penyok, gak pake bubble wrap
dented, no bubble wrap
barang datang langsung dipakek...panas setrikanya berfungsi dg baik...terimakasih buat kurirnya krn sudah langganan banget
the goods came immediately baked.the heat of the iron worked fine.thank you for the courier because it has been a very long time
Advannya sesuai deskripsi toko, cuma kenapa gak bisa update apk chrome dan bbrp apk lain ya ?
the advan is according to the shop description, but why can't I update the chrome apk and some other apks?
Alhamdulillah barang bagus,berfungsi,sesuai pesanan..pengiriman sangat cepat,terimakasih
alhamdulillah good item, working, according to order.. very fast delivery, thank you
mousenya lumayan dan agak kecil daripada mouse gaming lama punya saya dan di sini saat matikan pc mouse tersebut ikutan mati daripada mouse saya yang lama keadaan pc mati mouse tetap menyala, belum ada masalah pada mouse tersebut
the mouse is decent and a bit smaller than my old gaming mouse and here when I turn off the pc the mouse also turns off instead of my old mouse when the pc is off the mouse stays on, no problems with the mouse yet
Setelan atas bawahnya kurang berfungsi dengan benar jadinya arah angin hanya bisa ke atas.
the top and bottom settings don't work properly so the wind direction can only be up.
barang sesuai deskripsi good job
item according to the description good job
suara nya gak nyala satu gimana dong..bisa di tuker lagi gak😭
the sound doesn't turn on, how come...can you exchange it again or not?
Agak kecewa sih, karena udah diwantiΒ² di chat buat ga salah ngirim warna abuΒ². Tetep aja salah, dikirimnya putihπŸ™‚ saran ya, lebih teliti lg ajasih kalo jualan. Orang juga kan beli, bayar. ga minta. Kalo emg kosong mending konfirmasi jangan asal kirim yg ga sesuai permintaan. Dah gt aja. Makasi
I'm a bit disappointed, because I've been warned in chat not to send the wrong gray color. It's still wrong, they sent white, I suggest you be more careful when selling. people also buy, pay. don't ask. if it's empty, it's better to confirm, don't just send something that doesn't match your request. it's okay. Thanks
Biarkan bintang berbicara.
let the stars speak.
brg sdh sampe ternyata cm kecil
the item arrived it turned out to be a small com
mantep sesuai tp kecil ukurannya
good fit but small in size
Mantap keyboardnya, cuma agak kaget pas menerima paketnya. Nga dikasih wrapping bubble dalemnya. Jd agak bent kardus keyboard
great keyboard, just a little surprised when I received the package. without the wrapping bubble inside. jd slightly bent cardboard keyboard
Top sis satu ini barang sudah saya terima packing good
top sis I have received this one item packing good
Barang oke berkualitas. Namun sayang pengiriman telat 2 hari tidak seperti biasanya.
okay quality stuff. but unfortunately late delivery is not as usual.
Selalu sukaaaa... tdk mengecewakan.... semua berfungsi dgn baik
always like. not disappointed. all working fine
Earcupnya lembut.Β  dan admin ramah,mau ngasih tahu ukuran earcup dan fotonya.
the earcups are soft. and admin is friendly, wants to tell you the size of the earcup and the photo.
Best one
best one
Pengiriman cepat & aman, tanpa cacat. Barang berfungsi baik. Tapi agak mengganjal di socket listrik hanya ada 2 tonjolan, padahal di kabelnya ada lubang untuk arde.
Fast & safe delivery, flawless. item works fine. but it's a bit stuck in the power socket, there's only a bulge, even though the cable has a hole for grounding.
