barang sampai dg aman. barang lumayan ok tapi ada spt mirip retakan tapi sprtinya di bagian dalam. bodynya lumayan solid tapi kalau dipegang atas bawahnya ada bunyi.. kalau switch di huruf d pas dilihat agak menonjor pas dicabut rupanya pin bengkok... untung ada dikasih spare switch... mau komplen juga males udah keenakan makenya wkwkwk selain itu typing experience pake jwick ult black mantep sih.. cuma stabnya ada rattling dikit jadi keknya perlu di lube ulang. untuk bonus cuma mousepad dan emas goceng jadilah daripada ga ada.
item arrived safely. the item is pretty ok but there is something like a crack but it looks like it's on the inside. the body is pretty solid but if you hold it up and down it makes a sound.. if you look at the switch on the letter d, when you look at it it's a bit protruding when you pull it out, it looks like the pin is bent. fortunately there was given a spare switch. I want to complain, I'm too lazy to use it, wkwkwk besides that, the typing experience with Jwick Ult Black is great... only the stab has a bit of rattling, so it looks like it needs to be re-lubed. for a bonus, just a mousepad and rocking gold, be it instead of nothing.
orderan yg ke dua dari tgl 11des nyampe 18des Alhamdulillah barang mulus dan berfungsi semua , beli harga 179rb dimasak beras 10rb pulen bgt. produk made in Vietnam .
The second order from December arrived, thank God, the goods are smooth and all work, I bought the price for Rp. 100,000 cooked rice, Rp. product made in vietnam .
Di pake ok lah, fast response n kirim nya jg cepat
it's okay to use, fast response and fast delivery too
Bismillah semoga barangnya awet yaaa
Bismillah I hope the item lasts
pelayanan sangat puas, fast respond admin nya. mantapppp
very satisfied service, fast response admin. Excellent
Semoga awet full review di channel youtube rojakkin
I hope it lasts a full review on the Rojakkin YouTube channel
salah satu pegangan kayu nya ada yg patah. padahal sudah disuruh cek sebelum dikirim. selebihnya brg berfungsi dgn baik.
One of the wooden handles is broken. Even though I was told to check before sending. the rest of the brg works fine.
Sip. enak di pakai. hanya agak sedikit sulit kalau tempat kurang datar
OK. nice to use. it's just a little difficult if the place is less flat
respon cepat... material inner pot bahannya stainless, jadi nasi akan mudah jadi kerak drpd yg bahan teflon. tapi tetep awet klo dibersihkan dengan sikat, beda kaya teflon yg mudah rusak kalau sering pakai sikat
quick response. the inner material of the pot is stainless, so the rice will easily become crusty than the Teflon material. but it lasts a long time if cleaned with a brush, it's different like Teflon which is easily damaged if you use a brush often
packing terkesan asal, pemakaian bubble wrap jg jd g ada fungsinya, posisi barang dalam dus terbalik dr posisi yg seharusnya.
the packing seems original, the use of bubble wrap also doesn't have a function, the position of the goods in the box is reversed from the position it should be.
D ulasan ketika giliran sy beli....pengiriman dr toko sja 4hr...belum karton miyako nyah udah koyak
d great review. but when it was my turn to buy. delivery from the shop only hr. not yet the miyako carton was already torn
Untuk barangnya lengkap, produk dikemas dengan baik, entah apa yang terjadi, mungkin kecelakaan diperjalanan, bagian luar dekat lampunya penyok, padahal suka sekali sama barangnya. Tapi gapapa, yg mau dipake kan dalemnya, bukan luarnya.. Semoga pembeli lain tidak mengalami hal yang sama.
the item is complete, the product is packed properly, I don't know what happened, maybe an accident on the way, the outside near the lamp is dented, even though I really like the item. but that's okay, what you want to use is the inside, not the outside... I hope other buyers don't experience the same thing.
Mendarat dg selamat pngaitnya jg gag ada yang patah, no cacat Dikasih warna item gpp lah tetep suka
landed safely, no broken hooks, no defects, given the color of the item, I still like it
terimakasih...seller... barang bagus...pngiriman cepat,.
thank you. seller. good item. fast delivery.
mantapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp terimakasih hhhhhh
great thanks h
real pic
real pic
blender nya ga nyala sama sekali,tolong d bls chat sy,mnta pertanggung jawaban nya untuk ganti
the blender doesn't turn on at all, please chat with me, ask for accountability to replace it
barangnya ok, tidak ok kebijakan tokonya
the goods are ok, not ok the shop policy
Iya walau aga lama pngirimanya tpo barangnya sesuai mntap.
yes, even though it took a long time to be sent, the goods are in good shape.
