Makasih kak pesenan sudah sampai
Thank you, my order has arrived
Produk awet. Nggak kayak hubungan lo.
durable product. not like your relationship.
Fitur Terbaik:mantap Bagus banget,cepat panas dan cepat rapi. Kerjaan jadi cepat selesai👍
the best features: really good, fast heat and fast tidy. work gets done quickly
Baru sampai Langsung dipakai anak mojok Ytube ..minus baterai drop , gpp tinggal ganti baterai aja
it just arrived and was immediately used by the corner boy on Ytube ... minus the battery drop, it's okay to just replace the battery
Biar foto yg berbicara :)
let the photos do the talking :)
Bagus bangett pengiriman juga cepat suara nya jelas pokok nya baguss banget👍
really good, delivery is also fast, the sound is clear, the point is really good
Baguaa sih tapi ada yang penyok pojoknya padahal udah nambah buble warp teruss banyak kotoran jugaa😥 tapi gapapa setrika bisa digunakan dengan baikk
it's good but there is a dent in the corner even though I added bubble warp and lots of dirt too but it's okay to use the iron properly
Kirain beneran normal tapi ga
I thought it was normal but it's not
yg bicara bintang nya trim lazada juga kurirnya udah langganan
those who talk about the stars are trim lazada and the courier has already been subscribed
barang bagus..mulus..walau salah kirim di respon seller bagus bgt..ramah dan cepat...barang dikirim lg sesuai spec..tks ya kak..smg sukses selalu
good item..smooth..even though it was sent wrong at the beginning..but the seller's response was really good..friendly and fast.item sent according to spec..thank you sis..always success
makasihhhhhh pakettt nya dah sampai cepet pula mudahan awet
Thank you, the package arrived quickly, hopefully it will last
Pengiriman cepat sekali. Order sabtu, senin siang sudah sampai. Kirain malah akan diproses seninnya eh tau2 ada panggilan kalo barang sudah dekat rumah. Kondisi barang memuaskan, no lecet, berfungsi baik. TOP. 
very fast delivery. Order Saturday, Monday afternoon arrived. I thought it would be processed on Monday, but you know there's a call when the goods are near the house. Good condition, no scuffs, works fine. top.
bagus magic com nya...pas bangt dikirimnya wrn hitam..padhal tdnya dibilang random..makasih yaaa
the magic com is good. when it's really sent it's black.. even though it was said to be random.. thanks
baru dicoba nyala apa enggaknya,nyala kok. semoga awet. Pengiriman cepet bgt dgn gosend. Penjual juga responsif. Terima kasih:)
just tried it on or not, how come it's on. hope it lasts. very fast delivery with gosend. seller is also responsive. Thank You:)
hanya bintang yg bicara..........
only the stars talk
Maaf saya kecewa..kalaupun salah paham tolong diperbaiki Saya pesan yang kaca..dan harganya lumayan jauh dengan yg plastik..tpi yg dtg itu hanya yg besar saja kaca .yg dua plastik.
sorry I'm disappointed...even if I misunderstood, please correct me. I ordered a glass one...and the price is quite far from the plastic one...but the one that came with it was only the big glass one. Two plastic ones.
Fitur Terbaik:berfungsi dgn baik
best feature:works well
Thank ya Aku sukak banget ama blendernya Pokoknya mantul dechhh
thank you, I really like the blender, it really works
barang bagus seller sedikit slow respon
good item seller a little slow response
barang diterima dengan tidak ada kekurangan. terima kasih, seller~
item received with no flaws. thank you seller~
terimakasih atas pengiriman nya dan barangnya sampai dengan selamat
Thank you for the delivery and the goods arrived safely
ada penyokny padahl udh tmbh bbl warp.
there is a dent even though it has added bb warp.
tak kirain besar ternnyata mungil bukan teflon ternyata wajan cat katanya tdk lengket msh lengket
I didn't think it was big, it turned out to be tiny, not Teflon, it turned out that the paint pan said it wasn't sticky, it was still sticky
kenapa pancinya dipakai lengket ya,saya mau retur bisa?
Why is the pan used sticky? Can I return it?
Alhamdulillah paket nya udah sampai . tapi blm di coba . packing nya gak pake bubble wrap langsung kardus nya . untung gak ada yg pecah
Thank God the package has arrived. but haven't tried it yet. the packaging doesn't use bubble wrap directly the cardboard. luckily nothing broke
Barangnya bagus, mulus, dipake enak banget, Mantap Pokoknya.
the goods are good, smooth, used really well, just great.
