gercep,barang ok,terpercaya
fast, good stuff, reliable
mantap lumayan bagus tpi smpe nya lumayan lama
it's pretty good but it's quite long
Barang diterima dengan selamat, packing bubblewrapnya juga tebel.
item received safely, packing bubble wrap is also thick.
Respon cepat pokoke puaaassss
fast response, just satisfied
Sudah yg ketiga nie , dua warna hitam+hijau, semoga awet, salam sukses selalu
this is the third one, two colors black + green, hope it lasts, greetings of success always
lumayan enak cuma isinya gak sesuai 135 dan 140 tambah biji asamnya kebanyakan
it's pretty good, it's just that the contents don't match and you add too many sour seeds
Produk tiba dengan kotak tanpa segel. Tanya penjual tidak ada respon,padahal sebelum trx respon penjual cepat,kecewa banget.. tidak recommend deh
the product arrives in a box without a seal. asked the seller there was no response, even though before the seller's response was fast, really disappointed... don't recommend it
Mousenya bagus juga gak terlalu berat berat amat, gradasi warnanya bagus dan suara mousenya juga clicky
The mouse is also good, not too heavy, the color gradations are good and the mouse sound is clicky too
Berfungsi dengan baik, cepat panas,anti lengket, murah dan kualitas okee. puas
works well, heats up fast, non-sticky, cheap and okay quality. satisfied
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original.
product quality is very good. original product.
Sepadan dengan Harga:gak worth it sih Fitur Terbaik:download apapun di playstore gak bsa lcd nya ada garisnya. Butuh buat wa sama youtube aja gak bsa Untung seller nya baik Kalo barang nya gak bgt sih ak Cuma soalnya buat download wa aja gak bsa, tidak ada sambungan mulu padahal nyambung ke wifi Speaker nya parah bgt suaranya ngeprek gak bgt deh Gmna yah bingung bgt Katanya aman aman Tpi nyatanyaa Aaah yasudahlah Jujur kecewa. Ini gk siap pakai
commensurate with the price: it's not worth it the best features: download anything on the playstore it can't have a line on the LCD. I need to make wa and YouTube just can't, luckily the seller is good, the goods aren't great, it's just the problem that I can't even download wa, there's no connection, even though I connect to the wifi, the speaker is really bad, the sound isn't great, how come I'm so confused, he said it's safe, but in fact, well, to be honest, I'm disappointed. it's not ready to use
barang oke, toko fast respon, cuman sedikit saran aj buat pemilihan kurir jgn asal. setelah barang saya di kurir, masa kurir minta ongkir tambahan lagi padahal udah dibayar lewat aplikasi. dah gitu nawar kurirnya wkwk.
the goods are okay, the store is responsive, just a few suggestions for selecting couriers, don't just be random. after my item was sent to the courier, the courier asked for additional postage even though he had already paid for it through the application. That's how I bargained for the courier wkwk.
Aslinya cakep bahan jg tebal gk abal2 ..tanks seler .suka bgt sama produknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
the original is cute, the material is also thick, not abal..tanks for taste.I really like the product
barangnya bagus gk ada yg cacat cuman untuk uk 4liter kok kecil ya..
the goods are good, there are no defects, but for the uk liter, how come it's small?
pelayanan Bagus. Namun Barang kondisi ada Yang RETAK. Tutup Botol Gas Tidak Bisa mengunci. terima kasih
good service. but the goods condition there is a crack. gas bottle cap can not lock. Thank You
Dulu pernah beli merk sama. Skrg udh rusak. Udh terbukti awet lama jadi beli lg merk yg sama di toko ini. Semoga awet jg.
I used to buy the same brand. now it's broken. It's been proven to last a long time so I bought the same brand again at this shop. hope it lasts too.
2 jam barang nyampe, kurang apalagi?
the clock arrived, what else is lacking?
tidak ada centong nasinya... tdk sesuai penawaran / gambar diawal
no rice scoop. does not match the offer / picture at the beginning
belum pernah pake merk ini sih, sdh dicoba, & berfungsi. smoga awet.
I've never used this brand, I've tried it and it works. may it last.
