12 hari br nyampe.. pengiriman pakai motor di tumpuk sama brng lain tanpa pengaman ket barang di Terima padahal brng blm sampai. claim & chat slow respon bikin kesel.
the day the br arrived. the delivery using the motorbike was stacked with other brng without safety when the goods were received even though the brng had not arrived. claim & chat slow response makes me annoyed.
pengiriman lama banget buat ukuran official store, chat gak dilayani, parah....
very long delivery for the size of the official store, chat is not served, it's bad.
Dri tgl 7 order, nyampe tgl 14, wkwkkwk ngadi2 bnget keburu Piala Dunia mulai. Uprek sendiri pasang sendiri nonton cara ya diYoutube, dan Alhamdulillah bisa, tanpa harus nunggu suami pulang Kerja, akupun bs pasang sendiri.
from the date of the order, it arrived on the date, wkwkkwk it's really rushed the world cup starts. uprek myself, install it myself, watch the method on youtube, and thank god i can, without having to wait for my husband to come home from work, i can install it myself.
barangnya sesuai namun pelayanan seller lambat dan pengiriman juga lama sekali melebihi waktu estimasi pengiriman, untuk daerah Jakarta Timur mendapatkan 54 channel
the goods are appropriate, but the seller's service is slow and the delivery also takes a long time to exceed the estimated delivery time, for the east jakarta area, get the channel
barang Oke, pengiriman lama 9 hr dr pesananan, admin penjual tdk ada respon
ok item, long delivery days from order, admin seller no response
Produk yang dikirim baik tanpa masalah. Saya pesan paket beserta pemasangan. Service pemasangan mengecewakan. Teknisi tidak siap dengan peralatan dan sangat sulit membuat jadwal. Sering kali membataljan janji secara sepihak. Tidak recommend untuk pemasangan melalui menara AC.
product delivered fine without any problems. i ordered the package along with the installation. disappointing installation service. technicians were not prepared with equipment and it was very difficult to make a schedule. often cancel appointments unilaterally. not recommend for installation through ac towers.
Suara twiter pas volume kecil ada suara berdengung apakah itu wajar ?
the tweeter sound at low volume has a buzzing sound, is that normal?
adminnya jempolan..pengiriman satsetsatset.. packing nya juara
the admin is top notch.. satsetsatset delivery.. packing is champion
Suaranya mantap 🔊 Garansi terjamin Desain elegan Bahannya kokoh Gampang rakitnya
the sound is steady. guaranteed warranty. elegant design. the material is sturdy. it is easy to assemble
alhamdulillah, sampai dg selamat, kurirnya sopan dan kooperatif. produk mntab, dingin, freezer berfungsi dh baik, mnjadi es
alhamdulillah, arrived safely, the courier was polite and cooperative. great product, cold, freezer works well, turns into ice
pengiriman lama hampir 2 minggu pdhl ket paling lama 1 minggu buat jabotabek admin kurang ramah klu chat g d bales, tlng pelayanan d tingkat kan lagi... skrg kulkas nya mati dah 2 kl
delivery takes almost a week, but the longest is a week for jabotabek admin is not friendly if chat doesn't reply, please improve service again. now the fridge is dead
Mandep dah poko nya mah bagus banget sangat keren...
it's really good, it's really good, it's really cool.
Berfungsi baik dpt channel banyak, pengiriman aman tp lama di kurir
works well, gets a lot of channels, delivery is safe but takes a long time on the courier
Mutu terjamin SNI. Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya elegan ✨. Hemat listrik ⚡. pengiriman sangat lama 7hari baru sampai
sni guaranteed quality. can fit a lot. the goods are original. the design is elegant. saving electricity . very long delivery the new day arrived
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Alhamdulillah sampai juga tv nya pengiriman nya lama tapi bagus si tv nya cuma lama menunggu aja
best features: good worth the price: yes thank god the tv arrived, the delivery took a long time but the tv was good, just waiting a long time
Barang yang dikirim sedikit malfunction. Admin responsif untuk diminta bantuannya.
