pintu harusnya warna putih juga tp warna nya beda lebih ke broken white, udah gitu kotor.
the door should be white too but the color is different, more like broken white, it's already dirty.
Mantap berfungsi dengan baik.... Cuma sedikit penyesuaian di leher dinamo yg kekecilan sedikit
sure works well. just a little adjustment on the dynamo neck which is a little too small
entah tokoh nya kurang amanah.entah kurir jne yang gk bisa kerja..
either the characters are not trustworthy. I don't know if it's the courier, etc., who can't work..
produk bagus sesuai harapan, hanya saja pengiriman dan respon agak lama
the product is good as expected, it's just that the delivery and response is a bit long
Pisaunya bagus dan lucu, pengirimannya pun cepat sampainya 👍👍👍
the knife is nice and cute, the delivery was fast
Mantap! Udah seminggu lebih pemakaian aman. Ada part yang patah tapi ga pengaruh ke performa. Tapi untuk narik switch di deket bagian situ jadi rada takut hahaha. Saran aja buat yang mesen jangan lupa tambahin bubble wrap biar ga ada cacat samsek. Thank you~
Excellent! It's been more than a week of safe use. There is a broken part but it doesn't affect performance. but to pull the switch near that part I'm a bit scared hahaha. Just a suggestion for those who ordered, don't forget to add bubble wrap so there won't be any Samsek defects. thank you~
orderan sampai penyok penyok, penjual lepas tangan, untung Toped memberikan solusi yg baik.
the order was dented, the seller was hands off, luckily Toped provided a good solution.
barang sampai hanya 2 jam setelah pembayaran.. Terimakasih, semoga awet
the goods arrived only hours after payment.. thank you, I hope it lasts
Tutup ga pas. Dimiringkan dulu baru tekan kuat baru bisa clek mengunci
close doesn't fit. tilt it first then press firmly then it can click lock
Pengiriman lama barang lumayan bagus
long delivery time is pretty good
Harga:sangat terjangkau Kualitas:produk sangat baik Ketajaman:sangat tajam Harganya sangat terjangkau, bagus banget kualitasnya, respon penjualnya jg sangat baik dan cepat, pengiriman jg sangat cepat, packagingnya sangat rapi sekali, terimakasih sangat puas order disini
price: very affordable quality: very good product sharpness: very sharp the price is very affordable, the quality is very good, the seller's response is also very good and fast, the delivery is also very fast, the packaging is very neat, thank you very satisfied order here
Dispenser good lah boy
the dispenser is good boy
Performa lancar. Resolusi kamera bagus. Barangnya original 👍.
smooth performance. good camera resolution. the goods are original.
Barangnya bagus, mantap.
good stuff, great.
barang datang tidak sesuai kecewa jelek
the goods came not according to the bad disappointment
satu sih kekurangannya, lampunya tengahnya nyala disebelah kiri aja atau memeng satu lampu? kalo satu lampu harusnya posisinya ditengah. over all mantep dari segi tombol, berat dan ukuran. mantep.
one drawback, is the middle light only on on the left or is it just one light? if one light should be positioned in the middle. over all mantep in terms of buttons, weight and size. steady.
Bagus suara nge-bass dan jernih enak banget maen di ps4 cuman box nya aja penyok2 mungkin dari expedisi nya
good sound, bass and clear, it's really nice to play on PS, but the box is dented, maybe from the expedition
Barang aman dan berkualitas bagus, sesuai ekspektasi walau dikirim via kargo. Sempat khawatir karena datang dengan bungkus seadanya dan berdebu²
the goods are safe and of good quality, according to expectations even though they are sent via cargo. I was worried because it came with makeshift packaging and was dusty
Kupikir besar. Ternyata 8L nya kecil yaaa
I think big. turns out it's small huh
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan
best feature:good value for money:decent
barang mantab👍x10
awesome stuff
Kirim pake gosend. Cepet nyampek. Barangnya sangat oke. Belum dicoba. Semoga oke
send using gosend. arrived quickly. the goods are very good. untried. hopefully okay
barang sesuai ok
item fits ok
Udah 2x belanja keperluan rumah tangga disini. Selalu oke. Pertahankan
I've been shopping for household needs here. always ok. keep it up
Maaf banget fotonya tidak sesuai, karena barangnya langsung dikirim kerumah yang beli
I'm really sorry that the photo doesn't match, because the item was sent directly to the house that bought it
barang tiba dgn baik. kualitas sangat oke sesuai dgn deskripsi. respon seller jg cepat. thank u
item arrived well. very good quality according to the description. seller's response is also fast. thank u
Alhamdulillah barangnya sesuai ,mulus cuma dus nya yang penyok,. Mudah muddahan awet barangnya
alhamdulillah, the goods are in accordance, smooth, only the box is dented. hopefully it will last
selang belum dipasang. tolong hati" jika kirim produk.
hose not installed. please be careful" when sending products.
