Pengiriman cepat, barang berfungsi baik, keren abiezzz men semoga awet 🀟
fast delivery, item works well, cool abiez men hope it lasts
barang tidak berfungsi. Setelah diretur minta diganti, barang tidak pengganti tidak dikirim. respon lama.rugi ongkir bolak balik sangat mengecewakan
item not working. after the return asked to be replaced, non-replacement goods were not sent. long response. loss of back and forth shipping is very disappointing
Warna putih ada beberapa noda item kaya oli tapi masih bisa di lap, tapi tetep jadi ga seputih warna asli yg kena noda
the white color has some oil-rich item stains but can still be wiped, but it's still not as white as the original color that got stained
mantap. pengemasan rapi banget. barang ori
Excellent. very neat packing. original goods
barang realpic alhamdulillah toko nya amanah..terimakasih lazada
realpic item alhamdulillah the shop is trustworthy...thank you lazada
barang nya sdh sampai terimakasih sudah di DS kan
the goods have arrived, thank you for the SS, right?
Ga se silent yg plastik overall good
not as silent as plastic overall good
Stok kosong ganti duit
empty stock replace money
barang nya penyok ka.. saya mau balikin lagi gimana caranya ya..?
the item is dented... I want to return it again, how do I do that?
lucu banget rice cookernya kecil bisa dibawa kemana2
it's really cute, the rice cooker is small, you can take it anywhere
Pengiriman cepat, barang ori. Tks seller
fast delivery, original item. thx seller
bagus sekali brgnya asli stainless steels pengiriman brgnya cepat sesuai terima kasih
very good, the brg is genuine stainless steels, the brg delivery is fast, thank you
Gilaaa sih gede banget kipasnya dan kenceng badai pdhl level 1 udah kenceng sayangnya adminnya slow respon
it's crazy how big the fan is and the storm is loud even though the level is already high, unfortunately the admin is slow to respond
Lemot paraaaah
serious slow
Kualitas nya sih sesuai sama harganya. Kurang di indikator on/off nya aja sih
the quality is the same as the price. just lacking in the on/off indicator
paket sudah mendarat dengan selamat, barang bagus, cuma sayangnya gagang teko gak bisa berdiri,jadi kalo buat air sudah mendidi pas mau angkat gagang'y panas.
the package has landed safely, the goods are good, it's just a pity that the teapot handle can't stand up, so if you make the water it's boiling when you want to lift the handle it's hot.
Pengiriman terlama yg baru ku alami, dikirim tgl 11 dan tgl 19 baru sampe, pdhal cm palembang ke belitang, klo tokonyo amanah cm ekspedisi nya yg mmng ngulur wktu... Udah smpe belitang mlh di blikin lg ke palembang, saya yakin yg sortir pket pasti karyawan baru, mka nya kerja ga teliti
the longest delivery that I just experienced, was sent on the date and date it just arrived, even though cm from Palembang to Belitang, if tokokonyo is trustworthy, the expedition is really taking time. Already in Belitang, it's time to go back to Palembang, I'm sure those who sort packages must be new employees, so the work isn't thorough
walaupun agak lama pengiriman nya overall is oke..
even though the delivery took a long time overall is ok..
Pengiriman lambat. Sampai dalam 6 hr. Kemasan dengan bubble wrap tebal. Aman. Tdk ada pecah. Pembelian sblmnya dengan dos
slow delivery. arrived in hr. packing with thick bubble wrap. safe. no broken. pre purchase with dos
Kualitas ok..harga.ok..pengiriman cpt
quality delivery
Maaf, hanya bisa memberi 3 bintang, full bonusnya tidak lengkap. Hpnya sampai cepat, terima kasih.
sorry, can only give stars, the full bonus is not complete. the phone arrived quickly, thank you.
Makasih y Oxone nya dh nympe .... pengiriman cepat makasih buat Abang kurir ....malam 2 ujan2 an dh mo anterin😊😊😊
thank you, the oxone has arrived. fast delivery thanks for the courier brother. rainy night an dh mo delivery
Sebagai warga negara Indonesia kita sudah tidak asing lagi dengan slogan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Slogan yang merupakan prinsip dari pandangan hidup negara kita terhadap kemajemukan suku-suku yang ada di dalamnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat dismpulkan bahwa fungsi dari Bhinneka Tunggal Ika adalah …
As citizens of Indonesia, we are no strangers to the slogan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. the slogan which is the principle of our country's view of life towards the diversity of tribes in it. Based on this, it can be concluded that the function of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is...
