Ada sedikit kendala bagian dalam nya ada yg pecah
there is a little problem that the inside is broken
Pengiriman terlalu lama, Penjual juga slow respon
delivery took too long, seller also slow response
Cepat pengirimannya Semoga awet gak cepet rusak Thanks polytron Harga sesuai dgn pasaran lah yg pasti ongkir gratis mantap
fast delivery. hopefully it won't break quickly. thanks. polytron. the price is according to the market, for sure free shipping is great
Barang oke sudah di coba namun next nya tolong perhatikan packing nya karena sama sekali tidak double untung JNE courier nya baik sekali minta kami periksa dulu apakah ada yang pecah dan courier nya bantu men-cek.
okay, i've tried the item, but next time, please pay attention to the packaging because it's not double at all, fortunately the jne courier was very kind, asked us to check first if anything broke and the courier helped check it.
produk original, pengiriman dari tgl beli krn ada hri sbtu minggu totalnya jadi 8 hari, jadi hrus difollow up terus krn ni pesanan cust saya, thks seller
original product, delivery from the date of purchase because there are saturdays and sundays in total, so you have to follow up continuously because this is my customer's order, thks seller
Sctv indosiar gak dapet
sctv indosiar doesn't get it
Suara bagus
good voice
barang sudah diterima dengan packing dan pengiriman aman dan baik semoga bermanfaat dan berguna untuk kesenangan dan kepuasan dalam menghibur
the goods have been received with safe and good packing and delivery, hopefully it will be useful and useful for fun and satisfaction in entertaining
Sesuai pesanan. Kecewa pengirimannya saja lama.
as ordered. disappointed that the delivery took so long.
penyelesaian masalah tidak selesai, tdk ada kelanjutan tv yg saya bli utk solusi perbaikan..
problem solving is not complete, there is no continuation of the tv that i bought for a repair solution..
Maap poto ga sesuai, tp yg penting Barangnya okay kok, semua fitur bisa berfungsi, tp sayang pengirimannya lama ya, tetep gapapa ttp bersyukur.. terima kasih polytron👍🏻
sorry, the photos don't match, the id card is important, the goods are okay, all the features work, but it's a shame the delivery took so long, it's okay, but i'm grateful, thank you polytron
Garansinya lama, 1 tabung, mmg agak ribet tombol2nya, meskipun ada petunjuk penggunaan
the warranty is long, the tube, the buttons are a bit complicated, even though there are instructions for use
Produk bagus cuman untuk membuka tutup belakang susah dan buat khawatir kalau klipp nya akan patah?
good product but it's difficult to open the back cover and make you worry that the clip will break?
Alhamdulillah sampai juga tv nya, untuk saran seller nya tingkatkan lagi respon chat nya update lagi pengirimannya percepat lagi pengirimanya soalnya estimasi datang terlalu lamaaaaaaaa saran untuk kurir nya juga pengiriman menggunakan motor itu terlalu beresiko di tambah lagi jauh pengirimanya
thank god the tv arrived, for the seller's suggestion to increase the response to the chat again, update the delivery, speed up the delivery, the problem is the estimated arrival time is too long.
respon cepat, packing rapi, recomended...
fast response, neat packing, recommended.
mantap tanpa kendala
stable without problems
barangnya bagus sesuai gambar dan deskripsi
the product is good according to the picture and description
TV Alhamdulillah kualitas bgus. mdh2n awet. hny respon dr office kurang. kyk g ada adminny. pengiriman Alhamdulillah lumayan cepat. senin diproses n dkirim hari rabu sampai.
thank god the tv is of good quality. durable. only the response from the office is lacking. looks like there's no admin. thank god the delivery is quite fast. monday processed n sent wednesday arrived.
pesan rabu jum'at sampai, ada penyok di bagian bawah belakang kulkas, mungkin pas proses penurunan barangnya cuma berfungsi normal semua ya udh lah ya 😅, males repot juga yg penting ada garansi resmi nya
ordered wednesday friday arrived, there is a dent at the bottom back of the fridge, maybe during the process of dropping off the goods it just works normally, okay, it's too lazy to bother, the important thing is there is an official guarantee
Paketny udah mendarat dengan selamat, semoga aja awet..
the package has landed safely, hopefully it will last..
