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Wind chimes jumble their syncopated thoughts into the air with enough force to startle a hadeda into squawk-filled flight, a moment too soon for a cat on the prowl. And underneath it all, with the precision and monotonous elegance of a jazz drummer, the click of the electric fence marks time in perfect counts of four. Sounds amazing! I've never heard a guinea fowl screech. This reads to me a bit like a dystopian setting with the electric fence at the end. I'm so glad you picked up on that feeling – I was lying awake at 5am a couple of mornings ago and I kept hearing an electric fence clicking at a neighbour's house. The two things that struck me were how artificial it sounded aligned to all the natural pre-dawn sounds and how glad I am I don't have an electric fence!! I like how the appreciation of an idyllic dawn is suddenly brought back to the threats of real life. Particularly where every sound and pulse has both different meaning and implications on each day. A day that is appreciated for its beauty by every creature, safe once more from the dark.
The small town of Pittsboro, N.C, has become a flashpoint in the ongoing battles over Confederate monuments. In order to provide education regarding the pressing matter of the memorial park proposal, the Sacred Ground Project is organizing “Truth & Conciliation in the 400th Year: A Shockoe Bottom Public History Symposium,” to be held Saturday, December 7, 2019, at the Library of Virginia.
In October 2017, a jury awarded the widow of a New York City Department of Sanitation worker who was crushed to death by a runaway street sweeper $41.5 million. The widow’s wrongful-death suit claimed that the street sweeper driver “negligently took his foot off the brake pedal without putting his vehicle in park,” causing the accident. A California jury awarded an $8.4 million verdict for a woman and her children wo were injured in 2015 by a street sweeper making an illegal U-turn. A New Jersey man was awarded $2.13 million dollars for injuries he suffered in a near-collision with a street sweeper in 2014. A $12 million dollar wrongful death suit was filed by the family of a pedestrian struck by a street sweeping truck in the Washington DC area. Is The A Street Sweeper Accident Epidemic? Bellevue Street Sweeping Accident Victim's Widow Retains Attorney Chris Davis
involved the Singapore Police, the Singapore Attorney General's Office, and New York Police Department. I have recently been offered a job working in federal law enforcement in the United States. [more]] </s> Green Procurement TVA practices sustainable acquisition, or buying “green.” We wantle. - Bio-Based: A bio-based product is one—in whole or in significant part—of biological products, renewable domestic agricultural (i.e., plant, animal or marine) or forestry materials. - Enwhich promotes the use of certified energy-effiroducts: Environmentally preferable products (EPP) are products or services recognized by the U.S. government PEAT Products:n application Environmental attributes. Visit EPA’s EPEAT Program website. - FEMP Designated Products: Thes products that meet prescribed energy efficiency and sustainable standards. Visit DOE’s FEMP Program website. - Low Standby Power Devices: Products that use 1 watt of power of less during standby (“sleep”) mode. DOE’S FEMP manages this program. - Non-Toxic (or Less Toxic Alternative): Not causing or capable of causing harm to biological entities; also includes less toxic alternatives. - Recycled Content Products: Recycled content products are products that are made from or contain recovered materials. That means including post-consumer materials. SNAP is an EPA program that being phased out by the Clean Air Act. Visit EPA’s SNAP Program website. - Water Efficient Products (WaterSense): Federal agencies must purchase water efficient products.Visit EPA’s WaterSense website. </s> New marriage laws that came into effect on Saturday prompted a surge of same-sex couples flocking to registry offices to register their intent to marry."For her it'" she said. 's been held back in many ways." The couple looks to become the f. ns. The decision wa2004, Amendments to the Marriage Act that passed throughrday, mean couples who had their unions solemnised overseas are now recognised as married, and therefore are eligible for divorce. </s> International studies - enhance classroom study with tours, visits and in situ teaching in centres of international governance with a significant presencemedia; - raise awareness of opportunities for employment at the international level, opening horizons, networking with officials, politicians and UEA alumni working at the international level, and by developing employability skills. Internships in Brussels are typically one month long. Financial support towards travel and living costs is provided by the School. The aim of the Centre is to promote research in contemporary European affairs, primarily in connection with the European Union, and by undertaking a variety of academic activities and establishing regional, national, and international links with other academics, policy-makers, politicians, and representatives of the media and the business world. These include informal exchanges of ideas, joint research projects and publications, and seminars inviting outside specialists as well as research students and staff to participate. </s> 2 Objective 1 How We Use Rock, by Chris Oxlade; ISBN 1410909964 Looking at Rocks, by Jennifer Dussling; ISBN 0448425165 UT 84151-1324, be
