Mantap... Terimakasih
excellent. thank you
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Ada banyak fiturnya. Kualitas suaranya bagus.
sharp image resolution. elegant design. there are many features. the sound quality is good.
barang sesuai aplikasi, dan diterima lengkap serta bagus. dan sy mau bertanya ini kan sy beli tv nya dapat gratis berlangganan mola tv dll ya, bagaimana cara mengaktifkan mola tv dan nefliknya? terimakasih
the goods according to the application, and received complete and good. and i want to ask this, i bought the tv, got a free subscription to mola tv, etc. how do i activate mola tv and neflik? thank you
barang sesuai pesanan dan sesuai deskripsi mantapppp
item as ordered and as described
Pengiriman super lama 15hari kemudian baru sampe ,nyusahin pas mau dikirim baru ngabarin bukannya bbrp hari sebelumnya spy ada yg standby dirumah, official store polytron kok begini? Pas cek tempat lain ada yg lebih murah sehari kirim lsg sampe,baru sadar pas baca baca rating officialini pada kecewa sama pengiriman tp udh bayar mau gamau tunggu aja sampe barangnya dtg,kalo tau gini beli dilapak lain aja😡🤬😡🤬
delivery took super long the next day to arrive, it was bothersome when i wanted to send it just to notify you instead of a few days before spying that someone was on standby at home, how come the official polytron store is like this? when i checked another place, there was one that was cheaper the day before, i sent it to arrive, i realized when i read the official rating, i was disappointed with the delivery, but i already paid for it.
mantab cpt sampai moga awet sudah ditest sesuai fungsinya
the former arrived quickly, hopefully it will last, it has been tested according to its function
Barang original, cuman pwngiriman lama banget
original product, but very long delivery
barang tidak bisa dilacak. penjual tidak membalas pesan. pas sampe barang ga dipacking dengan aman
item can not be tracked. the seller did not reply to messages. right until the goods are not packed securely
suara nya mantep banget
his voice is really great
Mutu terjamin SNI. Hemat listrik ⚡. Desainnya elegan ✨. Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi.
sni guaranteed quality. saving electricity . the design is elegant. there is an official guarantee. the goods are original. safe packaging. neat packaging.
Kualitas barang bagus, pengiriman lumayan cepat tapi adminnya slow respon banget jadi susah buat tanya tanya tentang produknya.
the quality of the goods is good, the delivery is quite fast but the admin is very slow to respond, so it's hard to ask questions about the product.
don't hesitate to buy here. the bass is stunning, polytron is very advanced, boss. thanks courier, seller and tokped.
produknya bagus, kulkasnya gemes estetik, apalagi tempat es batunya lucu. namun pengirimannya agak lambat, mohon ditingkatan dalam hal pengiriman.
the product is good, the fridge is aesthetically pleasing, especially where the ice cubes are cute. but the delivery is a bit slow, please increase in terms of delivery.
Harga murah.. Produk ga murahan.. Packing aman.. Sesuai pict lengkap ada case, temper, headset.. Thanks
cheap prices.. not cheap products.. safe packing.. according to the complete pict there is a case, temper, headset.. thanks
Produk ori dikirim langsung dari gudang polytron saler ramah namun pengiriman agak lama aja namun sesuai estimasi
the original product was sent directly from the polytron warehouse, the seller was friendly, but the delivery took a while, but according to estimates
Memang pengirimannya harus sabar tapi barangnya oke original, barangnya sampe dengan aman, mama ku sukak dean seneng banget.
indeed, the delivery must be patient but the goods are okay original, the goods arrived safely, my mother likes it very much.
barang nya sih bagus rekomend, tapi untuk respon penjual & pengiriman buruk sekali perlu diperbaiki
the item is still good, a recommendation, but the seller's response and delivery are very bad, it needs to be repaired
Barang sesuai dengan pesanan dan bisa digunakan untuk STB di area Ngaliyan Semarang. Pengiriman sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan.....👍👍🙏🙏
the goods are in accordance with the order and can be used for stb in the ngaliyan semarang area. delivery as promised.
