Barang nya Bagus tp gk sesuai warna
the product is good but the color doesn't match
sangat syukaa barang mendarat dgn selamat bagus bgt kurir mantul...
really like the item landed safely very nice really good courier.
Bagus lucu kecil unyu unyu cocok buat anak kos, aman berfungsi baik
nice, cute, small, unyu unyu, suitable for boarding children, safe, works well
Mantap, pengiriman sangat cepat brooo goodlah
great, very fast delivery bro goodlah
Barangnya bagus ga penyok dan berfungsi normal Harganya murah ongkirnya jg murah apalagi pake gosend Penjualnya ramah fast respon banget Makasih yaaa, smoga makin baik kedepannya
the goods are good, not dented and function normally, the price is cheap, the shipping is also cheap, especially using Gosend, the seller is friendly, fast, very responsive, thank you, hopefully it will get better in the future
mantap. barang sesuai.. terimakasihBarangnya original 👍. Audionya mantap. Ada garansi toko. Resolusi kamera bagus. Ada garansi resmi. Baterenya awet. Penjualnya ramah banget. Respon penjualnya top.
Excellent. the right stuff... thanks for the original stuff. the audio is great. there is a store warranty. good camera resolution. there is an official warranty. the battery lasts. the seller is very friendly. top seller response.
Barang sampai sesuai pesanan, trims
goods arrived as ordered, thanks
Minta dikasih note ucapan soalnya buat kado, tapi toko lupa.
asked for a note to say because it's for a gift, but the shop forgot.
Barang sampai dgn selamat, barangnya bagus, cuman kardus ada yg sedikit penyok
the item arrived safely, the item is good, only the box is a little dented
barangnya bagus.. Tks Seller
the item is good..tks seller
bagus ,mantab ,barang original, anak suka pengiriman cepat
good, great, original stuff, kids like fast delivery
pas nasi udh mateng di biarin 1jman ko nasi nya malah dingin
when the rice is cooked, leave it for a while, how come the rice gets cold
barangnya bagus , semoga ke depan lebih di tingkatkan lagi RAM nya
the item is good, hopefully in the future the RAM will be further improved
barang bagus, di coba mesin normal dan kueirny ramah
good stuff, tried the normal machine and the cake is friendly
Yang kecil pecah 1 .. Padahal produk nya bagus 😭
the small one broke .. even though the product is good
barang sudah sapai sesuai dengan pesanan,,kecewa aku malu sama pelangan saya pas di coba masak nasi miako nya meldak.
the goods arrived according to the order,, I was disappointed that I was embarrassed by my customer when I tried to cook the Miako rice it exploded.
Ternyata rembes dari bawah.
turned out to be seeping from the bottom.
barangnya sudah dtrima dr kemarin mf baru kasih ulasan,,,alhamdulillah aman tdk kurang apapun warna sesuai pesanan ungu lucu bgt,,,makasih utk tokonya yg amanah,,,jangan ragu pesan ditoko ini ya bun
I have received the item yesterday, sorry I just gave you a review, thank God, it's safe, there's no shortage of anything, the color according to the order is purple, it's really cute, thanks for the trustworthy shop, don't hesitate to order in this shop, bro
barang sesuai gambar, minta di kirim pakai gosend. barangnya tidak d bungkus apa2.
item according to the picture, ask to be sent using gosend. what is the item not packaged.
Barang sudah sampai. belum dicoba, semoga enak dipakai.😊
the goods have arrived. Haven't tried it yet, hope it's good to use.
Barang sampe dengan selamat, untung tambah bubble wrap. Soalnya sewaktu sampe paketnya, sdh rusak bgtu. Tp untungnya barangnya aman, brlum dicoba sih, semoga awet deh.
item arrived safely, fortunately added bubble wrap. the problem is when the package arrived, it was so damaged. but fortunately the item is safe, haven't tried it yet, hopefully it will last.