cuma trima beberapa chanel.saja, belum semua siaran tv nasionalnya
only received a few channels, not all national tv broadcasts
produk kwlitas polytron lah.. cuma pengiriman lama.. chat ga dibalas.. 7hari ga ada info apa2.. hampir 2 minggu baru sampe .. sellernya mengecewakan untuk sekelas official seller brand nasional.. seller ga rekomended
polytron quality product. only long delivery. chat not replied. no info today. almost a week later. the seller is disappointing for a class of official sellers of national brands. seller is not recommended
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Gampang rakitnya. Bahannya kokoh. Desain elegan. Garansi terjamin. Kualitas boleh diadu. (maaf di foto hny nampak sebelah kanan, karena view di kiri masih bel.dirapihkan jadi sengaja hide dulu 🌝. Terima kasih Polytron, produk dimaksud diantar langsung sama kurir dan mobil Polytron, PELAYANAN MANTAP -
the sound is steady. easy to assemble. the material is sturdy. elegant design. guaranteed warranty. quality can be contested. (sorry the photo only shows the right side, because the view on the left is still unfinished so i deliberately hide it first. thank you polytron, the product in question was delivered directly by the courier and the polytron car, great service -
Barang sesuai, packing aman & pengiriman cepat
good product, safe packing & fast delivery
Beli jumat, minggu sampai di kediri. Pengiriman lewat sicepat, gratis ongkir dari kurir toko
buy friday, sunday arrived at kediri. delivery via sicepat, free shipping from the shop courier
- kardus penyok. tp isi alhmdulillah aman - pengiriman agak lama. posisi barang dlm pengiriman tidak update krn toko memakai kurir diluar tokped - CS kurang responsif
- dented cardboard. but alhamdulillah the contents are safe - the delivery is a bit long. the position of the goods in the delivery is not updated because the shop uses a courier outside the tokped - cs is not responsive
tolong jangan kasih nota,di baca note ny kak,
please don't give me a note, read the note sis,
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Fitur Terbaik:sesuai dgn pesanan 👌 Bagus
worth the price:fits best features:fits to order good
respon chat penjual lambat, barang ok
seller's chat response is slow, item ok
brgnya ok pengirimannya ga banget dah
the brg is ok, the delivery is not very good
barang sesuai deskripsi, remote lengkap dengan baterai
item as described, remote complete with battery
yo ok, memang berbeda dgn resifer yg lama.. ini ga kedip².. ok, remot jg berfungsi langsung ke tv..
yo ok, it's different from the old receiver. it doesn't blink. ok, the remote also works directly on the tv.
Alhamdulillah udah sampe pesen tgl 10 , bagusss 🤩🤩
thank god, the message has arrived, it's good
Ini kenapa mode Line-In nya suaranya g?ak optimal dan Bass jdi gak berfungsi di mode Line-In
this is why the line-in mode doesn't sound optimal and bass doesn't work in line-in mode
Barang sudah di terima dengan baik.
the goods have been well received.
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping. Ringan tapi kokoh. Proses pesanan cepat. Penjualnya ramah banget. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏. Respon penjualnya top.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. elegant design. sleek design. light but sturdy. fast order process. the seller is very friendly. neat packaging. safe packaging. top seller response.
dinginnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn luar biasajozzz
incredibly cold joz
Kirain semuanya yg kemasan pack isi 5 taunya harus milih dl
i think everything that is packaged in packs of contents, you have to choose dl
seller fast respon , pengiriman cepat 1 hr sudah sampai... mesin cuci sesuai pesanan, semoga awet... good seller
seller fast response, fast delivery, the day has arrived. washing machine to order, hopefully durable. good sellers
Politron memang oke sukaaa
polytron is okay to have. i like it
packing aman hedset nya bagus cuma pengiriman agak lelet aja yaa selebihnya okey
safe packing, the headset is good, it's just that the delivery is a bit slow, the rest is okay
Pengiriman Cepat Harga Mantap Kualitas Bagus Packing Rapih Di Deskripsi Barang Silver Tapi Bisa Request Warna Dan Dikirim Sesuai Request Warnanya
fast delivery steady price good quality neat packing in the description of silver items but you can request a color and be sent according to the color request
Pengemasan dan pengiriman cepat, barang diterima dalam kondisi baik dapat 37 siaran digital, 36 baik dan jernih (1 siaran kurang bagus) secara keseluruhan mantap👍👍 terimakasih Toped, Polytron dan kurir. Salam sehat buat semua
fast packaging and delivery, goods received in good condition with digital broadcasts, good and clear (not good broadcasts) overall great thanks toped, polytron and courier. healthy greetings to all
Puas banget sama pelayanannya yang ramah dan harga yg pas dikantong
very satisfied with the friendly service and the right price in the bag
barang nya bagus tap sayangbtdk kompetibel dengan smart tv polytron saya. bisa konek tapi tombol ok nya gk bisa. hanya bisa kursor doang
the item is good but it's a shame it's not compatible with my polytron smart tv. can connect but the ok button doesn't work. only the cursor
Best 3-ply regular face mask brand. Bahannya tidak bikin sakit daun telinga. Higienitas baik karena tiap masker dibungkus kemasan plastik.
best-ply regular face mask brand. the material doesn't hurt the earlobe. hygiene is good because each mask is wrapped in plastic packaging.
