Admin not respond, barang sih oke banget, pengiriman lama banget, jadi buat yg gak sabar mending cari toko lain deh.
admin doesn't respond, the goods are really good, the delivery is really long, so for those who can't wait, it's better to find another shop.
barang sampai dalam kondisi baik. jaktim, 3 hari sampai. kualitas barang bagus. mnc grup dapet. rcti dapet. semoga awet. terimakasih.
item arrived in good condition. east jakarta, the day arrived. good quality stuff. mnc group got. recti got. hope it lasts. thank you.
barang baru sampai sore , hanya kurang dipelayanan proses pengiriman rada lambat walau tidak salah proaesnya 2 sd 7 hari, tgl 13 agus, diproses 15 agus, dikirim 18 agus dan sd 19 agus, jakarta bogor saja
new items arrived in the afternoon, only service was lacking, the delivery process was a bit slow, although there was no error on the day, august date, processed by agus, sent by agus and sd agus, jakarta bogor only
Alhamdulillah sampe dengan selamat, pengiriman lumayan cepet 4 hari udah sampee. Semoga awet
thank god it arrived safely, the delivery was quite fast the day it arrived. hope it lasts
pelayanan nya payah no respon sama sekali
the service sucks no response at all
Kualitas suaranya bagus. Packaging aman 🙏. Ada banyak fiturnya. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping.
the sound quality is good. safe packaging. there are many features. sharp image resolution. elegant design. sleek design.
produknya bagus sesuai orderan, minusnya di pengiriman lama banget. check out tgl 1-7 baru nyampe. saran aja sihh, seharusnya official store pelayanannya lebih gesit lagi. secara udh punya nama. admin juga di chat dibales, jgn pas mau order aja gercep jawab.!
the product is good according to the order, minus the very long delivery. check out date - just arrived. just a suggestion, the official store should have a more agile service. already have a name. admin is also chatted back, don't just want to order quickly, answer!
Paketnya sudah diterima... Pengiriman terbilang cepet... Subuh-subuh pak kurir nya sudah ngntrin,, ramah pula... Terimakasih keseluruhan barang ok...
the package has been received. delivery is fairly fast. early in the morning, the courier pack was already waiting, friendly too. thank you, everything is ok.
Saya belum terima barangnya ya pak/bu sudah 1 minggu lebih menunggu nya
i haven't received the item, sir/ma'am, i've been waiting for more than a week
Barang ori.. Tpi sayang pengiriman lama banget pdahal sma2 di tamgerang. Tpi alhamdulilah alhamdulillah nyampe tanpa lecet dan kurir ramah sekali. Terimmaksikh
original goods.. but it's a shame the delivery took so long even though i was in tangerang. but thank god, thank god, it arrived without a scratch and the courier was very friendly. thank you
Barang sesuai pesanan, meskipun lama nyampenya
goods as ordered, although it took a long time to arrive
Fitur Terbaik:bagus bgt
best features: really good
Pasangnya nggak ribet Packaging aman 🙏, lambat pengiriman nya
the installation is not complicated. the packaging is safe, the delivery is slow
Penjual hanya fast respon saat pertama saya tanya barang ready atau tidak. Lalu setelah transaksi pembelian, penjual sama sekali tidak ada respon apapun walau saat itu terlihat online. Ternyata emang bener sampai harus di komplain baru barang dikirim. Kacau lah. Jangan beli dari toko ini lagi. Di batalkan tidak mau tapi pengiriman nya ditahan2.
the seller only responds fast when i first ask if the item is ready or not. then after the purchase transaction, the seller didn't respond at all even though at that time it was seen online. it turned out that it was true that i had to complain before the goods were sent. it's a mess. don't buy from this shop again. i don't want it canceled but the delivery is on hold.
