barang sesuai, tapi pengirimannya lumayan lama
the item is ok, but the delivery is quite long
Barang mulus mski pengiriman agak lama
item is good even though delivery took a while
Terimakasih sampai dengan selamat,semoga barang nya awet
Thank you for arriving safely, I hope the goods last
Beli barang ini pas promo,, harganya sangat terjangkau dan paling murah, kualitas, pengiriman, pengemasan juga benar2 diperhatikan. Puas
buy this item during the promo, the price is very affordable and the cheapest, quality, delivery, packaging are also really considered. satisfied
pengiriman cepat. pelayanan bagus barang2nya difotoin. tp sebaiknya tampilannya direvisi karena yg warna abu2nya tdk ada.
fast delivery. good service, the goods are photographed. But the appearance should be revised because the gray color doesn't exist.
terlalu lma
too long
nice, cute
Cepet produk bagus recommended
fast good product recommended
dispenser nya baguss no cacat berfungsi dgn baik panass nya puanaasss polll lumayan bulan puasa bikin teh manis pas sahurrr
the dispenser is good, no defects, it works well, the heat is puanaas pol, it's quite the month of fasting, it makes sweet tea at dawn
Semua fungsi normal semoga awet dan bermanfaat
all normal functions hopefully durable and useful
Produk bagus...seller ramah dan pengiriman juga cepat.thanks
good product. friendly seller and fast delivery too. thanks
kualitas barang oke,pengiriman juga cepat,semoga awet ya barang nya
good quality, fast delivery, hope it lasts
biar bintang yang bicara👍👍👍
let the stars do the talking
Sangat sangat tidak puas.... Bisa2nya barang di kemas selama seminggu gak ada perubahan... Ajukan pembatalan di tolak, pesanan orang sampe yang pesan udah batalin. JANGAN BELI DI SINI LAGI AH... PENJUAL GAK GERCEP.
very very dissatisfied. usually the goods are packed for a week there is no change. filed for cancellation was rejected, the order of the person until the order was cancelled. don't buy here again ah. the seller is not fast.
kurang disuaranya aja hehe
just don't make a sound hehe
Barang oke dan berfungsi... Pengiriman cepat.. Terimakasih
item ok and working. fast delivery..thank you
👍Barang cpt sampai Semoga barang gak ada kendala
the goods arrived quickly, hopefully there will be no problems
barangnya bagus, 2 hari nyampe. sempet was2 krn komen2 negatif. tp ok kok ternyata.
the item is good, the day arrived. sempet was krn negative comments. but ok how come it turns out.
Pengirimannya lama.. mohon untuk diperhatikan lg pengemasannya, setelah sy buka ada bgn yg retak, tp semuanya berfungsi dgn baik..
the delivery took a long time.. please pay attention to the packaging, after I opened it there was a part that was cracked, but everything works fine..
Bagus murah, Tks
good cheap, thx
Worth sih, untuk barang branded. Tapi memang feel di tangan kerasa ringan banget. Tapi drivernya udah ga ada di web resminya, jd ga bisa nyetting tombol tambahannya.
it's worth it, for branded goods. but it does feel very light in the hand. but the driver isn't on the official website, so you can't set additional buttons.
baru sya terima dri grab sameday tp d coba oleh istri sya ,blendernya tdk muter(d pencet tombol low/high puteran blendernya tdk berfungsi),tlg pelapak segera respon komplain sya ini,mksh,brg blom dipakai,apakah wkt sblm pengiriman tdk d test dulu y?
I just received it from grab sameday but I tried it with my wife, the blender didn't turn (pressed the low/high rotation button, the blender didn't work), but the seller immediately responded to my complaint, thank you, the item wasn't used, was it not tested before delivery? first huh?
Kualitas barang baik, pengiriman cepat.
good quality goods, fast delivery.
Bagus, Kualitasnya High, Halus dan panjang Sungguh berguna dan sangat saya butuhkan.
nice, high quality, smooth and long, really useful and what I really need.
