Buat yg bugetnya pas pasang bisa beli ini sih. Semoga awet yaaa.. aaamiin. Tp ukuranya sesuai deskripsi yaa.. emg ga besar. Kl buat dipake sehari hari cocok lah. Tp kl mau ungkep ayam lbh dari 1 1/2 ekor. Jelas ga bisa..
for those who are on budget when installing, you can buy this. hope it lasts.. amen. but the size matches the description... it's not big. If it's suitable for everyday use. but if you want to reveal more chicken than / tail. obviously can't..
keyboardnya bagus, hanya saja kekurangannya di finishing yg kurang rapih. bagian atasnya gak menutup rapat sehingga tombol f5 - f8 gak rata.
the keyboard is good, it's just that the drawback is in the less neat finishing. the top doesn't close tightly so the f - f buttons are not flat.
Proses pesanan cepat, Packaging rapi , tapi ada penyok beberapa bagian. Untung ga sampe lecet bagian dalamnya. 🙏🏼
Order process was fast, packaging was neat, but there were a few dents. Luckily it didn't scuff on the inside.
Barang cantik n lucu sampai nya juga cepet tp ko ada ongkir nya ya padahal disitu jelas" free ongkir Jabodetabek apa sy d Jakarta Utara tdk termasuk Jabodetabek ?
Beautiful and cute items arrived quickly too but how come there's postage, even though it's clear there "free shipping for Jabodetabek, am I in North Jakarta not included in Jabodetabek?
Packing rapi barang sesuai deskripsi
neat packing of goods according to the description
pengiriman lama pol
long delivery pol
sumpah ini uasli bagus mantap dan reelpict lapisan yang sangat tebal g kecewa belanja di toko ini next maw co lagi😘
I swear it's really really good and really thick layer reelpict I'm disappointed shopping at this shop next maw co again
Barangnya sesuai... pengiriman jg cpt... tp membran buat buka tombol kog gak ada
the item is appropriate. fast delivery too. But there's no membrane for opening the button
bagus cuman ga muter
it's good it just doesn't play
pesen jam 1 siang pake instan,, datang jam 2 mantap produk sesuai da fungsi ok bisa di konektorkan ke hp android tanpa kabel,, cukup beli OTG aja udh langsung pakai simpel, fungsional,, keren abiss
Ordered at noon using instant,, came at a great time, the product fits and functions ok, it can be connected to an Android cellphone without a cable,, just buy an otg, it's straight away, it's simple, functional,, really cool
Harga:murah Pengemasan:baik Bahan/Material:sesuai harga Lumayan buat masak air sama ngrebus mie 😅😅
price: cheap packaging: good ingredients: according to the price, it's pretty good for cooking water and boiling noodles
Buat kado...semoga ga ada kerusakan
for a gift. hopefully no damage
seller Gercep.. ekspedisi si cepat kurang Cepat. pake nextday
seller gercep.. the fast expedition is not fast enough. use next day
Pada hari minggu ku turut ayah ke kota Naik delman istimewa ku duduk di muka
On Sundays, I accompany my father to the city by riding a special carriage, I sit in front
kipas berukuran kecil, tetapi angin yang dihasilkan kuat sehingga tidak ada masalah dalam penggunaan
the fan is small, but the wind generated is strong so there are no problems in use
Barang yang saya terima benar benar tidak berfungsi dengan baik hidup memang hidup cuma layar bawah gak bisa di sentuh tutup memori juga gak ada saya merasa rugi untuk paketan satu ini, gara gara harga emang murah sekali
the item that I received really doesn't work properly, it's alive, it's just the bottom screen, you can't touch the memory lid either, I don't feel like a loss for this one package, because the price is really cheap
Sejujurnya kecepatan pengiriman barang dan respon penjual kurang begitu memuaskan. Tp mgkn ada hubungannya dengan penerapan regulasi PSBB sekarang, ya sdh dapat dimaklumin. Overall, barang sampai dengan baik dan produk jg baik adanya. Terimakasih.
to be honest, the speed of delivery of goods and the seller's response are not very satisfactory. but maybe it has something to do with the implementation of PSBB regulations now, yes, that's understandable. overall, the goods arrived well and the products are also good. Thank You.