Mantap, beli pas diskon jadi 50rb ditambah cashback 20rb jadinya cmn 30rb jadinya bener bener worth it. Cuman yg parah kurir sicepatnya, mungkin karena dia ngirimnya kemaleman paketnya cmn ditaruh di depan pagar, untung gk ada yg ngambil.
great, buy at a discount so it's rb plus cashback rb so it's cmn rb so it's really worth it. The only bad thing is that the courier was fast, maybe because he sent it late the package just put it in front of the fence, fortunately no one took it.
bagus recommended tp sayang bantalan kaki nya ilang 1, hrsnya d cek dulu sblm di kirim
good, recommended but it's a shame the foot pads are missing, they should have been checked before sending
Barang diterima dengan baik dan sesuai, namun pengiriman "anteraja" sangat lama dari estimasi
the goods are well received and appropriate, but the delivery "interaja" much longer than estimated
Box kontainer nyaa amaannn,cuma warna nya random gabisa pilih iiiiiiii,, garaΒ² 12.12 pengirimannyaa lamaaaa bangettt:( gapapa siii banyakk yang pesenn juga kan jadi overload..hihi makasih seller
The container box is okay, only the color is random, you can't choose i,, because . The delivery took so long :( it's okay, many of the people who ordered it also overloaded... hihi, thanks seller
Safely arrived πŸ˜ƒ
safely arrived
Mantap bgt gercep pelayanannya, ramah, tersegel, dan puas sama kualitas produk²nya!! ✨✨✨✨❀️
the service is really fast, friendly, sealed, and satisfied with the quality of the product!!
Tolong dikasih sticker fragile, agar lebih aman dalam pengiriman.
Please give fragile stickers, to make it safer in delivery.
Pengirimannya cepat,barang bagus ga ada yg lecet,harga ekonomis,murah meriah ooooiiiiii 🀩😍😘πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
the delivery is fast, the goods are good, nothing is scratched, the price is economical, cheap, oi
Salah kirim, yang di pesan Fantech THOR X9 yang dikirim Fantech CRYPTO VX7. Agak kecewa soalnya ini hadiah untuk teman. Overall good.
Wrong delivery, which was ordered by Fantech Thor X which was sent by Fantech Crypto Vx. I'm a bit disappointed because this is a gift for a friend. overall good.
Penjual respon baik dan barang sesuai. Tq ya
the seller responds well and the goods are appropriate. thank you
Barang nya bagus, cuma batrai nya GK bisa d pakai , harus beli batrai baru aing,
the item is good, but the battery can't be used, you have to buy a new battery,
packing rapi, barang ok, pengiriman lbh cepet dr estimasi... kurir ramah... πŸ‘
well packed, item ok, delivery quicker than estimated. friendly courier.
Cuma, pengiriman agak lambat,
only, delivery a bit slow,
Maaf ya rating produk jelek, toko mah mantap. Sumpah Bru 3 hari pakai, joystick kanan gerak sndiri, (harus ganti modul sensornya) g bs charge harus nyambung kabel, ah blum sminggu udah masuk servisan, fantech payah. Mending beli yang abal2...
Sorry, the product rating is bad, the store is great. I swear I used it for days, the right joystick moved on its own, (had to replace the sensor module) I can't charge it, I have to connect the cable, ah, it hasn't even been serviced in a week, the fantech sucks. it's better to buy a fake one.
Bagus bingit
good bit
tidak sesuai harapan pesanya saya pesan miyako yang datang advan maaf saya kasih bintang satu biarr lebihh teliti lagi
it didn't match the expectations of the message, I ordered Miyako, who came later, sorry, I'll give one star so that I can be more thorough
Alhamdulillah mendarat slmt,packing y aj kurang sip pkai kantong putih,jd kelihatan bngt
alhamdulillah landed safely, the packaging was not good enough to use a white bag, so it looks really good
Bagus masih normal Tapi sayang cuma 1 yg bagus kan saya pesen 2 satunya gk bisa dikasih memori gk bisa buat Bluetooth dan kameranya jgak gk berwarna lgi klo yg satunya masih mulus noken Cma gk ada casnya jgak kotaknya jgak gak ada tapi bagus lh
it's good, it's still normal, but it's a shame that only the good ones, I ordered one, can't give memory, can't make Bluetooth, and the camera doesn't have color anymore, if the other one is still smooth, noken, but there's no charging, the box isn't there, but it's good
Mantap gosen cepet sampai. Walaupun hari minggu tetap dikirim tpi blm dicoba. Mudah2an awet
great gosen quickly arrived. Even though it's still sent on Sunday, I haven't tried it yet. hopefully durable
Alhamdulillah blendernya udah sampai ke temen aku, semoga awet. Tapi sayang banget pengemasannya kurang aman
Thank God, my friend's blender has arrived, I hope it will last. but it's a shame the packaging is not secure
fungsi ok produk mantap kualitas joss
the function is ok, the product is good quality, joss
barang bagus, kualitas bagusKemasan disegel.Β Barangnya mulus.
good stuff, good quality, sealed packaging. smooth stuff.
