alhamdulillah... barangnya berfungsi... mksih seller selalu amanahπŸ™πŸ™ maaf y baru kasih ulasan.. pngiriman nya cepat.. seharusnya satu hari jg udh nympe....
Alhamdulillah. the thing works. Thank you seller, always trustworthy, sorry I just gave a review.. The delivery was fast.. It should have arrived in one day.
Produk sesuai deskripsi... Langsung dites OK πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
product according to the description. immediately tested ok
Ternyata kecil bgt ukuran kotaknya
the box is really small
overall its oke, cm mnurut untuk saya ukurannya kurang pas untuk dipegang, sensitifias blm trlalu optimal, selebihnya okee desain oke.
overall it's okay, cm according to me the size isn't right to hold, the sensitivity isn't too optimal, the rest is okay the design is okay.
Berfungsi dengan baik, bantalan empuk banget walaupun besar tapi nyaman dipakai, bass nya cukup oke. Dapet harga diskon yg lumayan banget. Packaging juga cepet. Semoga awet. Sukses selalu
works well, the pads are really soft even though they are big but comfortable to use, the bass is quite okay. got a pretty good discounted price. packaging is also fast. hope it lasts. good luck for the future
Fitur Terbaik:blum di coba baru sampai Lebih murah dari toko lain
best features: haven't tried it until it's cheaper than other stores
Mantap barang sesuai deskripsi, kiriman sangat kencang
great item according to the description, very fast delivery
pemakaian hari pertama nasi cepet basi, tidak bisa berathan lama, indikator pemanas tidak menyala setelah memasak.. sangat kecewa..πŸ˜’
the first day of use the rice stale quickly, can't last long, the heating indicator doesn't turn on after cooking.. very disappointed..
Sudah di tes dan berfungsi dengan baik terima ksh seller
It has been tested and works fine, thank you seller
barang udah nyampe dgn selamat dan sudah dicoba, bagus suara bassnya juga ada
the item has arrived safely and has been tested, the bass sound is good too
ga amanah toko ini masa datang barang nya pada penyok nyesel belinya juga
I can't trust this shop when the goods arrive, they are dented and I regret buying them too
terimakasih kak anak suka bgt smoga awet amin penjual ramah bgt kurir juga ramah bgt makasi kak ya next order lagi
Thank you sis, the children like it very much, I hope it lasts amen, the seller is very friendly, the courier is also very friendly, thank you sis, next order again
pisaunya bagus banget. cmn kontaknya sudah robek.
the knife is really good. cmn contact has been torn.
barang bagus untuk harganya. walaupun tc agak bermasalah dibagian bawah tapi msh cukup bs digunakan. fisik layar lumayan lecet pemakaian.
great item for the price. even though tc is a bit problematic at the bottom but it's still quite usable. the physical screen is quite scratched from use.
bagus sama di gambar pengiriman cepat tpi syg ga nyampe rumah,,makasih lazada
it's as good as in the picture fast delivery but unfortunately it didn't arrive at home, thanks lazada
untuk harga dan penggunaan, gamepad ini bener bener enak banget. opsi terbaik kalau mau punya gamepad tapi gak punya budget yang cukup. build qualitynya juga oke. pemakaian sudah sekitar hampir 1 bulan dan suka, semoga awet
for the price and use, this gamepad is really really good. the best option if you want to have a gamepad but don't have enough budget. the build quality is also okay. I've been using it for almost a month and I like it, hope it lasts
barang sdh dtng dan sdh dipakai tap rice cookernya terlalu panas dan nasi cpt kering dan 1 lg itu rice cooker bodynya knp kok mur2anπŸ˜”.. mudah2an awet lah πŸ‘
The item has arrived and has been used, but the rice cooker is too hot and the rice dries quickly, and why is the rice cooker body so cheap... I hope it lasts
Pelayanan yg sangat buruk
very bad service
Fitur Terbaik:kondisi mulus dan pas di tangan saya yg lumayan besar Sepadan dengan Harga:dengan harga segini in mouse sudah yg terbaik hanya saja paket datang degan penyok padahal sudah di beri peringatan mudah pecah jadi untuk pihak kurir mohon di perhatikan paketannya
best features: smooth condition and fits in my hand which is quite large commensurate with the price: at this price the in mouse is the best it's just that the package comes with a dent even though I have been given a warning it is easy to break so for the courier please pay attention to the package
Padahal sudah saya tulis dicatatan kalau minta warna ungu, tapi yg dikirim malah warna hijauπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Packing-nya juga gak amaaan, sampe barang keluar dari bubble wrap, padahal mau dijadiin kado. Yaa semoga kualitas barang bisa mengurangi kekecewaan saya..
