engga banget deh kaya kaleng kecil peganganya bahan plastik bgtt
duh, the stuff isn't really like a small can, the handle is plastic, it's really plastic
produk tidak ok zonkkk dan nyetrum saya lihat bautnya ga ada segel cosmos nya.beda banget ga kaya punya adik ku cosmosnya ada segelnya.harus hati2.masa baru g bersegell...bilang ok sudah dicek g nyetrum..parah nyetrumnya.kalau barang ok pasti ada segelnya....segelll nya kemana.
the product is not ok zonk and electrocuted I see the bolt doesn't have a cosmos seal. where is the seal.
Mantap produk nya kelihatan mewah, belum di coba semoga berfungsi dengan baik
great product looks luxurious, haven't tried it hopefully it works well
barang datang penyok..kardus ny pdhl ga penyok..berarti bukan kesalahan ekspedisi tp memang barang sdh penyok tetap dikirimkan.
the item came dented...the cardboard box was not dented...meaning it wasn't the expedition's fault but indeed the item was dented but it was still delivered.
Barang bagus dan lumayan puas thanks
good stuff and pretty satisfied thanks
Maaf telat memberi ulasannya. Mantep banget headphone REXUS HX9 ini pas disambungin ke hp suaranya mantep banget luarbiasaπŸ‘πŸ‘ Pengirimannya juga cepat dan tidak ada yg rusak semuanya amanπŸ‘Œ Pokoknya gk nyesel beli di toko ini malahan seneng banget πŸ˜„ Jaya terus untuk toko nya✊
sorry for late giving a review. the rexus hx headphones are really good, right when connected to the cellphone, the sound is really good, the delivery is also fast and nothing is broken, everything is safe, anyway, I don't regret buying at this shop, instead I'm really happy, the success continues for the shop
Maaf ya 2 dulu,,,,,,walaupun barang nya mulus ga ada lecet satu pun tapi pengiriman nya lama banget,,,udh lama di kemas nya lama juga di gudang jnt nya,,,,,,, Rasa nya pengen beli di tempat Laen ajaa,,,
I'm sorry first, even though the item is smooth, there aren't any scuffs, but the delivery is really long, it's been packed for a long time, and it's been in the jnt warehouse for a long time, I feel like I want to buy it at another place,
Tampilan:Bagus, sesuai harga Performa:Belum dicoba Kualitas:Harusnya sih ok ya Thankyou
appearance: good, according to price performance: haven't tried quality: it should be ok, thankyou
Gue kasih foto ga sesuai sm produk. Kalo sampe di baned, awas aja. Lu aja ga bales chat gue, bisaΒ²nya ngebaned review gue
I love photos that don't match the product. If you get banned, just be careful. You just don't reply to my chat, you usually ban my review
Barang nya original,mulus , gak ada cacat, pengiriman cepat, bungkus nya rapi, belum dicoba rencana vbsok..semoga nermanfaat ..terima kasig seller
the item is original, smooth, no defects, fast delivery, neatly packaged, haven't tried the vbsok plan..hope it's useful..thank you seller
barangnya bagus walaupun packingnya gak aman cuma pake bublewrap
the item is good even though the packing is not safe just use bubblewrap
bagian bawahnya ada yang peyot..
there is a dent at the bottom..
bisa digunakan
can be used
mantap thanks ya kk
great thanks sis
Bintang 4 ya, karena packaging nya aja sih menurut saya kurang bgt. Dari kotaknya lanjut di kardusin doang, nggak ada plastik apalagi bubble wrapnya. Tapi alhamdulillah barangnya oke normal nggak ada keluhan hehe
stars, yes, because the packaging alone, in my opinion, is not very good. From the box, it's just in cardboard, no plastic, let alone bubble wrap. but thank God the goods are okay normal no complaints hehe
bagusss okk pngirimn jg cpt
good okk fast delivery too
produk ok pengiriman ok terima kasih
product ok delivery ok thank you
barang nya bagus tapi saat sampai tali atas nya bengkok ga tau kenapa dan box nya pun rusak,dan kurang bagus,semoga ke depan nya lebih baik lagi
the item is good but when it arrived the top rope was bent, I don't know why and the box was damaged, and not good enough, hopefully in the future it will be even better
Seller fast response dan informatif. Barangnya jg bagus dan works on macbook, cuman ngga ada softwarenya aja, lampu dll fungsinya masih sama kok. πŸ”
seller fast response and informative. the item is also good and works on a macbook, but there's just no software, lights etc. the function is still the same.
Packing ok, pengiriman cepat, kualitas barang bagus, suara juga bagus...respond seller cepat....seller ok...
packing ok, fast delivery, good product quality, good sound. fast respond seller. seller ok.
produk yang saya terima , awalnya tidak lengkap , tapi seller segera mengirim sisa barang yang tidak lengkap setelah ada komplain , respon agak lambat karena menjelang libur lebaran , so far so good , thx
the product that I received was incomplete at first, but the seller immediately sent the incomplete remaining items after a complaint, the response was a bit slow due to the Eid holiday, so far so good, thx
Produk dan harga tidak masalah. Untuk pengiriman produk tergolon
product and price do not matter. for product shipments
Pengiriman cepat barang oke fast reapon rekomend
fast delivery of goods okay fast response recommend
jossss , terbaik terimakasih
jos, the best thank you
Bagus,gambar sesuai deskripsi,pengiriman cepat,rapih dalam pengepakannya,respon penjual cepat dan tanggap terima kasih
nice, the picture corresponds to the description, fast delivery, neat in the packing, seller's response is fast and responsive, thank you
Entah udah orderan yang ke berapa. Wkwkwkwkwkwkwk sukses selalu. Semoga ak laris manis. Jadi selalu beli disini πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
no matter how many orders you have. wkwkwkwkwkwkwk success always. hopefully i sell well. so always buy here
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai
best features:good worth the price:good
mantaaapp. pengiriman kurang dari seminggu. mantul.
greatp. delivery less than a week. really good.
pengiriman lumayan lama, adminnya di chat ga pernah bales, jadi susah mau nanya2
the delivery is quite long, the admin in the chat never replies, so it's hard to ask
Kualitas produk & feature ok. Di pintu freezer ada beberapa cat mengelupas. Benar testimony2 yg lain kalau respon seller lambat. Pelanggan akan puas dgn service & produk yg prima. Good luck Polytron
product quality & features are ok. the freezer door had some paint peeling off. it's true that the other testimonials are that the seller's response is slow. customers will be satisfied with excellent service & products. good luck polytron
barang ok mantap... bintang 3 dulu karna pengiriman lama banget.
item ok great. one star because the delivery took so long.
proses pengiriman sampai 2 minggu. walaupun barang bagus, cuma pelayanan mengecewakan
delivery process up to a week. even though the goods are good, the service is just disappointing