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Whether previously focused on accounting software, networking, sales force management applications, or the telecommunications industry, droves of tech-savvy advisors known as solution provid (VARs) are restructuring their services offerings to become mid-market CRM consultants.ys these mid-market CRM consultants could help "kick [the CRM market] back into gear." Why is the CRM industry seeing a sudden surge in partnering programs for consultants? Besides providing CRM solutions, Holtz asks, what types of value-added solutions does the consultant bring?Does it offer add-on products? he technology runs itself. Look for consulting firms that offer on-site training, advises Douglasfor mid-market consulting company Inforte Corp. "Companies should have people who are power users and who can do some of the embedded capabilities in terms of reporting and configuration. The complexity is in integration requirements, such as pulling data from one source to another. But in terms of business functions you should have the capabilities on staff. Maybe a $2,000 training class will train someone to do 70 percent of the reporting work."
The Bullas City Council, through the Sports and Tourism departments, and in collaboration with the Mountaineering Federation, works from today on maintaining the local network of trails. The work will consist of the replacement of signs, replacement of paint marking, replacement of the printing of panels, as well as cleaning, clearing and conditioning of degraded sections and updating of signage to new supports or technologies. . For all these reasons, users are encouraged to take these jobs into account when traveling through the various trails. Currently, Bullas has six short-distance trails, approved by the from: PR-MU 30. Sendero del Romero Venta del Pino. PR-MU 30.1. Asomadilla Carrascalejo variant. PR-MU 31. Sendero de las Atalayas. PR-MU 31.1 Link Río Mula. PR-MU 32. Path of the Castellar Venta del Pino. PR-MU 32.1. Variant Return to the Castellar Strait of the captain.
BBY "BLUE" BLAND DIES His first hit, "Further On Up the Road," that went No. 1 on the R&B chart in 1957, became Eric Clapton's theme song throughout the '70 s. Bland notched 25 Top 10 R&B hits between 1957-1975. His best known hit was probably "Turn On Your Love Light," thatHot 100 pop singles chart in 1961. The song became a concert staple for British Invasion hitmakers Them from Ireland that was led by Van Morrison, and The Grateful Dead made it a concert staple (their recorded version received considerable radio play). Country singer Slim Whitman, whose falsetto yodel on his 1952 hit, "Indian Love Call," saved the world from a Martian invasion in Tim Burton's 1996 sci-fi comedy, "Mars Attacks!," died from heart failure in Middleberg, Fla., at 90, according to the Florida Times-Union. TORNADOES' ROGER LaVERNE DIES It could go directly above NEW RELEASES as the last of the obits: Alan Myers, the third drummer for kinetic tongue-in-cheek New Wave punks Devo - but the band's drummer on their first seven albums when they broke through and gained international stardom - has died after losing his fight with cancer, according to a post on the band's website. Myers' age and the location of his passing were not disclosed. Devo's lead singer Mark Mothersbaugh gave credit to Myers for solidifying the band's robotic sound. "Alan Myers' sparse metronomic "Natalie Cole En Espanol" that sees the 63-year-old adult contemporary, joined by Andrea Bocelli, trumpeter Chris Botti, Latin pop pianist Arthur Hanlon, and on "Acercate Mas," her late father, Nat King Cole on her first Spanish-language album; gospel and pop singer Mavis Staples' "One True Vine" is the second consecutive album produced by Wilco leader Jeff Tweedy and includes a song former Rockpile member Nick Lowe wrote for her, "Far Celestial Shores" and a couple of cover songs from the '70 s, Funkadelic's "Can You Get to That?" and a re-do on her own Staples Singers' "I Like The Things About Me.tar
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Gleeson said the fan posited, "S" But before fans go believing that this is how the HBO series will end, Gleeson made it clear he had absolutely no spoilers to share about the finale of the show. "I know zero about the show," he said, "a." Just like Jon Snow...
Written evidence is as important today as it was 100 years ago, but what should you do with all the documents and files when they are no longer needed? Paper shredding is critical for safekeeping of sensitive and confidential information. Paper shredding offers a convenient and safe means of destroying private paperwork. Using a professional paper shredding company ensures all your documents and paperwork are securely destroyed and taken away for recycling. Paper shredding is a great way of destroying all sorts of data from bank statements, bills, contact details of customerfor businesses research by Security in Shredding. Every business owner is seeking different ways to do more for the environment like stopping paper wastage. By recycling paper, you use 55% of the energy that it takes to turn wood into paper. Recycling and reusing strips of shredded paper from shredding machines will help preserve and protect our forests. When a client provides you with their data and information, they would expect it to be always kept safe and confidential. There will always be data and important information found on paper documents that could fall into the wrong hands. Data thieves can benefit and profit greatly if they get a hold of information belonging to your customer and clients. No matter what business type you are, there will always be some sensitive and private information collected, therefore Professional paper shredding enables you to dispose of this easily and quick. Document shredding can take time, whereas this time could be spent generating revenue for the business. Rather than having your employees go through the step-by-step process of shredding paper and documents in the office, you could hire a professional shredding service outside to do the job for you. All sensitive business documents will continue to be disposed of properly leaving your employees to work continuously towards your company goals and increasing productivity. Over time, hours will be wasted on an inefficient task that could be outsourced. Office shredders are not meant to handle a significant amount of paper. With the shredding company machines, they can shred hundreds of documents in a swift time. Outsourcing saves you money in the long term and your employee productivity level will be up. All you pay for with the shredding company is the service. Your employees will have more timemaintenance, and shredding safety training. A professional shredding company laws in which it states it’s an organizationir within their permission. Specific trades such as in the medical and legal industry, have obligations to meet the safe disposal of personal information. Everyone has the right to personal protection. There are some laws that will penalise the improper disposal of documents with confidential and sensitive content. It is also vitally important if you are setting up a limited company. Paper shredding is a very convenient way of destroying all documents and paper information in a secure and safe manner. With all unnecessary documents cleared out and shredded it will make room for a lot of extra storage space. Piles of documents and files cause clutter and increase the risk of a fire. Businesses need to destroy documentation if it is not needed as part of an organisation wide records management system. If you don’t destroy personal documentation the right way, it could fall into the wrong hands which would compromise the trust of your employees and your clients. Professional shredding will protect the reputation of your business by providing secure and reliable destruction clients. People have put a lot of trust in your business and expect their personal information to be safe and secured at all times. Once the shredding is complete, every client receives a destruction certificate, which is used to confirm documentation destruction on a legal basis. This in turn increases and improves the reputation of your business. Paper shredding services are unique and convenient and can benefit everyone. All . A small regular shredding machine can only go through one to two sheets at a time without jamming and you may need to wait for the shredder to cool down after a lot of use, however with professional mobile shredding machines they can destroy well over 375lbs of paper in just a few minutes. It is an efficient and quick process to suit every business or residential customer. As a business client, you will be guaranteed that your information and documents have been destroyed with no chance of retrieval or reconstruction. As a company, you will be managing your disposal of paper in an eco-friendly and smart way. Bn will be disposed of, that your recycling doesn’t put your business at risk, and your business is up to productivity standards.
Although many people know that alcoholism is harmful to the person who suffers from the disease, not as many individuals are aware of the numerous ways that the condition affects an alcoholic’s family members and friends. One of the most telling signs of alcoholism is that a person spends a significant amount of time drinking, planning out ways to drink and recovering from the effects of being inebriated. Although many people drink casually or occasionally, an alcoholic will take that behavior to a different level by insisting that drinking becomes a part of all their activities and social engagements. This intense focus on drinking can be so strong that alcoholics may actually reject any opportunities that won’t permit drinking or that don’t directly involve alcohol. Another common sign of alcoholism is a person’s inability to control decisions and actions surrounding alcohol use. For example, even when alcoholics truly want to limit their drinking, they feel compelled to drink more and are unable to cut themselves off. This situation can come up even when the stakes are high. For example, a friend may promise to stay clean for a child’s birthday party or a job interview. From an outsider’s perspective, when a loved one becomes inebriated at important events like these, it can seem completely irrational and selfish. However, even alcoholics who remain sober simply lack the ability to control their behavior or to stop. Many people first notice that a friend suffers from alcoholism when that individual consistently neglects important responsibilities. These problems often manifest in the workplace, where an alcoholic can have difficulties with attendance, performance, behavior and relationships with colleagues. This apparent lack of interest and motivation can also affect a person’s family responsibilities as well. An alcoholic may fail to perform basic duties like cleaning, cooking or picking up kids from school. The neglect may escalate to isolation, as some alcoholics choose to spend time alone and avoid interacting with family members and friends. Loved ones may also notice that their family member or friend is having financial difficulties. Alcoholics sometimes stop paying their bills or they may exhibit uncharacteristic behaviors – such as stealing or borrowing money – in order to secure more alcohol. Unfortunately, alcoholics who develop tolerance often increase how much they drink in order to achieve the same level of intoxication that they are accustomed to. As they steadily drink more and more alcohol, they can put themselves at greater risk for long-term physical damage, including conditions like dementia, pancreatitis, liver dysfunction, heart damage and digestive tract bleeding. An alcoholic’s denial can be so strong that friends and family members may actually start to participate in the denial by accepting the alcoholic’s misplaced blame and excuses. Loved ones might make excuses for an alcoholic and insist that the problem isn’t so bad. While this is fairly common, it’s important for the loved ones of an alcoholic to remain honest and clear about the severity of the problem. When friends and family members are realistic about the condition, it can help an alcoholic move past these stages of denial, and get addiction help. While it can be troubling and difficult to accept the reality of a friend’s alcoholism, the good news is that there are ways to help a loved one overcome an addiction, no matter how severe it is. By seeking assistance from professional treatment programs and rehabilitation facilities, friends and family members can help an alcoholic work toward recovery and achieve a healthier existence.
Assessing Perceived Versus Actual Knowledge and Quality of Life - all716
Life Lately // All The Things! Working, working and working! Work has been crazy busy and I’ve yet to have a day off this term, as well as taking on a big project that’s eating up some of my free time as well, It’s hard but I’m learning new skills as well. All the cleaning and unpacking! We’re not finished yet but the house has been scrubbed within an inch of its life and I’ve unpacked enough boxes to build a small house out of! The end is definitely in sight, even if a few doors are still kept firmly shut against the mountains of clutter to be sorted! Getting rid of carpets! It’s certainly not a task I anticipated embarking on so soon after moving into a new place but the dogs managed to rip a hole in the hallway carpets within days of moving in – so I started the monumental task of ripping them out, stripping back the awful 80s adhesive underlay, sanding and polishing… I’m currently on step two due to a complete lack of time but it’s been great to see the wooden boards emerging. I’m also very glad for my prior experience in my old house as it means I’m not stressing about it – I know just how long this task can take and I also know how satisfying it will all be once I have it looking nice! Quadrant ensuring that there was no way Mark could leave her at the shelter! My new literary obsession! Reading: American Gods by Neil Gaiman - I just started and I already love it. Cooking: not much - I'm still drowning in leftovers from the party! Feeling: Tired - I've had so much going on lately that it's doing me in! In the best way possible! Loving: the idea of a relaxed weekend at home. Enjoying: starting to see some progress around the house. My craft room/office space is starting to take shape - after nearly two years without one I'm more than a little excited! So you're thinking about getting a bunny this Easter? Easter and bunnies go hand in hand, it seems like a no brainer, right? Wrong. The decision to get a bunny is a big one, despite what many pet shops, books and websites will tell you, bunnies are not simple starter pets, they are exotic animals that need a lot of specialised careasics of feeding, housing, heath care, happiness and cost to help you decide if buying a bunny is really the right choice for you. Food is the big ongoing cost when it comes to bunnies, don’t be fooled by their small stature, bunnies eat a lot! Bunnies need to eat constantly to keep them healthy, this adds up to a lot of food! Bunnies should have an unlimited supply of grass hay, this can usually be bought at pet shops, and here, in Australia, it ranges from about $6 - $24/kg. A pair of bunnies will eat about a kilogram of hay per week – more if they hay is lower quality. A small portion of good quality pellets is also a good idea (Oxbow make an excellent range – see here for further information on feeding your bunny) A bag of good quality pellets will set you back $25-$30 for about 2kg. When fed appropriately this should last a couple of months for a pair of rabbits. A daily portion of greens is a must for healthy rabbits and is perhaps the most expensive part of their diet. Don’t be fooled into thinking they can just eat your scraps, bunnies need high quality leafy greens daily. To provide this you need to be buying a variety of vegetables for them this costs as much as $15-$20 per week. This makes for a minimum of $25 a week for a pair of bunnies or nearly $1300 a year! Housing may not be a large ongoing cost but it is worth bearing in mind as it’s a fairly large amount of money to set up. If you choose to keep your bunnies in a playpen set up while they are unsupervised then you will need to sink a bit of money into it, my playpens cost me about $70 and I use 1 and a half per pair – one playpen does not give a pair the space they need to be truly happy. Inside the playpen they have two litter trays (the lipped variety) - $15 each, hay feeders - $5 homemade or $20-$30 premade, food and water bowls - $5-$10 each, towels or blankets (second hand) - $5-$10 and their houses - $15-$20 homemade or $50-$100 premade. This all comes in at around the $400 mark – more if you don’t have the time, skills or tools to DIY their homes! Your bunny is going to need floor time in at least one room of your house – this room will need to be bunny proofed. Bunnies have sharp teeth that are constantly growing, hence bunnies chew everything. It is important that where your bunnies run power cords are either kept up off the floor or they are covered so your bunny can’t chew on them, some options include products such as Critter Cord or covers from the hardware storbunny proofing is to ensure your bunnies cannot get under or into couches or furniture they could damage or could be hazardous to them. It is hard to estimate costs as houses all vary, this could cost you very little or you may need to get/build barricades around lots of different areas. Please consider costing this for your own house before getting a bunny as it will cost a lot less to bunny proof than it will cost to replace or repair what has been chewed on. One ongoing cost that you need to be aware of for housing your bunny is the cost of litter, rabbits need a safe pelletised paper litter or similar, their littler tray will need to be changed daily to avoid your bunnies smelling, this means at least one large bag of litter per week at about $15-$20 a bag. This litter can be found at pet supply stores or in many supermarkets. This is perhaps the cheapest category but no less important as you don’t want a bored and destructive bunny. Toys can be made cheaply with a variety of treats such as these ones from Oxbow – they will set you back $8 and last you a few months. Small pieces of fruit are also a good option, as your bunny can just have a small portion from your own food. Bunny healthcare is important and costly. The current recommendation in Australia is for vaccines and check-ups every six months. The vaccine and appointment will set you back about $80 or $90 per bunny. Some vets will combine the consult fee for both your bunnies but you will still be paying about $120 for a pair of bunnies. That’s, at a minimum, $240 per year for a pair of bunnies. The cost of getting your bunny spayed on neutered also needs to be taken into account - this one off cost is not one to dismiss and it can set you back a couple of hundred dollars per bunny. This is just basic, preventative healthcare, if your bunny gets sick it can cost a lot more. Bunnies live for 8-12 years, depending on the breed – this carefully if you want next 12 years of your life. This staggering amount of needs a bunny has adds up to over $2000 a year in on going costs – over their lifetime the cost of a small car! For me, a bunny’s love is priceless as I see them as part of my family, every cent I spend on keeping them healthy and happy is worth it! But, that staggering cost is something tobunny ownership. Note: this costing is for a pair of dwarf bunnies – if your bunny is larger or you have more than two the cost will increase. All prices are in Australian dollars and based on my experience as an owner of two pairs of dwarf bunnies. Bunnies are very complicated animals with various serious health care concerns. Like any other pet bunnies need regular vaccinations, check-ups and can have illnesses that require a trip to the vet. Unlike dogs and cats bunnies are not such common animals that all vets know how to properly treat them, because of this you will need to do some research and find an exotic animal vet who understands how to properly care for your bunny. Bunny savvy vets can be hard to find and you may have to be prepared to travel to see one. Just like dogs and cats rabbits need vaccinations to keep them safe from major diseases - in Australia we have a vaccination for one strain of calicivirus which is administered on a six monthly vaccine schedule. Some countries have vaccines for a second strain of calicivirus and for myxomatosis, please check with your vet to ensure your bunnies are getting the correct vaccines to keep them healthy. Getting your bunny spayed or neutered is important for both social reasons and medical reasons. Socially de-sexed bunnies are gentler, cleaner and display less territorial behaviours such as biting or spraying. It also eliminates unwanted pregnancies and more baby bunnies in the rescue systems or being killed. On top of that female bunnies who have not been spayed are very prone to uterine cancer, as many as 80% of un-spayed female bunnies will die before they reach 3 years old from uterine cancer. More information can be found here. Bunnies have very complicated gastrointestinal systems which need to be kept running constantly and healthily. If bunnies stop eating for even short periods of time they can go into stasis. Stasis is a condition where your bunnies gut stops moving and bunnies can die really quickly if this occurs. Bunnies can stop eating for many different reasons including blockages, gas, pain or fear. It is important to figure out the reason your bunny has stopped eating as well as getting the gut moving again to ensure your bunny can recover. The best chance your bunny has is to take it to your bunny savvy vet early, your vet can advise you on the best treatment plan and help ensure a speedy recovery. DO NOT leave your bunny and ‘see what happens in the morning’ your bunny could well be dead by morning. Stasuch. If you suspect your bunny has stopped eating because it’s afraid there are a few things you can try: first, take away the thing that is scaring your bunny, if this is a storm or some loud noise you can’t control you can try playing calming music to your bunny to help settle it down. Secondly, try syringe feeding it a little bit of pineapple juice to see if that reminds your bunny that eating is something they should do. Thirdly try hand feeding your bunnies favourite foods, if they start nibbling that’s a good start. If your bunny is frightened you should continue to monitor your bunny throughout the night (or day) to ensure they are regularly eating little bits and resume eating as normal once the frightening event has past. So, how do you know when to take your bunny to the vet? A good rule of thumb is to give them a treat, a small piece of apple or similar, and see if they eat it. If they ignore it then it’s time to call the vet, if they eat some of it, keep monitoring and trying to encourage them to eat. If they gobble it all up then they are probably fine, keep an eye on them but don’t stress about it! More information on stasis can be found here. Unfortunately here in Australia we have 3 strains of calicivirus and myxomatosis while we only have a vaccine for one strain of calicivirus (it is also estimated to be at least partially affective for a second strain). As these diseases are terminal and contagious it is important to keep your bunny away from these diseases and try and keep them safe. Some strategies you can use to try and ensure your bunnies' safety include: keeping bunnies inside, ensuring they are being kept away from mosquitoes and other insects, washing fresh vegetables and fruits and not feeding grass from potentially contaminated sources. Further information on helping protect your bunnies from any of these terminal illnesses can be found by talking to your bunny savvy vet or here. Bunnies can be extremely rewarding animals but they require a great deal of specialised healthcare, which can be time consuming and expensive, A healthy bunny can live for 10 or more years, many outdoor, caged bunnies live as little as three – this is like a dog only living to two or three, it’s unnatural and unfair. Please keep in mind I am not a vet, this information is for example only and does not replace the expertise of a vet. If you have questions or if your bunny is sick please see your vet ASAP. Thinking About Moving to Texas? Here are 8 Reasons We Love It. Sleeping Beauty 'Make It Blue!' Cosplay.
