Terimakasih barang sudah datang dlm keadaan baik. Pengiriman lumayan lama sekitar 2minggu.kurirnya tidak ramah dy bilang bensin saya habis gara-gara nyari alamat. Aneh dah jlas dkasih alamt mknya bertanya. Itulh malu brtanya sesat d jalan.
thank you, the goods have come in good condition. delivery took quite a long time, about a week. the courier was not friendly, he said that my gas was running out because i was looking for an address. it's weird, it's clear that the address is why i asked. it's a shame to ask astray on the road.
produk sesuai deskripsi, pengiriman juga cepat
product according to description, fast delivery too
Suaranya mantap 🔊 Gampang rakitnya Garansi terjamin Kualitas boleh diadu Desain elegan Bahannya kokoh
great sound easy to assemble guaranteed quality guaranteed pitted quality elegant design sturdy material
barang berfungsi dan sesuai. cuma agak bingung sama kartu garansinya kosong, walau beli di official store
item works and fits. i'm just a little confused about the warranty card being empty, even though i bought it at the official store
Fitur Terbaik:bas bagus
best features:nice bass
kiriman cepat dan sesuai pesanan, seller respon cepat dan ramah, terima kasih seller official store dan untuk cashback nya.
fast delivery and according to order, seller responds fast and friendly, thank you seller official store and for the cashback.
Sudah dibongkar+drakit juga, belum tes pencucian pertama mudah2 bagus dan awet, dari spek body OK bagus kokoh, sorry saya kasih bintang 3 kartu garansinya gak di isi padahal sudah kasih notice wktu CO
it's been disassembled + assembled too, haven't tested the first wash, it's easy, good and durable, in terms of body specs, it's ok, it's good, it's sturdy, sorry, i gave a star, the warranty card wasn't filled in, even though i gave a notice when co
Fitur Terbaik:otomatis Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan suka bgt sm warnanya aesthetic hehe, lumayan muat banyak lah ya 7kg, pengiriman cepat, kurirnya baik dan lucu haha, the best lag polytron😍😍😍
best features: automatic worth the price: worth it, i really like the aesthetic color hehe, it fits quite a lot, yes, kg, fast delivery, the courier is kind and funny haha, the best lag polytron
barang sudah diterima, pengiriman cepat dan pak kurir ramah. barang belum dicoba mudah²an berfungsi dengan baik semuanya
item received, fast delivery and friendly courier pack. haven't tried the item yet hope it works well
Super kekar berpungsi dengan baik kirain ada mic speaker nya sama videonya ok lah top markotop Polytron terimakasih 🙏 shopee terimakasih 🙏
super sturdy, works well, i think there's a speaker mic and the video is ok, top markotop polytron, thank you, shoppe, thank you
Customer service ecommerse nya gak responsif. Susah kalau mau followup pengiriman dll
the e-commerce customer service is not responsive. it's hard to follow up on shipping etc
Puassssss barang berkualitas tinggi sangat recommended gambar jernih sekali
satisfied with high-quality goods, highly recommended, very clear pictures
Cuma rak bisa pecah,,jd nungguin pengganti rak baru , ok lah gpp, ttp kt kasih 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
only the shelf can break, so i'm waiting for a replacement for a new shelf, it's ok, but i love it
Sip mantullllllll😍😍😍😍
sip mantul
sampai dgn selamat, harus sabar karna pengiriman lama, dan harus pantau terus, belum sampai tapi dilaporkan sudah diterima, jadi harus lewat sengjeta dulu deh.
arrived safely, had to be patient because the delivery took a long time, and had to keep monitoring, it hasn't arrived yet but it was reported as having been received, so you have to go through the dispute first.
barangnya original, prosesnya cepat seneng banget belanja disini kurirnya juga ramah, trimakasih tokopedia
the goods are original, the process is fast, i really enjoy shopping here, the courier is also friendly, thanks to tokopedia
proses cepat, low price. recommended
fast process, low price. recommended
Barang bagus, cuma perlu diberikan opsi pengiriman pakai kurir lain selain kurir toko, proses 3 hari tambah pengiriman 10 hari itu sangat lama, apalagi kurir toko belum temtu menguasai seluruh wilayah meski si pulau jawa.
the goods are good, you just need to be given the option of shipping using other couriers besides shop couriers, the day-to-day process plus shipping that day is very long, moreover the shop couriers don't necessarily control the whole area even though it's the island of java.
