diantar langsung sama marcell siahaan, sempat kami sholat zuhur bareng setelah dia nganter
delivered directly by marcell siahaan, we had a chance to pray noon together after he drove up
Alhamdulillah barang sampe dengan selamat, maaf baru bisa kasi penilaian soalnya nunggu di coba dulu berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak tpi overal aku suka😊
thank god the item arrived safely, sorry i can only give an assessment because i'm waiting to try it first it works well or not but overall i like it
Berfungsi dengan baik. Walaupun packingannya edisi flash sale, ga dibungkus apapun lagi, langsung boxnya ditempel invoice saja. Ga mikirin kalau sekarang musim hujan, rawan basah. Segel udah dibuka, ga tau udah dibuka dari tokonya atau dibuka sama ekspedisinya. Untung isinya lengkap. Apa yang mau di unboxing dong kalau packingnya begitu ? Kirain anggota dewan doang yang suka melucu. Ternyata "official store" juga ikut ngelucu. Semoga kualitasnya ga edisi flash sale juga. Terima kasih.
works fine. even though the packaging is a flash sale edition, it's not wrapped in anything anymore, just the invoice is attached to the box. don't think that now is the rainy season, prone to getting wet. the seal has been opened, i don't know if it's been opened from the shop or opened by the expedition. luckily it's complete. what do you want to unbox if the packaging is like that? think council members are the ones who like to joke. apparently the &#;official store&#; also funny. hopefully the quality isn't the flash sale edition either. thank you.
original. good. sesuai. tq blibli smoga sukses jaya terus
original. good. in accordance. tq blibli wish you continued success
Respon CSnya bagus dan solutif..barang sesuai permintaan..rekomen bgt nih..thanks..
the cs response was good and solutive. the items were as requested. this is a great recommendation. thanks.
Bebas bahan kimia Hemat listrik ⚡ Bisa muat banyak Proses cepat Gampang dipakai
free of chemicals save electricity can fit a lot fast processing easy to use
maksih tvnya sdh dtg sesuai pesanan
thank you, the tv has arrived as ordered
lumayan agak dek dek an butuh kesadaran
quite a bit deck an need awareness
Langganan di sini, pengiriman 2hr ke jateng, Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping.
subscribe here, hr delivery to central java, sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. elegant design. sleek design.
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Desain elegan 😍. Packaging aman 🙏. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain ramping. Penjualnya ramah banget. , pengiriman nya aja lumayan menunggu waktu wkwk
sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. elegant design. safe packaging. the sound quality is good. sleek design. the seller is very friendly. , the delivery is just a bit of a wait time wkwk
pengirimannya astagfirullah
astaghfirullah delivery
Alhamdulillah sampai...mudah2an awet dan tahan lama
thank god it arrived. hopefully durable and long lasting
barang sesuai dengan pesanan berfungsi dengan baik mudah di gunakan packing mengecewakan penjual tidak ada respon apapun
the items according to the order function properly easy to use packaging disappoints the seller there is no response whatsoever
Mantap...luar biasa soundnya Tengkyu y
great. tengkyu's voice is extraordinary
Pengiriman sangat lama, barang tidak segera di proses untuk segera dikirim
delivery is very long, the goods are not immediately processed to be sent immediately
barangnya sdh diterima dg baik
the item has been well received
Alhamdulillah sejauh ini masih bagus di pake . Smoga awet gak cepet rusak yaaa .. aamiin
alhamdulillah so far it's still good to use. i hope it won't break quickly. amen
jos gandos puas
jos gandos satisfied
Alhamdulillah bisa dipake normal. gak ada kendala. siaran dapet 50 channel. padahal cuma pake antenna indoor biasa. mantabb..
thank god it can be used normally. no problems. broadcast get channel. even though i only use an ordinary indoor antenna. awesome..
Fitur Terbaik:100% istimewa Pengirimannya super cepat
best features: special % delivery is super fast
Pengiriman sangat cepat.. Mantapppp..
very fast delivery.. great..
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:harga murah Walaupun pengiriman lama tpi oke lah ya☺️☺️
best features: good worth the price: low price even though the delivery took a long time but that's okay
walau nunggu lama tapi tdk apa2 krn brang mulus ,tdk ada cacat ,,dan suka dgn pelayanan ny respon .sempet ada kendala ,sampe akhirnya di hub tim servisny ..pokoknya suka dgn polytron ..😍
even though it's a long wait but it's okay because the goods are smooth, there are no defects, and i like the service.. fast response. i had problems, until finally the service team contacted me..just like polytron..
