mantab dapat semua chanel, tp kalo pake kabel hdmi malah dpt dikit dan macet² jd ga disarankan pake HDMI
it's great to get all channels, tv if you use an hdmi cable, it can get a little jammed and so it's not recommended to use hdmi
Kualitas barang sangat baguss, barangnya nyampe dengan baik, tidak ada kekurangan apa pun, terimakasih
the quality of the goods is very good, the goods arrived in good condition, there are no flaws, thank you
terimakasih... barang bagus dan packing aman
thank you. good item and safe packing
Alkhamdulillah ...barang cepat sampai dan ORI pastinya...mendarat dgn selamat....semoga awet Terima kasih smuanya
alkhamdulillah. the goods arrived quickly and ori for sure. landed safely. hope it lasts. thank you all
Fitur Terbaik:cuci pakaian Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Barang tiba 3 hari stlh pemesanan. Kelengkapan sesuai. Kurir baik Semoga pelayanan after sales nya baik.
best feature:wash clothes worth the price:yes item arrived the day after order. appropriate fittings. good courier. hopefully the after sales service is good.
mantapResolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍.
steady sharp image resolution. elegant design.
barang sudah dicoba dan berfungsi normal.
item has been tested and works normally.
Prosesnya aja yang lama, yang lain ok.
it's just a long process, the others are ok.
pengriman cepat. sempat kwatir karena tdk ada tracking barang krn menggunakan kurir toko. tapi ternyata pengirimannya cepat. mantaaap Desain elegan 😍. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍.
fast delivery. i was worried because there was no tracking of goods because i used a shop courier. but the delivery turned out to be fast. solid elegant design . sharp image resolution.
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga standar Fitur Terbaik:baik Pengiriman lumayan lama😅 ada info d pengiriman nya....tau2 nyampe...
worth the price: standard price best features: good delivery took quite a while. no info on the delivery.
Produk bintang 5, pelayanan bintang 1 no respon
star product, star service no response
Pengirimannya cepat, barangnya datang dalam kondisi baik. Terimakasih.
fast delivery, item arrived in good condition. thank you.
Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Semua fitur bisa berjalan, belum dipakai , respon pennual dan pengiriman lama. Better yang mau pesen, pesen dari jauh hari
worth the price: yes all features work, not yet used, manual response and slow delivery. it's better if you want to order, order from afar
berfungsi dgn baik..
works fine..
barang bagus, pelayanan CS nya kurang
good stuff, less cs service
pengiriman agak lama. di minta kejelasan pengiriman CS kurang informatif (kurang membantu) tapi barang oke
delivery a bit long. asked for clarification on the delivery of cs, it is not very informative (not helpful) but the goods are okay
Barang diterima dalam kondisi baik. Sayangnya Toko agak slowrespond, mohon ditingkatkan kecepatan membalas nya. Barang diterima masih dalam estimasi, padahal lokasi pengiriman masih satu kabupaten tapi dikirimnya 1 minggu.
goods received in good condition. unfortunately the shop is a bit slow to respond, please increase the speed of replying. the goods received are still in estimation, even though the delivery location is still in the same district but it was sent this week.
Mantap,tapi pengiriman aga telat
great, but delivery a bit late
pembelian ke empat, semuanya berfungsi dengan baik
th purchase, everything works fine
Fitur Terbaik:mudah digunakan Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Body nya baguss. Ga bunyi Keras pas dipake. Gampang banget digunakan. Fiturnya juga banyak sesuai kebutuhan. Thx seller
best features:easy to use worth the price:ok the body is nice. it doesn't make a loud sound when it's on. very easy to use. there are also many features as needed. thx seller
Produk bagus sesuai dengan deskripsi Pengiriman lumayan cepat
good product according to the description fast delivery
Ga lagi beli² speaker polyntol, RAJANYA NOISE 🖕
no more buying polyntol speakers, the king of noise
respon admin OS Polytron sangat mengecewakan, dikira waktu hanya menunggu kiriman barang saja ? anda kira customer gk ada kegiatan lain yg lebih berguna ketimbang menunggu barang yg tidak jelas kapan sampai nya, konsumen semua sama hak nya tdk ada yg minta di bedakan, hanya kejelasan waktu,bila belum di kirik jangan update resi dalam pengiriman tapi tidak jelas sudah di titik mana sesuai janji saya,ini yang TERAKHIR BELI BARANG dii OS Polytron, bukan karena barang bermasalah tapi karena attitude admin nya sangat lah buruk menyikapi pertanyaan pembeli...