Mohon tingkatkan untuk packaging nya yak min ga banget soalnya masa kardus nya penyok
please improve the packaging, ok, min, not really, because the box was dented
dus yang dikirim sobek, padahal bubble wrap nya masih bagus, brarti kan dr awal kirim udah sobek
the box that was sent was torn, even though the bubble wrap was still good, it means that the original delivery was torn
barang rusak di kasih.. saya isi galon dispenser bocor
the damaged goods were given.. I filled a gallon of a leaking dispenser
barang bagus, cuman sayang adminnya proses aja hampir makan waktu 4 jam
good stuff, it's just a shame that the admin process takes almost hours
Pas d uji seterika nya panas.dan cepat d kirimnya.trimah kasih Shopee dan kurilnya oke..
when I tested the iron it was hot. And it was sent quickly. Thank you, the shopee and the kuril are okay..
barang sesuai pesanan, realpick dan semoga awett.. tq seller tq lazada n tq kurir
items as ordered, realpick and hopefully durable.. tq seller tq lazada n tq courier
Plastiknya agak penyok
the plastic is a bit dented
Sayang bgt pecah dari atas sampe bawah .. Jadi ga isa di pakek.. Sama aja buang uang dgn harga segitu.. Packingannya sama sekali ga bagus.. Pengamanan packingnya jelek bgt..
it's a shame it broke from top to bottom... so it can't be used... it's the same as wasting money at that price... the packaging isn't good at all... the security of the packaging is really bad...
friendly seller, kind, fast response, packaging didn't arrive at the clock,, delivery day, order from July to July, thanks seller & shopee express
Fitur Terbaik:- Sepadan dengan Harga:worth it Tanya ada warna biru, katanya ada, minta diganti warna biru di chat dan udh ditulis di pesan juga tapi yg dikirim tetap warna merah😂 charger sepertinya tidak kompatible, terpaksa pake charger sendiri, di cas sebentar agak panas gatau kenapa. Semoga awet terima kasih
best features: - worth the price: worth it I asked if there was blue, he said there was, asked to change the blue color in the chat and it was written on the message too but what was sent was still red the charger didn't seem compatible, had to use the charger myself, charged a bit hot i don't know why. hope it lasts thank you
barangnya baguss, pengemasan amann, pengiriman super cepatt. Terima kasih Kakk
great item, secure packaging, super fast delivery. Thank you brother
cukup puas...lazada mmg oke...barang smpe cepat...kurir ramah...komunikasi ny memuaskan...packing rapi....tq seller ...
quite satisfied. lazada is okay. goods are fast. friendly courier. satisfactory communication. neat packing. tq seller.
Pengiriman cepat ... Sellernya ramah ....barabgbya bagus trimakasih semoga selalu amanah
fast delivery . the seller is friendly. the goods are good, thank you, I hope you are always trustworthy
Penjual ***** Masa Gua Pake Untuk Butterfly Clik Cuma Daper 6 Cps Gablok Tolo
seller * when I use it for butterfly click, it only gets stupid cps
barang sesuai mulus, best seller, thank u lazada
the goods fit smoothly, best seller, thank u lazada
Barang berfungsi baik. Pengiriman cepat.
item works fine. fast delivery.
Mouse nya berfungsi dengan baik, RGB lampu nya yg paling keren sih untuk pengemasan bisa diliat sendiri ada box khusus yg bikin mouse nya aman,mantap
the mouse works fine, the rgb lights are the coolest, for packaging you can see it yourself there is a special box that makes the mouse safe, great
Order tgl 22 mei 2019 .. baru diterima 27 mei 2019 .. packing luar dan dalam rusak (tidak layak kirim) dan seperti digigit tikus ..
order on May .. just received May .. the outer and inner packaging is damaged (not suitable for sending) and like bitten by a rat ..
good product good seller
good product good seller
original semua tombol berfungsi dgn baik recommended seller. terima kasih
original all buttons work well recommended seller. Thank You
terima kasih bonus gayungnya
thanks for the bonus dipper
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:murah meriah alhamdulilah udah dipakai..semoga awet penguriman cepat kilat kurirnya baik juga ya bestie. moga2 awet nih setrikaan terimakasih penjuallk
best features: good value for money: cheap, festive, thank God it's been used... I hope it lasts lightning fast delivery, the courier is good too, bestie. I hope this iron will last, thank you seller
Fitur Terbaik:Cakep, putih
best features: cute, white
Fitur Terbaik:stenles priginal Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan lah mrh Presto sdh dtng pengiriman cpt terima ksh Sellernya jg Shopee 🙏
best features: priginal stenles worth the price: it's not bad, mrh presto arrived fast delivery, thank you, the seller is also shopee
Mantap desainnya, pengirimannya cepet bgt, mousenya oke dipake hanya agak berat saja
great design, very fast delivery, the mouse is okay to use it's just a little heavy
kurang bagus, di desc tidak berisik. nyatanya menimbulkan suara yg jauh lebih berisik dari kipas sy yg udah umur.
not good, on desc it's not noisy. in fact it makes a much louder sound than my aged fan.
