Barang ok, tapi ngirimnya 2 minggu lebih
item ok, but delivery took over a week
Ahirnya datenggg juga yg ditunggu2 Kulkasnya bagussssss, kurirnya juga ramaaahh semoggaaa aweeetttt🤗
finally, the one you have been waiting for has arrived. the refrigerator is good, the courier is also friendly, i hope it lasts
stb langsung p&p mantappppp tapi deliverynya lama bener padahal sama tangerang.
stb direct p&p is great but the delivery is really long even though it's the same as tangerang.
barang original n berfungsi dgn baik. pengiriman lamaaaaaaa sekali
original item and works well. very long delivery
Barang sesuai pesanan, packing rapi dan pengiriman cepat (meski gratis ongkir)
goods as described, well packed and fast delivery (although free shipping)
bagus, pengiriman standard, overall ok
good, standard delivery, overall ok
Untuk Barang sih Ok. cuma di bagian dispenser ini kadang air suka netes. Pengiriman : Menurut saya ini adalah hal yang paling menjengkelkan.. Sekelas Official Store pengiriman bisa melebihi 1 minggu aneh seh.. sebagai masukan aja, tolong tulis di deskripsi jika pengiriman memang akan memakan waktu yang selama itu !!
for goods, it's ok. it's just that in the dispenser section, sometimes the water tends to drip. delivery : i think this is the most annoying thing.. official store class shipping can exceed the odd week so.. as input, please write in the description if shipping will indeed take that long !!
Pengiriman barang lama > 7 hari kerja... penjual kurang komunikatif, harus di komplain dulu baru ada tindak lanjut sama tokopedia nya,,, saya cukup kecewa, apalagi sengaja beli dari seller official nya polytron. Barang yg dikirimkan ada penyok di bagian bawah,,, mungkin karena pas pengiriman dan bahan nya yang aluminium, Untuk fungsi dispenser nya tidak ada masalah, berfungsi dengan baik... mohon ditingkatkan customer service nya Min... tq
delivery of old goods > working days. the seller was not communicative, had to complain first and then there was a follow-up with tokopedia, i was quite disappointed, especially when i accidentally bought it from the official seller, polytron. the item sent has a dent at the bottom, maybe because of the fitting and the aluminum material. there is no problem with the dispenser function, it works fine. please improve the customer service min. thank you
ternyata dipindah ke tv lain bs maaf seller
turns out it was moved to another tv, sorry seller
Respon: Tidak Baik (Aplikasi & Kontak Center WA Polytron), Proses: Sangat Lama (4 Hari), Pengiriman: Cepat, Pengemasan: Tidak Baik, Produk: Sesuai - Original Senin (7 Nop 2022): Di Pesan Selasa (8 Nop 2022): Status Dikirim (Nomor resi penigiriman tidak sesuai di semua ekspedisi) Rabu (9 Nop 2022): Komplain Jumat (11 Nop 2022): Perpanjang Waktu Komplain Datang hari Sabtu (12 Nop 2022) dengan mengugunakan ekspedisi KGX tertanggal 11 Nop 2022 - 18.53 dengan nomor resi pengiriman yang berbeda pada aplikasi Tokopedia!
response: not good (wa polytron application & contact center), process: very long (days), delivery: fast, packaging: not good, product: appropriate - original monday (nov): ordered tuesday (nov): status sent ( delivery receipt numbers do not match on all expeditions) wednesday (nop.): complain friday (nop.): extend the complaint time to come on saturday (nop.) using the kgx expedition dated nop -. with a different delivery receipt number on the tokopedia application!
seller sangat TIDAK responsif, mohon untuk ditingkatkan kualitas layanannya. terima kasih
the seller is very unresponsive, please improve the quality of his service. thank you
prosesnya luamaaaaaaa.... respon seller nya jeleeeek, ga pernah bls/nanggepin chat.. ini seller bahkan pernah masuk surat pembaca di media online krn buruknya dlm proses pengemasan & respon.. searching aja di google..
the process is slow. the seller's response was bad, never answered/answered the chat. this seller has even entered a reader's letter in online media because of the bad packaging & response process. just search on google..
