Kualitas:kurang baik Tampilan:barangnya rusak Performa:rusak
quality: not good display: the goods are damaged performance: damaged
barangnya blm di coba semoga tdk ada kendala ya
Haven't tried the item yet, hopefully there won't be any problems
Scroll-nya agak berdecit.
the scroll is a bit squeaky.
Cuman bisa komen 👍👍👍
can only comment
Barang bagus tapi packingnya ancur banget
good product but the packing is very bad
Sepadan dengan Harga:Joshh Baguss
worth the price: joshh nice
Tampilan:bagus Performa:bagus Kualitas:bagus Ternyata ukuranya diameter atas sama panjang gagang di itung, salah beli sih kurang besar. Respon penjual juga cepet di chat langsung bales, warna beda di kasih tau dlu mau tetep kirim atau engak.
display:good performance:good quality:good it turns out that the size of the upper diameter is the same as the length of the handle, I bought the wrong one, it's not big enough. The seller's response was also fast in direct chat replies, different colors were told beforehand whether to send or not.
Pengrmn cpt bgt brangx pux custemer smga aj cocok
fast delivery, brangx has a customer, hopefully it's suitable
Harga produk standar Kualitas produk standar Kecepatan pengiriman standar Respon penjual standar
standard product price standard product quality standard delivery speed standard seller response standard
Barang berfungsi dengan baik dan sayangnya tidak dikasih baterai.
the item works fine and unfortunately no battery is provided.
legulator mantep sesuai diskripsi.terimakasih
steady regulator according to the description. thank you
overall oke. original
overall okay. original
parah bgt pengemasannya tidak di lapisin bublewrap.. klo untuk blender nya sii ok bagus
it's really bad that the packaging isn't covered in bubblewrap... for the blender, it's ok, it's good
Setelah pemakaian 2 minggu. Air nya berbau, terus kartu garansi nya tidak di isi. Jadi nya tidak berlaku garansi nya. Tidak recommended di toko ini.
after weeks of use. the water smells, then the warranty card is not filled. so the warranty doesn't apply. not recommended in this shop.
Airnya yg panas tdk mau keluar. Mau diretur repot juga bayar ongkir plus kirim- kirimnya lagi. Ada harga ada kualitas emg!
the hot water doesn't want to come out. If you want to be returned, it's also a hassle to pay postage plus send it again. there is a price there is quality emg!
Keyboardnya mantap dan enak digunakan,pengiriman cepat,seller responsif..mantappp
the keyboard is solid and easy to use, fast delivery, responsive seller..great
Sangat puas , gak nyesal belanjaan di sini , barang di bungkus dengan rapi dan real seperti deskripsi penjual . Mantul 💪🏼
very satisfied, I don't regret shopping here, the items are packaged neatly and are real like the seller's description. Really good
Mantab bang aku suka
great, I like it
Kurang panas sihh... Tapi oke lah
it's not hot enough. but okay
Pas nanya cocok buat tipe miyako BL 211 katanya cocok..ternyata ga cocok
when I asked if it was suitable for Miyako's type, he said it was suitable... it didn't match
Mantap.sehari pesen langsung sampe
great. the day the order arrived directly
Barangnya original 👍. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. Dapet casing juga. Mantull dah.
the goods are original. fast order process. safe packaging . got the casing too. mantull already.
Siip. Barang diterima dalam keadaan bagus, dan kualitasnya mantap.
sip. Items received in good condition, and the quality is great.
pengirimannya lambat, penjual gk ramah.. bilangnya bisa kirim hari ini, tapi nyatanya esok hari 👎 payah
the delivery is slow, the seller is not friendly.. said he could send it today, but in fact it sucks tomorrow
mantap josssss, setting DPI nya saya cocok, saya suka, sebanding dg hargax
great jos, my dpi setting is suitable, I like it, comparable to the price
barang nya bagus tebal jga besar, tp pegangan nya kurang satu..
the item is good, thick and not big, but the handle is missing one..
