Akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu dateng juga, pengiriman aman dan oke banget, suara dan bassnya mantul semuanya
finally, the one you have been waiting for has arrived, the delivery is safe and very good, the sound and bass are all bouncing
tidak dapat sinyal
can't signal
Terima kasih!
thank you!
Penjual kurang merespon
the seller is not responding
Telah dicoba dan berfungsi..moga saat dipasang dimobil berfungsi normal
tried and working.hopefully when it's installed in the car it works normally
jossss. pengiriman ke jawa 4 hari sampe, saran cs respon kurang. tapi produk joss
jos. delivery to java arrived on the day, cs suggestions lack of response. but joss product
nice, original
Pengiriman lumayan lama, tapi kualitas oke
shipping took quite a while, but quality is ok
ok barang ny...ori...trimakasih polytron...tapi mohon maaf chatseller nya kurang aktif,U/pngirimannya,...kueang jelas,mohon ditingkatkan.
ok, the item, mrs. ori. thank you polytron. but i'm sorry the chatseller isn't very active, u/shipping, i'm clear, please improve.
Pengiriman cepat keluar kota juga barang original dan bagusss
fast delivery out of town also original and good stuff
pengiriman cepat. sayangnya mesin cuci nya kotor item gatau bekas apaan. untungnya masih bisa dielap. gatau dah nih mesin nya gimana blm dicoba. semoga bagus dan awet. amin
fast delivery. unfortunately the washing machine is dirty or used items or what. fortunately it can still be wiped. i don't know how the machine hasn't been tried yet. hopefully good and durable. amen
memuaskan tvnya bagus ..sdh 3x order suka SM Polytron ..suka rada kecewa kukira gratis nonton mola Tampa kena kuota ternyata kena jg kurang memahami.maksudnya kalo ga langganan WiFi sih mending ga usah x ya .pengiriman baik 7hr kerja ...
satisfying the tv is good..haven't ordered it like sm polytron..was a bit disappointed i thought it was free to watch mola tampa got a it turns out i also don't understand. i mean if you don't have a wifi subscription, it's better you don't have to. delivery is good on working days.
pengiriman nya lma banget tpi puas dgn barangnya mntap original dan standar kualitas bagus mkasiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
the delivery took a very long time but i am satisfied with the item, it is solid, original and of good quality standards, thank you
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top. Penjualnya ramah banget.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. elegant design. fast order process. neat packaging. top seller response. the seller is very friendly.
lom d coba moga awet
lom d try hopefully durable
Mou todokimashita ^^ Doumoarigatougozaimasu.
mou todokimashita ^^ doumoarigatougozaimasu.
Entah barang gk ready atau memang manajemen waktu untuk pengirimannya jelek, barang si Oke nyala, pengirimannya dan admin nya cuma bisa bilang sedang di kirim tp gk sampe2. Gk Oke untuk pengiriman dan admin tolong di perbaiki!!!!!
i don't know if the item isn't ready or the time management for delivery is bad, the item is ok, the delivery and the admin can only say it's being sent but it hasn't arrived. it's okay for delivery and admin please fix it!
ya sesuai komenan yg lain pengiriman lama, kurir yg ngirim nyolot dan cerewet, tapi barang dateng dengan selamat dan udah dicoba semalam gda kendala semua berfungsi dengan semestinya
yes, according to other comments, the delivery took a long time, the courier who sent was slow and fussy, but the goods arrived safely and i tried them last night without any problems, everything works as it should
barangnya mantaaaaappp...suara juga ok..cuma kendala pengirimannya lamaaaaaaaaa...😭😭😭
the goods are great.the sound is also ok..just the problem is the long delivery.
polytron jgn makin mahal dnk hargany...
polytron don't get more expensive and the price.
Respon penjual lama, pengiriman juga lama dan susah dilacak, tutorial pemasangan alat minim informasi, untung alat nya bisa dipasang dan berguna itupun harus cari informasi di internet
the seller's response took a long time, the delivery also took a long time and was difficult to track, the tutorial for installing the tool had minimal information, fortunately the tool can be installed and is useful and even then you have to look for information on the internet
bagus.murah...pengiriman gratis tp sandar
good. cheap. free shipping but lean
Sudah sampai aman 🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰
it's safe
pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai
fast delivery, right item
Fitur Terbaik:Bagus. Suara jernih Sepadan dengan Harga:Sepadan
best features:nice. clear sound worth the price: worth the money
Alhamdulillah barang udh smpai, Pengirimannya sangat lama, di chat ngak ada balasan....
thank god the goods have arrived, the delivery is very long, there is no reply on chat.
pengiriman lama ...pesan dari tgl 10 pesanan diterima tgl 16..respon seller juga lambat... tidak recomended... 👎👎👎👎 mengecewakan!!!!
long delivery .order from the date the order was received the date ..the seller's response is also slow. not recommended. disappointing!