respon seller cepat, free ongkir juga order 18 jan, langsung dikirim di hari yg sama, pakai ekspedisi KGX, ekspedisi ini pun cepat, krn 19 jan barang sudah sampai dgn selamat, dipacking bubble 2 lapis, sudah di test semua berfungsi normal, mantap bgt deh 👍🏻
seller's response was fast, free shipping also jan's order, sent immediately on the same day, using the kgx expedition, this expedition was also fast, because jan the goods arrived safely, packed with bubble layers, tested all functioning normally, great.
barang original, tapi pengiriman 5 HR lamaaaa
original item, but long hr delivery
Pengiriman lumayan lama karena dimensi besar barangnya original 👍. Bisa muat banyak. Gampang dipakai. Desainnya elegan ✨. Mutu terjamin SNI. Ada garansi resmi.
delivery took quite a while due to the large dimensions of the original item. can fit a lot. easy to use. the design is elegant. sni guaranteed quality. there is an official guarantee.
sangat puas .
very satisfied .
Bagus, BASSS nya DUERRR..... Hanya pengiriman lama bingiiit Pesen tgl 13 sampe tgl 23 ke Depok 😅 Padahal dari Tangerang Jadi sabar sabar aja y guys kalo mau pesen 😊
good, the bas is duer. only long delivery time ordered date until date to depok even though it's from tangerang so just be patient, guys, if you want to order
Pelayanan sangat tidak baik, tak ada satupun chat di respon, pengiriman sangat buruk tdk sesuai prosedur pengiriman kulkas, posisi kulkas tidur hrs nya berdiri, kapok sy beli polytron
the service is not very good, none of the chats are responded to, the delivery is very bad, it does not comply with the refrigerator delivery procedure, the position of the refrigerator should be standing up, i give up on buying a polytron
Semuanya sangat baikk,,, hanya pngiriman saja lmayan aga lama,, tp semuanya bagus
everything is very good, only the delivery is quite a bit long,, but everything is good
keluarga saya sdh sering pakai produk polytron, baru kali ini saya transaksi di official store tp pelayanan adminnya SANGAT TIDAK MEMUASKAN, lama balesnya, tidak menguasai spec produk yg dijualnya, informasi kepastian pengiriman juga tidak jelas, kasian kurirnya nunggu saya yg sedang di luar kota, tolong training lagi adminnya !!!!!!!! soal barang oke banget.Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Mutu terjamin SNI. Hemat listrik ⚡. Ada garansi resmi. Gampang dipakai. Desainnya elegan ✨.
my family has often used polytron products, this is the first time i have made a transaction at the official store but the admin service is very unsatisfactory, the reply takes a long time, i don't understand the specs of the products it sells, the information on delivery certainty is also not clear, it's a pity the courier is waiting for me who is out of town, please train the admin again! about the goods, it's really good. it can fit a lot. the goods are original. sni guaranteed quality. saving electricity . there is an official guarantee. easy to use. the design is elegant.
Barangnya bagus dan berfungsi dgn baik namun pengirimannya sangat lama
the product is good and works well but the delivery is very long
Paket lengkap sesuai deskripsi Proses pemesanan = Lamaaaaaaa Kemasan = tidak aman, untuk ukuran official store, masa cuma pakai plastik tipis
complete package according to the description ordering process = old packaging = not safe, for official store sizes, when only using thin plastic
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Bagus TV realpict pengiriman cepat pesan tgl 29 sampai tanggal 2 puas bgt terimakasih.. walau awalnya ragu beli online.. tv sampe kerumah langsung dikirim kurrir ramah jg
best features: good worth the price: according to good tv realpict fast delivery ordered date to date very satisfied thank you. even though at first i was hesitant to buy online. tv got home immediately sent by friendly courier too
Fitur Terbaik:ok Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Semoga awet
best feature:ok worth the price:ok hope it lasts
mantap jiwa bergeloraBarangnya original 👍. Mudah dipasang. Gambarnya Bagus.
great, the soul is bubbling, the stuff is original. easy to install. nice picture.
pengiriman agak. lama.. semingguan. tanpa info apa2 kenapa telat. trus, barang aman ok packing baik, berfungsi. utk petunjuk, akhirnya cari d youtube banyak. ttp bintang 5 krn barang ok. tengkiuuu..
somewhat delivery. long.. a week. without any info why late. then, the goods are safe, ok, the packing is good, it works. for instructions, finally searched a lot on youtube. ttp star krn goods ok. tengkiu..
