Barangnya sesuai dengan pesanan. Ok terima kasih
the goods are according to the order. ok, thank you
dinginnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn luar biasa
amazing cold
Respondnya agak lambat, dr diorder sampai pengirimannya butuh bbrp hari baru sampai .
the response was rather slow, from order to delivery it took a few days to arrive.
barang sampai dgn aman, berfungsi dgn baik.. tks seller
item arrived safely, works well..tks seller
Pengiriman lama banget, ngga ada kepastian. Barang sih bagus oke
very long delivery, not sure. good stuff okay
Baik cm pengiriman lama moga awet tv nya aamiin
all right, long delivery, hopefully the tv will last, aamiin
sudah di terima dg baik, packing aman kurir ramah. terima kasih
well received, packing safe friendly courier. thank you
Belum sampe sebulan si masi belum ada apaapa semoga awet bertahun" yaa gaada kendala nya. pngirman agak lambat dan gregetan juga krna status nya ga ke update gabisa diliat barang nya udh smpe mana"nya. pas nyampe kaki kulkas nya beda sbelah jadi pas buka tutup pintu nya goyang" Kulkas nya. Tp kata kurir nya bisa distell. Blum dicoba si tapi
it hasn't even been a month and there's still nothing, hopefully it will last for years, no problems. the delivery is a bit slow and fast, because the status doesn't update, you can't see where the goods are. when it arrived the foot of the refrigerator was different from the other side so when i opened and closed the door it shook "the refrigerator. but the courier said it could be adjusted. haven't tried it yet but
Bintang penilaian ini untuk tv dan jasa kirimnya, bukan untuk cs officialnya. Jgn terlalu berharap dapat informasi & jgn berharap jg akan dbls, chat beberapa kali cuma 1x djwab pakai penjawab otomatis pula. Terima kasih
this rating star is for tv and shipping services, not for the official cs. don't expect too much information & don't expect it to be answered, chat a few times, just don't use an autoresponder too. thank you
pengiriman lama
old delivery
Jika ada claim garansi kedepannya tolong permudah
if there is a warranty claim in the future, please make it easier
Utk TV nya bagus, Suaranya Mantep, utk pengiriman ke Bekasi, CO tgl 1 sampai Tgl 6, Admin nya kurang responsif, smoga bisa di perbaiki ke depan nya krn ini kan Toko Official sayang az kl pelayanan utk Online store nya kurang membantu, hanya slalu menekan kan pengiriman 2-7 hari kerja dan suruh sabar menunggu.btw utk harga memang lebih murah ya dr orange 👍🏻 Resolusi gambar tajam 👍 Desain elegan 😍
for the tv, it's good, the sound is great, for delivery to bekasi, co, until date, the admin is not responsive, hopefully it can be fixed in the future, because this is an official store, unfortunately, if the service for the online store is not very helpful, just always press right delivery - working days and told to wait patiently. btw the price is indeed cheaper than orange sharp image resolution elegant design
Lama balas chat Lama sampenya Sempet takut karena sudah bayar tidak sampe sampe
long time to reply to chat. long time to arrive. i was afraid because i already paid, it didn't arrive
pengiriman lama ,padahal sengaja pilih official store kirain bakal lebih cepat dari toko biasa,, pake kurir toko jadi ga bisa lacak posisi ada titik hijau sebesar lubang jarum di tengah layar ,, tolong bagaimana solusi nya,apakah saya mendapat garansi?? atau di tukar unit nya,, maaf telat buat ulasan nya
long delivery, even though i deliberately chose the official store, i thought it would be faster than a regular store. i used the shop courier so i couldn't track the position. there is a green dot the size of a pinhole in the middle of the screen. please what is the solution? do i get a warranty?? or exchange the unit, sorry for being late for the review
barangnya baru sampe, pengirimanya doang super lelet padahal deket sama pelapak di chat no respon, maaf ga bisa kasih bintang lima.
the item has just arrived, the delivery is super slow even though it's close to the seller in chat no response, sorry can't give five stars.