Pesen kmaren sore jam 5.n... sampe nya hari ini... parah si cpt baru chek out langsung di kirim gtu.... Barang nya bagusss pulla.... Recomend nih buat yg lg nyari mixer harga murah...
ordered yesterday afternoon at .n. arrived today. it's bad, the cpt just checked out and sent it right away. its good stuff pulla. I recommend this for those who are looking for a low-priced mixer.
Barang berfungsi baik tetapi kondisi alat tidak mulus (cat coatingnya)
the item works well but the condition of the tool is not smooth (paint coating)
Kerenn produknya, pengiriman cepat๐Ÿ™
cool product, fast delivery
mousenya bagus, dapet bonus case, awalnya grip tape gaada tp akhirnya dikirim sm adminnya setelah 1 minggu. tolong ditingkatkan lagi servicenya.
the mouse is good, got a bonus case, initially there was no grip tape but finally it was sent to the admin after a week. please improve the service again.
Barang bagus banget! kualitas bagus
really good stuff! good quality
Harga:lebih murah di banding toko lain Seller sangat ramah Dan helpful terimakasih sudah di Bantu untuk kado. semoga makin laris daggannya ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
price: cheaper than other stores seller is very friendly and helpful thank you for helping with gifts. hope it sells out more
Barang aman,cepet pengirimanya maaf telat konfirmasi
Goods safe, fast delivery, sorry for late confirmation
Seller dan kurir sangat membantu dalam proses pengiriman. Kualitas headphone bagus, bassnya oke.
seller and courier are very helpful in the delivery process. the quality of the headphones is good, the bass is okay.
bagus si cuman kecil bagi aku mah
it's good that it's just small for me
Bagus, mulus terimakasih
nice, smooth thanks
Pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai pesanan dan berfungsi dengan baik, mantap slurr........
fast delivery, item as ordered and works well, great slurr.
mantappp barang tida ada yg cacat
great item no defects
Pemakaian ketiga agak bau gosong gitu.. Gk tau jugaq. Overall baguss. Imutt. Normal mateng
the third use smells a bit burnt like that... I don't know either. good overall. cute. normally dead
barang mendart dengan selamat blom sempet buka sih....semoga aja gak mengecewakan
item landed safely haven't had time to open yet. I hope it won't disappoint
Barang sudah sampai
the goods have arrived
Paket packing aman jadi sampai dgn selamat Kursinya bagus dan panduan pemasangan sangat membantu Cuma pengirimanny kemarin agak lama krn pas 02.02 jg sihh Tp sukak sm kursinya Hanya sj sandaran kepalanya gak bs di setting
the packing package is safe so it arrived safely the chair is good and the installation guide is very helpful it's just that yesterday's delivery took a while because it fits. Also, but I like the chair, it's just that the headrest can't be adjusted
pengemasan kurang tebal sehingga agak rawan
the packaging is not thick so it is a bit vulnerable
kualitas produk baik, cuman kyknya kurang tombol on/offnya jadinya lebih boros baterai, pengiriman lumayan lama, harga cukup murah, produk original.
the quality of the product is good, it's just that the lack of an on/off button makes the battery more wasteful, the delivery takes quite a long time, the price is quite cheap, the product is original.
barang tlah singgah di lokasi belum di coba semoga berfungsi & semoga awet trima kasih seller & lazada
the item has stopped at the location, haven't tried it, hope it works & hope it lasts, thank you seller & lazada
worth it and good, tapi pengiriman lama bngt.. ngga di packingยฒ,...
worth it and good, but the delivery took so long... not packed,.
dikirim dari store officialnya, gk perlu ditanya dah. untuk pengiriman lewat J&E sesuai prediksi, box sedikit rusak dari pengirimannya.
Sent from the official store, no need to ask. for delivery via j&e as predicted, the box was slightly damaged from the delivery.
Penilaian dari penjual tidak memuaskan
The seller's rating is unsatisfactory
Gift box/bonus tidak diberi, saya terima cuma paket hp saja...
no gift box/bonus given, I received only the cellphone package.