even though I wrote down notes that I asked for purple, but what was sent instead was green, the packaging was also not safe, until the item came out of the bubble wrap, even though I wanted it to be a gift. Well, hopefully the quality of the goods can reduce my disappointment..
untuk keseluruhan bagus, admin fast respon. sempet beli k68m katanya stok habis, disuruh ganti. ternyata pas dateng malah rexus, terimakasih. cuma ada bbrp box yg gepeng
for the whole good, admin fast response. I bought it, they said it was out of stock, I was told to replace it. it turned out that when it came it was even rexus, thank you. there are only a few flat boxes
Barang pas datang tidak mau menyala, harus dipancing dulu pakai chargeran lain baru mau hidup. Charger juga diawal tidak berfungsi. Port charger dari awal hp datang sudah miring posisinya tidak lurus. Mengecewakan
When the item arrives it won't turn on, you have to fish it first using another charger then it will turn on. the charger also didn't work at first. the charger port from the beginning of the cellphone arrived was tilted, not straight. disappointing
Agak ngelag sedikit. Pengiriman cepat.
a little bit laggy. fast delivery.
Harga:terjangkau Kualitas:standar Ukuran:standar Pancinya bgus syang ad bgian yg penyok resiko belanja online 😭😭😭
price: affordable quality: standard size: standard the pot is good which has a dent in the risk of online shopping
Barang bagus banget! Sudah dicoba semuanya berfungsi trimakasih...
really good stuff! already tried everything works thanks.
Alhmhdullillah udh dtg barangnya tpi knpa suara blender nya kaser bgt ya suara nya, biasanya klo baru agak halus suara nya, Oya until blender yg kcil yg dry koq ga bsa muter ya, apa ada yg salah ya, jdi bngung ga bsa di pkerjaan yg kecil πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯, mksh LAzada abg kurir nya jgaπŸ™πŸ™
alhmhdullillah the goods have arrived but why is the blender's sound so loud, the sound is usually rather smooth, ok until the small blender is dry, how come it can't play, is there something wrong, so I can't do small jobs , thanks lazada for the courier too
Worth it lah, semua berfungsi normal. semoga awet.. tapi entah perasaan gw aja atau emang kurang responsif di tombol A nya
it's worth it, everything works normally. I hope it lasts... but I don't know if it's just my feeling or it's just not responsive on the A button
Baguss,, packing sangat rapi sekali, pengiriman cepat,, barang orisinil.. Harga standar,, Model barang bagus
good ,, very neat packing , fast delivery ,, original goods .. standard price ,, good model of goods
barang bagus, tp syg ga terpakai dikira all type taunya ga masuk
good stuff, but I don't think it's used, it's thought that all types don't work
Mantupzz suaranya jernih, pokonya ga ada masalahπŸ‘πŸ‘
great clear sound, basically no problem
Pesanan 2 pcs, barang yang diterima cuma satu saja, sangat kecewa
pcs order, only one item received, very disappointed
Good packing, good delivery, real product TQ :) Note : buat yg bingung ngaktifin bonus internet : 1.regis kartu, tunggu smpai terkonfirmasi. 2. Habiskan 100mb internetn. 3.isi pulsa (jgn isi paket tp pulsa) 50rb /lebih, Tunggu notifikasi bonusnya & selamat. Atau tanyakan ke tokoponsel terdekat.
good packing, good delivery, real product tq :) note: for those who are confused about activating the internet bonus: register the card, wait until it's confirmed. . spend mb internetn. Fill in pulses (don't fill in packets but pulses) rb or more, wait for the bonus notification & congratulations. or ask the nearest mobile phone shop.
Sgt bagus dan tebal dan berat. Sukaaaa banget :))
very nice and thick and heavy. really like :))
suaranya bocor keluar jadi kalo buat pake discord sambil main suara masuk ke mic
the sound leaks out so if you use discord while playing the sound goes into the mic
Ok Mantap Cuman Baterai nya Minus Tdk berfungsi
ok, great, but the battery is minus, it doesn't work
Mantap, 2 hari nyampe, makasih min,sukses terus buat fantech
great, the day arrived, thanks admin, continued success for fantech
Packing rapi, setrikanya menyala dengan baik, terimakasih seller
neat packing, the iron works fine, thank you seller
berfungsi dengan baik dan original
works fine and is original
respon penjual cepet, barang bagus, untuk kelengkapannya lengkap kok, btw ini keeb mecha pertama saya 😁, Build quality-nya terbaik.