Pengiriman cepat.. Selasa order Kamis barang.sudah sampai.. Alhamdulillah Mesin Cuci sudah ditest RPM cepat tapi tidak noisy.. Seller amanah mantab
fast delivery.. tuesday order thursday goods. arrived.. thank god the washing machine has been tested fast rpm but not noisy.. seller is trustworthy, great
packagingnya rapi, barang tersegel dengan sempurna, pengiriman juga cepat, terima kasih
the packaging is neat, the goods are sealed perfectly, the delivery is also fast, thank you
Pesanan kesekian kali, barang sesuai deskripsi.
repeated order, item as described.
terimakasih dan sukses terus yaa
thank you and good luck
Sepadan dengan Harga:wort it Mantap polll
worth the price:worth it steady pol
Akhirnya bisa nonton dgn nyaman
finally can watch comfortably
Barang sesuai pesanan Packing bagus Kurir nya baik Mantap 👍👍👍😀😀😀😀😀
goods according to the order good packing. the courier is good. great
Pengiriman cepet banget, kualitas produk juga bagus
very fast delivery, product quality is also good
Udah dicoba bunyi nya agak berisik mesin nya gatau emag bgni apa enggk tp berjalan baik.. body nya agak lecet2 dan penyok dikit 🙏🏻 semoga awet ... kurir nya ramah
i've tried it, the sound is a bit noisy, the engine doesn't know what it's like, but it's running well. the body is a little scratched and has a few dents, hopefully it lasts. friendly courier
Barang mantap tidak ada yg cacat.. cuma pengiriman mesti sabar 6hari baru sampai banten
the goods are great, there are no defects.. only the delivery must be patient, the new day will arrive in banten
Gampang dipakai Desainnya elegan ✨
easy to use elegant design
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍 Ringan tapi kokoh Ada banyak fiturnya Kualitas suaranya bagus
sharp image resolution lightweight but sturdy there are many features good sound quality
Dispenser sudah rusak duluan padahal belum dipakai. Akhirnya panggil teknisi Polytron.
the dispenser was damaged before even though it had not been used. finally called the polytron technician.
sangat memuaskan, terimakasih
very satisfying, thank you
baik produk original harga terjangkau
both original products at affordable prices
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:yg lain Kurir nya ramah, nganter jam 10 malam kerumah, mudah2 kulkas nya enggak bermasalah. . .
best features:good worth the price:others the courier is friendly, delivers at night to the house, easy fridge no problem. . .
bagus dan berfungsi dengan baik. semoga awet
nice and working fine. hope it lasts
terlalu lama pengirimannya hampir 1 bulan
too long delivery almost month
Barang bagus, tapi pengiriman lama sekali
good item, but very long delivery
Admin kurang rensposif.
admin is not responsive.
CS Lama respon chatnya
cs long chat response
barang sesuai pesanan. barang ori dan garansi resmi. pengiriman cepat. terimakasih...
goods to order. original goods and official warranty. fast delivery. thank you.
Pengiriman 2 minggu baru sampe, barang ok
new week delivery arrived, item ok
Produk original no minus sedikit pun dari tampilan fisik mulus no lecet, fungsi 100persen bekerja dengan baik semua, packingannya juga aman banget, suka pokoknya, ga pernah nyesel ak pake produk dari polytron dari dulu, pengiriman dari jakarta utara sampai karanganyar cuma 4hari dan itu bener² cepet
original product, no minuses in terms of physical appearance, smooth, no scuffs, percent functions all work well, the packaging is also very safe, i like it anyway, i've never regretted using products from polytron a long time ago, shipping from north jakarta to karanganyar only took a day and that's true fast
Terimakaih polytron shopeemall, sudah dua kalo cekout di sini barangnya ok 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼. Sayang cuma ga bisa tracking saja huhu
thank you polytron shopee mall, i have checked here twice, the goods are ok. it's a shame i just can't track it huhu
Fitur Terbaik:barang ori Sepadan dengan Harga:lebih murah di toko offline Pengiriman agak lama, makan waktu sampe 5 hari lebih. Sabtu Minggu tidak di hitung hari kerja. Musti extra sabar aja. Kurir sangat profesional sekali.