unit stb legendaris yang sempet langka sampe harganya naik haji jadi jutaan. ane liat barangnya sih bagus ya, kualitas materialnya oke, secara design coolingnya harusnya bagus, remotenya juga clicky keren, colokan2nya kokoh. kelengkapan 1 unit stb, 1 kabel power sekaligus adapter, 1 kabel rca nyambung ke av out di unitnya, 1 remote plus batre, sama kartu garansi + instructions. Cuma delivery nya ngakak banget dah. Packing seadanya cuma bubble wrap doang, terus gabisa dilacak, katanya kurir polytron, ternyata kerjasama dengan ekspedisi yg gak didaftarin di toped, nyampenya kapan2. dan yg paling penting, kagak ada sistem akhiri pesanan, jadi ane akhiri sendiri manual. kalo gak takut dosa, bisa kali ya tunggu hangus sampe duit balik ke saldo, hahaha. kebetulan ane dapet dari toko resmi ini pas diskon, dan gak ditungguin juga. kalo gak keberatan dgn kekurangan2 tsb silakan order gan.
the legendary stb unit which was rare until the price went up to millions. i can see the item is good, the quality of the material is okay, by design the cooling should be good, the remote is clicky cool, the plug is solid. complete with stb unit, power cable as well as adapter, rca cable to connect to av out in the unit, remote plus battery, same warranty card + instructions. it's just that the delivery is really funny. the packaging is just bubble wrap, then it can't be tracked, he said the polytron courier, it turns out that it's a collaboration with an expedition that wasn't registered at toped, when will it arrive. and most importantly, there is no ending order system, so i ended it myself manually. if you're not afraid of sin, you can wait for it to burn until the money returns to the balance, hahaha. coincidentally, i got it from this official store at a discount, and i didn't wait too. if you don't mind the shortcomings, please order, bro.
Pengirimannya lama banget bukan dari pihak jasa ekspedisinya cuma dari perusahaannya yang ngga langsung dikirim ke ekspedisinya
the delivery took a very long time, not from the expedition service, only from the company, which was not sent directly to the expedition
Mohon maaf setelah di cek ulang dengan istri saya bagian freezernya bnyak yg lecet, utk mengklaimnya gmna ya?
i'm sorry, after double-checking with my wife, the freezer section has lots of scratches, how do i claim it?
tv bagus... rekomen.. tapi pengiriman lama mungkin karna dari pusat surabaya baru ke cabang.. mungkin harus di tingkatkan pengirimannya... dan no resi supaya bisa di cek.. terimakasih tv sesuai pesananResolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Desain elegan 😍.
good tv. recomend.. but the delivery may take a long time because from the new surabaya center to the branch.. maybe the delivery should be increased. and the receipt number so you can check it. thank you, the tv according to the order, sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. elegant design.
packing rapih, produk sesuai deskripsi
well packed, product according to the description
barang bagus tapi pengiriman lama. (tangerang_rangkasbitung 8 hari)
good item but long delivery. (tangerang rangkasbitung day)
Udah langganan sebulan sekali pesen
i've subscribed once a month
Terima kasih barang sudah diterima 👍👍 mudah mudahan bisa berfungsi maximal
thank you, the item has been received, hopefully it can function optimally
Barang sesuai dan bagus,, berfungsi dengan baik,, pengiriman lumayan cepat,, cuma sayang sellernya kurang responsif.. semoga kedepannya bisa lebih responsif..
the item is suitable and good ,, works well ,, the delivery is quite fast ,, it's just a shame the seller is not responsive .. hopefully in the future it can be more responsive ..
Fitur Terbaik:paket lengkap dan sesuai. aman suara oj banget. jozz pokoke lah
best features: complete and compliant package. very safe sound oj. jozz it's okay
barang sesuai, tapi diserahkan ke kurir lama banget, lebih baik aktifkan kurir lain yang di sistem tokped selain kurir toko. kalau butuh cepat lebih baik ke toko lain.
the goods are appropriate, but it takes too long to deliver to the courier, it's better to activate another courier that is in the tokped system besides the shop courier. if you need it fast it's better to go to another shop.
pengiriman nya bagus..
delivery is good..