Fitur Terbaik:ok Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Barang datang cukup cepat, barang berfungsi dg baik dn gk ada yg cacat. Mohon untuk admin lebih responsif dan kalau resinya belum keluar, mending langsung kasih tau kepembelinya lewat chat dan alamat website buat cek secara mandiri. Jdi msih bisa dilacak walaupun bukan lewat shopee
best features:ok worth the price:yes item came pretty fast, item works fine and nothing is faulty. i hope the admin is more responsive and if the receipt hasn't come out yet, it's better to tell the buyer directly via chat and the website address to check independently. so it can still be tracked even though it's not through the shopee
barang selamat sampai tujuan . tapi pengirimanya lama.Kualitas suaranya bagus.
goods safely to their destination. but the delivery is long. the sound quality is good.
mantap.. barang sesuai terima kasih
great.. the item is appropriate, thank you
STB nya bagus, tp pengirimannya lama😅
the stb is good, but the delivery is long
Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Fitur Terbaik:ok kurirnya kenapa sih , ga ada ngabarin kalo udh sampai . malah ditaro dipenjagaan depan . untung ga ilang
worth the price: ok best features: ok what's the courier doing, no one informs me when it's arrived. even ditaro diguard front. fortunately not lost
kondisi barang sangat baik, semua lengkap .
very good condition, all complete.
Alhamdulillah barang cpt sampe. Mksh seller. Mesin cuci blm di coba. Mdh2n awet. Aamiin
thank god the goods arrived quickly. thanks seller. the washing machine has not been tried. mdhn durable. amen!
ga lagi2 da kapok
no longer give up
Tidak ada dudukan galonnya
there is no gallon holder
admin polytron nya dalam membalas chat constumer lama banget padahal kan ini official store harusnya lebih baik dalam membalas respon chat constumer yang bertanya, untuk kulkasnya bagus, Barangnya original 👍. Hemat listrik ⚡. Desainnya elegan ✨. Ada garansi resmi, tapi sayangnya nggak ada bonus yang diberikan buat constumer😅
the polytron admin takes a long time to reply to customer chats even though this is an official store that should be better at replying to customer chat responses who ask, the refrigerator is good, the goods are original. saving electricity . the design is elegant. there is an official guarantee, but unfortunately there is no bonus given to the customer
garansi resmi barang original cuma pengiriman lambat
official guarantee of original goods only slow delivery
Lama pengirimananya, Barangnya original 👍.
long delivery time, original product.
trima kasih ,,,👍👍👍👍👍 semoga awet lancar jaya
thank you, hope it lasts smoothly
Fitur Terbaik:model elegan dan tidak monoton Sepadan dengan Harga:harga terjangkau Cuman tambahan aja buat pihak expedisi. seharusnya pihak expedisi kirim barang pake kol dolak biar barang bisa diturunkan dengan utuh, tidak harus bongkar barang di dlm mobil karena susah dikeluarin. Takutnya ada kerusakan sedangkan dus sudah rusak, nanti barang tidak bisa diretur. alhamdulillah barang sudah dicoba dan aman.. semoga awet² trus. Thks
best features: elegant and not monotonous model worth the price: affordable prices just an addition for the expedition. the expeditionary party should have sent the goods using cabbage so that the goods could be unloaded intact, they didn't have to unload the goods in the car because they were difficult to get out. i'm afraid there is damage while the box is damaged, later the goods cannot be returned. alhamdulillah the item has been tried and is safe. hopefully it will last. thks
respon seller payahhh bangett, sekelas official store ga seharusnya kayak gini. kemudian ekspedisi ternyata tidak dengan kurir toko, sisi positifnya proses pengantaran lumayan cepat (tangerang - bandung hanya perlu 4 hari) beda dengan beberapa ulasan orang lain. untuk kualitas produk aman, semua masih segel meski terlihat seperti disegel ulang (mungkin keperluan untuk pengecekan unit), kualitas gambar cukup namun untuk kualitas suara mantappppp
the seller's response is really bad, like an official store, it shouldn't be like this. then the expedition turned out not to be with a shop courier, on the positive side the delivery process was quite fast (tangerang - bandung only took days) different from some other people's reviews. for safe product quality, everything is still sealed even though it looks like it was re-sealed (maybe it is necessary to check the unit), the image quality is sufficient but the sound quality is solid
mengecewakan, padahal toko official, tapi tidak responsive, setelah ajukan complain baru di respon,, semoga aja barng nya aman
disappointing, even though the shop is official, but not responsive, after submitting a new complaint it is responded to,, hopefully the items are safe
untuk pengiriman super cepat 👍👍👍 untuk reapon chating tolong di perbaiki gan
for super fast delivery to respond to chat please fix it bro
Pengiriman nya pagi bangetzzz si abangnya jam 2 pagi,makasih ya bang dach mau muter2..barangnya keren abis...suka dech semoga awet yah ampe kakek nenek😊😁,makasih politron sarangge
the delivery was really early in the morning, my brother, in the morning, thank you bro, i want to go around. the item is really cool.