Ada garansi resmi.Β Nyaman dipakai lama.Β Suaranya jernih.Β Barangnya original πŸ‘.Β Koneksi bluetooth kuat.Β Material premium.Β Baterai tahan lama.Β Kabelnya kuat.
there is an official warranty. long comfortable wear. the sound is clear. the goods are original. strong bluetooth connection. premium materials. long lasting battery. the cable is strong.
Barang rusak yg di kirim
sent damaged goods
alhamdulilah barang nyah sesui pesanan dan toko nyah selalu respon dan kulir nya ramah terus yah kaka amanah terus klo pelanggan pesan maaf sayah baru kasih ulasan dan maaf lagih saya nga foto barang pesanan saya kerena kamera hp saya lagih ruasak maaf ga bisa nujuin foto nyaπŸ™πŸ™ tapi yang penting ada respon pelanggan😊😊
Thank God, the goods are as ordered and the shop is always responsive and the trowels are always friendly, bro, keep on trusting customers, I'm sorry I just gave a review and I'm sorry again I didn't take a photo of my ordered item because my cellphone camera is still broken, sorry I can't show you a photo but what important there is customer response
Alhamdulillah magicomnya SDH keterima..bagus bngt ga ada cacat SM sekali...semoga awet...terimakasih
alhamdulillah the magicom has been received... it's really good, no defects at all. I hope it lasts. thank you
Bagus berfungsi baik. Baru dicoba dalam keadaan kosong.
good working fine. just tried it empty.
Packaging mantaap. Pake bubblewrap. Barang ori dan kualitasnya bagus.respon penjual ramah dan cepat. Pengiriman sesuai perkiraan. Thanks. Sukses terus untuk usahanya
great packaging. use bubble wrap. original item and good quality. Seller response is friendly and fast. delivery as expected. thanks. continued success for his business
Mousenya keren, dengan harga segini udah dapat mouse yang sepantaran sama mouse mouse lain yang harganya lebih mahal hehe, sekarang juga udah gen 2 jadi switchnya sudah ganti jadi yang lebih bagus, selain itu pelayanan dari GGS juga ramah dan baik, wajib beli peralatan gaming disini!
the mouse is cool, at this price you can already get a mouse that is on par with other mice that are more expensive hehe, now the gene has changed so the switch has been changed to a better one, besides that the service from ggs is also friendly and good, must buy gaming equipment here!
mantep g ada yg penyok packingnya krn bwt kado
it's great that there's no dented packaging because it's a gift
Barang sudah diterima dengan kondisi yang sangat baik... Packingnya rapi serta kurirnya ramah.... Rekomen seller.. Sukses selalu gan πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“
item has been received in very good condition. the packing is neat and the courier is friendly. seller's recommendation.. success always, bro
parah bgt, padahal baru nyalain perdana, langsung error, ga bisa nyala, ditukar unit baru pun ga bisa, harus ke service center, pdhl ini buat kado, kapok belanja disini
it's really bad, even though I just turned it on for the first time, immediately got an error, can't turn it on, can't even exchange a new unit, have to go to the service center, even though this is for a gift, give up shopping here
Ada baut yg gaada waktu dibuka, jadi musti nunggu lagi buat pihak fantech kirim lagi, krn ini cm reseller. Cukup kesel sbnrnya, krn butuh kursi nya segera dipakai, dari toko ini jg udh cukup lama di pickup nya+hrs nunggu itu baut dikirim alis makinmakin lama πŸ™„
There is a screw that doesn't work when it's opened, so you have to wait again for Fantech to send it again, because this is a reseller. I'm quite annoyed actually, because I need the chair to be used immediately, from this shop the pickup has taken a long time + I have to wait for the bolts to be sent, the eyebrows are getting longer and longer
periuknya bgs tp kenapa hrs ada yg penyok kan sayang pdhl sy tunggu bgt barangnya
the pots are good, but why should there be a dent, right, it's a shame, even though I'm waiting for the goods
barangnya baguss sesuai deskripsi..
the item is good according to the description..
mantap, murah meriah
great, cheap
Mendarat dengan mulus tanpa minus dipanci dkk, kardus doang yang penyok tapi gpp yang penting isinya.. Manthaapppppp
landed smoothly without minus in the pot et al, only the cardboard was dented but it's okay what's important is the contents.. manthaap
Cuman packingannya kardus shopee sama kardus oxone gk di pres sekalian, jdnya di dlm longgar, lbh baik di pres aja kalau packing supaya ngk gerak kesana kemari.