best features:original items worth the price:cheaper in offline stores delivery takes a bit longer, takes up to a day or so. saturday and sunday are not counted as working days. just have to be extra patient. very professional courier.
barang sdh diterima. kotak agak sedikit penyok, padahal sdh dikemas dengan bubble wrap..
item received. the box is a little dented even though it was packed with bubble wrap.
kualitas barang bagus namun sayang untuk kedepannya jangan terlalu lama di pengiriman,terimakasih,next time coba lagi belanja di toko ini kalo ada perubahan ratingnya pasti diperbaiki dari b4 jadi b5
the quality of the goods is good but it's a shame that in the future it won't take too long to be delivered, thank you, next time try again to shop at this shop if there is a change in the rating, it will definitely be fixed from b to b
barang ori.pengiriman lama..kalau yg mau pake buru2 gak bisa harus jauh2 hari
original item. long delivery.. if you want to use it in a hurry you can't have to go far away
produk sudah sampai. belom di buka. mantab
product arrived. unopened. great
pengiriman lama, tapi barang bagus. mantap lha
long delivery, but good item. great
Makasih PesananNya sudah diterima..Sesuai Pesanan
thank you. his order has been received..according to the order
Masker tebal, kualitas bagus. Recommended
thick mask, good quality. recommended
pengiriman super lama. csnya jawab copy paste by template aja pengiriman 1-7 hari kerja untuk jabodetabek kenyataannya sampainya lewat sampai 8 hari itu juga malem jam 10.30. kalau ditanya lg cm jawab diusahakan. padahal official store. sy sebenernya cm butuh kejelasan kapan dikirim jd ga bikin orang nunggu ga bs kmana2. untuk barang berfungsi dgn baik. tp pelayanan aja yg super parah official store rasa dropship
super long delivery. the cs replied, just copy paste by template. delivery - working day for jabodetabek, in fact, it arrived later that day at night. if asked again, answer it. even though it's the official store. i actually just need clarification when it will be sent so it doesn't make people wait and can't go anywhere. for things to function properly. but the service is super bad, the official store feels like a dropship
Ongkirnya gratis tapi sayang ga bisa dilacak posisinya tau tau barangnya nyampe aja
the postage is free but it's a shame it can't be traced its position, you know, the item just arrived
Baguusss Kulkasnya, dingin banget. Luas ruangannya. Pengiriman sesuai di note,. maksimal 7 hari. Yang ngirimnya pun bisa diajak koordinasi. jd gak nyasar
great fridge, really cold. the size of the room. delivery according to note. maximum day. those who send them can also be invited to coordinate. so don't get lost
Udh sampe,langsung dicoba,dan berfungsi dengan baik,makasih,sy suka riel pick
it arrived, tried it right away, and it works fine, thanks, i like real pick
Barang original, packing rapi dan aman. Seller Responsif & amanah. Pengirirman Super Cepat. Recomended deh 👍👍👍
original product, neat and safe packing. responsive & trustworthy seller. super fast shipping. recommended
unboxingnya susah
unboxing is hard
mantapp produknya. cuma chat gk dijawab.. over all okayy dehh. saya maklumi. puas
solid product. only chat doesn't answer. over all it's okay. i understand. satisfied
TVnya bagus tapi pengirimannya agak lambat tapi bersabar aja pasti nyampe. Semoga TVnya awet.
the tv is good but the delivery is a bit slow but just be patient it will arrive. hopefully the tv lasts.