Tidak rekomendasi, kulkas nya bermasalah dipake kurang lebih sebulan, udah seminggu dipake kulkasnya bunyi cetak cetok, pas bunyi pertama kompresor nya ga getar cuman anget doang (kulkasnya ga dingin) terus pas bunyi lagi baru kompresor nya geter lagi (kulkasnya dingin) kemungkinan yg bermasalahnya di kondesor nya ga ngalirin panas
not a recommendation, the refrigerator has had problems using it for about a month, i've been using it for a week, the fridge makes a ticking sound, when the first sound the compressor doesn't vibrate, it's just warm (the fridge isn't cold) then when it sounds again the compressor vibrates again (the fridge is cold) maybe the problem is the condenser does not conduct heat
Pengiriman lebih dari estimasi yg di infokan
delivery is more than the estimate given
pelayanan chat sangat buruk, tingkatkan lagi
chat service is very bad, please improve it
SNI Lebih baik , tapi pengiriman Lama
sni is better, but old delivery
bagus, tinggal update tv nya nanti hahaa
great, just update the tv later hahaa
Barang nya ok suaranya juga bagus cuma blutut nya gak konek konek gimna ini kak
the item is ok, the sound is also good, it's just that the blue knee doesn't connect to the game, sis
Kurir yg nganternya agak kurang ramah hehe
the courier who delivered was a bit unfriendly hehe
Bagus juga gan mudah mudahan awet. Saran dikit ya gan casing belakang agak tipis nie ada saran ga ya gan biar ga gampang pecah. Klo ada accssoris bahan karet boleh di share gan.?
that's good, i hope it lasts. a little advice, bro, the back casing is rather thin, do you have any suggestions, bro, so it doesn't break easily? can you share rubber accessories, bro?
Barangnya original 👍. Gampang dipakai. Ada garansi resmi. Hemat listrik ⚡.
the goods are original. easy to use. there is an official guarantee. saving electricity .
Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ringan tapi kokoh. Packaging rapi.
elegant design. the sound quality is good. light but sturdy. neat packaging.
Fitur Terbaik:suaranya mantaf Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Maaf foto ga sesuai tv ditrima dg packing yg aman dan pengiriman cpt,mksh seller mksh kurir
best feature: the sound is great worth the price: yes sorry the photo doesn't match the tv received with safe packing and fast delivery, thanks seller thanks courier
barang bagus original karna dijamin klo beli nya di official store, mesin cuci nya juga berfungsi dengan baik, tapi admin nya klo di chat tidak merepotkan, tolong perbaiki admin chatnya, pengiriman lumayan lahh, kurir tokonya juga ramah, beli jum'at dateng kamis, klo dihitung hri kerja 5hr .. semoga awett .. terimakasih 😊
original good stuff because it's guaranteed if you buy it at the official store, the washing machine also works fine, but the admin if chat isn't a hassle, please fix the admin chat, the delivery is pretty good, the shop courier is also friendly, buy friday come thursday , if you count the working days hr .. hopefully durable .. thank you
raport merah terhadap seller (kurang responsif), mutu barang (dominan siaran hanya menangkap siaran mnc group dan siaran byk yg double), pengiriman tdk safety (pakai custome kurir KGP dgn lead team 1 minggu dari tangerang ke jakarta), sy pikir sekelas brand elektronik polytron pelayanannya baik, ternyata itu hanya mimpi saja dgn pengalaman buruk ini...kapookk
red report card to seller (unresponsive), quality of goods (dominantly broadcast only caught mnc group broadcasts and many double broadcasts), unsafe delivery (using kgp courier custome with sunday lead team from tangerang to jakarta), i think it's the same class as the electronic brand polytron the service is good, it turns out it was just a dream with this bad experience
Pengirimannnya lama, tidak bisa dilacak
long delivery, can't be tracked
barang original tapi pengirimannya lamaaaa sekaliiii
original product but the delivery took too long
proses dan pengiriman cepat , barang datang dengan selamat
fast processing and delivery, item arrived safely
Fitur Terbaik:OK Sepadan dengan Harga:OK Bagus,selalu repeat order sih disini sukses terus dan kualitasnya tetep di pertahankan
best feature:ok worth the price:ok good, always repeat orders here, it's always successful and the quality is maintained
POLYTRON LED TV DIGITAL 43" PLD 43V7153 telah diterima dan dipakai, respon penjual baik dan kurir/pengiriman cepat, packing juga oke. Terimakasih.
polytron led digital tv &#; pld v has been received and used, the seller's response is good and the courier / fast delivery, packing is also okay. thank you.