Sepadan dengan Harga:Sepadan sesuai harga Fitur Terbaik:Ga bisa blutut Kondisi baik Ram 500mb rom 4 gb an Wifi berfungsi, Bluetooth ga berfungsi Batre baik Fisik cukup baik layar banyak lecet Terimakasih, sudah dikirim kondisi masih cukup baik, berfungsi normal.
worth the price: worth the price the best features: can't speak in good condition ram mb rom gb an wifi works, bluetooth doesn't work battery is good physically good enough screen lots of scratches thank you, already sent the condition is still quite good, functioning normally.
uda di selsaikan pesanan, sebelum di coba, nyalanya cuman 1 , gmn ini??
The order has been completed, before I tried it, it just turned on, how about this??
Retak sedikit disisi kanan. Berfungsi. Thx
small crack on right side. function. thx
sah sampe dengan baik mudah2an awet
legal until well hopefully durable
Pintu ricecookernya macet parah, gatau karna masih baru atau bagaimana
the door of the rice cooker is badly jammed, itchy because it's still new or something
Pengirimannya lama si kalau menurut ak tapi ya gapap semoga awet digunakan
the delivery took a long time in my opinion but it's okay hopefully it will last
Recommended ...ok , cepet dtgnya gaes dan charger nya Bosok... Maaf tak rubah bintangnya. Terima kasih
recommended. ok, arrived fast guys and the charger is rotten. sorry for not changing the stars. Thank You
Barang bagus , Alhamdulillah.. Cuma pengirim lama banget..
good item, alhamdulillah.. just a very long delivery..
barang bagus...pengiriman cpt ....thx n sory lama konfirmasinya
good item. fast delivery. thx and sorry for the late confirmation
tks DS nya... sorry br sempat review
thx etc. sorry br time to review
Barang sudah sampai sesuai pesanan, baguss banget pisaunya.. Terimakasih
the goods arrived according to the order, the knife is really good.. thank you
brg sesuai dengan deskripsi. terimakasih Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Proses pesanan cepat.
brg according to the description. thanks for the original. there is an official warranty. fast order process.
Bagus. Bekerja dengan baik.
Good. work well.
Produk bagus, sesuai dgn harganya yg relatif murah. Putaran kipas cukup kencang dgn kerangkeng kipas terbuat dari plastik jg. Gampang dirakit. Hemat listrik ⚡. Garansi terjamin. Desain elegan. Udara jadi sejuk. Respon penjual dan pengiriman baik.
good product, according to the relatively cheap price. the fan rotation is quite fast with the fan cage made of plastic as well. easy to assemble. saving electricity . guaranteed warranty. elegant design. the air is cool. good response from seller and delivery.
buka tutup nya rice cooker bikinan nya kurang bagus....
open the lid of the rice cooker, the rice cooker is not good.
Buat pjj anak lancar.batere kuat 7jam.semoga awet
make pjj children run smoothly. the battery is strong for hours. hopefully it will last
barangnya udah sampe sesuai gambar tapi aga kecewa karna barangnya penyok buat abang kurirnya hati 2 kalau bawa barang jangan sapai pada rusak
the item arrived according to the picture but was a bit disappointed because the item was dented for the courier brother be careful if you bring the goods don't let it get damaged
Mantap tp suara kurang kenceng kalo di hp, gatau kalo di pc, RGB mantap, harga standar
it's great but the sound isn't loud on a cell phone, I don't know if it's on a PC, the RGB is great, the price is standard
bagus..sesuai harganya
good..according to the price
Alhaamdulillah akhirnya datang juga ...barang aman sampai tujuan ..pengemasan bagus dn aman ...teriamaksih
alhaamdulillah finally arrived .item safe to destination ..packaging is good and safe .thank you
alhamdulilah paket yh udah datang barang yh bagus mantul ppkoyh mksh lazada mksh Abang kurir yh udah langganan,,,
alhamdulillah, the package has arrived, the goods are good, it's great, thanks lazada, thank you brother, the courier, I've subscribed,
Mantap👍🏻 Cuma pengiriman nya agak lambat😂🙏🏻
it's just that the delivery is a bit slow
Modelnya memang keren. Tetapi tidak ergonomis, karena tidak bisa menahan jari manis + kelingking. Lalu mouse wheel-nya juga tenggelam dan susah diklik. Jika komputer sedang standby atau screen saver, maka sensor pergerakan mouse mati, sehingga tidak bergerak pointer di komputer, yang menyebabkan komputer tidak bisa wake up dengan gerakan mouse. Sensor pergerakan mouse juga sangat lambat, jika dibandingkan mouse gaming. Hal ini membuat gerakan mouse tidak berfungsi dengan baik di atas mouse pad dan kertas. Jadi sangat tidak cocok untuk gaming. Hanya cocok buat pekerjaan kantoran saja.