Fitur Terbaik:semoga awet deh mesinnya Sepadan dengan Harga:dapet flash sale pengiriman 3 hrn k bogor, d lacak g bisa resinya gataunya pake jne,kurirnya dtanya g tau🤦🏻‍♀️. Percuma ad petunjuk daftar garansi, udah daftar ikutin via wa ga ad yg bales sampe detik ini. Yg jawab robot. Udah gtu mesinnya ketika buat pengeringan masih bergetarr🙈, ada harga ad kualitas lah 🤭
best features: i hope the machine lasts a long time worth the price: got a flash sale, shipping has to go to bogor, can't be tracked, can't return it or not using jne, i don't know the courier. it's useless there are instructions for the warranty list, i've registered, followed via wa, no one has replied until now. robot answer. that's it, when the machine is drying it still vibrates, there is a price and quality
Barangnya original 👍, pengiriman cepet banget. tp packingnya luar biasa. beneran cuma box doang tanpa wrapping apa2...
original product, very fast delivery. but the packing is great. it's really just a box without any wrapping.
Barang oke, semoga awet. Tapi kartu gaeansinya ko ga ada stempelnya, mudah2 berlaku. Makasih
good stuff, hope it lasts. but how come the warranty card doesn't have a stamp, it's easy to apply. thanks
second purchase, packaging bagus dan barang sesuai. terima kasih
second purchase, good packaging and appropriate items. thank you
mantap sound nya,SW nya ok..untuk sementara ini tidak ada masalah,mudah²an jgn ada masalah..pengiriman termasuk cepat,kurirnya ramah👍
the sound is great, the sw is ok..for the time being there are no problems, hopefully there won't be any problems..the delivery is fast, the courier is friendly
Baguss cuma pengiriman nya agak lama
it's good, but the delivery is a bit long
Fitur Terbaik:pengiriman cepat,dua hari sampai ke jawa Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Alhamdulillah pesanan datang dengan aman,packing aman pakai kayu,harga lebih murah dari pada beli di toko offline.
best features: fast delivery, two days to java worth the price: worth it thank god the order came safely, packing is safe using wood, the price is cheaper than buying at an offline store.
Kurang bs menangkap siaran TV
less able to catch tv broadcasts
produk bagus tp pengiriman nya sangat lama
good product but very long delivery
Terima kasih mesin cucinya sudah sampai dengan selamat,bagus,tidak ada yang lecet dan berfungsi dengan baik,semoga awet...
thank you, the washing machine has arrived safely, it's good, nothing is scratched and it works well, i hope it lasts.
Fitur Terbaik:ok Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Mesin cuci OK Admin polytron SANGAT BURUK RESPONNYA. ONLINE TAPI GA JAWAB CHAT NYA. Kalo ga niat jadi admin, mending dirumah aja deh
best features:ok worth the price:ok washing machine ok polytron admin very bad response. online but don't answer the chat. if you don't intend to be an admin, it's better to just stay at home
barangnya lama dikirim, chat ke penjual dibalas lama sekali bisa sampai berhari". setelah datang mic nya tidak berfungsi
the goods took a long time to be sent, the chat to the seller was replied to take a long time, it could take days &#;. after it came the mic didn't work
Pengiriman cepat.. Mantap speakernya.. Makasih polytron
fast delivery.. great speakers.. thanks polytron
pengiriman lumayan cepat. bikin es batu 2 hari [pakai ukuran plastik 1kg]
pretty fast delivery. make daily ice cubes [use plastic kg size]
minus di prosesnya..sangat lama sekali..padahal butuh kulkas baru dengan cepat karena kulkas lama rusak..
minus in the takes a very long time..even though you need a new fridge quickly because the old fridge is broken..
Pengiriman cepat, mantul poko nya, barang sesuai pesanan. Terimakasih.
fast delivery, good stuff, items as ordered. thank you.
this is good
beli tgl 6, dateng tgl 17 katanya pengiriman max cuma 7 hari, parah bener pelayanan nya
bought the date, came on the date he said the max delivery was only days, the service was really bad
barang sudah diterima, pengiriman ke gresik jawa timur sekitar 8 hari kalender
the goods have been received, delivery to gresik, east java around calendar days
thank you official Polytron yg udah mengirimkan kulkas pesanan saya walaupun terlambat karena kulkasnya baru sampai 6 hari setelah proses order. biasanya saya beli barang elektronik secara online paling telat cuma 3 hari sejak proses order. anyway yg penting akhirnya kulkas pesanan saya sampai juga....mudah mudahan kulkas produk dari Polytron tahan lama dan dinginnya awet
thank you official polytron for sending my ordered refrigerator even though it was late because the refrigerator only arrived the day after the order process. i usually buy electronic goods online only a day late from the order process. anyway, the important thing is that the refrigerator i ordered has finally arrived. hopefully the refrigerator products from polytron will last long and stay cold
Sepadan dengan Harga:standard Fitur Terbaik:baik Semua bagus oke tapi pengiriman lama sekalii
worth the price: standard best features: good all good okay but very long delivery
packing tak oke, padahal isinya elektronik mahal..
packing is not okay, even though it contains expensive electronics..
kecewa dengan pelayanan dari kurir official tokonya. lama sampenya.
disappointed with the service from the official shop courier. long time.