Secara umum oke si walaupun ada miss dr pabrikan di bagian tombol atur lagu,, tp gapapa lah masih oke kok jarang gunanya juga tombolnya. Mantap pokok e
in general, it's okay, even though there is a miss from the manufacturer in the song control button, but it's okay, it's still okay, how come the button is rarely used. steady tree e
admin : fast responses quality : perfect packaging : perfect ori, brand new
admin : fast responses quality : perfect packaging : perfect ori, brand new
Kualitas barang ok, meskipun tempelan pada indikator didepan tidak tertempel dengan kuat.
the quality of the goods is ok, although the patch on the front indicator is not firmly attached.
tekonyo bagus pengirimannya cepat. tapi ya kok ada penyot dikit
good tekonyo fast delivery. but yes how come there is a little sucker
Recommended seller
recommended seller
Barang datang sesuai pesanan. Udah dilapis bublewrap dari tokonya, tapi sampai kondisi kardus penyok dan sobek. Untung setrikanya gapapa. Mungkin lain kali harus di dobel kardus buat paking barangnya.
goods come as ordered. It was covered in bubble wrap from the shop, but until the box was dented and torn. fortunately the iron is okay. maybe next time it should be double cardboard to pack the goods.
Mantap kaleee
great kale
Tampilan:Keren Performa:Mantap sesuai dengan harga Kualitas:lumayan Yang bikin pegel ekspedisinya. Nunggu lama sampai seminggu. Dikirim tgl 16 baru keterima tgl 23 Nov
appearance: cool performance: great according to the price quality: not bad that makes the expedition sore. long wait for a week. Sent on new date received on Nov
Bagus sesuai pesanan, pengiriman juga cepat dan box aman. Hanya segel nga kebuka 😅 tp gpp dlmny aman
good according to order, also fast delivery and safe box. only the seal doesn't open but it's not safe inside
alatnya kurang tajam,jd kurang sempurna buka kalengnya
the tool is not sharp, so it's not perfect to open the can
Dr bungkusan luar iits ok tapi pas Kardus dalemnya agak rapuh..
from the outer package it's ok but when the inner cardboard is a bit fragile..
tidak puas,Rice cooker mati,panci nya penyok
not satisfied, the rice cooker is dead, the pan is dented
sesuai pesanan tp d keterangan 4L ini kok 3L
according to the order but in this l description how come l
Fitur Terbaik:sesuai Mantap
best features: steady fit
pengiriman cepat, seller ramah. mouse cakep valuee for money
fast delivery, friendly seller. mouse cute valuee for money
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Respon penjual standar. Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Produk original. Produk original. Produk original.
product quality is very good. original product. product price is very good. delivery speed is very good. delivery speed is very good. delivery speed is very good. standard seller response. product quality is very good. original product. original product. original product. original product.
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan Keren sih mau ngasih baterai, tapi penyok, mouse nya jugaoke ga ada masalah
commensurate with the price: it's pretty cool, I want to give the battery, but it's dented, the mouse is also okay, no problems
Packing ok, pengiriman ok,respon penjual ok Sukses trs yah
packing ok, delivery ok, seller response ok, success trs yah
Fitur Terbaik:joss anjay Sumpah ini toko baik bgt ngasih harga murah dibanding official fantech nya.. Thxx mang
best feature: joss anjay i swear this shop is really good and gives a lower price than the official fantech.. thxx man
Produk payah seller payah
lousy product lousy seller
barang sesuai dan bagus.. mudahmudahan awet 😁
the goods are suitable and good ... hopefully it will last
bagus sampenya cepet lama di.ekspedisi maklum dah karena over load lebaran jd agak macet dikit
it's good that it arrived quickly, took a long time on the expedition, I'm sorry because the Lebaran overload was a bit jammed
alhamdulillah, pesanannya datang dengan selamat., bagus sesuai harapan., insa allah klw ada tetangga yg minat aku mau order lagi.,
alhamdulillah, the order came safely., as expected., God willing, if there are neighbors who are interested, I will order again.
mantaplah barangnya,tapi hampir seminggu ee
great stuff, but almost a week ee
Alhamdulillah aman
thank God it's safe
Tolong jasa pengiriman diganti ke shopee express saja.
please change the delivery service to shopee express only.
