Terimakasih... πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Β  Sudah sampai... Barang mendarat dengan aman,cepat pula pengiriman ny..Β  Suka belanja disini, 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Thank You. had reached. the goods landed safely, the delivery was also fast... love shopping here,
baguss heheh mouse sampai dengan selamat n berfungsi dengan baik. thanks ya
nice heheh the mouse arrived safely n works well. thank you
Kualitas produk baik, hanya saja pengiriman tidak pakai bubble warp padahal antar pulau
product quality is good, it's just that shipping doesn't use bubble warp even though it's between islands
Kamera Gelap, beda sama toko sebelah, sepertinya barang tidak Ori.
dark camera, different from the shop next door, it looks like the item is not original.
produk ok bgr cuma sedih sih . berharap beli mahalan biar dpt free stand malah promo sdh habis tpi d pake foto promonya . 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
the product is ok, it's just sad. hoping to buy expensive so I can get a free stand, even though the promo has run out but I'm using the promo photo.
Pelayanannya cepat dan informatif. Barangnya bagus, kualitasnya sesuai yang diharapkan, ditambah lagi bonus stand headset yang merknya sama. Nambah lagi deh koleksi dari fantech. Makasih seller. Good job πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
the service is fast and informative. the goods are good, the quality is as expected, plus a bonus headset stand of the same brand. Add another collection from Fantech. thanks seller. good job
lumayan baik
quiet good
suara bagus,pas di kepala,nggak bikin sakitπŸ‘
good sound, fits in the head, doesn't hurt
Barang kondisi ok dan respon juga relatif cepat
the goods are in good condition and the response is also relatively fast
Harga:lumayan lg promo Pengiriman:cepat Kualitas:lumayan oke Barang oke, tp penutup merahnya ringkih, jd takut patah klo dipake sehari2
price: pretty lg shipping promo: fast quality: pretty okay the item is okay, but the red cover is fragile, so I'm afraid it will break if I use it for a day
Kemasan kardus luar nya penyok2, tapi isi dalamnya aman. Suara bas nya agak terlalu besar krn emang ini khusus gaming biar menggelegar. Overall puas dgn barang nya. Makasih seller dan shopee !
The outer cardboard packaging was dented, but the contents inside were safe. the bass sound is a bit too big because this is specifically for gaming so it's booming. overall satisfied with the item. thanks seller and shopee!
Kemasan nya baik , Dan brg Selamat dgn baik, Tp kardus kotaknya sperti robek2 di Salah satu sisi kotaknya. Pengiriman cepat sampai. Terimakasih kakak admin. Smoga bsa meningkatkan kualitas ya jd lebih baik lagi kedepannya ya Aamiin....
the packaging is good, and the goods are safe, but the cardboard box looks like it's torn on one side of the box. fast delivery arrived. thanks bro admin. I hope you can improve the quality so that it will be even better in the future, amen.
Harga:Murce Kualitas:Bagus syekalii Ketajaman:Tajem bangett Bagus bangettt,udah sepaket juga. Trus gagangnya bener2 kokoh. Niatnya buat kado nikah. Eh karena bagus mendingan buat sendiri
price: murce quality: good, thanks sharpness: very sharp, really good, already included. the handle is really sturdy. The intention is to make a wedding present. eh because it's good better make it yourself
Bagus barang oke pengiriman cepat
good item ok fast delivery
Barangnya original πŸ‘.Β Ada garansi resmi.Β Resolusi kamera bagus.Β Performa lancar.
the goods are original. there is an official warranty. good camera resolution. smooth performance.
barang sampai dengan baik..cuman kenapa barang tidak di bungkus...
the goods arrived in good come the goods were not packaged.
seller fast respon, pengiriman cepat, siang pesan ga lama kemudian barang sampai. semoga awet
seller fast response, fast delivery, noon ordered not long after the goods arrived. hope it lasts
mantapppp. . . bagussss. . . buat masak mie
Excellent. . . Good. . . make noodles
kotak dalemnya kotor bgt :) bekas apa gmn yh :)
the inner box is really dirty :) what kind of used :)
barang sudah diterima tapi hp nya ga bisa buat sms dan simpan kintak,,,,yang keluar hanya angka ga bisa huruf
the item has been received but the cellphone can't make sms and save contacts, what comes out is only numbers can't letters
Barang sesuai deskripsi tidak ada yang pecah pengemasan dengan paking kayu . Recomended seller
the goods according to the description nothing broke packing with wooden packing . recommended seller
sesuai deskripsi, empuk dan nyaman buat control mousenya. toko fast respon dan cepat dikirim
according to the description, soft and comfortable for the mouse control. fast response shop and fast delivery
Packingnya aman sampai ditempat. Barang belum dicoba.
the packing is safe to the place. item not yet tried.