tv oke, seller lmbat update
tv okay, seller slow update
Barang sampai dengan selamat, suara ok ngebas mantep, okelah dgn harga segitu , cmn sayang di pengirimannya lama trs juga respon dr penjual cuek hny mengandalkan sistem otomatis.
the goods arrived safely, the sound is ok, the bass is great, it's okay at that price, but it's a shame the delivery took a long time and the response from the seller was ignorant, only relying on an automatic system.
Pengiriman nya lama, tapi pas sampai produknya bekerja dengan baik sudah coba pakai 2 hari ga ada kendala, tadinya mau warna putih biar matching sama kitchenset tapi putihnya habis, gpp hitam juga ga kalah bagus. terimakasih polytron :)
the delivery took a long time, but when it arrived the product worked well. i tried using it the other day without any problems, i wanted the white color to match the kitchen set but the white ran out, black isn't bad either. thanks polytron :)
Alhamdulillah selamat sampai tujuan barangnya tapi lama sekali nunggunya sampe 15hari
alhamdulillah safely arrived at the destination of the goods but it took a long time to wait until the day
Bagus, b a g u s, cepat sampainya
good, b a g u s, arrived quickly
Barangnya original 👍. Gampang dipakai. Mutu terjamin SNI. Desainnya elegen.
the goods are original. easy to use. sni guaranteed quality. the design is elegant.
Makasih ya gan pesanan ny sudah sampai semoga bermanfaat dan berkah
thank you, bro, the order has arrived, hopefully it will be useful and a blessing
alhamdulillah barang nya sampai dengan selamat.....
alhamdulillah the item arrived safely.
pengiriman agak lama, karna ada sarang burung didalam dus. kok bisa ya....
delivery took a while, because there was a bird's nest in the box. how could that be.
I love the product! dari dulu pakai barang polytron, sesuai dengan ekspetasi. HANYA SAJA, Admin Toko nya Bener2 mesti diganti. - Chat nanya barang dicuekin (Padahal online trus). - Ketika barang dipesan, baru diconfirm hari esok (ini sy ga masalah), tapi status langsung jadi SEDANG DIKIRIM. yang ada sy tungguin tuh barang seharian, diCHAT GA DIBALAS. Alhasil hari itu barang ga datang. - Barang dtg setelah berapa hari (terpotong sabtu minggu tanpa kepastian kapan datang dan tentu saja tidak ada balasan chat dari adminnya) - Setelah barang sampai, status sedang dikirim juga ga berubah berhari2 sampai sy harus komplain ke Tokopedia, baru statusnya dibantu ubahkan. Pengalaman buruk belanja disini guys. Bukan karena produknya, tapi karena pelayanannya SUPERSUCKS!
i love the product! from the past using polytron items, according to expectations. only, the shop admin really needs to be replaced. - chat asked for items to be ignored (even though they were online). - when the item is ordered, it is confirmed the next day (i don't have a problem), but the status immediately becomes shipping. what i have been waiting for is the item all day, in the chat there is no reply. as a result that day the goods did not come. - items arrived after a few days (truncated on saturday and sunday without certainty when to arrive and of course there was no chat reply from the admin) - after the goods arrived, the status being sent also didn't change for days until i had to complain to tokopedia, then the status was helped to change it. bad experience shopping here guys. not because of the product, but because of the service supersucks!
respon chat lambat
slow chat response
ada penyok
there is a dent
Fiturnya canggih Banyak fiturnya Barangnya original 👍 Ada garansi resmi Packaging aman 🙏 Packaging rapi
sophisticated features many features original goods there is an official warranty safe packaging neat packaging
fast respon, barang bagus
fast response, good stuff
produk tidak sesuai deskripsi, shopee tidak mengecek operating system pada produk, hanya melakukan pengecekan fisik.
the product does not match the description, shopee does not check the operating system on the product, only does a physical check.