Two tagged Amur falcons, world’s longest travelling bird, return to Manipur after flying 29,000 km for over a year | Business Insider India Last year, Manipur’s forest department fitted satellite radio transmitters in five migratory birds to study the route and flight patterns of these migratory birds. While two of the five birds continued to send their flight signals, three of them reportedly died. Irang returned to Tamenglong district in Manipur after flying over 29,000 kilometres for more than a year. While Chiulon travelled about 33,000 kms. Manipur’s precious visitors are back. Two satellite radio- tagged Amur falcons, named Irang and Chiulon, have returned to Manipur after completing its migratory route. Irang flew over 29,000 km while Chiulon travelled about 33,000 km for over a year. Amur falcon is a small migratory raptor, famous for making the longest voyage from its breeding grounds in Russia and China to spend the winter in South Africa. Amur falcons are the world’s longest migratory birds who can travel over 22,000 kilometers without taking many breaks in between. Often, Amur falcons make a stop in eastern India. Last year, Manipur’s forest department fitted satellite radio transmitters in five migratory birds — Chiulon, Punching, Phalong, Irang, and Barak — to study the route and flight patterns of these migratory birds. While two of these five birds continued to send their flight signals, three of them reportedly died. “The people of Manipur, particularly in Tamenglong district where the 2 Amurs were tagged in Nov 2019, had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the tagged Amurs and this has now come true,” said the Ministry. Protecting the migratory Amur Falcons Each year, Amur Falcons arrive in Manipur and parts of Nagaland from China and Russia before they migrate to South Africa — going on a voyage of 20,000 km. However, until a few years ago, around 100,000 birds were hunted in Nagaland’s Wokha district every day. The mass hunting of the bird prompted the government to take urgent action. The state government banned the hunting and killing of these birds and warned that they would freeze developmental funds of villages if found guilty. As of today, the hunting has stopped. Manipur’s forest department and locals of Puching village are now patrolling the roosting sites to welcome the birds. India and US hold third edition of 2+2 talks amid tensions with China Next StoryIndian government to bring a new law addressing air pollution issues due to stubble burning Delhi's pollution will go up against anti-smog guns, hotspot detection, and 50 teams this winter as stubble burning makes an early mark in its skies
Burrel este un oraș din Albania, centrul districtului Mat, situat în nordul țării, la 91 km de Tirana. Populația orașului este 62.000 locuitori, conform recensământului din 2003. În trecut orașul a avut ca principală preocupare mineritul, dar în prezent marea majoritate a minelor sunt închise. Orașe din Albania
centerBrooklyn, N.Y., on April 1, 2022. Amazon Appeals Union's Historic New York Election Victory Company says labor board violated 'integrity' of the vote Amazon Labor Union won election to represent warehouse workers on Friday,ys" by turning away voters and allowing among other objections. The Amazon Labor Union likely didn't meet the threshold of employee signatures to compel a vote in the first place, Amazon said in its filing, which outlined 25 objections to the election. In a surprise result, wlast week voted to be represented by the ALU, a grassroots group founded by fired Amazon employee Christian Smalls. The ALU won a decisive victory, with 2,654 yes votes to 2,131 nos. Christian Smalls celebrates the ALU's victory. The company's appeal was widely expected. Amazon had previously telegraphed that Smalls and his allies could expect a lengthy legal battle and warned that it would target what the company" Amazon cited accusations by business groups that the NLRB tried to influence the election's outcome by filing a lawsuit seeking the reinstatement of an employee activist Amazon allegedly fired illegally. The company has denied wrongdoing. The labor board is unlikely to grant Amazon's petition, labor experts said, but the company could keep fighting the issue in federal court and tie up the ALU in legal wrangling for months or years. An ALU representative couldn't be reached for comment. Amazon earlier this week was granted an extension of its deadline to provide evidence to back the claims made in Friday's filing. That document is due April 22, the labor board said this week. "dn't happen --" Amazon spokesperson Kelly Nantel "
"We will stay out here for as long as it takes to have each of these demands met," Brittany Battle, one of the lead organizers, said at a news conference held at Bailey Park. "We're on day nine and we've been out here in brutal heat, in rainstorms and lightning storms. ...We will be out here as long as is necessary." "The sheriff and the DA have a responsibility to answer the questions and respond to the community," she said Thursday in a brief phone interview. "We are fully encouraging those calls. It's a reflection of the movements that we're seeing in North Carolina for police reform, defunding the police and calls for police accountability that we haven't seen previously." More than 30 demonstrators stood in the rain, many holding signs and banners, including one that had a painted portrait of John Neville. Directly behind the speakers was a banner across a tent protesters have used before. That banner says, "Blood is on your hands Kimbrough and O'Neill." "He's a leader and a good man and somebody that I personally have admired for a long time and known professionally for two decades," Clifton said. "That doesn't mean he's not going to do his job and I'm not going to do mine." "The house did its job." "What are the ordinances anyway?" "The City will be initiating additional actions with regard to the trash and the motor vehicle storage on the property," wrote Jerry Kontos, an assistant city attorney in an e-mail. "Further, demolition is also being considered." "It was breaking big rocks into little rocks but it was good, honest work," he said. "We produced things that were used in the war on terror after 9/11 and that was a good feeling." "He was a really nice man and I wanted to help him," said Robert Lefkowitz, a Winston-Salem attorney who specializes in bankruptcy. "A lot of people wait too long, to the point where there's not a lot of options." While all that was playing out in slow motion, Gortman said, stress piled up and exacted a heavy toll on his marriage. "I didn't want to tell her," he said. "I kept putting it off." "That (the fire) was worse. I busted my rear end to get this house. We scrimped and saved." "I don't know," he said. "I got this RV. If I can get it fixed up good …." The EB payments are available only "during period of high unemployment in a state." Adam Webb, a spokesman for U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., said on July 10 that the senator "believes we need to help North Carolinians whohurt the most, and his top priority is getting them back to work as soon as possible." U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., whose 10th congressional district will feature parts of western Forsyth County in 2021, said Thursday during a House Finance Services committee hearing that "for many workers, the enhanced unemployment benefits package equals 150% or 200% of their usual earnings." "As cash-strapped small businesses struggle to survive, they cannot compete with what many workers are receiving in enhanced unemployment benefits. We can't lose sight of the fact that, if businesses don't survive."Thursday that there "are concerns that the higher benefits could be leading some of the unemployed to put off returning to work." "But the loss of extra income if the benefits are not renewed could lead to a drop in consumer spending in August." "Just because you are mad, you can't punch somebody," Sendlein said. "This coach made this choice, and now Sandor is dead." Donna Kent, Sandor's mother, said that Jones "will always be a murderer and a coward who victimized my son." "You have taken so much from me," Kent said to Jones. "You killed my son." "" Kent said. "In the meantime, we will not give up the fight for reform in honor of Sandor so criminals like Jamill C. Jones are justly punished for one-punch crimes." During the hearing, Chris Renfroe, one of Jones' attorneys, said to Watters that his client is not a murderer and had no intent to kill Szabo. Renfroe described Jones as "a very good man in a bad situation."
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February 22, 2016 Eileen Dombrowski Does it matter to tell the truth? (ethical perspectives on telling the truth) February 8, 2016. On guard against scams! February 29, 2016. I’d also like to look more closely at what we mean by “thinking critically”, and the several TOK ways of knowing that have to be involved. What ways of knowing do we need for thinking critically? Maria Konnikova, based on her extensive investigation of con artists, insists that we have to lay aside any notion that we can’t be fooled ourselves, that we’ve somehow immune. We should never assume, either, that we can immediately recognize a fraud or see it coming. Indeed, human beings in general are not at all good at detecting lying, especially when the liars are so untroubled by lying that they exhibit none of the signals we might expect. But how do we bring these ideas into our TOK classes to engage our students? If they have been dealing already with ideas of ethics, truth telling and deception, and with the ways of knowing involved in storytelling – as in my previous two posts with their discussion activities – they may already have raised the questions and ideas I propose ahead. If so, ignore this activity and move on. If not, though, you may want to give them a nudge – not necessarily to build a full class around this activity, but to use it to pull together ideas still floating and insufficiently processed. give them the discussion questions to think about while reading, so that they formulate their thoughts in preparation for discussing them together self-knowledge: What is the role of knowing ourselves in trying to know about other people and the world? Konnikova: Emotional vulnerability is one of the things that unites victims of cons, in the sense that it’s not so much a personality trait, as where you are in your life. Because .it transfers across domains. So, for instance, if you lose your job, you’re not just more vulnerable to finance frauds, you’re more vulnerable to romance frauds, you’re more vulnerable to every single thing even if it has nothing to do with money, just because you’re in an emotionally susceptible position. Passage 2: misplaced trust from John Wasik, “”, Forbes. October 3, 2012. “We know that con artists often have a religious zeal and charisma that makes us suspend disbelief. It’s like we are interacting with movie icons in the flesh. We believe that they can do heroic things, so we hand over our money and repress our doubts. Diana Henriques, “Exa”, Dealbook, New York Times, August 20, 2012. MViking, January 2016. Stephanie Yang,”, Business Insider, July 1, 2014. →
EMMANUEL Christian School has recently put the finishing touches on the refurbishment of its home economics area, which saw the addition of new flooring, stainless steel workbenches and ovens. Emmanuel cooking teacher Cheryl McNeil said she was delighted with the refurbishment. “It’s all happened pretty quickly,” she said. “Emmanuel is a growing school,” he said. “Our affordable fees make us attractive and our facilities are constantly being improved – this is just the beginning.
ities. Separate dining areas are provided. If you want to get a bite to eat and don't feel like cooking, various restaurants are within walking distance. Shops, cafes and water-sports equipment you can rent are also nearby. 657 Mandalay Ave. 727-441-9700 </s> . We'. *Libraries, archives and museums (LAMs). </s> We all want to be healthy and look (and feel) our best but many of us just don’t have the time, patience, or funds to keep up with the gym – especially during these trying times. Luckily, a gym, partner, or even equipment isn’t necessarily needed to get a decent and effective workout. Here are 6 sure-fire effective exercises that you can do alone, in the comfort of your own home, and they actually work, too! Cardio is one of the best and most effective ways of losing or maintaining weight it is also incredibly easy to do. You don’t have to start at the top either, you can begin with low-intensity cardio and gradually increase in difficulty. Low-intensity cardio can be walking, swimming, jogging, etc. </s> Talk about an amazing story: 1) Four Amish young adults are charged with drinking while buggying (DWB). The Amish and their buggy collided with a police car. The police car was responding to reports of drinking at a party. Maybe the rumors of 12-2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar have some credibilit)? </s> NEWs: January 25, 2022 You Tube can help you achieve this. This free is taught via Zoom (a free, easy-to-use online platform). Course starts TUESDAY January 25, 2022 thereafter class runs Monday to Thursday 1:30pm to 3:30pm for 4 weeks. </s> Place rotisserie chicken in a pot of water. Boil water adding carrot shavings and celery, a little onion and garlic for flavor. Strain chicken and place in fridge to cool. 0.000000 0.000000 </s> Christianity, Faith, Health, People, Spirituality, Texas, Walking the dog to give 29-32Agrola Carrouge VD - Service station Le Mélèze Route des Granges 1, 1088 Ropraz, Suisse Blanc Transports Café Les Trois Suisses Route de Moudon 2, 1509 Vucherens, Switzerland Restaurant Les Trois Suisses Agrola Peney-le-Jorat Route de Villars-Mendraz 3, 1059 Peney-le-J
The best and most popular way for cruise ship passengers to experience the most that St Petersburg has to offer is by creating their own customized personalized private tour.This can also be called VIP touring-your and only your own party alone without any strangers. Tickets and Tours works directly with you in creating a custom private tour that perfectly matches your party's interests and expectations. Discover some of the many benefits Tickets and Tours providers for each Custom Tour The price of a custom tour is dependent on the number of people accompanying you. With each additional person, the cost per person in your group reduces, for example 8 people touring together in a private group pay less per person than if the group totals 7 in number, participating in the same tour destinations since the price of the van or a car, port fees, your guide, driver and other fixed costs do not increase with the number of visitors. Many people seek to add more people to their group to lower the cost and for the companionship. If Private Deluxe St Petersburg itinerary does not suit your interests, you can create your own customized itinerary. After deciding on what you would like to include, you and your Tickets and Tours Tour Adviser can start to create your custom program. This is a complicated process to make it all fit, time and location wise, but we are experts in this and will be able to make up the best possible itinerary for your private party. If you decide that you would prefer touring as a member of a small sized (maximum 15)fixed program Tickets and Tours group tour like the 2 or 3 day "Deluxe St Petersburg", please click here You are here: Home\ Shore Excursions\ $199 Private Deluxe Tour\ Displaying items by tag: Baltic ports From $199! This is a Private Custom version of the most popular group tour in St Petersburg, the "Deluxe St. Petersburg" 2 day tour that features the most requested and highly reviewed destinations. Any arrival day of the week All photo and video permits inside venues where allowed English speaking highest rated guide Free Time for shopping, lunches, exploring Free use of local Cell Phone during Free-Time to keep in touch with your guide Audio system with personal headsets (provided for groups of minimum 7 persons) 1st Day not later that 45 minutes after the ship's official clearance to St. Petersburg. City Tour to the South - You'll either see, or visit the major sites and historical attractions of St. Petersburg on the way south to the palace estates including statues, monuments, rivers and canals, beautiful bridges, cathedrals and palaces, memorial squares and parks. You shall also enjoy photo opportunities in selected locations. Tsarskoe Selo (in English: "The Tsar's Village") is located about 27 kilometers (17 miles) south of St. Petersburg and it has a long history connected with generations of Romanov Tsars. Catherine Palace exceeds all the other palaces with its gigantic size and unique decorations. The stunning facade of the palace extends for almost 300 meters (1000 feet), and gives the first impression what to expect inside. Our tour will visit all the major halls and rooms, including the Great Hall, the Blue Room, the Picture Gallery, many of the private studies and bed rooms. One of the many highlights will be the Amber Room with its walls decorated with real amber of different hues. The palace was practically destroyed during the Second World War, and all the amber from the walls of the Amber Room was taken away from the country by the invaders. After the tour you will also view parts of the surrounding park's and gardens consisting of almost 600 hectares (1.500 acres) and filled with marble statues. Inside visit. FREE Time in Tsarskoye Selo –Over the years of creating shore excursions we found that every visitor's preference for lunches is different. As a result we decided to give everyone the option to use their lunch time as they preferred, and at their own expense. In the delightful, beautifully kept small town of Tsarskoye Selo( often called "Pushkin") You have the opportunity of using free time to dine, sight see, do photography, shop in regular non-tourist shops, or stroll around its manicured parks or cathedral, have barbequed Shashlik in outdoor cafes, visit a pub for 1.5 hours Metro (the city's underground subway system) - Visit the magnificent "palaces of the People" as the St. Petersburg Metro used to be called during the Soviet Union years. The construction was started after the II World War, and its expansion continues endlessly, new stations opening periodically. A ride is arranged between the Technological Institute and the Moscow Arch of Triumph stations. Since the entire St. Petersburg was built on the marsh land, the tunnels had to be dug deep, deep until solid soil was found, and you shall descend endlessly deep on extremely fast moving escalators. All the stations are totally different and individually designed. Some are luxurious with art work, statues, sculptures, mosaic walls, and chandeliers, some are simpler looking. The trains run like clockwork, normally at 2 minutes apart. – A ride is included. Canal Cruise - St. Petersburg is also called "the Venice of the North", and that is why our tour also includes a cruise on the River Neva and along the picturesque downtown canals. A 60-minute journey by small open-air boats travels the Fontanka River, the Kryukov Canal, the Moika River and the Neva River. Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood - This recently restored church sports a fantastic ornate "Russian-style" exterior with the traditional colorful onion domes. The church was built on the exact site of the March 1, 1881 assassination of Tsar Alexander II, while riding in his carriage along the canal embankment. That is also the reason why the church is called "spilled blood". The church is distinguished by its picturesque silhouette and rich colorful decoration. The facade is lined with ceramic tiles and colored glazed bricks. Inside you shall view large size works of colorful mosaic of different religious themes. During the Soviet Union the church served as a warehouse and a storage space, and it took more than a decade to restore it to its current condition. This is unquestionably one of the most popular photo spots in St. Petersburg. –Full interior tour The Baroque style Winter Palace was designed by Italian architect Rastrelli, and boasts huge ceremonial reception rooms, throne rooms, private theatre, gold and marble, irreplaceable state gifts and collections, patterned parquet floors, ornate staircases, molded and decorated ceilings, and gilded appointments. If nothing else, this is the “must” place in St. Petersburg. – After a tour of the spectacular state and private rooms, you will be given an opportunity no other tour allows, free time to choose which areas of interest you would like to explore from antiquities to art, and everything in between. We will meet up again and continue your tour. Free Time Time to explore the Vladimirsky historic neighborhood as featured in several of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novels. You can shop in a modern partment store, visit a working stunning Orthodox Church, visit the most famous and restored traditional food markets in St Petersburg, visit one of several museums, wander in the authentic, unrestored residential streets, shop in a non-tourist gift shop full of hand crafted Russian made gifts from humorous to artistic at a unique shop that has local non-tourist prices or have lunch (at your own expense) of any level of service you wish from blinis at an outdoor stand, to top restaurants on "restaurant row" , all up to you. Or sit in an outdoor dining area of a popular English pub across from the historic church. The St. Isaac's Cathedral: Designed by Auguste de Monferrand in 1818 the church was named in tribute to Peter the great who was born on the day of St. Isaac of Dalmatia. The Cathedral is 101,5 m (333 ft) high and the dome (for the making of which 100 kg (220,5 lb) of gold was used) is 26,5 m (87 ft) in diameter, making it one of the largest in the world after St. Peter 's Cathedral in Rome and St. Paul's Cathedral in London. The interior is “a symphony of gold, marble, lapis lazuli, malachite and porphyry”. The walls and vaults are decorated with paintings and mosaics by the leading artists of the day, and the walls and floors are lined with marble from Russia, France and Italy. The columns of the iconostasis are faced with malachite and lapis. There are all together 112 columns of polished granite holding the building up, of which 24 support the dome. The Cathedral can accommodate 14,000 people. Inside visit. Price ranges from $299 for 2 people to $199 for 10 or more, per person Tips to your guide and driver, which are subject to their satisfactory performance and paid to them personally at the end of the tour. Lunches which are open free time allowing you to decide what you are hungry for and what level of dining you prefer Photography inside museums, palaces is allowed without flash and only in areas permitted. When adding this tour to you Shopping Cart, the special discount price for each member will be applied: Over 15 can be arranged by contacting our office Published in Private Shore Excursions --Select-- Adonia Adventure of the Seas Arcadia Aurora Azamara Journey Azura Balmoral Black Watch Braemar Brilliance of the Seas Carnival Legend Constellation Costa Fortuna Costa NeoRomantica Costa Luminosa Costa Marina Costa Pacifica Crown Princess Crystal Serenity Crystal Symphony Discovery Eclipse Emerald Princess Eurodam Legend of the Seas Marco Polo Marina MSC Opera MSC Magnifica MSC Musica Nautica Norwegian Star Ocean Princess Oriana Princendam Princess Maria Queen Victoria Rotterdam Regal Princess Ryndam Seabourn Legend Seabourn Pride Seven Seas Voyager Silver Cloud Silver Whisper Viking Sea More in this category: Budget Family Tour of St. Petersburg »
FLORIDA -?The Florida Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will offer a bus trip to the Mohican Sun Casino on Oct. 12. The cost is $40 per person. The cost includes a meal ticket and free play.
connec marriage “meaning” they willany of us do. For instance , it is fairly appreciate are likely to carry over to fromareas that simply don’t improve. They are timeless aWhen you have shared beliefs, yourand alsould . 60, sometimes we getshed sight of d of thiswift while using pjoy in this.
Abroad, Fran imagines herself a sophisticate. She repeatedly extends their trip, living well, acquiring increasingly obvious suitors, imagining a new, exciting life. Sam goes home thinking his wife will follow. Instead she makes plans to leave him. While waiting for the divorce, he knocks around Europe and again runs into Edith. They understand one another, but when Fran finds her plans dashed… Gone With the Wind 1939 From the novel by Margaret Mitchell. Directed by Victor Fleming. If you haven’t seen this several times…well, I don’t know what. Perhaps it’s been awhile… Best Film, Best Cinematography Academy Awards. Wyler filmed one scene 72 times without giving any actual direction. Finally, Olivier is said to have exclaimed “For God’” On a vacation in Trouville, Gaston suddenly begins to see Gigi differently. She is, after all, the only woman who keeps things fresh. (Honoré and Madame Alvarez run into each other. It seems they were once lovers.) He invites Gigi to Maxim’s. She looks and acts wonderfully, but the correctness confuses him… The young man is then coerced into marriage with pretty, but boring Edmée (Felicity Jones). Though Léa makes him promise to be good to his new wife, she discovers deep feelings for Fred while he’s away… Jealous of a fabricated liaison, Chéri breaks into Léa’s home and declares himself. They make passionate love…
CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — The number of Che past week as P.E.I. reports its 46th death from the virus. The latest fatality12, is a person aged 80 or older. There are 19 people in hospital with COVID-19, nearly double last week's number. Of those, eight were admitted due to COVID-19. Eleven No patients are270 new cases of the virus over the past week, meaning P.E.I. has found an average of 182 cases per day. Last week, there were 1,07053Andrews of Summerside, Kensington Community Care, Dr. John M. Gillis Memorial Lodge, Le Chez Nous Community Care and Souris Hospital.
