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Another benefit of such a setup would be additional revenue from people unable to use funds yet, helping the insurance scheme stay afloat. Rural health insurance can work, and there are certainly examples of that. The important part is that before implementation an experienced staff is put together to develop a financially stable, realistic system.
It is also important that the country ensure that its health system is both financially and technologically prepared for the additional anticipated stress to its country's healthcare infrastructure. In cases of civil war or armed conflict, the question of how to strengthen health systems is a complicated one, as government resources and attentions are often focused on other, more immediate problems.
The c-section rates additionally point to another concerning issue. While the rate of c-section is 7% in urban settings, it is only 2% in rural. This points to the problem of equity of coverage across the country. Clearly access to healthcare services is focused around urban areas.
In 2006 alone, 28% of specialists left Baghdad. Other areas of Iraq saw numerous Baghdad doctors relocate to their areas rather than leave the country entirely. Nevertheless, the proportion of doctors who migrated in Iraq is startling.
"Doing more with less," in theory at least, should mean there is more for those who rely on subsidized or free services. In addition, efficiency does stress preventative care, as vaccinations and prevention are much more efficient options than treatment of disease. This falls in line with equality issues, as long as who to vaccinate does not become an issue, but is viewed as an allocative efficiency issue (IE coverage for all) rather than a technical efficiency issue, which may value vaccinating those close to a clinic, but devalue the cost of reaching those in hard-to-reach communities. Equity should be one of the most fundamental considerations in all health systems strengthening efforts, and should be the aim of any system.
Firstly, when developing a plan, it is important for the donors and those implementing the project to look to success stories to see what can be learned. There are plenty of cases of successful projects, perhaps most notably the development of community-based health insurance into the national healthcare financing plan in Rwanda. The Rwanda example also illustrates the importance of involving the government, both at a country-wide level and the community level, at an early stage and getting commitment from them before implementation of any rural insurance scheme.
Not only do "vertical approaches" that target one sector of improvements have much more targeted, manageable objectives, they also generally generate faster results. There are some drawbacks to keep in mind, however.
Governments should keep equity in mind when discussion health systems solutions. In fact, one might say it is the basis of the liberal approach to healthcare.
In the last 15 years, access to healthcare has improved in conflict situations, but there is still a long way to go. 4 of the 5 countries with the highest under 5 mortality rate are conflict affected (Sierra Leone, Angola, Afghanistan, and Liberia). Just as concerning are the apparent disparities between populations affected differently by the same conflict.
Equity in healthcare refers to the even distribution of access and services across a given group. Inequality and inequity are not necessarily the same thing. If inequality, among say the rich and the poor are due to financial or time constraints (i.e. the poor cannot afford certain services) it can be said that it that is an inequity.
As IDP camps tend to be located in remote, marginal areas, there typically is no easy supply route to avoid stock outs. In Iraq in 2006, for example, only about 30% of clinics reported an adequate supply of essential drugs.
If testing or new cases are incentivized, there is a chance that providers will hold off on HIV testing until the new system is installed and they can be paid more for providing the same service. Provided Namibia prepare properly and set appropriate targets, pay for performance can be a critical tool in stopping the AIDS epidemic in their country. As outlined in this paper, however, when setting targets it is of the utmost importance that benchmarks be analyzed for potential consequences, including unintended effects to the provision of and quality of care.
Horizontal equity refers to the distribution of services across different regions of an area, usually a country. Of particular interest here is access in urban areas vs. access in rural areas. Generally, healthcare is more easily accessible to those in urban areas, where one usually finds more healthcare providers.
Health Service Delivery - People have equal access to effective, safe and quality health services that are standardized and follow accepted protocols and guidelines. Human Resources - Health services are provided by trained and competent health work- forces who have an adequate mix of knowledge and skills to meet the health needs of the population.
They will listen carefully and follow the instructions to the best of their ability. If there are any problems, they will discuss the problems and solutions with an expert. Tactile learners enjoy a hands-on approach, participating in experiments and actively exploring the world around them. Many tactile learners have trouble sitting still and participating in a classroom lecture.