It's just that the packaging of the Shopee cardboard and oxone cardboard isn't pressed at the same time, so it's loose inside, it's better to just press it when packing so it doesn't move around.
kualitas suara Bluetoothnya bagus tapi entah kenapa bagian kabel kurang bagus yaaa segitu aja keluhannya
the bluetooth sound quality is good but for some reason the cable part is not good enough, that's all the complaints
Pengait gantungannya patah, ga jadi dijual karna pasti customer ga mau.. Nextnya pengait gantungan jgn dirakit dulu
the hanger hook is broken, it won't be sold because the customer definitely doesn't want it.. next time the hanger hook won't be assembled first
maaf baru konfirmasi kemaren libur 2hari mouse terlalu ringan barang sesuai gambar sip
sorry, just confirmed yesterday, the mouse day off is too light, the item matches the sip image
SUKAKKKKK GEMES WARNA NYAAπŸ’“πŸ’“ berfungsi dengan baikk sampai dengan selamat jugaa engga ada kendala mantap jiwaπŸ’˜
love it, the color works well, arrived safely, there are no problems with the soul
Smua bagus cuma kotak nya saja yang penyok.
everything is good, only the box is dented.
Trmksh seller, barangnya sdh diterima dlm kondisi dan packingan yg baik sekali
Thank you seller, the goods have been received in very good condition and packaging
sudah sering belanja di seller ini, tapi baru kali ini pengrimannya lama
I have bought from this seller many times, but this time the delivery took a long time
Hp OK, tapi simcard nya gk bisa dipake, expired 30Oct2020, piye sis???
the cellphone is ok, but the simcard can't be used, expired oct, piye sis?
Paket diterima dengan baik aman dan packing rapi.. makasihh seller. 😍
package received safely and neatly packed.. thanks seller.
bagus. responsif cepat dan kurir langsung telp
Good. fast responsive and direct courier phone
mantap, barang cepet datang, cuma kerdus penyok meski dah di bubblewrap semoga awet
great, the goods came quickly, only the cardboard was dented even though it was already bubblewrapped, hopefully it will last
sangat suka ❀️❀️❀️ pengiriman cepat πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘kurir JNE πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
really like the fast delivery courier jne
Bagus banget headsetnya sesuai ekspektasi, seneng bgttt. Pengirimannya cepet bgt beli di minggu sore, selasa paginya udah sampe. Produknya ori dan suaranya bagus bgttt
the headset is really good as expected, very happy. Very fast delivery, bought on Sunday afternoon, arrived Tuesday morning. the product is original and the sound is great
Nice. sekuttt barangnya
nice. as much as the goods
mantap juga
great too
barang sampai dengan selamat normal semua tanpa ada kendala cuma untuk pengirimannya terlambat cukup lama
the goods arrived safely, all normal without any problems, only the delivery was quite late
Barang sih Oke cuma ekspedisi Kacau banget udh tau di rumah banyak karangan bunga karena ada kemalangan. Paket main titip aja ke orang yang ga di kenal di sebarang rumah. Shooppe express nih duh
the goods are okay, it's just that the expedition was really chaotic, already know there are lots of flower bouquets at home because there was an accident. just entrust the play package to someone you don't know in a house. this shooppe express duh
sebelumnya pernah beli merk nkia C1 harga 800an untuk admin olshop kita, tapi lemot bangetttt. buka apps tokped aja lemot. pas coba advan, d luar ekspetasi banget sih ini, dikira 11 12 kayak brand nkia, ternyata ini lebih cepett, jangankan buat buka apps tokped, main pubg aja lancar bangett sih.. oh iya, rencananya hp ini mau gw buat video reviewnya d yutub gw, siapa tau bermanfaat buat tmen2 yg nyari hp murah, biar gak kayak ane dulu, nyesel banget beli hp nkia, udah lemott, belum 4g, gk kepake banget dah, mudah2an hp ini lancar seterusnya, aamiin
Previously, I bought the Nkia C brand, the price for our olshop admin, but it was really slow. Just open the Tokped app, it's slow. When I tried Advan, this was really beyond my expectations, I thought it was like the Nkia brand, it turns out it's faster, let alone opening the Tokped app, playing PUBG is really smooth... oh yeah, I plan to make a video review on this cellphone on my YouTube, Who knows, it's useful for friends who are looking for a cheap cell phone, even though it's not like me before, I really regret buying a nkia cellphone, it's already slow, it's not working yet, I don't really use it anymore, I hope this cellphone will run smoothly, amen
Barang sesuai dengan deskripsi produk bagus mantap
the item corresponds to the product description is good steady
Alhamdulillah cepat sampai dah tidak kecewa panasnya awet sampai 12jam
Thank God, it arrived quickly and wasn't disappointed, the heat lasted for hours
Sicepat lama banget order 26 mei, sampai 1 juni, kardus dalam penyok2 sampain mau ancur pas dibuka (ini ga tau salah expedisi atau fantecnya), barang ok kirain rusak ternyata harus pake spliternnya baru bisa, suara ok
order took really fast May, arrived June, the box was dented and it was about to break when opened (I don't know if it's the wrong expedition or fantec), the item is ok I thought it was damaged it turns out I have to use the splitter then I can, the sound is ok
Barang sudah diterima dengan baik trims
the goods have been well received thanks
terimakasihh baranhnya.. semoga awettt
Thank you, hopefully it will last
Produk bagus tapi kenapa harus 50 huruf biar dapet koinnnnn.