Barang mantappp dan elegan
solid and elegant
mousepad cukup tebal, permukaan licin alias speed cocok buat maen moba ato mmo. tidak mengkerut setelah dibuka dari box. gampang dilurusin. anti slipnya paten
The mousepad is quite thick, the surface is smooth, aka speed, suitable for playing MOBA or MMO. not wrinkled after opening from the box. easy to fix. Patent anti-slip
pancinya ada yg pengok sdikit
the key is a little dented
Yahh baru buka liat dalamnya pecah ๐Ÿ˜ข
Well, I just opened it and saw it was broken inside
Mouse nya seperti bekas pakai, dibelakang bagian karetnya ada baret2. ya mungkin buat di test waktu dipabrik. tapi yg bikin kecewa lagi, mouse berfungsi kurang baik & suka nyala mati. ga cocok buat Gaming.
the mouse looks like it was used, behind the rubber part there is a beret. yes, maybe for a test at the factory. but what makes me disappointed again, the mouse doesn't work properly & likes to turn on and off. not suitable for gaming.
kwalitas barang OK..๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘...bpk..kurirnya ramah ...trims metron dan tokped...selalu sukses...๐Ÿ‘
the quality of the goods is ok... sir... the courier is friendly. thanks metro and tokped. always successful.
Bagus barangnya mulus,nyampenya lumayan cepet..puas banget semoga orderan selanjutnya juga ga ngecewain yaa ๐Ÿ˜
it's good, the goods are smooth, the arrival is quite fast... I'm very satisfied, I hope the next order won't disappoint either
Sedikit ada goresan di pisau nya
there is a slight scratch on the blade
barang blom saya trima kok di sistem sdh di trima, masi untung bayar tempat
I haven't received the item, how come it's already been received in the system, but fortunately I paid for the place
kualitas micnya jelek tidak bisa digunakan untuk video conterence
the quality of the mic is bad, it can't be used for video conterence
seller ramah,barang okey..walau agak lecetยฒ dipancinya...udh ditest prestonya bekerja dgn baik cuma agak kecewa sm proses pengirimannya,pilih pengiriman NEXT DAY dan ongkir lumayan mahal ,tapi sampenya 2 hari an,itupun malam sampenya...mungkin mmg lagi apes aja sama seller dan kurirnya...
the seller is friendly, the item is okay... even though it's a little scratched on the pot. already tested the presto it works well just a bit disappointed with the shipping process, choose next day delivery and the postage is quite expensive, but it arrived in the day, and even then the night arrived. maybe it's just bad with the seller and the courier.
Fitur Terbaik:menyedihkan.. Hidup penuh dengan pilihan.
best features: sad.. life is full of choices.
pengiriman Lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Biasanya dari SBY ke kotaku paling lama 2 hari, ini sampai seminggu Selebihnya barang dan harga bagus
Usually the long delivery from Sby to my city takes a maximum of days, this takes up to a week, the rest of the goods and prices are good
Barang cukup bagus , tapi yg blender kirain plastik gelas besar nya ternyata kaca
the stuff is pretty good, but the blender thought the large plastic glass turned out to be glass
Pengiriman nya lama tapi barang nya ok
the delivery took a long time but the item is ok
Nyampenya cepet, kirain bakal pake kerdus lagi packingnya ternyata cuma bubblewrap, dapet masker jugaa manstab, tapi produknya ga semulus itu ada baret2nya, pas dicoba bisa bisa aja sih tapinya
it arrived fast, thought it would use cardboard again the packaging turned out to be just bubblewrap, got a mask too, it's great, but the product isn't as smooth as it has a beret, when you try it you can do it but
barang datang sesuai pesanan. packing aman, cuman belum sempet di coba karena baterai bawaan ternyata bocor. tapi tidak apa semoga hanya di baterainya saja kekuarangannya. Masukan untuk seller lebih teliti lagi saat pengecekanbarang sebelum di kirim.
goods come as ordered. packing is safe, but haven't tried it yet because the default battery turned out to be leaking. but that's okay, hopefully it's only the battery that's lacking. input for the seller to be more careful when checking the goods before sending.
yuhhuu pancinya dapet warna pink terima kasih seller dan blibli saya suka.. saya suka..