Fitur Terbaik:jernih Sepadan dengan Harga:murah Goodjob
best features:clear worth the price:cheap goodjob
Barang okeee gaada yg lecet, cuma pengiriman lama padahal deket. Makasihyaaa 👍👍
the goods are okay, nothing is scratched, it's just that the delivery took a long time even though it's close. thank you
moga awet pembelian ke 2 pembelian pertama beleza yg kluaran sblumnya
hopefully the purchase lasts to the first purchase of beleza that was released before
Barang nya ok sesuai pesanan Mulus ga ada lecet Barang cepat sampai... Makasih seler & shopee😇
the goods are ok according to the order smooth, no scratches. items arrived quickly. thanks seller & shopee
mangtaaab suara kayak lbj manhar doncar
really sounds like lbj manhar doncar
cukup lama pengirimannya...
long enough delivery.
Barang original, sesuai deskripsi. pengiriman harus diperbaiki, diproses dari tanggal 4-15 baru terkirim. Melebihi estimasi pengiriman.
original product, according to the description. delivery must be corrected, processed from the date - just sent. exceeded delivery estimate.
Dari pesan ke datang barang 8 hari Karena pake kurir sendiri jadi pengiriman cukup aman walaupun ga ada tambahan packingan bubblewrap ataupun kayu. Tv, subwoofer, soundbar berfungsi dgn baik, tinggal nunggu wireless keyboard nya dikirim.
from message to day, because i use my own courier, the delivery is quite safe, even though there is no additional bubblewrap or wood packaging. tv, subwoofer, soundbar are functioning properly, just waiting for the wireless keyboard to be sent.
okkk jooosss Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus.
ok jos sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good.
produk original, kualitas produk sangat baik, pengiriman cepat, respon penjual sangat cepat.
original product, very good product quality, fast delivery, very fast response from seller.
Fitur Terbaik:Alhamdulillaah berfungsi semua, Dua kali beli disini, semoga awet Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan
best features:alhamdulillah everything works, bought twice here, hope it lasts worth the price: worth it
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan Fitur Terbaik:oke lumayan Semoga awet pengiriman cukup cepat, sayang respon chat sangat low respon.Trima kasih
worth the price: not bad best features: okay not bad hope it lasts quite fast delivery, unfortunately the chat response is very low response. thank you
bagus lgsg dipake sm adik saya
nice lgsg used by my sister
Pengiriman LAMA banget. Dateng harus setting sendiri, pasang sendiri. Dm gak akan dibales, konfirmasi gak akan dibales.
very long delivery. you have to set it yourself, install it yourself. dm will not be answered, confirmation will not be answered.
beli tgl 23 sampai tgl 26 termasuk cepat. suaranya menggelegar bgt, apalagi kalo lg dengerin lagu wkwk. tp minusnya mur untuk kaki tv ujung kanan dan kiri ga cocok sm mur yg dikasih, butuh mur yg lebih kecil karna ga masuk ke lubang kaki tv maupun ke lubang yg ada di tvnya sendiri, jd harus beli sendiri. ya jadi agak ringkih dan bergoyang
buy date to date including fast. his voice is really booming, especially if you listen to the song wkwk. but the minus is that the nuts for the legs of the tv on the right and left don't match the nuts that are given, you need a smaller nut because it doesn't go into the holes on the legs of the tv or into the holes in the tv itself, so you have to buy it yourself. yes, it's a bit frail and wobbly
terima kasih paketnya sudah datang .......................
thank you, the package has arrived.
kecewa. barang belum diterima. namun status sudah terkirim. 2 minggu tidak ada infomasi resi pengiriman tiba2 status terkirim.