Recomended.. Barangx memuazkan
recommended..satisfactory item
Top...bgt...cakep.....langganan di toko ini....thanks seller......πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
top.bgt.cute.subscription in this shop.thanks seller.
mantap gan barang nyampai jam 22.00 ,packing bintang lima deh,belum di buka dan di coba ,masih senang liat packing yg sangat rapi hehehe,mudah2an barangnya gak bermasalah dan awet ,bravo gan ,tks
great, bro, the goods arrived at the clock. , five star packaging, haven't opened and tried yet, still happy to see the packing is very neat hehehe, I hope the item is not problematic and durable, bravo bro, thx
KECEWA karna barangnya mati total gk berfungsi
disappointed because the item is totally dead and doesn't work
Maaf ya gan, bintang 3, sampai ditempat rice cokernya pada penyok, tapi gpp lah mungkin dlm pengiriman tergencet, pakingnya padahal udah buble warp, thanks...
I'm sorry and, Bintang, when I arrived at the rice cooker it was dented, but it's okay, maybe it was squashed during delivery, the packaging even though it was already buble warp, thanks.
Barangnya original πŸ‘Performa lancar.Β Proses pesanan cepat.Β Packaging aman πŸ™.
the goods are original, the performance is smooth. fast order process. safe packaging .
barangnya bagus thnks lazada
the item is good thnks lazada
Terimakasih barang sudah diterima, respon seller juga cepat. Masukan next time dikirim barangnya dalam keadaan tertutup yaa. Soalnya dikirim ke kantor ga enak keliatan belanjaannya.heheh Thanks
Thank you, the goods have been received, the seller's response is also fast. input next time sent the goods in a closed state. the problem is that it was sent to the office and the shopping doesn't look good. heheh thanks
headset mantul ..pengiriman cepat sekali
great headset... very fast delivery
pengiriman oke bgt, sehari kemudian lgsng sampe, adminnya jg ramah bgt bisa minta tambahan bubble warp
the delivery was okay, a day later it arrived, the admin was also very friendly, I could ask for additional bubble warp
Keren sih tapi mau lebih tocky harus tambah mod biar joss
it's cool, but if you want it to be more tocky, you have to add mods to make it joss
baguss pas dipake juga enakk terimakasih lazada
it's nice to use it, it's also delicious, thanks lazada
1 tdk berfungsi dengan baik..kadang2 gak gerak kursornya
doesn't work properly... sometimes the cursor doesn't move
mntulll.. lngsng buat msak.. berfungsi dgn baik
bouncy .. directly for cooking .. works well
kipas anginnya oke cooy...pengiriman cepat.. Respon penjualnya top..trims
the fan is okay cod. fast delivery.. the seller's response is top.. thanks
Kecewa aja toko g bisa bantu d saat aku salah beli. Pdhl aku dah langganan , g bisa kasi solusi .. d kirim dlu ke barang nya d cek lagi klo g bisa d tuker setelah dia. Cek fisik kan bisa, klo takut ada yg rusak gtu juga.. aku juga gpp dapet barang lebih murah dan ongkir aku yg bayar semua dr pd mbzr
I'm just disappointed that the store can't help when I buy the wrong one. Even though I've already subscribed, I can't provide a solution... I sent it first to the item and checked again if it couldn't be exchanged after him. You can do a physical check, if you're afraid something will be damaged, that's the same.
kondisi barang baik
good item condition
Terimakasih barang sudah sampai pengemasan sangat safety, semoga awet
thank you, the goods have arrived, the packaging is very safe, hopefully it will last
realpict bangetz dicoba dipanasin sih muter enggaknya..alhamdulillah besok mo bwt bakar sate..moga nggak lengket..diliat dr bahan n pegangannya kokoh bngtz..😍😍😍
realpict really the trying to heat it or not turning around..thank God it's tomorrow I want to grill satay..hope it's not sticky..judging from the material and the handle is very sturdy..