The most salient example of this widespread support is Project Follow Through, the most expensive federally-funded educational program ever. It was intended to continue the education of preschoolers exiting Head Start programs.
The earliest modern model of learning is B. F. Skinner's behaviorist theory. Behaviorism is the theory that positive and negative reinforcement influences and controls learning.
Instead of being run by administrators concerned with economic or political motives, Waldorf schools are primarily run democratically by the teachers. Waldorf schools consistently produce strong, independent thinkers, and for this reason, the Waldorf educational model is still used in schools around the world. Social and Emotional Learning has emerged as a field thanks to a new understanding of science, nature, child development, and biology, based on the subjective goals of increasing the potential for success and happiness.
The theory of multiple intelligences supports the idea that these men were profoundly intelligent, even if they did not score highly on traditional IQ tests. Everyone learns differently.
Psychotherapy is a strong component of many therapeutic approaches to treating problems including PTSD, substance addiction, and eating disorders. Scientists these days recognize that a number of different fields are involved with brain research. This realization has led to the emergence of cognitive science, a discipline that aims to connect researchers from many different disciplines, including psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, learning, linguistics, anthropology, and sociology. Cognitive science students typically do coursework in linguistics, philosophy, psychology, and computers, providing a broad, interdisciplinary education.
The Montessori method of teaching is a modern educational movement that encourages teachers to view children and classroom education differently than the common teacher-student relationship. Instead of focusing on academic education, the Montessori method focuses on respecting and encouraging each child's individual differences, providing a nurturing environment to teach social interaction and emotional skills. The Montessori method is most often applied at the pre-school level due to its focus on early child development.
In addition to requiring your username and password to log in, the financial account will also require an RSA token, usually a string of six numbers, which changes every few seconds. Banks can send you this RSA token on an RSA authenticator, a device about the size of a keychain. Since the string of numbers changes regularly, only the person holding the RSA authenticator has access to the account, thus protecting finances from fraud. The security of your financial accounts usually relates to the number of hoops a hacker needs to jump through in order to access them. The most secure requires the hacker to have stolen your RSA authenticator.
The Montessori method was created in the early 20th century by Maria Montessori, an Italian educator and physician. The philosophical tenet behind the Montessori method is that children each have their own internal guidance for self-directed development. The teacher acts as a guide, watching over the classroom to remove obstacles from learning but not participating as a direct instructor.
The program's goal was to teach every child in the class to read at the same level. Today, most K-12 education uses a modernized version of the original program. Previously known as DISTAR, an acronym for "Direct Instruction System for Teaching Arithmetic and Reading," and created by SRA/McGraw-Hill, modern programs offer standard lesson plans for Reading and Arithmetic based on grade level.
What about someone like Einstein, who did not learn to speak until he was eight or nine years old? Edgar Allen Poe, one of America's finest writers, was profoundly asocial and was afflicted with manic depression.
Social and emotional learning increase a child's emotional intelligence quotient, known colloquially as people-smarts, providing children with an opportunity to excel at more than just academics. Teachers and parents must intentionally teach literacy and academic skills, and according to social and emotional learning theorists, they should be just as intentional about providing instruction in social and emotional skills.
It's also important to look for teachable moments in your everyday life. For example, if a child hits another child, discipline must be accompanied by teaching, for example, telling children that hitting is not okay and to get an adult if they need help resolving a dispute. However, there are two reasons this is not the most effective way to teach social behavior. First, the incident has already occurred, and both children are upset and will not be receptive to learning. Second, the child might find the teacher's attention reinforcing and hit children just to get the teacher's attention again.
A major criticism of the theory is that it has never been empirically tested. Some critics argue it is not falsifiable.
The specifics of Piaget's theory have been improved by further research, but Piaget's stage-oriented view of development remains the most prominent theory of when learning occurs. Why do we learn? Many people have never asked this question. Lev Vygotsky's theory of Social Cognition offers interesting insight into the reasons behind learning.
Initially, it was compared to a wax tablet, then to a sheet of papyrus, then to a book, and most recently, to a computer. As you learn about the brain, keep in mind that the usefulness of these metaphors is limited and can lead to erroneous conclusions.