Alhamdulillah sampai dengan aman ,,,paking rapih komponen semua lengkap ,barang mulus gada yg lecet ,harga bersaing TOP kurirnya ramah sukses selalu seller semoga awet2 di pake nya insyaallah jd langganan 👍👍👍
thank god, it arrived safely, neat packaging, all components are complete, the goods are smooth, nothing is scratched, competitive prices top, the courier is friendly, the seller is always successful, i hope you can use it, god willing, it will be a subscription
Blm di buka dan di coba,smg berfungsi dgn baik, kirain bakalan ada gratisannya🤭
haven't opened it and tried it yet, it works fine, i thought it would be free
Saya kok tidak dapat free membership 1 tahun
why can't i get a year's free membership
barangnya oke banget, gambar di tv jernih, tp pengiriman lamaaa tulisannya pake kurir toko padahal pake si cepat juga, dan ga dapet kabel HDMI..
the item is really good, the picture on the tv is clear, but the long delivery says use the shop courier even though it uses the fast one too, and can't get an hdmi cable..
Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Fitur Terbaik:canggih Alhamdulillah pesanan sudah sampai dengan selamat, pengiriman cepat, harga bersahabat, mantap pokoknya. Terimakasih
worth the price: ok best features: sophisticated thank god the order arrived safely, fast delivery, friendly prices, great anyway. thank you
mantapp brng nya sesuai+ori gambar nya jgn di ragukan lg top markotop
it's great, the item fits + from the picture, don't doubt it, lg top markotop
Brg sdh d cek, kurir ramah sekali ... 👍👍👍
brg has been checked, the courier is very friendly.
official store shipping nya lama sekali
the official store shipping took too long
Desain ramping. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍.
sleek design. the sound quality is good. sharp image resolution.
admin kurang update, chat juga gak dibales
admin is not updating enough, chat is also not answered
produk masih segel ada kartu garansi kemungkinan original hehehe rekomendasi untuk beli disini
the product is still sealed, there is a warranty card, it is likely original, hehehe, a recommendation to buy here
klo yg ga sabaran jgn beli disini, seminggu baru sampe hahahaha kacau
for those who can't wait, don't buy here, it's only been a week until it's messy
parah!!! bener2 batas waktu pengirimanya maksimal banget 7 hari 😂😂😂😂
critical! it's true that the maximum delivery time limit is days
barang sudah sampai, mantap barangnya aman
the goods have arrived, the goods are safe
Proses agak lama, untuk tv nya sh Oke bagus
the process is a bit long, for the tv, it's ok, it's good
barang bagus, cuma pengiriman agak lama, dan admin tidak respon klo dichat
good stuff, only the delivery took a while, and the admin doesn't respond when chatted
Kualitas gambar jernih, suara mantap. Cintailah produk dalam negeri.
clear picture quality, great sound. love domestic products.
Suara mantab dan kualitas terbaik, cepet banget Kirimnya sehari uda nyampe rumah 👍
the sound is great and the best quality, really fast. it was sent the day after it arrived at the house
Pengirimannya lama banget total 8 hari diterima.. Padahal jabodetabek
the delivery took a really long time, the total day it was received. even though it was jabodetabek
Kualitas bagus cuma pengiriman lama banget
good quality but very long delivery
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin. Gampang rakitnya. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh.
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty. easy to assemble. elegant design. the material is sturdy.
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:yes Pengiriman 10 hari. Itu yg buat gelisah nyaaaa Brang ny bagussssssss diskon x mayan lh drpada beli offline Mkasih seller
best features:good value for price:yes day delivery. that's what makes me nervous, the goods are good, the discount isn't great, instead of buying offline, thanks seller
good things.Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus.
good things. elegant design. the sound quality is good.
barangnya bagus sesuai ekspektasi, elegan banget kulkasnya dalemnya juga luas .. cakep banget dah pokonya kulkasnya ..
the goods are good as expected, the refrigerator is really elegant inside, it's also spacious.. it's really pretty, just the fridge..