Terimakasih seller pengiriman cepet custemer ku semoga suka sukses selalu barokaAllah
thank you seller, fast delivery, my custemer, I hope you like success, always, barakaallah
Barang sesuai diskripsi.. Pengiriman cepat. Recommended..
item as delivery. recommended..
penjual ramah, pengiriman cepat
friendly seller, fast delivery
setelah perebudan air mendidih td ketelnya tidak bersiul atau bunyi😇 respon seller good. recomended dech
after boiling the water, the kettle doesn't whistle or the sound of a good seller's response. recommended you
mantap barang nya, pengiriman cepat 1 hari sampai, respon seller bagus👍👍🔥🔥
the item is great, the day of delivery arrived, the seller's response is good
Packingannya rapih tapi walaupun di kasih buble wrapnya tebel banget juga ini ada yg penyok dikit harusnya sih di kasih kardus biar gk penyok kyk gini
the packaging is neat but even though the bubble wrap was given, it was really thick, there was a little dented, I should have given a cardboard box so it wouldn't be dented like this
bagusss...gak ada yg penyok....👍
good. nothing is dented.
puas banget, barangnya bagus dan kelihatan kokoh. sudah saya coba bikin jus, lumat nya oke banget, pisaunya tajam, josss. sukses seller!
very satisfied, the item is good and looks sturdy. I've tried making juice, the puree is really good, the knife is sharp, jos. seller success!
Suaranya oke, jernih, bassnya jedap jedup, tapi sayang suara mic nya kalo buat ml gak jelas kata temenku
the sound is okay, clear, the bass is slow, but it's a shame the mic sound for ml isn't clear, my friend said
Harga:standar Pengiriman:lumayan, tp kalau bisa dipercepat pengemasan n pengiriman Kualitas:bagus
price: standard shipping: not bad, but if you can speed up packaging and delivery quality: good
settingan tombol + dan - error alias kebalik, tapi biar lah
the + and - error button settings are reversed, but so be it
admin nya fast respon, barang bagus, packing nya aman rapih, tapi saya mesen warna yg beda dikirim nya sama
the admin is fast responding, good stuff, the packaging is safe, but I ordered a different color, the same was sent
Jujur saya sangat kecewa dengan barangnya, selain tidak sesuai dengan tipe yang disampaikan, barang yang datang terdapat banyak minus lecet-lecet di sana-sini. Tapi saya cukup apresiasi untuk kejujuran dari si penjual, lain waktu mungkin bisa ditingkatkan ya untuk kualitas barangnya.
to be honest I was very disappointed with the item, apart from not matching the type delivered, the item that came had lots of minus scuffs here and there. but I quite appreciate the honesty of the seller, next time maybe it can be improved for the quality of the goods.
barang manttttafff semoga awet
Good stuff, hope it lasts
allhamdulilah bagus, meskipun dikirim nya warna biru. semoga awet tpiii sayang kok gk ada pengukus nya y?
thank God it's fine, even though it was sent in blue. I hope it lasts a long time but it's a shame how come there isn't a steamer?
Mantap banget barangnya, seller baik banget, sampainya juga cepet banget saya kira hari ini belum sampai tapi uda nongol aja, selain itu bener2 gratis ongkir saat ini...makasih yes 😊
the item is really great, the seller is really kind, it arrived really fast too I thought it wouldn't arrive today but it just showed up, besides that it's really free shipping at this time. Thank you yes
👍👍👍👍trima ksih jg buat abang kurirny
Thank you also for the courier brother
Trimakasih Barang sdh kami terima ,Sungguh sangat memuaskan. Pengiriman Cepat
Thank you, we have received the goods, really very satisfying. fast delivery
kurirnya lama kirim barangnya,sampe 5 hari.
The courier took a long time to send the goods, arrived today.
RAM besar. Performa lancar. Barangnya original 👍. Packaging aman 🙏. Proses pesanan cepat.
big ram. smooth performance. the goods are original. safe packaging . fast order process.
Mantap tajem pisaunya sama kayak omongan tetangga yang kepanasan dan iri karna kita beli pisau dia nggak...
the knife is really sharp, the same as the neighbors who are hot and jealous because we didn't buy a knife.