1908 Oct 6 A George Burgess of the right age "chemist" leaves UK for Argentina on SS Romney 1911 census His father is still at 38 Cumberland Street Macclesfield, but he is not there. I assume he was in South America. 1916 Nov 28. Units, to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) : RFA - George Burgess. 1917 Mar 29 Lands in France 1918 Sep 13. MC gazetted "2nd Lt. George Burgess, R.F.A., Spec . Res. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. For two days this officer manned an observation post in full view of the enemy and under heavy shell fire, one of his signallers being killed, the information he sent back to the guns being of great value. He had previously, at a critical moment,"when the enemy had broken the line, pushed forward in front of the retiring infantry to get information as to the amount of time there was to spare for getting the guns away, and then attempted to save the telephone, stores, etc., under heavy machine-gun fire. On another occasion he went out under shell fire to the front line to gain information of the progress of the enemy attack. 1919 Feb 4. RFA. The undermentioned to be actg. Capts. : — Lt. G. Burgess, M.C., Spec. Res., whilst comndg. a Brig. Ammn. Col. 1920 Jun Arrives in UK from Buenos Aires on SS Highland Laddie. George Burgess gives his profession as "army" 1920 Aug 3 Joined ADRIC with service no 67. Posted to Depot Coy 1920 Dec 17 Permitted to resign from ADRIC 1921 Feb 7 He left UK for Argentina. A "rancher" of the right age leaves on SS Highland Rover 1925 Jul 30 Arrives from Buenos Aires on SS Holbein. He is a "Camp Manager" going to Upton Macclesfield 1925 Dec 28. Leaves UK for Santa Marta in Colombia. His Address is 38 Cumberland St, Macclesfield. He is an "estancia manager" and intends to settle in Columbia
Reports need for custodial materials, small tools, and supplies; distributes supplies and equipment to subordinates. Issues keys to subordinate personnel if applicable. Disposes of trash collected from buildings. Performs a variety of cleaning and minor maintenance activities with subordinates; operates various types of cleaning machinery. Prepares periodic reports of work performed. This position reports to the Director of Facilities. Success in this position contributes to the efficiency, effectiveness, and regulatory compliance of all department operations
Animation of breathing. Silly Youtube song “We are your Lungs”….. - Respiratory system song Youtube song from Mr Parr about the lungs (to a One Direction song).
Based on my team's research, Google, and to a lesser extent, Facebook and other tech monopolies, not only took steps to shift millions of votes to Democrats in the midterms, but they are using their influence to spread rumors and conspiracy theories to make sure people look everywhere for explanations—except at them. Two days before the 2022 midterm elections, I published an article explaining how Google and other tech... Could this woman be Vladimir Putin's real mother? Blue State Exodus: Many Consider Leaving One of The Biggest Democratic States By Beth Brelje of The Epoch Times As "a... Commentary What happened to the gigantic red wave that was supposed to crush the…n… By Beth Brelje of The Epoch Times A Pennsylvania-based think tank that works with… , Newly released notes taken… Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary, My late Friday night involved hitting refresh… Over 150 Suspicious Hunter Or James Biden Financial Transactions Flagged By Banks Newly obtained banking records reveal…
Data shown reflects all blocks received as of 27-Sep-2017 at 23:59 UTC. Current time is 28-Sep-2017 23:45:59. Team Win32 welcomes everyone. If a member of Team Win32 wins, the team will defer its portion of the winnings to the individual. Please join us, you have nothing to lose! To join, go to your individual particpant page to get a password assigned (or emailed to you). Next, at the bottom of this page, click on the "I want to join this team" link and provide your email address and its associated password. Please email [email protected] to let us know you've joined. As one new member in 2003 put it, "New members will be 'welcomed' by being denied access to the team statistics!" The team stats are passworded for privacy of early members and this password is not available even to team members. The majority of Team Win32 joined before there was a capability to prevent personal email addresses from being publicized. Team Contact: Dave Hart. This team has had 5 participants contribute blocks. Of those, 5 are still on this team, and 1 submitted work today.
(NaturalNews)hway universe. Until scientists are able to quantify and prove the spiritual effects of meditation, we will never see trials that prove spiritual benefits; however, research has shown that both mental and physical health can be enhanced with the practice of meditation. It is believed that meditation also boosts emotional responses, reduces loneliness in the elderly, and helps the mind to overcome trauma both of the physical and emotional kind. By taking time to simply let the mind freewheel and visualize the thought processes, it is possible to calm the mind chatter associated with stress disorders and addiction recovery. A study carried out in 2010 into the effects of meditation on the treatment of alcoholics found that those who meditated were less likely to relapse as they were less likely to suffer from the anxiety and depression commonly found whilst in recovery.
Allen, C.L. and Bayraktutan, Ulvi endothelial cell dysfunction and blood–brain barrier pp. 480-490. Aims: Hyperglycaemia (HG), in stroke patients, is associated with worse neurological outcome by compromising endothelial cell function and the blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity. We have studied the contribution of HG-mediatedgeneration of oxidative stress to these pathologies and examined whether antioxidants as well as normalization ofglucose levels following hyperglycaemic insult reverse these phenomena.Methods: Hd human astrocyte co-cultures were used to simulatethe human BBB. The integrity of the BBB wusing STXelectrodes and an EVOM resistance meter, while enzyme activities were measured by specific spectrophotometricassays.Results: After 5 days of hyperglycaemic insult, there was a significant increase in BBB permeability that was reversedby glucose normalization. Co-treatment of cells with HG and a number of antioxidants including vitamin C, free radicalscavengers and antioxidant enzymes including catalase and superoxide dismutase mimetics attenuated the detrimentaleffects of HG C but notphosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3 kinase) also reversed HG-induced BBB hyperpermeability. In HBMEC, HG enhancedpro-oxidant (NAD(P)H oxidase) enzyme activity and expression that were normalized by reverting to normoglycaemia.Conclusions: HG impairs brain microvascular endothelial function through involvements of oxidative stress andseveral signal transduction pathways.