paketnya sdh sampe,tapi ko ky bukan teplon yg tebel ya.kurirnya ramah yerimakasoj lazada,
the package has arrived, but why doesn't it look like it's not thick teflon? the courier is friendly, yerimakasoj lazada,
Setrika rusak. Ga nyala, ga panas..
broken iron. not on, not hot..
thanks ,, beneran silent clik no tipu tipu hehehe
thanks, really silent click no deception hehehe
Thx... sdh sampe dgn baik ke timika... tp syg agak lama nyampenya krn natalan... jd kepake pas mau tahun baruan... hasilnya lumayan bagus
thx. it arrived well to timika. but unfortunately it took a while to arrive because of Christmas. so it's suitable for the new year. the results are pretty good
Minta yg ungu dikirim yg orange .. jaya teruss
asked for the purple one sent the orange one.. keep going
Bagus tapi agak lama nyampenya
good but took a long time to arrive
gimaana ini masa ga bsa muter panggangan nya .cek dulu dong.kecewa
How about this when I can't play the handle. Please check first. Disappointed
Barang sudah mendarat... ada yang penyok sedikit dibagian mesin dan pemotongnya juga maupatah, kardusnya juga rusak, tapi barangnya berfungsi normal.... Mohon dipertimbangkan packing dan pengirimannya... Terimakasih lazada
item has landed. there is a slight dent in the engine and the cutter is also broken, the box is also damaged, but the item functions normally. Please consider packing and shipping. thanks lazada
sebuah pisang
a banana
kipasnya berfungsi baik, pengirimannya cepat
the fan works fine, the delivery is fast
kecewa... barang nya rusak
disappointed. the item is broken
Bagus ,buat gantiin gamepad yang udah rusak, sekarang bisa main sambil rebahan tanpa ribet kabel 😹
great, to replace a broken gamepad, now you can play while laying down without the hassle of wires
Paket mendarat dengan selamat barang bagus kondisi normal semua walaupun 3g sinyalnya bagus walaupun agak lecet" sedikit wajar barang seken.tokonya sangat amanah sekali..dan ramah sekali menjawab pertanyaan"ku makasih ya kak πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜
the package landed safely, the goods are in good condition, everything is normal, even though the signal is not good, even though it is a bit scratched" it's a little natural for second-hand goods.
anak suka
child likes
Alhamdulillah barangnya bagus
thank God it's good
sesuai, tpi, penyok ....
appropriate, tpi, dented.
mousepad nya bagus gk keset worth lah dengan harga seginiπŸ˜€
The mousepad is good, isn't the mat worth it at this price
Tombol On/Off terlalu kecil dan susah buat di matikan
the on/off button is too small and hard to turn off
barang nya ok... kirain gede ternyata kecil... tp gk pph
the item is ok. thought big turned out to be small. but no pph
Barang nya bagus skali. Tapi saya salah pesan, maunya yg tipe C
the stuff is really good. but I ordered the wrong one, I wanted type c
paket mendarat dengan selamat mskpun bublenya dluar kardus gda yg penyok pkonya mantul dech
The package landed safely even though the bubbles came out of the box, there were no dents on the pko, they bounced
Trims ya, brg sdh di terima tq
thanks, the goods have been received, tq
Brg sudah sampai Mouse sensitif terhadap gerakan sedikit. Mouse nya terlalu ringan tapi semuanya oke
brg has arrived the mouse is sensitive to the slightest movement. the mouse is too light but everything is ok
Pengiriman cepat, tapi pancinya lengket πŸ™
fast delivery, but the pan is sticky
Josssss...pertahankan pelayanan nya.tks
jos. maintain the service. thks
pesan yg ke 3 kali nya bagus.. bintang aj yang bicara
the message the next time is good.. just the stars do the talking
Barangnya pakai sebentar sudah rusak. Apakah ada garansi nya ?
the item used for a while is damaged. is there a guarantee?
Produk berfungsi dengan baik mulus sesuai ekspektasi
the product works smoothly as expected
Bagus hanya beda motif
good just different motives
Dengan Harga segitu, dapt tablet dengan kualitas yg cukup baik memurut saya, meskipun materialnya plaatik. Tp sudah OK laah, Belom ada kwcewa utk saat ini.. semoga bisa awet di saya..
at that price, i can get a tablet with pretty good quality in my opinion, even though the material is plastic. but it's ok, there aren't any disappointments for now... I hope it lasts for me...
Kabel Splitter nya kurang berfungsi dengan baik, bass nya kurang
the splitter cable is not working properly, the bass is lacking
Proses pengemasan dan pengiriman cepat. Belum dicoba, mau buat kado.
Fast packaging and shipping process. Haven't tried it yet, want to make a gift.
