Bagus pengiriman cepat
nice fast delivery
Auto bintang lima deh pokoknya
five star auto anyway
Lumayan lah dan penggirimannya juga lumayan nice produck2
it's ok and the delivery is also pretty good product
barang sudah diterima, pelayanannya ok..terimakasih
the goods have been received, the service is ok..thank you
Hdst bocor
leaking hdst
Punya saya agak penyok bagian atas mic nya, tidak tau karna apa. semoga lebih teliti lagi kedepannya. maaf hanya bintang 3.
mine is a bit dented at the top of the mic, don't know why. hopefully more careful in the future. sorry only star
barang sudah diterima. terima kasih
item received. Thank You
Akhirnya datang juga mixernya dalam keadaan baik.. Terima kasih
finally came the mixer in good condition .. thank you
paket udh smpe barusan, alhamdulillah panci mendarat dgn baik. cmn pengemasan sama pengiriman nya aja yg lama bgt smpe 7 hr. kurir mah udh langganan.. 👍
The package arrived just now, thank God the pot landed well. cmn the packaging and shipping just take a long time to hr. My courier has subscribed..
Mantaaaappppp..... Sesuai dengan expektasi, harganya worth syekaliiiii
Excellent. according to expectations, the price is worth once
Lambat bener tulusan nya barah telah di kirim tapi belum sampai" juga
it's really slow, the message has just been sent but it hasn't arrived yet
mousenya bagus dan sesuai deskripsi, hanya di packingnya kurang rapih dan tanpa bubble wrap
The mouse is good and according to the description, only the packaging is not neat and without bubble wrap
produk berfungsi dgn baik,hanya saja pd saat packing prlu dtmbhkan karton shg produk tdk trlihat dr luar utk seller ditinggkatkan lg respon chatny thks
the product works well, it's just that when packing it needs to be added to the carton so the product can't be seen from the outside for the seller it's increased again chat response thks
sip banget
really sip
mantab fast respon, barang mantab juga... semoga awet
great fast response, great stuff too. hope it lasts
Bagus tapi lecet2 sikit its okay to not be okay Bagus tapi lecet2 sikit its okay to not be okay Bagus tapi lecet2 sikit its okay to not be okay Bagus tapi lecet2 sikit its okay to not be okay Bagus tapi lecet2 sikit its okay to not be okay Bagus tapi lecet2 sikit its okay to not be okay Bagus tapiii
good but a little scratched its okay to not be okay good but a little scratched its okay to not be okay good but scratched a little its okay to not be okay good but scratched a little its okay to not be okay good but scratched a little its okay to not be okay it's good but it's a little scratched its okay to not be okay it's good but
Barang bagus banget coppp lah
cop is really good stuff
Barang oke udah takut blendernya pecah untung sampai dengan selamat, tapi pengiriman lamaaaa pake jasa pengiriman kargo
the item is okay, I'm afraid the blender will break, fortunately it arrived safely, but the delivery takes a long time using a cargo delivery service
baguuuussss! alhamdulillah selamat sampai tujuan tanpa ada yg rusak :D
Good! alhamdulillah safely arrived at the destination without any damage :d
Packingnya sangat2 buruk. Tidak pakai kardus, boxnya pun sudah penyok2.
the packing is very bad. don't use cardboard, the box is already dented.
sayangnya buat naroh sendok nasinya gak muat😒
Unfortunately, for putting a spoon of rice, it doesn't fit
Kualitas mic lumayan, untuk beberapa kendala, suaranya agak mendem tapi sebenernya ga seberapa, soalnya itu tuh gara" mulut agak jauh dari mic, hasil suaranya jadi mendem
the quality of the mic is decent, for some problems, the sound is a bit hoarse but actually it's not much, the problem is that because the mouth is a bit far from the mic, the sound results are so hot
pengiriman cepet barang sesuai deskripsi, packing aman
Fast delivery, item as described, secure packaging
fiks ini rekomendasi dari saya🤩
This fix is ​​a recommendation from me
sudah sampai. mantabbb. pisaunya jg tajam..
had reached. great. knife too sharp..
mantaps cuman untuk packaging kurang baik ndak pakek buble warp tapi over all bagus dan sesuai ekspetasi
it's great, but the packaging isn't good, it doesn't use bubble warp, but over all it's good and meets expectations
bagus tpi packing gada bublewraap nya, sangat disayangkan
it's good but the packaging doesn't have bubble wrap, it's very unfortunate
pengiriman nya lama bener
the delivery is really long
Barang bagus, warnanya pun sanggat pas dg yg inginkan
great product, the color is exactly what I wanted
best seller fast response
best seller fast response
paket sampai barang bagus,, makasih seller dan mas kurir,,
the package arrived, the goods are good,, thanks seller and mas courier,,
Barang sesuai harga dan foto
items according to price and photos
Tutup panci ada yang patah, kemungkinan patah dari tokonya, gak mungkin patah sama mamang gojek. Kemungkinan gak dicek sebelum dikirim atau memang sengaja dikirim dengan keadaan seperti itu.