Packimg rapi barang bagus kualitas bagus
neat packing good quality good item
barang ok. kurir ok. original. good job
ok stuff. courier ok. original. good job
Matep poll
dead poll
yang mau beli, langsung aja jangan banyak mikir.
who want to buy, just do not think much.
pesenna pink yg dtg ijo .. tp yaudaglah daripd ribettuker2 lg bsk2 di cek dl sblm kirim
ordered pink that came green.. but ok, instead of the hassle of exchanging it, you can check it before sending it
pesanan telah trima dengan baik....walaupun kurinya srmpat nyasar....
the order has been received well. even though the kuri is a little lost.
belum dicoba
Ketika di terima,pisau nya sudah lepas dari tempat nya. Packingan kurang bagus. Bublewrap tipis bangett.. jadi kebaret" tempat pisau nya..
when received, the knife was out of its place. packing is not good. the bubblewrap is really thin... it's scratched where the knife is..
smuanya bagus sampai packagingny jg
everything is good until the packaging as well
packing kilat...pengiriman kilaaat... barang mantaaaap....TOP...
lightning packing. express delivery. great stuff. top.
Bagus hp nya Dapat bonus dalam box nya Udah q pake..normal Terimakasih gan Maaf baru review🙏😀
it's good, the cellphone got a bonus in the box, I've used it normally, thank you, bro, sorry for the review
Barangnya bagus. Pengiriman cepat. Oke. Top. Keren. Recommend.
good stuff. fast delivery. Okay. top. Cool. recommend.
The best packaging yg pernah gw terima! Mousenya sendiri masih segel, namun agak kotor di bagian bawahnya. nyaman banget dan sizenya pas buat saya. pas tau ini plastik dikira bakal kerasa cheap, namun pas coba ternyata firm banget build qualitynya dan clicky sekali. ini foto saya compare dengan mouse steelseries rival 3. kalo yg ngerasa rival 3 kegedean sedikit, mouse ini pas buat anda!
the best packaging i've ever received! the mouse itself is still sealed, but a bit dirty at the bottom. very comfortable and the size is just right for me. When I found out it was plastic, I thought it would feel cheap, but when I tried it, it turned out that the build quality is really firm and very clicky. This is my photo compared to the rival steelseries mouse. if you feel that your rival is a little too big, this mouse is right for you!
kompornya bagus, cuma wadah dari pabriknya saja yg tipis jadi mudah pecah, over all oke 👍
the stove is good, only the container from the factory is thin so it breaks easily, over all it's okay
Barang bagus buat kado.. cuman sayang tdk diberi lapisan kardus, hy dilapisi bubble wrapp shg sampai di rmh cover dusnya rusak dan lusuh. Barang cepat sampai. Respon cepat. Recomended Seller.
good stuff for gifts... it's just a shame it wasn't given a cardboard layer, it was just covered in bubble wrap so that when it arrived at home the cover was broken and shabby. goods arrived quickly. quick response. recommended seller.
aku kira bubble wrap :) ternyata cuman plastik hehe tapi ada fragile-nya it is oke 👍
I thought it was bubble wrap :) turns out it's just plastic hehe but there's fragile, it's okay
baru coba² belanja di lazada, ternyata gak kalah bagusnya sama shopee
just tried shopping at lazada, it turned out to be no less good than shopee
cepat n sesuai pesanan.
fast and to order.
baru sehari di pakai, langsung bermasalah.. service nya juga lama
I only used it for a day, immediately had a problem... the service also took a long time
Gampang dirakit. Udara jadi sejuk. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏.
easy to assemble. the air is cool. fast order process. safe packaging.
barang cepat nyampe di rmh..mantapp
the goods arrived quickly at home..great
belum 2 bulan dipakai, baterai sudah hamil. apa karna ga pakai kondom ya?
haven't used it for months, the battery is pregnant. why don't you use a condom?
Kualitas produk baik,respon kurang, kecepatan pengiriman baik.
product quality is good, response is less, delivery speed is good.
Dikirain enteng setrikaannya ternyata berat
I thought it was lightly ironed but it turned out to be heavy
Mantap sampai dengan selamat, di test suara lancar jayaaa....
great, arrived safely, the sound test ran smoothly.
Untung toko nama capung, bayangkan kalau nama jadi cupang. 📢 ha-ha-ha
fortunately the name dragonfly shop, imagine if the name became hickey. ha ha ha
Mantap banh Cuma penyok dikit kok kardusnya
it's great, it's just a little dented, how come the cardboard
Packing normal, pengiriman cepat. Dapat bonus gelang, dikasih nota. overall Oke. cuma untuk suara micnya terlalu kecil (apa mungkin standar headset ya) tapi jernih. Dipakai nyaman, gak bikin cepat pegal. Untuk output suara, treblenya terlalu over tp gak sampai mengganggu.
standard packing, fast delivery. got a bonus bracelet, given a note. overall okay. it's just that the mic sound is too small (maybe it's a headset standard) but clear. Wear comfortable, don't make it sore quickly. for sound output, the treble is too over but not disturbing.