Alhamdulillah paket datang.. Tadi pas coba ga bisa halus banget, buat bubur bayi alhasil di saring lagi.. Tapi mungkin untuk penggunaan yg lain oke, thanks
alhamdulillah the package came... when I tried it it couldn't be really smooth, for baby porridge as a result it was filtered again... but maybe it's okay for other uses, thanks
Barangnya bagus, garansi jga selama2 nya, pengiriman jga aman meskipun bubble wrap nya ga tebel tp pengemasan sama waktu pengirimannya lama bgtt sktr 1 minggu an):
the goods are good, the warranty lasts forever, the delivery is also safe even though the bubble wrap is not thick but the packaging is the same as the delivery time is very long about a week):
Barang bagus,original Semoga awet dan tahan panas nya lama
good stuff, original hopefully durable and long lasting heat
Fitur Terbaik:Worth banget buat harga di bawah 1 jutaan, pilihan casingnya juga banyak biar ga bosen
best feature: really worth it for the price below a million, there are also lots of casing options so you don't get bored
Alhamdulilah udah keterima barangnya bagus saya senang.
alhamdulillah, I received the item, it's good, I'm happy.
mantap jiwa, barang sampai dengan selamat, packing rapi, sudah dites dan semua tombol berfungsi dengan sangat baik. semoga awetπŸ‘πŸ‘ Terima kasih
great soul, goods arrived safely, neatly packed, tested and all buttons work very well. hope it lasts thank you
Karakter keyboard ini empuk (enteng) dan bunyi klik2 cukup keras. Namun masih oke krn harga mmg yah ga terlalu mahal. Backlite warna warni tapi sptnya static. Padansaat pengiriman kardus penyok2 semua dan lusuh. Spt kardus lemes. Tapi keyboardnya baik2 saja.
The character of this keyboard is soft (lightly) and the click sound is quite loud. but it's still okay because the price isn't too expensive. colorful backlite but looks like static. at the time of delivery the cardboard was all dented and shabby. like a soft cardboard. but the keyboard is fine.
Kardus sobek disana sini
torn cardboard here and there
Fitur Terbaik:luar biasa Sepadan dengan Harga:sempurna
best feature:amazingly worth the price:perfect
bagus, packing aman.. cocok banget buat kado
good, safe packing.. perfect for gifts
kualitas barang oke, sayang tidak ada panduan pemakaian, seller nya juga responsif, tapi ada bagus nya kalo mau cepet, pake logistik ojol saja, di luar itu mantab
the quality of the goods is okay, it's a shame there's no usage guide, the seller is also responsive, but it's good if you want to go fast, just use ojol logistics, other than that it's great
Performa:sesuai Kualitas:baik Tampilan:bagus
performance:according to quality:good display:good
rusak mic nya, tadi nya mau ajuin garansi tapi males lama
the mic was broken, I wanted to apply for a warranty but I was lazy for a long time
Panci palsu,,tipis kaya seng
fake pot, thin like zinc
Tampilan oke semua ori, pengemasan cepat. Hanya pengiriman dr ekspedisinya yg bkin jengkel melebihi batas estimasi pengiriman. Smpe complain ke cs nya 2x baru barang diantar. Tx seller sukses trs advan
looks okay all ori, fast packing. only the shipment from the expedition that annoyed me exceeded the estimated shipping limit. until the complaint to the cs is not new, the goods are delivered. thx successful seller, then advan
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:yass Maaf foto y g sesuai soal ya sudah dibawa mamake😁
best features: good for the price: yeah, sorry, the photos that don't match the problem have been brought by mamake
Sesuai deskripsi, cepat panasnya, packing bagus dan seller juga responsif. Recomended seller dan product πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
according to the description, fast delivery, good packaging and responsive seller. recommended seller and product
blender nya bagus, kecil cocok utk anak kos, ada surat garansi resmi dari cosmos. harga terjangkau kualitas oke. warnanya cantik. pengiriman juga cepat, sangat rekomendasi
the blender is good, small, suitable for boarding children, there is an official guarantee letter from Cosmos. affordable price okay quality. the color is pretty. Fast delivery too, highly recommended
Terimakasih banyak barang sudah diterima dengan baik semoga awet..sekali lagi terimakasih banyak.....