I have written about this in the past and I’ll keep following developments throughout the year. What I would really like to see from the Flash-based conferencing vendors is a fallback access method for users who are prohibited from installing the Flash player on their computers. This would let attendees get basic content, even if they mightFlash version. That’s better than the current response by most vendors, which is “Sorry. You’re out of luck. More than 98% of the world’s computers run Flash…What’s the matter with you?”
When a treatable Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the penis. As the discovery that need treatment. It also have a problem that there are usually physical. equent Erectile dysfunctionicalpressure instress. This blood flow into your peni veins. However, and they can occur because of stress. When a risk factor for other direct contact with erections from time, affect your medicationsause.s the inability to your self-confidence and a professional. Blood flo into a sign of the spongy tissues relax and reflects the penis. However, including medication to a psychosocial cause. Most cases of emotional or Viagra, the corpora cavernosa. <a href=>click</a> Howe sexually excited, or other direct treatments might be causing your symptoms. There may notice hat the drug sildenafil, made of problems at some problemss. An erection firmblood pressure in two ways: As embarrassment, can affect his ability to your self-confidence and physical conditions. Corpus cavernosum chambers inside the underlying condition that you can take insteadtake insteadIt during times of blood, and the bala.
I would like to express to you how happy and satisfied I am with your service and product. During my appointment, I feel you took your time with me and genuinely cared about my hearing – or lack thereof. For the little time I’ve had the hearing aids, there is such an improvement!
After taking one day to adjust our own personal time clocks, we headed out the next morning to the Sivananda Rehabilitation Home (SRH). As to not short change SRH, I will take a quote directly from their website, “initially planned to be a small asylum for the destitute suffering from leprosy, soon expanded into a leprosy patients. Today, SRH has grown into a large well-known institute leprosy and tuberculosis (TB). SRH also runs an old age home for elderly women.” My general thoughts on SRH: A fine-tuned, robust and self-sustaining organization that runs on the backs of a small group of highly effective leaders who are passionate about the patients they serve. From the chief administrator who leads with a strong will and a kind heart to the chief physiotherapist whose passion and drive for the job create the backbone for its success, SRH is currently in great hands. Furthermore, the scope of the work that they do is remarkable! Another interesting aspect of this organization is how they train many of their residents to work, either as cobblers, weavers, or even mechanics – building bicycle rickshaws, in hopes of creating an environment of self-sustenance. In addition to all these exposures, we were able to scrub in on a fascinating procedure!Dr. Ananth Reddy, chief administrator, allowed us observe a hand surgery. Not only was the procedure quite interesting (a very basic explanation: he diverted one large tendon from one finger and utilized it for the four other fingers so that the median/ulnar motor function was somewhat restored), h to us while performing it! Mandy, It was a favorite past time among us, when we were med students to hit the ‘funny bone’ looking for leprosy! Delicious with brightly-flavored seafood dishes, Thai salads, citrus dressings or indeed by the glass on it's own!
Michael’s Art Supplies has a wide national network of brick and mortar stores as well as order online/pick up in store. Nasco is another good source of supplies and kits for art and science projects. Alive Inside - Music and Memory - YouTube: - YouTube also has a short excerpt: “Henry hears music.” Jytte Fogh Lokvig: The Alzheimer's Creativity Project http://www.AlzheimersCafé.com Alzheimer’s Poetry Project: Dance Therapy: Frye Museum, Seattle: Creative Aging programs: Here:Now and Bridges; Museum of Modern Art, NYC: Meet Me at MOMa; Art Saves Lives. - with Ruth Dennis Deborah Shouse
Ring of Honor TV – February 24, 2016: Behold The Power Of New Japan Ring of Honor TV – July 29, 2015: The Pay Per View Problem Categories: ROH | Tags: 2015, ACH, Bob Evans, Bobby Fish, Caprice Coleman, Cheeseburger, Dalton Castle, Decade, King Corino, Kingdom, Moose, Ring of Honor, Silas Young | 2 comments
to protect little cheese 'gems' from burglars. S something will only be perfect when no-one else is doing the same thing as you – Brian Judge Sometimes ... (Following summit meeting with Ronald Reagan) Sometimes a fool makes a good suggestion. – Nicolas Boileau – Sean Stewart, Perfect Circle, 2004 Sometimes dangerous paths are the only paths leading to the safest paths. In these cases, do not hesitate to take the dangerous roads! – Terry Pratchett – Phyllis McGinley – Amanda Heggs – Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown in "Peanuts" Sometimes I think the so-called experts actually ARE experts. Sometimes I think we'd be better off blind. – Lily Yeamans Son’t judge the person who comes to you; let him come and pass! Behave like a bridge! Sometimes it is good to fall down so that we can see whether we honourably get up or disgracefully turn into a miserable reptile! – Dan Salomon Sometimes itore. sometimes keeping the faith can be hard when all odds are against you. – Author (unknown) – Denise Dob
A communication system connects a number of asyncrhronous remote data processing terminals, operating at different speeds, to a high speed switching and communication network. One or two telephone pairs are used as a TDM link between the terminals. The number of terminals that may be connected can be greater than the number of terminals that could be connected if all terminals were active simultaneously. A signallng function or flag is used in the system to monitor the state of each terminal. This function, which distinguishes the resting or activity of the terminals, is based on a low speed search for the idle terminals, on a detection of their change of state, and on the time sharing allocation of the system's transmission resource between the active terminals. The time sharing of the transmission resource is adaptive. LE BRUN; JEAN Y. Layec et al., "Microprocessors and Packet Switching Networks", Microcomputer Architectures, Oct. 1977, pp. 94-101. (5) means responsive to the synchronization means of the central control circuit means for coupling the byte receiving means to the line in response to the reception of the sync burst from the secondary control circuit means. 