Muaantaappp, Respon penjual sangat baik! Pengiriman sangat cepat
muaantaap, the seller's response was very good! very fast delivery
Kualitas boleh diadu. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh.
quality can be contested. elegant design. the material is sturdy.
Lama pengiriman..
delivery time..
Kurir amat sangat tidak ramah😬😠😤
very very unfriendly courier
respon chat lambat, pengiriman lama ... barang bagus, mesin bekerja dengan baik .... Terima kasih
slow chat response, slow delivery. good stuff, machine works well. thank you
Alhamdulillah semoga awet yaaa, pengiriman aman. Baguss model nya
thank god i hope it lasts, safe delivery. nice model
puas bgt. pengiriman cepat cuma sehari. TV suaranya mantap.
very satisfied. fast delivery only one day. tv sound is great.
Barangnya sudah dari 5 Hari lalu sampai harusnya kurir toko komunikasiin dong ke internalnya, Masa iya mesti pembeli Yang ngasih tau ke penjual. lah Kalo pembelinya ga ngasih Tau gimana? duitnya pasti ditahan tokped terus. Saya yakin bukann Saya aja Yang punya case kaya gini coba cek aja semua pengirimannya. Tolong perbaiki komunikasinya dengan pelanggan.
the goods arrived from the previous day and the shop courier should have communicated internally, right? it has to be the buyer who informs the seller. if the buyer doesn't tell you what to do? the money must be withheld tokped continuously. i'm sure i'm not the only one who has a case like this, just check all the shipments. please improve the communication with customers.
Jossss bosku
joss my boss
sip jos model sesuai judul, cuma sayang ga bisa tambahin channel secara manual ( cari channel manual bisa )
sip jos model according to the title, it's just a shame you can't add channels manually (you can search for channels manually)
Barang oke sesuai pesanan, pengiriman agak sedikit lambat tpi gakpapa,yg penting sellernya amanah
the goods are okay according to the order, the delivery is a little slow but that's okay, the important thing is the seller is trustworthy
Produk sesuai gambar smga bisa awitt..
the product matches the picture so it can be awitt..
Barang bagus tetapi pengiriman dan layanan publik tidak bagus
good stuff but poor delivery and public service
pengiriman 5 hari kerja, kurir berboncengan dg motor tanpa packing kayu atau plastik wrapping, so far barang aman, sesuai order dan berfungsi dg baik dan yg terpenting produk oke dg suara gelegar khas Polytron.
delivery on weekdays, courier with motorbikes without packing wood or plastic wrapping, so far the goods are safe, according to order and functioning properly and most importantly the product is okay with the booming sound typical of polytron.
Akhirnya dateng jg,sempet kecewa berat dgn tokonya krn dichat g da respon sama sekali...semoga awet tvnya makasih
it finally came, i was really disappointed with the shop because the chat didn't respond at all. i hope the tv will last, thanks
Masa baru beberapa minggu udah nyala trs mati sendiri,,seller slow respon lagi
after only a few weeks, it turned on and then turned off by itself, the seller was slow to respond again
thanks admin
thanks admin
Fitur Terbaik:Sangat baik Sepadan dengan Harga:- Alhamdulillah pesanan mendarat dengan selamat. Penjual Resmi pasti amanah.. Rekomendasi banget 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Kurir nya bikin kejutan. Tidak menambahkan estimasi perjalanan. Sempet saya panik. . Tapi alhamdulillah barang sampai dengan selamat.. 👍👍👍👍👍👍
best features:excellent worth the price:- thank god the order landed safely. the official seller must be trustworthy. really recommended. the courier made a surprise. does not add travel estimates. i just panicked. . but alhamdulillah the item arrived safely..