yuhhuu the pot got pink color thank you seller and blibli i like it.. i like it..
etchh dah kecil buanget panci ama teflonnya.. tipis juga. Blm dicoba buat masak sih.. mudah mudahan ga bikin kecewa.. aamiiin ya Robb
etchh, the pan and the Teflon are already small.. they're too thin. I haven't tried cooking yet... I hope it won't disappoint... amen, Robb
Tombol untuk melepas mixer tidak berfungsi
the button to remove the mixer does not work
Akhirnya barangnya udah sampai,walaupun agak lama pengirimannya hampir seminggu biasaanya 3-4 dah sampai,tapi gak apa apa,tetap selow menunggu
finally the item has arrived, even though it took a long time for the delivery to be almost a week usually - it has arrived, but it's okay, it's still slow to wait
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Bagus Alhamdulillah terimakasih
best features: good worth the price: yes good thank God thank you
Tampilan:bayak yg lecet ny ya
display: lots of scuffs
wristpad nya nyaman, memory foam, lumayan tebel.
The wristpad is comfortable, memory foam, quite thick.
hpnya bau gosong..padahal baru di pakai sebentar..๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
the cellphone smells burnt.. even though it's only been used for a while..
brg udh smpe n bgus sesuai gmbr tdk mengecewakan pengiriman lmyan cpt :)
brg is good enough, according to the picture, doesn't disappoint, fast delivery :)
barang sampai dengan sangat cepat Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play.
the goods arrived very quickly convenient and practical just plug and play.
1 minggu mati
dead week
Barang lumayan oke tapi penyok sedikt di bawah dan gagang agak mengelupas. Mungkin lain kali bubble wrap untuk pancinya bukan kardusnya
the item is pretty good but it's a little dented at the bottom and the handle is a bit peeling off. maybe next time bubble wrap for the pan instead of the cardboard
PENGIRIMAN SANGAAAAT CEPAT. Siang order malem dikirim! KUALITAS PRODUK SANGAAAT BAIK. Rexus punya sih ya. Meskipun murah kualitas nya the best! ORIGINAL!!
very fast delivery. afternoon order sent! product quality is very good. do you have rexus? even though it's cheap the quality is the best! original!!
paket dah mendarat bosque, semoga awet ya !!!
The package has landed bosque, hope it lasts!
Gak sesuai gambar yg di pesan, kecewa siy.. Tp ya udh lah dah terlanjur, bgs jg siy tp pengen ny yg ada layar di depan ny, krn promosiny yg di gambar ny ada layar dpn, tp ini yg polos๐Ÿ˜”
it doesn't match the picture ordered, I'm disappointed... but yeah, it's already done, it's good too, but I want the one with the screen in front of it, because the promotion in the picture has a front screen, but this one is plain
panci nya agak penyok bagian atas
The pan was a little dented on the top
Pengiriman cepat, bayar sore mlm barang sudah sampe, mulus tanpa cacat. Keren. Chat dg penjualpun ada respon.
fast delivery, paid in the evening the goods arrived, smooth without defects. Cool. chat with the seller there is no response.
Barang oke. Cepat sampai. Cuman sicepatnya tidak real utk penerima. Penerima security, tetapi di sistem dicantumkan penerima ybs
okay stuff. come quickly. it's just that the speed isn't real for the recipient. security recipient, but in the system the recipient is listed
langsung saya pakai, pengiriman packingnya bagus. Setelah dipakai rada aneh saja kaya terlalu enteng mousenya dan ketika dipasang batre kaya kurang balance, tapi tidak ada masalah apa2. Overall good
I use it right away, the packaging is good. after using it, it's a bit strange, like the mouse is too light and when the battery is installed it's like it's not balanced, but there's no problem. overall good
Akhirnya sudah saya terima... packingnya aman dan respon penjual juga OK
I finally received it. the packing is safe and the seller's response is also ok
Aku padahal bilang pink malah dikirim biru :( sedih sih
Even though I said pink, they sent blue :( it's sad
Nyesel beli ditoko nie pemiliknya lambat bgt menanggapi komplain customer,pertama beli minta wrna abu" pas dtg malah item tanpa konfirmasi terlebih dahulu mana penutupnya gaa ada kan dikirimnya aja lama bgt
I regret buying at this shop, the owner is very slow in responding to customer complaints, the first time I bought it, I asked for gray color, when it arrived, the item came without confirmation beforehand, where the lid didn't exist, it just took so long to send
lampu tombol g menyala tidak sesuai gambar tp semua masih bisa di tekan
the on button lights don't match the picture but all can still be pressed
Rekomended seller ,pengiriman vept,packing aman, produk asli terjamin,seller ramah,maju terus semoga lancar ua seller,mantull
recommended seller, fast delivery, safe packing, original product guaranteed, friendly seller, keep going, good luck with the seller, cheers
Sampai dengan selamat tanpa penyok tanpa baret, masih ting ting...berfungsi sebagai mana seharusnya ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ gilllldaaa, pesen malem....besok nya udah nyampe. Nga kaya nunggu jodoh yg nga keliatan2
arrived safely without dents without beret, still ting ting. functioning as a guild should, ordered late, tomorrow arrived. It's not like waiting for a partner who doesn't look like it
paketnya komplit... dan pengiriman jg cepat ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜„untuk spec sprti tertera dengan harganya sih worthed banget. Semoga awet... ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ
the package is complete. and the delivery is also fast for the specs listed at the price, it's really worth it. hope it lasts.