item sent with a slight malfunction. admin is responsive when asked for help.
barang belum di coba, semoga awet kekurangan : 1. pengiriman sangat lama lebih dari 10 hari 2. di sistem tokopedia sudah diterima, tetapi barang belum sampai 3. kurir yang mengirim tidak kooperatif dalam hal problem solving
the item has not been tried, hopefully it will last. very long delivery more than a day . in the tokopedia system it has been received, but the goods have not arrived. the courier who sent was not cooperative in terms of problem solving
Fitur Terbaik:ok banget Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Memuaskan,sudah di cek semua...berfungsi dgn baik.suaranya menggelegarrrr
best features: really ok worth the price: worth it satisfactory, all have been checked. works well. the sound is booming
Overall ok
overall ok
Fitur Terbaik:begetar jantung Sepadan dengan Harga:mahal banget .
best features: heart flutter worth the price: really expensive .
H2C alias harap2 cemas.. pelayanan private logistik dary polytron jauh dr ekspektasi ga sesuai dengan system.Baru x ini saya trnsksi proses pngiriman smpai 2 minggu lbh.Harapan kmrn beli unit dsni bisa buat mlengkapi kbtuhan klwrga mnyambut hari raya,, dtgnya malah sminggu stlah hr raya.Smoga kedepannya system pelayanan konsumennya bisa lbh baik lagi,, mngingat keluhan2 yg di rasakan konsumen smuanya hampir sama.. khususnya pngiriman.Tks
hc aka, please worry. polytron's private logistics service is far from expectations, not in accordance with the system. recently, i received a delivery process that took more than a week. it is hoped that when you buy a unit here, it can complete your family's needs for the holidays. raya. hopefully in the future the customer service system can be even better, remembering the complaints that consumers feel are all almost the same. especially shipping. thanks
Fitur Terbaik:the best ini produk Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Suaranya mantaap bgt serasa nonton di bioskop hehe gk mengecewakan, gambar jernih.. Sayangnya cukup lama pengirimannya..
best features: the best this product is worth the price: yes, the sound is really good, it feels like watching in a cinema, hehe, it doesn't disappoint, the picture is clear. unfortunately, the delivery took quite a long time..
Fitur Terbaik:semua nya baik🌸🕊🌸 POLYTRON thebest
best features:everything is good polytron thebest
Maaf baru bisa kasih penilaian. Produk ori, pengiriman lama banget yah lebih dari seminggu. Alhamdulillah msin cucinya berfungsi dengan baik, paking rapih kurir ramah. Semoga awet yah
sorry i can only give a rating. original product, very long delivery, more than a week. thank god the washing machine works well, the packing is neat, the courier is friendly. hope it lasts
Gila bagus bgt rapih bgt packing nya ah sukaaakk bgs bgs bgs bgs bgs bgs
it's crazy, it's really good, it's really neat, the packing, ah, i like it, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good
Rekomend bgt buat harga sejutaan 👍
great recommendations for the price of a million
barangnya sesuai dan packingnya ala kadarnya + pengirimannya tidak jelas tapi alhamdulillah aman semua. yang semangat kk dan terimakasih 😊👍. cuman kasih saran kl bisa barang etalase tokped jangan di jual bebas begitu kl mau dibuat pre-order kl emang dari gudang pabrik lama keluarnya. atau dr pihak management polytron bikin jalur khusus untuk pembeli online. Terimakasih 😊
the goods are appropriate and the packaging is perfunctory + the delivery is not clear but thank god everything is safe. who is excited kk and thank you. i'm just giving you a suggestion if you can store goods at tokped store, don't sell them freely, so if you want to make pre-orders, if they came out of the old factory warehouse. or from the management of polytron make a special line for online buyers. thank you
Alhamdulillah, produk sesuai keinginan dan lancar semua sudah ku pakai 😊 Thanks seller👍
thank god, i used the product as i wanted and it went smoothly. thanks seller
untuk produk tv nya sendiri barang bagus dan ok banget, terutama buat jadi mini home theatre. tapi untuk respond seller dan pengirimannya amat buruk untuk perusahaan sebesar polytron
as for the tv product itself, it's really good and ok, especially for a mini home theater. but for the seller's response and delivery it is very bad for a company as big as polytron
Di Shopee tulisannya udah dikirim dri tgl 8 tp kata pihak ekspedisi baru dikirim nya tgl 11, semua super lama. Padahal bulan Oktober pesen yg sama dan cepet2 aja yg kali ini super kecewa
at shopee the writing had been sent from the date dp said the expeditionary party had just sent it on the date, all super long. even though in october the message was the same and it was fast which this time was super disappointed
gak diragukan,cuma 1 pengiriman lama 1 minggu padahal dari cabang terima kasih
no doubt, only the delivery took a week even though it was from the branch, thank you
barang ORI , pengiriman cepat, respon penjual cepat..