Pesnn SDH di trima mp Bru ngsih ulasan..Karna di coba dlu....allhmdllh untuk saat ini gda kendala semoga awet trima ksh sellr sama BPK kurir ya
the order has been received, mp bru gave a review..because i tried it first.allhmdllh for now there are no problems, hopefully it lasts, thank you, seller and bpk courier, ok?
barang bagus sesuai , tapi pengiriman nya lama bgt
good item, but the delivery took too long
Fitur Terbaik:Brang sesuai pesanan
best features: made to order
Alhamdulillah sampe jiga udah ketar ketir bangettt soalnyaa jauh kirim ke jawaaa. Barang sampe ga ada yang pecah, masih dicobaa
thank god it arrived when it was really tight because it was far away to send it to java. items arrived nothing broken, still trying
Kualitas suaranya bagus. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain ramping.
the sound quality is good. sharp image resolution. sleek design.
Brg bagus. Belum di coba. Antena belum datang
good stuff. haven't tried it yet. the antenna hasn't arrived yet
kurang respon..dan pengirimannya batas maksimal dri waktu estimasi
less response.and the delivery is the maximum limit of the estimated time
Sdh chat penjual bhw ini buat gift.minta box yg bagus. Tp sampai di saya dlm keadaan penyok n ga bisa dipakai sbg gift.sayang banget.semoga kedepan diperhatikan ya. Terima kasih.
i've chatted the seller that this is for a gift. i asked for a good box. but it arrived to me in a dented condition and couldn't be used as a gift. it's a shame. i hope you pay attention in the future. thank you.
kualitas sangat bagus tidak perlu di ragukan lagi pokoknyaa...admin juga sangat baik respon nyaa...cuma yang perlu di perbaiki pengiriman nya yang sangat lama .. pesan tanggal 10 sampe nya tanggal 26 ... coba aja kalo pengiriman nya cepat makin aja mantulll....
the quality is very good, there is no need to doubt it anyway. the admin is also very good at responding. just try it, if the delivery is fast, it's even better.
mantaf suara menggelegar 😁 cuma sayang service pengirimannya kurang memuaskan 🙏🏻 tp semua memuaskan dr segi barang sampai promonya 😀 thank's toped&Polytron official store🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
great, the sound is booming, it's just a shame the delivery service is not satisfactory, but everything is satisfying in terms of the goods until the promos thank's toped&polytron official store
penjual tidak responsif
unresponsive seller
Sepadan dengan Harga:overall barangnya bagus, cuma pengirimannya lama, masi dalam 1 wilayah butuh 4 hari pengiriman
worth the price: overall the goods are good, only the delivery takes a long time, still in the region it takes days for delivery
Kulkas nya bagus, sesuai harga terjangkau, Poko nya sukaaa recommended banget deh belanja di toko ini
the refrigerator is good, at an affordable price, poko really likes to recommend shopping at this shop
agak kecewa karena packing barang dikirimnya kurang aman,ga dibungkus plastik lagi kalo kena ujan basah gimana rusak? untung alat setelah dicoba berfungsi tolong diperbaikin lagi untuk packingnya
i'm a bit disappointed because the packaging of the goods sent is not safe, it's not wrapped in plastic anymore if it gets wet rain how is it damaged? fortunately, after trying the tool it works, please fix it again for the packing
Suara jernih Desain mantul
clear sound, bounce design
Barangnya bagus cuma agak lama datengnya Overall bagus sih
the goods are good, but it takes a long time to arrive. overall it's good
kalau volume kecil noice nya terdengar dengan jelas serta subwofer dalam volume kecil kurang berasa. serta kiriman dalam 1 kota terbilang cukup lama.
if the volume is low, the noise can be heard clearly and the subwofer at a low volume is tasteless. as well as delivery within the city is quite long.
saya pesan 06 November baru diterima 17 November, pelayanan sangat buruk tidak ada respon sama sekali berkali-kali ngechat, packing sangat tidak aman tdk ada lapisan bubble wrap, benerbener kecewa, dicoba cuma dapet 5 Chanel, mohon official Polytron agar evaluasi kembali ya.
i ordered november and received november, very bad service, no response at all, many times chatting, very insecure packaging, no bubble wrap layer, really disappointed, tried only to get chanel, ask polytron officials to re-evaluate.