Pengiriman pesanan super duper sangat lama sekali, kalau dilihat dari status toko langsung dari perusahaan harusnya bisa mengirim produk lebih cepat tapi kenyataannya berbanding terbalik dari harapan. ditanya juga tdk ada respon
delivery of super duper orders takes a very long time, judging from the status of the store directly from the company, it should be able to send products faster, but in reality it is the opposite of expectations. asked also no response
barang sesuai deskripsi..!!!namun lama aj nunggu dtg barang'y..!tp sukses aj to toko'y..!!!
the item matches the description..! but it took a long time to wait for the item (y..! but it was a success to the shop) ..!
Fitur Terbaik:Memuaskan... Sepadan dengan Harga:Tidak mengecewakan. kecil kecil cabe rawit Polytron Produk Dalam Negeri Kualitas Internasional
best features:satisfying. worth the price: did not disappoint. small cayenne pepper polytron international quality domestic product
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:emang harga sgtu. Semoga aja awet.
best features:good worth the price:it's a great price indeed. hopefully it won't last.
bagus barang original Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping. Ada banyak fiturnya. Ringan tapi kokoh.
good original item sharp image resolution . the sound quality is good. elegant design. sleek design. there are many features. light but sturdy.
Produk diterima 7 hari setelah barang dikirimkan, masih butuh 1-2 hari lagi untuk proses, jadi total 9 hari. Lokasi seller ada di tangerang dan saya juga di tangerang, jadi butuh 9 hari untuk barang tersebut bisa sampai ke saya. Amat sangat lama. Di halaman produk dan pada saat check out barang, tidak diinformasikan sama sekali mengenai durasi pengiriman. Seller menginformasikan di kolom chat (jadi jika tidak chat terlebih dulu) dan di kolom catatan penting. Jelas tidak semua orang chat terlebih dahulu ataupun melihat Catatan Penting. Jika memang sangat penting, seharusnya ditulis di Detail Produk. Yg lebih mengecewakan lagi, ketika seller di-chat, tidak ada response sama sekali, padahal statusnya boleh dibilang selalu online. Dari sisi produk tidak ada masalah, sudah dicoba dan bagus. Tapi pengiriman dalam 1 kota yg makan 9 hari, saya kira pembeli manapun jika tau soal ini di depan, akan banyak yg tidak mau. Pengiriman barang yg sangat menjadi masalah di sini. Setelah saya baca2 review2 dari customer lain, bbrp orang pun complain hal yg sama. Bisa dicek di halaman review.
the product is received the day after the item is shipped, it still takes - more days to process, so the total is days. the seller's location is in tangerang and i am also in tangerang, so it takes days for the item to reach me. very, very long. on the product page and when checking out the goods, there is no information at all about the delivery duration. seller informs in the chat column (so if you don't chat first) and in the important notes column. obviously not everyone chats first or sees important notes. if it is really important, it should be written in product details. what's even more disappointing, when the seller is chatted, there is no response at all, even though the status is arguably always online. from the product side there are no problems, it has been tried and it is good. but deliveries within the city take days, i think any buyer, if they know about this up front, many will not want it. delivery of goods is a real problem here. after i read reviews from other customers, several people complained about the same thing. you can check on the review page.
Spekernya bagus suaranya juga bagus, cuman sayang di pengirimannya lama banget, respon penjual juga kurang bagus, jd maaf ngga bisa bintang 5
the speakers are good, the sound is also good, it's just a shame the delivery took so long, the seller's response was also not good, so sorry i can't give a star
Proses cepat Hemat listrik ⚡ Bisa muat banyak Packaging aman 🙏
fast process save electricity can fit a lot safe packaging
Bagusss, tapi punyaa temenn
nice, but have friends
Maskernya nyaman n bagus😎👍
the mask is comfortable and good
Barang ori, sesuai deskripsi
original product, according to the description
barangnya mantap bagus.... proses pengiriman lama...dioper² pake KGX trus oper si cepat...gak banget pokoknya pengirimannya.
the stuff is really good. the delivery process took a long time. was transferred using kgx then the transfer was fast. not really the delivery.