The seller's response was fast, the item is good, the equipment is complete, btw this is my first keeb mecha, the build quality is the best.
Alhamdulillah sudah mendarat dalam dinginnya hujan dan gelapnya malam
alhamdulillah landed in the cold rain and dark night
Pelayanannya bagus tp utk barang tidak tau sebab utk hadiah
the service is good but for goods I don't know why it's for gifts
Kualitas baguss nggak lengkett
good quality not sticky
Terima kasih, gan! Produk sesuai deskripsi, respon penjual sangat cepat. Sukses selalu, gan!
thank you, bro! The product corresponds to the description, the seller's response was very fast. always success, bro!
Produk bagus, RGB nya nyala dengan baik, mic bagus, pengiriman cukup cepat, hari ini coba pesen keyboard dan mouse juga karena cukup puas dengan merk rexus.
good product, rgb turns on well, mic is good, delivery is quite fast, today I ordered a keyboard and mouse too because I'm quite satisfied with the rexus brand.
Yeahhh barang sudah mendarat dengan aman...makasih kurir sukses buat seller
yeah the item has landed safely. thanks to the successful courier for the seller
barang yg diterima penyok. tidak baik.
the item received is dented. not good.
Barangnya lumayan bagus mas... tapi kenapa ya kalo lagi pake tiba tiba ngga nyambung harus di offkan dulu trus di onkan baru bisa lagi mas atau karena batere??
the stuff is pretty good. but why is it that if I'm using it suddenly it doesn't connect, I have to turn it off first then turn it on and then it can work again or is it because of the battery??
bahannya tebel banhet,mamahku sangat suka😍😍
the material is too thick, my mom really likes it
Barang sampai selamat cuma kardus penyok parah padahal sudah di bubble wrap dikarenakan proses pengiriman, mouse tapi masih berfungsi, terima kasih
the goods arrived safely, only the cardboard was badly dented even though it had been bubble wrapped due to the shipping process, the mouse was still working, thank you
Semua packingan aman. Ceretnya juga berfungsi dengan baik warnanya cantik respon seller juga cepat
all packing is safe. the kettle also works well, the color is beautiful, the seller's response is also fast
Alhamdulillah pesanan udah sampai barang nya bagus. Ok real fick cuman batrenya cpt ngedrop
alhamdulillah the order has arrived the goods are good. ok real fick but the battery is dropping fast
Setelah beli, chat ga dibales2, eh barang udh sampe aja, bikin deg2an
after buying, the chat is not answered, uh, the goods have just arrived, I made it with enthusiasm
Pengiriman cepat pengemasannya pun rapih
fast delivery well packaged
Dikirim barang rusak padahal butuh cepat
sent damaged goods when needed quickly
kecil tp tebal πŸ‘Œ
small but thick
Mantapsss jossss
joss steady
Bagus sudah diterima dan dicoba. Nasinya pulen cuma sayang katanya anti lengket tapi masih lengket
well received and tried. the rice is fluffier, it's just a shame they say it's non-sticky but it's still sticky
bagus ada yg penyok...mksih lazada
good satisfying. no dents. thanks lazada
mantap, mesen make gojek jam 5 sore, jam 7 kurang udah sampe. gilee ini mouse worth it banget, boxnya aja walaupun plastik tp terkesan sangat premium. mouse sendiri nyaman dipake dan ga berasa delay untuk ngegame. minusnya cuman tombol macro nya terlalu empuk dan gampang kepencet. batrenya super awet, udh make 2 minggu + RGB on masih nyisa 30%. tapi sekarang scroll wheelnya agak keset, kalo di puter kadang bunyi
great, I ordered a gojek in the afternoon, the hour was not enough. gilee, this mouse is really worth it, even though the box is plastic, it seems very premium. The mouse itself is comfortable to use and doesn't feel delayed for gaming. the minus is that the macro button is too soft and easy to press. The battery is super durable, I've used it for weeks + rgb on and still have % left. but now the scroll wheel is a bit mat, when I turn it sometimes it makes a sound
Pesanan sdh diterima dgn baik. Sempet ada bocor dan minta tukar dgn produk yg diatas type yg dibeli. Seller sangat kooperatif dan baik. Pelayanannya bagus dan sabar. Thanks a lot ya... Semoga sukses selalu πŸ‘πŸΌ
order is well received. there was a leak and asked to exchange it with the product above the type purchased. seller is very cooperative and kind. service is good and patient. thanks a lot yes. Good luck always
produk cara ngidupin lampunya gmn ya? 🀭
cool product. but how do you turn on the light?