I didn’ That is scary - I can’t t). Easier question - the epic climbing battle during the last cycle - what was the race and year and/or who are the two riders? I couldn’t make it through the 4th interval, but it’s my own fault for increasing the resistance on the first 3. I should have known better. The same race used in Defender I think, with some Quintana heroics. The fall you mention at the start, I see that every time I do this session and think that I must go back and see what happened. So thank you for bringing it up, I’ve finally done that. It looks to me that she loses balance for some reason but her front wheeel is overlapping the rider in front and to her credit takes the hit rather than bringing them down. It doesn’t look pleasant but in the background it looks like she gets up pretty quickly. I don’t know who the rider is I’m afraid. These ladies are hard as nails so she was hopefully ok. This is my favourite part of all of (that was) Suf. Every time I do this workout I’m amazed how Latour comes back from being dead and buried. The ultimate inspirational suffering. Yeah it’! I love the clip after the finish - he’s in pieces on his handlebars but you can see just how much it meant to him. I didn’t put AVDP in my top 3 in the other thread, but it’s a superb workout an serous bit of video-making to go with it. Anyone sceptical what SUF has to offer should be put in a dark room with this session.
seriously too, but we also make it fun, easy & simple for you. Contact our Audiologistaddressing your hearing loss now. Original Release: </s> Joining the SIG If your company is based abroad, find out what SIG requirements apply to you by clicking on this link. You will also find information about the Green Dot symbol present on all the packaging marketed by SIG-member companies in compliance with the Packaging Law. [email protected] Client service number: 900 84 83 82 If calling from abroad: +34 91 749 54 00 </s> Auction underway at shuttered Ohio charter schoolat's become an $80 million tab for failing to. All comments are public. </s> RAPA Cap Intro is our web portal where we match trading talent with capital. We recently launched with Interactive Brokers support, and are excited to add MT4 support to our community with the launch next week of beta Ver1. Stay tuned for more info on this initiative. The RAPA Tea. read more Emerling Ford Inc. Directions Springville, NY 14141 </s> Emu Oil We love hearing from you so please keep telling us how much you love the products & how they work for you! 800 368 4246 Thia’s’ u! </s> Math Trekker™ Multiplication/Division Compact electronic unit takes the place of flash cards. Students select a level, then enter answers to displayed math facts. Positive and negative tones tell the student if the answer is correct, or mute for quiet play. Math facts answered incorrectly are asked again at the end of the run. Once all questions are answered correctly, players can view their elapsed time. The 3 x 3-3/4 x 3/4 unit features an LCD screen and a carabiner for easy attachment to a backpack. Requires 3 AG13 or LR44 batteries (includeditive - Gerund Test 11 Congratulations - you have completed Infinitive - Gerund Test 1How do you feel if someone laughs at you? I hate people ___ at me. He warmed himself by ___ hot tea. It’s very pleasant ___ on the beach in summer. She dreams of her son’s ___ a director of the company. We watched the coastline ___ slowly. Nobody heard her ___ English. I’m not really interested in ___ to the University. I saw him ___ a newspaper. Watch me ___ the fence. The street was full of people ___ and ___ home. He usually left us without ___ a word. I’m fond of ___ in the river. The aim of the exhibition is ___ experience
I read about the one caller that remarked on the street workers of Mahanoy City riding around in the truck all day. I disagree with the caller totally. We have three street workers who are responsible for a lot of miles of streets. They have a lot of various jobs to do also. Before you condemn our workers, find out what they really do. Lou Huber Mahanou City
Marlboro College Jobs Feu East Asia College Tuition Fee University Of St Francis Pa Program What it’s done for Osborne is land him full scholarship to. Osborne did not take up football. Dexter Klock (all Division I recruits) had in the pr. Sarah Burr of Mechanicsvillespring semester. She is an intervention specialist major, and a graduate of Choptican High School. s list at. He was a 1942 graduate of St. Edward’s High School in Shamokin, Pa., where he was a standout basketball. He taught a variety of courses.” Loyola University Maryland created a Francis G. McManamin U. Cornell College Board Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q), ranked the 5382nd in 2018, Nick Mance, former chairman of the board LORETTO, Pa. (AP) – . BRIDGEPORT, Pa. – George Washington women’s water polo matched a program record with 10 student-athletes earning. Weekend. “Saint Francisits most recent graduating class. This is the third class in the recent history of the Program to obtain a 100% first time pass rate,”. LORETTO, Pa. (AP) — Kaleb Bishop scored a career-high 21 Fairleigh Dickinson bounced third-seeded Saint Francis University from the Northeast Confe. STATE COLLEGE — Skills of Central PA announces the appointment of three new. Dr. Don Walkovich is the dean of the School of Health Sciences at St. Francis University, overseeing 10 academic program. . First opened in Philadelphia in 1860 by the Sisters of St. Francis, St. Mary Medical Center is located in Langhorne, PA. St. Alvernia University, home of the Golden Wolves, empowers people to become ethical leaders with moral courage. ALTOONA, PA (WTAJ) – The St. Francis softball team is coming off back-to-back conference titles and now the team will have a. For FSU to go on to claim the national title shows just how close the University of Pittsburgh program, under head coach Holly Aprile is to the elite in the country. It would have been great to see Pi. Posted on July 20, 2018 July 20.
T.. (Write a quick blurb here about an artist that is going to help inform this work) 4. What size will you be working and on what substrate?
Drainage improvements are an integral component of the plan. 2015 saw some key personnel changes at Stoneham. The arrival of Murray Long (ex Sunningdale) in an advisory capacity and the appointment of a new Course Manager, Matt Plested, are key building blocks of our longer-term plans for the course and the Club. Both Murray and Matt clearly recognise the potential of the course and their expertise and passion has been critical in the Management Committees confidence to make significant investments in Project 2020. A £250,000 investment in new machinery and also a new state of the art staff mess facility for the green keeping team were completed in 2016. In 2016, we completed Phase 1 of the redevelopment project involving bunker refurbishment and design modifications on 6 holes. Phase 2 and 3 of the redevelopment project were successfully completed in 2017 and 2018. In total, the Club spent in excess of close to £600,000 on the course upgrade. In 2017, the Club also embarked on arguably the most significant project in its history by commencing work on a new practice facility and short game area. For many years poor practice facilities were viewed by the management as being a major weakness, especially given that Stoneham has close to 100 Category 1 golfers as members. The blue-print, developed by James Edwards of EDI Design, a renowned golf course architect, will result in Stoneham having a state-of-the-art practice facility by the Spring of 2021, when the new driving range and short game area are due to be commissioned, weather always permitting. This new facility is fundamental to the Club’s ambition of being capable of hosting bigger amateur tournaments and possibly becoming an Open Qualifying venue. An upgrade of the Clubhouse is also being planned Please be aware that during hot and sunny weather Adders will sunbathe on stones & banks on the course. They should not attack you unless they are threatened. Most of the time they will move off into the undergrowth as you approach. Please do not attack them as they are are bitten stop playing and leave the course immediately. Get taken to Southampton General.
Join the Conversation Comments Submitted by Sarah on Sat, 2014-02-22 23:15 Dear Anonymous, What works for many may not always work for everyone. The information John is providing is not misleading. It is also entirely probable that John actually works for the Help Desk (Live Chat or Phones) and did not design this website. If you feel as though his help is unnecessary, by all means, please enlighten the rest of us with your wealth of knowledge on moving past every error and "bug" that pops up on You must be an expert on the subject since you know for a fact that John knows absolutely nothing. Anxiously awaiting your informative reply, Sarah Submitted by Grace on Fri, 2014-01-10 14:51 Meeting the Mark? Right now, I don't know what to believe. Submitted by JENNY on Fri, 2014-01-10 03:57 GET the CONNECTIONS with DSS for GUILFORD County, NC together.. THIS IS RIDICULOUS! I applied for coverage for my son 12-5-13 and SOMEHOW Guilford COUNTY and The reps From dont have their stories straight. keeps referring me to Guilford COUNTY DSS who has DENIED me b/c of INCOME Restrictions that HCA claims that I should qualify for. THE reps at keep giving me the run around and saying that I dont qualify for discounts or Tax credits.Im not a bit concerned with Tax credits and Discounts.. I NEED COVERAGE For MY SON from Either or DSS. WHICH is it going to be?I will not be charged a TAX penalty when NO agency is giving me the opportunity to enroll MY child in a HEALTH insurance program. Does anyone working with governmental agencies have a shred of common sense? Have contacted rep and senator of FL. Still without healthcare. Submitted by ginny on Tue, 2014-01-07 11:58 something is fishy about this blog and comments. why did the comments and the tv coverage stop after new year's HMMM?order from on high?politically problematic?I applied bcbs a month ago-not in their computer yet even though I applied online. after getting hung up on and disconnected for hours I finally got thru to a human who put me on music for 1/2 hour until I couldn't stand it and hung up-my cousin has breast cancer and needs to go to sloan kettering just to stay alive-sloan kettering not in any new networks what is she supposed to do-die? After I get my eligibility results when I try to set my premium tax credit every time I get Error ID: 500.100 "" I've made dozens of new applications and have been trying to enroll since October. Now I have no insurance and it's flu season. I CANNOT GET PAST THIS ERROR. SOMEONE NEEDS TO FIX THIS ASAP! Is Anthem deliberately not responding to older applicants?Or are they just incompetent?Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2014-01-13 09:00 Seems pretty obvious, although I must ask have you tried calling Anthem?Submitted by David on Fri, 2014-01-03 14:29 I've applied over 100 times since early November. Each attempt ends in "verification server is temporarily unavailable" error message on signing page. I've left some apps in for a week, deleted and redone - Tried by phone - same error comes up. They say they'll send out paper app. Never arrived. So I downloaded forms and sent in mail application - registered delivery - back in mid Dec - No reply yet. Still trying to apply every day...Wanted coverage from 1st Jan. Should I be optimistic for Feb 1st?Submitted by Glynis on Sat, 2014-01-04 10:32 Here's what others have done who have gotten the same message: "I put in a fresh app with as little information as possible for the system to check. No SS#s for anyone, no green card info .. Without any bait out there to create a conflict, the system let me through. .. If you have primary ID verification in your profile (green) the secret is .. Go minimalist, but make income as honest as possible. You can input the ID info at the very end AFTER choosing a plan. You will get past that Yellow Screen of DEATH if you just wait untl the very very end with anything that could cause a conflict for the ID program." Submitted by Jordan on Fri, 2014-01-03 07:27 What is the point of a giant multi hundred million dollar website if we're told to mail in our documents and payments?
d. Trump considers appointing the current CIA Director Mike Pompeo to take the position of the former Exxon Mobil chief executive. The President chose Deputy CIA Director Gina Haspel to be in charge of the spy agency. Since Tillerson took the post in February 2017, mixed messages repeatedly came out of the White House and State Department with diminishing relevance. The inside clashes between the President and Secretary of State came amid major international crises, including a potential nuclear showdown with North Korea. Tensions between the President and his top diplomat hit one h President’s “e!” the President wrote. In October, NBC News reported that Tillerson already came close to resigning but was urged to stay in the job until the end of the year. He referred to Trump as a “moron” in July f, according to NBC which cited multiple high-level administration sources.
Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 0:00:00 …[Read more... Children with disabilities in Vietnam are facing several challenges integrating into the community, including discrimination and little education opportunities. The report "Vietnamese children criteria, 2009-2010,"to date children with disabilities are one of ten groups of children that need the most care and special protection. The number of such group of children has reached nearly 1.3 million, accounting for 86% of total children that need special care. Most of the disabilities result from inborn deformities with 29% being physical disabilities, 17% being mental disabilities and the same rate for hearing impairs. Children with disabilities in Vietnam are still facing discrimination from the community, so they have few opportunities to access to basic health A report jointly conducted by …[Read more... In 1993, a Swiss woman named Aline Rebeaud crossed paths with young disabled children and orphans in Vietnam. Rebeaud, a painter, has since closely connected her life with them. Nicknamed "Mother Tim", she is beloved by many. From an unforeseen meeting…The sweet-smelling aroma of food comes in from the kitchen. A wheelchair is being slowly pushed backwards and forwards around big frying-pans while the cook concentrates on the food that she is preparing for her beloved children. It is the time that pupils are eagerly coming back home from school, they are very happy to smile and talk with each other. Maison Chance (Nha May Man) today doesn't resemble the same establishment it was in 1992. That was the first time Aline Rebeaud came to Vietnam, the last destination in her trip to Asia. One evening, Aline saw an orphan painfully crying at the corner of a street. Shortly after, she visited a centre for mentally disabled children at Thu Duc district where she met Thanh, a 12 …[Read more...
for her treatment of American citi- zens. The fact that the Fenians in this country are endeavoring to redress .their own wrongs, is proof that the two countries are leaving their duties undone. England kindly sent us mis- sionaries in years past to rebuke us for t]je sin of slavery ; her press ridiculed us for the in- consistencies in our theory and practice ; her churches passed resolutions' condemning us for our oppression oi the African race ; and all this hastened the downfall of slavery. Now, let us show our gratitude to the true men and women of England, and our love of humanity, by pointing out to them the wrongs of Ireland, by showing them that in the old world, as the new, the road to safety is in freedom, in larger liber- ties to the people- A new spirit is moving the world, and the death-knell of caste and class is ringing from land to land, from sea to sea. No censorship of the press, or prison walls, can prevent free thought and free speech. Men grow braver in exile and solitude, and utter with a diviner glow the truth for which they Our battles for freedom, fought by thousands of brave Irishmen, have given a new impulse to liberty in their souls. In the camp, in the battle-field, alone at the midnight hour on duty, many a brave man has lifted his eyes to the calm, clear stars, and vowed he would strike a blow for the liberty of Ireland. Let England be warned in time; let measures of redress on all sides come quick and fast. The masses, everywhere, are waking to the belief, that God never made tbe few, all booted and spurred, to ride the many to destruction. Every one who observes and reasons must know that the rights ol the laboring classes are wholly lost sight of by their governments, and in no coun- try in the world is there a darker record of cruelty and oppression than is found in Eng- lands treatment of Ireland for the last four hundred years. The Fenian movement can neither be ridiculed nor frightened out of ex- istence. It is not to be supposed that millions of Irishmen who have tasted the blessings of liberty in a free country can be indifferent to the slavery of their native land. It is their duty, in spite of the English dungeon and gal- lows, to talk against the slavery of their coun- trymen, to write against it, and do all in their power to fire the soul of the dullest clown in Britain with the proud determination to have There is no question, no national issue, suffi- ciently important to postpone a prompt redress of any individual grievance, for the liberty of the citizen to thought, speech and locomotion is the most sacred right under government; is in fact the foundation of all just government. ___________________ e. c. s. SOHO SIS. The Sorosis have had a sumptuous bouquet, given by the gentlemen of the press, at which the gentlemen made flattering speeches to the fair sisters, all of which can be found in full in tbe Sunday World. The Sorosis Club, it is under- stood, are soon to give a dinner to the gentle- men of the press, at which the ladies are to toast and eulogize the noble lords of creation. How much better this is than the continual fault-finding of the strong-minded. Vetily a new day dawns for man. "We shall wait with great impatience for all the good things that shall be said at that next dinner, and shall give our read- ers the toasts and speeches of the ladies. EDUCATED SUFFRAGE. The important practical question of the hour in the nation is, extension of suffrage. And the calamity, the actual danger is in that it has taken a most malignant party form. This is glaringly apparent in the determination of the republicans to force colored suffrage on the Southern states, while rejecting it in the so- called loyal states by overpowering majorities. The Chicago Republican Convention sanctioned such a policy in the name of the nation. Its lan- guage is, the question of suffrage in the loyal states, properly belongs to the people of those states. The states will all be loyal as fast as restored to the Union. And the Carolinas as well as Connecticut, Louisiana as well as Ohio, can repeal the right of the black man to the ballot so soon as they resume their sovereignty. Gen. Grant, if elected President, will approve of such a policy. And from present indica- tions this is all the colored race can expect of theparty of proqress The democrats can now, if they will, achieve a peaceful, bloodless revolution ; tbe most im- portant in American history. They can secure the control of the government and hold it in honor and power for generations. They can add a lustre to the name of democracy outshin- ing the past in all the annals of the human race. They can clothe the Declaration of Independ- ence with a dignity and sublimity to challenge the admiration and gratitude and kindle anew the hopes of mankind. Shamed by the Chi- cago treachery, cowardice and cupidity, let them now bound forward to equal, impartial, edu- cated suffrage, irrespective of race, sex or pre- vious condition, and with Judge Chase, or any other sober and competent man, like him openly and earnestly committed to the great basic prin- ciple of human government, they would secure not only a party, but a world-wide triumph, the sublimest in all its elements and consequences that ever gave peace to earth or joy to heaven. The demand of The Revolution is, Edu- cated suffrage, irrespective of race or sex. The importance of this principle is becoming every day more and more apparent. Every day adds to our population a multitude from almost all the great nations, as well over the^Pa- cific as the Atlantic ocean, ignorant alike of our language, laws, institutions, everything per- taining to us. We have already become the great central orb in the firmanent of nationali- ties. If npt morally, we are at least materially, the sun, whose centripetal energy, attracts all the shattered and fugitive elements of the old despotisms. Emphatically, we are a city set on a hill that cannot be hid ; and a city of refuge, too. And how to incorporate all these into our body politic wisely and harmoniously, is the grandest problem of the hour. All history demonstrates the most dangerous class in any community is the disfranchised class. Could the Spartan Helots have been dispersed into new states and kept at hard and constant labor un- der vigorous taskmasters and overseers, they would not have been butchered by thousands in cold blood to be rid of them. Had our South- ern slaveholders been sliut up with their slaves to territory so narrow as to make the slaves ac- tually dangerous, they too must have resorted to killing, or emancipating and absorbing them into the state. No class of criminals, however, desperate, could be so dangerous as a class of outlaws, however few. Bonaparte said if a sol- dier was not depraved, it was the work of war %\u to make him so. If a citizen, a criminal even, be not wholly abandoned, outlaw him by dis- franchisement, and he becomes so. Like the first murderer, he would shriek, My punish- ment is greater than I can bear. It was only by mental and moral degradation that the Brit- ish peasantry were kept in unresisting vassal- age through thirty generations. When the genius of the nineteenth century hovered over ,the political and moral chaos .of the ages,^ and commanded, Let there be light, then ap- peared the sea and the dry land of advancing
Home/English/Stories/Pro-Kurdish party condemn ‘media embargo’ Pro-Kurdish party condemn ‘media embargo’ editor 29/مارس/2017 Stories 264 Views The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) said it was the victim of a “grave media embargo” even though it had received the votes of six million citizens in a nation of nearly 80 million. The countrHDP is calling for a ‘no’ vote on April 16. Proposed changes to the constitution would create an executive presidency and axe the role of prime minister. The party said data showed the Turkish state broadcaster TRT “brazenly violates” its own rules as well as the law of Turkey’s audiovisual authority, RTUK. The HDP said it was given zero airtime on the TRT news channel between March 1 and 22. No representative of the HDP was invited to a single television show across 17 national channels, it added. Looking in detail at live broadcast and debate shows on TRT, the party said the presidency was given 1,390 minutes was given 2,723 minutes. Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildirim have been speaking at rallies across Turkey on a daily basis, and these events are always televisehas been travelling as well, speaking in rallies in support of a ‘no’ vote which are also broadcast live. Last month a decree issued stripped the Supreme Election Board of its power to fine private channels if they did not give equal airtime to the different political parties and various views. The HDP’currently in prison as well as 11 other HDP MPs accused of links to Kurdish separatisIt is true that the media in Turkey has never been completely independent from political power,” the party said. “However, during no period of the history of the republic has the government had so much sway over the mediaMar-28/399502-pro-kurdish-party-slams-media-embargo-before-turkey-vote.ashx Previous Ywo helicopters downed by Guerillas Next Opposition HDP co-leader Demirtas and other prisoners end 35 day hunger strike Old Kurdish woman beaten by Iranian forces
Actor: Mitsuishi Kotono, Fukami Rica, Tomizawa Michie, Shinohara Emi Actor: Fukami Rika, Furuya Tooru, Araki Kae, Tomizawa Michie, Shinohara Emi, Hisakawa Aya, Masuyama Eiko, Mitsuishi Kotono, Takato Yasuhiro, Han Keiko
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By Ed Driscoll 12:27 PM on June 14, 2014 From an old-school G-File: For example, for the French and British, when war broke out in 1939, the years 1918-19 became less significant and the years 1870-1871 loomed large. Or, when the Berlin Wall fell, 1917 — the year of the Russian Revolution — suddenly became much less interesting, but 1914 — the dawn of imperial implosion and nationalist explosion — became much more important. This is all a lesson in the obvious for my beloved bride, who studied U.S.-Soviet relations in graduate school. By the time the ink was dry on her diploma, there was no Soviet Union. Right now, the most important thing about 2011, according to conventional wisdom, is that Barack Obama authorized the killing of Osama bin Laden. It was certainly a good day, and a glorious one for the White House communications team which immediately turned it into a Caesarian argument for his domestic political authority. But what if ISIS succeeds in holding onto Mosul and Nineveh? Or even goes on to grab Baghdad? What if Iran is fully drawn into the conflict, rendering vast swaths of the Middle East a literal battleground — and not just a figurative one — for a bloody Sunni–Shia civil war? Suddenly, the most momentous thing about 2011 wouldn’t be the killing of one aging terrorist hermited away with his “Girls Gone Wild” DVDs. It would be the White House’s passive-aggressive acquiescence to the abandonment of Iraq. Again, as it stands, the Iraq war was a mistake. What we’re seeing now are the fruits of a policy aimed at making sure it stays that way a’s own hand. The taxpayer pays for the matches. As Richard concludes: Military age males being herded by ISIS to an unknown fate. Defeat is a b**ch. It’s not this present catastrophe that should worry everyone, though it is serious enough. It’s the what happens when Big One comes with the same in crew in charge that should give one pause. Update: Neo-Neocon also flashes back to our withdrawal from Iraq in 2011 before concluding: The Iraq War had to be discredited because the left’s entire philosophy would be threatened by a Bush success. Obama has always known this, and as president he was in a position to bring it about.