Sinyal Full tapi di router cuma dapat 2/3 hadeh, ditanya jawab belibet..
the signal is full but on the router it only gets / haseh, asked to answer belibet..
tjakep, tjepat, terperjaja. Tjuman kesel sama kurirnja karena sudah dikasi label fragile tetap saja dilempar
tjakep, fast, terjap. His friend was annoyed with the courier because he had been given a fragile label, but he was still thrown
Fitur Terbaik:Berfungsi dengan baik Sepadan dengan Harga:Sesuai Barang sudah sampai dan langsung tester blender bumbu, alhamdulillah mesin berfungsi dengan baik , antislipnya juga berfungsi. Packingan aman , pengiriman cukup cepat. Terima kasih admin, sejauh ini puas belanja disini
best features: works well commensurate with the price: according to the goods arrived and immediately tested the seasoning blender, thank God the machine works fine, the anti-slip also works. safe packing, fast delivery. thank you admin, so far satisfied shopping here
Semoga bisa digunakan sesuai deskripsi.. belum dicoba,,terima kasih
I hope it can be used according to the description... haven't tried it yet, thank you
fitur masih sesuai spesifikasi yg ditawarkkan,, masih lemah di batere... agak panas semoga bisa tahan lama 👍👍
the features are still according to the specifications offered, the battery is still weak. a bit hot hope it lasts a long time
Layanannya cpt belinya jumat datangnya sabtu + barang gk mengecewakan poll deh makasih
the service was fast, bought it Friday, arrived Saturday + the goods didn't disappoint the pool, thanks
Gampang dirakit. Bagian oscillating gear tidak pas dgn yang asli punya cosmos 16 Twino.
easy to assemble. the oscillating gear part doesn't fit the original cosmos twino.
layar hp blur gk mau di carger posisi sekarng hp mati total
blurry cellphone screen doesn't want to be charged in the current position the cellphone is totally dead
Respon sangat cepat, langsung dikirim, barang sesuai deskripsi 👍👍👍
Very fast response, shipped immediately, item as described
Baguuss.... Moga² aja aweett yah.packing aman kog.buble warp 2lapis... Tq seller.... Hskn to the house and we will have any questions let you 3hkyhhn h I can 🥫 you never answered me about the forces ya I can or not 🚭 to get it out to you have or due to be a good time for us or de la Rosa is the be
nice. I hope it lasts well. packing is safe kog. bubble warp layer. tq seller. hskn to the house and we will have any questions let you hkyhhn h i can you never answered me about the forces ya i can or not to get it out to you have or due to be a good time for us or de la rosa is the be
pengiriman cepat, barang bagus, pengemasan bagus,cuma ad penyok nya dikit. kurir nya baik
fast delivery, good item, good packaging, just a little dented. the courier is good
pesen siang,malem nyampe
ordered noon, evening arrived
pecah baling2nya
broke the propeller
saya pesen yg g3 pro seperti digambar tp yg dateng g3 pro 2020 alhasil ga ada finger printnya. kecewa! yg lebih kecewa lg minta warna hijau dikirimnya warna biru. padahal sudah konfirm lewat chat kalo warna hijau ready, diperjelas lewat pesan jg udah. udah sya ma'afkan. semoga berkah tokonya ya kak!
I ordered the g pro as pictured but the one that arrived was g pro as a result it didn't have a finger print. disappointed! Those who were more disappointed asked for green and were sent blue. even though it was confirmed via chat if the green color was ready, it was clarified via message as well. I already forgive. good luck with the shop, sis!
