chanelnya terbatas
limited channel
Memuaskan terimakasih
satisfying thank you
Material Produk Bagus. Kualitas Produk Bagus. Ukuran Produk Sesuai. Produk Berfungsi Dengan Baik.
good product materials. good product quality. product size appropriate. product works well.
Fitur Terbaik:tidak berfungsi Barang yang di kirim. Tidak berfungsi. Chat seller tapi tidak responsive. Yang mau beli disini MIKIR DUA KALI DHE! Buang2 duit saja. Tidak tanggung jawab sama sekali
best features: not working item sent. does not work. chat seller but not responsive. those who want to buy here think twice dhe! just waste money. no responsibility at all
Pengiriman lama! Tidak transparant!
long delivery! not transparent!
bagus..Reseller Ramah.thx
nice..friendly reseller.thx
Barang nya Orsinil,,, tp pengiriman nya lama banget. 21 hari / 3 minggu baru nyampe.
the product is original, but the delivery took too long. new day/week arrived.
Barang overall bagus, cuma penjual tidak responsip dan jasa kirim tidak amanah tidak di kirim sampai rumah.
the overall item is good, only the seller is not responsive and the delivery service is not trustworthy, it is not sent to the house.
begitu dibuka gede banget bodynya, mantaaap kualitasnya, tp sayang di bagian panel LED lecet2, harusnya baru masih mulus
once opened the body is really big, the quality is great, but it's a shame the led panel is scratched, it should be new and still smooth
nungguin chat dibales sampe alam kubur
waiting for the chat to be answered until the grave
Barangnya original 👍 tapi sayang dus / bix utama barang tidak terbungkus, minimal packing bubble wrap / plastik lah
the goods are original but unfortunately the main box / bix goods are not wrapped, at least packing bubble wrap / plastic
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Packaging aman 🙏.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. safe packaging.
di tinggal umroh pun paket belum tentu datang. pokomen pengiriman ntok seng suwi
left umroh and the package may not come. pokemon delivery for zinc suwi
TV jd bening bgt, channel di daerah depok dapat 40an channel. Tp untuk respon chat dan pengiriman perlu diperbaiki. 5 hari sampai untuk kelas official store seperti nya bisa ditingkatkan, dan tdk bisa dilacak.
the tv is very clear, the channels in the depok area can be an channel. but for chat response and delivery it needs to be fixed. the day it arrived for the official store class it looks like it can be upgraded, and can't be traced.
Barang sesuai pesanan, namun pengiriman cukup lama
goods according to the order, but the delivery is quite long
Fitur Terbaik:warnanya cantik, fiturnya bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Cuman tabung pengeringnya terlalu kecil
best features: beautiful color, great features worth the price: worth it only the drying tube is too small
untuk barangnya ok.. hanya saja pengirimannya super duper lambat.. order tgl 26 juli.. paket baru diterima tgl 16 agustus..
ok for the goods.. it's just that the delivery is super duper slow.. order on july.. new package received on august..
boxnya gede tyt, masih segel meskipun agak penyok, untuk di dalamnya ada bungkus plastiknya
the box is big tyt, it's still sealed even though it's a bit dented, there's a plastic wrap inside
dropship tidak aman. sangat mengecewakan. saat ada kendala, seller ini lgsg hubungi cust lwt kita sbg dropshipper.. tdk profesional... sangat2 mengecewakan... hati2lah para dropshiper...
dropshipping is not safe. very disappointing. when there are problems, this seller directly contact our customer..not through us as a dropshipper..unprofessional. very disappointing. be careful dropshipers.
Alhamdulillah nyampe dengan selamat.. terimakasih untuk kurirnya yang dah nganterin.. Mesin cucinya bagus tapi jujur saat beroprasi mesin bising juga goyang2 jadi agak khawatir.. Tapi trimakasih banyak seller juga shopee.. Makin puas belanja di shopee..
thank god it arrived safely. thanks to the courier who delivered it. the washing machine is good but to be honest when operating the machine is noisy it shakes so i'm a bit worried. but thanks a lot seller too shopee. more and more satisfied shopping at shopee.
Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Desainnya elegan ✨. Hemat listrik ⚡.
can fit a lot. the goods are original. there is an official guarantee. the design is elegant. saving electricity .
Pengiriman lama,tapi barang bagus cuma agak panas pas pertama kali di nyalain
long delivery, but the item is good, just a little hot when you first turn it on
barang ori, sudah ok.
original item, it's ok.
pengirimannya lama bgt, ga ada komunikasi juga dari seller nya, di tanya apaan aja ga ada jawaban, paraahhh
the delivery took so long, there was no communication from the seller either, when i asked what was there, there was no answer, it was bad
Dispenser nya gak bisa air dingin.. rusak
the dispenser can't get cold water. it's broken
Alhamdulillah selamatt sampe tujuannn
alhamdulillah safely arrived at the destination
barang oke , pengiriman lama sekali
item ok, delivery took too long
Greetong ongkirr mantaabb😍
gretong postage mantaabb
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin. Gampang rakitnya. Bahannya kokoh. Desain elegan.
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty. easy to assemble. the material is sturdy. elegant design.
Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya elegan ✨. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏.
the goods are original. the design is elegant. fast order process. safe packaging.
pengiriman terlalu lama.....
delivery too long.
Bagian bawah agak penyok 🥺
the bottom is a bit dented
barang super bagus,suara mantap,model baru,cuma kecewa respon penjual kurang sigap,juga pengiriman agak lelet,mohon di tingkatkan lg, terimakasih.
super good item, great sound, new model, just disappointed that the seller's response was not prompt enough, also the delivery was a bit slow, please improve it again, thank you.
mantap sekali Polytron
very good polytron
Barangnya original 👍. Mudah dipasang. Gambarnya Bagus.  pengiriman aja agak lama
the goods are original. easy to install. nice picture. delivery is a bit long
Barang sesuai pesanan. Pesan senin hari kamis sampe. Semoga tahan lama. Freezernya cepat dingin. Pintu bawah jga cepat dingin.
goods to order. order monday thursday arrived. hope it lasts long. the freezer cools quickly. the lower door also cools quickly.
Pengiriman nya lama sekali, alamat di tangsel base polytron di tangerang tapi pengiriman bisa 10 hari 😓 kacau
the delivery took a very long time, the address is tangsel, the polytron base is in tangerang, but delivery can be chaotic
d kirim nya lama bgt, tp Alhamdulillah Dateng dengan selamat, cuma kenapa yah ko ke beku lama bgt
it took so long to send it, but thank god it arrived safely, but why did it freeze so long?
Terima kasih paket mendarat dengan selamat
thank you package landed safely
Kualitas suaranya bagus. Tks
the sound quality is good. thanks
produk berfungsi dgn baik,dan cocok sama tvnya merk polytron juga,tapi sayang pengirimannya lama
the product works fine, and matches the tv with the polytron brand too, but it's a shame the delivery took a long time
Sesuai deskripsi.mudah operasionalnya.
according to the description, easy to operate.
Mantap Kenapa radio FM tidak ada
great why is there no fm radio
barangnya bagus berfungsi dengan baik, tapi pelayanan tokonya yang bikin geleng geleng pesan tgl 4 tgl 12 baru sampai dan yg bikin kesel resi ga bisa di lacak.
the goods are good and function well, but the shop service is what makes me shake my message on the date it just arrived and what annoys me the receipt can't be tracked.
Terima kasih. Semoga awet. Amin🤲
thank you. hope it lasts. amen
Barang sepertinya bagus tapi belum dicoba dipake, dan pengiriman terkendala di expressnya yang lumayan lama
the item looks good but haven't tried using it yet, and the delivery is constrained by the express which is quite long
cepet banget sampainya suka sukaaaaa . next order lagi di Polytron official store.
it's really fast, i like it. next order again at polytron official store.
barang sesuai gambar,bagus speakernya,fungsi semua tombol.. tp agak kecewa sm sellernya karena lama dipengiriman via kurir toko,pesen jumat sampai kamis karena kirimnya hanya dihari kerja..
the item matches the picture, the speakers are good, the functions of all the buttons . but i'm a bit disappointed with the seller because it took a long time to be sent via the shop courier, ordered friday to thursday because it was sent only on weekdays..
