maaf baru ngasih ulasan. 🙏🙏 pengirimannya cepet banget. 👍👍👍 barang oke, terimakasih seler,makasih mas kurir, makasih lazada. 👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
sorry just gave a review. very fast delivery. the item is ok, thanks seller, thanks mas courier, thanks lazada.
Pengemasan dan pengiriman lumayan cepat, barang sesuai dengan gambar
Fast delivery and packaging, item as pictured
alhamdulillah sudah datang, mudah-mudahan awet Terima kasih
alhamdulillah it has come, hopefully it will last, thank you
bagus, hanya saja sedikit kurang panjang untuk handle nya, saya punya seri lain yg dapat talenan. di seri tsb bilah pisau cukup tebal. yang seri ini ketebalannya dibawah seri tsb. tapi cukup puas karena saya suka model japanese.
good, it's just that the handle isn't long enough, I have another series that gets cutting boards. in this series the knife blade is quite thick. this series is below the thickness of the series. but quite satisfied because I like Japanese models.
Saya kira 4lt bersar ternyata kecil
I thought LT was big but it turned out to be small
Enak bgt buat main game. Mantab gan. Recomended neh mouspad gamer
great for playing games. great bro. I recommend mousepad gamers
Fast shipping, good. Thanks
fast shipping, good. thanks
Worth it untuk harganya , selain jadi stand bisa jadi hub sama bungee juga
worth it for the price, apart from being a stand, it can also be a hub for bungee too
Saya baru sempet buka pesenan saya setelah seminggu dr luar kota. Pas dibuka mengecewakan. Bagian luar magic com nya penyok. Sy sebagai konsumen sangat kecewa.😭😭😭. Kapok...
I just had time to open my order after a week from out of town. disappointing when opened. the outside of the magic com is dented. I, as a consumer, am very disappointed... give up.
Kualitas produk sangat baik... Harga sangat terjangkau... Pengiriman standard... Makasih sista
product quality is very good. price is very cheap. standard delivery. thanks sista
Ada garansi internasional. Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi toko. Ada garansi resmi. Resolusi kamera kurang. Baterenya kurang awet. Resolusi kamera bagus.
there is an international guarantee. the goods are original. there is a store warranty. there is an official warranty. less camera resolution. the battery is not durable. good camera resolution.
terima kasih, salam sehat
thank you, best regards
brgnya tipis,tp ya maklum barangnya murah.
the item is thin, but yes, it's understandable that the item is cheap.
Wah, Puas Banget!
wow, so satisfied!
tombol scrol tidak lancar
the scroll button is not smooth
panas bet airnya wkwkwk
the water is really hot wkwkwk
Harga:murah Pengemasan:aman Bahan/Material:bagus Thank you so much.. barang bagus sama seperti gambar, laris manis.. God bless..
price: cheap packaging: safe material/material: good thank you so much.. good stuff just like the picture, selling well.. god bless..
sempet komplain karena mesin ga nyala,,ternyata posisi gelas blender kurang presisi🤭 produk mantap dah pokoknya
I had a complaint because the machine didn't turn on... it turned out that the position of the blender glass was less precise, the product was steady anyway
Pengiriman lama bet
long delivery bet
kereen banget jumat pesan.sabtu siang dah dateng aja barangnya..di pertahankan yaaa..barangnya ok banget packing rapi dan aman..harga menurut saya lgi murahmurahnya 😁
it's really cool Friday ordered. Saturday afternoon just arrived the item.. keep it up.. the item is really ok, the packing is neat and safe.. the price in my opinion is cheap again
Ukurannya kecil. Tidak cocok untuk telinga saya.
small size. not suitable for my ears.
Respon cepat. pengiriman OK. Stylus pen sempat tak berfungsi ternyata baterenya low, setelah beli baru - berfungsi normal. simcard ada tp bonus kuota tdk berhasil didapatkan
quick response. delivery ok. the stylus pen didn't work it turned out the battery was low, after buying a new one - it works normally. the simcard is there but the quota bonus can't be obtained
Packing tidak menggunakan bubble wrap, hanya menggunakan plastik wrap saja dan sampai sdh sobek,semoga bisa berfungsi dengan baik..
packing does not use bubble wrap, only uses plastic wrap and until it is torn, hopefully it can function properly..
alhamdulillah terimakasih smoga tambah sukses ya
alhamdulillah, thank you, I hope you will be more successful
Sudah diterima, terimakasih. Semoga bisa maksimal hasil prestonya 👍
received, thank you. hopefully it can get the maximum results prestonya
Terima kasih, berguna sekali
thank you, very useful
Barang bagus, pelayanan baik, rekomend deh
good stuff, good service, recommend
Sesuai dengan pict dan berfungsi.. thanks
according to the pict and it works.. thanks
layarnya kabur tidak bgt jelaas
the screen is blurry not very clear
overall masi enak makeny, cmn agak krang biasa d tombol samping yg agak empuk (biasa clicky soalny) makasih gan
overall it's still good to eat, but it's a bit ordinary on the side buttons which are a bit soft (usually clicky problem) thanks bro
Bagus keyboard nya, pilih red switch yg silent, recommended seller..
the keyboard is good, choose the red switch which is silent, recommended seller..
ckup puas dg prngiriman yg begitu cepat tp sayangy odrn minta warn ungu d kasih ijo seharusny kalau brg kosong yg d mint konfirmasi lwat chat kan jg bs ke pelanggan.. trimakasi bukapalapak semoga ad pembaruan lebh baik ke depannya amiin..