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Bagus buat anak kost
best features: good worth the price: worth it good for boarding children
Fitur Terbaik:baikk Sepadan dengan Harga:ya sesuai Blm dibuka krn bukan punya saya tapi pesanan ART saya
best features: good worth the price: the right one haven't opened it because it's not mine but my art order
murah free ongkir . barang bagus
cheap free shipping . good stuff
packing aman pakai hardbox, produk original dan bersegel.. thankyou seller 🙏🙏
safe packing using hardbox, original and sealed product.. thank you seller
Kualitas oke. Proses pengiriman sangat lama. Hampir seminggu. Statusnya sudah dikirim tp gak nyampe" sampai seminggu :(
ok quality. the shipping process is very long. almost a week. the status has been sent but it didn't arrive until a week :(
seller super slowresp. PR di pengiriman ga ada notif pengiriman lama. soundbar sebelah speaker mati.
super slow seller. pr on the delivery there is no old delivery notification. the soundbar next to the speaker is dead.
Makasih yaa . Bagus.. terus cepet banget sampeknya
thank you . good .. continue to arrive very quickly
mantap barang sesuai pesanan
great item as ordered
Kemasan baik dengan bubble wrap. Isi sesuai deskripsi. Original. Official store tidak diragukan. Cm ini official store terlelet. Chat slow respon. Beli tgl 6 sore. Dikirim tgl 9. Baru sampai tgl 26. Kalau tdk di chat tgl 24 br diketahui barang terselip di gudang. Beda bgt kualitas sm official store lain. Semoga bs diperbaiki kualitas nya
good packaging with bubble wrap. fill in the description. original. official store no doubt. cm is the latest official store. chat slow response. buy in the afternoon. sent on . just arrived date. if you don't chat on the date you find out that the item was tucked away in the warehouse. the quality is really different from other official stores. hopefully the quality can be improved
Fitur Terbaik:tool digital Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Terima kasih Barang saya terima dalam kondisi baik Pengemasan rapi & safety Pengiriman super cepat
best features: digital tools worth the price: worth it thank you my item received in good condition neat & safety packaging super fast delivery
barangnya sesui pesanan
the goods according to the order
mantab dah
great already
Blm unboxing sih, tapi Cepet sampainya. Terimakasih ya 👍
haven't unboxed yet, but arrived quickly. thank you
barangnya mantep, ada kualitas!
the goods are great, there is quality!
untuk waktu pengiriman tolong diperbaiki lagi.
for delivery time please improve again.
Kurang bagus dipakai di Cirebon
not good for use in cirebon
ok goods. just the shipping process from the old polytron. and can't track. because it was not update by the old shipping system at polytron ny. chat never replied.
Fitur Terbaik:jernih gambarnya akhirnya sampe juga tv seminggu lebih tunggu tunggu takut banget baru kali ini beli online
best feature: the picture is clear, the tv finally arrived, the tv has been waiting for more than a week, i'm really scared this time i bought it online
Entah kebetulan atau krn dikomplain, pengiriman k bdg order dr tgl 6 br sampai tgl 15 (pas tgl 14 komplainnya). Emg sih ada chat by sistem est. pengirimannya 2-10 hr, tp krn ga bs ketrack & ada penggantian resi jg jgn2 pengirimannya bs makin lama, jd aja komplain, apalagi toko ga ada respon apapun kalau dichat. Packing walau minim tapi aman. Barangnya sih oke, pencariannya ga sampai 5 mnt udah dpt 28 channel, lalu bbrp jam kemudian coba pencarian lg dpt 37 channel.
whether it's a coincidence or because of a complaint, the delivery of the order is from the br date to the date (on the date of the complaint). there really is a chat by the est system. delivery - days, but because it can't be tracked & there's a replacement receipt so it doesn't take longer to send, so just complain, moreover the shop doesn't have any response when chatted. packing is minimal but safe. the item is okay, the search doesn't take until i get the channel, then a few hours later i try to search again and i get the channel.
suara oke..
sound ok..
cepat dan rapihh
fast and neat
Alhamdulillah PMA unit sdh sampe dirumah saya dalam kondisi Baik dan Sempurna. Thx U Polytron. 🙏🙏
thank god the pma unit has arrived at my house in good and perfect condition. thx u polytron.