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin. Gampang rakitnya. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging rapi.
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty. easy to assemble. elegant design. the material is sturdy. the seller is very friendly. fast order process. safe packaging. top seller response. neat packaging.
Handphone nya sesuai dengan harapan.packingnya rapi.barangnya bagus .mantap
the cellphone is as expected. the packaging is neat. the item is good. great
Alhamdulillah sampai juga, belum dibuka semoga bermanfaat
thank god it arrived, haven't opened it yet, hopefully it's useful
Barangnya sesuai dengan pesanan. Mudah digunakan. Hanya pengirimannya lama.
the goods are according to the order. easy to use. only the delivery is long.
pesanan sampai dgn cepat dan hasilnya bagus
order arrived quickly and the results are great
mantap cocok buat stb saya , tp gak di kasih batrei 🥲
great suitable for my stb, but not given a battery
Pesen senin, kamis datang.. Terimakasih semoga awet..
ordered monday, came thursday.. thank you, hope it lasts..
kualitas, tv sering hang
quality, tv often hangs
Barang oke sudah dicoba. Pengirimannya lama hampir 10 hari lebih cuma ke tangerang kota Di chat admin nya masih belum kasih kepastian kapan datang. Padahal cuma butuh kepastian aja PO sampe berapa lama barangnya. But it's ok.
ok, already tried. the delivery took almost a day, just to tangerang city. in the admin chat, i still don't know when it will arrive. even though you just need certainty, how long will it take for the po to arrive. but it's ok.
Pengiriman cepat, pesananan sesuai dgn yg di pesan. akan tetapi baru 3 hari di tonton tv nya sudah bermasalah, dan sudah 3 minggu TVnya di Polytron center sampe saat ini belum selesai di perbaiki.
fast delivery, order as ordered. but just the day i watched tv it was already a problem, and it's been a week since the tv was at the polytron center until now it hasn't been repaired yet.
Seller ngga bisa dikontak. Di chat ngga pernah balas. Barang diterima bagus sesuai, tapi delivery ngga pakai waktu kapan dikirim, suka2. Tdk disarankan kalau yg pengin cepat datang barangnya
seller can't be contacted. in chat never reply. the goods received are good, but the delivery doesn't use the time when it's sent, i like it. it is not recommended if those who want the goods to come quickly
produk bermasalah, ketika buka LIVE di youtube , gambar rusak
problematic product, when open live on youtube, the image is broken
pengiriman lama, pesan tgl 2 nyampenya tgl 10 padahal cuma k depok jabar. tombol memasaknya agak susah d on kan, tutup tidak rapat
long delivery, ordered the date it arrived even though it was only to depok jabar. the cooking button is a bit difficult to turn on right, the lid is not tight
Mudah"an awet d pke nya🤲🏻🤲🏻
it's easy to last on it
sementara bagus.. masih perlu disetting seting dahulu.untuk channel2 nya.
while it's good. you still need to set the settings first. for the channel.
dapat harga promo mantap, free ongkir tapi ya harus sabar menunggu overall barang mulus semoga awet
get a great promo price, free shipping but you have to be patient waiting for the overall goods to be smooth, hopefully it will last
Ini pelayanan TERBURUK selama saya beli-beli kulkas ditokopedia. Kirain showcase akan dikirim oleh Kurir Toko karena ini kan official, ternyata kurirnya gak mau bantu buka dus showcasenya dg alasan katanya dia bukan pihak toko melainkan hanya pengantar, padahal saya beli kulkas dimanapun ya pengantarnya dg senang hati bantu tanpa diminta. Lalu saya buka sendiri dusnya TERNYATA PINTUNYA AMBROL RUSAK DARI SONONYA. Admin toko ini pakai gaya preman alias tidak pandai mendinginkan konsumen, disolot ya ikut nyolot, sepertinya perlu diedukasi lagi sebelum terjun sebagai admin. Ok gak papa, sudah saya benerin showcasenya sekarang, gak usah ganti.
this is the worst service as long as i buy refrigerators at tokopedia. i thought the showcase would be sent by the shop courier because this is official, it turns out that the courier didn't want to help open the showcase box for the reason that he said he wasn't the shop's party but only the delivery man, even though i bought a refrigerator wherever the delivery person was happy to help without being asked. then i opened the box myself, it was that the door was broken from the sono. the admin of this shop uses thuggish style, aka not good at cooling consumers. ok, it's okay, i've fixed the showcase now, no need to change it.