good product but why do you have letters to get coins.
rgb hanya menyala warna merah sudah di connect ke software tetep gabisa diganti
rgb only lights up red already connected to the software but can't be replaced
Kualitas produk baik, tp dalam pengemasan tempat gantungannya ada yg lepas 1
the quality of the product is good, but in the packaging where the hanger is loose
seller fast response, barang sesuai. terima kasih
seller fast response, item according. Thank You
mantap pengiriman cepat
great fast delivery
Makasih semoga bagus ya soal.y blm di pake
thank you, I hope it's good, about it. I haven't used it yet
diconnect ke laptop langsung nyambung dan langsung bisa dimainin, tapi untuk diconnect ke hpku ngga bisa ternyata :( hpku vivo y15 emang gabisa connect atau gimana ya??
when connected to the laptop it immediately connects and can be played immediately, but to connect to my cellphone it doesn't work :( my Vivo phone really can't connect or what??
Thanks om paket sdh diterima dgn baik..sukses selalu
thanks i'm the package has been well received..always successful
Barang nya bagus, waktu pengirimannya yang kurang
the item is good, the delivery time is less
percuma extra bubble, ternyata ga ditebelin bubblenya, mana ngasih kertas alamat dibagian samping pula, padahal instruksi dari box bawaan sebelah atas nya disebelah mana nyampe nya dus penyok pula, untung isinya aman
it's useless extra bubble, it turns out the bubble isn't thick, where do I put the address paper on the side anyway, even though the instructions from the box on the top side where it arrived the box is dented too, fortunately the contents are safe
selama ini belanja di Lazada ga pernah mengecewakan, tp baru kali ini. beli multi cooker sampai di rmh kompor blkng nya sdh dlm keadaan pecah dan pecahan nya di cari" cuma ada separuh. kalo pecahan nya lengkap ada kemungkinan pecah di exspedisi ini cuma separuh, yg separuh nya ada di manakah?
So far, shopping at Lazada has never disappointed, but this is the first time. bought a multi-cooker, arrived at the house, the stove was broken, and the pieces were looking for "only half. If the pieces are complete, there is a possibility that it was broken on the expedition. But this is only half, where is the other half?
Barang nya ternyata tidak kompatibel dgn Zojirushi.
the item turns out to be incompatible with zojirushi.
Makasih.. .barang a udh sampe.. Bagus.. Gw suka pas banget dpet warna ungu
thank you... the item has arrived... it's good... I really like it when I get the purple color
keseluruhan bagus... cuma packing ny kurang rapih, asal aj... tdk menggunakan buble wrap.
good overall. it's just that the packaging isn't neat, just the origin. not using bubble wrap.
cuman lama pengirimannya...
only delivery time.
unit bagus... pengemasan bagus.....
nice units. nice packaging.
pelayananya warbyasa πŸ‘
the service is warbyasa
Harga produk baik, kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik, kualitas baik
good product price, very fast delivery speed, good quality
teko ny udah nympe,mksih lazada..
the teapot has arrived, thanks lazada..
paket dynamonya baik, berfungsi dgn baik cuma sayang kakinya krg pendek(kaki pendek), jadi blm terpsg dgn baik, sukses terus
the dynamo package works fine, it's just a shame that people's legs are short (short legs), so they haven't been installed properly, success continues
Bagus hanya bunyi nya ga nyaring
it's good but the sound isn't loud
Harga:terjangkau Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:tajam Real pic sesuai deskripsi ori warna dikirim sesuai pesanan cuman gunting keluar dr sarangnya jd lecet kayunya deh
price: affordable quality: good sharpness: sharp real pic according to ori's description color sent according to order only scissors come out of the nest so the wood scratches
Pengiriman via gosend, tapi lumayan lama jam 9 malam baru diterima.. biasa nya sore udh dtg.. Barang bagusss, ORIGINAL. HARGA BERSAING. Respon cepat. Packing biasa hanya di lakban..