thank you very much, the goods have been well received, hopefully they will last...once again, thank you very much.
barang sudah di terima, berfungsi dengan baik cuma kecil banget, ini sih buat anak kost dan cuma bisa buat masak nasi ja GK bisa ngangetin,,,☹️☹️
the item has been received, it works well but it's really small, this is for boarding children and can only cook rice but can't remember it,
Barang sesuai, anginnya lebih kuenceng drpd aslinya cosmos. semoga awet.
the item fits, the wind is stronger than the original cosmos. hope it lasts.
Busa yang kanan kendor knp?
Why is the foam on the right loose?
Belum di buka mudah"an barang nya bagus packing rapi...tooop
haven't opened it yet, it's easy, the goods are good, packing
produk baret2 keadaan tidak mulus.. sperti barang bekas.. pengiriman lama.. sangat kecewa saya !!
the beret product is not smooth... like used goods... long delivery... I'm very disappointed !!
Fitur Terbaik:Mantab Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuau Semoga awet, terimakasih seller sudah amanah, aman sampai ke tangan penerima πŸ‘
the best features: great worth the price: something I hope it lasts, thank you seller for being trustworthy, safe to the recipient's hands
barang cepat sampai dan semoga awet
Item arrived quickly and hopefully lasts
Suka banget jujur sesuai ekspektasi>,<
really like to be honest according to expectations>,<
Terima kasih barang nya bagus... puas...pengiriman cepat, kemasan rapih, wow wow wow bagus gus gus mantap tap tap pokoknya...
thank you good stuff. satisfied. fast delivery, neat packaging, wow wow wow good gus gus great tap tap anyway.
barang trkirim sesuai spesifikasi
Items sent according to specifications
Udah di cobain panasnya termasuk awet ...ngisi aore bsok sore masih panas .tks seller ramah
I've tried it, the heat is long lasting. Filling up tomorrow afternoon is still hot. Thanks, the seller is friendly
maaf panci'y pd penyok...pacing'y jelek cm pke plastik
sorry the pot is dented. the pacing is bad, only uses plastic
Barang sesuai,packing pake bubble wrap rapi,dus penyok dikit gpp,overall puas bgt
the goods are appropriate, the packaging uses bubble wrap neatly, the box is a little dented, it's okay, overall I'm very satisfied
ini tekonya kok mungil amat ya..ktanya ukuran 3lter tpi kok kecil tapi lucu mksih toko dn sellernya smoga sukses terus brsama lazada πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
How come this teapot is so tiny... I asked for the size of the filter but how come it's small but cute thanks to the store and the seller, I hope you continue to be successful with Lazada
Pengiriman dan pengemasan cepat. Meskipun cuma pake bubblewrap aja tapi barang sampai dengan selamat dan mulus. Semoga aja awet. ☺☺☺
fast delivery and packaging. even though it's just using bubblewrap but the item arrived safely and smoothly. hopefully it won't last.
Pengirimannya lama banget, tapi gpp deh yang penting semoga beneran awet.
the delivery is really long, but it's okay, the important thing is that it really lasts.
Alhamdulillah cepat sampai barangnya.. sudah dicoba dan berfungsi secara baik.. tapi nasinya kalo dibesokin kuning dan kering.. sebetulnya produk original cosmos apa bukan ya saya juga gak paham tapi gada batas ukuran di pancinya kayak panci2 magic com lainnya.. selebihnya baguslah.. makasih
alhamdulillah, the goods arrived quickly.. I tried it and it works fine.. but the rice looks yellow and dry tomorrow.. is it actually an original cosmos product or not? . Thanks
pengiriman cepat, barang ok, terimakasih lazada...
fast delivery, item ok, thanks lazada.
Tutupnya pas sekali, bagus
the cap fits perfectly, great
Barang bagus cuman tiangnya emang agak miring ke kanan ya gk lurus gitu
good stuff, but the pole is slightly tilted to the right, isn't that straight
barangnya OK,, session pesanann,, semoga sweet,, trims lasada,.
the item is ok,, order session,, hope it's sweet,, thanks lazada,.