Respon penjual cepat... Barang smpai dg aman
fast seller response. item arrived safely
mantap gan
great bro
Bagus lancar , pengiriman cepat recommended bgt
very good, fast delivery, highly recommended
barang nya penyok di beberapa titik,,,karna barangnya buat orang tua JDi ga ada Vidio atw fhoto saat di buka paketnya
the item was dented at several points, because the item was for parents so there was no video or photo when the package was opened
Alhamdulillah barang aman walaupun kotaknya penyok tapi barangnya aman
alhamdulillah the goods are safe even though the box is dented but the goods are safe
yg unt mengadon roti plastik nya pecah
the one for kneading the plastic bread is broken
Produk bagus, dpt berfungsi dgn baik, pengiriman cepat. Tks
good product, works well, fast delivery. thx
Barang diterima dalam kondisi baik, barang berfungsi dengan sangat baik, pengiriman cepat, packingny aman banget, pengemasanny cepat, senang banget belanja di sini (♡ω♡ ) ~♪
item received in good condition, item works very well, fast delivery, very safe packaging, fast packaging, really happy shopping here (♡ω♡ ) ~♪
barang sudah samppai langsung di coba ...ok sih semoga awet.
the item has arrived, try it right away. ok, hopefully it will last.
Fitur Terbaik:iy Sepadan dengan Harga:iy barang new ori bnb msih segel worth it lah packing juga aman
the best features: iy commensurate with the price:iy new ori bnb still seals worth it the packing is also safe
Terbaik!!! Minta pengirimannya cepet soalnya buat hadiah pernikahan. Dipesan eh besok langsung sampe thankyouuiuu
best! Ask for fast delivery because it's for a wedding gift. I ordered it tomorrow, it arrived right away, thankyouuiuu
Bagus sesuai gambar semoga awet pengiriman cepat sekali🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️
looks good, looks like the picture, hope it lasts very fast delivery
bahan tebal mantaaff
mantaaff thick material
Mantap, barang bagus dan pengiriman juga cepat...makasih
great, great item and fast delivery too
Bukan maen si bagus parah udah ku coba
not playing the good one is bad I've tried it
Produk baik Kualitas oke Cuma pengepakan barang agak kurang. Cuma dikasih bable wrap transparan. Tapi semuanya oke kok
good product, okay quality, only the packing of goods is a bit lacking. only given transparent cable wrap. but everything's okay
Produk berkualitas, bagus dan murah
quality products, good and cheap
Mantulllll, packaging nyaa aman, cepat sampe jugaaa, ga sia siaa pesan disini, barang okeeeeee terimakasiiihhh, semogaa amanah selaluu 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
mantul, the packing is safe, it arrived quickly, it's not useless to order here, the goods are okay, thank you, I hope you are always trustworthy
Barang ok sesuai pesanan, semoga air panasnya bisa tahan 8 jam sesuai deskripsi. Dan thermosnya tahan banting.
the goods are ok according to the order, hopefully the hot water can last hours according to the description. and the thermos is resilient.
Kerennnnn Yg terima hadiahnya happy bgttt
it's cool that those who received the prize are very happy
Setrika cepat panas, licin, semoga awet Tp pengiriman lebih baik double kardus lagi, dr ekspedisi jd hancur sudah saat diterima
The iron is hot fast, smooth, I hope it lasts but shipping is better double cardboard again, the expedition was destroyed when it was received
Pengirimannya cepat, order kemarin sore. Td pagi udh sampe. Packingnya juga alhamdulillah aman meski ga pake bubble krn d lapis sterofoam. Kualitas barangnya bagus juga. Hari ini udh coba utk dua kali masak nasi 😁 Makanya baru ksi penilqian krn mau memastikan oke utk brgnya. Thanks shopee..
Fast delivery, ordered yesterday afternoon. arrived this morning. thank God the packaging is also safe even though it doesn't use bubble because it's layered with styrofoam. the quality of the goods is good too. Today I have tried to cook rice twice, so I just did a test because I want to make sure it's okay for the goods. thanks shopee..
Mantap banget barangnya! Dan packing nya rapih trs cepet sampai juga, mantap lah pokoknya👍
really good stuff! and the packing is neat and it arrived quickly too, it's great anyway
Blender yang buat bumbu nya kurang bagus,pisau nya juga ga tajem jd kalo bikin bumbu halus ga hancur2 kaya bamer,baput,kunyit dll nya. Terus ga kenceng juga padahal udh diputer kekunci tp kalo dilepas trus dinyalain malah lepas
The blender that makes the spices isn't good, the blade isn't sharp either so when you make the spices it doesn't crumble like bamer, baput, turmeric etc. then it doesn't fasten too even though it's already been turned on the key but if it's released then it's turned on it's even released
Barang udah sampe, cepet banget senin pesen rabu udah di tangan. Semoga awet. Terima kasih
Item arrived, very fast Monday ordered Wednesday already in hand. hope it lasts. Thank You
Kompor diterima aman ga ada penyok/pecah. Dites rebus air 500 ml butuh 6 menit. Lumayan lah ini garansi 2 th resmi juga 👍
the stove is received safely, there are no dents/breaks. the ml water boil test takes minutes. it's not bad that this is an official year warranty too
kenapa barang yg sampai di tujuan sellu beda merk sllu dsamakan dgn yg tawarkan....