Pengiriman cepat..... Barang sesuai... Tapi sayang pasta rollerny patah.. Tapi makasih y...
fast delivery. appropriate item. but it's a shame the pasta roller is broken... but thanks.
sangat puas, sesuai pesanan, gk kecewa, maaf ya resfon pertama gk diliat dlu produknya
very satisfied, according to the order, not disappointed, sorry, the first response didn't look at the product first
Semoga semuanya berfungsi dengan baik untuk customer aq..harga produk baik layak jual lagi..pengiriman cepat, respon cepat..selalu berlangganan dsini😁..trims😗
I hope everything works well for my customer..the price of a good product is worth selling delivery, fast response..always subscribe here..thanks
siiippp...cocok pas sama dispenser saya,walaupun jadi warna warni,dispensernya biru corongnya hijau....😄
sip. it matches my dispenser, even though it's colorful, the dispenser is blue and the funnel is green.
Bagus sesuai harga, ada vibrationnya. Langsung ter deteksi sebagai xbox 360 controller di pc
good for the price, there is vibration. immediately detected as an xbox controller on a pc
Anginnya mendinginkan kota Depok. Jaring kipasnya ternyata plastik. Seller respon cepat! 🫶🏻
the wind cools the city of Depok. the fan net turned out to be plastic. fast response seller! 🫶
kapan rexus mengecewakan ?
when did rexus disappoint?
Barang realpict, pengirimanya cepat, kurirnya sopan dan bgt dan Ramah
realpict items, fast delivery, polite and very friendly courier
pengirimannya lama banget, mulai dari pemesanan di proses sampai pengiriman sampai diterima itu lama banget. Please ditingkatkan lagi layanannya
The delivery took a very long time, from the time the order was processed to the delivery until it was received, it took a very long time. please improve the service again
sesuai pesanan.. ukuran simpel mudah d bw kmna mna.. brng ringan dn berfungsi dgn baik.. smoga awet.. mksh toko & lazada.. smoga toko ny laris manis..
according to order.. simple size easy to take anywhere.. light weight and works well.. hope it lasts.. thanks shop & lazada.. hope the shop sells well..
Beli mixer dan choper, Paking sobek parah...hampir keluar isinya. Untungnya mixer berfungsi dg baik. Mungkin di expdsinya ngawur
bought a mixer and chopper, the gasket was badly torn. the contents almost came out. luckily the mixer is working fine. maybe the expdsi is inconsequential
Barang sudah datang Sampai dengan aman Kualitas bagus Pengiriman standart Thank you yak
the goods have arrived safely good quality standard delivery thank you yak
Sayang kartunya udah mati
sadly the card is dead
Terimakasih barangnya sesuai dengan pesanan
thank you for the goods according to the order
kualitas bagus bgt. tp pengiriman SUPER LAMA
great quality. But super long delivery
Ada garansi toko. Ada garansi resmi. Ada garansi internasional. Barangnya original 👍. RAM besar. Baterenya awet. Resolusi kamera bagus. Performa lancar. Enak buat gaming. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging aman 🙏.
there is a store warranty. there is an official warranty. there is an international guarantee. the goods are original. big ram. the battery lasts. good camera resolution. smooth performance. good for gaming. the seller is very friendly. fast order process. neat packaging. top seller response. safe packaging .
Tutup tidak bisa rapat/kencang, mudah terangkat pada saat air mendidih, sehingga "siulan" tidak nyaring bahkan seringkali tidak bunyi, karena uap panas keluar lewat tutup yg terangkat tadi..
the lid can't be tight/tight, it's easy to lift when the water is boiling, so the "whistling" isn't loud and often doesn't even sound, because hot steam comes out through the lid that was lifted earlier..