Mendarat dengan selamat, terimakasih pengiriman sabgat cepat
landed safely, thank you very fast delivery
Barang bagus, pengiriman oke dikirim ke jepara. Sudah dipakai dan normal.
good product, good delivery sent to japan. already used and normal.
seller sangat sombong. pengiriman lama.. sudah terpasang. mudahan awet.. sekelas polytron perusahaan gwde. somhongnya nauzubillhh
seller is very arrogant. long delivery.. already installed. hopefully it lasts.. it's the class of my company's polytron. somhongnya nauzubilhh
Fitur Terbaik:suara cukup baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai kualitas Ini harganya pas check out katanya sudah termasuk ongkir jadi ongkos kirim NOL tapi pas dtang kurir mnta ongkos gpp yg pnting smpe dgn aman
best feature: the sound is quite good worth the price: according to the quality.
berfungsi baik. pengiriman lama
working fine. old delivery
Pesenam udh nyampe,tv y nyampe dgn selamat g da cacat,gambar jg jernih bgt Krn udh digital,makasih shopee makasih untuk toko y,good bgt
the gymnasts have arrived, the tv that arrived safely has no defects, the picture is also very clear because it's digital, thanks shopee, thanks for the shop, it's really good
Produk bagus. Tapi kirim nya lama aja
great product. but it took too long to send
All is good(kondisi n kualitas barang etc) kecuali admin nya sudah di info dr awal ga bisa kalo barang dateng sabtu minggu , diminta tolong kalau sampe jumat ga bisa masuk... masuk senin aja... eh mala dikirim minggu , bikin orang kelabakan jadinya 😡😡
all is good (condition and quality of goods, etc.) except that the admin has been informed from the beginning that it can't come on saturday, sunday. i asked for help if i couldn't enter until friday. come in monday. oh, if it was sent on sunday, it would make people confused
Excellent, everyone happy Thank you seller
excellent, everyone happy thank you seller
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Garansi terjamin. Desain elegan. Gampang rakitnya. Kualitas boleh diadu. Bahannya kokoh.
the sound is steady. guaranteed warranty. elegant design. easy to assemble. quality can be contested. the material is sturdy.
waduh kl beli d toko ini hrs ukur tensi darah dulu,karna estimasi brg sampai tdk ada sesuka suka toko
wow, if you buy at this shop, you have to measure your blood pressure first, because the estimate is that you don't like the shop
Selalu puas apalagi kurirnya ramah
always satisfied especially the courier is friendly
Alhamdulillah paket dateng dengan Selamat,, cuma pas pake pengering ada bunyi kaya jangkrik, smoga ga ngaruh apa² ...
thank god the package arrived safely, only when using the dryer there was a sound like crickets, hopefully it doesn't affect anything.
Fitur Terbaik:dingin Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Mantul
best feature:cool worth the price:yes mantul
Puluhan kali transaksi di tokopedia baru pertama kali dapat pelayanan seperti ini, dichat tidak pernah dibalas. Barang diterima setelah lebih dari 1 bulan, semoga bisa jadi evaluasi kedepannya
dozens of transactions at tokopedia, this is the first time i have received a service like this, never replied to chat. item received after more than a month, hopefully it can be evaluated in the future
sayang pengirimannya lelet banget
it's a shame the delivery is so late
kualitas bagus, hanya pengiriman saja yg lama
good quality, only the delivery took a long time
Maaf yah kak foto tdk sesuai karena tv nya ada dirumah KKA ipar, terimakasih mantap bagus tv-nya, pengiriman cepat, respon penjual baik, original
i'm sorry, sis, the photo doesn't match because the tv is at kka-in-law's house, thank you, the tv is great, fast delivery, good seller response, original
Alhamdulillah,sampai dengan selamat.. Pengiriman lumayan cepat.. Hanya saja Suaranya agak berisik,dan cepat panas pinggiran nya Semoga awet...aamiin..