Kulkas ny Bagus mantap, Cuman pengiriman ny doaang sampe 12 hari, tapi gpp melatih kesabaran terimakasih polytron.
the fridge is great, it's just that the delivery is only a few days, but it's okay to practice patience, thank you polytron.
kirimnya lamaaaa
old send
seller tidak membalas chat sama sekali, jadi pembeli merasa tidak di anggap. barang bagus, pengiriman juga bagus.
the seller doesn't reply to the chat at all, so the buyer doesn't feel considered. good item, good delivery too.
Fitur Terbaik:pengering tidak terlalu kering Ketika spin berputar lambat
best features: the dryer doesn't dry too much when the spin spins slow
pengiriman cepat, kualitas suaranya cetar menggelegar 🤣🤣
fast shipping, great sound quality
Bagusss ah😭😍😍😍🤍, pengiriman cepat lebih cepat dari prediksi yg ditentukan.dikirim langsung dari toko.thanks pa kurir baik pisan 🥺thanks juga Polytron
good ah, fast delivery faster than the specified prediction. sent directly from the shop. thank you, the courier is very good, thanks also polytron
nanya bwat kepastian barang aja kaga dibales bales, ampun dah
asked to make sure the item wasn't answered, i'm sorry
Mesinnya baru dipake, alhamdulillah bagus
the machine has just been used, thank god it's good
Makasih sampai tujuan dengan selamat semoga awet nanti pasti next order lagi pokonya the bets
thank you for arriving at your destination safely, hopefully it will last for sure, the next order will definitely be the batch again
barang bagus sesuai pesanan . bass oke. semua berfungsi dengan baik cuma treble agak kurang ya. kaya yg mendem. udah diatur eqluzer diundok rubahnya dikit cara ngaturnya gimana lagi ya. bagian atas speaker agak panas ya padahal baru 1 jam nyala.
great item to order. bass okay. everything works fine, it's just that the treble is a bit lacking. like a fever. the eqluzer has been set, it has been downloaded a little, how do you set it up again? the top of the speaker is a bit hot, even though the clock is just on.
ok bangett
ok really
Barang lama sampainya , ditungguin 1 minggu , kurir yang di jadikan kambing hitam
the goods took a long time to arrive, waited for weeks, the courier was made the scapegoat
Admin penjual tidak pernah membalas chat sama sekali walaupun sudah chat di jam kerja
the seller admin never replied to the chat at all even though i chatted during working hours
emang agak lama pengirimannya tapi barangnya bagus buat gue yg gasuka ribet nyuci ✨ semoga awett
it took a while for the delivery but the item is good for me, who hates the hassle of washing, hopefully it lasts
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus.  cuma cs nya aja slow response
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. it's just that the cs is just a slow response
Mantab jaya
great success
Produk sesuai deskripsi.. baguss..puas jugaa... semoga awet dipakainya....
product according to the description.. nice..satisfied too. hope it lasts long.
pesen sudah yg k 3x..yg pertama pengiriman lama banget..yg k 2 pengiriman lebih cepat dari yg pertama..yg ketiga balik lagi ke yg pertama..order tgl 3 diterima tgl 13.. padahal jika ada penambahan biaya asalkan pengiriman bisa lebih cepat..gpp juga spertiny 😁🙏
i ordered the k x. the first delivery took really long. the k delivery was faster than the first. the third returned to the first. the order was received on the date. even though if there is an additional fee as long as the delivery can be faster. .gpp also looks like it
ada lecet di bagian dlm kulkas. waktu bongkar dus bagian bawah dus ada baut yg lepas gatau baut bagian mana
there are scuffs on the inside of the refrigerator. when unloading at the bottom of the box there are loose screws or not where the bolts are
Paket sudah sampai dengan selamat pengirimannya lumayan cepat hanya 6hari tpi selamat tidak ada kerusakan
the package arrived safely, the delivery was quite fast, only one day, but there was no damage
Dispenser pd bagian bawah bocor/mengeluarkan air yg cukup banyak & merembes kelantai Link video : Chat saya tidak dibalas sm sekali. Dispenser dikirim balik kesaya lg dlm keadaan mkin rusak,bocor & suaranya sgt bising Tdk Bertanggung Jawab Makan Uang Haram
the dispenser at the bottom is leaking / releasing quite a lot of water & seeping to the floor video link: my chat didn't reply at all. the dispenser was sent back to me again in a state that was more damaged, leaked & the sound was very noisy irresponsible eating haram money
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Packaging aman 🙏.