Terkendala via pengiriman yang sangat lama
constrained via shipping which is very long
Lengkap walau ga pake asuransi ,pengiriman 1 malem aja Menyenangkan
complete even if you don't use insurance, even night delivery is fun
Blom dicoba tp moga baguss y normal semua
haven't tried it yet but it's not good, it's all normal
alhamdulilah barang sudah datang,,barangnya bagus dan tokonya amanah sekali,,abang kurirnya juga ramah,,Gak nyesel deh beli di toko ini😉
alhamdulillah the goods have arrived ,, the goods are good and the shop is very reliable ,, the courier brother is also friendly ,, I don't regret buying at this shop
bagus, berfungsi
great, works
Bagus barangnya, feel clickingnya enak, tp kurang drivernya aja
the item is good, the clicking feel is good, but the driver is lacking
Pengirimannya super lamaaaaaa. Pesan tgl 16 dikirim tgl 25. Padahal area toko sama2 di jakut. Pengiriman sy pilih instant. Barang baru pake sekali sdh ada suara kletrek2.
super long delivery. date message sent date. even though the shop area is the same in jakut. I choose instant delivery. new item, used once, already has a clicking sound.
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Respon penjual sangat baik.gk perna kecewa order di toko ini,thanks semoga berkah
product quality is very good. original product. product price is very good. delivery speed is very good. The seller's response is very good. I have never been disappointed ordering at this shop, thank you, good luck
g sesuai pancinya tipis pengok lg
it doesn't fit the pan, it's thin, it's lg
Produk bagus, kokoh, pengiriman pun cepett bangett. Recommended 👍🏼👍🏼
great product, sturdy, fast shipping. recommended
mantul, responsif, pengiriman cepet Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play. Ukuran mouse pas ditangan.. Best value mouse.
bouncy, responsive, fast delivery convenient and practical, just plug and play. the size of the mouse fits in the hand.. best value mouse.
Paket Setrika sdh sampai. Di coba hidup. Moga awet
Ironing package has arrived. try live. not durable
Mantabbb, respon penjual sangat cepat, gesit. Pengiriman hanya 2 hari kurang. Suara produk lebih berat ke bass nya. Perlu soundcard supaya lebih imbang equalizer nya. Produk ringan di kepala, tidak sakit setelah dipakai lama. Cocok buat FPS. Mantab djiwaa 🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️
great, the seller's response is very fast, agile. less days delivery. the sound of the product is heavier on the bass. need a soundcard so that the equalizer is more balanced. the product is light on the head, doesn't hurt after long use. perfect for fps. good soul
Barang ok....seler good respon thanks
item ok. seler good response thanks
Trima kasih lazada barang sudah smpai kemasan rapii
thank you lazada the goods arrived neatly packed
Barang ori, tapi packingnya kurang safety. Butuh buat kado, tapi boxnya penyok. Uda order bubble wrap cuma d kasih tipis aja. Semoga bisa ditingkatin lagi pelayanannya
original product, but the packing is not safe. Need it as a gift, but the box is dented. I've ordered bubble wrap, just given it thin. hopefully the service can be improved again
barangnya bagus udah dicoba untuk adonan roti, pengirimannya juga cepat dan aman
the goods are good, I have tried it for the bread dough, the delivery is also fast and safe
Harga:terjangkau Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:sangat tajam Suka banget deh pokonya! Worth it
price: affordable quality: good sharpness: very sharp I really like the point! worth it
Barang bekas di scen buat ikut undian. Dan pekingan dusnya penyok. No rekomen yg buat jual lagi.
Used items are scanned to enter the lottery. and the packing box is dented. no recommendations for selling again.
Barang ok sesuai pesanan tapi kok sampe nya malam
the goods are ok according to the order but how come it arrived at night
barang penyok trus buku garansi di sobek,mkin takut garansi nya tidak berlaku
the goods are dented and the warranty book is torn, I'm afraid the warranty won't apply
Respon bagus .. brg cepat datang .. tq
good response.. brg came fast.. tq
Setrika nya sangat bagus, panas, pengiriman cepat, respon admin baik. Bakal langganan di toko ini.
the iron is very good, hot, fast delivery, good admin response. will order in this shop.