Barang original, kualitas oke semoga awet dan tahan lama ,puas pokoknya ❤
original item, okay quality, hopefully it will last and last a long time, i'm satisfied anyway
bagus suka sama designnya yg simple.. harganya juga murah.. yg agak minus menurut saya bagian tadah air, gampang bgt dilepas, kalo ada anak2 dirumah gampang banget diambil sm mereka huhuhu, jd akhirnya saya selotip.. semoga dispensernya awet
good, i like the simple design.. the price is also cheap.. what is a bit minus in my opinion is the water reservoir, it's really easy to remove, if there are children at home, it's really easy to take them huhuhu, so i ended up with tape.. i hope the dispenser lasts a long time
Speaker nya mantab... Cocok untuk di kamar... Untuk pengiriman nya menggunakan kgxpress jujur agak lama apalagi tidak ada update progress pengiriman di halaman shopee ngga seperti penyedia jasa kirim yg lainnya...
the speakers are great. suitable for in the room. for delivery using kgxpress to be honest, it took quite a while, especially when there was no progress update on the delivery on the shopee page, unlike other delivery service providers.
mantep ..udah pembelian kesekian kalinya di polytron. hanya saja no. resi nya tidak update. jadi ga tau kapan udah dikirim atau belumnya
great. i've bought it for the umpteenth time at polytron. only no. the receipt is not updated. so i don't know when it was sent or not
barang nya bagus sesuai ekspetasi, maaf bru kasih ulasan
the item is good as expected, sorry for just giving a review
Alhamdulillah barang nya pun sampai dan sesuai deskripsi.. gambar jernih bgt
thank god the item arrived and according to the description.. the picture is very clear
produk bagus. pengirimannya lama banget tapi. tingkatin pengirimannya ya team polytron
good product. very long shipping though. improve delivery, ya team polytron
Free ongkir tapi pengirimannya cukup lama. Fitur-fiturnya sesuai deskripsi
free shipping but the delivery is quite long. the features correspond to the description
kulkas sudah diterima dgn baik, dinginnya bagus & model elegan. kekurangannya wadah telur makan space 2 rak minuman, karna 2 wadah telur tidak cukup berjajar di 1 rak. Yang sangat perlu ditingkatkan sih pengiriman. sebelum order janjinya dikirim maks 2hari, taunya 7 hari baru dikirim. lama bgt... resi juga ga bisa di track. formalitas doang
the refrigerator has been well received, the cold is good & the model is elegant. the drawback is that the egg container eats space on the drink shelf, because the egg containers don't quite line up on the shelf. what really needs to be improved is delivery. before the order was promised to be sent the max day, i know a new day was sent. so long the receipt also can't be tracked. just a formality
Barangnya cakep pelayanannya ramah responnya cepat dan sangat di rekomendasikan
the goods are cute, the service is friendly, the response is fast and highly recommended
Fitur Terbaik:Baik Sepadan dengan Harga:Iyaaa Tapi sayang, tidak dikasih tau bagaimana cara mendapatkan akses free Mola TV 12 bulannya. Terus dichat penjulan nya jg tdk respon. Jadi sangat2 disayangkan. Pelayanan tidak puas saya
best features:good worth the price:yes but unfortunately, i wasn't told how to get free access to mola tv for the month. continue to chat the sales are also not responding. so it's a shame. service is not satisfied me
respon minus, barang lumayan. pelayanAn buruk
minus response, good stuff. bad waiter
Produk bagus, sesuai pesanan, tidak ada yang cacat dan berfungsi baik
good product, as ordered, no defects and works fine
Barangnya original 👍. Bisa muat banyak. Gampang dipakai. Penjualnya kurang ramah
the goods are original. can fit a lot. easy to use. the seller is not friendly
seller slow respon, pengiriman barang lama, tidak ada konfirmasi langsung dari seller, ada dent kecil pada unit saran saya untuk seller harus bisa tanggap dan bisa diajak komunikasi oleh buyer
slow response seller, long delivery of goods, no direct confirmation from seller, there is a small dent on the unit. my suggestion is for sellers to be responsive and able to communicate with buyers
Sampai dg packing yg baik rapih dan aman Kecewa jg krn ternyata packing di dlm segelnya 50pc jd satu tdk di packing per 5pcs, 🙏
arrived with good packaging, neat and safe. disappointed too because it turned out that the packing was in the seal, so one pc was not packed per piece,
Fitur Terbaik:Sangat baik Barang diterima dengan baik. Kurir ramah dan toko amanah. Terimakasih
best features:excellent item well received. friendly courier and trusted shop. thank you
produk bagus, sayang proses kirim lama dan barang waktu mau dikirim sepertinya tdk di cek,,
good product, it's a shame the delivery process took a long time and the goods when they want to be sent don't seem to be checked,,
barang kirim super lamaa..
super slow shipping..