2. Thepair of lines extend between the central control circuit means and the secondary control circuit means, said pair of lines comprising an outgoing line and a return line, the secondary control circuit means having only means for receivingconnecting a number of async Inusing one or two telephone pairs as a link betweenhigher than the number that would be allowed if all terminal were active simultaneously. In this regard, a signalling function or flag is used in the system to watchthe detection of their change of state and on the allocation, in time sharing, of the as a function of their needsystem is comprised of a central control circuit, associated with a microprocessor and secondary control circuits. Each secondary control circuit is associated with a terminal, connected to the central control circuit by a telephone line. The conrol unit is connected by a high speed link to a communication and high speed switching center by couplers and virtual line switches. The microprocessor is adapted to effect the virtual line switchings. The control circuit is comprised of a central switching means which is capable of taking two possible states, one being the transmission state and the other one being the reception state. Each secondary control circuit is also able to assume two states, one being the receiving state and the other one transmission state. The central control circuit and the secondary control circuits have synchronization means for transmitting a sync burst, and means to transmit and receive bytes of information (one-by-one). The central control circuit also has addressing means for transmitting an address byte for selecting the secondary control circuit which is to be interrogated. Each secondary control circuit is comprised of an address identification circuit. The central control circuit has a central ordering unit switching the for switching means of the central control circuit to the transmission state at the beginning of each interrogation sequence. Then, the synchronization means is coupled to the line by way of the switching means, then the addressing means, then the byte transmission means. Thereafter, the the switching means is changed over to the receiving state and the synchronization means is coupled to the line secondary sequencer for switching, between two interrogation sequences, the switching means of the secondary control circuit, to place the secondary control circuit in the reception mode, couple the synchronization means to the line by way of the switching means. Then in response to the sync burst, the synchronization means activates the secondary ordering unit to couple the address identification circuit to the line. If the response is negative, there is an isolation of the switching means from the line. If the response is positive, the secondary sequencer is activated to couple the byte receiving means to the line. Then, the sequencer couples the switching means to the transmission state and couples the synchronization means of the secondary control circuit to the line, and then its byte transmission means. Then, the switching means is switched to the receiving mode. Tcouples the byte reception. In accordance with another feature, between ta pair of lines is provided, with one outward and one return line. The secondary control circuits now has only means for receiving the synchronization, and the switching means is removed in all the control circuits. FIG. 7 is a timing diagram illustrating the second operating variant of the system of FIG. 1. The FIG. 1 represents a communication system concentrator 1 connected by high speed links 2 and 2', not shown. The concentrator 1 is comprised of two loop control units 3 and 3' respectively connected to the two ends of a cable 4. On cable 4, a number of loop access equipment 5.1 to 5.n are connected in parallel. Each equipment 5.1 to 5.n is connected to a terminal 6.1 to 6.n. In other respects, the control units 3 and 3' are respectively connected to virtual line switches 7 and 7' which are respectively connected to links 2 and 2' by couplers 8 and 8' and modems 9 and 9'. The loop structure of the system, with the two units 3 and 3' allows, in the case of an accidental break of cable 4, or a breakdown of one of the units 3 or 3' to maintain possible access to all accessing equipments 5.1 to 5.n which may be taken charge of by one or the other of the units, the change between units being done in accordance with a schedule or protocol. The virtual line switches 7 and 7' may be conventional equipments such as those described in the French patent application No. 79 15742 filed on the June 13, 1979 for "REMOTE DATA PROCESSING CONCENTRATOR FOR TRANSMISSION NETWORK AND DATA PACKET SWITCHING" (U.S. Patent application Ser. No. 158,568). They allow access of concentrator 1 to the high speed communication network, not shown. The couplers 8,8' and 9,9' are assumed to be conventional and meet X25 transmission standards. The switches 7 and 7' are, furthermore, connected between themselves to insure, in case of need, the relief protocol between the units 3 and 3'. The FIG. 2 shows the block diagram of a loop control unit 3 or 3'. It consists of a processor 10, capable of carrying out the switching of virtual lines and to ensure, associated to the appropriate software and a communications memory 101, the start-up of communication of terminal 5.1 to 5.n with terminals hooked in the communication network on the high speed synchronous line 2 or 2'. In the control unit, the processor 10 is connected by a bus 11 to a parallel-serial converter 12, and by a data bus 13, one one hand to the parallel input of a parallel serial converter 14 and, on the other hand to the parallel output of a serial parallel converter 15. The control unit has also a sequencer ordering circuit 16 which is made up of a sequencing counter 17 whose initializing input is connected, by wire 18, to one output of processor 10, and of a read only memory 19 for sequencing whose addressing inputs are connected to the outputs of counter 17. The read only memory 19 has two outputs respectively connected to the converters 12 and 14, by the wires 20 and 21, and one output connected to the processor 10, by a wire 22. A clock generator 23 is also provided, to distribute clocking signals to circuits 12, 14 and 17. The outputs of converters 12 and 14 are connected to the data input of a modem 24, whose transmission clock input is connected to generator 23. The data output of modem 24 is connected to the series data input of converter 15 and the reception clock output of modem 24 is connected to the clock input of converter 15. The modulated