the model is really cool. but it's not ergonomic, because it can't hold the ring finger + little finger. then the mouse wheel also sinks and is hard to click. if the computer is in standby or screen saver, then the mouse movement sensor is off, so the pointer does not move on the computer, which causes the computer to not be able to wake up with mouse movement. the mouse movement sensor is also very slow, when compared to a gaming mouse. this makes mouseovers not work properly on the mouse pad and paper. so it is not very suitable for gaming. only suitable for office work only.
Barang sih bgus..cuma pengiriman nya lama..padahal pake sameday tp lbh dr 2 hari…
the item is really good..just the delivery took a long time..even though using the sameday but more than the other day...
Barang sudah diterima dan sesuai deskripsi. Selller fast response
Item received and according to description. seller fast response
Untuk wilayah Jabodetabek, pagi order, sorenya udah sampai. Mashookkk Pak Eko 👍
for the jabodetabek area, order in the morning, arrive in the afternoon. mashook pack eko
Pancinya bagus sesuai gambar tapi ga sesuai warnany sy pesan warna pink di krimny warna Orange
the pot looks good according to the picture but it doesn't match the color I ordered pink in cream orange
Puas belanja di sini. Produknya sudah dicoba dan berfungsi baik. Tks
satisfied shopping here. The product has been tested and works fine. thx
bgus brang nya brfungsi sempurna, tpi krna kteledorn expedisi, kaki nya ada yg pecah, untung bukn tempat pnggilingn ny...
it's good that the item functions perfectly, but because of the kteledorn expedition, the leg is broken, fortunately it's not the place where it was milled.
wajan nya bagus. suka. langsung pake👍
the wok is good. Like. put it on
Makasih ka. Toko amanah, makasih juga ka atas bonus cover cassing dan sim card perdananya. Semoga sll amanah.
thank you. trustworthy store, thank you for the bonus cover casing and the first sim card. hopefully always trustworthy.
Barang sidah diterima, aman, sudah dicoba juga
the goods have been received, safe, have tried too
paketnya basah, kena air, kotak nya udah ga beraturan lagi, tapi itu mungkin dari pengirimannya
the package was wet, hit by water, the box is no longer in order, but that's probably from the delivery
Kualitas barang nya lumayan bagus, namun untuk pengantarannya harus di cepatin lagi
The quality of the goods is quite good, but the delivery must be faster
Wah seller super mantap sih ini. Tanya stock di chat, dibales ga sampai semenit. Barang sudah diorder, semenit kemudian barang sudah dikirim (via Gosend Instan). Official store Fantech aja kalah cepet. Thanks banget gan atas pelayanan kilatnya. Soal barang sih udah ga diragukan lagi. Packing aman, kualitas barang oke. Controller GP13 ini belum lama launching sih, semoga awet ya. Dengan harga segini, kualitasnya melebihi ekspektasi.
Wow, this super seller is really good. asked stock in chat, replied in less than a minute. the goods have been ordered, a minute later the goods have been sent (via gosend instant). Fantech's official store just lost fast. thank you very much for the lightning service. There's no doubt about the goods. safe packing, good quality. This GP controller hasn't been launched for a long time, I hope it lasts. For this price, the quality exceeds expectations.
Belum tes, karena mau jual lagi Mudah2an bagus
Haven't tested it yet, because I want to sell it again, hopefully it's good
tutupnya tdk pas penyok barang ob
the lid doesn't fit the dented item ob
barang bagus tidak ada masalah titipan orang,,,trims🙏
good stuff, no problem entrusted by people, thanks
Beli baraaang rusaaak....
buy damaged goods.