the sound is steady. safe packaging.
Barang bagus pengiriman cepat...langsung pasang....
good item fast delivery. installed immediately.
Harga cukup murah untuk tv 43 inch.
the price is quite cheap for an inch tv.
Barang ok, pengiriman sangat lambat. Dari Tangerang ke Bandung butuh 7 hari.
item ok, very slow delivery. from tangerang to bandung it takes days.
barang oke, seller slow respond dan lama pengirimannya
item ok, seller slow respond and long delivery
pertama nya sih takut krena belum pernah blanja barang mahal di online apalagi semacam tv/elektronik. tpi alhamdulillah tv nya sampai dengan selamat. mantapp...
at first, i was scared because i had never shopped for expensive things online, let alone television/electronics. but thank god the tv arrived safely. greatp.
Meski harus nunggu agak lama, tp gpp yg penting barang nyampe dengan aman dan selamat
even though i have to wait a bit longer, it's okay, the important thing is that the goods arrive safely and safely
udh d buka , ak cb colok dan pencet power nyala. .tp blm ku cb buat cuci. .semoga aj smua normal. . seller fast respon. pengemasn ckup lama, pengirimn cpt tp syg kurir kurang profesional anter jam 03.00 pagi .jam org tdr .tp kurir sdh konfirm trlebih dahulu sih mau anter jam sgtu . thanks
already opened, i'm trying to plug in and push the power on. . but i haven't tried to wash it yet. i hope everything is normal. . seller fast response. the packaging took quite a long time, the delivery was fast, but unfortunately the courier was not professional between hours. morning. at the time of the person tdr. but the courier has confirmed beforehand that he wants to deliver at one hour. thanks
Ini ukuran 7kg Kalo buat nyuci bedcover aih kurang besar mungkin yang 9,5 Pengiriman cepat tp sayang chat admin nya lama di bls padahal ini toko Official
this is the size of kg if you wash the bedcover it's not big enough, maybe the delivery is fast but it's a shame the admin chat takes a long time even though this is an official shop
Overall oke Kotor dikit aja 👍
overall okay just a little dirty
Barang sesuai. Tapi terpaksa saya kasi bintang kecil karena ulah sicepat, kurir pengiriman yg lambat 1 minggu lebih.
appropriate goods. but i was forced to give a small star because it was fast, the shipping courier was a little over a week late.
Barang bagus. Cuma saran aja, harus tambahin expedisi pengiriman, seperti JNE, JNT, atau Si Cepat dan lain-lain. Karna menggunakan kurir pribadi sangat lama untuk barang sampai di lokasi si pembeli. But overall barang oke.
good stuff. just a suggestion, you have to add a shipping expedition, such as jne, jnt, or si fast and others. because using a private courier takes a very long time for the goods to arrive at the buyer's location. but overall the goods are okay.
Barang sudah diterima dengan baik dan baru selesai test setelah 1x24 jam setelah pengantaran. Setelah tadi dihidupkan dan test tanpa barang 2 jam hasil dingin lumayan. Showcase ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya elegan ✨. Hemat listrik ⚡. Pokoknya top. Makasi banyak :)
the item was well received and just finished testing after x hours after delivery. after it was turned on and tested without clock, the results were pretty cold. showcase has an official guarantee. the goods are original. the design is elegant. saving electricity . anyway tops. thanks a lot :)
Sungguh luar biasa dengan khas suara Polytron yg memang oke. Nyaman di pakai. Secara keseluruhan saya puas dengan produk ini. Terima kasih Polytron.
it's really extraordinary with the typical sound of polytron which is really okay. comfortable to wear. overall i am satisfied with this product. thank you polytron.