Mantappppp, barang datang cepat, kualitas oke, segel rapi
great, the goods came quickly, the quality is okay, the seal is neat
Fitur Terbaik:vibration mantap tapi entah kenapa di nba 2k23 pc ga nyala Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan pengiriman ngebut malam pesan besok malamnya udh sampe, Kalimantan jawa loh🙏
best features: vibration is great but for some reason the nba k pc doesn't turn on commensurate with the price: worth the delivery fast at night order the next night already arrived, Kalimantan, Java tho
saran aja buat speaker portablenya, kalau bisa lampunya dibuat berkedip terlalu cepat, biar bisa di buat lampu tidur
Just a suggestion for a portable speaker, if you can make the light blink too fast, so you can make it a light sleeper
Pengiriman baik. Respon cukup. Sqyang barang seperti tidak di qc. Gagang panci pecah/gompil.
good delivery. sufficient response. sqyang goods like not in qc. broken/gripped pot handle.
Seller: Excellent Product: Fair, kurang panas sih mnrt saya, jadi lamaaa bgt bisa 2 jam baru puas, krg sreg kl buat botol Bayi malah kdg ada semut. Packing: Excellent Delivery time: Excellent pake Gojek
seller: excellent product: fair, it's not hot enough for me, so it takes so long to get a new clock to be satisfied, because it's comfortable to make baby bottles but instead there are ants. packing: excellent delivery time: excellent using gojek
Lumayan lah buat headset 100rb an, build quality & suaranya nggak mengecewakan, cuma RGB LED nya nggak sync kanan sama kiri gatau mungkin dari pabrikannya
it's not bad for a rb headset, build quality & sound doesn't disappoint, it's just that the rgb led doesn't sync right to left or maybe it's from the manufacturer
terima kasih, produk dah sampe dgn selamat! sekedar saran mgkn berat produk jgn diisi 1500 gr ya, saya sdh mengukur volume packing dihitung gak nyampe 6000 dan ditimbang jg gak nyampe 1 kg, tp saya kena beban ongkir 2 kg, sekiaaan!!!!!!!!
Thank you, the product has arrived safely! Just a suggestion, maybe don't fill in the weight of the product, I've measured the volume of the packing, calculated it didn't arrive and it wasn't even weighed, it didn't arrive at kg, but I was charged with postage at kg, that's all!
Recomend bgt..nasi nya pulen awet sampai seharian..gk bau atau kering,, Cocok buat anak kos
really recommend... the rice is fluffier and lasts all day... doesn't smell or dry... suitable for boarding children
sudah chat ,minta di bungkus plastij hitam eh,ngga di bungkus,padahal sdh suka belanja disini
already chat, asked to be wrapped in black plastic eh, not wrapped, even though I already like shopping here
Mini & Ringan y, jd pasti ga cape klo setrika pakaian, baru d colok sudah lgsg panas, Tq seller & Shopee😊🙏
mini & light, so you definitely don't get tired when ironing clothes, just plug it in and it's already hot, tq seller & shopee
Barang lumayan bagus cuma packingnya aja kurang aman..Mksh
the item is pretty good it's just that the packaging isn't safe enough...thx
Baru sampe..belum dicoba sih nyala apa brg dtg dalam keadaan bagus..
just arrived... haven't tried it yet whether it turns on or not... but the item arrived in good condition..
Barang sampai dengan selamat, makasihh
item arrived safely, thank you
Packing rapih,, syuka deh
neat packing,, like it
👍👍 mudah 2an awet
easy and durable
Brangnya 2 minggu gak sampe2!!
Sunday's item didn't arrive!!
Kwerennn sukaaa banget sama mouse nya gak nyesel order disini dah ke2 kalinya order disini gak mengecewakan.... Makaasssiiihhh kak
Kweren really likes the mouse, I don't regret ordering here, the last time I ordered here, it didn't disappoint. thanks sis
Maaf ya saya kasih bintang 3 karena pengiriman yg lama, lain x lebih di tingkatkan lagi kecepatan pengiriman biar yg beli gak kecewa. BARANG bagus sesuai gambar
I'm sorry, I gave a star because the delivery took a long time, otherwise the delivery speed will be increased so that those who buy are not disappointed. good item according to the picture
Gooooooooooooodddddd udah beli duaaaaaa ahahahahahahahhaha Gooooooooooooodddddd udah beli duaaaaaa ahahahahahahahhaha Gooooooooooooodddddd udah beli duaaaaaa ahahahahahahahhaha❤️❤️❤️
god bought two ahahahahahahahaha God bought two ahahahahahahahaha god bought two ahahahahahahahaha
beli ini untuk temen yg ulang tahun, dia suka bangettt 😆👍🏻 Thank you, Rexus!
bought this for a friend's birthday, he really likes it thank you, rexus!