Bagus banget kulkasnya elegan. Pas banget buat yang ngekos!
very nice elegant refrigerator. perfect for those who live in a boarding house!
ada cacat depan kulkas parah udh chat ga bls2 brp hari,udh ad abideo unboxing jg tp ga respon.
there is a severe defect in the front of the refrigerator, i have chatted for several days, i have also undergone unboxing, but i haven't responded.
Pengiriman lama (12 hari baru sampai Boyolali). Produk oke, bagus... Hanya saja saya kok dapat produk yang koneksi RCA nya bermasalah... Mau klaim garansi lokasi jauh & butuh waktu... Tapi yang HDMI normal... Sementara kita pakai yg HDMI.
old delivery (new day to boyolali). product okay, good. it's just that how come i got a product with a problem with the rca connection. want to claim a remote location warranty & it takes time. but the normal hdmi. meanwhile we use the hdmi one.
Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Resolusi gambar tajam. Recommended 👍🏻
the sound quality is good. elegant design. sharp image resolution. recommended
nyampe dgn amann barang baru original, walaupun pengirimannya lamaa:( tapi suaranyaaa mantapppp👍👍
arrived safely new original goods, even though the delivery took a long time :( but the sound is great
Sorry seller, tapi pertama kali & terakhir deh beli di sini. Padahal official store tapi pengiriman sangat lama dan with NO RESPONSE sebelum saya ajukan pembatalan ke tokped. Beli tgl 1 baru sample tgl 7 padahal sama2 jabodetabek? di chat ga dibales padahal online dan kelengkapan produk kurang. Semoga jd kritik yg membangun yah thx
sorry seller, but this is the first & last time i buy here. even though it's the official store but the delivery is very long and with no response before i submit a cancellation to tokped. buy a new sample date even though it's the same as jabodetabek? in chat not answered even though online and product completeness is lacking. i hope it's constructive criticism, thx
kesel pengirimannya lama bangettt, harus minta bantuan cs tokped dulu baru dikirim langsung
i was annoyed that the delivery took so long, i had to ask tokped's cs for help first and then sent it directly
Kualitas suara tv jelek, ketolong soundwoofer jdi lumayan. Admin chat sangat responsif hingga cuma di read tanpa di bales , bila balespun menggunakan template yg tidak nyambung. Pengiriman ke Bekasi sangat cepat 10 hari (7 hari kerja). Admin sangatlah jujur, bilang 30 Maret udah di kirim ternyata belum, upload resi goib biar ga di cancel sistem, resi di rubah tetap tidak bisa tracking, ternyata yg tertera di resi pengiriman 8 April dgn nomer yg berbeda. Terimakasih admin Polytron Official Store, berkat pelayanan ekstra Mu membuat Ku kapok untuk belanja dan menggunakan produk Polytron kembali. Terimakasih KGX Ekspres Mengirim paket dalam 1 hari dengan Aman.
the sound quality of the tv is bad, but the soundwoofer is pretty good. admin chat is very responsive so that it is only read without replying, even if the reply uses a template that is not connected. delivery to bekasi is very fast (working days). the admin was very honest, said march had been sent but it wasn't yet, uploaded the goib receipt so the system wouldn't cancel it, the receipt was changed but still couldn't be tracking, it turned out that what was listed on the april delivery receipt was with a different number. thank you polytron official store admin, thanks to your extra service it made me give up on shopping and use polytron products again. thank you kgx express. sending parcels within days safely.
Pertama kali beli barang elektronik hasilnya puas banget pengirimannya jga cepat cmn 1 yg bikin ngeluh adminnya slowres banget eeh bukan slowres lagii tapi no respon keadaan barang kulkas kadanf lampunya mati nyala mati nyala truz n 1 lagi kalau habiz dbuka trus dtutup suaranya ndengung banget
the first time i bought an electronic item, the result was very satisfied, the delivery was also fast, but what made me complain was that the admin was really slow, uh, not slow anymore, but no response.
packing bagus, proses oleh seller cepat
good packing, fast processing by seller
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Barang cepat dikirim, lama pengiriman masih normal kok dari tanggerang ke jaksel meskipun ga ada update-an resi.
sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. the sound quality is good. elegant design. the goods were sent quickly, the delivery time was still normal from tangerang to south jakarta, even though there was no receipt update.