original product, fast delivery, fast response from seller..
produk diterima dengan baik walaupun tanpa dipaking dan di bubble.
the product is well received even without packing and bubble.
Fitur Terbaik:mantap Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Mantap dah , terima kasih
best features: great worth the price: great, thank you
barang produk bagus.. cuma ngirimnya asal... tanpa pelindung
good product.. just send it from. without protection
Kapok belanja disini.... Pengiriman lamaaaa (transaksi tgl 5 Sept. Dikirim tgl 15 Sept.)
give up shopping here. old delivery (transaction on sept. sent on sept.)
Baru sempet nge review karna sebenrnya dah bikin vidio unboxing cuma kepanjangan ga bisa di masukin sini, overall bagus sih yaa emg aga kecil tinggi gt lumayan semoga awet buat seller fast respon semoga semakin berkah laris ya usahanya 🥰🤲🏻
i just got around to reviewing it because i actually made an unboxing video, it's just too long, i can't enter it here, overall it's good, it's a little tall, gt is pretty good, i hope it lasts for a fast seller response, i hope it will be more and more successful, the business
Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh.
elegant design. light but sturdy.
toko rekomndasi karena official store barang nya baik kurir nya juga ramah bgt pokok nyabtop markocop deh jangan ragu belanja dibtoko ini
recommended shop because the official store has good goods, the courier is also very friendly, the main thing is markocop, don't hesitate to shop at this shop
Super puas Pelanggan ku bahagia Bisa jd obat stres katanya🤭🤭 Pengiriman pun exsklusif dooonk
super satisfied. my customer is happy. can be a stress medicine, he said. delivery is also exclusive
dari pengirimannya kurang memuaskan sangat lama,tapi barang joss
from the unsatisfactory delivery, it took a very long time, but the goods were joss
long shipping but great product
5 bintang hanya untuk produk, untuk cs dan pengriman nya hesemeleh lama dan ga di bales. lebih gercep cs di twiter dripada di tokped
the star is only for the product, for cs and the delivery has been delayed for a long time and no response. cs is faster on twitter than on tokped
Barang oke banget, tp pengiriman bikin customer kecewa soalnya lama bangeeett.. jd malu aku sma customer ku barang gk sampe2, gk ada kabar apapun pula dr admin nya.. Semoga bisa di tingkatkan lg dalam pengiriman nya, dan admin bisa merespon
the item is really good, but the delivery makes the customer disappointed because it takes so long. so i'm ashamed that my customer didn't arrive, there's no news whatsoever from the admin. i hope the delivery can be improved again, and the admin can respond
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan speaker sudah dtg. semoga awet dan basss nya bagus.
best features: good value for price: worth the speaker already arrived. hope it lasts and the bass is good.
packaging amann.. pengiriman aman sampai bali . sama persisss.. dan dinginnya bisa diatur .. rekomended
safe packaging.. safe delivery to bali. exactly the same.. and the cold can be adjusted.. recommended
admin's response was not good.. never replyed
pengiriman cepat lah... produk okeh..
it's fast delivery. product by..
produk oke dan sesuai, hanya saja respon seller perlu diperbaiki (slow respon)... thx
the product is okay and appropriate, it's just that the seller's response needs to be improved (slow response). thx
Mantap... bagus banget gambarnya... dapet 50 siaran...
excellent. really nice picture. get broadcast.