Why is it that the goods that arrive at the destination are always different brands, always the same as what is being offered?
thanks gan. pesanan udah diterima. paket super aman. mudah mudahan barangnya ga ada kendala.
thanks bro. order has been received. Super safe package. hopefully there are no problems.
lain x warna sesuai pesenan jangan asal kirim udah 2x pesen wrna gk sesuai
other x the color according to the order, don't just send it, it's already ordered, the color doesn't match
Suaraa orang yang lgi telepon du waa kalau dirumah sya ko kurang jelas
the voice of the person on the phone on wa when I'm at home isn't clear
Bagus Unik Cuman ada sedikit goresan
very nice, but there are a few scratches
Barang oke. Thankss
okay stuff. thankss
makasih kak, blender mendarat dngan selmat pk packing kayu...
thank you sis, the blender landed safely pk packing wood.
Boxny penyok tapi gpp barangny bagus...
the box is dented but it's okay the goods are good.
Minta yg sesuai di gambar yg d pajang, yg dikirim malah yg lain. Klo model gni aku juga udh ada 2 mimin. Cobalah pahami permintaan pelanggan sblm kirim barang. Udh aku kasi nya contoh barang kek mn, dn udh kalian jawab ok nya. Tetiba datang yg lain. Ya kcewa lah. Klo kualitas barang jgn d ragukan ok
Ask for the one that fits in the picture on display, what was sent instead. for this model, I also have Mimin. Try to understand customer requests before sending goods. I have given examples of cake items, and you have answered ok. then came another. yes I'm disappointed. if the quality of the goods don't doubt it's ok
mantap gan barang sesuai minus cuma dikit (kurang OTG type C) wkwk
it's great, bro, the items are suitable minus only a little (not enough type c) wkwk
Penerima Blum info Fisik barang ya
The recipient hasn't got any physical info on the item yet
Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Kelengkapan sesuai. Spesifikasi sesuai . Kemasan disegel. Warna sesuai pesanan. Barangnya mulus. Berfungsi dengan baik.
the goods are original. there is an official warranty. appropriate equipment. appropriate specifications. sealed packaging. custom color. smooth stuff. works fine.
the best alwys tokopedia
the best alwys tokopedia
Pengiriman sesuai warna, respon penjualnya cepat, udah berkali" belanja disini selalu puas dengan barang yg dikirim. Kualitas barang dan pengemasannya mantap
delivery according to color, seller's response is fast, many times #; Shopping here is always satisfied with the goods sent. the quality of the goods and packaging is solid
Batterynya harus pake yg merk bagus biar awet
You have to use a good brand battery to last
Terimakasih seller 👍👍👍👍👍 Kecepatan pengiriman baik. Hand mixernya berfungsi dg baik Shopee makin kacau, saya dikenakan biaya pengiriman dari Banjarmasin ke Banjarbaru Rp. 30.000 (berat produk tidak sampai 1kg) Biasanya ongkir cuma Rp. 7.000 - Rp.10.000 Semoga kedepannya sistem Shopee diperbaiki
thanks seller for fast delivery. the hand mixer works well, the shopee is getting messier, I am charged a shipping fee from Banjarmasin to Banjarbaru Rp. . (product weight does not reach kg) usually the postage is only Rp. . - rp.. hopefully in the future the shopee system will be improved
Top markotop
top markotop
Produk bagus,ada kerusakan dikit di tempatnya
good product, some minor damage
Bersiul teko nya.
whistled his teapot.
bagus sekali.panggangan berfungsi baik.mantull nyesel belanja ditoko ini.makasih lazada
very good. grill works well. mantull principal. don't regret shopping at this shop. thanks lazada
Ga sesuai gambar tombolnya
doesn't match the button image
ga sesuaik ekspektasi sih... mending wifi biasa aja, ga lebih bagus sinyalnya drpd hp biasa. conect ke hp jg susah... tp penjual nya sih ok, dr pack smpai pngiriman
it doesn't match expectations. it's better if the wifi is just normal, the signal isn't any better than a normal cell phone. connecting to the cellphone is also difficult. but the seller is ok, from the pack to the delivery
Barang datang dengan sempurna tanpa cacat thx gan
the goods came perfectly without defects, thx bro
mantap bagus, cepat sampe
great good, arrived fast
pesanan sesuai
appropriate order
terimakasih lazada barangnya ril pic kurirnya ramah tapi saya kurang berun tung beli dua warnanya sama padahal saya pingin yang warna merah muda ya udah lah belumrejeki harganya Mantup sip lah buat lazada puas aq
thank you, lazada, the item is real pic, the courier is friendly, but I was unlucky to buy two of the same color, even though I wanted the pink one.