the response of the polytron os admin was very disappointing, thought the time was just waiting for the goods to be delivered? you think that customers don't have other activities that are more useful than waiting for goods that are not clear when they will arrive, consumers all have the same rights, no one asks to be differentiated, only time is clear, if it hasn't been sent yet, don't update the receipt on delivery but it's not clear it's been sent at what point is it according to my promise, this is the last buying item on polytron os, not because the item is problematic but because the admin's attitude is very bad in responding to buyer questions.
Mantap sekali pengirimannya cepar terimakasih banyakk
great fast delivery thank you very much
Alhamdulillah barang dah sampe. Barang di jamin ORI jangan ragu ya guys beli di official aja ya. Ak suk bgt dah
thank god the goods have arrived. goods guaranteed by ori, don't hesitate, guys, just buy it at the official store. i really like it
untuk pengiriman lumayan ckup lama,gk ada respon adin kurang.untuk kurirY baik dan ramah,mau bantuin pasangin.kulkasY lebar jd kapasitasY bisa muat bnyak. dan terlihat elegan.cuma itu stelah dcolokin samping panas tpnuntuk dalamY lgsung dingin.teriakasih smoga awet
for the delivery, it took quite a long time, there was no response and not enough. for the courier, kind and friendly, i want to help install it. the fridge is wide, so the capacity can fit a lot. and it looks elegant. only that after plugging in the side of the heat but for y it's directly cold. thank you, i hope it lasts
ga keluar gambar dan suara gmna tanggung jawabnyaaaaa?
no picture and sound, what's the responsibility?
penjual respon nya kurang, barang oke, kualitas polytron, berfungsi dengan baik suara mantabs
the seller's response is lacking, the goods are okay, the quality of the polytron, functions well, the sound is great
Produk cukup bagus berfungsi normal, remote tidak bisa on/off tv jadi harus pakai 2 remote
the product is quite good, functions normally, the remote cannot turn on / off the tv, so you have to use the remote
Pengiriman cukup cepat. Packing dilengkapi dgn bubble wrap tapi tanpa kardus. Kotak maskernya jd penyok2 dan segel hampir terbuka krn ada robekan. Mungkin ada baiknya packing dilengkapi dgn kardus shg paket bs sampai ke customer dlm keadaan baik dan aman
pretty fast delivery. packing is equipped with bubble wrap but without cardboard. the mask box was dented and the seal was almost open because there was a tear. maybe it's better if the packaging is equipped with cardboard so that the package can reach the customer in good and safe condition
mantapppp...... suaranya joss,barang sesuai,pengiriman cepat mksih admin🙏🏻
excellent. the sound is joss, the goods are appropriate, the delivery is fast thanks admin
Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan. 😍. Seller nya ramah, pengiriman nya super cepettt👍👍👍
the sound quality is good. there are many features. sharp image resolution. elegant design. . friendly seller, super fast delivery
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping. Ringan tapi kokoh. Ada banyak fiturnya. Proses pesanan cepat.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. elegant design. sleek design. light but sturdy. there are many features. fast order process.
suka sama barangnya ..dingin dan panasnya mantep.. tapi gaasik admin sellernya no response sama sekali.. ditanya ga ada jawab sama sekali.. sekali di jawab pas barang lagi dikirim,itu juga setelah seminggu lebih bertanya ..