Barang sesuai pesanan. Pengiriman cepat
goods to order. fast delivery
Packaging aman, barang sampai dengan baik, dan harga lebih terjangkau dibanding ditempat lain,
the packaging is safe, the goods arrive in good condition, and the prices are more affordable than other places,
penanganan lama sekali status di kirim hari kamis kenyataannya baru senin di kirim karna di komplain dan selasa baru sampai
the handling took a long time, the status was sent on thursday, in fact it was only sent monday because it was complained and tuesday just arrived
Alhamdulillah barangnya sampai cuma sehari aja.. Barang sampai dengan keadaan baik, kaget aja to naronya ditidurin.. Mudah2an awet, kado buat mama.. Makasih ya ❤️ Mau upload video, kepanjangan hehe
thank god, the goods arrived only for a day.. the goods arrived in good condition, it was a surprise that the naro was put to sleep.. hopefully it will last, a gift for mom.. thank you. i want to upload a video, it's too long hehe
mantap barangnya komplit, semoga awet. lancar jaya polytroonnnn👍💪🎉
great item complete, hopefully durable. smooth sailing polytroon
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan Alhamdulillah sudah tiba dengan selqmat semoga awet
best features: good worth the price: not bad thank god it arrived safely, hopefully it lasts
barangnya bagus, sesuai, tapi pengiriman nya lama banget
the item is good, fit, but the delivery is very long
penjual tidak responsif pengiriman lama hampir saja membeli produk serupa di toko lain bayangkan jika terjadi mau buat apa 2 produk yang sama.
unresponsive seller, long delivery, almost bought a similar product at another store, imagine if that happened, what would you do with the same product.
manteb,, cepet sampai, produk josss. maff baru selesaikan pesanan kak. karena hp masuk servis
manteb,, arrived quickly, jos products. sorry just finished my order sis. because the cellphone is in service
Fitur Terbaik:baikkk Sepadan dengan Harga:baikkk Tapi kenapaaa gaada channel transtv sama trans 7 😭😭😭🙂 belummm nemuuu
best features: good worth the price: good but why can't i find any transtv and trans channels yet
Delivery super cepat. Produk bagus. Garansi panjang. Sangat puas
super fast delivery. great product. long warranty. very satisfied
Barang bagus dan berfungai dengan baik Suaranya mantap 🔊. Garansi terjamin.
good stuff and works well. great sound. guaranteed warranty.
parah barang blm stahun sdh rusak teruss hubungi teknisi tdk ada tanggapan
it's bad that the item hasn't been broken for a year and then contact the technician, no response
Alhamdulillah mendarat dengan selamat.. Semoga awet. Terimakasih Shopee
thank god it landed safely.. hope it lasts. thank you shopee
respon penjual gk ada, kita kirim pesan tidak pernah dibalas... pengiriman sudah tiba 2 hari tapi di status masih sedang dikirim...heran saya.. terlalu sibuk dan terlalu banyak pembeli seperti nya sampai GK sempat tuk respon... terimakasih lah ya seller barang sampai dengan aman dan baik, mohon untuk lebih peduli kepada konsumen. . thanks you so much
there was no response from the seller, we sent a message and never got a reply. the delivery has arrived today but the status is still being sent. i'm surprised. too busy and too many buyers like it until i can't respond. thank you, seller, the goods arrived safely and well, please pay more attention to consumers. . thank you so much
Pesanannya sudah diterima, walaupun penuh dengan derama masalah pengiriman yang amppuuunnn estimasinya lama banget, Alhamdulillah team blibli membantu follow up ke seller dan akhirnya aku terima barangnya hari ini Alhamdulillah barangnya aman tapi belum dicoba nunggu besok aja semoga gak bermasalah untuk barangnya maaf buat sellernya kalo saya agak cerewetF
the order has been received, even though it is full of shipping problems and the estimate is really long, thank god the bblibli team helped follow up with the seller and finally i received the item today thank god the item is safe but i haven't tried it yet i'll wait until tomorrow i hope there's no problem with the item sorry for the seller if i a bit chattyf
Mantap, suara jernih, bas mantap, admin responsif, mungkin utk ditingkatkan jangka waktu pengiriman usahakan < 1 minggu... Secara keseluruhan kualitas oke. Recommended official store
great, clear sound, great bass, responsive admin, maybe to increase the delivery period try < week. overall okay quality. recommended official store
suara nya mendem tidak sebagus produk2 yg dulu...tidak ada treble nya suara seperti mono dan tida stereo....bass ok banget
the sound is not as good as the previous product. there is no treble, the sound is like mono and not stereo. the bass is really ok
Pengiriman cukup lama tapi barangnya bagus dan sesuai dengan yang di harapkan. Terima kasih
shipping took quite a while but the product is good and as expected. thank you
Pelanggan puas
satisfied customer
barangnya bagus dan original, cuma sellernya kurang responsif, paketnya dikirim tanpa dibungkus kotak atau bahkan bubble wrap..