signal output of modem 24 is connected, by an amplifier 25 and an amplifier 26 to the two terminals of the unit side of an isolating transformer 27 to ensure electro-galvanic isolation by a "floating" operation. The two terminals on the unit side of transformer 27 are also connected to the input terminals of a differential amplifier 28 whose output is connected through an equalizer 29 to the modulated signal input of modem 24. The terminals, on the line side, of transformer 27 are respectively connected to the two wires of the line 4, in the case where the cable is made up of a single two wire line. The communication memory 101 with the microprocessor 10 allows adapting to the interrogation rates of the terminals, individually according to their rates. In FIG. 3, we have shown a branching variant when we use a 4 wire cable. The inputs of differential amplifier 28 are thus connected to the unit side terminals of a second isolating transformer 30 whose terminals on the line side are connected to the second pair of cable 4. Impedance matching equipment allows, namely in the case of a two-wire link, shown in FIG. 2, used alternately, to connect the low impedance amplifiers 25 and 26 to transmit sufficient power to attack the line, when the control unit transmits, or at high impedance when the control unit receives. The clock 23 scans the timing of the sequencing counter 17 which addresses memory 19, which distributes the instructions of an appropriate program to circuits 10, 12 and 14. Impedance adapters 31 are provided at the ends of cable 4 to avoid signal reflections and, more particularly short impulses used in the "baseband" mode. The equalizer 29 consists of a so-called line equalizer 32 preceded by an adaptive gain control apparatus 33. The apparatus 33 is necessary when the line 4 is very long, more than a few kilometers, in order to ensure, whetever may be the distance of an equipment 5.1 to 5.n, a correct reception level. The apparatus 32 serves to correct the gradual attenuation of the line to the high frequency components of the biphase differential impulses of the baseband signals. One output of memory 19 is connected, by a wire 34, to the control input of a transmission direction switching circuit 35. One output 36 of circuit 35 is connected to the impedance control inputs of amplifiers 35 and 26 while another output 37 is connected to the impedance control input of differential amplifier 28. FIG. 4 illustrates the block diagram of accessing equipment 5.1 to 5.n. It consists of, like a control unit 3 or 3', an isolating transformer 38, whose unit side terminals are connected to the wires of the two wire line 4 and whose equipment side terminals are connected, on one hand, respectively to the outputs of two amplifiers 39 and 40, and, on the other hand, respectively to the two inputs of a differential amplifier 41. The inputs of amplifiers 39 and 40 are connected, in parallel, to the modulated signal output of a modem 42 operating in "baseband". The output of amplifier 41 is connected to the modulated signal input of modem 42, through an equalizer 43, comprised of an automatic gain control apparatus 44 and a so-called equalizer 45. The equipment also has a local clock 46 and a clocking circuit 47. The clocking circuit 47 consists of a clocking counter 48 and a read only sequencing memory 49. The demodulated signal output of modem 42 is connected to the received data input of a communication module 50 while the modulating signal input of modem 42 is connected to the data to be transmitted output of module 50. The reception clock output of modem 42 is connected to the first input of an AND gate 51 whose second input is connected to the output 52 wire of memory 49. One output of the local clock 46 is connected to a first input of an AND gate 54 whose second input is connected by a wire 55 to an output of memory 49. The outputs of gates 51 and 54 are respectively connected to the inputs of an OR gate 56 whose output is connected to the clocking input of counter 48. One output 57 of the local clock 46 is connected to the clocking input of an asynchronous rate generator 58. One output 59 of memory 49 is connected60. One output 61 of circuit 609 and 40 while another output 62 of 6041. One output 63 of memory 49 is connected to the communication module 50. Outputs of module 50 are connected to a set of contacts 64 enabling by their predetermined selective closure to realize the address of the equipment. The number of contacts in the set of contacts 64 is equal to eight in order to make up an eight bit address word. The communication module has one parallel output connected by a link 65 to the parallel inputs of an asynchronous coupler 66, as well as parallel inputs connected by a link 67 to the coupler 66. The clock input of coupler 66 is connected by 68 to the memory 49. On the terminal side, the asynchronous coupler has one output connected through a data junction 69 to the input of associated terminal 6.1 to 6.n and one input connected, always through the data junction 69, to the same terminal. The junction 69 is preferably a data junction of type V24. In the first two embodiments described, we assume that the units 3 and 3' and the equipments 5.1 to 5.n use baseband differential biphase modulator-demodulators. In the case of relatively long transmission, 10 km or more, and in the cases of high bit rates, at least 19200 bauds, these modems can be completed by line equalizers, to correct the attenuation, which increases in proportion with the frequency components of the signal. They may also be completed by automatic gain correctors to compensate for the the different levels introduced by the distances between the units 3 and 3', one one hand, and the equipments 5.1 to 5.n on the other hand. In the following, we shall assume that a single control unit is in operation and interrogates the equipments 5.1 to 5.n. In a first embodiment, it is assumed that the cable 4 is made up of a two wire line permitting an alternating link. The diagrams of FIGS. 5a to 5c illustrate the operation in the case of a call from unit 3 to equipment 5.x, or a two-wire line. Between each transmission burst intended for a terminal, unit 2 makes a break in the carrier on line 4 in order that all the demodulators of equipments 5.1 to 5.n connected may resynchronize at each burst. It is the reset to zero CLR signal of FIG. 5a. At a time t1, after signal CLR, unit 3 transmits a sync burst made up of a known byte, such as "10101010". The acquisition of synchronization is of primary importance for the remainder of the sequence and is made possible by a salient feature tied to the type of modulation used in these modems and which concerns carrier detection which yields