Introduction: Fabric Clothing Tags I wanted to make my own tags for my plushies and to sew onto my screenprinted items. -carving block (I used Speedball Speedy-Cut) -ink roller -scrap piece of fabric -sewing machine (optional) Step 2: Sketching Your Logo/image/idea I wrote the name of my Etsy Shop which is Narchi. I wanted to be able to use the stamp to apply to the items that I make. Step 3: Carving the Stamp You can test the image as you carve along. Use a regular ink pad and test your stamp on a piece of paper. Keep carving until you are satisfied with it. Once you are done carving you will need to prepare the ink. I used Speedball fabric ink that I use for silkscreening. The ink is ready to be used and all you need to do is heat set it. Using a roller I placed a thin layer of ink onto a piece of plexi glass. You don't need a lot of ink and you can scrape off the extra. Carefully tap the stamp onto the ink. Layout your ribbon and Let the tags cool after ironing. Have your fray check ready and cut up the ribbon into smaller pieces. Apply the fray check to the sides that you physically cut. This will prevent the edges from fraying. If you use the jersey material from a tshirt you do not have to apply the fray check. The edges will curl up naturally and will not fray. Step 7: Applying the Tags The tags are ready to be attached to whatever you wish. You can hand sew the tags to the items or attach them all you have to do is pin the tag into place. I sewed a tag onto the sleeve of a tshirt. you can sew them onto your child's clothes or backpack. You can also use the stamp you have made on its own. Using the same inking technique stamp directly onto the material of your choice. I used my stamp to place my shop name onto the inside of a tote bag but the possibilities are endless. 13 years ago on Step 8 this is a great original idea. I was checking all over the internet for a company that would make tags for me.... It was a pain in the butt! One thing, my name is long than yours so I probably would need a professional to make it for me. Do you know of any companys that make custom tags?' you can go to a hobby lobby type store (arts and craft) find small pices fo printing blocks and use that. you could use an exacto if you are careful If you very lightly sand the rubber print block the ink will have more to grab onto and the print will be more solid. Great ible and thanks for the idea! very creative...infinite uses for the stamp...checked out your etsy stuff...i'm inspired. thanks. very nice, and adds a classy touch very in tune with handmade items! now I must go carve a stamp!
Gliding serum for the Derminator®, to make the cartridges slide effortlessly and to protect, hydrate and soothe the skin. Contains a very high percentage of Hyaluronic acid, which immediately hydrates the needled skin. This serum is especially suitable to protect and soothe "open skin" and contains Natural Moisturizing Factors (see "read more" for ingredient list). Hand pump to treat tethered scars after needling. Comes with two cup sizes/shapes. Occlusive facial mask with a high concentration of GHK-Cu copper peptides and B vitamins, to promote collagen production. To be used after dermarolling (parts of) the face with any needle length. Improves signs of aging, wrinkles and fine lines. This serum contains the most effective collagen regeneration copper peptide GHK-Cu, plus Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3, which is active against wrinkles. In addition to that, the serum has Hyaluronic acid, which is the skin's natural moisturizer. Contains provitamin B5, with many proven beneficial effects to the skin. For 4 litres (> 1 gallon) of sterilizing solution, making Chloramine-T by far the cheapest sterilizing solution for your dermarollers. Chloramine-T sterilizes, whereas alcohol only disinfects. Alcohols may damage the plastic and glue (to secure the needles with) used in the dermaroller head but Chloramine-T is safe. Fine vit. C powder to be used in a freshly made skin serum as per our instructions. Vit. C must be freshly made - commercial products are sub-par. Vit. C is essential for collagen production. EMPTY glass spray bottle that protects your fresh, homemade vitamin C serum from oxidation and light. Perfect to spray vit. C serum straight onto the skin. Infadolan contains vit. A in non-acid form (0.1% Retinyl Acetate) Occlusive ointment - essential to preserve moisture on dermarolled skin. Occlusive facial mask with Hyaluronic acidRe-hydrates, soothes and protects the skin after dermaneedling. Contains the antioxidant vitamin E.
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Up and down and place to place…
A number of Excellent Reasons To Why Scholars Take pleasure in WhatsApp One more reason why you ought to really enjoy the WhatsApp job case studies paper application is it is not actually data files arduous. The application form will not involve great-quickness connection as well as a swiftly connection to the internet just so that you can work with it without having several complications. Each Student Financing Technique Is So Intricated Even Some of those Authoring The Rules Have Problems Figuring It All Out May perhaps 12, 2017 By Christina J. Responses are Away educational posting trouble, education loan, us regulation It has been entirely outrageous the number of means and also knowledge that gone into finding my financial loans, changed from a single pay back system case study writers to a new, Yu reported. Yu dealt with slow downs of various a few months as she made an effort to key from just one plan that helped her to shell out her financial loans as outlined by her profits to an alternative cash flow-pushed program. For a while, her mortgages genuinely switched into delinquency, a standing which means that you’ve ignored a fee, simply because her servicer Andmdash; the firm authorities selected to look after her federal government college loans Andmdash; needed a long time to put on a monthly payment pause, called an administrator forbearance, she was eligible for legally as she experienced the applying case sudy analisys procedure. Yu has found out all the better factors of education loan regulations and features possessed the ears of most of the country’s major insurance coverage creators on this particular difficulty, yet nevertheless she even now experienced hassle obtaining the program to get results for her. What’s significantly more, she’s in a growing crowd; MarketWatch spoke to one half twelve education loan promoters and coverage gurus concerning concerns they’ve presented moving the obligation reimbursement technique. If even these are having problems, where exactly does that go away everyone else? Coverage qualified waits weeks to get into repayment schedule she aided design and stylen the Washington, D.C. clinic within the Institution for University Connect to and Resultscollateral, was excited about last of all being the opportunity to make use of an exciting nerecognized as REPAYE Andmdash; that she’d assisted grow with regulators along with other stakeholders. Though the practical experience switched from great to exceptionally depressing when a few months of awaiting her servicer to method her software program. That it was personal student education loans with tiny guidance that motivated Boston solicitor It actually was distinct for me whenever I’m troubled with this, loads of other folks will likely be troubled with it, he was quoted saying. Even considering that he set about exercisn years past, Minsky has continually confronted difficulties regarding his case studies help individual mortgages. He’s possessed challenges with vehicle credit and rerepayment plan Andmdash; trouble popular of other debtors, as reported by supporters and records coming from the Buyer Economical Safeguards Bureau. I do know what I’m working on, I realize what is the actions are and I’m continue to going through concerns. That instructs me the method is very messed up. Proponents are inclined to get a great deal of the fault in the distress on education loan servicers. Evaluations through the Govt Responsibility Home office, the CFPB and probes from best case studies state regulations-enforcement administrators specify these agencies quite often don’t offer applicants with sufficient and even the proper facts to actually maintain debts they have accrued. Debtor supporters also have criticized administration administrators for accomplishing minimalo support the providers liable and helping to make the whole process of repaying school loans highly sophisticated. With regard to their element, servicers believe that plenty of the issue individuals have to deal with is caused by an excessively challenging product with a great number of opportunities case study helper. What’s extra, customers substance their concerns by not contacting their servicers for allow, the firms say. Scholar Arrears Uncertainty director forgotten a significant financial loan timeline For Cody Hounanian, mix-up produced by his servicer has price tag him a lot of money. Given that the system director at Undergraduate Credit debt Turmoil, a L . A .-centered case study writer non profit taking care of advanced schooling concerns, Hounanian is steeped with the issues individuals deal with repaying their financial loans and he’s frequently engaged iner packages for consumers moving a student financing technique. But still, he forgotten a key time frame that resulted in the total amount of his funds to leap. 2 years back, Hounanian decided to go about the entire process of recertifying his cash so he could remain on his cash flow-motivated reimbursement method. His servicer conveyed two numerous work deadlines for repeating this in 2 various sites for that reason he forgotten tnormal pay buy case study back course, which more than doubled his monthly premium-run arrange and extra $2,000 to his credit level by using capitalized enthusiasm. But it’s not only servicers that produce misunderstandings for debtors, it’s also the style of most of the packages, Hounanian stated. As he 1st commenced running at Scholar Balance Problems, he figured he’d manage to accessibility the general public System Mortgage loan Forgiveness plan (PSLF), an motivation which enables government education loan customers to acquire their bad debts cleaned at a distance just after several years of obligations should they be suitable for the us government or perhaps a not for profit. He before you know it observed be eligible for a this program. Thanks to New The usaLearning Insurance policy method at consider water tank New The us, is employed by a long time so you can get several of her financial products licensed to have a forgiveness course. That conundrum has brought a lot more focus recently do my case studies to be a legal action recorded with the American citizen Nightclub Relationship accusing the federal government of reneging on assurances of financing forgiveness for people servants wind its way throughout the judge product. The PSLF application, which has been well-known in 2007, encounters a significant exam soon after this current year because the very first cohort of debtors will look to assert forgiveness. Specialists and proponents are notice that consumers who think they are eligible can find theirselves disillusioned basically because they don’t possess the best sort of credit or proper kind of occupation. Older instruction scheme analyst in a steady pieces of paper-run after She’s certain the business accidents below the purview of this course, so she wants to hold working through the entire course of action, no matter what difficulty. But Fishman reveals she magic just how a regular customer would take care of the regular from side to side and demands to follow straight down imprecise write my case study forms. Wang clarifies olicy as an effective large advantage, due to the destructionk on the personal existence. But, she included, not everybody would have that type of guidance. We all do get a more clear photo of the should certainly eventually debtors, she claimed. But, she extra, it’s also challenging for people like us i get mystified, she reported.
Q: Compilation error with std::is_same and operator || I don't understand why the following code compiles with Clang++, but not with g++. inline bool isInstanceOf(const T& object) { // This line compiles with clang++ (7.0.1) and with gcc (8.3.1) // return std::is_same<Base, T>::value ? true : (dynamic_cast<const Base*>(&object) != nullptr); // This line compiles only with clang++ return std::is_same<Base, T>::value || dynamic_cast<const Base*>(&object) != nullptr; test.cpp:19:79 [-Werror=address] The following code also compiles: return dynamic_cast<const Base*>(&object) != nullptr; pobject) != nullptr; Compilation (gcc version 6.3.0) A: This code is not giving you an error, but a warning. In my opinion, it's being helpful here. Warnings are something you could elect to disregard, but in this case, it's making a helpful point: dynamic_casting a type to its base class will never return a NULL, and since this is a reference type, the compiler expects it is not a NULL pointer when you take the address of it. ...compiles because now you're introducing a situation where dynamic_cast may indeed return you a NULL, as the cast to Base may not be possible. It's correct that G++ did not warn you here. A: The following code also compile without warnings: bool isInstanceOf(const T& object) { if (!std::is_same<Base, T>::value) { inline bool isInstanceOf(const T* pointer) { return std::is_same<Base, T>::value || isInstanceOf<Base>(&object); @cyberbisson: you probably right, it should be a lack in the code analysis done by GCC. I'm not sure what is the best syntax to solve my issue (or the more readable / understandable). The "if/else" option causes an issue with clang-tidy (readability-else-after-return)
This guide explains hot to remove computer viruses including adware, spyware, and malware. It explains how to prevent reinfection, and how to do regular tuneups and maintenanceor Windows 10. This entire process should be completely free. At no point in this process should you pay any money or agree to any trials. All of these tools have a free option. They also have a paid option which usually comes with a free trial. Many of them will try to trick you into agreeing to a free trial of the paid version instead of using their free version. Be very careful never to select a free trial. Always stick with the free version. These are the same tools professional technicians use while charging hundreds of dollars in labor. There is no actual cost for removing adware, spyware, or malware. Virus removal itself is always a free process. You pay for the time of the person doing it. If you can follow these steps and do it yourself, your time is worth those hundreds of dollars! Within the realm of virus removal tools, there are several categories. The biggest one is probably spyware which watches your activity and sells your information to third parties, then there is adware which shows you popups and ads. Third there is true malware which is the most insidious because it will often install other things like adware and spyware, or even more malware. Malware also includes things like Ransomware or Cryptolocker which encrypts your computer and holds it for ransom. We will need to use several tools together in order to effectively target all of these categories of viruses. First, install and run THE FREE VERSION of Spybot Search and Destroy. When you click on “Download” under the words “Free Version,” you will go to another page where you will need to again look for the “Free Edition” button and NOT the free trial of a paid version. Install and run this program and let it remove anything it wants to remove. SecondThird, install and run THE FREE VERSION of SUPERAntiSpyware. This page uses the same tactics to try to get you to agree to a free trial of a paid version. Do not do that! Find the completely free version and download, install, and run that version only. Fourth, we will install and run THE FREE VERSION of MalwareBytes. This is a very powerful and popular tool which focuses on heavier malware more than things like adware and spyware. Run its step is not necessary unless all three of the previous tools found infections. It is important to run those tools first, because they will almost always deal with all the issues. If all three of the previous tools found problems, then we need to use this heavier tool. Note: this tool can sometimes cause issues with drivers and internet connectivity. Use it at your own risk. The nuclear option in virus removal is called Combofix. It is also a free tool which is very effective at removing all kinds of viruses, but it can very occasionally cause other problems with the computer which may need to be fixed afterwards. These are typically small things that often correct themselves. Personally, I use this all the time and I know most of my technical friends do too, but it is important to say that using it comes with some risk. The best way to eliminate viruses from your life is to prevent them in the first place. Only use Chrome or Firefox to browse the web. Never use other browsers. They are slower and less safe. Internet explorer, Safari, and Edge have all been compromised regularly and they have a reputation for letting infections into your computer without even asking your permission. Using a safe browser makes it much easier to have better habits that will prevent infections. Never download anything. This may sound extreme, but it is practical. As a student, I often need to view documents from professors. But there is almost always an option to preview the file without downloading it. Look for these kinds of options and avoid downloading anything under any circumstances. If you must download something, check it before opening it. I love the free tool VirusTotal. Bookmark it! This is a simple website which lets you check any file for viruses. They will check the file with over a hundred different antivirus programs and then give you the results in just a few seconds. Any time I have to download something, I always use this tool to check it before opening it. Avoid Disreputable Antivirus Programs. Norton and McAfee are the obvious examples. These old-fashioned programs cause far more problems than they solve. They are not effective at removing viruses, and they clutter up your computer with unnecessary resource-wasting garbage. Kaspersky Antivirus is a front for Russian spies. This is not a good tool to use, and has been banned by the US Government as it was recently used by the Russian government to steal classified documents. Read all about it in the news. If you have a pattern of behavior that contributes to regular virus infections, then it is critical to have some kind of antivirus running all the time checking anything that is going on on the computer to make sure there are no infections. This is called a “Runtime” antivirus because it runs all the time. Personally, I do not use any runtime antivirus, and I never have any problems. But that is because I know how to avoid them. If you do have problems, you need a runtime antivirus to protect you. The free tools we installed above are not runtime antiviruses. They run only when you click on them, not all the time. If you have Windows 10, the antivirus which is built in is probably more than adequate to keep you safe from infections. you can hold down the Windows Key on your keyboard, and press the “Pause Break” key at the same time. A popup will appear that explains what version of windows you have. If you don’t have Windows 10, you should probably use a runtime antivirus. This should always be free. You should never pay for any antivirus tools. Often times, that will just lead to them trying to sell you more things, and not giving you any better protection than you get for free. You can read reviews of the top free antivirus programs here. Critical: you can not use more than one runtime antivirus at the same time. If you have Windows 10, stick with what it comes with. If not, pick one of the top rated free runtime antiviruses listed below. I recommend Avast. Just like with before, make sure to only agree to the completely free version and not the free trial of the paid version. AVG will still keep trying to sell you the paid version forever. For that reason, I don’t recommend them, though they are the second most popular option. Use a free service like Google Drive or Dropbox. They will mar important documents like photos and tax information. These tools will often also alert you if you get a serious infection on your computer which puts your important documents at risk. In the future, if your computer crashes or is infected by severe malware, you will not lose your important documents. I can not stress this point enough. This is the easy step. We should probably all be doing this once or twice a month, and always after any virus removal. This too should always be completely free and none of these tools should be paid for. Always click the free option and never the free trial of the paid option. First, install and run CCleaner. It will remove any temp files, extra cookies, etc from your computer and help it to run faster and have more free space. Second is THE FREE VERSION of Spybot Search and Destroy. We already installed this in the first step, but in case you did not, install it nowLast is THE FREE VERSION of MalwareBytes. This too was in the first step so you may have already installed itNow your computer should be running smoothly and virus free! If you have any questions, let me know at |||EMAIL_ADDRESS||| and I’m happy to help.
The proposed sale of Comdisco Inc.’s services arm to Hewlett-Packard Co. may see more HP services personnel in Canada, though specifics are not forthcoming at this early stage of the acquisition. HP announced Monday it will buy Comdisco’s availability solutions (services arm) for US$610 million in cash. The deal will comprise the sale of assets for Comdisco’s U.S. operations and the purchase of stock of subsidiaries in Canada, the U.K. and France. The remainder of Rosemont, Ill.-based Comdisco – its leasing and ventures business – bankruptcy code. Chapter 11 protection does not extend to Comdisco’s businesses outside the U.S. and there is no word yet if these businesses will file for bankruptcy separately. Comdisco currently maintains offices in Toronto and Vancouver. How those offices will transform after the HP takeover – which is pending court approval since it will unfold under the auspices of chapter 11 rules – remains to be seen. If there is a swell in HP services in Canada as a result of the Comdisco move, one Winnipeg HP reseller says it could have an effect on HP’s channel partners. Hewlett Packard did not comment at press time.
bookkeeping services rockville md advantage solutions login my oracle planning definition in business </s> Spanish Word for loathsome English Word: loathsome Now you know how to say loathsome:Truck, bus, other heavy transport parking lot. Parking is well guarded, and has free WI-FI, toilets, and showers. Good location with few big shops and restaurants nearby. Easy to find near main road to Minsk (Belarus). We speak english or russian, and lithuanian as well. Parking is located by address: Minsko pl. 21, Vilnius. Phone: +37060500111 Month – 110 eur (with signed agreement) </s> SACAJAWEA Sunset SF Bay Cruise - May Sale! 2 hour cruise to view the sunset and enjoy snacks. Priced per person. Regular price $249 - Discounted to $199 for the month of May! -------------------- Canapes and bubbly provided! (non-alcoholic included or BYOB) . Great romantic cruise for a special celebration or date night. 12 guests aboard maximum means you will get personalized service and plenty of space! 8 guests minimum required to operate the charter. Feel free to book for yourself and a few friends! Board at Jack London Square in Oakland (steps from the ferry dock and lots of parking) and tour the San Francisco Bay for 2 hours aboard our historic vessel. deck, enjoy the view from the upper deck, hang out with the captain in the bridge or check out the engine room! ----------------------). vaccination card. --------------------- Refreshments: Enjoy a variety of finger foods such as cheese and crackers along with sparkling cider, tea and coffee. (650) 440-7220 Oakland, CA, USA </s> AFNORTH, partners demonstrate enhanced counter UAS capability Published Sept. 25, 2020 By AFNORTH Public Affairs Air Forces Northern T base, Fla. The Office of the Secretary of Defense sponsored the technology demonstration, known as the Joint Negation of Asymmetric Threats or “JNAT” which was conducted during the broader counter UAS experiment organ called “Apollyon.” Apollyon brought in a myriad of emerging sensors and effectors from both government and industry. “As our competitors continue to militarize drone technology into weapons platforms, the DoD continues to look for innovative ways to counter this threat and enhance protection of military bases, posts and ports,” said Lt. Gen. Kirk Piercen). Working through bands of high winds and tumultuous rain at times, AFNORTH’s Strategic Programs and Requirements Directorate (A8) completed the first look at a government-owned, non-proprietary architecture designed to integrate a variety of sensors to better detect and track very low and slow UAS threats while reducing false positives. Apollyon was originally planned to run from mid to late August but was curtailed six days early due to a storms systems entering the Gulf of Mexico almost simultaneously. Aug. 24. Hurricane Laura, initially projected to make landfall near Tyndall, bore an ominous reminder to the region only 22 months earlier. Laura made landfall at Cameron, La., Aug. 27. Six months of COVID restrictions also factored into the demonstration’s timing. Teamed with the Army’s Aand la., and other industry partners, the JNAT architecture was successfully employed integrating a variety of typically “stand-alone” sensors with various sensor modalities, said Lt. Col. John Middlemore, AFNORTH A8 deputy director. “The goal was to make better use of ‘off-the-shelf’ sensor technology while promoting a common set of standards which industry can build towards.” Additionally, AFNORTH made steps toward drone employment safety, by working with the U.S. Air Force Safety Center from Kirtland AFB, N.M., as the Operations Manager for the JNAT Joint Concept Technology Demonstration. Several new JNAT applications are being developed to “sense and warn” air traffic controllers of possible drone activity within close proximity to airfields. The Safety Center had identified the need to improve air surveillance as a means to avoid accidental collision between drones and aircraft operating in the vicinity of airfields. A follow-on demonstration is planned for the spring of 2021 at Randolph AFB, Texas, said Middlemore
1991: The First Gulf War is drawing to a close, Boyz II MeCooleyhighharmony, and Nintendo has gone TOO FAR. Will America's youth survive the dastardly allure of this so-called "Super" Nintendo? A barely disguised trojan horse invented by the Japanese? Only concerned mothers with poofy bangs and no-nonsense budgets can prevent what will certainly turn out to be the fall of our society.