Kardus penyok, cuma barang tidak ada cacat. Kualitas mantap. Kedap suaram nyaman pas dipake
dented cardboard, only the goods have no defects. steady quality. soundproof, comfortable to wear
pesen siang ,malemnya sampe cepet banget senangnya, memang lgi butuh banget tq ya Tokopedia
Ordered in the afternoon, the evening arrived very quickly, I'm really happy, I really need it, thank you, Tokopedia
Baru sempet beri penilaian karna barang nya juga baru dibuka. Pas ak buka ga tau kenapa kertas nya udh ada yg disobek gitu, trs pas buka barang juga plastik pembungkusnya udh sobek. Kaya barang yg sering dibongkar-bongkar gitu. Tapi mixernya aman dan berfungsi dengan baik.
I just had time to give an assessment because the item was also just opened. when I opened it, I don't know why the paper was torn like that, but when I opened the item, the plastic wrapping was already torn. like things that are often taken apart like that. but the mixer is safe and works well.
Produk lengkap, tapi pengiriman lama dr pihak cosmos Dan pas diterima ada cacat di bagian bawah glass. Sudah chat pihak cosmos, no response.
complete product, but long delivery from Cosmos and when received there is a defect at the bottom of the glass. Already chat with Cosmos, no response.
Desain elegan. Garansi terjamin. Udara jadi sejuk. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi.
elegant design. guaranteed warranty. the air is cool. safe packaging . neat packaging.
Barang nya selamat sampai rumah aman rapih . Cuma blum di cobain.
the goods safely arrived at the house safely tidy. just yet to try it.
Bagus, jernih
nice, clear
Gak menerima barang apapun, duit pun melayang kurir nya gak bener penjualnya bukan follow up malah bikin status pesanan selesai. Trimakasih :)
I didn't receive any items, the money was gone, the courier wasn't right, the seller didn't follow up, instead made the order status complete. Thanks :)
Belum di coba .. Dus ga di pakein plastik pas kirim, kena ujan dus ancurrr .. Seharusnya pakein plastik gan biar ga ancur !
haven't tried it yet... the box wasn't used in plastic when it was sent, it got rained on and it broke... I should have used plastic, bro, so it wouldn't break!
Kerdusnya banyak yg penyok.. untung dalam nya aman.. gegara kelamaan di expdisinya.. padahal seller nya gercep kirim nya . Ee. Sicepat nya luama ternyata...
the kerdus has a lot of dents.. fortunately the inside is safe.. it's too late for the expedition.. even though the seller sent it quickly. ee. how fast it turns out.
Brg diterima baik hanya kemasan kurang baik.
brg received well only the packaging is not good.
Agak kecewa krn Admin tidak responsif
a bit disappointed because the admin is not responsive
Fitur Terbaik:baik Kedua kalinya belanja disini alhamdulilah gak pernah kecewa .
best feature: good second time shopping here alhamdulillah never disappointed .
Alhamdulillah paketku sudah sampai. Ricecooker cosmos bagus dan berfungsi dengan baik. Seller baik dan ramah. Pak kurir juga baik. Terima kasih 🙏
Thank God my package has arrived. cosmos ricecooker is good and works well. good and friendly seller. the courier is also good. Thank You
ceretnya gak bunyi pas air mendidih
The kettle doesn't sound when the water is boiling
top lah..amanah tokonya
top the shop
Sesuai pesanan,respon penjual baik.. terimakasih
according to the order, the seller's response is good.. thank you
Kemasan disegel. Spesifikasi sesuai . Berfungsi dengan baik.
sealed packaging. appropriate specifications. works fine.
Seller fast respon, bisa milih warna dan warna yg dtg sesuai orderan. proses ke pengiriman cepat, bubble warp 4 lapis, dus hp masih segel, isi masih baru semua. hp nyala aman. good job seller. dipertahankan y kinerjanya.
seller fast response, can choose the color and color that comes according to the order. process to fast delivery, bubble warp layer, cell phone box is still sealed, contents are all new. hp on safe. good job sellers. maintained y performance.