Tp kalo ngg ada sarangannya, gmn cara utk buat bandeng prestonya ya did?
but if you don't have a filter, what's the way to make milkfish presto?
Thank You
Produk nya sudah kami terima cuma kami TDK terima free gift boxnya yg sesuai promosinya
We have received the product, but we didn't receive the free gift box according to the promotion
Produk sesuai. Pengiriman cepat dan packing bagus padahal pakai yg bebas ongkir.
appropriate product. fast delivery and good packaging even though using free shipping.
Baru dipake 1 bulan sudah rusak. Control panel tibaΒ² konslet keluar api.
Only used for a month already damaged. the control panel suddenly shorted out the fire.
bagus keren tapi sayang tutupnya kurang kenceng jd bunyinya kurang nyaring. buat kurirnya.... tau.... aja spa yg pesen pdhl udh was2 ga nyampe krn salah no alamat rumah. sip cepat tanggap
cool, but it's a shame the lid isn't tight enough so the sound isn't loud enough. for the courier. know. it's just the spa that ordered it, but it didn't arrive because the address number was wrong. quick response
Pengiriman cepet banget, langsung dicoba, semoga awet, terima kasih
very fast delivery, try it right away, hope it lasts, thank you
Cuma pengiriman nya super telat, sampai hampir ngajuin pengembalian barang
only the delivery was super late, to the point where I almost asked for a return of goods
mantap selain barang nya yg ok,packing nya pun tebal
great besides the good stuff, the packing is also thick
admin nya baik dan gercep. gosend nya jg cepet. sejauh ini HP berjalan baik.. semoga awet.. makasi yaa ka
the admin is nice and fast. Gosend is also fast. so far the cellphone is running well.. hopefully it lasts.. thanks sis
Pelayanan dr seller baik, responsif dan pengirimannya cepet untuk produknya sendiri,dari feel enak klik enak bentuknya enak dan lumayan ringan tapi yang bikin kecewa suka ga responsif kalo make mode wireless sayang soalnya mungkin banyak yg beli ini buat dipake wirelessnya apalagi ini kan mouse gaming mungkin kalo beli lebih baik ke versi yang kabel soalnya selain wirelessnya itu mouse ini lumayan
the service from the seller is good, responsive and the delivery is fast for the product itself, from a good feel to a good click, the shape is nice and quite light, but what makes me disappointed is that it's not responsive when using wireless mode, it's a shame because maybe a lot of people buy this to use wireless, especially if this is a gaming mouse, maybe If you buy it, it's better to go to the wired version, because apart from being wireless, this mouse is not bad
Nunggu bsk atau lusa
waiting for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
Makazi abang. Berhubung kamera aing burik, ini ada secercah foto monski dengan meonk. Mamake senang, sayeu pun senang. Sukses trooooosssssssssssssssssss. Barakallahu fiik! #Ps. Sorry for the late rating
thanks brother. Since the camera is a bit dotted, here is a glimmer of a photo of Monski and Meonk. Mamake is happy, Sayeu is happy too. tros success. barakallahu fiik! #ps. sorry for the late rating
respon penjual cepat dan ramah, Sound mantap Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play, banyak bonusnya pula.. sangat memuaskan...
the seller's response is fast and friendly, the sound is steady, comfortable and practical, just plug and play, lots of bonuses too... very satisfying.