There is a broken pot lid, maybe it was broken from the shop, it can't be broken by a motorcycle taxi. It may not have been checked before it was sent or it was sent on purpose in such circumstances.
Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍.  Mantap barang. Performa bagus. Kekurangannya : 1. Tidak bisa pakai Virtual Background di Zoom. 2. Untuk OTG, aktifkan dulu Development di system Android. Kalau keyboard nya terpasang tidak terbaca OTG nya. Harus lepas keyboard dulu. Over all, puas banget dengan harga yang murah tapi gak murahan.
there is an official warranty. the goods are original. great item. good performance. drawbacks: . can't use virtual background in zoom. . for otg, first activate development on the android system. if the keyboard is installed, the otg cannot be read. you have to remove the keyboard first. over all, very satisfied with a cheap price but not cheap.
garansi toko brp hari yaa??? apakah ada garansi toko???
shop warranty how many days? is there a shop warranty?
pengiriman cpet, tp sayang dudukan kapasitor ada yg pecah 1 mdh2an ga kenapa2
fast delivery, but unfortunately the capacitor holder is broken and it doesn't matter
Harga:lebih murah dibanding olshop resmi Pengemasan:sangat aman Bahan/Material:berkualitas Barang Original
price: cheaper than the official olshop packaging: very safe materials / materials: quality original goods
bgus,,dikirain yg lebar ukurannya
good,, thought the wide size
td nya niat mau ngasih bintang 5 tp penutup angin kakinya ada yg patah jd penutupnya ga bs di pasang. proses cepat tp tolong brgnya di cek dl seblm kirim gan.
I originally intended to give a star, but the wind cover on the leg was broken, so the cover couldn't be installed. The process is fast, but please check the goods before sending, bro.
Alhamdulillah kesampaian juga beliin bapak tablet, ya walaupun harus rajin ngumpulin dr hasil ngojol.
Thank God, I was able to buy a tablet for you, even though you have to be diligent in collecting it from the results.
aslinya bagus,sayangnya PD penyok😔😟
the original is good, unfortunately it's dented
respon sangat cepat pesan pagi jam 12 siang barang udah sampe padahal hari minggu, barang sesuai deskripsi... memuaskan... trm kasih
very fast response, ordered in the morning at noon, the item arrived even though it was Sunday, the item corresponds to the description. satisfying. thank you
Harga:lmyn Kualitas:blum dicoba,mdh2n awet ya sesuai dg harganya Pengiriman:lumayanlah soalnya LG 12 12 Makasih ya,mudah mudahan awet+cocok barngyna,blum dibuka mudah mudahan bagus nya,makasih
price: lmyn quality: haven't tried it, but it lasts according to the price delivery: it's pretty good, the thing is, thank you, I hope it lasts + fits well, haven't opened it yet, hopefully it's good, thanks
Ngk berfungsi dah di ON kan hmm... boleh tuker kah?
it doesn't work, it's already on, hmm. can i exchange?
sebenarnya sy suka dgn pelayanan yg diberikan penjual. dr segi produk dan packing jg ok banget. sayang sikap kurir yg mengantar kurang sopan (marah2) sehingga membuat tidak nyaman penerima barang
actually I like the service provided by the seller. In terms of product and packaging, it's really good. it's a shame the attitude of the courier who delivered was not polite (angry) so that it made the recipient uncomfortable
Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. Respon penjualnya top.
the goods are original. there is an official warranty. the seller is very friendly. fast order process. safe packaging . top seller response.
Tdk sesuai harapan..penyok dan tipis
not as expected ... dented and thin
respon cepat, packing aman, item barang komplit. Catatan untuk pen stylus berbeda dengan gambar, tdk terdapat klipnya. Dan untuk tablet saat di gunakan terdapat area dibagian tengah yang tidak bisa di tulis oleh pennya seluar kurang lebih 2cmx13cm 8( .....Fungsi yang masih lancar.
fast response, safe packing, complete items. note for the stylus pen is different from the picture, there is no clip. and for tablets when in use there is an area in the middle that cannot be written by the pen as long as more or less cmxcm (. the function is still smooth.