Produk cepat sampai, packing baik, dapat dari flash sale , mantappp
product arrived quickly, well packed, got from flash sale, great
Kualitas ga sesuai harga, kebagusan ini untuk harga segini. puas bgt
the quality doesn't match the price, this is good for this price. very satisfied
Semoga awet.aminn
Hopefully durable. Amen
Gamepad berfungsi dengan baik. Nyaman digenggam
gamepads work fine. comfortable to hold
Bagus cuma agak lama ya kirim nya... tq
it's good just took a long time to send it. thank you
Ada beberapa item yang minus seperti tutupnya dan juga baut tidak melekat jadi harus diputar sendiri agar kuat.pengiriman sangat aman, tapi dari pabriknya hasilnya kurang halus sepertinya harus ditingkatkan quality control jangan sampai ada barang yang minus diterima oleh customer
there are some items that are minus such as the lid and also the bolts are not attached so you have to turn it yourself to make it strong. the delivery is very safe, but the results from the factory are not smooth enough it seems that quality control must be improved so that no minus items are received by the customer
barang yang saya terima sesuai tapi ada bagian yg pecah.. ketika ingin saya kembalikan tidak ada petunjuk yg jelas supaya beres...
the items I received were appropriate but there were parts that were broken... when I wanted to return them there were no clear instructions to get it right.
pengiriman cepet,produk aman plastik buble nya tebel,produk menyala normal,cuma masalah pengemasan ajj c lamaaaa,,,,, yg lain nya c oke,,,,,
fast delivery, the product is safe, the bubble plastic is thick, the product is normal, it's just a packaging problem, it's old, the others are ok,
bgus sesuai sama gambar..
good same as picture..
paket sangat bagus tapi jangan sekali kali pake kurir JNE lama pake kurir lain aja
the package is very good but don't use a courier for a long time just use another courier
kecewa... saya pesan yg type CM 1689 warna merah yang dateng type CM 1289 warna putih, gak sesuai pesanan... kecewa banget, mau di tuker gak ada respon, toko nya gak amanah... jelek...
disappointed. I ordered the red cm type, which came with white cm type, not according to the order. really disappointed, want to exchange there is no response, the store is not trustworthy. Bad.
Ada harga ada kualitas, suaranya nggak ngebass sama sekali
there is a price there is quality, the sound doesn't bass at all
Barang bagus..packing bagus...terimakasih
good item..good packing.thanks
barang bagus sesuai dengan keinginan..tokonya amanah kurir sudah langganan...makasi lazada
good stuff as you wish... the shop is trustworthy, the courier has been subscribed. thanks lazada
ini awal mejokom bisa dipake kok belom ada sebulan udah mati . ini gimana Heeeey PENJUAL !!! bagaimana saya minta pertanggungjawaban ya . tolong kalau jualan yg amanaah biar biasa terus dipercaya , kalau kaya gini bakalan kapok yg beli juga
this is the beginning of mejokom, how come it hasn't even been a month and it's dead. how is this hey seller! how do I ask for accountability yes. Please, if you are selling something that is trustworthy, so that you can continue to be trusted, if it's like this, I'll give up buying too
Kualitas barang bagus. Alhamdulillah berfungsi dengan baik walaupun SICEPAT bikin masalah dg melempar barang hingga badan panci nya penyok kecil.
good quality stuff. thank God it works well even though it quickly causes problems by throwing things so that the body of the pot has small dents.
Box dalamnya bnyk yg pecah. Pdhal utk kado. Scra pengiriman cepat
the box inside is broken a lot. but for gifts. scr fast delivery
brg cpt smpe br order kmrn ,sesuai dgn deskripsinya , dtg dlm keadaan bgs tdk cacat.smg awet brgnya pas digunakan!
brg is fast until yesterday's order, according to the description, arrived in good condition, not defective.
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Terima kasih barang sampai dengan selamat, dan sesuai pesan, bagus juga, semoga awet
best feature: good worth the price: yes, thank you, the item arrived safely, and according to the message, it's also good, I hope it lasts
Respon seller dan pengiriman cepat. Kualitas mantap harga bersahabat. Recomended seller! Sukses selalu!
seller response and fast delivery. steady quality friendly prices. recommended seller! good luck for the future!
bagus bangeet produknya. puas deeh
very good product. satisfied
Kualitas keyboard baik, suara keypad tidak berisik, nyaman digunakan
the quality of the keyboard is good, the keypad sound is not noisy, it is comfortable to use
Muter" nyari bintang 10 tapi ga ada Terbaik lah.. mulai dari respon penjual sampe pengemasan sangat" the best.. buble wrap 15 lapis . Dan aku tak bisa berkata"😁.. kalian harus bli disini🙆..