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Penjualnya ramah banget. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain ramping. Proses pesanan cepat.
sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. elegant design. the sound quality is good. the seller is very friendly. there are many features. sleek design. fast order process.
jaminan produk bagus, pengiriman jabodetabek 2 hari sampai dengan selamat. tks polytron
good product guarantee, jabodetabek day delivery arrived safely. thx polytron
Pengiriman lama 😭 Barang bagus 👍
long delivery. good stuff
Kualitas gambar oke, soundbar sama subwoofer nya so-so (kerennya adalah langsung tinggal colok di tv, gak butuh colokan listrik lagi). liat foto: colokan atas, colokan subwoofer, colokan bawah buat soundbar. pengiriman cukup lama ke Bandung, lebih dari 1 minggu. pas mau masang kaki tv nya, keras banget, gak bisa pake obeng, harus pake bor. saya kudu manggil servis orang polytron nya untuk ini, karena gak ada bor nya.
the picture quality is okay, the soundbar and subwoofer are so-so (the cool thing is that you just plug it in directly on the tv, you don't need a power plug anymore). see photo: top plug, subwoofer plug, bottom plug for soundbar. quite long delivery to bandung, more than a week. when i want to attach the tv legs, it's really hard, you can't use a screwdriver, you have to use a drill. i have to call the polytron service for this, because there is no drill.
Respon: Respon cepat.. Minus pengiriman agak lama (4 hari) Jabodetabek. Packaging: Box Packaging mulus, kartu garansi ada, TV mulus dan ringan. Desain kece. Tidak ada lecet. Setelah 1 minggu penggunaan: Resolusi tajam, garansi 5 tahun mantap. Remote berfungsi normal. Semua mode berfungsi termasuk Youtube dan free Mola.
response: fast response.. minus the rather long delivery (days) jabodetabek. packaging: box packaging is smooth, warranty card is there, the tv is smooth and light. cool design. no blisters. after weeks of use: sharp resolution, solid year warranty. the remote works normally. all modes work including youtube and free mola.
Tidak ada masalah dengan kualitas barang, tetapi untuk sebuah official store, kualitas dari customer service sangat buruk. Tidak hanya lambat dlm memberikan jawaban disaat diperlukan, tetapi juga “malas” dlm memberikan jawaban yg dibutuhkan.
there is no problem with the quality of the goods, but for an official store, the quality of the customer service is very poor. not only slow in giving answers when needed, but also "lazy" in giving answers needed.
pengiriman produk SUPER LAMA! ganti expedisi nya deh! produk diterima kondisi aman. lampu uv hanya 4W, gk cukup untuk bunuh virus.
super long product delivery! replace the expedition! product received in safe condition. uv lamp is only w, not enough to kill the virus.
kirain stereo ternyata mono, dan ini tdk dijelasin
suppose stereo turns out to be mono, and this is not explained
barang aman dan bagus tetapi sedikit kecewa dengan pelayanan customer service yg tidak membalas chat dr pelanggannya.. mohon utk di tatar/di ksh pelatihan terhadap customer servicenya terima kasih
the item is safe and good but a little disappointed with the customer service that doesn't reply to the chat from the customer. please upgrade/train the customer service, thank you
kalau tidak dibantu komplain mungkin pengiriman akan lama. pengiriman lama adalah relatif tapi responsif adalah keharusan
if not assisted with complaints maybe the delivery will take a long time. long shipping is relative but responsiveness is a must
barang yang dikirimkan tidak berfungsi dengan baik, akhirnya di kembalikan, prosesnya returnya cukup baik
the goods sent did not work properly, finally they were returned, the return process was quite good
pelayanan nya bener2 bikin geleng kepala g ada respon sama sekali
the service really makes me shake my head, there's no response at all
tidak bisa otomatis cari siaran dan tiba2 mesin mati
can't automatically search for broadcasts and suddenly the machine turns off
bagus banget langsung dingin
it's really good cold
Fitur Terbaik:memuaskan Harga sesuai barang
best features:satisfactory price according to goods
Akhirnya sampai juga Setelah 5hari menunggu di kirim Semoga kulkasnya awet dan tidak ada kendala 😇🤲🏻
it finally arrived. after days of waiting to be sent, i hope the refrigerator lasts and there are no problems
Penjual ramah dan prosesnya cepat. Terimakasih ya Polytron. 🙏🏻
the seller is friendly and the process is fast. thank you, polytron.
awalnya takut akan bikin alergi kumat ternyata aman sepanjang malam dan segar di pagi hari. Murah meriah tapi kualitas lumayan, fitur langkap seperti merk jepang dan korea. Pengiriman cepat, cepat dingin .... puas pokoknya.
at first i was afraid that it would make my allergies recur, but it turned out that it was safe all night and fresh in the morning. cheap, lively but decent quality, complete features like japanese and korean brands. fast delivery, cold fast. basically satisfied.