delivery via gosend, but it took quite a while at night to receive it... usually it arrives in the afternoon... good stuff, original. competitive price. quick response. normal packing just duct tape..
kereeen bgt πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ semoga bagus hp ny
really cool, I hope the cellphone is good
Bagus, lucu imut2 banget. Pengiriman cepat. Thanks seller
nice, very cute cute. fast delivery. thanks seller
pengiriman cepat. tempat buat naruh centong nasinya nggak pas. kurang lebar/besar
fast delivery. the place to put the rice bowl is not right. not wide/big
mantap, pengiriman nya sesuai permintaan,thanks gan
great, the delivery is as requested, thanks bro
Alhamdulillah barang pesanan aku udah sampe dengan selamat yaayy, alhamdulillah juga barangnya bagus, enak dipake, murah pula. Barang dateng lngsng dipake sama adik akuu wkwk. Terimakasih seller, semoga rejekinya ditambah, sehat selalu dan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa bagi yang menjalankan πŸ™
alhamdulillah, the goods I ordered arrived safely, thank God, the goods are good, easy to use, cheap too. the item arrived immediately and was used by my sister wkwk. thank you seller, hopefully the fortune will be added, always healthy and happy fasting for those who run it
sip mantab keyboard murah dengan kualitas stabs nya yg tidak murahan πŸ‘
sip mantab cheap keyboard with quality stabs that are not cheap
Performa:bagus Kualitas:bagus tapi di bagian pegangannya lengket dan terkelupas Tampilan:kualitas bagus cuma pegangan kayu nya lengket dan ada yg terkelupas Produk berkualitas tapi sangat di sayangkan pegangannya lengket dan ada yg terkelupas di pegangan kayu nya,, niat untuk kado orang padahal,, saat mau minta retur tidak bisa dikarenakan dari awal saya salah tidak ada video unboxing,, cuma ada video cctv tapi tidak diterima video nya,,
performance: good quality: good but on the handle it is sticky and peeling off appearance: good quality only the wooden handle is sticky and some are peeling off quality product but it's a shame the handle is sticky and there is something peeling off on the wooden handle ... the intention was to give someone a gift though, , when I want to ask for a return I can't because from the start I was wrong there was no video unboxing,, there was only a CCTV video but the video was not received...
Awalnya kirain rusak karna ga bisa nyala. Ternyata salah pasang dan harus pas posisi tempat blender dan pisaunya itu biar bisa nyala. Pengiriman aman, barang sampe dgn selamat dan berfungsi dengan baik.
At first I thought it was broken because it couldn't turn on. it turned out that it was installed incorrectly and had to fit in the position where the blender and the knife were so they could turn on. Safe delivery, item arrived safely and works fine.
Barangnya bagus recommended untuk yg perlu mouse gaming murah, Beli saja barang sesuai
the goods are good, recommended for those who need a cheap gaming mouse, just buy the right stuff
Mutu terjamin SNI.Β  respon penjual baik
quality guaranteed here. good seller response
Barang sampai terimakasih namun ada bbrp bagian yg beret2
the goods arrived, thank you, but there are some parts that are beret
Produk Baik Sesuai Gambar...Sipp lah pokoknya
Good product according to the picture. Sipp is the point
Prestonya gak bekerja,kaya panci biasa
the presto doesn't work, like a normal pot
Barang kondisi bagus, pengiriman agak lama. Utk zoom tdk bisa menggunakan background, tdk ditemukan netflix dan disney plus hotstar pada playstore telah dicob berulang kali , apakah memang tidak bisa ?
item in good condition, delivery a bit long. for zoom can't use background, can't find netflix and disney plus hotstar on playstore have tried many times, is it really not working?
produknya baik, pisau2nya oke, peelernya ringan sekali. mgkin memang demikian. packingnya yg mgkin bubble wrapnya perlu dtambahin lg kak. Ekstra bubble wrap berbayarnya hanya selapis, kotaknya msh keliatan berbayang, kotak produk lgsg bubble slwrap selapis. kotaknya maaf koyak sudutnya, rencananya untuk kado, agak sungkan memberinya.. tks untuk pertimbangan packing ke depannya..
the product is good, the knife is okay, the peeler is very light. maybe it is. the packaging that maybe the bubble wrap needs to be added again sis. extra bubble wrap pays only one layer, the box still looks shaded, one layer of lgsg bubble slwrap product box. sorry the box was torn at the corners, the plan was for a gift, I was a bit reluctant to give it.. thanks for consideration of packing in the future..