Still, one must recognize that some people who score poorly on IQ tests are profoundly good at other activities. If anything, this shows why it is important to be critical of IQ testing.
All of these theories can co-exist because they attempt to explain different methods or types of learning. Each answers a different question, and together, they provide a broad understanding of the brain and learning.
Though it's not the traditional way to teach a class, the Montessori method offers empirically-supported advantages to children above and beyond normal development and learning. The Waldorf method of teaching is a unique educational strategy which aims to create well-rounded students through a broad curriculum, including academics, art and music education, physical education, and emotional and social education.
Accretion is a gradual, sometimes subliminal, acquisition of knowledge. This is the primary source for learning about language, habits, culture, and social rules, and it accounts for most of the things that we know.
Though no one knows where dreams originate or what the purpose of dreaming is, many scientists hypothesize that it is the result of the highly active, yet random, neuronal firings. These scientists would speculate that dreams are your brain trying to make sense of random emotions and memories.
The connectionist model states that a piece of knowledge is represented merely by a pattern of neuronal activation rather than by meaning. There is not yet a universally accepted knowledge organization model, because each has strengths and weaknesses. Once stored, memories eventually must be retrieved from storage. Remembering past events is not like watching a recorded video.
Information in long-term memory is hypothesized to be maintained in the structure of certain types of proteins. There are numerous models of how the knowledge is organized in the brain, some based on the way human subjects retrieve memories, others based on computer science, and others based on neurophysiology. The semantic network model states that there are nodes representing concepts, and that the nodes are linked based on their relatedness.
In a scientific analysis of over 1,000 dreams, researchers found that most dreams are based on emotions (primarily anxiety), sexual themes (about ten percent of dreams in adolescents and about eight percent in adults), and personal experiences from the last day or week. Over 65% of people report that they have recurring dreams. We spend about 3,000 hours per year sleeping.
Directly after REM, the body descends into a deep sleep. Eventually, sleep will lighten and REM will occur again.
Neurobiologists use these techniques to research how different stimuli, like light, sound, or pictures, affect the brain. Psychotherapy also attempts to understand the human brain.
Children are encouraged to learn to play musical instruments, knit, crochet, and draw. Additionally, the Waldorf Method uses no textbooks until sixth grade. Instead, elementary school children keep a journal where they record their experiences and what they have learned. Is it really a good idea to forgo academic education, like reading, until the second grade?
Noam Chomsky, a famous linguist, dismissed behaviorism for its inability to explain language acquisition in children. Language seems to be learned without being explicitly taught.
Many modern security systems still use this method to fool keyloggers. Modern keylogger-defeating security screens more often feature a secret image that you select when you open the account. Even if a keylogger detects your password, there is no way for them to detect the image you click, thus protecting finances from fraud. The most secure type of authentication is using an RSA authenticator.
Stages one through four range from light sleep to deep sleep, and stage five is REM sleep. REM is one of the lightest stages of sleep. REM sleep occurs about every two hours throughout the night. During REM, the brain stops stimulating the brain's motor cortex. This prevents dreams from causing potentially dangerous movements of the body.
Brain research is usually not conducted on people; the majority of the research is done in laboratories on mice. The mouse brain is very similar to our brain, only much smaller!
Educators, want some tips on providing social and emotional education to your students? There are several emotional education programs for teachers, including "The Resolving Conflicts Creatively Program". Integrating these programs into the daily curriculum and lesson plans will help your students understand how to behave with their peers. Your students will realize that you value their emotional maturity as much as their academic success. You should encourage your students to keep a journal about their feelings.
Memory distortions can be produced in various ways, including varying the wording of a question. For example, merely asking someone whether a red car had left the scene of a hit-and-run can make the person recall having seen a red car during later questioning, even if there was never a red car. Information processing in the brain is the topic of a large, ongoing body of research.
The experimenter would pass out surveys to a large number of people, as many as he can, to get a good sample of responses. Next, the survey responses are processed and turned into raw data.
When they run out of paint, they simply go and buy more. Eventually, they will learn through experience how much paint is needed to paint a room. Since information is conveyed in different ways, a student's learning style will affect the things they learn.