Patah sebelah Pengiriman lama
broken next to the old delivery
beli kulkas yang paling lama pengiriman nya ,,semoga gak ada kendala,,belum dicoba baru banget datang
i bought a refrigerator that took the longest to be delivered, i hope there are no problems, i haven't tried it and it just arrived
Paket nyampe dengan selamat, kurirnya baik banget
the package arrived safely, the courier was very kind
kelamaan indent .
long indents.
Sudah sampai mesin cuci nya terima kasih cepat ya 5 hari sampai...kerennn
the washing machine has arrived, thank you, it arrived quickly. cool
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Desain elegan. Garansi terjamin. Bahannya kokoh. Gampang rakitnya. ....kekurangannya ga ada fitur flasdisk & micro sd
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. elegant design. guaranteed warranty. the material is sturdy. easy to assemble. the drawback is there is no flash & micro sd feature
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Bahannya kokoh. Desain elegan. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin.
the sound is steady. the material is sturdy. elegant design. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty.
Kasih bintang 3 ya. Baru pertama kali beli elektronik di online ternyata dpt pengalaman yg kurang baik. Barang dtg dengan kondisi scr fisik sih baik" aja tpi pas di coba mesennya ada yg rusak. Cs juga susah dihubungin, saya sampe chat ke beberapa sosmed dri polytron responnya lama, smpe akhirnya di respon melalui dm ig. Pengen dtg ke tmpt lngsung tpi jauh dri rumah. Salah bgt deh pkknya beli online. Masa barang baru nyampe lngsung kena service? Hmm gpp yg penting udh bener. Cuma lain kali sblm ngirim barangnya di crosscheck lagi apa yg kurang, apa yg salah, jgn smpe kasih kesan buruk ke pelanggan, cukup saya aja.. Thx
star love. it was the first time buying electronics online, but it turned out that i had a bad experience. goods come in good physical condition &#; just but when i tried the message something was broken. cs was also difficult to contact, i even chatted to several social media from polytron, the response took a long time, until finally they were answered via dm ig. want to come to a place directly but far from home. it's really wrong to buy online. when does the new item arrive directly subject to service? hmm, it's okay, the important thing is it's correct. it's just that next time before sending the item, cross-check again what's missing, what's wrong, don't give a bad impression to the customer, just me.. thx
Produk nya okey tetapi pengiriman terlalu lama lebih baik beli di toko saja harga beti
the product is okay, but the delivery takes too long, it's better to just buy it at the store, the price is beti
Bisa muat banyak. Mutu terjamin SNI. Desainnya elegan ✨. Gampang dipakai. Penjualnya ramah banget. Hemat listrik ⚡. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top. Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Packaging aman 🙏.
can fit a lot. sni guaranteed quality. the design is elegant. easy to use. the seller is very friendly. saving electricity . fast order process. neat packaging. top seller response. the goods are original. there is an official guarantee. safe packaging.
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Garansi terjamin. Bahannya kokoh. Desain elegan. Kualitas boleh diadu.
the sound is steady. guaranteed warranty. the material is sturdy. elegant design. quality can be contested.