Pokoknya selalu memuaskan beli di toko ini. Terima kasih seller
Anyway, it's always satisfying to buy at this store. thank you seller
Bagus panas normal
nice normal heat
Kualitas produk sangat baik, produk original, thank you kaa
very good product quality, original product, thank you kaa
barang bagus sesuai dengan photo.. cuma invoice saja yang gak dikasih.. padahal sudah request
good stuff according to the photo... only the invoice was not given... even though I had requested it
barang pecah..sama aj beli rongsok
broken goods..same as buying junk
Sudah terima semoga awet
I have received hopefully durable
Untuk kardusnya agak rusak, tapi untuk mixernya sudah dicoba berfungsi. Mau Kasih video unboxing dari buka bubblewarp dll tapi kepanjangan videonya. Jadi yauda foto barangnya aja. Mantaaap 👍🏻👍🏻
the cardboard is a bit damaged, but the mixer has been tried to work. I want to give an unboxing video from opening bubblewarp etc. but the video is too long. so just take a photo of the item. Excellent
terimakasih, respon cepat, barang sesuai gambar, cukup besar untuk goreng macam2..
thank you, fast response, items according to the picture, big enough for fried like ..
Siip gan barang sudah sampai
siip bro the item has arrived
barang yang ditsetsetsetelah hari mati total dan restart terus plus hang ,pas pesanan otomatis selesai , padahal perjanjiqnnya 7 hari garansi pengembalian , tapi dari tokonya gak jelas nyuruh dibawa ke vancarenya ,gak mau tanggung jawab , tapi untung vancare bogor yang ngebantu ngehubungi pusat , karena mereka juga gak mau nerima service barang baru kondisi begitu , ribet deh , toko proses katanya mau bicarakan dulu dengan management , pelayanan seperri ini parah banget dengan kondisi barang begitu , kacau , untung dibantu bagian vancare pusat bukan toko , official tapi pelayanan lebih parah dari non official
the item is set after a total dead day and it keeps restarting plus it hangs, when the order is automatically completed, even though the agreement was on a warranty day to return, but from the shop it wasn't clear to order it to be taken to the vancare, didn't want to be responsible, but luckily vancare Bogor helped contact the center, because they too I don't want to accept service for new items in such conditions, it's complicated, the process shop said he wants to talk to management first, service like this is really bad with the condition of the goods, chaotic, fortunately assisted by the central vancare department, not a shop, official but the service is worse than non-official
Sudah sampai pesanan nya... Cepat sampai nya.. Semoga awet di pakai nya.. Lebih murah di toko ini... Makasihh yaa....
the order has arrived. it arrived quickly... hope it lasts a long time... it's cheaper at this shop. thank you.
bagusss bangettt pokoknya luv dehhh❤️❤️❤️ adminnya juga ramah
it's really good, the main thing is that the admin is also friendly
suaangatttt bagus bahannya juga bagus semoga awet...
it's very good, the material is also good, hopefully it lasts.
Barang blm dibuka karna kado buat tmn
The item has not been opened because it is a gift for a friend
penyok didalem, seharusnya sie ada pengecekan dulu sebelum dikirim barang
dent in the inside, there should have been a check before sending the goods
Baru 2 mnggu sudah mati total…ga bsa hidup lg tiba2 aneh ini produknya nyesal bgt beli nya
it's only been a week and it's completely dead…it can't turn on anymore suddenly it's strange that this product really regrets buying it
Barang yg dikirim ada masalah, komplen lama ditanggapi, sbg pembeli udh kecewa ditambah rugi waktu, semoga kedepan dpt diperbaiki
the item sent had a problem, the complaint took a long time to respond, as a buyer already disappointed plus a loss of time, hopefully in the future it can be repaired
Agak penyok bagian box, tapi keyboard aman dan bagus. Pengirimannya agak lama
a bit dented in the box, but the keyboard is safe and good. the delivery is a bit long
aga kecewa sih soalnya barangnya aga baret gtu, tp yasudahlah..tingkyu..
I'm a bit disappointed because the item is a bit scratched like that, but that's it.. Tingkyu..
Fitur Terbaik:bgs bgt Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Bgs lucu beda dgn yg lain
the best features: really good for the price: worth it, it's funny, it's different from the others
Barang cepat tiba dan selamat... packing rapih ... blm diunboxing semoga berfungsi baik
item arrived quickly and safely. neat packing. Haven't unboxed, hope it works well
built quality nya kerasa rapuh, wajar si namanya jg spek rgb kere hore. ya semoga aja awet 😂
the built quality feels fragile, naturally the name also specs rgb hooray. yes, let's hope it lasts
ada baret2 di body.apalagi kemasannya..hancur seperti bekas banjir.
there are scratches on the body. especially the packaging... it was destroyed like a flood mark.