According to Piaget, children develop according to stages. The rate of development depends on the fulfillment of intellectual and emotional milestones, each stage building on the successful completion of previous stages.
Less secure methods of authentication require you to disclose a secret image. The least secure additional authentication measure is simply sending an access password to your e-mail account. This can be compromised by a hacker that also has access to your e-mail.
Waldorf educators believe so. Instead of teaching children to read when they are five or six years old, instead, teachers tell fairy tells and read stories to children. This encourages oral mastery before reading education begins.
According to Skinner, negative reinforcement, also known as punishment, will discourage behavior, while positive reinforcement, like praise, will encourage it. Animal studies strongly support the behaviorist model.
The program was funded from 1968 until 1995, when funding was stopped due to data revealing that there was little or no benefit from the program. However, Project Follow Through did offer the first ever clearly documented empirical proof that the Direct Instruction model was the most effective method of teaching reading, arithmetic, language, spelling, and positive self-image. Direct instruction was the only method out of twenty-two forms of instruction that consistently produced positive results. Direction instruction is, by far, the most widely used method of teaching.
To answer the question of "what" we learn, we know there are four types of information acquisition: transmission, acquisition, accretion, and emergence. Transmission is the transfer of knowledge from one person to another by demonstration, guidance, or direct instruction. It's the traditional way that we envision teaching, but it really only accounts for a small amount of what we learn in our lifetimes. Acquisition is conscious research, guided by the learner. This includes exploration, experimentation, and curiosity.
According to Vygotsky, learning occurs primarily because of cultural influence. The social cognition learning model posits that children learn because culture teaches them both what to think and how to think. How we learn has been a widely studied and, at times, a hotly debated topic.
His research showed that IQ tests are a poor indicator of future success in life. Since IQ testing is primarily concerned with vocabulary, spatial relationships, pattern recognition, and other cognitive tasks, researchers hypothesized on what a complete model of intelligence testing might look like.
They use the scientific method to conduct experiments. Experimental psychologists set up an experiment to answer a question.
X-ray technology, like a CT scan, can show the structure of the brain. PET scans, or positron emission tomography, detect gases that have been marked with radioactive material during the experiment.
Self-awareness and self-reflection is a large part of emotional maturity. Students can be taught strategies to remain calm and in a positive mood. Teaching children how to handle their emotions is an important part of learning.
They may not take many notes. Auditory learners follow oral directions better than written ones. They prefer listening to the radio rather than reading a newspaper.
Recent studies cast doubts about whether it is the best way to teach, but it is empirically proven to be able to consistently raise the average test scores of a school. This has resulted in the success of the teaching method and its widespread use in the classroom. The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by a psychologist based on testing done regarding the effectiveness of IQ Tests.
This stage is marked by the desire to interact socially and emotionally with others. The last stage in development is adolescence. Instead of instructing with rote lectures, handouts, worksheets, and lesson plans, a Montessori teacher will offer guidance, but the child is ultimately responsible for his or her own individual learning. The classroom will often contain several stations, each containing toys which allow children to explore and learn.
Lessons given by the teacher often involve how to use or play with the various instructional toys in the classroom. According to Dr. Montessori, each child develops through several stages, each unique and requiring a slightly different teaching strategy.
To address the painting problem, visual learners would conduct research online or by reading the backs of paint cans. If there is a problem, visual learners might take measurements and make charts or diagrams of the room. Auditory learners learn primarily through verbal lectures and classroom discussion. Often, they will encourage discussion and ask open-ended questions.
They work best when they can see the facial expressions and body language of the teacher. Oftentimes, visual learners prefer to sit near the front of the class where they can avoid visual distractions. Usually, visual learners will take very detailed notes. Asking visual learners to picture a concept in their head is a useful way to communicate information to them.
For example, being fearful because you dream that you are lost in the woods might simply be the brain stimulating the fear center at the same time that it stimulates the memory of trees or forests. Do we dream in color? About 60% of people report that they "always" dream in color.