Padahal dkirim via grab sameday. Tp pas di unboxing bagian dkt tutup nya udh pecah yg kaca . Next di cek dlu sblm dkirim
even though it was sent via grab sameday. but when I unboxed the part near the lid, the glass broke. next check before sending
upgrade parah dari minos x3 batch 1 , overall mouse enak buat yang tangannya 18cm. jangan lupa cek web fantech untuk patch firmware mouse untuk fix bug LOD
bad upgrade from minos x batch, overall the mouse is good for those with cm hands. Don't forget to check the fantech web for mouse firmware patches to fix Lod bugs
Barang bagus cocok dengan harga Pengiriman cepat
good item at a good price fast delivery
dengan harga segitu mantul 😁
at that price mantul
Pengemasannya cepat hanya kendala di pengiriman saja harusnya sampai di hari yg sama baru di H+1
The packaging is fast, the only problem is delivery, it should arrive on the same day, only on H+
barang bagus..pengantaran ok
good ok
Mantabbb dan langganan,kualitas selalu bagus
mantab and subscriptions, quality is always good
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga grosir Fitur Terbaik:bagu Barang nya sesuai pesanan bagus dan murah ,,, terimakasih 👍
commensurate with the price: wholesale prices the best features: share the goods according to the order good and cheap, thank you
Sudah dicoba mesin nyala...semoga awet cuma koreksi dipacking nya aja kalau bisa tambah kardus lagi jgn cuma plastik aja
I've tried the engine on. I hope it lasts just a correction on the packaging, if you can add more cardboard, not just plastic
kukira besar ternyata mungil tpi g pp
I thought it was big, it turned out to be tiny, but it's okay
terimakasih Lazada dan tokonya pesanan saya sudah sampai seleranya juga langganan ramah sekali 👍👍
Thank you, Lazada and the shop, my order has arrived, the taste is also very friendly
barangnya bagus, awalnya agak ragu bakal bagus, eh ternyata se bagus itu, thanks Mimin seller 🙏
the item is good, at first I was a bit doubtful it would be good, uh it turned out that good, thanks mimin seller
Cakep bgt, sesuai dengan ekspektasi, dan respon penjual cepat
very cute, as expected, and the seller's response was fast
barang dh sampe dngn selamat lumayan cakep
the item arrived safely, pretty cute
Mousenya nyaman digenggaman... Mudah diarahkan, ada tombol thumbnya dan dapat di setting pake sofware.. kabelnya juga panjang... terimakasih ya.... Suka pake banget...
The mouse is comfortable in the hand. it's easy to navigate, there's a thumb button and it can be set using software... the cable is also long. Thank you. really like to use it.
Barang nya bgus pengiriman cepat thanks you .
the item is great, fast delivery, thank you.
overall bagus barangnya cuman scroll nya bunyi klotak" kalau digoyang
good overall, the item just scrolls with a klotak sound &#; if shaken
Packing mungkin lebih di tingkatkan bubble wrap nya
packaging could be more improved with the bubble wrap
penjual baik, barang oke, kurir anteraja kurang memuaskan. barang tertahan di hub 3hari, hrs konfirmasi dulu ke callcenter&penjual baru diantar. memang sedang ppkm tp barang yg lain bs sampai sesuai estimasi.
good seller, okay stuff, courier anteraja unsatisfactory. the item is stuck at the day hub, must first confirm with the call center & the new seller is delivered. it's in PPKM but other items can arrive according to estimates.
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan Fitur Terbaik:tab nya nyala Ya secara fisik 60% lah, ga mulus2 banget, gpp sih karena wajar untuk barang second, yang sangat kurang layarnya banyak titik lampu tapi ok lah, ga masalah, baterai juga lumayan boros,ya sepadan dengan harga lah,
commensurate with the price: quite the best feature: the tab is on physically, it's not very smooth, it's okay because it's normal for second hand items, the one that really lacks the screen has a lot of light points but it's ok, no problem, the battery is also quite wasteful, yes it's worth it at that price,
Langsung dipakai si kecil😄 Overall bagus
immediately put on the little one good overall
Barang bagus, pengiriman cepat ,packing nya cukup rapih pdahal tidak menggunakan bubble wrap tapi kotak kemasan tidak rusak
good item, fast delivery, the packaging is quite neat even though it doesn't use bubble wrap but the packaging box is not damaged
Baru 3 kali dipakai jd gosong tempatnya
just used it so it's burnt in place
Kardus dan box penyok tapi isi masih tetep berfungsi dengan baik, ngga ada lecet juga. Bass-nya oke tapi kalo dipake buat dengerin musik masih kurang pas, kalo buat main game lumayan lah namanya juga headset gaming. Oke lah untuk harga segitu
the cardboard and box are dented but the contents are still functioning properly, no scratches either. the bass is okay but if you use it to listen to music it's still not quite right, if you play games it's pretty good, it's also called a gaming headset. okay for that price
Mouse kurang responsif
the mouse is unresponsive
Pengiriman Agak Lama lama, perlu 2 hari untuk barang dikirim dari penjual, tapi overall dari kualitas barang bagus.
the delivery took a long time, it took days for the goods to be sent from the seller, but overall the quality of the goods is good.