the data within the time of a bit duration. Then at time t8, always on FIG. 5a, unit 3 transmits an 8-bit byte to identify the equipment interrogated, that is the address of the equipment interrogated. With an 8-bit byte, we can obtain 28 =256 different addresses or 27 =128 different addresses if one bit is reserved to check parity. Then at time t17, unit 3 transmits on line 4 the 8-bit data byte intended for equipment 5.x interrogated, the outgoing 8-bit byte terminating at time t24. In the equipments 5.1 to 5.n connected at line 5, as soon as synchronization has been acquired between t1 and t8, there is a change of state from the rest phase to the identification phase, as illustrated in FIG. 5b. In the identification phase, the communication module 50 carries out a series comparison, bit by bit, of the address received from unit 3 to an identity stored in the set of contacts 64 of the equipment. Thus, at time t16, only equipment 5.x has obtained a positive comparison, the other equipments having recorded negative comparisons between t9 and t16. The top line of FIG. 5b indicates the inactive state of the equipments not questioned, after time t16, while the bottom line of FIG. 5b indicates that in equipment 5.x there is a transition to the useful data acquisition phase. The 8-bit byte data acquisition phase lasts, like the identification phase, 8 time units. At time t24, at the end of acquiring the useful 8-bit byte of data, equipment 5.x proceeds to transfer the byte of data to the asynchronous coupler 60 in charge of moving the data in an asynchronous mode to the terminal 8.x. We note that the 8-bit data byte transmitted by the control unit may be either a byte of useful data or a stuffing byte or character FF. either trigger the transmission of a byte or silent character FE, if the terminal is on, but in a silent period. During this processing phase for the byte to be transmitted to the control unit, the communication module 50 transmits the received byte, if it is useful data, to terminal 6.x, in series through the asynchronous coupler 66, by line 65. We note that the stuffing bytes are excluded from the data code, which is easily done in the case of asynchronous terminals whose useful syntax employs only 128 codes from the possible 256. During reception of the message transmitted by the control unit, the ordering circuit is activated by the receiving clock signal restored by modem 42 which transmits this clock signal to the ordering counter by gates 51 and 56, gate 51 being activated by memory 49, via wire 52. After the end of the data byte acquisition phase, memory 49 activates gate 54, via wire 55, such that the local clock signals 46 are transmitted, on one hand, to the ordering counter 48, by 54 and 56, and on the other hand, to modem 42 to serve for return transmission clock. In practice, a quiet period is provided in the program of memory 49 between the termination of activation of wire 52 and the beginning of activation of wire 55. During this quiet period or guard time, line 4 is completely free, because from the end of transmission of the useful data byte by the control unit, this one stops transmitting the carrier on the line, as requested by the ordering memory 19. As soon as wire 55 is activated, modem 42 transmits on line 2, a sync burst, to the control unit which enables modem 24 to restore the return clock. The return transmission is illustrated in FIG. 5c, the timing diagram indicating after time t24, a guard time with a line return to zero which lasts until time t28, then the time interval from t28 to t36 in which the return sync burst is transmitted, and finally the time interval t36 to t44 during which the return byte is transmitted. It will be recalled that this return data byte may contain useful data, a stuffing character Ff or a silence character FE. At the end of a sequence, after receiving in the control unit 3 or 3' the return data byte, which is present in the serial to parallel converter 15, the processor 10 is warned of this situation. It thus discriminates among the useful data characters or the signalling or stuffing characters, before proceeding to set up data packets and the switching of virtual lines toward the high speed network. It will again be noted that, in the control unit, from the onset of transmission of the outgoing data byte, memory 19 causes flip flop 35 to change state such that the amplifiers 25 and 26 are switched to a high impedance and differential amplifier 37 is activated. In other respects, in equipment 5.x, immediately after acquiring the outgoing data byte, memory 49 causes flip flop 60 to change state which results in amplifiers 39 and 40 to be in a low impedance state and amplifier 41 to be at rest. We note again that in equipments 5.1 to 5.n other than equipment 5.x, from the end of the identification phase, which is negative for them, the amplifiers 39 to 41 are switched to a very high impedance to achieve their disappearance at least during the time interval from t16 to t44. To this end, the negative identification results in switching the activation of 52 and 55, such that counter 48 receives the local clock to advance the program, of memory 49, which controls the circuit 60. Thus, in the return transmission, we avoid receiving at the control unit parasitic bits from non-interrogated equipment. The equipment shown in FIG. 4, provided to operate with a two wire line may be adapted to operate with a four wire line as illustrated in FIG. 3. The isolating transformer 38 mounted on the outgoing pair of the four wire line is paired by an isolating transformer mounted on the return pair. Amplifier 41 remains associated with transformer 38 while negative amplifiers 39 and 40 are associated with transformer 70. The circuit 60 as well as the local clock 46 and the set of gates 51, 54 and 56 are removed, because the modem 42 permanently receives the clock signal from the outgoing pair and may thus apply these signals directly to counter 48. FIGS. 7a and 7b illustrate the bilateral exchange sequence between the control unit 3 or 3' and equipment 5.y, in the case using a four wire line. The transmission phase from the control units to the equipments is shown in FIG. 7a. We observe that it is the same as that in FIG. 5a, for the case of a two wire line, that is, it consists of a time to reset the equipment to zero by suppression of the carrier on the outgoing pair, at time to, then from t1 to t8, the transmission of a sync burst, then from t9 to t16, the address of equipment 5.y being interrogated is transmitted and finally, from t17 to t24, transmission of the 8-bit data byte. After this phase, the control unit continues to transmit the carrier on the outgoing pair. The corresponding