Absalom Wary Salome Brosius Alfred Beacher Sr. 1. Emma Jane Beecroft Alfred Robert Beacher+ William Beacher James Wallace Beacher+ Alfred Beacher Sr. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Born: 21 Jan 1892, Boston Run, Schuylkill, PA 1 4 6 10 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 Marriage (1): Emma Jane Beecroft on 18 Jan 1916 in West Hazleton, Luzerne, PA 1 Died: 30 Jun 1963, Perry Point, Cecil, MD, USA at age 71 4 5 6 14 15 20 Buried: 3 Jul 1963, Templeville: Templeville Cemetery, Caroline, MD 4 6 14 2. He attended school at Sent to school for fatherless boys on 16 Feb 1901 in Scotland, Franklin, PA. 3 25 When William Beacher died, his children were eligible to be sent to schools for fatherless boys because he was a Civil War solider. According to genealogist Bruce Beacher who gathered information from Alfred Beacher, Alfred said he and his brother John Jacob were raised in Scotland, Pa. in an orphanage. The children of William Beacher listed in the state report indicates their school was in Chester, Pa. Beacher, John J., b. Nov. 17 1889, admitted to school Feb. 16 1901, School: I, Father: Dead, Mother: Living, Soldier: William Beacher, Rank: Pvt., Company: C 194th Pa., Application By: Pricilla Beacher, Shenandoah Beacher, Alford, b. Jan. 21 1892, admitted to school Feb. 16 1901, School: CSby: Pricilla Beacher, Shenandoah Beacher, Laura, b. Sep. 23 1894, Admitted to school: Nov. 16 1903, School: CS, Father: Dead, Mother: Dead, Soldier: William Beacher Pvt. C 194th Pa., Application by: Wm. H. Derrick, Shenandoah I = S. O. Industrial School in Scotland, Franklin County, PA CS = Chester Springs School in Chester County, PA. Appointment of Guardian for Alfred Beacher Minor In the Orphan's Court of the County of Schuylkill. The petition of Alfred Beacher by Joseph Derrick, his next friend, respectfully represents: Dated April 11, 1903 (signed Joseph Derrick) And now, April 13th 1903, upon reading within petition, the Court appoint Joseph T. Lyons, Guardian of said minor and direct that he give bond in the sum of Three Hundred $300.00 Dollars, with surety to be approved by the Court. Filed April 13, 1903 5. Military from 8 Feb 1912 to 7 Feb 1915 in New Rochelle: Fort Slocum, Westchester, NY, USA: U.S. Army. 28 Name: Alfred Beacher Birthplace: Boston Run, PA Age: 21 years 2 months Physical: Blue eyes, light brown hair, fair complexion, 55 3/4 inches Honorably discharged 7 Feb 1915 6. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: The engagement of Miss Emma Beecroft to Alfred Beacher, of Leavenworth, Kansas, is announced. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride in February., 28 Dec 1915, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 29 7. Military on 14 Jun 1917 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH: World War I Enlistment. 23 Alfred Beacher 15415 Plato Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Age: 25 Jan 21, 1892 Natural born Born: Shenandoah, PA USA Occupation: Steam fitter Employer: Wm Nesbith, Cleveland, Ohio Married. Caucasion 8. Newspaper: Evening Herald: Arrived "Over There": Word was received in town this morning that Alfred Beacher, a member of company K, 140th U. S. Infantry, had arrived safely on the shores of France., 10 May 1918, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 30 9. Newspaper: Pittsburgh Press: Late Casualty List Has 2,072 Names: Wounded Slightly: Corporals: Cook Alfred Beacher, Cleveland, O., 12 Dec 1918, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 31 10. Newspaper: Washington Post: Americans Killed And Wounded In Fighting On the French Front: Slightly Wounded: Cooks: Beacher, Alfred, Cleveland, Ohio, 12 Dec 1918, Washington, District of Columbia, DC, USA. 32 11. Newspaper: Evening Herald: Alfred Beacher in New York Hospital, 8 Feb 1919, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 33 John Beacher, of East Penn street, yesterday received a letter from his brother, Alfred Beacher, to the effect that he had arrived safely in this country Jan. 31 from overseas and is now receiving treatment at the U. S. Debarkation hospital No. 5, Grand Central Palace, Ward A., fourth floor, New York City. Mr. Beacher enlisted at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, at the outbreak of the war with Germany, and has been in France since April of last year. He was wounded in action September 28, 1917, and since that time has been an inmate of a hospital. He is well known in town and his host of friends will be pleased to learn that he has returned safely to his native land. 12. Military on 8 Mar 1919 in , , PA: Discharge. Medals: Purple Heart. Grade: Cook, Army, Co. K. 140Th Infantry. 15 13. Residence: on 26 Mar 1919 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 17 14. Census in 1920 in North Braddock, Allegheny, PA. 34 Alfred Beacher, occupation oiler in engine company, 27, was living with wife Emma, 21; and son Jack, 2 years 9 months. Jack was born in Ohio, the parents and their parents in Pennsylvania. 15. Census in 1930 in Clementon, Camden, NJ. 35 The 1930 census in Clementon recorded Alfred Beacher, 37, living with wife Emma J., 30; John C., 12; Lillian A., 9; Alfred R., 7; William, 5; Henry, 3; and Richard G., 0. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania except John in Ohio and Alfred R. in Delaware. 16. Newspaper: The Morning News: Mr. And Mrs. Alfred Beaclast night at their home near Woodland., 28 Jul 1937, Wilmington, New Castle, DE. 36 17. Census in 1940 in Lewes, Sussex, DE. 37 The 1940 census recorded living the home at 115 Woodland: Alfred Beacher, 48, living with wife Emma J., 40; John C., 23; Lillian A. Evans, 20; Alfred R., 17; William, 15; Henry W., 13; and Richard G., 11, Lura M., 7, and Joseph L., 2. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania except John and Lura in Ohio and Alfred R. in Delaware. Also in their home was Laban Evans, son in law, 23, born in Maryland, and granddaughter Reida V. Evans, 2 and grandson Alfred J. T. Evans, 0, both born in Delaware. In 1935, the census reports they were living in Burton, Geauga, Ohio. 18. Newspaper: The Morning News: Ad: For Sale: 5 ROOM HOUSE Fair condition, 1 acre. Planted, 4 miles south of Seaford, on road to Nylon plant. Will sell cheap. Alfred Beacher, Woodland., 5 Jul 1940, Wilmington, New Castle, DE. 38 19. He was described as White, 6' tall, 189 pounds, gray eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion on 26 Apr 1942 in Sudlersville, Queen Anne's, MD, USA. 10 20. Residence:1. Residence: Route 1, Sudlersville, MD on 7 May 1945 in Sudlersville, Queen Anne's, MD, USA. 39 22. Residence: in 1960 in Newark, New Castle, DE. 40 23. Military on 2 Jul 1963 in , , PA: Application for Military Tombstone. 41 Headstone Application Form for Military Headstone Beacher, Alfred (he had no middle initial) World War I, Cook Co. K, 140 Infantry Enlistment: July 14, 1917 Discharge: March 8, 1919 State: Penna. Medals: Victory Purple Heart Branch of Service: Cook, Army Co. K. 140th Inf 35 Div. Date of birth: Jan. 21, 1892 Religious emblem: Latin cross (Christian) Flat granite marker. Contractor: Columbus Marble Works, Columbus, MS Cemetery: Templeville, Maryland Applicant: Mrs. Emma J. Beacher, wife RD #5, Box 70, Elkton, MD 24. Obituary: The Morning News: obituary of Alfred Beacher on 3 Jul 1963 in Wilmington, New Castle, DE. 42 BEACHER In V.A. Hospital, Perry Point, Maryland, on June 30. 1963. Alfred, husband of Mrs. Emma Jane Beacher of near Elkton. Maryland, father of John C., Alfred R., Henry W., Sgt. Richard G., Joseph L., James W., Mrs. Lillian Evans, Mrs. Lura Parsons, Mrs. Susanna Bello, brother of Mrs. Laura Parsons. Aged 7PIPPIN FUNERAL HOME, 2 E. Main St., Elkton, Md. on Wednesday morning, July 3 at 11:00 o'clock. Interment at Templeville Maryland Cemetery. Alfred married Emma Jane Beecroft, daughter of William Robinson Beecroft Sr. and Elizabeth Isabella Kay, on 18 Jan 1916 in West Hazleton, Luzerne, PA.1 (Emma Jane Beecroft was born on 11 Jun 1899 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA,1 3 4 20 43 44 died on 23 Dec 1977 in Elkton, Cecil, MD 4 5 43 and was buried on 28 Dec 1977 in5 13 43B-N7S Priscilla Derrick in entry for Alfred Beacher and Emma Beecroft, 1916. 2 (, 1 Jun 1978. 4 <i>Templeville Cemetery, Templeville, Caroline County, Maryland</i>. 696716. 7 <i>Cecil Daily (Elkton, MD)</i>, 8 Feb 2104, obituary of Richard G. Beacher. 8 <i>Cecil Daily (Elkton, MD)</i>, 31 Dec 2009, obituary of James W. BeacherMahanoy Township, Series: T623 Roll: 1483 Page: 253. . 10F3Z1-M2S Alfred Beacher. 12> Schuylkill County. Will Book 12, Page 580. Online image 326. Priscilla Beacher. 13 <i>The Morning News (Wilmington, DE)</i>, 28 Dec 1977, page 7. Obituary of Emma J. Beacher. 14 <i>The Morning News (Wilmington, DE)</i>, 3 Jul 1963, page 17. Obituary of Alfred Beacher. 15, <i></i> (Original data: .C.Alfred (no middle initial) Beacher. Service Number 1461063. 16 <i>Parsell Funeral Home</i> (Lewes, Sussex, Delaware), 17 <i>The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA)</i>, 26 Mar 1919, page1. Obituary of John Beacher. 18 27 Dec 1977, obituary of Emma J. Beacher. 19. 20 U.S. Social Security Death Index. 2 22 <i> S3. Registration of Alfred Beacher, Snow Hill, MD. Draft Card Serial # U 362. 23F6-3H6 Alfred Beacher, 1917-1918. 24, <i>Ohio Military Men, 1917-18</i> ().pa+index+31918244740+F), For the Year Ending May 31, 1904. 26, <i>Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994</i> (Images of court probate book pages o1999196 .)854-1452-9?cc=1999196 : Schuylkill > Orphans' Court dockets 1901-1911 vol 29-31 > image 211 of 1018; county courthouses, Pennsylvania. 27 <i>The Miners Journal (Pottsville, PA)</i>, 14 Apr 1903, page 1. 298 Dec 1915, page 1. 30 <i>The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA)</i>, 10 May 1918, page 1. 31 <i>Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA)</i>, 12 Dec 1918, page 15. 32 12 Dec 1918, page 10. 33 <i>The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA)</i>, 8 Feb 1919, page 1. Alfred Beacher in New York Hospital. 34 <i>1920 United States Census</i>, Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, North Braddock Ward 3, Series: T625 Roll: 1515 Page: 259. 3548B-2PL Alfred Beacher, Clementon, Camden, New Jersey; citing enumeration district (ED) 0091, sheet 5A, family 91, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1323. 37VRZ2-3YT Alfred Beacher, Representative District 5B, sheet 5B, family 115, NARA digital publication T627, roll 547. 38 <i>The Morning News (Wilmington, DE)</i>, 5 Jul 1940, page 23. Ad to sell Beacher house. 40Sep 1978. 41, <i>A</i> (.), Headstone application for Alfred Beacher, 1963. 42 <i>The Morning News (Wilmington, DE)</i>, 2 Jul 1963, pages 8-9. Also437.
February 28, 2017February 28, 2017 Sunita Leave a comment After reading a lot of articles and the newspaper, I must say, I stand by her. She is spunky all right. For those who criticise her, and most of you are too young to remember, the politicization of college unions was what got a lot of students threatened and killed and so elections to the students councils were eventually banned in Maharashtra in1992. Religion: Binding or Blinding? September 10, 2016 Sunita Leave a comment Today, more than ever religion is becoming a bigger and stronger force. More and more people are turning to it because wer. “The aloneness in the midst of everyone” can be overwhelming and when you go to church or the temple or the mosque, there is this feeling of belonging while still having your space. It satisfies some need in your soul. You don’t feel so alone any anymore. I see you in the lift some time. You are the lady who owns the dog no? Ankita . And you? Sunita. Nice to meet you. The Unseen Chains February 23, 2016February 23, 2016 Sunita 1 Comment Ever since I was a kid, my mom has been telling me to be patient. I don’t know how many times she has said, “Nothing happens before it is meant to be.” And so when Dad asked me why I took so long in getting my poems published, I said the same to him. But it made me wonder. I have been writing like forever. I can’t remember a time I never wrote. I started collecting my poems and other writings in a note book when I was around 13. Yes, I did send a few poems to magazines and post them on Facebook, but why did it take me so long to actually put them out there in a book for the whole world to read? And why now? What had changed? My years as a trainer in a direct marketing organisation where the majority of sales people were women, made me realise that there are so many untold stories behind every face, so many hopes, so many dreams. It didn’t matter what walk of life you came from, some things are universally the same. Older posts Buy my new book – Who Shall I Be Today?
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During the lockdowns of the Covid pandemic access for all the meetings took a major leap forward as groups, organisations, businesses and education made better use of online learning. This meant that wherever a person was they could access the meeting via sites like Zoom. What more people also became aware of was the Paywalls and restrictions to access publications. It is in the founding documents of The Orkney News that we are free and online. Many institutions are now taking a closer look at how all of us can access research publications.
Vibe HCM Announces General Availability of Progressive Web App Technology in HCM Engagement Platform Dec 11 2018 BHG Excellence Award in Tech - Vibe HCM Wins Gold Vibe HCM Announces Availability of Innovative HCM Engagement Platform for Mid-Market Organizations April 10 PR Vibe HCM Recognized as California Pizza Kitchen’s Top Service Partner for 2018 Vibe HCM to Exhibit at HR Tech 2018 April 12 PR Vibe HCM Hires Susanne Bowen as CEO May 9 Vibe HCM Reports Record First Quarter Results Vibe HCM Reports Record First Quarter Results 300% Year over Year Increase in Bookings is Driven by Strong Demand for Engagement Products and New Customer Acquisition Dallas, TX (May 9, 2018) Vibe HCM, a leading provider of human capital management and employee engagement solutions, today announced record sales growth for the first quarter of 2018, achieving more than a 300% increase from last year. In addition, the company added customers in key verticals of healthcare, transportation and manufacturing such as Progressive Health, Shasta Head Start, Prime Flight, SMR Automotive and IntelyCare. "We are very pleased to report record Q1 sales results,” said John Whisner, Chief Sales Officer at Vibe HCM. “We continue to see exceptional sales momentum, fueled by our unique focus that engagement is at the core of all aspects of our Vibe HCM suite. Vibe HCM’s Engagement Platform is resonating well with talent driven organizations that value our branding, social, communication and feedback/recognition tools." Vibe HCM also extended its commitment to innovation and customer success through the deployment of several strategic product enhancements: Improvements to the agile performance management functionality of Vibe Talent, allowing for deeper collaboration, regular feedback and coaching (vs. traditional “once a year” processes) Announcement of full mobile capability. Progressive Web Applications – revolutionizing how users experience HCM seamlessly deployed on any device – delivering a new level of speed, reliability, and overall performance – with no app download required Advancements in Vibe Engage – leveraging pulse surveys to measure changes in employee engagement levels in real-time Addition of unique and powerful data collection and privacy management tools for candidate and employee actions in support of GDPR Compliance Vibe HCM recently announced the addition of Susanne Bowen, a 15-year industry veteran, as CEO. “This is an exciting time to join the company and participate in its growth, said Susanne Bowen, Chief Executive Officer at Vibe HCM. Customers are experiencing tremendous value from our products and services as they strive to find better ways to connect, communicate and engage with their employees. We look forward to continued success and delivering innovative solutions that help our customers achieve their human capital management goals.” In addition, Vibe HCM was recognized with the “Palm Award” as Top Service Partner of the Year by one of its flagship customers, California Pizza Kitchen (CPK). CPK formally recognized Vibe HCM at its 2018 CPK Operators’ Conference held in Carlsbad, CA. Shannon Kirk, VP of People presented the award. Shannon commented, “Vibe HCM has gone above and beyond to support CPK at the highest level - both at the National and Global level….their support and partnership brought our award-winning employee site ‘Calibrate’ to life! It is our honor to award Vibe HCM the 2018 Service Partner of the Year.” Vibe HCM is redefining human capital management software expectations. We make it easy for companies to not only automate HR transactions but also connect, communicate and engage with all their employees. We partner with talent-driven businesses to elevate how they Work. Share. Applaud. Inspire. This relentless pursuit has led us to collaborate with some of the most innovative, recognized brands on the planet as work together to set a new standard in the marketplace for HCM systems. Relied on by over 1 million employees worldwide, the Vibe HCM platform delivers HR, Talent, Recruiting, Onboarding, Engagement, Analytics and Payroll. We have been doing this for over 20 years. Vibe HCM - The HCM Engagement Platform, visit us on Twitter, Our Blog or
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A. J. Blodgett, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1965; Dissertation Abstr. 26, 4754 (1966) [Order No. 65-12745]. A. H. Sommer, Photoemissive Materials (Wiley, New York, 1968). L. R. Canfield (private communication). R. Y. Koyama, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1969; Dissertation Abstr. Intern. 30, 5654B (1970) [Order No. 70-10478]. R. S. Bauer, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1970; Dissertation Abstr. Intern. 32, 1150B (1971) [Order No. 71-19646]. J. P. Causse, IRE Trans. Nuclear Sci. NS-9, 90 (June1962). The photomultiplier quantum efficiency shown is EMR photomultiplier (model 541F-08-18) of Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc., Princeton, N.J. The curve matches current specifications and is from J. A. R. Samson, Techniques of Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy (Wiley, New York, 1967), p. 225. Interestingly enough, the areas of nonuniformity and of normal material have spectral responses of the same shape, as first noted by L. R. Canfield,4 but the areas of nonuniformity peak lower at 6.8 eV and have a higher response at the minimum near 8.5 eV than normal material. (Note the middle region of cell 118 in Fig. 6.) In addition, for the latest fourteen cells we have made we have observed a direct correlation between a higher yield at the minimum near 8.5 eV and a higher visible response near 2.5 eV. Along with these observations, we may speculate that the visible response is emission from filled states up to an electron volt above the valence band maximum, possibly caused by nonstoichometry of Cs2Te, which would be most reasonably due to excess Te. If this is the case, the regions of nonuniformity with their relatively higher yields near 8.5 eV may simply be regions of considerable nonstoichiometry. W. E. Spicer, F. Wooten, Proc. IEEE 51, 1119 (1963); W. E. Spicer, J. Appl. Phys. 31, 2077 (1960). The electron affinity EA defined here is actually the effective electron affinity found from EA = ET − EG, since any changes of the “real” value due to band bending at the surface are difficult to determine. N. V. Smith, G. B. Fisher, Phys. Rev. B3, 3662 (1971). The threshold for possible simultaneous emission of scattered primaries and secondary electrons occurs at 2ET or about 7 eV, but this process does not appear to be significant in this energy range. W. E. Spicer, Phys. Rev. 112, 114 (1958); C. N. Berglund, W. E. Spicer, Phys. Rev. 136, A1030 (1964); Phys. Rev. 136, A1044 (1964). Apker, L. Causse, J. P. 1971, Smith, Phys. Rev. 1962, Causse, IRE Trans. Nuclear Sci. 1958, Spicer, Phys. Rev. 1953, Taft, J. Opt. Soc. Am.
After exploring the various stitches on TAST challenge, there is another interesting stitch challenge on Queenie's blog. She is conveniently posting the stitches which were not part of the TAST challenge. A fine way to explore some other stitches. This idea was on my mind for some time, to explore the stitches from various books. Queenie is doing that now. It is like reading a book. Visit her blog to know more about this venture. The detached split stitches are worked in three directions, the same treatment continues on the first row. The second row is an inspiration from Queenie's project on this stitch. Two rows of this stitch are connected by another decorative stitch in another colour in the last row. I enjoyed working on this stitch sampler. Easy stitches lend themselves to more explorations. The full sampler.