Perlengkapan untuk mengukus tidak ada / tidak disertakan ( di detail produk di iklan mu CRJ-6601 dpt memasak menghangatkan dan MENGUKUS )
equipment for steaming is not available / not included (in the product details in your advertisement, you can cook, warm and steam)
aktivasi belum bisa tolong share
Can't activate yet, please share
aman terpercaya mantap dahh👍
safe reliable steady dahh
Rapih bangettt paket dinamonya blm dcoba/dpsngin, cuma solasi bakarnya dpt kcl smua, tdinya 1m kcl dan 1m yg gedee pi gpp soalnya g tw cara pesen uk yg gedenya cuma lht gmbr.
it's really neat, the dynamo package hasn't been tried/installed yet, only the fuel solution can be all small, at first m small and m big but it's okay, the problem is I don't know how to order the big one, just look at the picture.
dah pakai tapi kmp tempat nasinya kecil ya beda sama yg lainya
I've used it but where the rice is small, it's different from the others
akhirnya sampai juga dan langsung coba, ternyta berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya dan lebih gokilny lgi pengiriman cepat + packingnya aman bangat,, sampai susah bukanya benar-benar rekomdasi si ini.. hati juga sangat puas, ditambah bonus baterai lagi terimakasi banyak :))
finally arrived and tried it right away, it works as it should and even crazier, fast delivery + packing is very safe,, until it's hard to open, I really recommend this one.. my heart is also very satisfied, plus another battery bonus, thank you very much :))
bagus respon admin cepat ,maaf baru kasih ulasan aku kira salah kirim ternyata sama
good, admin's response is fast, sorry I just gave a review, I thought I sent it wrong, it turned out to be the same
Ya utk harga segitu, mouse ini worth, harus pakai tatakan kertas , saya kira ada fungsi pencet shortcut keyboard ternyta gada, ya ok
yes, for that price, this mouse is worth it, you have to use a paper pad, I thought there was a function to press the keyboard shortcut, it turned out to be no, ok, ok
masaknya cepat. Namun, akan lebih baik apabila tutup panci ada skerupnya
cook fast. however, it would be better if the lid of the pot had a screw
Harga:murah Bahan/Material:bagus cuma kotor kotor ,lecet juga di bawah nya tapi its ok masih bisa di pake
price: cheap material/material: good just dirty dirty, also scratched underneath but its ok it can still be used
lumayan sihhh ini.. kelemahan : 1.batre lumayan boros 2.ngecas lumayan lama 3. lumayan berat,hampir hampir 2kg🤣🤣 4.tas nya jelek🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 5.spiker nya makin kenceng makin bengek suaranya🤣 tapi udah stereo sih di volume 50% masih merdu Dibandingkan tablet china yang 1jt an. baru di pake seminggu udah ngadat🤣🤣 moga yang ini aman👍👍
this is not bad.. Weaknesses: the battery is quite wasteful. It takes quite a long time to charge. it's quite heavy, almost almost a kg. I've only been using it for a week, I hope this one is safe
barang mantap pengiriman cepat, recommend seller
great item, fast delivery, recommend seller
mantap, packing sangat aman,rapih dan barang datang sesuai dengan apa yang ada di toko online shop. sedikit di luar ekspektasi Advan hammer R6 yang memiliki ukuran yang besar itu ternyata memiliki berat yang bisa dibilang sangat ringan. terimakasih
great, the packing is very safe, neat and the goods come according to what is in the online shop. a little beyond the expectations of the advan hammer r which has a large size, it turns out to have a weight that can be considered very light. Thank You
gagangnya goyang 😁😁tapi Ndak pa2la h bisa diperbsiki
the handle shakes but it's not bad it can be fixed
Bagus dan sesuai harga 👍
good and worth the price
Fitur Terbaik:harusnya built in ringlight jadi fitur terbaik tapi so far ga terlalu signifikan perbedaannya Sepadan dengan Harga:i think so? Ga ngerti kenapa kameranya jadi begitu, ngebayang Selama ini pakai webcam yg lain ga pernah gini, jadi saya yakin problemnya ada di webcam bukan portnya Lepas plastic protectornya jg tetep ngebayang
the best feature: the built in ringlight should be the best feature but so far the difference isn't too significant the price is commensurate with the price: i think so? I don't understand why the camera is like that, imagining that all this time I've used another webcam, it's never been like this, so I'm sure the problem is with the webcam, not the port, the plastic protector has been removed, it's still imagining
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:baik kualitas produk sangat baik. barang original. harga terjangkau.