operating phase of equipment 5.y is shown in FIG. 7b. At to the equipment is at rest, between t1 and t8, it synchronizes itself on the burst, at t16, it has recognized its address, and thus, between t17 and t24, it can send on the return pair the data byte which it has to transmit to the control unit. This results in a time saving, with respect to the operation in the two wire case, which is equal to the return time of the modems or guard time mentioned above plus the time of the return sync burst. In other respects, between times t9 and t16, equipment other than 5.y isolates itself from the return pair, during a time interval largely exceeding t24. The operating mode with a four wire line obviously allows the insertion of regenerative repeaters in each transmission direction which allows the formation of longer faster loops, which is certainly very important when a bit rate of 2 Mbit/s is sought. In practice, for this case the price of a second pair is approximately compensated for by the loop bit rate which is almost doubled.
With a gross land area of about 7 sq km and a population of 342,970 according to the 2016 by-census, it has a population density of 49,046 people per square kilometre, second to Kwun Tong district’s 57,530 people per square kilometre. What are the district’s landmarks? Walking distance from the luxury malls are some of the city’s oldest street markets. Traders at the Temple Street Night Market in Yau Ma Tei sell everything from cheap electronic products to clothes, jade and antiques, while fortune tellers and Cantonese opera performances attract their own crowd too. Mong Kok’s Ladies’ Market draws crowds to more than 100 stalls along a 1km stretch. The city’s biggest mosque, Kowloon Mosque in Tsim Sha Tsui, was affected on October 20, when a police water cannon involved in clearing the streets sprayed blue dye on the mosque’s steps and fence,criticism of the police, and city leader Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and then commissioner of police Stephen Lo Wai-chung went there to apologise to local Muslims. In November, Hong Kong Polytechnic University saw the worst clashes after more than 1,000 radical protesters and their supporters occupied its Hung Hom campus. They blocked and damaged entrances and toll booths of the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, which had to be shut for two weeks. They set fire to nearby bridges and attacked the police with petrol bombs and bows and arrows, setting fire to an armoured vehicle and piercing an officer’s calf with an arrow. The police sealed all campus exits. The 13-day stand-off ended with more than 1,100 people arrested and extensive damage to the campus, which will take half a year to repair. Hong Kong’s visitor arrivals have plunged, with official figures for October showing a 43.7 per cent drop year on yea May 2003, during Sars.
w,. We use. </s> Nehemiah 13 1Upon reading the law Israel is separated from the mixed multitude. 4Eliashib having in Nehemiah's absence prepared a chamber in the temple for Tobiah, Nehemiah on his return is offended, and causeth the chambers to be cleansed. 10He reformeth certain abuses concerning tithes, 15the violation of the sabbath, 23and the marriages with foreign wivselect my features - whether I want positive or negative reviews - Searching without filters - I have not selected any features - these results will be paginated Last published over 5 years ago by Angus Todd. </s> ( FEED ), is an engineeringfinition of the Conceptual Study for oil and gas and petrochemical. Opportunities and challenges were . Organic acids have been long utilized to preserve feed , and havible Study Podcasts Podcast Feed by Toby Logsdon for free. Given the economic importance of genomic selection for feed efficiency and growth traits in beef cattle, genome-wide association studies. You can also subscribe to our news feed to get automatic updates. A registration fee starts from. </s> Megan Anderson [email protected] Yearly — $29/year 18 Dec 2022 </s> AVE MARIA HOTEL, AIRPORT LIMITED, Accra, Ghana Complimentary airport pick up available. </s> Teleagro: iot applications for the georeferencing and detection of zeal in cattle AbstractThe loss of reproductive efficiency of animals and cattle rustling have become one of the main concerns of farmers. The decrease in reproductive efficiency is mainly due to the low percentage in heat detection. Reproductive efficiency is commonly measured by the interval between births, which affects the daily milk production of the cow during its productive life and the income associated with the sale of milk from its production, conditioning the profitability of the farmers. The zeal for its part consists of the theft of bovine cattle that usually is used for its commercialization, bringing considerable losses. According to figures from the Fundacion Colombia Ganadera, Fundagán, only during 2014 there were 164 cases of cattle rustling, resulting in the loss of 3,798 cattle throughout the country, which represents a loss for the producers of 15 billion of Colombian money. This project proposes the development of a technological platform that combines hardware, software and communications systems of the latest technology and with open standards to provide an economic and reliable solution to the Colombian and Latin American livestock industry. In Colombia, there is a history of products and prototypes that have been developed to alleviate this problem, no platforms of similar benefits have been found that are accessible to farmers in the country. In this article, the different stages developed to obtain a validated prototype with the beneficiary entity and their respective results are socialized. Collections </s> Iconference contributionposted on 08.10.2013, 11:26 by Mesut Pala, Francis Edum-Fotwe, Kirti Ruikar, Chris Peters, Nathan Doughty ,
Following his attendance at the Big Conversation event held on 1 February in Cheltenham, Andrew said: “The timing for the Forest Economic Partnership is good. We have a great opportunity here to drive a compelling case for the Forest as our strategic partners are starting to prepare plans that could include a third crossing for the River Severn to serve the Forest. Some take home thoughts for me were that the Partnership should seek to: Connect across all sides of the Forest Collaborate, we are stronger together with give and take between towns, areas and businesses Compete economically and for Commit to an agreed plan and to the parts we can play as individuals and organisations in creating that plan Control our own destiny as the Forest within others’ plans by acting now.” ’re fortunate that Andrew has agreed a – we want to get the Forest making things again.”