Sudah sampai .. lama di JNEnyaa .. belum dicoba .. semoga berfungsi baik dan aweet . Terima kasih shopee
it's arrived. where on jne. haven't tried it yet. hope it works well and lasts. thank you
barang bagus sesuai deskripsi, pengiriman lama..sama wilayah Tangerang 4 hari...
good item according to the description, long delivery..same day tangerang area.
pesen tanggal 30 September 2022 sampe barang tanggal 10 Oktober dong. dari toko baru di proses tanggal 5 Oktober. Bener bener deh nih toko padahal pengiriman ke Jakarta. engga ada juga penjelasan kapan barang sampe tujuan, emg kerjaan kita cuma tunggu barang yang engga tau Dateng kapan
ordered september and arrived in october. from the new store in process on october. really, this shop is shipping to jakarta. there is also no explanation of when the goods will arrive at their destination, we just have to wait for the goods that we don't know when they will arrive
Kulkasnya bagus . Kurir nya juga baik di antar sampai rumah meskipun gang kecil
the refrigerator is good . the courier is also good at delivering to the house even though the alley is small
Alhmdulilahhh paketnya udah sampai dengan selamat.. meskipun adminya GK pernah bales chat tapi barang aman.. semoga amet yaa..
thank god the package has arrived safely. even though the admin has never replied to the chat but the goods are safe. i hope it's safe.
tingkat kan pelayanan, pengiriman lambat, namun barang ok
the level of service, slow delivery, but the goods are ok
Fitur Terbaik:tampilan bagus maaf baru sempat kasih penilaian.kulkas nya bagus...pengiriman cepat..tidak ada kendala .berfungsi dengan baik.Alhamdulillah..mudah2 an awet..terima ongkir.
best features: good appearance sorry just had time to give a rating. the fridge is good. fast delivery.. no problems. works well. thank god.. easy and durable.. thanks. free shipping.
Bagusssss pengemasannya juga okeee...kayaknya besar tapi ternyata kecil
good packaging is also okay. it seems big but it turns out to be small
Pengiriman cepat...4 hari nyampe,mendarat dengan selamat semoga awet,terimaksih seller...terimakasih shopee...
fast delivery. the day arrived, landed safely hopefully durable, thank you seller. thank you shopee.
Barang bagus hanya saja respon admin agak lama. Barang dibawa dlm keadaan miring, blm dicoba semoga freon nya aman
good stuff, it's just that the admin response is a bit long. the item was brought in a slanted state, haven't tried it yet hopefully the freon is safe
Pokoknya produk mantap tidak mengecewakan good job Polytron. Pasti nanti beli lagi produk polytron Terimakasih untuk kurirnya Kgxpress memang logistik expedisi yang paling mantap karyawannya ramah ramah jangan lupa yang mau kirim paket pakai Kgxpress ya! Kgxpress yang punya Kompas Gramedia
the main thing is the solid product doesn't disappoint the good job of polytron. will definitely buy more polytron products. thank you for the courier. kgxpress is indeed the best logistics expedition, the employees are friendly. don't forget those who want to send packages using kgxpress! kgxpress which has kompas gramedia
Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:murah Barang datang kondisi tersegel tapi belom di coba makasih semoga bisa di nyalakan
best features: okay worth the price: cheap the item came in sealed condition but haven't tried it yet thanks i hope it can be turned on
packing nya bikin kurang puas.. masa hanya kardus STB nya aja ditempel kertas alamat dan nama tanpa dilapisi apapun lg misal bubble wrap atau plastik yg cukup tebal, alhamdulillah nya smpe dng slmat ga ada yg pecah atau rusak.. packing nya kurang aman
the packaging makes me dissatisfied. when only the stb cardboard is pasted with address and name paper without being coated with anything else, for example bubble wrap or plastic that is quite thick, thank god it arrived safely nothing was broken or damaged. the packaging was not safe enough
Produk original dan sesuai dengan deskripsi. Sudah dicoba dan produk berfungsi dengan baik 👍🏿👍🏻
original product and according to the description. tried and the product works fine
Barangnya tdk perlu di ragukan, Adminnya gak responsif sama sekali. Gak greget sama customer.
the goods need not be doubted, the admin is not responsive at all. not great with customers.