chat gak dibalas, pengiriman lama 8 hari kerja
chat not answered, long working day delivery
Barangnya sih ok, cuma ngirimnya yg lama banget, 1 minggu baru nyampe ke tempat saya 😖
the product is ok, it's just that it took a long time to send it, it just arrived at my place last week
Desainnya elegan ✨. Penjualnya ramah banget. Respon penjualnya top. Barangnya original 👍. Proses pesanan cepat.
the design is elegant. the seller is very friendly. top seller response. the goods are original. fast order process.
barang Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Ada banyak fiturnya. meski pengiriman lama, mungkin demi keamanan
item sharp image resolution . light but sturdy. there are many features. although the delivery took a long time, maybe for security reasons
👍👍👍 tpi minusnya pengiriman super lama
but the minus is super long delivery
Fitur Terbaik:mantap Sepadan dengan Harga:netral Barang ori bagus.. pengiriman lumayan cepet..paling feed back buat pesanya aja ngga ada respon di chat gada respon gada balasan
best features:great worth the price:neutral good ori goods..quite fast delivery..most feed back for the message,no response on chat no response no reply
Produk sesuai harapan, tapi pelayanan toko ngga banget, cuma janji2x aja asal orang beli dulu, padahal pengiriman lama dan tanpa kejelasan kapan waktu kirimnya. Mau pesen lagi produk lain dg merek yg sama jadi batal. Ga mau cape hati. Mending cari yg lain, padahal ini official store
the product is as expected, but the shop service is not very good, it's just promises as long as people buy first, even though the delivery is long and it's not clear when it will be sent. if you want to order another product with the same brand, it will be cancelled. don't want to be tired. better look for something else, even though this is the official store
Sepadan dengan Harga:Sepadan Allhamdulillah barangnya sudah sampai, sempet ga tau jg kalo alamat nya gasama dan jasa pengiriman nya pun gaada kabar ternyata mis komunikasi. Tapi alhamdulillah mendarat dengan selamat dan mulus.
worth the price: worth it allhamdulillah the goods have arrived, even though i don't know if the address is not the same and the delivery service has no news it turns out to be a miscommunication. but alhamdulillah landed safely and smoothly.
Mantap.. Gak perlu ragu kalau beli dari shopee mall official resminya..
great.. no need to hesitate if you buy from the official official shopee mall..
barang ori.tes normal. semoga awet
ori item. normal test. hope it lasts
akhirnya nyampe jg, setelah ketar ketir seminggu kaga sampe2
it finally arrived, after a week it didn't arrive
Respon chat kurang cepat..kirim agak lama ...di perbaiki lgi.tpi barang 100%ori
the chat response wasn't fast enough.shipping took a was repaired again.but %ori items
Okee Mantull Bass nya... Pengiriman cepat, walau ada kendala karena sy lagi diluar, jadi sy harus Cari ke Kantor Paket Polytron yg mumpung ngk terlalu jauh, Ternyata Cabangnya Di Bali, Ketewel Gianyar, sy Kira Dikirim dr Pusat Jakarta! Heheh👍
okay mantull the bass. fast delivery, even though there were problems because i was outside, so i had to look for the polytron package office which was not too far away. it turned out that the branch was in bali, ketewel gianyar, i thought it was sent from the center of jakarta! heh
Fitur Terbaik:alhamdulillah menu semua berjalan baik Sepadan dengan Harga:ya sepadan sma harga Untuk menu mudah, pengiriman lebih cepat dr pada perkiraan.. 4 hr sudah sampai Waktu di coba Menu wash sma Rinse alus banget.. tapi pas Spin getarannya kenceng kya mesin cuci pada umumnya... bener2 lantainya harus rata.. so far so good.. oke ma harganya..
best features: thank god the menus all went well worth the price: yes worth the same price for easy menus, delivery was faster than expected. the day arrived when i tried the wash menu, the rinse was really good. but when it spins it vibrates fast like a washing machine in general. it's true that the floor has to be flat.. so far so good.. okay ma price..
Produk bagus... Tpi syang.. Batre cepet abis.. Gk tahan lama...
great product. but unfortunately.. the battery runs out quickly.. it doesn't last long.
Fitur Terbaik:simple dan elegant Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan dengan kualitas Produk indonesia memang tiada duanya👍👍
best features: simple and elegant worth the price: worth the quality indonesian products are second to none
barang sudah diterima dan berfungsi dengan baik tapi pelayanan dan pengiriman priduct sangat buruk
the goods have been received and function well but the product service and delivery are very bad