Mantap... belanja dari rumah, tinggal nunggu barang sampai, gratis ongkir pula. setelah dicoba, chanel DTV banyak yg muncul dan juga bening tanpa ada semut. Thanks seller, smg amanah. Thanks juga shopee, belanja menjadi lebih mudah
excellent. shopping from home, just waiting for the goods to arrive, free shipping too. after trying, many dtv channels appear and are also clear without any ants. thanks seller, very trustworthy. thanks also shopee, shopping has become easier
thx. produk bagus. cm proses. pengiriman lama. harus ditingkatkan kembali service nya
thx. good product. cm process. old delivery. must improve the service again
Alhamdulillah barang bagus kualitas mantap 👍 Kurirnya ramah..
thank god, the goods are good, the quality is steady, the courier is friendly..
Alhamdulillah cakep tv nya,,, maaf barubkasih penilaian,,,
thank god the tv is cute, sorry i just gave the rating,
Polytron lover, i know the quality👍👍
polytron lover, i know the quality
Alhamdulillah pengiriman cepat dan barang bagus semoga awet ada embun sedikit di pintu semoga ga knpa" Amin
thank god, the delivery is fast and the goods are good, i hope it lasts a little dew on the door, hopefully it's okay" amen
Bagus. Tapi belum tau cara pakenya wkwkwk
good. but i don't know how to use it yet
kiriman lama casbacknya juga tidak keluar
the old casback post also didn't come out
Puas barangnya.... kecewa nya pengiriman lama
satisfied with the goods. disappointed the long delivery
Barang mantap,tp cs kurang responsif chat ga pernah dibalas
great stuff, but cs isn't responsive, chat has never been answered
Belanja produk polytron di blibli mudah dan cepat. pilihan banyak dan pasti original. mantap sekali.
shopping for polytron products at blibli is easy and fast. many choices and definitely original. very good.
Barang sesuai deskripsi, pengirimannya rapi n cepat. Makasih Gan...
goods according to the description, neat and fast delivery. thanks gan.
kurang peka dlm menangkap jaringan . hanya beberapa chanel tv yg bisa . tidak sesuai harapan .
less sensitive in capturing the network. only a few tv channels can. not as expected .
Bintang 1 untuk pelayanannya. Kalo barang okelah. Untuk pertama kali dan terakhir kalinya saya belanja di toko ini, dan baru pertama kali juga ngasih bintang 1 ke toko di Tokopedia. Transaksi hari minggu dan diinfokan barang dikirim hari senin, tapi barang dateng hari jumat, padahal jarak lokasi pengiriman dengan rumah saya masih satu daerah. Semoga kedepannya bisa berbenah deh untuk masalah pengiriman barangnya, jangan bikin kapok yg beli seperti saya. Terima kasih.
star for the service. if things are okay. this is the first and last time i shopped at this store, and this is the first time i have given a star to a store at tokopedia. transactions on sundays and information on goods sent on monday, but goods arrived on friday, even though the distance between the delivery location and my house is still in the same area. hopefully in the future we can fix the problem with shipping the goods, don't give up those who buy like me. thank you.
Barang oke, pengiriman lemot.
item ok, slow delivery.
barang sesuai,tapi pengiriman sangat ,sangat,sangat lama perlu extra kesabaran unk menunggu ,,,
the goods are appropriate, but the delivery is very, very, very long, you need extra patience to wait,
barang kosong tetap di proses pelayanan bermasalah , kurir mau pickup barang dì reschedule terus sampai bbrp hari , alhasil membuat lama pengiriman kirim dengan kurir tapi keamanan packing cuma dibungkus plastik official store rasa kaki 5 😊
empty items are still in the process of problematic service, the courier wants to pick up the goods and reschedules it continues for several days, as a result it takes a long time for the delivery to be sent by courier but the security of the packaging is only wrapped in plastic official store feels leg
Udah di coba, ok sih cuma kok tipis banget ya tabungnya, mungkin karena murah kali ya.. Tapi is ok lah
i've tried it, it's ok, it's just how come the tube is really thin, maybe because it's cheap, right? but it's ok