tv bagus mantab tidak ada kendala minus mola tv sudah tidak aktif free langganan 12 bulan padahal promonya tertulis free cs Polytron nya pelayanan nya sama sekali tidak Bagus chat tidak dibalas brg SDh datang lama TDK segera dikonfirmasi sudah banyak sekali yang complain tapi seperti tidak didengar ,gemes bgt sumpah kalau saja cs bagus, pelayanan bagus, brg nya oke, yakin deh 100% laris terus ini jualan mohon jadikan citra Polytron lebih bagus bukan karena cs jelek jadi citra buruk se-Indonesia terimakasih
tv is good, great, no problems, minus mola, tv is no longer active, free monthly subscription, even though the promo says free cs polytron, the service is not good at all, chat is not answered, brg arrived long ago, tdk immediately confirmed, lots of people have complained, but it's like you don't hear it, it's really cool i swear, if only the cs is good, the service is good, the goods are okay, i'm sure this % is selling well, please make the image of polytron better, not because the bad cs has a bad image throughout indonesia, thank you
Udara jadi sejuk 👍.
the air is cool.
kurir si cepat SANGAT LAMBAT!
the fast courier is very slow!
Paket sudah di terima dalam keadaan baik, respon seller bagus cepat, pengiriman jg cepat, barang masih tersegel dan sudah di tes berfungsi dengan normal
the package has been received in good condition, the seller's response is good, fast, the delivery is also fast, the item is still sealed and has been tested to function normally
Material Produk Bagus Ukuran Produk Sesuai Kualitas Produk Bagus Produk Berfungsi Dengan Baik
good product material product size according to product quality good product works well
untuk ke 2 kalinya
for the first time
Barang sudah diterima, ya walaupun pengirimannya terbilang lambat, krna msh satu wilayah tp sampai 4hr baru sampe, tp barangnya sampai dgn aman, dan bisa digunakan dengan baik, trimakasih seller
the goods have been received, yes, even though the delivery is somewhat slow, because it is still in the same area but until the new day arrives, but the goods arrive safely, and can be used properly, thank you seller
Sellernya malas respon mesej, berhub ini official sekiranya krdibilitynya bs diptgjwbk lah ya, proses cepat instan guarantee hr ini jg smp. produk sgt bgs dan berkualitas mcm kulkas mini.
the seller is lazy to respond to messages, this is official, if the credibility can be answered, yes, the process is fast, instant guarantee, today is also junior high school. very good quality products like a mini fridge.
ini baru puter volume +10 udah enak suara nya, jernih, Mantap bass nya, ini volume nya sampai +30, buat karaoke juga cocok ini 👍 rekomendasi bgt speaker Polytron ini, kurir juga ramah, makasih
i just turned up the volume + the sound is good, clear, the bass is great, the volume is up +, for karaoke it's also suitable, this is a great recommendation for this polytron speaker, the courier is also friendly, thanks
Kondisi bagus.
good condition.
Sudah sampai, kurirnya ramah bgt. Semoga awet belum dibuka soalnya buat kado
it's arrived, the courier is very friendly. hopefully it will last unopened because it's for a gift
barang nya si oke ,tapi respon dan pengiriman nya sangat buruk ,chat tidak pernah dibalas pengiriman sangat lama sampai melebihi estimasi mana gak bisa dilacak paket udah dimana
the goods are okay, but the response and delivery are very bad, the chat is never answered, the delivery is very long, it exceeds the estimate, which cannot be traced, where is the package?
Maaf kasih bintang 4 karena pengiriman lama sekali dan respon penjual yg kurang, kalau kurirnya baik
sorry to give a star because the delivery took so long and the seller's response was lacking, if the courier is good
Sudah diterima walau agak lama dan ga di respon admin..
it's been received even though it's been a while and the admin hasn't responded..
Barangnya keren, suara enak, bass nya mantep buled. CS juga OK dan responsif. Recomended!
the stuff is cool, the sound is good, the bass is solidly built. cs is also ok and responsive. recommended!