Belum aku teliti secara keseluruhan sih. Ketepatan waktu mantap. Untuk produknya istimewa dengan segala kelengkapannya yg lengkap. Saya merekomendasikan seller ini.
i haven't thoroughly examined it yet. steady punctuality. for special products with all complete fittings. i recommend this seller.
bahannya berbeda dengan awal2 masker direlease, bahan yg sekarang bikin nafas tersumbat.
the material is different from when the mask was released, the material now clogs your breath.
Barangnya 100% keren, suaranya mantab, harga murce.. Pelapak harap tingkatkan komunikasi dengan pembeli. Resi yang diberikan berbeda dengan pengiriman sebenarnya. Infonya menggunakan kurir sendiri ternyata JNE sehingga tidak bisa di tracking. Packing seadanya, tidak menggunakan tambahan bubble wrap. Harap tingkatkan lagi pelayanannya, karena sayang barangnya bagus namun pelapak kurang komunikatif. Terima kasih banyak.
the goods are % cool, the sound is great, the prices are cheap.. pelapak hope to improve communication with buyers. the receipt given is different from the actual delivery. the info was that using the courier itself turned out to be jne so it couldn't be tracked. packing is sober, not using additional bubble wrap. please improve the service even more, because it's a shame the goods are good but the pelapak are not communicative. thank you very much.
lumayan lama pengirimannya.
quite long delivery.
Mantap aman dan selamat
steady safe and secure
Barang sesuai
appropriate goods
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus.  pengirimannya cepet banget, pesen Senin siang Selasa pagi udah sampe
sharp image resolution. elegant design. the sound quality is good. very fast delivery, ordered monday afternoon tuesday morning arrived
Langsung dicoba dong. Benr2 suaranya ageum bgt yg lama lngsung diksih keorg ganti sama yg baru dong speaker polytron mantep👍
try it right away. the sound banner was great, the old one was immediately replaced with a new one, the polytron speaker was great
Mudah-mudahan awet mesin cuci nya
hopefully the washing machine lasts
ga dpt trans sama net huhuhu sedih
i can't trans with the net huhuhu sad
Barangnya alhamdulillah aman sih, semuanya lengkap, cuman judulnya white marron lahh yg dtg white black yaa 😅 Semoga aweett yg penting itu sih!
the goods, thank god, are safe, everything is complete, only the title is white marron, the one that came with white black, i hope it lasts, what's important is that!
Pengiriman sedikit agak lama, over all product Muantabs
delivery is a bit long, over all product muantabs
Bagus.. cuma body besar tapi suara kurang menggelegar saja..
good .. only the body is big but the sound is not loud enough ..
tidak mendapatkan stasiun TV digital satupun
did not get any digital tv stations
Hp cepat panas, suka mati sendiri jika panas. Jika suhu udara di dalam rumah panas walaupun tidak digunakan hp ikut panas dan kadang mati sendiri. Baterai lumayan awet. Semoga bertahan lama baterainya.
the cellphone heats up quickly, likes to turn itself off when it's hot. if the air temperature in the house is hot, even though the cellphone is not used, it gets hot and sometimes turns itself off. the battery is pretty durable. hope the battery lasts long.