disappointed. item not received. but the status has been sent. sunday, no delivery receipt information arrived. status sent.
barang sesuai.original.cuma pengiriman lama 1minggu.
the goods according to the original. only the delivery took a week.
barang ok,,tapiiii pengirimannya payah,, hampir 2 minggu br sampe,,,kalo pengirirman bisa cepat sempurna deh
the item is ok,, but the delivery sucks,, it's almost a week to arrive, if the delivery can be fast, it's perfect
Alhamdulillah di terima dengan baik....baru pertama kali pesan elektronik di shopee...bagus.sukses terus kaka
thank god, well received. this is the first time ordering electronics at shopee. it's good. success continues, sis
Pengiriman cepat, kurir ramah, dan insyaallah barang berfungsi dengan baik
fast delivery, friendly courier, and god willing, the item works well
Barang tiba kondisi mulus lsg tes unit error. Pompa fungsi, heater fungsi, cooler fungsi. Lampu UVC selalu kedip tdk bisa stop. Tiap 5 mnt stlh tutup pintu bunyi alarm dan semua lampu kedip. Begini terus berulang. Tanya Admin bbrp kali sama sekali TIDAK direspon, stlh coba berkali-kali hidup-mati unit akhirnya stlh 2 hari unit bisa normal sendiri. Kapok beli disini, kalok pake merek ini.
the item arrived in immaculate condition lsg error unit test. pump function, heater function, cooler function. the uvc lamp is always blinking and can't stop. every minute after closing the door the alarm sounds and all the lights blink. this keeps repeating. admin asked several times with no response at all, after trying many times to turn the unit on and off, finally after one day the unit could return to normal on its own. give up buying here, if you use this brand.
pengiriman lumaya lama ,,barang datang sesuai,, bagus bgt,,
long delivery time, item arrived in good condition,, very good
pengiriman super cepat syg bag blkg ad penyok cm mls tuker unit biarin dah
super fast delivery, i don't mind if there's a dent, mls, i'll exchange the unit, let it go
barang ok, hanya saja kunci pintunya tidak berfungsi dengan baik. seperti biasa, harus sabar dalam pengiriman karna cukup lama.
item ok, it's just that the door lock doesn't work properly. as usual, must be patient in the delivery because it takes quite a long time.
Cs nya payah
the cs suck
Kulkasnya sih berfungsi tapi saya masih menunggu service center polytron untuk kunjungan, belum 1 bulan kulkas saya sudah ada problem. body luarnya nyentrum dan kalau frezer mau beku dan optimal harus di suhu nomor 4 baru bisa beku kalau saya turunin ke 3 bisa mencair semua. semoga saja ada solusi dari service centet polytron. saya sudah hubungi tinggal tunggu kunjungan. Alhamdulillah setelah dikunjungi sudah normal kembali kulkasnya. Good Service Center Polytron
the fridge is working but i'm still waiting for the polytron service center to visit, it hasn't been a month since my fridge has a problem. the outer body is electrifying and if the freezer wants to freeze and optimally it has to be at a new number temperature it can freeze if i put it down it can melt everything. hopefully there is a solution from the service centet polytron. i have contacted just waiting for a visit. thank god, after the visit, the refrigerator was back to normal. good service center polytron
Fitur Terbaik:Bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:Sesuai harga Kualitas tv bagus. Pengiriman ok. Packing aman. Seller fast response. Recommended.
best features:good worth the price:fits the price good tv quality. delivery ok. safe packaging. seller fast response. recommended.
Cepet banget sampainya, baru pertama kali beli eletronik online, deg2an juga, alhamdulillah selamat sampai tujuan...
it arrived really quickly, it was the first time i bought electronics online, and also, thank god, i arrived safely at my destination.