Fitur Terbaik:automatic wash Sepadan dengan Harga:jelas Pengiriman cepet, pesen selasa hari kamisnya sampai. Padahal luar kota, freeong pula. Menghemat waktu buat cuci, kurirnya ramah. Thankyou
best feature:automatic wash worth the price:obviously fast delivery, ordered tuesday arrived thursday. even though it's out of town, it's freeong anyway. save time for washing, the courier is friendly. thankyou
Fitur Terbaik:Ok Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Bagus
best features:ok worth the price:ok good
Thannnnkkkk yoouuuuu pengiriman lumayan cepet packingan juga rapi dan aman banget kerennnnnn kulkasnya fotonya ga sesuai maaf soalnya ga dirumah
thank you, the delivery was quite fast, the packaging was also neat and very safe, the refrigerator was cool, the photos didn't match, sorry i wasn't at home
Mantab, kekurangan nya cuma 1, ini memang dual SIM tp klo kita pasang micro SD, cuma 1 sim card yg bs dipasang
great, the only drawback is that it's dual sim, but if we install a micro sd, only the sim card can be installed
meskipun pengiriman lama, tapi barang berfungsi dengan baik
even though the delivery took a long time, the item works fine
Pengiriman Lama Banget...Beli Hari Jumat datang hari jumat.. admin nya juga respon ga jelas..di status pengiriman dr hari senin kg tau nyampe kapan...kurir nya blg baru aja di suruh kirim ma tau seminggu...Terima kasih
very long delivery. buying friday came friday.. the admin also didn't respond clearly.. on the delivery status from monday it was sent.. but i don't know when it will arrive. .thank you
No respon bgt tokonya🙏🏻
no response to the shop
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
Fitur Terbaik:terbaik Sepadan dengan Harga:okeeeee banget BAGUSSSS BANGEEET , GEDEEE TINGGI , SUARA OKEEE. HARGA MURMERRR. PENGIRIMAN LUMAYAN LAMA MUNGKIN KARNA BARANG BESAR JUGA KALI YAA.Tapi sayang bgt saya chat admin gaada yg dibalas satupun huhuuu
best features: the best worth the price: okay very good very good , big high , sound okay. murmer price. the shipping was long long, may be because of the great items too time. but it's a shame i chat admin, no one replies
respon dan pengiriman baik. tp sayang ditempat saya Sidoarjo kota penangkapan digital kurang bagus. apa faktor antenanya ya.
good response and delivery. but unfortunately in my place sidoarjo the city of digital capture is not good enough. what is the antenna factor?
PENGIRIMANNYA LUAR BIASA LAMANYA,BANYAK BANGET DRAMANYA, 9HARI,, Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya elegan ✨. Mutu terjamin SNI. Hemat listrik ⚡. Gampang dipakai. Ada garansi resmi.
the shipping is incredibly long, there are lots of drama, day,, can fit a lot. the goods are original. the design is elegant. sni guaranteed quality. saving electricity . easy to use. there is an official guarantee.
Puas, mesin cucinya sangat bermanfaat dan mudah di gunakan , terima kasih
satisfied, the washing machine is very useful and easy to use, thank you
brg bagus , sesuai !! semoga awet 👍
great item, fit!! hope it lasts
pengiriman lama. diatas7 hari
old delivery. above day
Barang ori semuanya komplit tidak kurang satuapapun ❤ Cuman dipengiriman nyaa aja yang lamaaaa makannya harus sabaaaar
the original goods are all complete, no one is missing. it's just that the delivery takes a long time to eat, you have to be patient
Fitur Terbaik:Barang Baru Sepadan dengan Harga:Ya Cepat, aman dan barang mulus. Tapi ketika barang sampai, tabung pencuci tidak berputar dan akhirnya harus ke service center dahulu sebelum digunakan. Terima kasih service center nya pelayanan, kecepatan, dan keramahannya juara!
best features: brand new worth the price: yes fast, safe and smooth stuff. but when the item arrives, the washing tube doesn't spin and finally you have to go to the service center before using it. thank you for the service center, the service, speed and hospitality are champions!