I'm quite satisfied with the delivery that was so fast, but unfortunately, Odrn asked for purple color and given green. If the item is empty, I asked for confirmation via chat, right?
Produk cukup bagus. Pesan 10 tapi sayang ada 1 produk yg kemasan pisaunya sedikit rusak.
pretty good product. ordered but unfortunately there is a product with a slightly damaged knife packaging.
Slow resp , pengiriman lama via gojek , overall produk bagus
slow response, long delivery via gojek, overall good product
barang cepat sampai,semoga awet.. terimakasih seller dan terimakasih banyak kurir yg rela ujan ujanan nganter.. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏.
the goods arrived quickly, hopefully they will last... thank you seller and thank you very much for the couriers who are willing to take the rain... the packaging is neat. safe packaging.
terlalu banyak getaran membuat kipas jln berpindah sendiri
too much vibration causes the fan to move on its own
Recommended! Jngan hanya liat dong beli, gak nyesel pkoknya
recommended! don't just watch it, buy it, don't regret it
Kondisi maspion ssp141 panda fit sesuai deskripsi dan kondisi bagusss,,, mantap
the condition of the maspion ssp panda fit according to the description and in good condition, great
suara speaker dan mic jernih, produk ok, packing aman, recommended seller
clear speaker and mic sound, ok product, safe packing, recommended seller
produk nya bagus, tapi kenapa susah login ke my orbit ya
the product is good, but why is it so hard to login to my orbit?
harus motong lg plate foam nya buat case akcrilic
have to cut the lg plate foam for the acrylic case
Pengiriman cepet cuma 2 hri, tpi pengemasan kurang rapih sehingga penyok", kualitas keren
fast delivery only a day, but the packaging is not neat so it is dented", cool quality
gg pisan
gg banana
Pertama kali punya mouse gaming. Tidak seringan yang saya bayangkan. Entah karena saya noob atau memang pengaturan macro-nya agak ribet. Kadang berhasil, kadang tidak.
First time owning a gaming mouse. not as light as I imagined. either because I'm a noob or indeed the macro settings are rather complicated. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Allhamdulilah pesanan nya sudah mendarat dengan selamat dan sesuai dengan pesanan Respon penjual sangat baik 👍 Sukses selalu buat usahanya ya 🙏 Buat yg mau order silahkan
Thank God, the order has landed safely and according to the order, the seller's response is very good, always successful in doing business, yes, for those who want to order, please
Menurutku lumayan untuk memasak skala kecil, pembersihannya mudah, tp untuk menghaluskan bumbu masih krg halus hasilnya (atau ak yg gk bisa pakai yaa..), bahan plastiknya bagus
In my opinion, it's not bad for small-scale cooking, easy to clean, but for grinding the spices, the result is still not smooth (or you can't use it, huh..), the plastic material is good
akhirnya memiliki mouse macro meski belum bisa setting tembak cepat SG di PointBlank
Finally, I have a mouse macro, even though I can't set SG's fast shooting in Point Blank
Paket sampai dg selamat, walopun warna yg dikirim random, tp bahan kuat dan sepertinya bakal awet dipake
The package arrived safely, even though the color sent is random, but the material is strong and looks like it will last long
Barang sesuai deskripsi,respon seller baik dan cepat... Thxx
Item as described, seller responds well and fast. thxx
Bodynya peyok... mencoba menanak kok panasnya sampai luar..body di sentuh panas banget.. mudah2an kedepanya baik lah peyoknya itu sebab apa? apa dlm perjalanan kedesek2 kalo kurirnya sudah sering ngantar jadi sudah hafal.. cuma di colokan listrik ko panas semua.. agak kecewa dg tokonya..
the body is dented. trying to cook how come it's hot to the outside..the body is really hot to touch..hopefully in the future it will be fine what's the reason for the dented? What happened on the way when the courier delivered often, so I already memorized it.. only the plugs are hot, why are they all hot.. I'm a bit disappointed with the shop..