Yes, I've been using a Garmin for about a year now. It seemed more accurate in the beginning, now I'm noticing inconsistencies so I'm planning to move up to an Oura Ring because it's heavily focused on sleep. I also track my steps, workouts and hea...
Welcome to the Holiday Stashdown CAL! This week I have prepared a pattern for you to crochet with a single ball of Red Heart With Love Yarn. This is a quick-and-easy Berries Jubilee Infinity scarf pattern and it is crocheted using an easy-to-remember stitch pattern. To keep in theme with the CAL I pulled a ball of yarn from my own stash for this project! This pattern is just one of 24 free crochet patterns by 20 designers in the Holiday Stashdown Crochet-a-Long. Yarn: Red Heart with Love Yarn. Color: Plum Jam. (5 oz • 141 g; 230 yds • 211 m). 100% Acrylic. Rep R2 and R3: 34 more times. Finish off leaving a long tail for seaming. You will be sewing the ends together with a slight overlap; to form an infinity scarf. If you wish, you may add a mobius twist to the project but I did not. Simply line-up the first and last rows worked, so they touch at the edges. Next, slide R71 on top of R1 until the Shells (i.e. the 5 dc sts worked in one stitch) overlap each other. Note: You want the nice edge to show on the outside of your work; so, you may need to flip your project so the wrong side (WS) is facing you when you seam the scarf. Finally, seam through both layers (I used a Running Stitch) to create an infinity scarf. Finish off and weave in any remaining ends. Rhondda when you made this scarf for a child did you make it shorter. I have a 2 and a 4 year old. I think this would be a little too long for them. I've finished the hats for them and I love this pattern. Thank you for sharing with us.
A preliminary survey of the spider fauna of Mangroves at Adirampattinam coast, Tamil Nadu was carried out from April 2013 to July 2013. A total of 9 species of spiders belonging to 6 genera under 5 families viz., Lycosidae, Oxyopidae, Araneidae, Tetragnathidae and Eresidae were recorded. Amongst these families the Lycosa species is the most dominated throughout the study period. The species diversity and richness was highest in the month of June.
Posted on 25th May 2020 25th May 2020 by Tom Weatherilt It’after the original release date after Matty Healy refused to stop adding songs making the album 1 hour and 20 minutes long. NOACF is patched together with minimalistic house and dancehall-inspired tracks (featuring artists from Cutty Ranks, FKA Twigs, and Phoebe Bridgers) and swerves somewhat recklessly into just about every genre imaginable. As is often the case in multi-genre albums, some songs are lost as somewhat pastiches of these genres rather than simply taking influence from them. This leads to huge contrast between the songs, causing the listener to somewhat lose the thread supposedly connecting them all together. NOACF is, however, saved more than ever by the sheer sonic skill of the band and the versatility of their sound that they’re able to produce. In comparison to the past clean-cut, flanger classic pop tracks such as ‘UGH!’, The 1975 delve into a grungier, distortion-orientated feel for tracks such as ‘Me & You Together Song’ and ‘Then Because She Goes’. This is, except for ‘If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)’ which exudes huge first-album energy with it’s simple electro-pop feel reminding us that this is, in fact, the same band that made ‘Girls’ way back whenis track seemingly as a one-off within the album. With lyrics laden with references to past albums and the mildly confusing and jagged nature of the album, it is easy to see a reflection and draw comparisons to Matty’s own personal life which has been known to be both confusing and jagged in the past. Whether this excuses the confusion the album causes or not, it can be said that the album does, in fact, reflect the artist. Whilst it may not be the pop anthem album the fans would have appreciated, it is a compilation and a fine display of what is undeniably The 1975. It’s difficult to argue that The 1975 have a static and uninteresting sound with this album so if you do feel the need to bash the band as we all do sometimes, targeting their lack of cohesiveness and refined direction on this album is a likely more sure-fire approach. Tom Weatherilt Posted in In The Middle, Music and ClubsTagged new album, Notes on a Conditional Form, review, the 1975, Tom Weatherilt
Unpublished Photo 2021 opens to the public. On display in the Spazio Maraini of Villa Malpensata, the portfolios of four young talents of contemporary photography awarded by an international jury. And each of them tells us something about their own culture and experience. An extraordinary journey through colour and black and white.
Chili's Puts Together New Chili's Chicken Sandwich Featuring New "Secret Sauce" Chili's jumps on the chicken sandwich bandwagon, but only for a limited time, with the debut of the new Chili's Chicken Sandwich. The new sandwich features a hand-battered-and-breaded fried chicken breast drizzled with new Secret Sauce, served with a tomato slice, lettuce, and more Secret Sauce on a buttered and toasted brioche bun. The casual dining chain describes the new sauce as "so craveably addictive your taste buds are going to beg for more" but doesn't go in on how it actually tastes. Chili's Chicken Sandwich is being offered to My Chili's Rewards members as an entree option for the 3 for $10 menu. For the price, you get the chicken sandwich, fries, a choice from several appetizer options, and a soda, coffee, milk, or iced tea. It looks like if you're not a rewards member (it's free to sign up), the meal will cost $3 extra. Chili's Chicken Sandwich is available for a limited time through June 30, 2021.
Some things I would want to see before I get long this market is a down opening in the morning with heavy put buying following. Some Dow 8,000 price targets would be nice as well, but it's not a necessity. Earlier I said "I" To that I was reminded to add that I need money for shoes and pocketbooks as well. I am happy to see GE down. I think the fact that they asked to be added to the "no short" list was disgraceful. They are supposed to be the top company in the World. Concentrate on running your business properly and the stock price will take care of itself.
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9 Startup Founders On How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure We spoke with some entrepreneurs about what strategies they have used to overcome their fear of failure and continue on towards their goal of building a successful business. ExactDrive had the pleasure of being interviewed by Digital Connect Mag, who ses and IT professionals. Theywhich is related to Technology, Business and Information Technology. Encouraging and fostering innovation among a startup’s employee a company’s growth trajectory. While its often assumed that the CEO should be the one responsible for coming up with ideas that generate growth, it is the employees that are in the best position to know what is working and what isn’t. Most successful startups recognize this and provide a space for employee’s to suggest ways that the company can continually improve. A How many hours of work does it save them? ue? These questions determine not only if your startup will achieve profitability, but how much you can fairly charge for your services in the event that it does. We spoke to eight different startup founders and asked how they facilita Here’s what they had to say. 1. Pace-set in Moderation ExactDriThe Startup Journal, which is and creativeness to a wide entrepreneurial community. The Startup Journal is dedicated towards fostering entrepreneurial culture.
Ss There could be over 1.4 million potential Mensans in the UK and Ireland (Image: Tom Wer Mensa says many of its members don’t excel at maths, proving you don't need to know your cuboids from your cube roots to get in. Are you as smart as a three-year-old member of Mensa? Take our quiz to find out.” Expert says we’ve been splitting the bill wrong – and going halves is a no-no Pizza fans have just figured out the perfect way to get more slices in a takeaway Giving an example of Mensa tests with numbers, Ann explains: and admits to finding maths hard at school and still struggles with numbers. The 45-year-old, who took the Mensa test a couple of years ago,.”
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R It is two and half thousand years later, and America has made the same mistake. We, too, have turned away from God. We, too, have driven Him out of our government, out of our public squares, out of our culture, and . And we, too, have killed our most innocent, over fifty five . What we were warned never to do, we now have done. arbinger. He leads,od's Word and love to everyone.
, October 10–13, 2017. From the moment you arrive at the jaw-dropping Gaylord Opryland Hotel, you’ll be inspired, enlightened, and amazed. Start dreaming about who you want to meet, and how much you want to learn, because this one-of-a-kind, user-generated conference is a golden opportunity to make your Dynamics dreams come true! Anticipating 180 different topics GPUG Summit is the place to be to let your mind mingle with your user group peers, experts, and instructors over by-user, for-user generated content. We’ve pulled out the best of the best from last year’s top-rated sessions. These published sessions have been hand crafted, based on your requests for the latest and hottest product features. We’ll also revisit and refine your use of older product versions. That’s right! We’ve combed through hundreds of YOUR session proposals, plus your comments, surveys, and feedback galore to provide you with the content you want. And that’s what sets this conference apart. View Programming Committee. Content is king!Elvis will always be the king of music, but content is the king of GPUG Summit. Whether you’re an IT manager, analyst, developer, business user, or any other user, you’ll find a session that makes your hips wiggle like the king of gyration himself. Click here to view the vast array of choices. Looking for a preview? We think this little lineup looks mighty enticing: Take advantage of Advanced Pricing and show your boss the savings.Artwork sneak peek No. 2: “Booting Up!” Our newest artwork element, the boot, represents what will happen when you get home from GPUG Summit and use your new smarts, and product savvy, to boot-kick your business into high gear. Plus we know you’ll have a boot-kicking good time in Nashville. Learn more.When packing for your tripGo ahead and grab your boots, but don’t forget to bring your comfy shoes, too. Fashion is fine, but learning and networking lasts from dawn to dusk. Register nowAs the American Right continues to reject climate-change science, China is showing signs of taking the lead in developing cutting-edge technology to combat global warming, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. Speaking of the swinish Kochs, they and their buddies have been working very hard to prevent or delay renewable installations. Even to the extent of using “trade treaties” to halt a photovoltaic installation in India. China may not remain a stoic punching bag forever. As Washington encircles China and wades into its territorial waters there could be a terrifying backlash that could unleash the dogs of war. </s> SAM GREENBERG CUFI does not want President Barack Obama to ask Israel to make land concessions. This is the first CUFI conference to take place outside of George W. Bush’s presidency, and it remains to be seen how the organization can work with an administration and Congress that do not hold as strong ties to the right-wing evangelical community. Hagee also has a mixed relationship with the Jewish community, part of which strongly supports him for the work he does for Israel, and part of which is wary of some of his controversial views on Middle-East politics, Jewish suffering, the Holocaust and the end of day869134&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull </s> Whilst in Southern Spain we visited a fantastic poster art exhibition which inspired me to paint this card. The lettering was a painstaking process and I really enjoyed streaking the sunny colours on afterwards. I’ve also included an earlier sketch of the idea which I painted while on the beach, in case you are interested to get a feel for how the fiished product came about. </s> Facebook Posting: The Heartbeat of Social Media Marketing [Infographics] What is the number of posts required to breathe life into a Facebook company page? One, two or 50 per day? Content Fleet´s Big Data Analysis reveals which frequencies lead to success as well as differences between the posting strategies of major brands. [Timeframe: July 15th to September 15th, 2015] Their social media engagement of the last two months shows that Red Bull´s posting frequency
Is Covid-19 feminine or masculine in Italian? Italy's official language guardians have spoken. The short answer, according to the venerable language academy that advises on the proper use of Italian, is: both. Though the term Covid-19 should really be feminine, it's so widely referred to as masculine by now that it's too late to correct it, the Accademia della Crusca says. While 'il coronavirus' is definitely masculine, like any variations of the word 'virus' in Italian, 'Covid-19' is in fact an acronym for the respiratory illness the virus causes: 'COronaVIrus Disease (20)19'. The Italian Health Ministry's FAQs refer to Covid-19 as feminine. Since practically all the words you could use to translate 'disease' into Italian – malattia, infezione, patologia, sindrome – are feminine, Covid-19 should by rights be feminine too, the Florence-based Accademia says in its newly published 3,000-word opinion on the matter. But probably because people mistakenly use the terms 'coronavirus' and 'Covid-19' interchangeably, the disease has commonly come to be called 'il virus Covid-19' or 'il Covid' in Italian – not only by journalists, but even on occasion by the Italian Health Ministry, the Accademia points out. A warning to travellers from the Italian Health Ministry, referring to 'il Covid-19'. In fact 'il Covid' is so ubiquitous by now that there's little hope of rectifying the mistake: “The masculine is now so firmly rooted in spoken Italian that even if linguists recommended the feminine it would probably have little effect,” the academy admits. “The use of Covid in the masculine cannot therefore be considered grammatically incorrect,” it allows, even if “it would perhaps have been preferable” that Italians had adopted 'la Covid' from the start. “All that remains is to recommend that the acronym at least be used consistently, especially within the same text,” the linguists resign themselves to saying. In other words: pick 'il Covid' or 'la Covid' and stick to it. The Italian language police are less dogmatic on the matter than their French counterparts, who ruled that the coronavirus is masculine, Covid-19 is feminine and saying otherwise constitutes “faulty use”.
MULTIRESOLUTION RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL DROP-SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS AND LIQUID VOLUME CONCENTRATION FROM FINITE-WIDTH LASER DIFFRACTION DATA Songrit Tanchatchawan 1 Pumyos Vallikul 2 Pisit Yongyingsakthavorn 2 Christophe Dumouchel 3 1 TISTR - Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research 2 King Mongkut's Univ. of Technology - King Mongkut's Univ. of Technology North Bangkok Songrit Tanchatchawan 1 AuthorId : 1647470 Pumyos Vallikul 2 AuthorId : 758494 Pisit Yongyingsakthavorn 2 AuthorId : 758491 Christophe Dumouchel 3 AuthorId : 758493 Auteur IdHAL : christophe-dumouchel ORCID : <URL> 1 TISTR - Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (Bangkok - Thaïlande) StructId : 196655 2 King Mongkut's Univ. of Technology - King Mongkut's Univ. of Technology North Bangkok (Thaïlande) StructId : 246954 Abstract : This paper introduces a multiresolution tomographic algorithm to reconstruct drop-size distribution and liquid volume concentration within local regions of sprays. The reconstruction procedures allow the size of the local regions to be designed adaptively such that the reconstruction results can be obtained at multiple resolutions. The algorithm employs the strip integration together with laser diffraction measurements with overlapping beam sampling. The algorithm has been tested with both the synthetic and measured line-of-sight data of a solid-cone spray. The reconstructed results from this algorithm are in the form of local volume-weighted drop- size distributions which contain both qualitative and quantitative information of the drop-size distribution. The reconstruction results are comparable to those obtained by using the classical reconstruction techniquewith a smaller laser beam diameter. The comparison shows good agreement. Furthermore the proposed measurement technique consumed less calculation time and spent fewer working hours on measurement setup procedures.
Welcome to my 2019 Video Holiday Gift Guide! This is a guide for parents to find great toys for their children for the holiday season. My friends at ThinkFun have provided me with great games for free this year and I wanted to spotlight a few. The latest game is Domino Maze. In addition to talking about this game I am also doing a giveaway of Invasion of the Cow Snatchers. Domino Maze is another instant classic. With 60 puzzles you will set up all sorts of Domino runs. This puzzle is great for logic and problem solving. It also gives kids a better understanding of visual perception and reasoning as they try to work out one of the many different challenges. You can see this in action in my video below. I am also giving away a copy of Invasion of the Cow Snatchers. YDon’t forget to answer the required question in the comment section below. You can pick up the games mentioned in the video on through my affiliate links. Each year I receive tons of toys and games to review. Each year I think to my self that I should make a Holiday Gift guide to help parents find the best toys for their kids. This year I did it. I am doing a daily video Holiday Gift Guide/DrewBennett. First up are some kits from Klutz. Klutz provided me with free review units of the LEGO Gadgets kit and the Mini Grocery Store kit. These are some great kits for kids to play with on a rainy afternoon. Everything they need is contained in these kits. The LEGO Gadgets Kit was the one that originally caught my eye. I love LEGO and this kit uses LEGO Technic bricks to make a bunch of machines. There are 58 pieces in the kit and it will stimulate your kids to learn about basic machines. A great STEAM product.
Valerio Bassan is a journalist, digital strategist and media innovation expert. He works with international brands such as Forbes, Vice, Internazionale, Il Sole 24 Ore. He writes a newsletter on the future of media, Ellissi. He is the vice-president and co-artistic director of DIG Festival and co-founder of the consulting firm Supercerchio and Istmo Magazine.
10] Gross, M. U. M. (2014). Issues in the Social-Emotional Development of Intellectually Gifted Children.(pp. 85-96). Curitiba: Juruá. [14] Machado, J. M. (2013). Habilidades cognitivas e metacognitivas do aluno com altas habilidades/superdotacao na resolucao de problemas de matemática. Tese (Doutorado em Educacao). Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Paraná. [16] Pé u Mestrado em Educacao Dissertacao, Porto Alegre: Faculdade de Educaca[17] Pérez, S. G. P. B. (2009). A identificacao das altas habilidades sob uma perspectiva Multidimensional. Revista Educacao Especial, 22, 299-328. [19] Piechowski, M. M. (2014). Identity.97-114). Curitiba: Juruá. [23] Piske, F. H. R. (2014b). Criatividade e inovacao na educacao de superdotados265-276). Curitiba: Juruá. [24] Piske, F. H. R. (2015). Aluno (a) com altas habilidades/superdotacao (AH/SD): quem é essa crianca? I25como identificá-los?49-260). Curitiba: Juruá. [260] Renzulli, J. S. (2004). O que é esta coisa chamada superdotacao e como a desenvolvemos? Retrospectiva de vinte e cinco anos. Revista Educacao (Porto Alegre), 27, 75-134. [31] Renzulli, J. S. (2005). TIn: R. Sternberg, & J. Davidson (Eds.), Conception of Giftedness (pp. 246-279). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. [33] Stoltz, T., Piske, F. H. R., Freitas, M. F. Q., D’Aroz, M. S., & Machado, J. M. (2015). Creativity in Gifted Education: Contributions from Vygotsky and Piaget. Creative Education, 6, 64-70. [34] UNESCO, Salamanca Statement. (1994). Declaracao de Salamanca e Linha de Acao sobre Necessidades Educativas Especiais. Brasília:
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Our Hot Springs bed and breakfast has been featured in the news. View photos,. “Located on Lake Hamilton, this luxury inn is the ultimate spot for relaxation and romance. The inn features craftsman-style architecture, while the property has gorgeous gardens, boat cruises, rockers and hammocks perfect for enjoying the lake views, and a “foodie”-focused breakfast” 14 Top Attractions in Hot Springs, Arkansas “Sure, their list of accolades on TripAdvisor is impressive: #6 Hotel for Romance in the US, #11 Small Hotel in the US, #1 Hotel in Hot Springs, but noe.” TripAdvisor Hall of Fame 2018 Best Romantic Getaways in Arkansas 2018 TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice - 3 Categories & 3 Awards! Lookout Point Lakeside Inn was named the #6 Topand #22 Top Hotel for Service in the US by TripAdvisor. “Lookout Point Inn is a premium B&B with sprawling views of Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Each morning the innkeepers treat guests to a gourmet breakfast on the patio beside the property’s waterfall.” TripAdvisor Top 25 Small Hotels - United States Rejuvenating The Body and Soul Incedible Romantic Getaways in Every State Loving this Life Travel Blog Five myths about bed and breakfasts THV11 on Going Green: Top Foodie B&B’s 2015 Past Press for Lookout Point Lakeside Inn - TripAdvisor, Top 25 Hotel for Romance in the US, 2019 - TripAdvisor, Top 25 Small Hotel in the US, 2018 -, 25 Vacations To Book Now So We Can Escape Winter Later! - This is the Bed & Breakfast People are Obsessed With in Your State, August 2017 - Good Morning America, 10 Best Lakeside Hotels in the United States, July 2017 - TripAdvisor, Top 25 Small Hotel in the US, 2017 - Southern Living, Best Inns of the South, Nov 2016 -, Top Ten B&B/Inn in the US, 2012 - Southern Living, August 2005 - Arrington’s Bed & Breakfast Past Careers Profile, May 2004 - Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Member
The first: I didn't narrow my focus down to a particular type of client (or ideal client). This client is the client that you can't wait to help solve their problems. You get energized and inspired by them! Wait what?Is there such a thing? Why won't this client work for you? >At the top of the ladder are the people who've been transformed by your awesome work (whether it's from you or another similar program!) They love your work and believe in what you do. They are already at the very top! Why won't this client work?These people don't have to pay you for your services; they have no problems to solve! >In the middle are the people who believe in your message and need your help. They're ready for you andyour services. They want to climb higher! Why does this work?It's the perfect match! So much of the time we either market to the bottom or the top of the ideal client scale. We want to help everyone in our niche, and we also want to reach the people that really believe in our message and are "talking the talk and walking the walk". We aren't really doing anything wrong, but zoning in even more on our ideal client (with problems to solve!