Barang sampai dengan selamat, pengiriman lumayan cepat & terima kasih
items arrived safely, pretty fast delivery & thank you
Maaf nih bang, saya terima paket seminggu semenjak pembelian trus pengemasan paket rawan banget tanpa bungkus bubble warp, cuma bungkus plastik tipis doang.. awal paket dikirim via kurir toko dan setelah sampe malah dari si cepat yg kirim paket saya..
i'm sorry, bro, i received the package a week after i bought it, and the packaging was really vulnerable without bubble warp wrap, just a thin plastic wrap.
baterainya sdh melendung
the battery is bent
barang ok cuma lama dipengirimannya pesan sabtu malam dikirim sabtu siang minggu depan kirimnya ke tangerang
the item is ok, it's just that the delivery took a long time, ordered saturday night, sent saturday afternoon, next week sent to tangerang
Ini gmn ya barang saya gabisa digunakan? Ada tanda error e1 terus, dia gabisa wash. Tolong dong masa barang baru gini sih
how can my item not be used? there is a sign of an error e, it can't be washed. please, it's time for something new like this
sebenernya ngak mau kasih bintang 5, tapi okelah barang sampe dengan selamat walau di dusnya busanya ada yang kebelah. semoga pihak polytron bisa memperbaiki kinerjanya lagi. pesen barang 1 kirimnya lama banget. giliran 3 barang cepet banget sampenya.
actually i don't want to give a star, but it's okay that the item arrived safely even though there was a split in the foam on the box. hopefully the polytron can improve its performance again. the order of the goods was sent very long. the turn of the goods arrived very quickly.
Alhamdulillah semua barang berfungsi dengan baik puas belanja di sini
thank god all the goods work well satisfied shopping here
Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya elegan ✨. Hemat listrik ⚡.
there is an official guarantee. the goods are original. the design is elegant. saving electricity .
hmmm... pengiriman lama... suara bagi saya sih biasa aja.....malah kurang enak sih...
hmm. old delivery. the sound for me is just normal.
Bagus sih cuma selang air nya bocor gakepake
it's good, it's just that the water hose doesn't leak
Kualitas produk tidak diragukan. Hanya saja untuk kecepatan proses u/ official store masih tidak cepat, dan pengiriman yang notabene masih dalam jangkauan Jabotabek waktu 8 hari itu sangat lama meskipun keamanan memang terjaga.
product quality is not in doubt. it's just that the processing speed for official stores is still not fast, and shipping, which incidentally was still within jabotabek reach that day, was very long even though security was maintained.
respon penjual sangat lambat. informasi pengiriman kurang jelas, resi baru dimasukkan setelah 3 hari pemesanan, dan tidak bisa ditrack. Sabtu pesan, sampai hari Rabu. Saya pesan tv di lapak lain hanya butuh 1-2 hari. Saran saya tingkatkan kecepatan respon dan pengiriman. lalu tingkatkan cara berkomunikasi juga, jadi walaupun lambat ada informasi yang jelas. saran terakhir untuk manajemen, tolong ganti saja staf/manajemer yg terlibat di bagian penjualan digital Tokopedia/e-commerce ini. Saya liat review buruknya sudah ada sejak lama, tapi gak ada perbaikan. sayang soalnya kualitas produk sangat bagus, tapi pelayanan buruk. tks.
seller response is very slow. shipping information is unclear, new receipts are entered after the day of order, and cannot be tracked. ordered saturday, arrived wednesday. i ordered a tv at another stall, it only took - a day. my suggestion is to increase the speed of response and delivery. then improve the way of communication as well, so even if it's slow there is clear information. last suggestion for management, please just replace the staff/managers involved in this tokopedia/e-commerce digital sales department. i see the bad reviews have been around for a long time, but there's no improvement. it's a shame because the quality of the product is very good, but the service is bad. thx.
Masih ter segel sih. Tapi dus penyok. Mudah2 an aman masker nya deh 😎
it's still sealed. but then it's dented. it's easy and safe to use the mask
Semuanya ok !!!!! Cuma satu sekedar masukan, tolong di perbaikin lagi untuk desain dalemnya soanya ini mesin cuci udah kecil malah desain lubang seperti itu jadi makin sempit
everything is ok! just one input, please fix it again for the internal design, the thing is, this washing machine is already small, instead the design of the hole like that is getting narrower
pengiriman lama dan penjual respon nya lama dan tidak jelas
long delivery and the seller's response is long and unclear