Mantap banget suka sama rgbnya pengiriman nya cepat dan fast respon
really like the rgb, the delivery is fast and the response is fast
Kualitas produk sangat baik, pengiriman cepat, packing rapih... anak ku juga sjka... top deh
Very good product quality, fast delivery, neat packaging. my son too. top deh
Mā Syā Allāh, Mantap. Pengiriman Pakai Kurir Anteraja ke Kota Makassar Makan Waktu 9 Hari, Pengemasan Bubble Wrap.
mā syā allāh, great. delivery using anteraja courier to Makassar city takes days, packing bubble wrap.
kokoh, nyaman dipakai
sturdy, comfortable to wear
Hp gak bisa di pakek...,
HP can't be used.
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:bagus Bagus sekali
best features:good value for money:good very good
Packing aman, pengiriman cepat, produk sesuai deskripsi, asesoris lengkap, hanya kartu garansi tdk distempel, semoga awet
safe packing, fast delivery, product according to description, complete accessories, only warranty card not stamped, hope it lasts
kotak mouse nya susah dibuka cuman itu aja sih 🙏 untuk packing pengiriman dll aman mantap 👍😁
The mouse box is difficult to open, but that's all for packing, shipping, etc., it's safe and sound
pengiriman aman dan cepet. terima kasih
safe and fast delivery. Thank You
Produk sangat baik sih cuma salah memilih pengirim aja... Jadinya lama banget sampai rumah
The product is very good, it's just that I chose the wrong sender. it took so long to get home
payah baru pesen paket 7 menit mau di batalin karna proses same day gak bisa dikirim di jam setengah 1 siang mau saya ubah ke instan padahal pasti paket atau kurirpun belum di request sama sekali. kayanya cuma toko ini yg saklek bgt ama pembeli paket saya pesan hari senin saya trima rabu pke same dy
It's a shame that I just ordered a minute package, I want to cancel it because the same day process can't be sent at half past noon. I want to change it to instant, even though the package or courier hasn't been requested at all. I think this shop is the only one that is very strict with the buyer. I ordered my package on Monday, I received it on Wednesday, using the same dy
produkk sesuai gambar penjual juga ramah
the product according to the picture the seller is also friendly
Harga:oke Kualitas:bagus Pengiriman:standar Barang oke sebenernya, tapi sayang ada penyok dikit di bagian tutup botol. Kayaknya rusak dari sana nya soalnya kardus datang dalam kondisi tidak penyok jadi nggak mungkin cacat saat pengiriman
price: ok quality: good delivery: standard goods are actually okay, but unfortunately there is a slight dent on the bottle cap. I think it was damaged from there, because the box came in a dented condition, so it couldn't have been damaged during delivery
barang sudah di terima .sesuai harga thanks
the goods have been received according to the price, thanks
Ini teh yang kecilnya kalo di pake harus agak di teken apa kak
This is a small tea, if you use it, do you have to press it a bit, sis?
tempat air nya longgar
where the water is loose
Sangat cepat dan sesuai orderan harga sangat bersahabat semoga awet dan tidak cepat rusak Nyaman dipakai thanks yaaa seller sukses terus
very fast and according to the order, the price is very friendly, I hope it lasts and doesn't break quickly, it's comfortable to use, thanks, the seller has been successful
Tidak sesuai dengan deskripsi.
does not match the description.
thanx extra giftnya
thanx the extra gift
Packing rapih, sudah diterima dengan baik, barang berfungsi dengan normal, mudah2an awet.
packing is neat, received in good condition, item works normally, hope it lasts.
Barangnya bagus tp belum di coba Pengemasannya kurang Cuma satu lapis di luar aja
the item is good but haven't tried it yet the packaging is lacking only one layer on the outside
pengiriman cepat, produk sesuai, di tes langsung nyala
fast delivery, correct product, tested right away
Setelah retur karena alatnya rusak, langsung dikembalikan oleh penjual.
after the return because the tool is damaged, it is immediately returned by the seller.
Kirain ukuran 6 itu besar taunya kecil
I thought the size was big or small
Terimakasih HP nya diterima dengan baik
Thank you, the cellphone is well received
Barang nya realpict, ori, berfungsi dg baik. Terus prosesnya cepettt bgt pas pesen beberapa menit kemudian langsung dikirimm. Luvv pokonyaa
the item is realpict, ori, works well. then the process was really fast when I ordered a few minutes later it was sent immediately. luvv pokonyaa
Produk nya original , Alhamdulillah gak ada lecet ,semua lengkap .. Mohon maaf gak sempet difoto 🙏🙏🤣
the product is original, thank God there are no scratches, everything is complete.. sorry I didn't get to take a photo
Pesanan sesuai cuma syang nya gak ada saringanya buat mengkukus lain kali lebih teliti lgi ya
The order is correct, it's just a shame there isn't a filter for steaming, next time be more careful
Makasih makasih makasih makasih makasih. Cuma aku kecewa pengirimannya lama bgt. Akhirnya aku beli kado lagi buat temen ku. Ini jd gak kepake krn akupun udh punya. Ya sudahlah mudah2an next time bisa lebih baik lagi
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. I'm just disappointed that the delivery took so long. I finally bought another present for my friend. I don't use this because I already have it. yeah, hopefully next time it can be even better
Hp sudah saya terima tapi pas dihidupkan cuma ada logo advan sudah direstart masih seperti tadi ... bagaimana nih bingung juga hpnya hidup terus padahal hpnya bagus tapi ada kendala...agan seller bantu jawab dong apa harus ganti ni hp ?