Meringankan kerja ibu2.. ga capek lagi angkat2 galon
make mom's work easier... no longer tired of lifting gallons
Respound dari penjual mantaplah, barang berfungsi tapi batreinya cepat habis. Ngk apa2lah namanya juga bekas, tapi yang di sayangkan jasa pengirimannya. padahal barangnya sudah sampai di daerah saya dari 3 hari yang lalu tapi ngk kunjung tibah di rumah, jadi barangnya langsung aku ambil di kantornya
the response from the seller is great, the item works but the battery runs out quickly. It's okay, it's also used, but it's a shame about the delivery service. even though the goods arrived in my area the other day but they never arrived at home, so I immediately took the goods at his office
kable sangat ringan, mouse juga pas beratnya, cuman yang agak kurang srek click kanan dan kiri agak berat, jadi agak lelah jg kalo sering spam klik, but overall ok
the cable is very light, the mouse is also just right in weight, but the right and left clicks are a little less slick, it's a bit heavy, so it's a bit tired if you often spam clicks, but overall it's ok
Sesuai ekspektasi. Pengiriman cepetttt...semoga awet lah.. sukakkkkkkkk deh
as expected. fast delivery.hope it lasts.. like it
pembelian ke 2 di toko ini, belum pernah ngecewain..
Purchased from this shop, never disappointed..
Pengiriman cepat, warna nya bagus, semoga awettt, makasih,
fast delivery, nice color, hope it lasts, thanks
Alhdullilah paket cosmos pelumat bumbunya sudah sampai brngnya aman walau cuma dibungkus bubble wrap tipis sempet khawatir brngnya rusak soalnya kirimnya mlm takut dipending br besuk dikirimnya ternyata enggak dikirimnya mlmnya mas kurirnya baik , makasih ya mas
alhdulillah the cosmos pulverizer package has arrived, the item is safe, even though it's only wrapped in thin bubble wrap, I was worried that the item was damaged, because I sent it at night, I was afraid that it would be delayed, tomorrow I sent it, it turned out that I didn't send it at night, the courier was fine, thank you, bro
Cepat, sesuai pesanan, kualitas sangat bagus.
fast, as ordered, very good quality.
Barang cepat sampai, respont admin yang cepat dan baek, barang sampai dengan selamat, makasih....
the goods arrived quickly, the admin response was fast and kind, the goods arrived safely, thank you.
Warna batik,kabel y agak tipis semoga awet..dtg cpt thx u
batik color, the cable is a bit thin, hope it lasts... fast, thx u
Paket udah datang normal semua bisa dipakai tpi gk ada tempat sim cart nya di deskripsi tertulis bisa pakai kartu
The package has arrived normally everything can be used but there is no place for the sim cart in the written description you can use a card
Barangnya original ๐Ÿ‘ Suaranya jernih
original product, clear sound
Gud lahh, untung ga lupa nambah bubble wrap :)
gud lah, luckily I didn't forget to add bubble wrap :)
bagus asli gak slah plih dech bli di toko ini amanah bngett,,, mkasih pokoknya buat smuanya ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
it's really good, you can't choose wrong, buy it at this shop, it's really good, thank you for everything