Otomatisy bermasalah,
problem auto,
barang bagus,,cuman pengirimannya lama,, kurir ok,,
good item,,but the delivery time is long,,courier ok,,
mendarat dengan selamat,tapi sayang janji mau dikasih bonus malah ga jadi dikirim.
landed safely, but it's a shame that the promise to give a bonus didn't even get sent.
Pengiriman agak lama trus utk kuping agak sempit
Delivery took a while and the ears are a bit narrow
mantap pembelian kedua pengiriman cepet
great purchase second time fast delivery
Alhamdulillaah sudah sampai kayak KILAT dan selamat..! Makasih yaa dibonusin segala.. Repeat order terus di toko ini, karena memang terpercaya. Makasih yaa..!! Highly recommended seller..!
alhamdulillah arrived like lightning and safe ..! thank you for all the bonuses... keep repeating orders at this shop, because it's really trusted. thank you..!! highly recommended seller..!
Baju bagus sesuai dgn gambar pengiriman cepet bagus bagus bagus banget
nice dress, according to the picture, fast delivery, very good, very good
Alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat gak ada kendala, packing rapi. Setelah dicoba semua berfungsi dgn baik😍
alhamdulillah arrived safely without any problems, well packed. after trying everything works fine
brg udah sampaitks.............
brg has arrived text.
Harga:tdk komen Pengemasan:cukup Bahan/Material:cukup cara menutupnya msh kesulitan
price: no comment packaging: enough material: just how to close it is still difficult
Sudah di tes, semua lancar. Semoga awet.
already tested, all smooth. hope it lasts.
Pesan abu-abu yang dateng putih terus ada goresan yang lumayan dalem dan panjang, padahal packing luar masih aman goresan dari tokok kayanya.. Harus nya sebelum kirim di cek dulu.. Masalah lain aman berfungsi dengan baik cuma ga sesuai aja warna nya
ordered gray that came white and then there were scratches that were quite deep and long, even though the outer packaging was still safe from scratches from the rich store.. should have checked before sending it.. other problems are safe, it works well, just the color doesn't match
Kata seller aman jaya, e taunya cacat semoga jadi seller yg baik kedepannya.. 😡😡, di inbox hilang peradapan nggak ada kabar
the seller said it was safe and sound, I know it's flawed, I hope it will be a good seller in the future... the inbox has disappeared, there's no news
barang ok, pengiriman cepet banget dr jkt ke jawa timur, hanya saja packingnya g da pengamannya. cmn krdus bawaan doang
the item is okay, the delivery is really fast from Jakarta to East Java, it's just that the packaging isn't secure. cmn default only
Barang bagus Sesuai harga Pengiruman cepat semoga awet 👍👍👍
good item for the price fast delivery hope it lasts
Maaf baru sempat nulis review, so far pelayanan seller memuaskan
sorry I just had time to write a review, so far the seller's service has been satisfactory
lucu dan kecil, alhamdulillah gk lengket
cute and small, thank God it's not sticky
sesuai order.proses dan pengiriman cepat.
as ordered, fast processing and delivery.
Fitur Terbaik:3 connection Recommended buat yg cari keyboard layout 60% dsn udah wireless, juga case udah polycarbonate
best feature: connection recommended for those looking for a keyboard layout % dsn already wireless, also the case is already polycarbonate
barangnya baguus lumayan nyaman kalo di pegang,,gak kalah sama harganya yg miring
the item is good, it's quite comfortable to hold, it's not inferior to the slanted price
barang sesuai deskripsi, harga termurah, response seller cepat
item according to description, cheapest price, fast response seller
Cacat produk bos busa dalemnya kebawah tapi gak apa apalah
product defects, boss, the foam inside is down, but that's okay
Kualitas:bagus Tampilan:keren Tekonya bagus tp sayang suara kecil
quality:good display:cool the teapot is nice but it's a shame the sound is low
Tombol R gk bisa,kudu dimiringin...batre tiba2 mati nyala...tapi terimakasih barang cepet sempainya
the r button doesn't work, I have to tilt it. the battery suddenly turns off. but thanks, the item arrived quickly
ok .jos gandos, cepat pengiriman,sellernya top markotop
ok. jos gandos, fast delivery, top markotop seller
ko yg dtng hp evercoss
how come the one with the Evercoss cellphone