anely clever novel from the author of the best-selling Thursday Next series sounds like a cult classic for people who crave . … reaches toward 1984, but thematically it isn’t as profound as its clever props suggest. … Both the thrills and the romantic comedy pick up during the final quarter, but as much as it hurts to say it, color me disappointed." Ron Charles Reviewers who raved about Shades of Grey as well as those who were less enthusiastic tended to agree that readers’ love for the book will depend on how much they enjoy the zany world that Fforde sketches out in this first book of a new trilogy. Fans of Fforde’s other work seemed to have little problem with the novel’s bias toward exposition instead of plot, since world-building is what they enjoy. Critics note that Fforde fans should be prepared for a more subtle sense of humor in Shades of Grey compared to the Thursday Next series. Even the skeptics, though, found much to admire in the book—they just hoped that, having drawn us into the world of the Colortocracy, Fforde will develop a more gripping plot in books two and three. </s> Get your own Booksie page | Edit - merderlernMahogany Trough The rickety old cart trudged down the road. Slowly, lazily, without a care in the world. The wheels squeaked and clattered as they grinded against the dusty, gravel-splattered road, but you probably couldn't hear it over the descending cacophony of chickens over from Jenkins'. Old Hartmann pulled at the reigns and kept muttering something. There was a flicker of impatience in those cautious, brown eyes of his. A good evening, he thought. Just as good as he remembered them, at least. With something of an effort, he managed to look down to his left without actually moving his head. The road faded away down the slope as an endless expanse of soft golden grass took over. Maybe it was the harvest though, Simon thought. He remembered that one day Al, Sally and him spent lying about in cornfields. Perhaps it was an entire vacation. He grinned rather widely and sat up, trying to pick out the farmhouses and rivulets that disturbed the golden wave. All the farmhouses looked newly painted, what with their white sheds and red roofs. He wished he could've gotten here before they were painted. A golden streak of recognition and soft aromas rushed through his mind, accompanied by something of a lurching in his stomach. Almost as though it were constructed. He wondered why it was so fleeting. It was a sundown in the valley. The clouds were thin and papery as they rolled off to the west, tinged a washed-out scarlet by the sun. That pure, glowing blob of orange, with the mystical edges, that was sinking behind the hills in the east. Simon looked to the hillsides, spying out the farms that he knew dotted their western slopes. Abercrombie's farm! He could swear that it was somewhere there, very close, as the crow flew, from this road - the High Street. Somewhere at the base, maybe. If only he could put his finger on it. It was something he ought to remember. "Oh, right." Simon paused. "And what's with all this sir-stuff? Didn't know they'd gotten so formal down here." They trudged on. Hartmann growled something inaudible. But his eyes softened. He grunted once more for good measure and with a lazy, drawn-out heave, he pulled the reigns. The horses stopped, and the cart pattered to a halt. "'Ome." Simon stood up slowly. With a flick of his thumb, he tilted his hat backwards. He picked up his bag and jumped off the back end of the cart, landing in a cloud of dust. There was a strange half smile on his face and a gleam in his eyes; the very same look he fancied his Hollywood heroes, of bygone days, used to wear. "Jeremiah Wright," mouthed Simon, fascinated by the mossy, grey depression in the gate wall. He smiled. Home. Hartmann was mumbling something to the horse while stroking its mane. The sun had retreated behind the furthest of cliffs. All of a sudden, Simon felt as though he were perched atop the roof of a house somewhere. The sound of a baseball game and the cries of children drifted behind him. The grey clouds rolled in threateningly, larger than life. He embraced them with a resigned calm. A bittersweet smile. "A bit late for this part of the world, my boy," he shouted, as he fiddled with the shears. The sun seemed much more pleasant out here. Simon shuffled over to the edge of the green near the chrysanthemum patch, where the wall lay dilapidated and the grass blurred itself into the tangled brush of the hillside. He looked around and plonked down onto a faded mahogany trough. The two talked for a while. Like laughter on the breeze. Of what had not already been spoken about the previous night. Of far-flung family and the state
I don’t have much of a rooting interest for one team over another, but, watching the hilarious videos of the Capitals storming through Washington serves as a vivid reminder of something I wish to witness — a Canadian Stanley Cup victory. Never covered one, so I don’t care which team it is. Just want to see the celebration, and how it compares to this. Prior to this victory, with all of the debate about his legacy, it was easy to forget Ovechkin’s popularity at the beginning of his career. He was Washington’s leading scorer by almost 50 points, he beat out Sidney Crosby for the Calder Trophy and, even though English was not his first language, he threw himself into interviews as best he could. He was not afraid, on the ice or off. “We didn’t have a lot of big names,” said Jeff Halpern, the captain in that 2005-06 season. “We were journeymen … good players, but nothing at his level. We were basically eliminated from the playoffs in October, but he gave us a little bit of hope, a belief the team would move in the right direction.” “When Ovie scored that goal, Witt was on the ice. When they huddled up, I heard Ovie yelled ‘one more year’ at him. That was [Ovechkin]. He just wanted to fit in and be part of the group.” Everybody’s got an opinion on when it started to change. Was it the 2009 loss to Pittsburgh? The 2010 Olympic crushing in Canada? Sochi 2014? Pittsburgh 2017? The fire stick? You name it, someone’s got a theory. When you’re the star, and you make the most money, you get the credit. But you also take the heat. The night before, down 3-0 at home to Dallas, Ovechkin gave up on a backcheck, allowing Ray Whitney to set up Dustin Jeffrey for a score – Future Cup teammate Alex Chiasson was on the ice at the time, too. It was a nasty, painful tongue-lashing — and Ovechkin didn’t defend himself. It should not go unnoticed that, four years after that internal meltdown, Ovechkin may have saved Game 5 with a brilliant backcheck on a Pierre-Edouard Bellemare’s shorthanded breakaway. Ovechkin cleanly picked his pocket from behind, not even allowing a shot. Hall-of-Famer Mike Bossy, working the series for French-language TVA, said, “Hard work beats skill, but when elite skill works hard, you can’t beat that.” t … how much he wanted to win. … “I lost it when Ovechkin lifted the Cup. And it was worse when he lifted it with [Nicklas] Backstrom.” Ewell compared the Capitals beating Pittsburgh to the Boston Red Sox beating the New York Yankees in 2004. It wasn’t that simple for Washington, but it makes a lot of sense. Both teams breathed much easier after eliminating a rival that tormented them mercilessly. “I figured Ovie would score 60 next year with the weight off him,” Ewell laughed. “He would play with joy again. But watching those videos, he might be too hungover.” The even-better news for Trotz is that the numbers go up the more recently you win. During the Final, GM Brian MacLellan said there was plenty of time to sort this out before the coach’s contract ends July 1, and both said all the right things during the celebration. Sometime after the parade, we will truly see where we are.. “What you see at the beginning is not often the full picture.” Asked about it, Oshie said, “I just don’t understand negativity.” “People who don’t treat the trainers well. People who get out of the way instead of blocking shots. Selfish things like that.” 4. Prior to joining Washington, Oshie was in St. Louis, another historically strong organization that hasn’t climbed the mountain. That St. Louis club finished fourth overall with 109 points and lost 4-2 to Minnesota in the first round of the playoffs. “I’m not sure about that,” Orpik added. “To me, it’s all about how hard he comes back. You come back with speed, you turn up ice with speed. Look at the series-winning goal against Pittsburgh. Perfect example.” Whatever the case, Kuznetsov was spectacular. “No,” he smiled. “Because I’m always thinking, ‘You could have done this, or I could have tried it this way.’ I know when I’m good … or when I’m not good. I’m better at forgetting now when I’m not good.” 6. Beagle is an unrestricted free agent, and centres are hard to find. That was on an Anton Stralman shot, forcing Beagle to miss Games 6 and 7 of a second-round loss to the Rangers. “So, if there’s any doubt, I never remove it in the intermission.” Beagle praised them as “a team built on hard work.” Can that happen again? Or will the business of the sport seep in now that some will be paid and some won’t be? Personally, I believe we are getting closer to the day it happens, but my prime pick for 2018, Mark Stone, seems less likely because Ottawa has a ton of cap room. The league average salary for 2017-18 was $3,115,115 — up 3.4 per cent from last season. And, NHL teams have the option to walk away from a salary arbitration award at $4,222,941 or more. It has done the max every year but two. The first was 2006, because the cap went up 13 per cent. The second was last summer, because of high escrow. Last year’s percentage was 1.35, which bumped the number $2 million. We’ve all heard the rumours about his interest in Finnish centre Jesperi Kotkaniemi, but there are teams who believe he’s really interested in one of the top blue-liners. So he’s got everyone guessing, which is the idea. If Bergevin wishes, he can trade down a little and still get what he wants. I’m not sure about Ottawa and Arizona, although, at some point, I imagine Senators GM Pierre Dorion will ask Colorado if there’s something he can do to erase the stipulation that he must give one of his next two first-rounders to the Avalanche. You have to assume the price would be high. (Addendum to the Thomas warning: One year later, he me told six weeks before the draft he was going to pick Marcus Camby. Gave me the scoop. I didn’t believe him. He took Camby. I said, “I thought everyone lies.” He gave that million-dollar smile and said, “That time, I told the truth.” I could only laugh.) 14. I do think Montreal is a stealth destination for unrestricted free-agent-to-be Jack Johnson.. 20. Aft 24. Another very interesting arbitration case: Devante Smith-Pelly. Seven goals in the regular season, seven big ones in the playoffs. Two years ago, the Capitals signed Brett Connolly to an $850,000 contract. He scored 15 goals, and was rewarded at two years and $3 million total. Smith-Pelly is one year from unrestricted free agency, and those numbers are too low for him. I wasn’t surprised to hear he had to give up soccer to concentrate on hockey, with the great plays made by his feet to create his goals. He was a physical force in the final, with his Forsberg-esque reverse hits taking a toll on Colin Miller in particular. Seeing that makes you wonder the impact it will have on Wayne Simmonds’ future. The powerful winger played hurt, still scored 24 goals and turns 30 in August. He’s also one year away from free agency. 26.The market for Philipp Grubauer starts with Carolina and the Islanders. We’ll see if it grows from there. 29. Ites. 30. Word at the combine was Netflix is out, Fortnite is in. This is all Jeff Marek’s fault. I’m not talking as much about the play, but the presentation. When the puck drops, it’s about the game, and it always should be about the game, but the celebrations around it are going to a new level, and it needs to happen even if future sites don’t include Nashville and Las Vegas. good call. (For example, if Toronto ever gets in, I want to see Drake sitting on the CN Tower – for real.) If you really want to sell and grow the game, that matters to the “reality generation.” And, I’d bet that the vast majority of players who took advantage would still be serious and competitive when it mattered.
I arrived in Japan knowing very little regarding the Keigo (Japanese respect language and manner. After my first few weeks here, I had several lessons at my language school regarding the basics of Keigo and how business is conducted in Japan. Originally, I was shocked on the levels of Keigo used as it varies between the social status of the people, levels start from respectful, humble and to polite. I found it difficult at first to determine which version of the Keigo to use when talking to specific people however after my classes and importantly my internship I have a better knowledge at Keigo through experience. Although my Japanese isn't fluent enough to put together long sentences however I could pick up specific words that I could understand therefore I could understand the situation a little. For example, the business between my company and other companies were formal at the highest level as it was a first meeting between them and it was expected. The exchange of business cards followed straight after the polite greetings, for me it was a brand-new experience of exchanging business cards as it is not common elsewhere but Japan. I learnt during my time in the internship that the exchange of business cards is very important to your own personal image as well as representing your company's, because without the exchange of business cards you will not be able to conduct business with the Japanese. On the other hand, I was also delighted to help with some translation work during my internship for an event regarding the promotion of Japanese Sake and Shochu to the European market. I participated in some roleplay where a demonstration of the event took place in the office, I assumed the role of the guest who doesn't speak or understand Japanese, I had to listen to what the translator translated to me to see If I could understand what they said and vice versa. It was a good experience as I shared my own knowledge being a native English speaker to the translators on what they can improve on and the specific word choices to make it more natural. Nevertheless, I was fortunate enough to take part in the actual event a week later and I helped with the translation devices during the event. Even though my stay is quite a short one, I have experienced some situations that I would never have done at home e.g. the exchange of business cards. I have learnt a lot during my short stay and I would like to thank Mizu-Trans for giving me a short but wonderful stay and the opportunity of an internship, I wish them all the best in the future. 2019/1/12 技術通訳者育成講座のご案内 Technical Interpreters' Training Class! Copyright © 2019 みずトランスコーポレーション[通訳・翻訳、英語圏向け 日本旅行コーディネート] (福岡) HP All rights Reserved.
The review was led by Dr. Sam Regan de Bere, Deputy Director of CAMERA at PUPSMD. She said: "This issue is important to the medical profession -- we need to understand what it is that allows one demographic group to perform better or worse than another in the same training. While the reasons for difference are complex and varied, we identify that medical educators are well-placed to develop and evaluate appropriate support structures across the continuum of professional training; from A -levels to undergraduate curricula, and through postgraduate study to." University of Plymouth. "Wh University of Plymouth. (2015, November 23). Nov. 20, 2013 — Certain neurons in the brain's "face-recognition center" perform differently in patients who have autism. In researchers recording the ...
起 Great service and comfortable bed, everthing is very nice ByNguyenVu 2022 五月 24 I have been ẹnoyed while saying in InterContinental Phu Quoc, all kind of services are so great it help my family enjoy our summer vaccation 阅读更多 收起 Lovely hotel ByMr. Kim 2019 十一月 27 Intercontinental Phu Quoc is the most luxurious 5-star hotel in this island. The hotel room is luxury and beautiful, the hotel staff is very enthusiastic and thoughtful. Very friendly and enthusiastic. Especially the staff named Ms. Maria(F.O) She introduced and gave me a best option. Thanks to her, i could enjoy my vacation. It's great to be here and I will definitely come back. 阅读更多 收起 </s> Thrainy season. They first clear the land by removing the weed and ploughing the soil for them to plant the seeds. This job, usual take the whole family to participate as most people in the area are substantial farmers. women spend most of their time working in the field while men tend to go for fishing and conducting business activities. School going children usual do their farming work during the weekends and during school holidays. Some families only have simple tools for cultivating such as a hoe for digging and an axe for cutting down trees or chopping wood. Usually, these people take a longer time working in the fields and their yield is not as much. Some families possess much advanced equipment for their farming such as tractors, irrigators, plough etc. this makes it easier for them to do their work and usually their yield is much more as compared to families who only have a hoe and an axe. Families with simple tools usual just cultivate maize, beans, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, groundnuts and cassava. Which families with complex tools usually cultivate more crops including rice, Irish potatoes, sunflower, cotton and much more for profitable crops. The Miracle Fish. In the third and last year of the drought which was 1859, things become worst. People started feeding on their children. The situation in Kedul caught the attention of people around the neighboring villages. People of different religions started praying for the people of Kedul. They were five Christians from Meladune one of the neighboring who were very much concerned about the situation in Kedul. So they decided to pray and fast for Kedul for over two weeks. After their two weeks prayer and fasting, the five Christians, decided to visit Kedul. They had carried little food and water for their journey which took them a week. Though the situation was terrible in kedul, there was a family that was doing a little bit fine. That family was wealth and knowledge of how to preserve food and water, hence they were bye not badly affected they femine and drought as compared to other people in the village. The Miracle Fish. The five Christian now decided to travel back to Meladune, one man asked them to visit his house. At his house, they served to five Christians with the little food they had, and the five Christians blessed then and started their journey back to Meladune. The wife to the wealth man, kept on searching for the five Christians but to no avail, until she heard that they have travelled back to Meladune. The Miracle Fish </s> Banda family had come to live in Livingstone only a few weeks earlier, and Mr. Banda had promised that he was going to take them to visit some of the famous places near their new home. They had talked over their plans and decided to have breakfast very early that Sunday, so that they could start visiting the places before the sun got too hot “Breakfast is ready!” Mrs. Banda called to Lucky and Zama. Soon, the four of them had finished breakfast and were ready to leave Mrs. Banda said that they were going to need their raincoats, and Zama asked why they were taking raincoats when the rainy season hadn’t even begun “You all soon see why, when we go into the rain forest at the Falls,” said his father, as they drove through the wide streets of the town. 2. As they drove towards the Zambezi river, they saw a white cloud Eying must above the ground in the distance. Zama asked why the cloud was vino so near the ground “It’s not really a cloud,” replied Me Banda. “It’s Musi-o-Tunya the smoke that thunders As they came nearer they could see the river flowing smoothly among little green islands. They could hear a loud rumbling noise too, as they reached the car park, where they saw other people tourists from different countries – walking towards the river, they crossed the road, and walked towards the noise. There, in front of them was the great waterfall. THE TOURIST CAPITAL OF ZAMBIA The noise was deafening, as the river crashed down into a deep gorge, which stretched away from them as far as they could see
Now that you're home, it's time to muster up the motivation to change into workout clothes, get back in your car and fight traffic again so you can make it to your gym before it closes. Sounds completely draining, doesn't it?And that's only your Monday! Wipe out the stress of your workday by taking a moment to enjoy the YMCA's comfortable locker room. Towel service is included at the Downtown Miami YMCA, so you can grab fresh towels to use throughout your workout. You'll also be spoiled by extensive and modern gym equipment to provide you with a tough and satisfying workout. Not in the mood to work out but want to blow off some steam after a long day at work?Meet a few Y members at our beautiful basketball court to shoot some hoops. It's like having a luxury gym at your fingertips for half the price!
Rolling Stone - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "Albarn's curation is sharp, and he keeps things moving quickly, so the energy rarely flags....It's fairly brilliant by mixtape standards, which may be the best way to measure it -- a meta party mix..." Spin - "A music festival in and of itself, the roster includes stars such as Grace Jones, Kelela, Mavis Staples, Pusha T, Vince Staples, Danny Brown, D.R.A.M., Savages' Jenny Beth, Benjamin Clementine and Jamie Principle, who all lend Gorillaz their voices." NME (Magazine) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "The lawless, world-altering scenario HUMANZPaste (magazine) - "If the theme of Humanz is joyriding into headwinds of despair, Pusha T and Mavis Staples win the MVP for their glitch-gospel anthem 'Let Me Out.'" Clash (magazine) - "[T]hey have "
Lincoln Prize-winner Symonds (Lincoln and His Admirals) examines naval strategies and tactics as illustrated by the Civil War, rather than presenting a history of the naval war itself. He tells three basic stories. The first details how technology changed the way navies fought in the Civil War. T...
ure 20 wafer fabs. Malaysia is even building wafer fabs at a site cleared from jungle on the remote island of Borneo. LOWER-WAGE HAVENS. The world cannot absorb this much capacity. What's more, operating skills are wanting at some of these ventures. ''A lot of these companies are growing fast, but they don't seem to be doing enough to put management in place,'' says Ron Jones, a Taiwan-based semiconductor consultant. ''Even if you emptied the Bay Area of engineers, you would have a hard time staffing all the wafer fabs going up in Asia.'' Jones predicts a shakeout soon, with and South Korean packaging giant Anam Industrial Co. taking over the losers. UNDER THE HOOD. Today, many of their business groups rank among the world's biggest in terms of market capitalization and growth. But look under the hood, and management often is a mess. ''On the one hand, they have the entrepreneurialism and drive,'' says McKinsey's Hong Kong-based director, Trevor MacMurray. ''But they've gone too far too fast and haven't really invested in management systems required to understand those businesses.'' Many of the first wave of pioneers are likely to get pushed aside by multinationals. In October, Hong Kong's beleaguered Gordon Wu, who has troubled mass-transit and highway projects in Thailand and China, announced plans to sell 80% of his Asian power-plant business to Atlanta-based Southern Co. A dearth of management skills is also an obstacle for East Asian companies that attempt to globalize. Acer Inc., Taiwan's $6 billion computer and semiconductor giant, has no problem finding managers for its factories at home. But with 35 overseas factories and a major push under way to diversify into such ''information appliances'' as Internet television, set-top boxes and digital cameras, local talent is thin. ''Taiwan's consumer-appliance companies do not have the capability to run global operations,'' says Simon Lin, CEO of Acer's information-products unit. So, Acer is handing ever more managerial, financial, and marketing autonomy to locals in its foreign units. Nowhere is the management crisis more serious than among China's 100,000 state enterprises. Despite numerous reform crusades and 10% average GDP growth for the past four years, losses and bad debts are reaching staggering new levels. Some 40% are spilling red ink, whether they make paper, chemicals, steel, or TVs. In most cases, the problems relate to overproduction and inefficiencies. Even the wild enthusiasm over China's infant stock markets in the early 1990s didn't help, since dozens of companies that went public wasted their newts. Says Li Jiahao,: ''We have squandered a decade of opportunity.'' Even though Asia will probably draw more Japanese money when the yen strengthens, this time around the ''wave into export-related industries will be much smaller,'' predicts Tetsusaburo Hayashi, vice-president of the Japanese External Trade Relations Organization in Bangkok. Costs are not as attractive as they were, and many factories in Japan are now operating profitably at 110 yen to the dollar. ''There will be a pause in manufacturing investment,'' says Taizo Nishimuro, president of Toshiba Corp. ''This slowdown of Japan's expansion will have a very strong effect on Asia.'' ''THINKING'' CONFERENCE. Switching economic gears requires an overhaul of education
In the end, she had turned to fight, pulling a gapper pistol on the cowled figures that had matched her step for step across half the streets of the Big Nothing. That impressed me. Far beyond the obvious physical parameters, a certain… ! “So far, to the best of our knowledge, nobody has repor,” says Seol. “Several results reported the 3D printing (millimeter- or centimeter-scale) of graphene or carbon nanotube/plastic composite materials by using a conventional 3D printer. In such composite system, the graphene (or CNT) plays an important role for improving the properties of plastic materials currently used in 3D printers. However, the plastic materials used for producing the composite structures deteriorate the intrinsic properties of graphene (or CNT).”