sekelas toko official store admin tdk pernah bls pertanyaan mnt konfirmasi brg kpn sampai,krn dr trakking brg sdg dikirim oleh kurir ditunggu pas hari ke 3 baru dtg, pengiriman oleh ekspedisi luar bkn dr pihak polytron.. mesti pny ilmu sabar tingkat tinggi belanja disini.. tlg diperbaiki adminnya untuk bls chat dr pembeli
the same class as the official store admin, i have never answered questions asking for confirmation when the goods will arrive, because from trakking the goods have been sent by the courier waiting for the next day to arrive, delivery by an external expedition not from polytron.. you have to have a high level of patience to shop here.. please fix the admin so that you can chat from the buyer
Barang datang dengan aman dan selamat tanpa ada yg rusak, sesuai pesanan, sampai sekitar 5 hari. Semoga awet thanks seller 👍🏻
the goods arrived safely and safely without anything damaged, according to the order, arrived around the day. hope it lasts, thanks seller
Fitur Terbaik:keren speaker nya Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan banget harga & kualitasnya . Barangnya sudah diterima dengan baik, speaker berfungsi dengan baik, tapi suaranya tidak sekeras speaker besar mungkin sesuai dengan ukurannya juga yang minimalis. Overall puas belanja disini,barang original, pengemasan dan pengiriman juga cepet 3 hari langsung nyampe rumah .. semoga awet barangnya. Thanks seller 👍
best features: awesome speaker worth the price: really worth the price & quality . the goods have been well received, the speakers work well, but the sound is not as loud as a large speaker, maybe according to its minimalist size. overall satisfied shopping here, original goods, packaging and delivery also quickly arrived at the house.. i hope the goods will last. thanks seller
prosesnya luamaaaaaaa.... respon seller nya jeleeeek, ga pernah bls/nanggepin chat.. ini seller bahkan pernah masuk surat pembaca di media online krn buruknya dlm proses pengemasan & respon.. searching aja di google
the process is slow. the seller's response was bad, never answered/answered chat. this seller has even entered a reader's letter in online media because of the bad packaging & response process. just search on google
respon cepat pengiriman cepat barang ori pasang juga mudah dapet 62 chanel TV. trimakasih.
fast response, fast delivery, original goods, easy to install, also get tv channels. thanks.
Barang dijamin ori krn dr shopee mall nya lgsg, mesin cucinya blm dicoba.. cuma sellernya kurang respon, krn pengirimannya pake logistik yg blm terdaftar di shopee jd ga bisa ke tracking otomatis. Semoga sellernya bisa lebih fast respon lagi, pengemasan 2 hari, pengiriman sampai 5 hr. Harganya murah
the goods are guaranteed ori because from the shopee mall it's lgsg, the washing machine hasn't been tried yet. it's just that the seller isn't responsive, because the shipment uses logistics that haven't been registered at the shopee so it can't go to automatic tracking. hopefully the seller can respond more quickly, packaging the day, shipping until the day. the price is cheap
ok alhamdulillah barang sdh di terima dengan baik..pengiriman kirain bkln lama ternyata 4 hri sampe ga kaya sebelumnya..boraakh nyantai👌😁
ok, thank god, the item has been well received.. the delivery thought it wouldn't take long, it turned out that the day arrived, it wasn't like before..boraakh relax
Fitur Terbaik:model elegan Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau Model elegant dan terlihat mahal, lebar tidak terlalu tinggi. Lama pengiriman sampe 5 hari. Respon penjual gak banget harus diperbaiki lagi
best features:elegant model worth the price:affordable elegant model and looks expensive, width is not too high. delivery time until the day. the seller's response doesn't really need to be repaired
Pesan tgl 29/5 barang sampai tgl 3/6 lama banget.....
order date / item arrived date / very long.
Pertama kali ngasi bintang 1 untuk belanja online, pengiriman lama, pesan tanggal 12 diterima tanggal 21, bukan salah kurir, tapi salah toko yang terlalu lama memproses pesanan, padahal masih sesama jabodetabek, semoga dengan memberikan bintang 1 perusahaan ini bisa evaluasi karyawannya yang super lelet
first time giving stars for online shopping, long delivery, ordered date received date, not the courier's fault, but the shop's fault that took too long to process the order, even though it's still a fellow jabodetabek, hopefully by giving stars this company can evaluate its super slow employees
nyampe ny cepat, dan bisa berfungsi dgn baik
it's fast, and it works fine
Produk berjalan dengan baik, bisa diberikan aromatherapy jadi wangi, kualitas produk baik, respon penjual kurang baik, status pengiriman sampai barangnya ga jelas
the product is going well, can be given aromatherapy so it smells good, the product quality is good, the seller's response is not good, the delivery status until the item is not clear