ok barang nyampe dengan selamat,terimakasih kurir,kurir nya juga sangat ramah,dan pengiriman sangat cepat
ok the goods arrived safely, thank you courier, the courier is also very friendly, and the delivery is very fast
Kurirnya kurang ramah, admin nya juga
the courier is not friendly, the admin too
beli hari minggu barang baru dikirim hari Kamis siang, dikirim cm pake plastik aja gak dilindungi plastics bubble, dan respon seller nya atas chat lama , kyk g niat jualan
bought on sunday, new items were sent on thursday afternoon, sent only using plastic, not protected by plastic bubble, and the seller's response to the old chat, i don't think i have any intention of selling
Semoga Awet terus 👍🏻
hopefully it lasts
Kecewa banget padahal udah beli d official Polytronnya langsung tapi pas d kirim barang lama nyampenya sekitar 2minggu lebih. Dan kondisi barang pas d coba kulkas mati dan listriknya turun. Sekelas Polytron jual produk rusak sangat tidak ramah TDK memuaskan.
really disappointed even though i bought it from the official polytron directly but when it was sent the item took a little over a week to arrive. and the condition of the goods when i tried the refrigerator turned off and the electricity went down. in the same class as polytron, they sell damaged products that are very unfriendly and unsatisfactory.
Bisa muat banyak Barangnya original 👍 Mutu terjamin SNI Ada garansi resmi Gampang dipakai Desainnya elegan ✨ Hemat listrik ⚡ Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Packaging aman 🙏 Packaging rapi Respon penjualnya top
can fit a lot original goods quality guaranteed sni there is an official guarantee easy to use elegant design save electricity the seller is very friendly order process fast packaging is safe packaging is neat the seller's response is top
Barang belom dicoba, barang original, pengemasan lama....
item not yet tried, original item, old packaging.
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ada banyak fiturnya. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain ramping. Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh.
sharp image resolution. there are many features. the sound quality is good. sleek design. elegant design. light but sturdy.
walaupun datangnya melebihi etimasi pengiriman barang dan hasilbya T.O.P
even though the arrival exceeded the estimated delivery of goods and the result was t.o.p
Terima kasih barangnya sudah sampai
thank you, the goods have arrived
Barang bagus, sesuai harga. Pengiriman cepat walaupun mepet hari pengen lebaran, terima kasih sudah tepat waktu dan tidak mengecewakan..............
good stuff, according to price. fast delivery even though it's close to eid, thank you for being on time and not disappointing.
Berfungsi dengan baik canggih sekali pengiriman sangat cepattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
works great, very fast delivery
Sangat puas, mksh polytron mksh shope
very satisfied, thanks polytron, thanks shopee
barang bagus dan pengiriman cepat
good stuff and fast delivery
barang. oke
goods. okay
Pengiriman cepat barang udh nyampe semoga awet..
fast delivery of the goods, hope it lasts..
Sungguh sangattt mengecewakan. Menyesal mendalam pernah beli di toko ini. Pengirimannya bulan lebih. Bagi yg mau beli barang2 di toko ini Mending beli di toko official yg lain aja.
what a disappointment. i deeply regret ever buying from this shop. delivery is over a month. for those who want to buy goods at this store, it's better to buy at another official store.
2 hari sampe, kualitas bagus
arrived today, good quality
Alhamdulillah barang dtg dgn selamat bagus semoga awet
thank god the goods arrived and good luck hopefully durable
Repeat order kesekian kalinya dan gak pernah kecewa dengan mssker2 Polytron yang higines dikemas 1 per 1 dengan plastik, terima kasih banyak Polytron..mantabbb,,
repeat orders for the umpteenth time and have never been disappointed with hygienic polytron masks packaged individually with plastic, thank you very much polytron.great.