Barang mendarat dengan selamat Tidak ada kendalaaaaaaaaaa
item landed safely. no problems
barangnya sesuai, cuma pengirimannya lama
the product is good, only the delivery took a long time
barang ok.. cm pengiriman lama.. thx..
item ok.. cm long delivery.. thx..
kalian yg mau beli, saranku cari toko lain. walaupun ini official store tapi pelayananya super buruk. Admin akan menghilang ketika kalian sudah bayar, tidak akan di respons sama sekali. Pengiriman super lama padahal 1 kota, dan itu gak bisa ditracking. Sebelum terlambat, cari toko lain!!
those of you who want to buy, i suggest looking for another shop. even though this is an official store but the service is super bad. admin will disappear when you have paid, there will be no response at all. delivery is super long even though it's the city, and it can't be tracked. before it's too late, find another shop!!
Fitur Terbaik:sesuai pesanan kak
best features: according to order sis
no coment
no comment
pesan senin datang hari jumat sore paking tanpa bungkus plastik sehingga basah kena hujan untung dalem nya g apa2...mngkin karena saat ini lg musim hujan paking harus dilapisi plastik untuk pengaman dipengiriman agar tidak kehujanan nex pengiriman mngkin bisa dipercepat lagi..trimakasih..
ordered monday arrived friday afternoon packing without plastic wrap so it got wet in the rain fortunately inside it's okay maybe because at this time it's the rainy season the packing has to be covered in plastic for safety when it's shipped so it doesn't get caught in the rain nex delivery maybe it can be accelerated again..thank you..
harga bagus dan pengiriman lumayan cepat. recomended
good price and pretty fast delivery. recommended
Barang cepat tiba... 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
items arrived quickly.
Barang bagus gada yang lecet sma skli tp pengirimannya lama bgt bgt responnya juga kurang saya order sampe 9 hari baru sampe
the goods are good, nothing is scratched at all, but the delivery is very long, the response is also lacking, i ordered it until the new day arrived
Baru beberapa hari udah ga dingin.... Gimana nih?? Cara klaim garansinya gimana kalo kaya gini? Padahal pakai barangnya udah sesuai prosedur yang ada di buku panduan/petunjuk
it's only been cold for a few days. how are you?? how do you claim the warranty if it's like this? even though using the item is in accordance with the procedures in the guidebook/instructions
alhamdulillah barang sudah datang semoga bermanfaat terimakasih
alhamdulillah the goods have arrived hopefully useful thank you
awalnya ga bisa nampung air. lapor CS resmi polytron, lalu dateng teknisi ke rumah (teknisi dari store pondok kopi/pondok kelapa, lupa). menurut dia modul error, bikin klep nya ga bisa nutup makanya air keluar terus. lalu dia bantu koordinasi penukaran barang. baru deh dapet yg normal. semua proses itu makan waktu dua minggu.
at first it couldn't hold water. polytron's official cs report, then the technician comes to the house (the technician from the pondok kopi / pondok kelapa store, forgot). according to him, the error module makes the valve unable to close, so the water keeps coming out. then he helped coordinate the exchange of goods. just got the normal one. the whole process took two weeks.
Barangnya oke banget..Tp sayang pengirimannya lambat butuh 6 hari baru sampai padahal cuma tangerang dan tangsel. Dan jg pengirimannya gak bisa ditracking..
the goods are really good. but it's a shame the delivery is slow, it takes a new day to arrive even though it's only tangerang and tangsel. and also the delivery can't be tracked..
Alhamdulillah sudah sampai, pengiriman cepat barang sesuai mulus, terimakasih
alhamdulillah arrived, fast delivery of goods according to smoothness, thank you
Produk baik, nyaman digunakan. Pengiriman cepat, packing rapi. Order 4box dipack dengan kardus. (*pernah order 1box, hanya dibungkus plastik. )
good product, comfortable to use. fast delivery, neat packing. order box packed with cardboard. (* never ordered a box, only wrapped in plastic. )
cuman lama ngirime
just took long to send
Kualitas bagus. Posisi di Jakbar lgsg dapat 36channel tv digital dg gambar jernih. Hanya ada masalah lama di pengiriman. tq
good quality. the position in west jakarta immediately gets digital tv channels with clear pictures. just had a long problem on delivery. thank you
Barangnya original 👍. Tapi harus sabar sama pengirimannya. Lima or enam hari baru sampe barangnya
the goods are original. but have to be patient with the delivery. five or six days to get the item