Mantap... suara menggelegar.. asal kuat aja telinganya... nonton ikpan TV aja kayak nonton filem... sinyal bagus.. kuatbbuat nangkap TV digital HD. TV sudah Smart bisa Yutub dan internet juga.. asal kuat kuota aja ketagihan nonton filem dg suara ngajeleger.... meskipun ada drama salah kirim Subwoofernya jd ga nyala.. tapi sudah diselesaikan dg staffnya dg baik. Bravo suara Polytron
excellent. booming sound.. as long as the ears are strong. just watching tv is like watching a movie. good signal.. strong enough to catch hd digital tv. smart tv, youtube and internet too. as long as you have a strong quota, you're addicted to watching movies with loud sound. even though there was a drama that sent the wrong subwoofer so it didn't turn on. but it was resolved with the staff well. bravo polytron's voice
Aku salah beli .. Aturan yg smart tv 😫😫 Boleh tuker gak sih 😭😭😭
i bought the wrong one .. smart tv rules can i exchange it or not
berfungsi baik. cuma pengiriman lama sekali
working fine. only long delivery
Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Mutu terjamin SNI. Ada garansi resmi. Gampang dipakai. Desainnya elegan ✨. Sayangnya pengirimannya super lamaaaaaaa bgt sampe lebih dari 7 hari (termasuk sabtu minggu), pas tanya dichat juga dibales bot dan pake capslock semua 😅 pas pertama dinyalain (hampir 12 jam stlh kulkas datang) agak panas samping kulkasnya, tp lama2 udah ngga, oke kok cepet dinginnya.
can fit a lot. the goods are original. sni guaranteed quality. there is an official guarantee. easy to use. the design is elegant. unfortunately the delivery was super long, it took more than a day (including saturday and sunday), when i asked in chat, they also replied bot and used caps lock, everything was turned on for the first time (almost an hour after the fridge came) it was a bit hot next to the fridge, but it didn't take long, okay, how come it cooled down quickly.
produk bagus..respon pengiriman buruk
good product..poor delivery response
saya kasih bintang 4 soalnya gak pernah balas chat sama sekali.
i gave a star because i never replied to the chat at all.
pengiriman perlu diperbaiki
shipping needs to be fixed
Untuk kualitas produk baik, Kurir juga baik rela jalan kaki antar barang kerumah pas lagi puasa. Sangat di sayangkan respon dari penjual buruk padahal termasuk shopeemall dan penjual baru memberikan No Resi kurir setelah saya laporan menghubungi costumer service shopee dulu
for good product quality, couriers are also good, willing to walk to deliver goods to the house when they are fasting. it's a shame the response from the seller was bad even though it was included in shopeemall and the new seller gave a courier receipt number after i reported contacting the customer service shopee first
Pengiriman cepat, semoga bisa dipakai awet.
fast delivery, hope it lasts a long time.
Barang oke tp pengiriman lama
item ok but long delivery
mantap kualitas nya pemasangan mudah
great quality, easy installation
ikut bangga buatan dalam negeri....... tidak bangga dengan pengirimannya...... lama.......
take pride in being made domestically. not proud of the delivery. long.
Fitur Terbaik:cucooo Pengiriman standar 3hari dari pemesanan, kualitas produk oke no cacat no Pengok, Cuma minus admnya lelet bgt responnya😭😭
best features: cuco standard delivery day from ordering, product quality is okay no defects no pengok, only minus the admin is slow, the response is great
Pengiriman cepat, barang bagus
fast delivery, good stuff
Barangnya ok sesuai kualitas, hanya respon dan pengiriman sangat lama!
the goods are ok according to quality, only the response and delivery are very long!