i like the item. it's cold and hot, it's great. but the seller's admin doesn't respond at all. when asked, no answer at all. once answered when the item was sent again, that too after a week of asking more.
emang bener sih jadi jernih . .cuma awalnya agak bingung instal&settingnya . sama ada bbrapa channel yg ilang, dan ada bbrapa yg baru muncul .
it's true that it's clear. .just a little confused at first install & settingnya. whether there are some channels that are missing, and there are some that have just appeared.
cuma pengiriman doang yang lama,,selebihnya top markotop
only the delivery takes a long time,, the rest is top markotop
Fitur Terbaik:Barangnya Lumayan bagus, Elegan Nungguinnya dengan penuh perjuangan melawan hawanafsu, Hampir gak percaya. Sampe 15 hari Alhamdulillah akhirnya nyampe juga. Walaupun kurirnya sempet nyasar
best features:quite good stuff, elegant waiting for it in full struggle with lust, can barely believe it. until the day alhamdulillah finally arrived too. even though the courier got lost
Sesuai yang di pesen, bagussss. Sehari sampe wkwk bagussss di sini kan ada pabriknya juga wk. Makasih
according to the message, good. one day until it's good, there's a factory here too. thanks
Fitur Terbaik:Cepet Bagus pengiriman nya
best features: fast good delivery
ada sedikit bercak putih di atas tvnya, pengiriman agak lama!
there is a little white spot on the tv, shipping a bit long!
Terima kasih banyak packing aman dan semoga bisa dipakai terus tanpa rusak Jazaakillahu khoyr wa baarakallahu fiikum.syukroon jaziilaan Rizqi. Untuk penjual Thank you so mu atas kirimannya yang benar 100% free ongkir aman dan cepat. Semoga mesin cucinya awet bgtdipakai sampai kami punya cucu. Allah.
thank you very much for the safe packing and hopefully it can be used continuously without damage. jazaakillahu khoyr wa baarakallahu fiikum. syukroon jaziilaan rizqi. for the seller, thank you so much for the correct delivery, % free shipping, safe and fast. hopefully the washing machine will last a long time until we have grandchildren. god.
sayang pengiriman nya lama dan ga bisa d lacak dan paketan nya basah
it's a shame the delivery took a long time and couldn't be tracked and the package was wet
Barang diterima dengan baik,,pengiriman nya lama. Tapi ngk apa2 barang nya bagus.Thanks seller
items well received, long delivery. but it's okay, the goods are good. thanks seller
pelayanan chat sangat buruk, mending jangan gunakan fitur chat
the chat service is very bad, it's better not to use the chat feature
mantab barang bagus mudah digunakan
great stuff easy to use
mantap,keren, bening banget TV nya
great, cool, the tv is really clear
Barangnya original 👍 Packaging aman 🙏
the goods are original. packaging is safe
Respone penjual waawwwwww
wow seller response
Lama bangeètttttttt pengiriman nya 2mnggu lebih Tapi alhamdulillah nyampe dengan selamat, mantap tv nya, semoga awet tv nya 🤲 amin
the delivery took a long time, more than a week, but thank god it arrived safely, the tv is great, i hope the tv lasts amen
Keren Tapi kalau overload lama bgt pengirimnya
cool. but if it's overloaded, it takes a long time to send it
Paket di terima dengan baik. . Belum di coba.
package well received. . haven't tried it yet.
Pengiriman lumayan bikin gemes nungguin nya. Produk, kayanya bagus. Dah di coba 3 kali. Cuma, saja entah lantai saya yg sedikit miring atau emang typikal mesin cuci bukaan depan kaya begitu : getaran nya lumayan mengganggu di banding mesin cuci jenis bukaan atas. Masih adaftasi.
delivery is pretty cool to wait for. product, looks good. already tried. it's just, i don't know if my floor is slightly tilted or is it a typical front-loading washing machine like that: the vibration is quite annoying compared to top-loading washing machines. still adapting.