Tablet + aksesories sdh diterima dgn baik dan sesuai deskripsi. Masih belum terbiasa menggunakan tablet ini alias masih awam :-)
tablet + accessories well received and according to the description. still not used to using this tablet aka still layman :-)
Setelah cobain ternyata ga sebersih yang diharapkan. Pdahal byk review yg blg oke. Tp balik ke msg2. Power nya di bass gede dan boomy. Didukung jg sama bentuk clamp dan tipe headset nya. Mesti di tweak lagi klo mau suaranya jd lumayan enak. Emg beli cm incer mic nya doang. Overall mnurut saya 7.5/10
after trying it, it turns out that it's not as clean as expected. even though many reviews are not okay. But back to msg. the power on the bass is big and boomy. Also supported is the same clamp shape and headset type. you have to tweak it again if you want the sound to be pretty good. did you just buy cm incer mic? overall according to me ./
Sudah sampa magic com nya, semoga aweet....
The magic com has arrived, hopefully it lasts.
Bagus orderam kedua.foto gak ada krn sdh dikirim ke ortu. Trims ya
Good second order. No photos because it's been sent to parents. thanks
Fitur Terbaik:murah dan berkualitas kualitas oke, sesuai harga, enak buat claw grip, pokoknya buat yg nyari mouse gaming wired murah dan biasa pke claw grip, mouse ini rekomended
best features: cheap and good quality, good quality, according to price, good for claw grips, basically for those who are looking for a cheap wired gaming mouse and usually use claw grips, this mouse is recommended
Jossss barang nya bos
jos goods boss
akhir nya dateng juga pesan hari sabtu kamis baru dateng 6 hari. mungkin krn barang elektronik ya jd harus hati2. bener2 kecil bentuk nya heheh. tapi cukup lah buat sndr masak nya klo buat sekeluarga tidak di saranin
In the end, the order came on Saturday, Thursday, and it arrived today. maybe because of electronic goods, you have to be careful. its really small heheh. but it's enough for you to cook it, if it's not recommended for the whole family
Bagus panas gosokannya mulus ga ada yg ke gores, pengiriman agak lama pengemasannya sampe 3 hari.
it's good, it's hot, the rub is smooth, nothing gets scratched, the delivery takes a long time, the packaging is up to the day.
Sayang warna di kirim rundom ya .tp suka dapat warna pink semua warna cantik sih tombol merah buat apa ya ?
It's a shame the color was sent randomly, but I got pink, all the colors are pretty, what's the red button for?
Maaf telat ngasi ulasanny. Foto dan vidionya juga tidak sesuai barang lumayan meski gak ada penyaringannya TF
sorry for late giving a review. the photos and videos also don't match the item, it's pretty good even though there's no tf filter
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Harga produk sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Packaging pengiriman sangat baik.
product quality is very good. product price is very good. delivery speed is very good. very good shipping packaging.
Respon penjual cepat balas chat. Pengiriman cepat langsung di proses. 2 jam sampai di tempat.
seller responds quickly to chat. fast delivery directly in the process. hour to the place.
alhamdulillah bagus maaf baru kasih ulasan sekarang
thank God, it's good, sorry for just giving a review now
what a great HP
what a great hp
Pengiriman cpt respon cpt terimakasih, video nya LBH dr 3 detik jd g bisa
fast delivery fast response thank you, the video is more than seconds so it can't
mouse sudah berfungsi normal thanks seller fast reaponnya kyknya Dr ujung baterainya yg g pas krn besinya g rapet jd agak maksa kalo nutup dan itu yg bikin keder tp skrng dah ok ntar klo g bisa seller siap di klaim garasi thanks pelayanannya
the mouse is functioning normally, thanks seller, the response is fast, I think from the end of the battery, it doesn't fit because the iron isn't tight, so it's a bit forced to close and that's what makes it confusing, but now it's ok, if it can't, the seller is ready to claim the garage, thanks for the service
Sesuai pesanan mantap seller
according to the seller's order
Fitur Terbaik:barang bagus, kondisi baik Pengiriman cepat, toko responsif, barang diterima dengan keadaan baik.
best features:good item,good condition,fast delivery,responsive store,item received in good condition.
kecewa bener bener kecewa dikirimin barang yg udah rusak
really disappointed to be sent a damaged item
produk berfungsi dan keren...
product works and is cool.