Pengiriman ok, tp pas dibuka dusnya, surfacenya kaya cacat bekas benda tajam jd kaya ad benang yg kluar, tp yaa emang murah sih mo gimana lg.
the delivery was ok, but when the box was opened, the surface was like a defect from sharp objects so it was like there were threads coming out, but yeah, it's really cheap, how about that.
Harga murah keyboardnya bagus dan cepat x sampeknya,thx
the price is cheap, the keyboard is good and it's fast, thx
peking nya kurang aman soal nya gak pake babel wap ,alhmdulillah nya barang aman n sesuai pesanan
Peking is not safe, the problem is that it doesn't use babel wap, thank God the items are safe and as ordered
pesen jam 11-12 nyampe jam 3:30 padahal instan apa karna kemasin barang nya bareng sama punya orang jadi dikirim nya bareng juga? seller respon oke baru pertama kali nyoba outemu red kok berat banget ya apa karna lubed ? sebelumnya dan sekarang masih pake gateron brown switch dari daxa m71 pro packaging nya oke bubble warp aman
ordered clock - arrived at clock: even though it was instant because the goods were packed together with someone so they were sent together too? The seller's response is okay, this is the first time I've tried outemu red, how come it's really heavy, is it because it's lubed? before and now I still use the gateron brown switch from daxa m pro the packaging is ok the bubble warp is safe
Penjual kurang amanah, dikonfirmasi warna ungu TDK ada, adanya Pink. Tp setelah barang nyampe aktual warna biru. Pengiriman Lama
the seller is not trustworthy, confirmed there is no purple, there is pink. but after the item arrived it was actually blue. old delivery
barang sesuai pesanan & deskripsi.... 👍
goods according to the order and description.
gtau knp kadang2 suka kepencet huruf sendiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kek gitu padahal lg g di teken ,
I don't know why sometimes I like to print my own letters like that even though I haven't signed them yet,
Paket pesenan sudah sampai.... sdh langganan... pelayanan baik proses pengemasan jg cepat... makasihhh
The package ordered has arrived. have subscribed. good service, packing process is also fast. Thanks
Penjual di chat tidak dibalas sama sekali...tidak recommended sama sekali
the seller in the chat doesn't reply at all. not recommended at all
Sesuai yang di inginkan, Mohon di bantu jika ada kendala ya. Gan' terima kasih. Salam
according to what you want, please help if there are problems. gan&#; Thank You. regards
nice, barang baguss
nice, good stuff
produk ok, proses cepat hanya nyangkut di kurir lama sampe 2 hari baru sampai
the product is ok, the process is fast, it only gets stuck in the old courier until the new day arrives
Harga:baii Kualitas:baik Ketajaman:baik Pengiriman sesuai, pembelian ke2, hanyasaja yg ini pengirimannya lebih lama sampai
price: good quality: good sharpness: good delivery according to purchase, it's just that this one takes longer to arrive
Barangnya sangat" Mantep, original juga, tapi sangat" Di sayangkan pengiriman agak lama.🙅‍♂️
the goods are very "great, original too, but it's a pity that the delivery took a long time.
seller rekomen banget gaes, kenapa? karena pas beli saya banyak nanya dan dijawabin, terus saya order mendadak berbarengan dengan mouse di sabtu siang, mouse lsng dikirim dan mousepad ternyata kosong adminnya lsng info, lalu pas restock di hari senin lsng dikirimin lg mousepadnya, top lah, sukses terus admin dagangannya ya 👍🙏
seller really recommend, guys, why? because when I bought it I asked a lot of questions and answered them, then I suddenly ordered together with the mouse on Saturday afternoon, the mouse was sent immediately and the mousepad turned out to be empty.
Lucu kecil imut Dan berfungsi dengan baik. Barang nya kecil doank tp dikirim pake bubble wrap rapi. Terdebest REXUS I love!!!
cute little cute and works fine. The item is small, but it was sent with bubble wrap neatly. terdebest rexus i love!
Fitur Terbaik:bagus berfungsi dengan normal Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Mantap, barang bagus berfungsi dengan normal, pengiriman killaatt bgt.
best features: good, works normally commensurate with the price: fits great, good stuff works normally, shipping is very killaatt.
karet kakinya pada ilang
the rubber feet are missing
Mantap!!! dipake main genshin ama valheim enak banget
Excellent! used to play genshin and valheim really good