best features: good value for money: good product quality is very good. original item. affordable prices.
barang ok, tapi kurang bluetooth,, 😭😭
item ok, but lack bluetooth,,
Sepadan dengan Harga:Muantep poll
worth the price: muantep poll
produk sesuai deskripsi, baru nyoba login dragonball fighterz tp blm nyoba main, sepertinya semua tombol berfungsi, tinggal plug n play tanpa install software dr cd bawaanya
product according to the description, just tried logging in to Dragonball Fighterz but haven't tried playing, it seems all the buttons work, just plug n play without installing software from the default CD
agak tumpul dikit
a bit blunt
alhamdulilah barang udah sampe, cepat bnget. semoga Bagus barang'y. terima kasih seller dan lazada....
alhamdulillah the goods arrived, very quickly. hopefully good stuff'y. thanks seller and lazada.
barang sesuai dengan pesanan,mantap
goods according to the order, great
Ok sesuai deskripsi Respon seller sangat bagus Produk sedikit ada masalah tapi overall bagus Thanks seller Recommended seller 👍👍
ok, according to the description, the seller's response is very good, the product has a little problem, but overall it's good, thanks seller, recommended seller
Pengiriman cepat,,,,, pengemasan rapi,,,,,,, sesuai dengan pesanan
fast delivery, neat packaging, according to the order
Pengemasan kurang rapi paket sampai box nya udak lecek tapi untung barang nya GK papa. Dan pengiriman nya agak lama. Untuk barang mulus sesuai gambar masih baru🙏👍👍👍👍
the packaging is not neat the package until the box is crumpled but fortunately the goods are okay. and the delivery is quite long. for smooth items according to the picture it's still new
sudah diterima dengan baik.. pengiriman cepat..
well delivery..
Barang sudah sampai gan, pengiriman barang nya juga cepat, terimakasih gan, next order lagi. Mantap
the goods have arrived, bro, the delivery of the goods is also fast, thank you, bro, next order again. Excellent
Barang Dateng, Malam dicoba (Bisa) ... pagi mau dipake lagi (gak bisa) , disuruh ganti baterai alkaline (ttp gak bisa), Bisa retur ? Kelamaan kalo harus retur ... next dicek dulu sebelum dikirim ke customer. Terimakasih ...
the goods came, tonight tried (can) . I want to use it again this morning (can't), told to replace the alkaline battery (but can't), can it be returned? too late if you have to return. next check before sending to customer. Thank You .
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai harga Mouse ada baretnya, bekas kah?
best features: good value for money: according to the price, the mouse has a scratch, is it used?
tombol power on /of tidak berfungsi kalau mau dinyalain harus di charger
the power on / off button doesn't work if you want it to be turned on you have to charge it
Setrika sedikit gak panas
iron a little not hot
barang tidak berfungsi sama sekali jelekkk sekali 😡😤 saya mau uang saya kembali tolong tanggung jawab!!!! klo misalkan gk bisa ngembaliin uang saya seenggaknya tuker mixer nya yg berfungsi, sayang uang saya ini namanya tokonya tidak AMANAH !
the item doesn't work at all bad at all I want my money back please be responsible! if for example I can't return my money at least exchange the mixer that works, it's a shame my money is called an untrustworthy shop!
hrga boleh murah,tpi kualitas nya bintang 5 cepet nyampe nya, baru kemaren mlam pesen eh tdi siang dah nyampe kurir nya dah langganan top deh
the price may be cheap, but the quality is stellar, it arrives quickly, just ordered it yesterday evening, uh, this afternoon, the courier arrived, the subscription is top.
Bagus sesuai pesanan. Maap lupa foto barangnya.
good to order. sorry forgot to take a photo of the item.
barangnya bagus, suka banget sama produknya. cuma pas diterima, dusnya udah basah, tapi produk masih berfungsi dengan baik. semoga awet.
good product, really like the product. only when received, the box is already wet, but the product is still functioning properly. hope it lasts.