Pokok nya suka,puas banget belanja disini😊 Cocok banget buat yang listrik nya 450 Watt kaya aku Respon chat nya nomor satu deh,,,, Maaf baru kasih nilai,,,,makasih seller
anyway, i like it, i'm very satisfied shopping here. it's really suitable for the electric ones. watt is like me. the chat response is number one. sorry, i just gave it a rating, thanks seller
alhamdulilah dpt 48 CHN...semoga brgnya awet...
alhamdulillah got chn. hopefully the goods will last.
Pengemasan 2hari, pengiriman dari gudang kgx 4hari. Lamanya jd 6hari ke depok Packing oke, barang aman selamat sampe tujuan pake pickup. Yg ga tau cek resi polytron dimana, buka cek resi kgxpress Respon penjual gada smsekali, pdhl pertama beli disini mau banyak tanya tp no respon. Buruk bgt!
packaging days, delivery from warehouse kgx days. it took so long to go to depok. packing was okay, the goods were safe, they arrived at their destination using a pickup. for those who don't know where to check for polytron receipts, open the check for the kgxpress receipt. the seller's response is nothing at all, even though i first bought it here i wanted to ask a lot of questions but no response. so bad!
Barang bagus original, berfungsi dengan baik. Pengiriman juga cepat, ke tangsel cuma 2hr kerja. Tapi respon seller sangat slow. Overall semuanya bagus gk ada kendala.
original good product, works well. delivery is also fast, to tangsel only working days. but the seller's response is very slow. overall, everything is good, no problems.
Barangnya Ok bintang 5, hanya pengiriman agak lama dan adminnya slow respon. kualitas pelayanan bintang 2. jd saya rata2kan bintang 4. agar dpt diperbaiki pelayanannya. Terima kasih
the goods are ok bintang, only the delivery is a bit long and the admin is slow to respond. stellar service quality. so i averaged the stars. so that the service can be improved. thank you
pembelian dari 1 minggu yg lalu pas di tracking barang dalam perjalanan menunggu 1 minggu tidak sampai" di chat toko official nya ngk d respon setelah ajukan komplain baru barang d kirim hanya dlm 1 hari sampai saya pikir kl sudah beli di official akan mendapat pelayanan terbaik dan terpercaya ternyata saya salah
the purchase from last week was right on tracking the goods on the way waiting for the week not to arrive &#; the official shop chat didn't respond after submitting a new complaint. the item was sent in just a few days. i thought that if i bought it at the official store, i would get the best and most reliable service. turns out i was wrong.
mantaap. suara menggelegar. pengiriman lama.
great. booming sound. old delivery.
…hanya 13 Channel? Mudah2an besok atau minggu depan nambah ya 😄
…only channels? hopefully tomorrow or next week it will be added
Seller dan kurir terbaik. 👍👍👍👍
the best seller and courier.
pelayanannya buruk sekali dri awal psen tgl 7 dichat berkali kali gk pernh bls ,pengiriman lambat sekali smpai ingin dibatalkan,barang sampai tgl 13..benran seminggu
the service was very bad, from the beginning of the post, the date was chatted many times, never got it, the delivery was so slow that i wanted to cancel it, the item arrived on the date . it took a week
Versi baru, sayangnya malah fitur clone remote di versi lama malah hilang 😅 utk adminnya, mantap gerak cepat responnya 👍
the new version, unfortunately the remote clone feature in the old version is missing for the admin, great fast response
pengiriman nya lama bgt, dan admin nya gak ada respon nya, selebihnya nya barang sampe dengan aman kok
the delivery took too long, and the admin didn't respond, the rest of the items arrived safely
Paket sudah diterima dengan baik.. Barang berfungsi dengan baik ... Pengiriman cepat ... Kualitas produk baik Harga cukup terjangkau.. Respon penjual baik.. Terimakasih kak....
the package has been well received.. items work well. fast delivery . good product quality. prices are quite affordable.. good seller response.. thank you sis.