Hanya sebulan bisa dipakai.. Setelahnya rusak
only a month can be used .. after it broke
bagus sih,tapi pas nyampek kardus nya penyok untung aja gakrusak headset nya
it's good, but when it arrived the box was dented, fortunately it didn't damage the headset
Pengiriman lama sekali sekalilii iiiii
very long delivery i
Pengirimannya cepat, tapi sayang ini memang dapet unit yang kurang bagus atau gimana karena mouse wheelnya jelek, susah di scroll. Saya apresiasi Rexus udh contact saya via WA untuk ngasih tahu dan nawarin garansi, nice move, keren.
the delivery was fast, but it's a shame I got a bad unit or something because the mouse wheel is bad, it's hard to scroll. I appreciate Rexus for contacting me via wa to let me know and offer a guarantee, nice move, cool.
Kualitas bagus, cuma kurang tau ini produk ku atau yg lain juga, tapi tombol non aktif ga bisa pake tombol beranda dan harus tombol reset
good quality, just don't know if this is my product or something else too, but the deactivated button can't use the home button and has to be a reset button
Produk sesuai deskripsi dan pesanan telah diterima dengan baik. Terima kasih.
the product corresponds to the description and the order has been well received. Thank You.
Dengan harga segini, kualitas produk sangat baik. Walaupun kadang2 sensor mouse bikin kursor di layar geter2 kalo di pake editing. Gatau mouse nya atau mousepad nya sih yg bikin geter2.
at this price, the quality of the product is very good. although sometimes the mouse sensor makes the cursor on the screen vibrate when using editing. I don't know if it's the mouse or the mousepad that makes it shake.
Kualitas produk baik. Produk original. Harga produk baik. Kecepatan pengiriman baik.
product quality is good. original product. good product price. good delivery speed.
lebih mungil dari dispenser biasa, tapi bahannya kokoh & bagus, mudah2an awet. makasih ya seller, lazada & kurir .
Smaller than a regular dispenser, but the material is sturdy and good, I hope it lasts. Thank you seller, lazada & courier.
RECOMMENDED SELLER. pengiriman & packing barang bagus, barang diterima dg aman & utuh. gak kapok belanja dilapak ini. Makasih utk seller & Lazada.
recommended seller. Good delivery and packaging, items received safely & intact. I can't stop shopping at this site. thanks to seller & lazada.
jelek di ekspedisi pengiriman saja.
bad on the shipping expedition only.
Barang bagus ori , sesuai gambar. Dan harga sesuai, pengirimn cepat
original good item, according to the picture. and reasonable price, fast delivery
kualitas bagus, suara lumayan jernih, mic ok, pengemasan ok, all good laah 🥰
good quality, sound is pretty clear, mic is ok, packaging is ok, all good laah
Sangat puass, pengiriman cepat, barang bagus, dikemas dengan rapih, pertahankan
very satisfied, fast delivery, good item, neatly packed, keep it up
Okelahhh barangnya segitu sesuai hargalah yah.bagus kok barangnya. Tapi saran aja saran aja ini cuma bisa untuk masak yah gak manasin. Kalo bisa beli yang lebih besar aja. Makasih
okay, the goods are that much according to the price, how come the goods are good. but just a suggestion, this can only be cooked, not manacin. If you can, buy a bigger one. Thanks
udah pesen yang ketiga kalinya, tapi unttuk yang ketiga gosokannya ga panas sama sekali, cuma anget doang, padahal buat ngeloundry😓
I've ordered for the third time, but for the third time the rub isn't hot at all, it's just warm, even though it's for washing
hp ngk bagus ni..ngk bisa matiin layarny..jadi hidup terus cahaya ny..saya kecewa kli ni..
the cellphone isn't good..can't turn off the the light keeps on..I'm disappointed now..
semua berfungsi dengan sangat baik. puas dengan produknya
all works very well. satisfied with the product