Sepadan dengan Harga:baik👍👍👍 Fitur Terbaik:mantapp👍👍👍
worth the price:good best features:great
pengiriman tidak bisa di tracking, proses pengemasan terlalu lama. untuk sekelas official store, ini pengalaman belanja yang kurang menyenangkan.
shipping can not be tracked, the packaging process is too long. for an official store class, this is an unpleasant shopping experience.
pengiriman teramat sangat cepat sekali, sehingga sampai berhari-hari belum datang, ekstra sabar, sukses selalu untuk penjual
delivery is very, very fast, so that it hasn't arrived for days, extra patient, success is always for the seller
Lampunya lebih menunjukkan mode, bukan kualitas udara
the light indicates mode, not air quality
Fitur Terbaik:mantap Sepadan dengan Harga:sangat cocok ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
best features:great value for money:perfect fit
Fiturnya canggih Bisa muat banyak Banyak fiturnya Barangnya original 👍 Mutu terjamin SNI Ada garansi resmi Gampang dipakai Desainnya elegan ✨ Hemat listrik ⚡ Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Packaging aman 🙏 Packaging rapi
sophisticated features can fit a lot many of its features original goods guaranteed sni quality there is an official guarantee easy to use elegant design save electricity the seller is very friendly order process fast safe packaging neat packaging
Bluetooth conek nya susah
the bluetooth connection is difficult
Barang oke... Tp pngiriman super lama...
goods okay. but super long delivery.
pengiriman lumyan cepat namun resi diblibli tdk bisa di lacak trimakasih Blibli dan POLYTRON.
the delivery was quite fast but the receipt at blibli could not be traced, thanks blibli and polytron.
mantap lah,, hanya ada sedikit patah aja di ice maker tidak mengurangi fungsi, overall oke,,,👍
it's great, just a little broken in the ice maker doesn't reduce function, overall okay,
mantap gambar jernih
great clear picture
balnder vacum dengan harga murah dan kuaitas bagus
vacuum blender with cheap price and good quality
Didalam kardus tv banyak banget sampahnya sampe ada sarang burung segala. Untung TV aman dgn Subwoofer & soundbar. Kualitas sangat bagus. Proses dan pengiriman sangat lama sekali 8 hari baru saya terima sejak tgl pembelian dari Tangerang - Jakarta. Saran saya mendingan diganti ke PreOrder saja jgn ready stock kalo emang hobi bgt ngirim lama2.
inside the tv box, there is a lot of trash, so there are bird's nests all over it. luckily the tv is safe with a subwoofer & soundbar. very good quality. the process and delivery took a very long time, the day i just received it from the date of purchase from tangerang - jakarta. my advice is that it's better to change to preorder, don't get ready stock if you really like sending it for a long time.
mantap gratis ongkir euy
great free shipping euy
gaada roller dibawah untuk nempatin galonnya, terus di bagian leher galon gaada perekat jadi ga erat, kunci air panasnya ga otomatis balik kadang kadang harus dibalikin sendiri, tapi overall ok
there's no roller below to place the gallon, then at the neck of the gallon there's no adhesive so it's not tight, the hot water lock doesn't automatically return sometimes you have to turn it over yourself, but overall it's ok
Estimasi kirim tgl 5, tp gak jalan2. Chat admin gak di respon, tp ternyata Sudah sampai tgl 8. Utk admin memang lama respon nya, tp ternyata nyampe nya lebih cepat dr estimasi👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Semoga next nya bisa lebih responsif ya adminnya
estimated delivery date, but it doesn't work. the chat admin didn't respond, but it turned out that the date had arrived. for the admin, the response took a long time, but it turned out that it arrived faster than the estimate. hopefully the next one can be more responsive, admin
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain ramping. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. sleek design. fast order process. safe packaging.
ud rutin beli masker merk ini
i buy masks from this brand regularly
Basnya pecah , lebih mulus yg pma dibwhnya
the bass is broken, the pma underneath is smoother
Penjual perlu belajar lagi cara packaging yang baik dan efisien untuk jualan online, agar barang dalam kondisi prima atau menghindari cacat saat diterima pembeli.
sellers need to learn more about good and efficient packaging methods for selling online, so that the goods are in prime condition or avoid defects when received by the buyer.
estimated shipping long - weeks. if you want it quick, don't buy this seller. please fix the shipping speed
suara nya mantap. mic bisa jarak jauh
her voice is steady. remote mic
pakai 3 bulan suara sip, pengiriman cepat, bintang bicara
use sip sound month, fast delivery, talking stars