Respon: Tidak Baik (Aplikasi & Kontak Center WA Polytron). Proses: Sangat Lama (4 Hari). Pengiriman: Cepat. Pengemasan: Tidak Baik. Produk: Sesuai - Original. Senin (7 Nop 2022): Di Pesan. Selasa (8 Nop 2022): Status Dikirim (Nomor resi penigiriman tidak sesuai di semua ekspedisi). Rabu (9 Nop 2022): Komplain. Jumat (11 Nop 2022): Perpanjang Waktu Komplain. Datang hari Sabtu (12 Nop 2022) dengan mengugunakan ekspedisi KGX tertanggal 11 Nop 2022 - 18.53 dengan nomor resi pengiriman yang berbeda pada aplikasi Tokopedia!
response: not good (wa polytron application & contact center). process: very long ( days). fast delivery. packaging: not good. product: match - original. monday ( nov ): on message. tuesday (nov): status sent (delivery receipt number does not match on all expeditions). wednesday ( nov ) : complaint. friday ( nov ) : extended complaint time. came on saturday (nop.) using the kgx expedition dated nop. -. with a different delivery receipt number on the tokopedia application!
siku uñtuk outdòornya tidak tèrmasuk ya terñyata
elbow for outdoor is not included, it turns out
cepat rusak
break down quickly
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:bagus Bagussss
best features:good worth the price:good good
Sepadan dengan Harga:standar Minta yg biru dikirim yg merah, admin ga fast respon. Tingkatin lagi pelayanan nya dan lebih di tanggepin kalo customer nanya ya min
worth the price: standard ask for the blue one to be sent the red one, the admin doesn't respond fast. improve the service again and be more responsive when the customer asks, ok?
Udah nyampeeee
Maaf baru bisa review skr, baru dicoba skr....barang sesuai gbr & deskripsi...spek. sesuai....brg.nya dtg masih tersegel....pokoknya mantaps....
sorry i can only review it now, just tried it now. the item matches the picture & description. specs. according to the brg, it's still sealed, just fine.
Pengiriman cepat,packing rapi, aq sukaa,terima kasih
fast delivery, well packed, i like it, thank you
Chat pelanggan tidak pernah di response Di chat berulang kali menanyakan status pengiriman sama sekali tidak di jawab
chat customers never respond. in chat, repeatedly asking for delivery status, no answer at all
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Bahannya kokoh. Desain elegan. Garansi terjamin. Gampang rakitnya.
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. the material is sturdy. elegant design. guaranteed warranty. easy to assemble.
Bagus barang nya kaga ada yg rusak, Poko nya mantap dah 👍
it's good that the item isn't broken, the poko is solid
Warna nya cantik sekali. Cuma mmg agak lama booting nya. Mungkin krn Baru.
the color is so pretty. it just takes a while to boot. maybe because it's new.