Barang sudah saya terima.tanpa kurang apapun..cuma yang saya sayangkan Chatnya cm ada balasan dari System ..bukan Admin ..Peoses packing 2 Hr br di kirim. Terima kasih
I have received the item.. without anything lacking..only what I regret is the chat cm there is a reply from the system..not admin..process of packing hr br sent. Thank You
Sangat bagus, buat ponakan nonton, jadi anteng mereka..hehehe
very good, for my nephews to watch, they become calm..hehehe
Review jujur, barangnya sih aman cuma respon penjual lama, di balas keesokan harinya setelah beberapa kali di chat, pesen tgl 11 bayar tgl 12 tapi dikirim tgl 15 (pake jne yes) yg seharusnya jkt bdg cuma sehari, padahal di tunggu2 buat hadiah. Tolong ya kak setidaknya respon cepat konsumen di chat.
honest review, the item is safe, only the seller's response took a long time, was replied to the next day after several chats, ordered the date of payment but sent the date (using jne yes) which should have been only one day, even though I was waiting for a gift. Please, sis, at least a quick response from consumers in the chat.
Barang sesuai psanan cma seller slow respon..
the item according to the order, only the seller is slow to respond..
Sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat bagus
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very good
Harga:relatif Pengemasan:bubble tebel dipegangan aja, mgkn next time agak tebelin di teflonnya jg, krn ada kurir yg nakal Bahan/Material:BAGUS, teruji di masukin gitu aja dari atas pagar oleh kurir ID express, gak penyok pdhal tinggi Bagus yah ini bahannya walaupun tipis dijatuhin dr ketinggian lbh dr 1meter ga penyok gaizzz haha, kezellll bgt sm kurirnya, uda saya laporkan, biar lbh diperhatikan paket pembeli, untung bae2 aja
price: relatively packaging: just hold on to the thick bubble, maybe next time it will be a bit thick on the Teflon too, because there is a naughty courier material: good, tested just put it in from the top of the fence by the id express courier, it's not dented even though it's good height the material, even though it's thin, was dropped from a height of more than a meter, it's not dented, gaiz haha, it's really annoying with the courier, I've reported it, so that the buyer's package pays more attention, luckily it's okay
Warna pink ukuran sedabgng. Senoga aweett
Medium size pink. hope it lasts
kado buat temen sampai dengan selamat tujuan
gifts for friends arrived safely destination
Bahan emang agak tipis, tapi alhamdulillah selamet gabpenyok, tipis biar cepet mateng, cuma aneh maspion nempel stiker barcode dll dibawah panci yg bakal kena api 🀣 ooh iya tutupnya kurang rapet, jadi siul nya keciiiiiiiil baanget, kudu modif rapetin tutup
the material is a bit thin, but thank God it survived the dent, it's thin so it cooks quickly, it's just strange that the maspion sticks a barcode sticker etc. under the pan that will catch fire ooh yeah the lid isn't tight enough, so the whistling is very small, you have to modify the lid tight
tiba dg kondisi baik. berfungsi dg baik.
arrived in good condition. works fine.
Fitur Terbaik:oke Bagus, moga aja awet ,, nyobak d colokin langsung panas, kmaren lalu beli d colokin Lama ga panas2 cuman anget doang 😁pengiriman cpet mksih seller ,makasih juga buat mas kurirnya..
best features: okay, good, hopefully it lasts,, try plugging it in, it's hot right away, yesterday then bought d plug for a long time, it didn't get hot, just warm, fast delivery, thank you seller, thanks also to the courier..
Ntab soul πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»
ntab soul
mantap mouse nya, cukup ringan. berfungsi dengan baik. tombolnya nyaman. build quality nya juga bagus, murah tapi gak murahan. cocok buat yang pengen mouse bagus dengan harga miring, wireless pula mantap betul dah. cuman di kirimnya agak lama ya, tapi gapapa dah yg penting barangnya ga mengecewakan. calon langganan produk fantech nih.
great mouse, quite light. works fine. the buttons are comfortable. the build quality is also good, cheap but not cheap. suitable for those who want a good mouse at a low price, wireless is also really good. it's just that it took a while to be sent, but that's okay, the important thing is that the item doesn't disappoint. This is a candidate for fantech product subscription.
In shaa Allah bagus, cuma respon penjual perlu ditingkatkan. Tidak slow respon padahal online. Semoga ada perbaikan kak. Berkah selalu. Selamat! :)
in shaa allah it's good, only the seller's response needs to be improved. not slow response even though online. hopefully there is an improvement sis. blessings always. Happy! :)
barangnya aman kardusnya penyok tapi work kok
the item is safe the box is dented but it works
Fitur Terbaik:mantaaaaap Sepadan dengan Harga:istimewa Pokoknya muuuuuuantaaaaaab deh , biar bintang bertaburan di ulasan
best features: well worth the price: special, just muantab, let the stars sprinkle in the review
Kurang cepat dalam pengiriman karna slaah sortir tapi it's ok lah
not fast in delivery because of wrong sorting but it's ok lah
parah.. wifi sama bloetooth ga bisa di buka sama sekali..
is it.. wifi and bluetooth can't be opened at all..