There are several ways hackers can compromise your financial passwords. The oldest is a keylogger. Keyloggers are typically viruses (they can also be USB devices, but this requires that the hacker has access to your physical computer) that monitor the keys you press and the names of the windows you have open. Sophisticated keyloggers will send the keys you press back to a hacker or phisher when the window matches a major bank's login page.
Auditory learners benefit less from reading textbooks.
Identification like a driver's license was required for large transactions, and your identity was protected by being recognized by the people you regularly did business with. In the Digital Age, your financial accounts are usually accessible from anywhere with nothing more than a username and password, leading to a significant amount of financial identity theft. The goal of this article is to illustrate what steps banks have taken to protect finances from fraud and show how you can take full advantage of these security features in order to protect against identity theft.
Teacher resources like DISTAR materials can be found under the republished names "Reading Mastery," "Language for Learning," and "Arithmetic I/II."
They excel at jigsaw puzzles. They touch or hug others as a sign of friendship. To address the painting problem, tactile learners would go and buy a can of paint and just jump in.
If something is written down but not discussed in class, or if sufficient examples are not provided, there may be gaps in the knowledge of students. Recognizing the differences in learning styles can ensure that teachers always convey important information by all three methods: saying it, writing it, and showing examples. If learning is the process by which we incorporate ideas and information into our memories, then learning theory aims to describe the nature of the process and offer insight into how teaching can be improved. There are several modern co-existing theories on how we learn, each offering answers to one of several questions - what, when, why, and how.
Food for thought: Do you know someone with a high level of intelligence in something untraditional? For example, how would you rate the intelligence of a star quarterback?
This process is known as scaffolding and was formulated by Lev Vygotsky as a method of social learning. A Montessori classroom is different from a typical classroom in a number of important ways. These changes encourage children to develop independently into well-rounded individuals. By allowing children to play, instead of sit and listen to lectures, the classroom allows children develop the motivation to learn and explore.
Cognitive science is an emerging discipline that was formed to integrate brain researchers in different fields. Princeton describes it as "the field of science concerned with cognition; including parts of cognitive psychology and linguistics and computer science and cognitive neuroscience and philosophy of mind." Experimental psychologists typically conduct research, develop theories, publish articles, and sometimes teach. Typically, they research topics like attention, learning, memory, thinking, sensation, and perception.
A similar theory that has enjoyed much more success holds that there are likely at least two types of intelligence, primarily IQ, the intelligence quotient, and EQ, the emotional-intelligence quotient. Many believe that EQ matters more than IQ in terms of potential business or personal success. Additionally, there are a number of critiques of IQ tests that apply regardless of which type of intelligence it measures. First, IQ tests are highly subjective in their scoring between cohorts.
Emergence results from internal reflection. It is the construction of new ideas or theories based on a synthesis of existing knowledge, and it is the primary source of originality. Piaget's theory of cognitive development answers the question of "when" we learn.
Information processing starts with input from the sensory organs, which transform physical stimuli such as touch, heat, sound waves, or photons of light into electrochemical signals. The sensory information is repeatedly transformed by the algorithms of the brain in both bottom-up and top-down processing.
For example, when looking at a picture of a black box on a white background, bottom-up processing puts together very simple information such as color, orientation, and where the borders of the object are - where the color changes significantly over a short space - to decide that you are seeing a box. Top-down processing uses the decisions made at some steps of the bottom-up process to speed up your recognition of the box.
What do you think? Is there a way to test a person on all eight types of intelligence?
The tests must be continuously changed to stay relevant. For instance, an early IQ test asked eight-year-olds, "What is Mars?" If you answered "The fourth planet from the sun," you would be wrong, as the correct answer was, "The largest candy maker in the world." The Mars Bar was a common snack food for children, but astronomy was not a common topic of instruction in schools.
Additionally, sharing a demographic with the person who wrote the test questions leads to inflated scores, and this has been demonstrated to inflate the scores of white males. While it leads to interesting research if it is true, there may never be a test that accurately measures different or multiple intelligences.
They may use their hands more than the average person to communicate what they want to say. They are good at finding their way around, even in an unfamiliar place.