Suka banget mewah bentukanya cuma lama banget pengirimannya
i really like how luxurious it looks, it's just that the delivery took a long time
Terimakasih, Seller, speaker sudah saya terima, belum di coba sih, Semoga barang nya awet & gak mudah rusak.... Terimakasih juga mba atau mas admin, good job's
thank you, seller, i have received the speaker, haven't tried it yet, i hope the item is durable & not easily damaged. thank you also miss or mas admin, good job's
Tebal maskernya
thick mask
Ok semua fitur berfungsi baik
ok all the features are working fine
bungkus ny cm pke box , ga ad pngaman tambahan. pengiriman di ulur2 baru d ksh ke expedisi di tgl 21 nov pdhl pesen d tgl 15 nov. klo udh d expedisi lbh cpt smpe. pnjual ga lngsg ngasih resi yg bs d tracking (krn ga d ksh tau pke expedisi apa dikirim nya). Dan yg paling parah adalah ga pernh jawab inbox.... ga 2x beli disini...kapok... saran aj buat yg msh nekat beli disini, klo pngiriman lama langsung ajukan komplain aj d tokped. Biar ga berlarut2. Klo yg butuh brg cepet mending jgn beli dsni. Toko official paling parah pèlayanan nya. Percuma harga murah dan kualitas bagus klo pelayanan nya nol....ya ttp nol bintang 2 dr saya.. krn ad 3 minus nya yaitu pelayanan penjual kurang, pengiriman lama dan kemasan tidak aman
pack it cm in a box, there's no additional security. delivery on new stretches d ksh to the expedition on november but ordered d on november. if it's already on expedition, it's faster to arrive. the seller didn't immediately give me a receipt that can be tracked (because i don't know what expedition it was sent to). and the worst thing is never answering the inbox. don't buy here. give up. just a suggestion for those who are still desperate to buy here, if the delivery takes a long time, immediately submit a complaint, just d tokped. let's not drag on. if you need something fast, don't buy it here. the official store has the worst service. it's useless for cheap prices and good quality if the service is zero, but zero stars from me. because there are minuses, namely the lack of seller service, long delivery and unsafe packaging
Mntap ni brang original pengirimn nya cepat
this item is original, the delivery is fast
Sangat Puass karena pengiriman cepat, aman, gratis, barang sesuai pesanan, kualitas barang juga bagus. Polytron emang ga di ragukan lagi, karena service center ada dimana2
very satisfied because the delivery is fast, safe, free, goods according to the order, the quality of the goods is also good. there's no doubt about polytron anymore, because where is the service center
Bagus! Bahannya lembut, dan yang lebih penting lagi, suara saya terdengar lebih merdu. Bass nya lebih nendang gitu deh..
good! the material is soft, and more importantly, my voice sounds better. the bass is so much better.
Fitur Terbaik:sangat baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sangat sepadan Desain Ukuran Warna Bentuk Sangat-sangat cantik elegan selain penampilan oke banget dia muat banyak barang dan suara mesinnya gak berisik, serta garansi sampai 5thn Markotop pokonya Terimakasih seller
best features: very good worth the price: very worth it design size color shape very, very beautiful, elegant, besides the appearance is really good, it fits a lot of things and the engine sound is not noisy, and the guarantee is up to years markotop anyway thank you seller
produk bagus, tapi ya sama dengan customer yg lain. Di sini pengiriman lama banget, dan admin tidak responsif dalam menjawab pertanyaan pembeli.
good product, but it's the same as other customers. here the delivery is really long, and the admin is not responsive in answering the buyer's questions.
super lama banget dah
it's been super long
gampang banget setup-nya; hasilnya jernih dan resolusinya juga tinggi
it's very easy to setup; the result is clear and the resolution is also high
barang bagus tapi sayang respon penjual kurang pengiriman lambat banget.di chat ga ada respon
good item but unfortunately the seller's response is not very slow delivery. on chat there is no response
pengiriman sangat lambat, penjual tidak ada merespon..
very slow delivery, seller no response..
produk ok sesuai harga... tp pengiriman lama sekitar 7-10hr.
ok product for the price. tp long delivery around -hr.
suara, Desain, kualitas, material. over all puas. terima kasih.....
sound, design, quality, material. over all satisfied. thank you.
barang diterima dengan selamat produk original
item received safely original product
kualitas barang ok, gak ada respon dari penjual ketika di tanya soal pengiriman. jadi bintang 4 aja
the quality of the goods is ok, there is no response from the seller when asked about shipping. just be a star
parahhhh...officiaL store banyakkkkkk kompLain tetep tdk berubah&beLajar dr pengalaman...paittttt
it's bad. the official store has lots of complaints but doesn't change & learn from experience. bankrupt
recommended seller👍keren
recommended seller cool
Fitur Terbaik:mantap suaranya Sipppp
best features: steady sip sound
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau
best features:good worth the price:affordable
produk bagus dan oke, ga ada minus. tapi bintang 1 karena pelayanan sangat² kurang untuk sekelas official store brand ternama. jika produk tidak ready atau harus menunggu smnggu seharusnya buat PO saja. shingga pembeli seperti sy yg ingin produk yg asli dan terbiasa belanja di official store 1-3hr produk sampai tidak kecewa. jg adminny krg inisiatif dlm menangani pembeli
good and okay product, no minuses. but a star because the service is very lacking for the class of a well-known official store brand. if the product is not ready or has to wait a week, you should just make a po. so that buyers like me who want genuine products and are used to shopping at official stores - hr products are not disappointed. also the admin because of the initiative in dealing with buyers
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain ramping. Ringan tapi kokoh.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. elegant design. there are many features. sleek design. light but sturdy.
Barang ok. Makasih
goods ok. thanks