Okeeyyy simpel yesssssss Hihihihijij wakwauuuuuuuuuuuuuu
okay simple yes hahahaha jin wakwaw
packing kurang aman sama sekali tidak dibungkus,segel rusak seperti bekas dibuka tapi untungnya setelah dicoba barang masih lengkap dan berfungsi dengan baik
the packing is not safe at all it's not wrapped, the seal is broken like a used one was opened but fortunately after trying the item is still complete and functioning properly
Pengirimannya lama, admin no respon, tapi produknya bagusss
long delivery, admin no response, but the product is good
Kekurangan : - Sempat mau kehilangan uang karena admin polytron menyelesaikan pesanan padahal unitnya belum terkirim - Pengiriman sangat lambat beberapa minggu - Customers service tidak membantu, banyak bohong bilangnya unit sudah di kirim tapi nyatanya belum d proses - Unit pertama yang datang baru beberapa menit langsung blank Kelebihan : - Toko polytron dan kurir yang d cabang terdekat ramah dan mau bertanggung jawab mengganti/menukar unit yang rusak tersebut mohon untuk d perbaiki untuk Official harusnya lebih baik.. maaf penilainya rendah tadinya akan saya kasih 5 bintang jikalau pelayananya baik
disadvantages: - was about to lose money because the polytron admin completed the order even though the unit had not been sent - delivery was very slow for several weeks - customer service was not helpful, many lied to say that the unit had been sent but in fact it had not been processed - the first unit that arrived was just a few minutes straight blank pros: - the polytron shop and the courier at the nearest branch are friendly and willing to take responsibility for replacing/exchanging the damaged unit, please fix it for the official, it should be better. sorry for the low rating earlier i will give a star if the service is good
produk bagus, udah dicek..,, smw berfungsi dg normal adminnya jg responsif. packing jg rapi dan mulus..
good product, already checked.smw works normally, the admin is also responsive. packing is also neat and smooth..
Mesin bagus, g bising... Pengemasan dan pengiriman agak lama, tangerang ke tangsel 3 hari... Tpi worth it untuk ditunggu...
nice machine, g noisy. packaging and shipping took a while, tangerang to tangsel day. but worth it to wait.
pesanan sudah sampai, tapi pengiriman lambat kinerjanya kaya bukan official
the order has arrived, but the delivery is slow the performance is rich not official
slow respon and not recommend
slow response and not recommend
Pengiriman cepet cm 3hr dah sampe,ga bs ditracking ekspedisinya karena yg krm mitra polytron nya,suara nya mantap banget dah ngincer dari lama akhirnya kebeli juga
the delivery was fast, the day it arrived, i couldn't track the expedition because the one with the polytron partner, the voice was really good, i had wanted it for a long time, so i finally bought it too
barang sangat bagus, harus sabar menanti
very good item, have to wait patiently
Good kok. Cuma pengiriman agak lama dan gabisa dilacam karena gatau kurir nya apa
that's good. it's just that the delivery is a bit long and can't be tracked because i don't know what the courier is
proses pengiriman sangat lama dan bisa berubah jasa pengirimannya. Usulan buat yg lain: selalu chat adminnya dan tanya sdh sampai mana. ini pengalaman pribadi
the delivery process is very long and the delivery service can change. suggestions for others: always chat with the admin and ask where it's been. it's personal experience
barang bagus .. cuma di pengiriman terlalu lama dan tidak bisa di traking .. selebihanya puas dengan barangya. tolong benahi lagi masalah pengiriman
good stuff.. only the delivery took too long and couldn't be tracked.. the rest are satisfied with the goods. please fix the delivery problem again
barang bagus sesuai deskripsi....
good item according to the description.
pengiriman ke tangsel 2 hari kerja, tapi toko ngasih no hp ke kurir salah jd agak susah nyari alamatnya
delivery to tangsel is a working day, but the shop gave the wrong cellphone number to the courier, so it's a bit difficult to find the address
Fitur Terbaik:bas Sepadan dengan Harga:pass Joss
best feature:worth the price bass:joss pass
Ringan tapi kokoh. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top.
light but sturdy. sharp image resolution. neat packaging. top seller response.
Pengiriman agak lama tapi produk mantap. Recommendet bagi yang mencari produk bagus tapi santai
delivery took a while but product is solid. recommend for those who are looking for a good but relaxing product
Barang sih ok. Cuma pengirimannya aja yang bapuk, order dari tgl 20 Maret, baru nyampe tgl 7 April. Mohon ditingkatkan lagi masalah pengirimannya. Sukses selalu buat Polytron.
goods are ok. only the delivery was bad, ordered from march, it just arrived on april. please improve the delivery problem. success is always for polytron.