I have received the cellphone but when it is turned on there is only the advan logo it has restarted it is still like before. How come I'm confused, the cellphone keeps on running even though the cellphone is good but there are problems. Dear seller, please answer, do I have to replace this cellphone?
Beli untuk kado dan langsung d kirim k alamat tujuan, langsung dikirim bagus bgt ga nunggu lama untuk d kirim
bought it for a gift and sent it straight to the destination address, sent it right away really good didn't wait long for it to be sent
Alhamdulillah pesanan sudah datang, pengiriman cepat, produknya juga memuaskan. terimakasih.
alhamdulillah the order has come, fast delivery, the product is also satisfactory. Thank You.
Pengiriman cepat, brg ok, semua berfungsi dengan baik....
fast delivery, brg ok, everything works fine.
parah barang nya rusak, bela2in beli yang instant 3 jam malah barang nya gak bisa dipakai lampu indikator mati dan tidak bisa konek KECEWA BANGET
it's bad that the item is damaged, but instead of buying an instant clock, the item can't be used, the indicator light is off and can't connect, I'm really disappointed
Okaylah.. hari raya membuat terlambat semua pengiriman.. baru mendarat sore tadi.. Product berfungsi sebagai mestinya .. Buat gamers joozz... Packing double aman.. Pass flash sale .. Terima kasih..
okay.. Hari Raya made all deliveries late.. just landed this afternoon.. product works as it should.. for joozz gamers. packing double safe.. pass flash sale.. thank you..
Susah ya buka cashingnya, pengiriman nya ga secepat si oren atau si ijo.
it's hard to open the case, the delivery is not as fast as orange or green.
Pengiriman cepat,berfungsi dgn baik,semoga awet...good job
fast delivery, works well, hope it lasts. good job
Alhamdulillah paket udah sampai Produk ori Bagus baget brgnya murah Pengiriman cepat Grtis ongkir lagi Kurir Jnt nya baik
Thank God, the package has arrived. The original product is good, the price is cheap, the delivery is fast, the shipping is free, the courier, the jnt is good
Fitur Terbaik:Bagussss Original, tapi gagang pecah/retak, saddddd
best features: good original, but the handle is broken/cracked, sad
Enak sih tapi kurang nyaman, tapi mungkin nanti terbiasa
it's nice but not comfortable, but maybe later get used to it
Pengiriman lmyan lama
long time delivery
Packing yang bener bener cuma kardus doang dong:( di plastikin juga enggak huuufft, yang harus nya pengiriman cuma sehari ini udah lewat 3 hari, untung barang aman. Berfungsi dengan baik, semoga awet
the packing is really just cardboard, please :( it's also not hufft in plastic, the one that should be delivered is only a day after the day has passed, fortunately the goods are safe. works well, hope it lasts
Barang pas, sesuai, kualitas bagus. Pengirimannya lamaaaaaaaaaaaa padahal pake gosend berharap cepet sampe karena urgent bgt
fit, fit, good quality. the delivery took a long time even though using gosend hoping it would arrive quickly because it's really urgent
Kecil banget, buat satu orang ini
very small, for one person
Terimakasih.. Packing aman, barang baru dan bagus
thank you.. safe packing, new and good stuff
Baru kasi pnilaian. Barang oke cuma kecewa pegangan wajan belah tadinya mau d retur tp ribet respon seller juga baik. Mungkin patah nya d expedisi karna 1212 soalnya packing rapi
just gave a rating. the item is okay, just disappointed that the handle of the pan was split, I wanted to return it, but it was complicated, the seller's response was also good. maybe it broke on the expedition because the problem was packing neatly
Harga memang murah, tapi kualitas KW. Tombol back tidak berfungsi, forward jg ngaco. Mendingan tambahin duit dikit beli yg Fantech asli
the price is cheap, but the quality is kw. the back button doesn't work, forward doesn't work either. it's better to add a little money to buy the original fantech
ga dikasih screen guard nya..hmmmm
not given the screen
Kualitas produk sangat baik produk orijinal harga produk sangat baik kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik respon penjual sangat baik
product quality is very good original product product price is very good delivery speed is very good seller response is very good
Mantappu keren + bagus oriii
steadypu cool + good ori