Mewah bangeettt.... Sayang tempat yang bagian dalem pecah.. Tempatnya aja sih
damn luxurious. it's a shame the place where the inside is broken... just the place
Fast respond, barangnya juga in good quality
fast response, the goods are also in good quality
Alhamdulillah paket nya sudah menyampai dengan keadaan selamat tanpa ada kekurangan mau pun kerusakan.Pengemasan nya juga rapi kotak.Pengiriman nya juga cepat cuma 4 harian dari Bandung ke Banjarmasin.Respon penjual juga cepat dan baik Kurir nya juga ramah next order hp di sinilgiTerima kasih shopee
thank God the package has arrived safely without any flaws or damage. the packaging is also neat and boxed. the delivery is also fast, only daily from Bandung to Banjarmasin. the seller's response is also fast and good, the courier is also friendly
(-) slow respon
(-) slow response
Produk ori & segel, packing rapat & aman
ori & seal product, packing tight & safe
Trima kasih seller full bonus baru kali ini beli hape banyak bonusnya rekomen semoga awet dan manfaat
Thank you, seller, full bonus. This is the first time buying a cell phone, lots of bonuses. Recommendations, hopefully it will last and be useful
brang ok tlong dunk tko msa beli dua ongkirny mhal bgt kdu beli satu2 gx bisa beli lngsung dua jdi gx bisa ngrit ongkirny
the goods are ok, please don't bother buying two.
Fitur Terbaik:HP nya ga bisa di Gunakan,,tochskreen nya eror,,batre cepat abis,,lemot Sepadan dengan Harga:harga mahal kalo Kondisi Hp sperti itu mah
the best features: the cellphone can't be used, the touchscreen has an error, the battery runs out quickly, the slowness is commensurate with the price: the price is expensive if the condition of the cellphone is like that
Barangnya diterima dg keadaan baik.. terimakasih
the goods are received in good condition.. thank you
Belum dites sih,semoga ga ada masalah. Mantaaaapp.Respon cepat,proses cepat,kirim cepat.
Haven't tested it yet, hopefully there's no problem. great, fast response, fast processing, fast shipping.
Tampilan:bagus Kualitas:bagus Bagus... Barang mulus gak ada cacat, kardusnya pun mulus walau cuma dikemas plastik aja gak pake buble. Kurirnya aja agak lama.
display:good quality:good good. the goods are smooth, there are no defects, the cardboard is smooth even though it's just packaged in plastic, not using bubbles. the courier took a while.
cuma pergantian dari 1-2-3 ga begitu spesifik
just a change of -- not very specific
brng berfungsi dengan baik trmksh
bird works well thanks
Alhamdulillah pesanan tablet sdh sampai dengan baik pengiriman cepat serta kurir nya baik. Terimakasih seller dan Lazada sukses selalu buat seller yg amanah
alhamdulillah the tablet order has arrived well, the delivery is fast and the courier is good. thank you seller and lazada success is always for a trusted seller
thanks πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ saya suka
thanks i like it
Produk baik, original, barang sesuai deskripsi. Sampai rumah d coba langsung nyala. Packing rapi, semuanya baik. Kecuali 1 yg bikin kurang hepi, packingnya luuaammmaaaaaa... Masukan aja buat pengelola toko, mohon hari kerjanya d tambah atau mungkin karyawan bagian packing yang di tambah. Makasih.
good product, original, item according to the description. got home d try directly on. neat packing, all good. except for those that make you less happy, the packaging is luuaama. Just input for the store manager, please add more working days or maybe add additional packing staff. Thanks.
bagus bet pink nya, kualitas mantab enak ditekan, kabel nya jg kuat
the pink bet is good, the quality is great, it's easy to press, the cable is also strong
Barang sudah sampai dengan selamat di BOGOR Packing Rapih dan Tebal, Kualitas Barang sesuai dengan Harga, yang paling penting tidak mengecewakan dan rekomendasi saller.
the goods have arrived safely in bogor, the packaging is neat and thick, the quality of the goods is according to the price, the most important thing is not to disappoint and the seller's recommendation.
Barang sampai dengan selamat, waktu dipakai lumayan enak cuman untuk tempat penyimpanan usbnya mudah lepas jadi kalo kena guncangan bisa lepas usbnya Selebihnya udah ok
the item arrived safely, when it was used it was pretty good but for the usb storage it was easily detached so if you get a shock you can remove the usb the rest is ok
build in nya warbyazzahhh
the build in is warbyazzah
bagus barang nya,packing nya juga aman banget,terus di kasih bonus gelang,keren banget gelang nya,rekomend beli di sini karena murah dan bagus
the item is good, the packaging is also very safe, then given a bonus bracelet, the bracelet is really cool, I recommend buying here because it's cheap and good
G puas brg nya pd penyok, UK kecil bgt
I'm not satisfied that the goods are dented, the size is really small
Ga nyala nih.
it doesn't work.