The fresh cases were detected after testing 21,244 samples, amid the growing concern over the new ‘Omicron’ variant of coronavirus. So far, 3,72,68,384 6,27,33,73DGHS.
Q: Linear least squares: overdetermined system necessary? and finding solutions? The wikipedia article on linear least squares only considers overdetermined systems (rows $\geq$ columns). I'm confused if this assumption is really necessary or not. Given any matrix $A, \|Ax - b\|^2$ is convex and differentiable so the minimum is given by solving the normal equations $A^T Ax = A^T b$. If $A$ has full rank then $A^TA$ is invertible and a unique $x$ exists. Question 1: In the case that $A$ does not have full rank, the projection theorem gives the existence of a minimizer $x_0$. How can I prove the existence of $x_0$ directly from the normal equations $A^TAx = A^Tb$? aPriori, it doesn't appear that this system needs to be consistent. However, these two observations look contradictory: Suppose A has full rank and a non trivial kernel (overdetermined and full rank). The second observation says that $y\in x_0 + \ker(A)$ is a minimizer, indeed, $\|Ay - b\| = \|A(x_0+x) -b\| = \|Ax_0 -b\| =$ minimum. However, $A^TA$ is invertible, so the normal equations say that $x_0$ is unique and given by $x_0 = (A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb.$
D-land’s economic woes Dan Bernstein, writing for the Press-Enterprise, takes a look at how California’s economic woes might hit close to home: In other news, Bernstein figures the Haunted Mansion will go into foreclosure, and one of the dwarfs will take a buyout, leaving Snow with only 5 helpers. Read the whole article here.
Chapter 3 - Intermission 4 All right, good work. Your troubles have been lasting late into the night, it seems. But luckily, it looks like you managed to escape your dilemma by a hair's breadth. In times like these, it really is vexing to be able to do nothing but watch. Anyway. This time, I see that you encountered some dreadful and strange phenomena. For now, I should add... You were able to escape without a problem and reach the protection of Saren and the others, so don't worry. After that, you could finally relax and rest your body. If only for a moment. You see, as you were making your bed, you were approached by Saren, who had a "request" for you... Beacuse of that, you wound up on a mountain climbing trip all alone. Well, that's about it. You'll be able to sleep well from now on, so look forward to that. That aside, the strange phenomenon you encountered is a bigger problem. Lately, in this world, various kinds of mysterious occurrences that defy common sense explanations have begun to occur. These are threatening the peaceful lives of ordinary people. You've probably heard something about them. These mysterious phenomena have been given names like "shadows" and "lost". "Shadows" refer to beings such as those you encountered today. Mysterious beings, seemingly similar to ghosts... Generally, they're thought to be a type of monster. Recently, the number of reported sightings of "shadows" has been rapidly increasing. While some seem be eerie but mostly harmless, apparently there have also been instances of people being attacked. Just like what happened to you this time. Their true natures are still unclear, but they don't seem to be like living creatures. They don't bleed when cut with sharp edges, and they seem to just wander aimlessly forever without eating or sleeping. They just give off a bad feeling... Especially because their appearances are just like those of people who already exist. Considering the real people whose appearances have been copied by these "shadows", we can't just let them go. The "shadows" you met this time were mimicking Ayane and Saren. Even their voices were exactly the same. Things like those have been popping up in great numbers. Even though these things didn't exist in the world originally, they're now appearing endlessly. At the same time, there have also been things disappearing from this world. This is the strange phenomenon called the "lost". Normally, everyone has two parents. When a father and a mother love each other very much, a child is born. That's the natural way of things for humans... or rather, for all mammals, really. But. Somehow, instances of children who exist, but for whom no record of their parents can be found, have been increasing. This is the strange phenomenon known as the "lost". It's as if these peoplece. Whether it's relatives, guild members, or anyone else, memories of their existence vanish from everyone. If it were only memories that were disappearing, then they should still have left behind some documentation or other items. But just like the memories, these disappear, too. Even though children should definitely have parents, both memories and records of these parents are disappearing. People who should exist, don't. That's why this unnatural phenomenon of the "lost" was identified. Without parents, these children, lacking memories and records, go on living normal lives. Ordinarily, this would be strange, but for some reason, nobody had any problems with it. It was confirmed that there were many people who were expected to exist, but who disappeared unnaturally. If it were only one or two, then maybe it could be explained. People who abandon their children and disappear somewhere, diligently erasing any records of themselves. Then, the children repress those painful memories. Kurumi, your friend, is one of those strange cases whose parents seem to have disappeared. Both the "shadows" and the "lost" are mysterious events that nobody can explain. There are probably other mysterious occurrences that haven't yet been identified. The cause of these strange events is something I understand. This world is becoming distorted, diseased, and peculiar. The "shadows" and the "lost" are bugs that exist for this purpose. They are the aftershocks of when the world was distorted into its current shape by some negative influence. If the distortions in this world aren't resolved, then the "shadows" and "lost" basically can't be resolved, either. Kurumi will never be able to meet her parents... No, she won't even be able to remember them. Such a thing would be tragic, don't you think. She's such a gentle, sweet girl. That's why you have to correct this world's distortions. The keys to doing that are scattered all around you. You'll have to gather them one by one and piece them together. Then, after unraveling the mystery of this world, you'll have to resolve the reason behind the distortions. Or rather, you'll have to save the world. Most likely, that can be done by no one other than you. A lot is riding on you, so I'm cheering for you. Do your best, protagonist... The hero who will save the world, Yuuki.
Are you interested in understanding how the US government collects intelligence? Do you want to help ensure that the US intelligence system is providing policymakers and analysts with the information they need to understand emerging crises, hard targets, and enduring national security threats? The CIA'reativeintelligence collection analysts. Collection Analysts apply their expertise on intelligence collection systems, capabilities, processes, and policies to inform intelligence consumers about collection developments and their effect on analysis through a range of written products and briefings. They collaborate with other analysts and collectors across the Intelligence Community (IC) to identify intelligence gaps and develop strategies to overcome collection challenges. Collection analysts provide insight that informs decisions collection systems by representing CIA interests in IC collection strategy forums, and may participate in sensitive collection programs designed to target the CIA's most difficult intelligence problems in innovative ways. history, geography library science, remote sensing, statistics, or a closely related disciplineell-developed interpersonal skills, excellent briefing skills, and anr are also required. Analysts are expected to be comfortable using computers, because significant portions of their work employ complex databases. Intelligence collection experience is preferred--but not required--and military experience is valued. Foreign language capability is desired.
Kara Scanlon has helped me grow as a math student. Besides teaching me the formulas and techniques to solve calculus problems, she has given me the confidence to keep working on problems that seem too difficult in the moment. ​- Senior in Calculus AB at Bentley School​ ​Thank you so much for staying up all those late nights to help me with calc! I couldn't have made it through without your support and reassurance! Passing with an A is one of my proudest accomplishments. - UCLA Calculus II Student Kara worked a miracle with my son. He failed Algebra 2 twice at our public high school and in desperation we came to Tilden High School. It was our great good fortune to be assigned Kara who healed my son of his math anxiety in a few short weeks, and brought out the bright and math-capable person that he truly is. He is currently in college level Precalculus and breezing through it thanks to the foundation that Kara laid. Kara's kindness and gentleness in addition to mastery of both subject and teaching were a gift. - Parent of a math anxious High Schooler Kara Scanlon came highly recommended, but no one could really describe how great she is. She communicates her ebullient and infectious excitement about mathematics to our teenager. He looks forward to meeting with her and invariably comments, “Now I get it.” High school math would have been pretty much a disaster without her individual attention and clear, clean and understandable explanations of these complex processes. ​- Parent of a student in Algebra II, Precalculus, and then AP Calculus at Maybeck High School ​ You are my brain helper! - Newly Diagnosed 8th grader in Oakland You are my math doctor. - Middle School boy with ADHD in Livermore ​​Kara helped me establish new organizational skills while studying and created an environment where I both felt a connection with my teacher and was excited to learn. ​- Junior in Pre-Calculus at Berkeley High ​ I don't think she could have done it without you! She has matured as a person by working with you! ​ - Father of a Math Anxious College Student Ate Kara, Thank you, I was in the ​rough situation earlier in the school, but I met you. It is like I was blessed ... Thank you po for listening. I really enjoyed talking to you! - Graduating Senior in Metro Manila, Philippines Thank you so much for your kindness, intelligence and humor! - Parent of a high school boy in an arts school My daughter has short term memory issues, trouble with sequencing, and other learning disabilities. By working with Kara on and off throughout the last three school years; my daughter has gained confidence and really made progress in her education. Kara is extremely qualified and knows how to teach and offer encouragement, a lifesaver for us. ​- Parent of a student at Holy Names University Kara has great rapport with my son. She is friendly, energetic and trustworthy. My son looks forward to working with her. She can draw the math out of him even when he seems unsure of his ability in a concept. She assesses how each child works best and uses the necessary approach. She makes math interesting by finding out my son's interests and weaves it into the math. After she leaves, my son feels confident that he knows the material. She is a great parent resource too - full of knowledge, tips and guidance. ​​ - Parent of a Middle School student in San Ramon ​Kara Scanlon is a great educational therapist. She has helped me in two different occasions, for an Algebra class at the University of San Francisco and most recently with a Calculus for Business course. Her motivation taught me not to give up on math. I have learned a lot from her and her step by step explanations are easy to understand. -College Student in College Business Calculus ​She is 10 times better than any other tutor. - Middle Student in Sacramento ​I am delighted that I got the chance to have Kara Scanlon mentor me during the past few years. She has helped me grow as an individual not only involving school but in my personal life. Before meeting her, I was a mess when it came to my education, I was unorganized, took class notes on random pages or even on different notebooks for just one subject. Since then, I have become a better note taker by using different color pens, taking the time to highlight important facts and even words that I don't understand and by recording lectures. Kara has also helped me to be more confident in a classroom setting, by always reminding me it’s okay to ask questions if I didn't understand something and to take advantage of my accommodation letter due to my learning disability. Before meeting Kara, I was too embarrassed to show my teachers my accommodation letter; but now, I take full advantage and try to get as much support as I can. Kara brings positive energy and will do whatever it takes to help me succeed in my education and in life. I am grateful to have her as a mentor.
Uref— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) June 24, 2016 - 01:26Alex Salmond on BBC says Cameron will have to step down if he loses this sort of a referendum. "I'm speaking from personal experience". Turnout figures are just in for the four Belfast constituencies and indicate unionists have turned out in significantly higher numbers to vote Ballot papers verified: 31,209 Eligible electors: 63,883 Percentage turnout:44.85% Ballot papers verified: 42,665 Eligible electors: 64,474 Percentage turnout: 66.17% Ballot papers verified: 39,998 Eligible electors: 69,692 Percentage turnout: 57.39% Ballot papers verified: 44,583 Eligible electors: 66,684Percentage turnout: 66.85% Lagan Valley has voted to leave. 22,710 votes for Remain, 25,704 votes for Leave, 11 votes rejected. North Antrim results has voted to leave. 18,782 votes for Remain, 30,938 votes for Leave, 20 votes rejected. West Tyrone has voted to remain. 26,765 votes for Remain, 13,274 votes for Leave, 22 votes rejected. - 01:40Despite early optimism from the Remain side with a YouGov poll putting them 52 to 48 per cent ahead, predictions are now beginning to shift towards a victory for Leave as it clocks up bigger than expected majorities in early counts. Experts on the BBC say it looks good for Leave and alo we've this from our deputy political editor Pat Leahy: "My UK number crunching sources still looking like statistical dead heat, with very slight preference for Leave." Chris Bryant on Ed Miliban— Sam Lister (@sam_lister_) June 24, 2016 Hartlepool ex seat of Lord Mandelson & key Remain figure, gone 70 to 30 for Leave. Project Fear cut no ice.— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) June 24, 2016 - 01:46And now Basildon: Remain 30,748 Leave 67,251 - 01:51BBc says the winning post is 16.8 million votes, based on turnout. There's a long way to go tonight but things are looking good for the Leave side. Strangford has voted to leave. Results: 18,727 votes for Remain, 23,383 votes for Leave, 13 votes rejected. #remain #IAMIRISH #iloveuk #iloveEu #iloveusa #onelove #freetrade don't let me down in the UK as…— Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) June 24, 2016 - 02:01Leave has just passed the 1 million vote mark. - 02:04The side that's in trouble tends to start fighting and recriminations are being thrown around within the Remain side now with Labour targeting the SNP for not bringing out a bigger vote in Scotland, where turnout is lower than the rest of the country. But Alex Salmond says industrial areas of Scotland are posting much higher Remain results than similar areas in Britain. - 02:05The early results from Wales suggest the country is on course for a Leave vote. - 02:10Vince Cable now says it looks like the referendum will go Leave's way. Criticises the Remain campaign--there'll be a lot more of that in the days to come if the night continues this way. Strangford has voted to leave. North Down votes to remain 23,131 votes for remain, 21,046 votes for leave, 34 votes rejected. Belfast West votes to remain 23,099 votes for remain, 8,092 votes for leave, 18 votes rejected. - 02:14With 10.2 per cent of the votes counted now it's Remain 46.2 per cent Leave 53.8 per cent. - 02:21The pound is down now to $1.42, nearly a 10 cent move. Probably the most volatile day of trading for sterling in decades. - 02:22And now Glasgow: Remain 168,335 Leave 84,474 - 02:25The SNP's Angus Robertson says he's "delighted" with that result: 66.6 per cent in favour of Remain. He says Labour aren't in a position to to lecture the SNP about getting out the vote after they were hammered in Scotland in the general election. It's about 2 to 1 in favour of Remain in Scotland and that big win in Glasgow puts Remain ahead in the overall race. Belfast East votes leave 20,728 vote for remain, 21,918 vote for leave, 19 votes rejected. - 02:27And another boost to Remain in Wandsworth, London: Remain 118,463 Leave 39,421 - 02:28Lambeth in London also polled 79 per cent in favour of Remain. It's looking good for Remain in London. And they'll need it if they're to reverse the strong Leave showing in the north of the country. - 02:35In the next half hour we should start to see declarations from the shires which should deliver strong votes for Leave. There are still 328 of 382 local authorities yet to declare but so far Remain is edging it by 50.6 per cent to 49.4 per cent. Belfast South votes remain 30,960 for remain, 13,596 for leave, 27 votes rejected. Belfast North votes remain 20,128 for remain, 19,844 for leave, 26 votes rejected. - 02:41Overall votes in Northern Ireland expected around 4am. If Remain somehow wins, won't just be gulf btween London + rest of England, looks like will be btwn INNER London + rest of England #EUref— Ian Katz (@iankatz1000) June 24, 2016 - 02:58Remain voters horrified there as they look at the results come in. The giddy confidence of the Remain side when that YouGov poll was published five hours ago has given way to real concern that the Leave side will come good. - 03:01And now with 112 local authorities declared, Leave has just overtaken Remain and leads by 4,080,626 to 4,063,630. - 03:11With about one third of the votes counted, Tory MP Bill Cash (for Leave) says he's going to wait and see how things pan out. "The public didn't buy the Armageddon argument," he points out before hinting that Cameron should probably have to go in the event of Brexit. East Antrim votes leave. 18,616 votes for remain, 22,929 votes for leave, 19 votes rejected. South Antrim votes leave.
Educated at the Baptist college at Accrington, Lancashire, and at the University of Glasgow, he became in 1848 minister of the Baptist church at Salford, Lancashire. Here he closely investigated the educational needs of the working-classes, embodying the results of his inquiries in an essay, The Glory and the Shame of Britain (1851), which gained a prize offered by the Religious Tract Society. In 1852 he won the Anti-Corn-law Leagues prize with an essay on the results of the free-trade policy, published in 1854 under the title The Charter of the Nations. In 1855 he abandoned the ministry to edit the Manchester Examiner and Times, a prominent Liberal newspaper, in charge of which he remained till 1889. For twenty years he wrote, over the signature Verax, weekly letters to the Manchester papers; those on The Crown and the Cabinet (1877) and The Crown and the Constitution (1878) evoked so much enthusiasm that a public subscription was set on foot to present the writer with a handsome testimonial for his public services. In 1878 Dunckley, who had often declined to stand for parliament, was elected a member of the Reform Club in recognition of his services to the Liberal party, and in 1883 he was made an LL.D. by Glasgow University. He died at Manchester on the 29th of June 1896. Categories: Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica | 1823 births | 1896 deaths | People from Warwick | University of Glasgow alumni This page was last modified 15:58, 12 October 2006. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Henry Dunckley". (If you would like to edit this document, click on the Wikipedia article link above.)
Specifications of Jaguar's first-ever SUV, the F-Pace By Ravi Chandnani | Mumbai | Posted 27-Aug-2017 While the 20d is significantly cheaper than the 30d, it’s not particularly well-priced Jaguar's first-ever SUV, the F-Pace, has been applauded for the immaculate designing skills of Ian Callum and his team, and also the prowess of the engineering department at Jaguar. Redlining at as low as 4,250 rpm is how you tell it's a diesel. Pics/Sanjay Raikar Jaguar's pursuit for perfection continues in the form of this new F-Pace 20d - a smaller, less powerful version that welcomes J-LR's more frugal Ingenium engine. So, what is the fuss all about? To begin with, the F-Pace 20d is available in the Prestige variant, which means you get all the bells and whistles like a massive options, leather upholstery, steering-mounted controls, a massive sun-roof, automatic climate control, powered seat adjustment, and ample space for five adults. Refinement is the name of the game for this Ingenium engine The biggest change, however, sits under the bonnet. In 2014, J-LR reduced their dependency on Ford engines by introducing the all-aluminium Ingenium engines, a family of versatile powertrains developed in-house to reduce cost and emission. In 2017, Jaguar equipped the F-Pace in India with this Ingenium,e. The first thing that we noticed about the engine was its refinement. The diesel engine chatter was well smothered. The smoothness of the Ingenium engine accompanied the refinement as we got going. The 1,999-cc motor with its 180 PS and 430 Nm of torque proved to be utterly smooth at almost all times. Besidesrunning in the sweet spot. Apart from that, the F-Pace 20d also comes with four drive modes - namely, Dynamic, Normal, Eco and Ice/snow and sand - which come in handy. The power comes in at 4,000 rpm, which helps with top-end delivery. However, it is the arrival of 430 Nm of torque at 1,750 rpm that sets the pace for the fun that lies ahead. The normal driving mode always makes sure that the engine is running at optimal speed. However, if you are the kind who likes to take charge, then the F-Pace won't disappoint. We simply switched to the Dynamic mode and watched the digital tachometer turn red and take centre-stage on the instrument console. However, despite the theatrics, the refinement and smoothness stayed the same. What changed, however, was the way the engine responded. As we nailed the throttle, the revs went higher than in normal mode, giving the sense of urgency as the digital speedo needle rushed to triple digits rapidly. These attributes allowed the F-Pace 20d to go from 0 to 100 km/h in just 11.3 seconds. This timing would have been faster if we had turned the Dynamic Stability Control off. The thing that impressed us was the smooth and linear acceleration despite the aggression we showed. The F-Pace would have easily gone over 200 km/h, but we ran out of road to experience that. The overtaking time was also impressive as the F-Pace took just less than nine seconds to go from 40 to 100 km/h. However, fuel-efficiency is not really that impressive at 9.12 km/l overall. However, the F-Pace is not quite capable of doing in the same way its cousins at Land Rover can, and that's off-roading. The slightly firm suspension setup may provide decent enough ride quality on most of our roads, but when it comes to off-roading, the F-Pace seems reluctant to venture out into the wild. The Ingenium engine is smooth, refined and quite capable. The fit-and-finish is superb and the build quality excellent. The cabin exudes luxury and top-notch features along with commendable space. But, a tag of R78.50 lakh (ex-Pune) seems too high, especially when you look at the competition. designing skills Amitabh Bachchan gets new Land Rover BMW, Audi and Porsche preferred by politicians
Blanco-Rodriguez, P., F.J. Vilella, and B. Sanchez-Orla. 2014.. Wildfowl Special Issue 4: 498-511. y 41.74 million hectares. Wetlands of Cuba include We summarize information onIsle of Youth. We reportWaterfowl in Cuba are represented by 29 species, 24 of which are North American migrants. Th (A. discors), Northern Pintail (A. acuta), and Northern Shoveler (A. clypeata). Recovered bands from Canada and the United States were predominantly from Blue-wiRecoveries suggest the Atlantic and Mississippi flyways have a predominant influence on waterfowl migrating through and overwintering in Cuba.; 1) hydroelectric projects,Cts in the United States and Canad.