Barangnya sampai dengan baik. Semoga aweeeeet ...........
the goods arrived well. hope it lasts.
bagus banget, real pict poko nya suka banget deh
it's really good, the real pict really likes it
Alhamdulillah.. sudah sampai.. tapi sayang sekali ga bisa kasi 5 bintang, dikarnakan ada cacat dr jahitan nya..
alhamdulillah.. it's arrived.. but it's a shame I can't give a star, because there are defects from the seams..
3 hari lgsg sampai gk ada cacat
direct days until there are no defects
Alhamdulillah udah nyampe, pesen hari jumat langsung dikirim, mdh² barangnya awet dan memuaskan, makasih shopee, seller dan si akang kurirnya 👍👍👍👍
alhamdulillah it arrived, the order was sent immediately on Friday, the goods are durable and satisfying, thanks shopee, seller and the courier brother
Kurir ramah,barang nya bagus
friendly courier, the goods are good
Terimakasih cepet bgt sampenya mantap semog awett ❤️❤️
Thank you, it's really fast, it's great, I hope it lasts
Saya sanggat kecewa baru ajah di pake satu hari udah gak nyala lagi
I am very disappointed that I just used it for one day and it doesn't turn on anymore
Barang sesuai deskripsi. Pengiriman cepat dan aman. Terimakasih
goods according to the description. fast and safe delivery. Thank You
Nyos ma nyos
nyos ma nyos
jos... pengiriman zuperrrrr cepat
service. super fast delivery
bagus tapi sesikit kecewa karna packkingnya gak pake pengaman
good but a little disappointed because the packaging doesn't use safety
pesanan sampai, tapi beda warna...
order arrived, but the color is different.
barang unya
unya stuff
Maaf ya terpaksa kasih bintang 2...karena kecewa body rice cooker penyok. padahal : 1. packing tiba dalam kondisi baik. 2. waktu dibuka di dalam dus ada sterofoam. 3. udah bayar extra bubble wrap. 4. secara logika walopun kurir di perjalanan (mungkin) kebanting2 gak akan penyok sampe segitunya sih..jadi asumsi saya udah penyok dari tokonya tapi tetep dikirim...atau gak dicek dulu sebelum dikirim ke konsumen. Saya malu karena kondisi barang mengecewakan karena ini utk hadiah org tua di kampung. untung aja berfungsi dgn baik..jadi malas utk komplain apalagi penantian tiba barangnya makan waktu lama. sekian dan terima kasih.
sorry, I had to give a star. Because I was disappointed, the rice cooker body was dented. whereas : . packing arrived in good condition. . when opened in the box there is Styrofoam. . already paid for extra bubble wrap. . Logically, even if the courier is on the way (maybe) it will be slammed, it won't be dented to that much... so my assumption is that the shop is already dented but it's still sent. I'm embarrassed because the condition of the item is disappointing because this is a gift for parents in the village. luckily it works lazy to complain let alone waiting for the item to arrive takes a long time. That is all and thank you.
Barang bagus dan asli. Berfungsi dengan baik. Pengiriman super duper cepat, seller trusted, gausah ragu pokoknya belanja disini, pasti bakalan balik lagi deh belanja disini. Mantappp pokoknyaaaa😍😍
nice and original item. works fine. Super duper fast delivery, trusted seller, no need to hesitate, just shop here, I will definitely come back to shop here again. really steady
Kualitas okee Udah beli yg ke 2x nyaa
the quality is okay, I've bought the x one
Barangnya berkualitas sekali. Pengirimannya juga cepat dan packingannya rapi
very quality stuff. the delivery is also fast and the packaging is neat
Alhamdulilah sesuai pesanan. Terima kasih
thank goodness for the order. Thank You
Kecewa sih pas awal dateng ternyata barangnya rusak. Tp ternyata respon penjual cukup baik menanggapi penukaran barang. Dan barang yang dikirimkan kembali sangat bagus. Mohon ditingkatkan ketelitian saat mengirim barang. Terima kasih.
I was disappointed when it first arrived, it turned out that the item was damaged. but apparently the seller's response was quite good in responding to the exchange of goods. and the item sent back is very good. please increase the accuracy when sending goods. Thank You.
bagus toko sngt amanah
good shop very trustworthy