Bagus Cepet sampe Gak pernah kecewa udh pemesanan kesekian kali Qualitas terjamin
good, fast, never disappointed, I have ordered several times, the quality is guaranteed
Barang oke semua cuma kabelnya mengelupas di dekat mesin
everything is okay, it's just that the cable is peeling near the machine
Barang bagus sesuai pesanan pengiriman cepat barang tidak rusak Poko nya sip saya puas
good stuff according to the order fast delivery the goods are not damaged the main thing is sip I'm satisfied
Handle kayu nya retak... Kenapa sebelum di packing gak di cek dulu???????? NOT RECOMENDED
the wooden handle is cracked. Why was it not checked before packing? not recommended
Maaf agak lama penilaian na, barang nya original lengkap, respon penjual ramah, cuma d bonus aja speaker blutut na ga berfungsi,,overall rekomended
sorry for the long review, the item is complete original, the seller's response is friendly, only the bonus is that the bluetooth speaker doesn't work, overall, recommended
Minus di Pengiriman saja yang lama . Keseluruhan bagus barang berfungsi dengan baik. Tidak ada yg penyok bodynya
Minus only the long delivery. overall good item works well. no body dents
yess berfungsi dengan baik. Aman thq boss
yesss works fine. safe thq boss
Main game dulu bang
play the game first bro
Kedua kali belanja dienterphone pelayanan memuaskan barang sesuai mantap jangan ragu belanja disini pelayanan seller mantap
the second time shopping on the phone, the service is satisfying, the goods are consistent, don't hesitate to shop here, the seller's service is great
Tidak ada acrylic dan standing holdernnya. Hanya paket tab dan printer saja
no acrylic and standing holder. only the tab and printer package
pancinya ada penyok dikit di bagian bawah.tapi gapapa makasih
the pot has a little dent at the bottom. but that's okay thanks
realpict mntabb
realpict mntabb
Batangnya bagus, harga terjangkau, kurang satu aja, mouse nya kegedean😑
the stick is good, the price is affordable, just one less, the mouse is too big
Kirim cepat barang aman
fast delivery of goods safely
realpict, packing oke
realpict, packing okay
liat bintangnya gak nyesel blanja disini
see the animals do not regret shopping here
Kualitas produk sangat baik,Harga produk sangat baik cuman blum saya coba
the quality of the product is very good, the price of the product is very good, but I haven't tried it yet
Bagus banget,harga ny masih terjangkau dgn kualitas kyk gini,switchnya jg enakeunn,cuman 1 yang kurang,pencabut keycaps nya 😭 w mau nyopot keycapsnya niat mau liat switchnya,malah jdi rada baret
it's really good, the price is still affordable with quality like this, the switches are also good, it's just that it's lacking, removing the keycaps I want to take off the keycaps I intend to see the switches, instead it's a bit scratchy
yg datang kurang dari pesanan, kemasan paketnya ad yg sobek
Those who came were less than the order, the packaging was torn
barang sudah sampai dengan selamat..................
It has arrived safely.
Ordernya Putih koq yg datang Hitam Di Chat gak di balas”
the order is white, the one that came is black, the chat didn't reply"
Barang sudah sampai dan sesuai peaanan, cuma kotak agak penyok
the item arrived and was in accordance with the description, only the box was a bit dented
barang masih di segel.....mantap
items are still sealed
Baguss berfungsi dengan baikk...harga terjangkau...semoga awet
nice, works well. affordable price. hopefully durable
Fitur Terbaik:sangat terbaik, pengiriman cepat, kurirnya ramah bangtt Sepadan dengan Harga:yaps betull sekali, sepadan dengan harga
the best features: very best, fast delivery, very friendly courier, worth the price: yep, really, worth the price
Tadinya saya rela kasih bintang 5 dan menyatakan sbg top seller, tapi karena keluhan saya perihal playstore yg tdk berjalan krn terdapat email org lain (spt bukan hp baru) lantas tdk ditanggapi, mhn maaf terpaksa saya cabut dan cukup kasih bintang 2. terima kasih
I was willing to give a star and declare it a top seller, but because of my complaint about the Playstore not working because there was someone else's email (like not a new cellphone) then it wasn't responded to, I'm sorry I had to unplug it and just give a star. Thank You
Semoga awet..pengiriman cepat dan packaging rapi wlu dus kemasan agk rusak
hope it lasts... fast delivery and neat packaging even though the packaging box is a bit damaged
Kualitas bukan maen
quality is not playing