Mantap barang datang sesuai pesanan dan berpungsi semua. Terimakasih
great, the goods came according to the order and all functioned. Thank You
Tab a tdk hidup
tab a is not active
Iya barang sesuai. Penjual sgt membantu. Dan barang sampai dgn selamat🙏🏻terima kasih
yes the right stuff. very helpful seller. and goods arrived safely thank you
Untuk kondisi barang belum dipakai ya semua baik. Tapi untuk respon dari akun official miyako sangat mengecewakan. Seperti tidak layak untuk jualan online.
for the condition of the goods have not been used yes all good. but the response from the official Miyako account was very disappointing. like not feasible for online sales.
Kurang memuaskan
less satisfactory
Produk tiba dlm kondisi bagus & mulus dan nyala dgn baik setelah di-test. Kardus dan packaging asli pabrik mmg bagus jadi barang aman & utuh dr resiko rusak di pengiriman. Pelayanan toko memuaskan. Mak joss🙂
the product arrives in good & smooth condition and turns on well after being tested. The original factory cardboard and packaging is really good so the goods are safe & intact from the risk of being damaged in shipping. satisfactory shop service. mom joss
barang sudah diterima tapi ada yang penyok
item received but there is a dent
Fitur Terbaik:sangat baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Barang yang dikirim sesuai dan sangat baik
best feature:very good value for money:worth the item delivered is appropriate and very good
kecewaaaaaa kondisi barang sama kardus beda ,kardus kondisi oke...barang sampai sudah penyok bagian samping...saya mau return !!!kecewa berat
disappointed that the condition of the goods and the cardboard is different, the cardboard is in good condition. the goods are dented on the sides. I want to return! very disappointed
Barangnya bagus sebenarnya. Tapi ga selengkap di deskripsi produk. Di deskripsi produk dibilang ada pengukusnya, tapi pas dateng semua lengkap dan bagus tapi pengukusnya gaada. Saya tanya ke penjual, katanya emang gaada. Tapi di deskripsinya ADA. Ga salah dong aku minta :”) Supersad :(
really good stuff. but it's not complete in the product description. in the product description it says there is a steamer, but when it comes everything is complete and good but the steamer is not there. I asked the seller, he said it wasn't there. but it's in the description. it's not wrong, I'm asking :”) supersad :(
thanks pengiriman cepat.. harga murah barang oke.
thanks for the fast delivery.. the price is cheap, the goods are okay.
Sesuai dengan deskripsi. Kencang poll
according to the description. poll tight
Barang sdh sampai sesuai deskripsi pengiriman cepat trims ya
the item arrived according to the description fast delivery thanks
pesanannya sesuai, gak rusak :v
the order is correct, not damaged :v
allhmdulilah sesuai mudah mudahan awet
Thank God, hopefully it will last
Mantap, pengiriman tepat waktu
great, timely delivery
produk cacad ada bintik hitam, seperti lensa terkena benturan karena packing yang cuma ngandelin kardus tipis doang. pengemasan juga lama. pikir ulang kalau beli barang di sini . bener bener kayak gatcha. bener bener mengecewakan official store fantech . tolong diperbaiki lagi packingnya
The defective product has black spots, like the lens was hit by a collision because the packaging only relied on thin cardboard. installation is too long. think twice about buying things here. really like gacha. really really disappointed fantech official store. please improve the packing again
Pisau nya cantik bgt ,, warna pink thx seller
the knife is really pretty, pink color, thx seller