the goods are good and original, only the seller is not responsive, the package was sent without a box or even bubble wrap..
lumayan lama..
belum ada sebulan uda rusak.
it hasn't been a month and it's broken.
pengiriman cepat dan paket dikemas dengan baik sehingga aman sampai di tujuan
fast delivery and the package is well packed so that it reaches its destination safely
Bagus bnget, kurirnya ramah, barang jga aman. thank you POLYTRON
very good, the courier is friendly, the goods are also safe. thank you polytron
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus.  Oke semuanya sih.. minus di pengirimannya saja lumayan lama, selebihnya okeee 👍👍
sharp image resolution. elegant design. the sound quality is good. okay, everything. minus the shipping, it's quite long, the rest is okay
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍.  tp lamaa pengiriman .. hehee
sharp image resolution. elegant design. but long delivery.. hehe
barang sesuai, pengiriman cepat
right item, fast delivery
Barang oke sesuai pesanan ,masukan buat Admin tolong Responnya dong .Kalo Chat dibalas jadi kita customer lebih merasa dihargai.
goods are okay according to the order, input for admin please respond please. if chat is answered so we customers feel more valued.
barang ok, cuma kirinya kurang ramah
the goods are ok, it's just that the left is not friendly
produk berpungsi dengan baik, ok
product works fine ok
mantaaabbb.. cuma belum dibuka dan ditess.. pengiriman agak lama, tapi gpp.. 👍👍👍👍mudah2an awett
great..just haven't opened and tested yet..shipping took a while, but it's okay.hopefully it lasts
Produk sudah tiba dengan cepat. tapi kenapa lampu birunya terus berkedip ya sudah ada 20 menit blm berenti.
the product arrived quickly. but why does the blue light keep flashing, yes, there have been minutes yet to stop.
Cuma waktu pengiriman ny yg cukup lama n tolong lebih aktif untuk merespon cht buyer, atau tolong cari admin yg emg bisa membantu buyer aja sih
only the delivery time is quite long n please be more active in responding to the buyer's chat, or please find an admin who can really help the buyer anyway
Seller sangat tidak responsif. Barang dibeli tgl 30 Nov baru sampai tgl 13 Dec. Ditanya lewat chat, dibalesnya sangat lama. Mengecewakan.
seller is very unresponsive. items purchased on nov just arrived on dec. asked via chat, it took a very long time to reply. disappointing.
Oke sh.. cuma pengiriman aja yg harus agak sabar..
okay sh.. it's just delivery that has to be a bit patient..