In 2006, a three-year study of teaching and learning showed that flexible methods of instruction like Montessori and Waldorf were more effective than direct instruction. Still, it is one of the few scientifically verifiable ways to improve a school's educational curriculum. This has resulted in widespread support of the system and its worldwide adoption in public schools.
Another interesting uniqueness to Montessori classrooms is age grouping. Typically, in Western schools, children are separated by ages and grade levels, interacting primarily with children their own age. A Montessori classroom will often be a mixed-age class, for example, containing all children between the ages of three and six. This is important because children are always at different stages in their development, and younger children can learn by watching older children play.
Many cognitive scientists have dismissed behaviorism because of its perceived inability to explain the intricate methods of learning and cognition in which the human brain engages. Additionally, it fails to explain how the social environment affects learning. The idea that behavior can be explained without referencing sociocultural influences is a tenet of behaviorism, leading to a theory that most scientists dismiss as too narrow. A person's behavior depends on more than just the rewards and punishments that they have experienced throughout their life.
If a hacker can track the keys you press, they can easily discern what your username and password is and log into your bank remotely. The first breakthrough in protecting against identity theft was simple. Instead of allowing users to enter their password with their keyboards, require them to use a mouse to click the letters on the screen.
For example, in a semantic network, "chair" might be linked to "table," which can be linked to "wooden," and so forth.
They make verbal analogies to demonstrate points. They work well with mnemonics. To address the painting problem, auditory learners would call a friend who knows how to paint and ask for instructions or advice.
Educators have a duty to teach students to manage their emotions, resolve conflicts peacefully, and be responsible for their actions. Effective teaching of emotional intelligence requires, first and foremost, good teacher and parent role models. By creating an environment of emotional acceptance and encouraging children to work through their emotions in a positive way, children will learn that certain behaviors are allowed and others are not.
They often hum, whistle, or sing to themselves. They are usually very articulate and enjoy debates. They like telling jokes and stories.
The stated goal of the Waldorf Method is to produce individuals able to create meaning in their own lives. The Waldorf educational system was created nearly a hundred years ago by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher and scientist. Steiner was familiar with a philosophy known as anthroposophy, the idea that children who consciously cultivate independent thinking will be more ready to handle the important natural and spiritual questions with which philosophers and scientists are concerned. The Waldorf education was devised to be responsive to the needs of childhood, including allowing children to set their own pace and use their imagination and creativity.
In the Waldorf curriculum, writing is taught before reading. The alphabet is explored as a way to communicate with others through pictures. This allows writing to evolve out of the art and doodles of children, instead of from their ability to read and reproduce written content. Waldorf schools are safe and nurturing environments where children can enjoy their childhood and be protected from harmful influences of the broader society.
There are several other differences between the Waldorf Method and other traditional teaching methodologies. First, academic education is de-emphasized. In fact, the types of education which are routinely cut from public school budgets are often the crux of a Waldorf education. These include education in art, music, and foreign languages.
Sleep has a number of benefits, and a healthy night of it is always a cherished prize. Though we are asleep, our bodies are hard at work repairing themselves. To help you stay asleep, your brain becomes less receptive to outside light or sound stimuli, but if you look inside the brain, you will find the brain itself is quite active (Paraphrased from a Washington University professor). People with sleeping problems often visit doctors certified by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
What is a dream? The most accessible definition is that it is simply a series of images, sounds, and emotions that are experienced during sleep. What causes dreaming? When the body enters REM sleep, it begins to send signals to different parts of the brain. These signals go through parts of the brain associated with memory and emotions.
Good parents and teachers have a duty to provide instruction in dealing with emotions constructively.
The radioactive signatures allow the PET scan to detect the presence of the inhaled gas in the brain or organs. MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a non-invasive brain scan that shows the structure of the brain, like an x-ray in high definition. MRI machines cost millions of dollars. Finally, the fMRI scan, or functional MRI, allows researchers to detect changes to the blood flow in the brain, allowing a very accurate view of the brain and neural activation.
It creates better perception of emotion in faces and pictures, including in one's own image. When children don't have these skills, they often exhibit challenging or confrontational behavior or become quiet and withdrawn.