Pengiriman lumayan cepat, sampai dengan selamat tanpa cacat Tinggal dicoba buat nyuci
delivery is quite fast, arrived safely without defects. just try to wash it
Bisa muat banyak. Gampang dipakai. Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya elegan ✨. Hemat listrik ⚡. Mutu terjamin SNI. Ada garansi resmi.
can fit a lot. easy to use. the goods are original. the design is elegant. saving electricity . sni guaranteed quality. there is an official guarantee.
puas n mantab
satisfied n steady
Fitur Terbaik:mantap Barang mantap seller mantap, cuma service kurir yang kerjasama nya mengecewakan, barang di turunkan jauh dari rumah padahal masuk mobil sampai pelataran rumah pun
best features: great, great item, great seller, only the courier service, the collaboration is disappointing, the goods are dropped off far from the house, even though they enter the car to the yard of the house
mantaaappp ternyata produknya besar bgt, hny pengiriman yg aga lama.. tp ttep aq ksh bintang 5 semoga kedepan ekspedisi pengiriman lbh baik lg.. sukses terus utk polytron🥰🥰
it's great, it turns out that the product is really big, only the delivery took a long time.. but still i'm giving a star, i hope that the shipping expedition will be better in the future.. continued success for polytron
Mantab!!! Diterima dengan baik
great! well received
Gak sampe ke rumah paket nya, minta ketemuan di jalan
didn't get to the package house, asked to meet on the street
Barang ok...sudah dicoba...putarannya kenceng pas digiling...proses cepat...semoga aweett deh...
the item is ok. i've tried it. the rotation is tight when it's ground. the process is fast. i hope it lasts.
Fitur Terbaik:semua jos Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan istimewa
best features: all jos worth the price: worth the special
Pengirimannya ampir seminggu .. lama 3sihhh .. padahal termasuk deket kotanya .. tp yaaa sudhlah yah .. Barangnya bagus,, nyala .. tp ada penyokbdikit, mungkin dr ekspedisinya gak hati" ..dalem mesinnya ada noda kotor..
the delivery was almost a week.. it took a long time.. even though it was close to the city.. but yeah, that's okay.. the goods are good,, it works.. but there is a little dent, maybe the expedition was not careful ".. inside the engine there are dirty stains..
Bagus barangnya, muluus tidak ada yg lecet cuman pengirimannya lama banget hampir 3minggu🥲🥲
the goods are good, smooth, nothing is scratched, but the delivery is very long, almost a week
mantap, sampe rumah dengan selamat , bagus banget tvnya, thanks seller, sukses terus ya, next insyaaAllah beli mesin cuci, semoga ada rejekinya ya min, makasih min
great, arrived home safely, the tv is really good, thanks seller, continued success, next time, god willing, buy a washing machine, i hope there will be a fortune, admin, thanks admin
maaf bru kasih ulasan , bagus cma pengiriman nya lama
sorry bru give a review, it's good but the delivery is long
Petunjuk instalasinya kurang jelas, harga nya lebih tinggi drpd yg lain, semoga kedepannya channel yg diterima bisa bertambah.
the installation instructions are not clear, the price is higher than the others, hopefully in the future the received channels can increase.
Terima kasih barang sudah sampai dengan selamat ... Mohon ditambah jasa pengirimannya tidak hanya kurir toko saja .
thank you, the goods arrived safely. please add the delivery service, not just the shop courier.
barang bagus, garansi mantab 5 tahun, barang tiba dgn selamat, cuman catatan aja, admin e telat kalo ngebalas chat
good stuff, good warranty for years, goods arrived safely, just a note, admin is too late to reply to chat
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin. Desain elegan. Packaging aman 🙏.
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty. elegant design. safe packaging.
barang diterima tanpa kekurangan. cuman status yg di tokped. ampe lama masih status sedang dikirim 😅 pengirimannnya lama juga hampir 1mggu. di chat ga pernah balas tokonya 😥
item received without flaws. only the status is in the tokped. it took a long time, the status was being sent, the delivery took almost a week too. in chat never reply to the shop