Sangat sangat bermanfaat banget utk travelling apalagi kalo berpergian bawa anak kecil, size nya yang kecil jadi sangat mudah dimasukkan ke dalam koper
very very useful for traveling especially when traveling with small children, the small size makes it very easy to put in a suitcase
Toko penipu, jgn percaya klw d chat dia baik,...
fraudulent shop, don't believe that if you chat, he's good.
beli sama pen tp pennya gabisa dipake dengan baik. malah gabisa buat gambar atau nulis. kecewa banget sih. nanti kalo udah bisa dipake pennya baru diganti lagi reviewnya. ati ati yaa yg mau beli disini heheπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
bought the pen but the pen can't be used properly. I can't even draw or write. really disappointed. later, when it can be used, the pen will be replaced again in the review. be careful who wants to buy here hehe
seller responsif, barang ada kendala, ditarik dan diperbaiki
responsive seller, item has problems, pulled and repaired
pelayanan cepat, pagi pesan langsung dianter. semoga barang bagus....awet nyimpen panas
fast service, morning order direct delivery. hopefully the goods are good. keep it hot
Terima kasih.. barang oke
thank you.. item okay
Dipakenya gampang sih gausa pke instal, tapi agak susah disambungin ke laptop spek lama huhu. Kualitas oke kok tapi
It's easy to use, you don't need to install it, but it's a bit difficult to connect to an old spec laptop huhu. ok quality anyway
So Cute and Lovely πŸ€“πŸ€“
so cute and lovely
Lengkap sesuai pesanan, pengiriman cepat sellernya ramah. Makasih
Complete as ordered, fast delivery, friendly seller. Thanks
Mohon maaf gambar Dan video tidak sesuai tapi intinya beli di toko ini produknya original asli bukan yang KW KW
Sorry, the pictures and videos don't match, but the point is to buy at this shop, the product is original, not the kw kw
Akan lebih baik kalau kualitas ditingkatkan.
it would be better if the quality is improved.
Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:ya mngkin Packing sederhana ...pengiriman laaaamaaaa wlopun akhrnya tergantikan dgn barang yg utuh tanpa pecah...smg awet ..mksh kak next order lagi y
best features: okay worth the price: yes maybe simple packing. long delivery even though in the end it was replaced with intact goods without breaking. hope it lasts.. thanks sis next order again
Ada penyok dikit di bagian samping bawah. Sepertinya bukan krn ekspedisi, karena kardusnya ga penyok. Mngkin sblm dkrim, next bs dicek dlu
there is a small dent on the bottom side. it doesn't seem like it was because of the expedition, because the box wasn't dented. Maybe before it's sent, you can check it next
Barang berfungsi,tpi syang tabungnya kurang 1
the item works, but the tube is lacking
barangnya bagus .jd rajin bikin kue
the goods are good. so diligent in making cakes
Barang dan kemasan baik,jumlah unitnya lengkap dan kwalitasnya sesuai harga
the goods and packaging are good, the number of units is complete and the quality is according to the price
tidak sesuai deskripsi sinyal E katanya H+
does not match the description of the signal e, it says h+
lumayan bagus....tapi masih kurang memuaskan karena mousepadnya terkesan licin...sehingga mousenya kurang lancar ketika dioperasikan....
pretty good. but still unsatisfactory because the mousepad seems slippery. so the mouse doesn't work smoothly.
barangnya ok.. dikirim dengan cepat.. mantulll
the item is ok.. sent quickly.. great
Sengaja dipake dulu beberapa hari baru kasih review. Buat harga segini bagus kok ini. Tinggal colok langsung pake, nggak delay juga. Buat yang budget terbatas bisa pilih ini πŸ‘
I purposely used it for a few days before giving a review. for this price this is good. just plug it in directly use it, no delay either. For those with a limited budget, you can choose this
Harga produk baik
good product price
sangat,sangat memuaskan
very, very satisfying
udah beli untuk yg kedua kali. headset yg pertama (warna merah) dimakan tikus sialan. overall barangnya berfungsi dgn baik, mudah2 an gak dimakan tikus lagi WKWKWKWK
already bought for the second time. the first headset (red color) was eaten by a damn mouse. overall the item works well, hopefully it won't be eaten by rats again wkwkwkwk
Barang sudah saya terima sesuai pesanan produknya bagus harganya sangat terjangkau pokonya pokonya di jamin engga engga mengecewakan
I have received the goods according to the order, the products are good, the prices are very affordable, the main points are guaranteed not to disappoint
Barangnya original πŸ‘.Β Ada garansi resmi.
the goods are original. there is an official warranty.