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai harga Fitur Terbaik:RGB doang awokwokwkwk Scroll kurang enak, di pakein mousepad malah seret gak licin satset tapi ya udah lah masih bisa di gunakan Beli karena rgb doang wkwk
commensurate with the price: according to the price the best features: rgb just awokwokwkwk the scrolling is not good, when you use the mousepad it doesn't even drag the satset smoothly but yeah it's okay you can still buy it because it's just rgb wkwk
Tidak ada tombol on off, jadi nyala terus, khawatir boros di battery. Tapi terimakasih banyak ya barangnya sudah sampai di rumah saya.
there is no on off button, so it stays on, worrying about wasting the battery. but thank you very much, the goods have arrived at my house.
Fitur Terbaik:tws Sepadan dengan Harga:sejauh ini iya beneran bassnya asik bgt ni tws dengan harga yang terjangkau, bentuknya juga lumayan beda dr tws yang lain jd unik, batrenya sepertibya rada boros tp cukup lah untuk sekedar denger di kereta, build quality kokoh untuk harga sgni, semoga barangnya awet dan tahan lama. sukses terus advan
best features: tws is worth the price: so far, yes, the bass is really great, this tws at an affordable price, the shape is also quite different from the other tws, so it's unique, the battery seems to be a bit wasteful, but it's enough to just listen to on the train, the build quality is solid for sgni price, hopefully the goods are durable and long lasting. continued success advan
Fitur Terbaik:tidak ada yg baik ... Hape ga fungsi dg baik...alias mati2..
best feature:nothing good . the cellphone doesn't function properly. aka dead..
Barang bagus banget! terima kasih Bukalapak. jamnya sudah saya terima sesuai pesanan. dan barangnya juga aman sampai tujuan.waktunya lebih cepat dari estimasi waktu yg sudah di tetapkan. saya sangat puas!!!
really good stuff! thank you Bukalapak. I have received the watch as ordered. and the goods are also safe until the destination. the time is faster than the estimated time that has been set. i am very satisfied!
Microphone mati, suara tidak keluar
microphone is off, sound does not come out
barang sudah sampai sesuai pesanan, kualitas barang bagus, dan berfungsi dgn baik... semoga awet....
the goods arrived as ordered, the quality of the goods is good, and works well. hope it lasts.
Ko barangnya beda yg dipesan ya,,trus g pas di pancinya..semoga awet deh..makasih ka
how come the item is different from what I ordered... then it doesn't fit in the pot... I hope it lasts... thanks sis
barang sip, no complain
good stuff, no complaints
Barang sesuai tapi packing kurang proper, kemasannya jdi rada rusak
the goods are appropriate but the packaging is not proper, the packaging is a bit damaged
terimakasih barang sesuai pesanan
thank you for the goods ordered
Pengiriman cepat. Pesanan sesuai. Ada sedikit riject entah saat pengiriman barang atau memang tdk dicek lg sat sebelum pengiriman.
fast delivery. appropriate order. there was a bit of riject either during the delivery of the goods or indeed it was not checked again sat before delivery.
pengiriman lazada itu pengiriman terlama bisa sampek seminggu baru nyampek
Lazada shipping is the longest delivery, it can arrive a week before it arrives
Tablet nya ngelag
the tablet lags
Ga nyesel beli disini
don't bother buying here
Ok dong, barang sesuai bubble tebal cuma ukuran imut😂👍 tapi mantab lah biar ga cape ga usah gede2 😂 panasnya jg berfungsi dengan baik bintang 5 deh
ok please, the goods according to the bubble are thick, only the size is cute, but it's great, so you don't get tired, you don't have to get too hot, it also works well, stars
Barang telah diterima dengan baik. Paking bagus. Oengiriman cepat
item has been well received. the best. fast delivery
Bagus lah ini cuma tadi kaget keycaps nya yang spacebar kok copot trus ada per/pegas di keyboard untungnya masih bisa berfungsi syukurlah.
this is good, but I was surprised that the keycaps on the spacebar came off and then there were springs/springs on the keyboard, fortunately it still works, thank God.
Sudah sampai tujuan dg selamat, dikirimnya pake bubble wrap juga jadi aman. Alhamdulillah barangnya mulus tanpa lecet. Sampenya lumayan cepet juga padahal luar jawa. Terima kasih sellerr
it arrived safely, it was sent using bubble wrap so it was safe. alhamdulillah the goods are smooth without scratches. it arrived pretty fast even though it's outside Java. thank you sellerr