Produk sesuai deskripsi, Fira UI ringan &amp; cepat, respon touchscreen baik, daya tahan baterai cukup. Build up quality vs harga sesuai ekspektasi. Performance bisa diandalkan, cukup untuk beberapa games hd yang sedang populer bagi anak-anak. Kualitas kamera?! Ah yang penting bisa dipake foto. Plastik belakang licin, terutama untuk tangan anak-anak. Kualitas suara?! Yang penting gak pecah suaranya. Overall this product is worthed &amp; enough for my kiddos. Seller baik, pengiriman dalam batas wajar.. JNE Reg 4 hari baru sampai. Dapat bonus screen protector tanpa case. Padahal saya harapannya dapat case, karena agak sulit untuk mencari case produk seperti ini. Highly recommend buat hp pertama anak-anak. Good job Polytron Mobile, superb!
the product corresponds to the description, fira ui is light & fast, touchscreen response is good, battery life is sufficient. build up quality vs price as expected. performance is reliable, enough for some popular hd games for children. camera quality?! ah, the important thing is that you can take photos. the back plastic is slippery, especially for children's hands. sound quality?! the important thing is not breaking the sound. overall this product is worth & enough for my kiddos. seller is good, delivery is within reasonable limits.. jne reg arrived the next day. got a bonus screen protector without a case. even though i hope to get a case, because it's rather difficult to find a case for a product like this. highly recommend for children's first cell phones. good job polytron mobile, superb!
packing ala kadarnya. barang sampai dengan selamat. butuh waktu 5 hari
perfunctory packing. item arrived safely. it takes days
barang berfungsi baik. tp syang prosesnya lama...
item works fine. but it's a long process.
Cuma satu kata: Keren!!!!
just one word: cool!
Ringan tapi kokoh Ada banyak fiturnya
light but sturdy there are many features
Sudah bisa di pakai untuk nonton. tapi masih bingung masukin app nya. kayaknya di play store engga terlalu banyak aplikasinya.
it can be used to watch. but still confused to enter the app. i don't think there are too many apps in the play store.
Yang di tunggu datang juga, kondisi barangnya baik sampai tempat tujuan, dan berfungsi dengan baik terimakasih Dan Kurirnya pun ramah...
those who were waiting for it came too, the condition of the goods was good until the destination, and it worked well, thank you. and the courier was friendly.
barangnya sih ok original dan berfungsi baik, tp proses sampai pengirimannya lamaaaaaaaaa banget. Kl gak sanggup handle sendiri, sebaiknya pakai kurir aja
the item is ok original and works fine, but the process until the delivery is really long. if you can't handle it yourself, it's better to use a courier
Uda beli kesekian kalinya, Mantappss
i've bought it for the umpteenth time, mantappss
Barang bagus, tapi luaaaaaaammmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget pengirimannya, pesan tgl 7 sampenya tanggal 14, itupun harus dicomplain dulu di tanggal 12 baru update resi &amp; dikirim beneran… Lelah hayati nunggunya baaaaannngggg….
good stuff, but the delivery took really long, ordered the date it arrived, and even then you have to complain first on the new date the receipt is updated & sent really. tired of living waiting bro.
Fitur Terbaik:suara ciri khas polytron Sepadan dengan Harga:harga ok Cuma dari pengiriman lama, kalau bisa ada pilihan expedisi prngiriman
best features: polytron's characteristic sound worth the price: price is ok only from long delivery, if possible there is a choice of shipping expedition
Kulkasnya sudah sampai. Kurirnya ramah, kulkasnya sampai tepat waktu. Terima kasih
the refrigerator has arrived. the courier is friendly, the refrigerator arrives on time. thank you
Pengirimannya ga terlalu cepat, tp ga lama juga, pakai JNE. Awalnya pas dicoba mesin cucinya error, dia cuma mau soak-rinse-spin, washnya ga mau berfungsi. Tapi setelah dicoba-coba lagi, akhirnya bisa. Semoga mesin cucinya awet. Terima kasih, Polytron. Adminnya sangat ramah & responsif.
the delivery isn't too fast, but it doesn't take long either, using jne. at first when i tried the washing machine there was an error, it just wanted to soak-rinse-spin, the wash wouldn't work. but after trying again, finally got it. hopefully the washing machine lasts. thank you polytron. admin is very friendly & responsive.
barangnya bagus tapi sayang pengiriman sangat lama
the item is good but the shipping is very long