going around "looking for stars but there's no best... starting from the seller's response to the very packaging" the best.. layers of bubble wrap. and I can't say ".. you have to buy here..
kualitas dan akurasi produk sesuai dengan yang ditawarkan
product quality and accuracy as offered
my first premium mouse and its worth it. go buy it. gratisan super lengkap siap pake tapi mau minta ke rexusnya klo bisa sih mousepadnya yg xxl gtu kalo free daxa 5 taun depan
my first premium mouse and its worth it. go buy it. it's free, super complete, ready to use, but I'd like to ask Rexus, if you can, the mousepad is XXL, so if it's free, Daxa will be next year
pengirimannya cepat tp barangnya jelek langsung ngelotok teflonnya bukan maspion merek abal2t tipis ringan banget baru td nyampe dites langsung ngelok teflonnya baru skl pakait
the delivery was fast, but the item was bad, immediately glued the teflon, not the maspion, the abalt brand, it's very light, thin, it just arrived, it was tested, the teflon was immediately put on
mantap makasih bos barang original dan sesuai bgt.... top deh pokoknua
great, thank you boss, the item is original and fits really well. top deh principal
lain kali sebelum.dikirim barang orderan tlg benar² dicek dulu apqkqh bqrang tersebut rusak atau normal sehingga tidak mindon gaweni dan bisa dipake saat hari H nya...
Next time, before sending the ordered items, please check properly first whether the goods are damaged or normal so they don't mind on gaweni and can be used on the day.
Barang sesuai, tapi pengiriman agak lama
good item, but delivery took a while
alhamdulillah paket sudah di terima. pengemasan baik, semua dalam keadaan bagus.
Thank God the package has been received. good packaging, all in good condition.
Respon sellernya sebenernya baik. Kemarin smpt salah ngirim barang tp bisa di retur. Pengemasan jg aman. Cuma barang yang dikirim ada yang penyok + banyak baret2nyaa. Mungkin QC toko perlu ditingkatin lagi, biar konsumen juga segan.
The seller's response is really good. Yesterday I sent the wrong item but it can be returned. packaging is also safe. only the items sent were dented + lots of berets. maybe the shop's qc needs to be improved again, so that consumers are also reluctant.
barang berfungsi dengan normal tapi ada sedikit cacat pada bagian bawah mouse dan di kemasannya
the item functions normally but there is a slight defect on the bottom of the mouse and on the packaging
Cepat.. barang bagus
fast.. good stuff
Mantapp.. sesuai harga lah.. Semoga awet.. Pengiriman lumayan lah..
great.. according to the price.. hopefully it lasts.. the delivery is ok..
Sellernya terlalu ramah dan sabar🤣 Saya ngoceh mulu di chat 3 hari baru kemudian checkout🤣(maap ya min karena kemarin dpt keyboard dr brand sebelah dan saya beli di official shopnya tapi deskripsi produknya missleading, semi mecha dikata mecha) Overall good, meskipun 2 switch cadangannya rusak👍
the seller was too friendly and patient, I chattered on the new day's chat then checked out (sorry, min, because yesterday I got a keyboard from the brand next door and I bought it at the official shop but the product description was missleading, semi-mecha is called mecha) overall good, although the backup switch is broken
Pengiriman cepat dan produk mulus. Tapi sayang, "magic com" ini hanya bisa untuk masak nasi dan tidak bisa bikin nasi hangat terus.
fast delivery and flawless product. but alas, &#;magic com&#; This can only be used to cook rice and cannot keep rice warm.
Sampai dengan selamat dan jgdsigrkvauckywwkbs gsjvk vigfivsem
arrived safely and jgdsigrkvauckywwkbs gsjvk vigfivsem
Penyok,gmna si bos kuuhh udah nunggu lama di kirim nya yg penyok...cek dahulu lah sebelum di kirim ???
it's dented, how's my boss, I've been waiting a long time to send the dented one. Do you check before sending it?
blender mill kacanya pecah padahal udh pake sameday ga ngerti salahnya dmn
The glass of the blender mill broke even though I was using Sameday, I don't know where it went wrong
barang oke, tp ternyata gk ada tombol on off nya.. jd lampu merah idup terus😅
the item is okay, but apparently there is no on off button... so the red light keeps on
Mantap semoga awet barangnya Terima kasih mas 😇
great, hopefully it will last, thank you, mas