thank god, arrived safely
Yuppp berfungsi mayan bagus sesuai ya begitulah seperti kulkas ya kulkas aja bukan yang lainnyaa cukupp bagus oke juga
yup, it works pretty well, right, that's how it is like a refrigerator, just a fridge, not anything else, it's pretty good, okay too
Kualitas suaranya bagus. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging rapi. Ringan tapi kokoh. Packaging aman 🙏.
the sound quality is good. sharp image resolution. elegant design. sleek design. the seller is very friendly. fast order process. top seller response. neat packaging. light but sturdy. safe packaging.
barang mantab bass main stereo josss... original pula
great stuff bass playing stereo jos. original too
Aplikasi tidak sesuai iklannya
the application does not match the advertisement
Penjual responnya lemot, pengiriman 9 hari, barang lumayan. Untuk respon penjualnya tolong ditingkatkan lagi, balesnya lama kayak pacar gw
the seller's response is slow, the delivery is on the same day, the goods are not bad. as for the seller's response, please improve it, the replies are as long as my girlfriend's
Penantian yg melelahkan akhirnya dtng jg, tapi tak apalah yg penting dtng dngn aman, sesuai deskripsi, Tks
the tiring wait finally came, but it doesn't matter what matters, it arrived safely, according to the description, thanks
produk bagus, hanya admin kurang responsif, proses dan pengiriman lambat, mohon lebih ditingkatkan
good product, only the admin is not responsive, the process and delivery are slow, please improve more
Pertama kali beli d toko ini ..mohon maaf d dekripsi kan ada keterangan dapat mic ..tapi kok mic nya gada ya ?mohon jawabannya bosku..
the first time i bought it at this shop..sorry, in the description, there is a description of getting a mic..but how come the mic isn't there? please answer my boss..
harga mahal engga dapet pasang
expensive price don't get pairs
Untuk sementara sya ksiha 3 bintang dlu.. Krna kinerjanya blum maksimal.. Entah sampe kapan
for the time being, i'll give it a star first. because the performance isn't optimal yet. i don't know how long
diterima dengan baik, hanya pengirimannya saja dan respon adminnya yg sangat slow respon
well received, only the delivery and the admin response is very slow response
kalo barang sih sesuai pesanan, tapi pengirimannya yg lama banget, seminggu lebih. mungkin kedepannya bisa ditingkatkan lagi soal pengerimannya
if the goods are according to the order, but the delivery is really long, more than a week. maybe in the future it can be improved again about the drying
Barang Ok dan mudah"an awet, pengiriman cepat hanya saja admin low respon thanks
goods are ok and easy to last, fast delivery, it's just that the admin is low on response, thanks
Fitur Terbaik:sip bagus bgt Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai kok pokoknya Aku kasih bintang 4 dulu ya kak
best features: really good, really worth the price: according to how come i'll give you a star first, sis
Barang kualitasnya tidak diragukan, bagus 👍. Namun sayang pengiriman tidak sesuai keterangan yang di update di Tokopedia. Status dikirim Rabu sore, sempat rubah resi tapi ternyata barang diterima kurir hari Sabtu siang, nyampe Minggu siang. Mungkin biar ga ke cancel, jadi dibikin dulu status/resi dikirim karena pesan sudah dari Senin pagi. Status pengiriman ga bisa dpercaya. Kalau mau pesan anggap aja nyampe 1 minggu lagi paling cepat.
the quality of goods is not in doubt, good. but unfortunately the delivery does not match the information updated on tokopedia. the status was sent wednesday afternoon, i had to change the receipt but it turned out that the item was received by the courier on saturday afternoon, arrived sunday afternoon. maybe so it won't be cancelled, so the status/receipt will be sent first because the order was from monday morning. unreliable delivery status. if you want to order, just assume it will arrive another week at the earliest.
Kurir nya baik kulkas nya bagus tapi pengiriman nya lama 😑
the courier is good, the refrigerator is good, but the delivery is long
ada baret di belakang layar
there is a beret behind the scenes
Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. kurirnya mantap jiwa
fast order process. safe packaging. the courier is steady soul
Fitur Terbaik:Barangnya Original Semoga Awet !!
best features:the item is original hope it lasts!!
Kualitas produk baik, produk original, harga produk baik, kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik, terima kasih..
good product quality, original product, good product price, very fast delivery, thank you..
Oke dingin mantap
ok cool steady