Fitur Terbaik:suara cedak ceduk Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Pengiriman cepat,,ternyata dari dekat sini makasih ya
best features: the sound of cedak ceduk worth the price: yes fast delivery, apparently from near here, thanks
Produk diterima dengan baik. Tidak dapat kabel HDMI hanya kabel AV. Harus ada tambahan antena lagi tanpa antena tidak akan dapat siaran. pertama scanning cuma dapat 4 channel, setelah update firmware dan ubah arah antena dapat 37 channel. Antena saya pasang diluar rumah setinggi atap. Penagalaman pakai sementara masih suka lag siarannya entah masalah dimana
product well received. can't get hdmi cable only av cable. there must be an additional antenna, without an antenna you will not be able to broadcast. the first scan only got channels, after updating the firmware and changing the direction of the antenna it got channels. i put the antenna outside the house as high as the roof. the experience of using it while still liking the broadcast lag, i don't know where the problem is
Pengirimannya lama bener bener seminggu baru nyampe, Pintu bagian freezer longgar payah dah pokoknya hmm
the delivery really took a week, it just arrived, the door in the freezer section is loose, it sucks anyway, hmm
the packaging is very bad, the seal is open, there is no outer packing anymore it's only factory packaging, even if it's electronic items should be properly packaged, om/auntie,mba/mas, we buy it, not ask please attention, don't just rare through this is an official store store
Bagus dan tidak mengecewakan mantap abis
it's good and doesn't disappoint
Barangnya original 👍 Ada garansi resmi nunggu hanya 5 hari saja dan barang bagus terimakasih
the goods are original. there is an official warranty. waiting for only a few days and good stuff, thank you
Barang sdh diterima dan sesuai dengan deskripsi pesanan. Pengiriman cepat dan free ongkir pula meskipun barang besar. Barang original, Mudah-mudahan awet. Aamiin. 🤲🙏
goods received and according to the description of the order. fast delivery and free shipping too even though the items are large. original product, hope it lasts. amen.
fast respon
fast response
Produk original.. Dan kwalitas dari polytron tak usah diragukan lagi.. Hanya saja saya sangat kecewa di bagian pengiriman yang sangat amat lambaaaaaat.. Chat pelapak pun tak ada respon. Hanya balasan otomatis saja.
original product. and there's no doubt about the quality of polytron. it's just that i was very disappointed in the shipping department which was very, very slow. there was no response to the chat pelapak. only auto replies.
sesuai deskripsi hanya saja admin sangat lambat respon
according to the description it's just that the admin is very slow to respond
Berfungsi dgn baik, produk resmi. Bisa janjian pengiriman.
works fine, official product. can arrange delivery.
Fitur Terbaik:sesuai pesanan Sepadan dengan Harga:bagus Walaupun pengiriman lama tapi barang sesuai Berfungsi dengan baik Suara bagus Bikin susah resi ga bisa dilacak jadi nungguin ja Selain itu amanah Mksih
best features: according to the order worth the price: good even though the delivery took a long time but the goods work well good sound makes it difficult for the receipt to be unable to be traced so i'm waiting for it apart from that, trust me thank you
Masker yang nyaman dan aman untuk digunakan Repeat order terus niih Kereeen
a comfortable and safe mask to use. keep repeating the order. cool
Brg diterima utuh dan lengkap, produk berkualitas sesuai deskripsi, packaging aman ... delivery delay, overall oke, sdh dicoba berfungsi baik, recommended, Tq
brg received intact and complete, quality product according to description, safe packaging. delivery delay, overall okay, tried to function properly, recommended, tq
Fitur Terbaik:pengiriman cepat
best features: fast delivery
Barang crpat sampai harga promo kemerdekaan murah sekali soundbarnya juga oke.. Thx polytron
the goods arrived quickly, the price for the independence promo was very cheap, the soundbar was okay too. thx polytron
Barang sudah terima dan sampai
the goods have been received and arrived
Sesuai Deskripsi dan ulasan yang lain ,, hanya pengiriman nya saja yg lama sekali.
according to the description and other reviews, only the delivery took a very long time.
penyok 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 packing diperbaiki
packing dent repaired
Pengiriman standar, packing standar kardusnya, overall bagus pengiriman.
standard shipping, standard cardboard packaging, overall good delivery.
cepat dan kualitas ok
fast and good quality
siiip.... mantabs... langsung dicoba, dapat 34 chanel, thanks
ok. mantabs. try it right away, get chanel, thanks
Barang Original, Berfungsi dengan sangat baik, Kualitas gambar sangat jernih, tapi sangat disayangkan kualitas pengiriman sangat lambat
original item, works very well, the picture quality is very clear, but it's a pity the quality of the delivery is very slow