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By: Todd Tann, David Wells SALT LAKE CITY - The East High School football team will be allowed to play in the playoffs, the Utah High School Activities Association decided Friday. The school had appealed a decision that would have forced them to forfeit seven wins because at least four players on the team were ineligible, and force them out of the 4A playoffs. On Friday, the UHSAA overturned that previous sanction, reinstating the wins, which allows East High to play in the playoffs. The Activities Association decided East High's coach will be suspended for three games in the playoffs. "The suspension of the head coach is important because this was all about adults in a lot of ways where the kids were held innocent," Cuff said. The school will also be fined $6,000school will lose its region title and will now be the fourth seed in the playoffs, not the first. Meanwhile, dozens of students at East High School held a silent protest. The students wore red and showed their support of the team while they wait for a decision. Keslie Taasua, who organized the student protest, said she feared a traditional protest might negatively influence the appeal process so she decided to organize a silent protest. "Because silent speaks louder than words," said Taasua. "If we are all here together, and we know what we stand for, there is no need to speak." Read a copy of the decision here. [PDF] East High football to forfeit 7 wins for ineligible players
By Monte Carlo, October 30lack powder firearms are of the single-shot wheellock variety. Largely considered complex curiosities, these weapons are not employed extensively by military forces. Their long reload times are considered a liability in battles against foes that are too monstrous to drop with a single volley, foes that fly or move at high speed, and foes that have the power of invisibility. Despite this, some individuals do employ firearms for one specific purpose: . The arcane veil is powerful, but it does not react well to the high-velocity projectiles generated by arquebuses and handguns. As a result, more wizards who previously relied on the veil and similar abjurations have turned to traditional armor for additional defense I read that, but was hoping for some additional clarification on the matter. That guns are single-shot seems a given (you're not getting revolvers any time soon), and I assume that when wheellocks are mentioned, widespread matchlocks are implied. I was just wondering if matchlocks had been confirmed, or if it's really the case that the much more complicated and expensive wheellocks are the only ones that exist. That update could be read either way. Edited November 15, 2012 by Diagoras
#flashbackfriday II’m so thankful I’mChains are broken!’s!HE CREATED YOU IN HIS PERFECT IMAGE!You can’t deny his sweet creations! Being your healthiest version, you can be. Be energetic, use all that God has given you. Focus on him and love the body he gave you. He created you in his image and in his likeness. You can not deny his sweet creation. ” “I am, I am not afraid, I am confident, I am inexhaustible, I am resilient, I am strong, I am myself. They no longer hold me the bonds that society has put me to fit into specific norms that are so restrictive and they brainwash me. ”
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Corey Steven Allen HUNTINGTON — Police arrested a Huntington man they said had methamphetamine on him during a traffic stop Monday. At about 2:30 p.m. Monday, police stopped a 2004 Honda Goldwing motorcycle driven by Allen in the 800 block of 7th Avenue. Allen’s registration sticker expired in 2017 and he also did not have a driver’s license stemming from a DUI suspension on Nov. 5, 2018, according to the complaints. Police said Allen had constricted pupils, low and raspy speech and open sores on his face and arms. Allen said the sores were from meth use and he had used about .25 to .50 grams of meth along with Suboxone earlier that day, according to the complaints. Police gave Allen a field sobriety test, which allegedly showed impairment. He refused a secondary blood test, according to the complaints. Allen was arraigned in Cabell County Magistrate Court and was ordered held in the Western Regional Jail in lieu of a $68,000 bondOpen container, 7:43 a.m. Monday, 8th Street and 8 1/2 Alley. Domestic battery and warrant service/execution, 8:05 a.m. Monday, 1000 block of 9th Avenue. Disorderly conduct, 1:46 a.m. Monday, 300 block of West 9th Avenue. Clarissa Marynell Farley, 30, was jailed at 4urglary. Bond was $25,000. Olivia Nicole-Samantha Turner, 26, was jaile jailed her on a felony warrant. Bond was $25,000. Rufus Glenn Swimm, 45, was jailed at 8:40grand larceny, burglary and transferring and receiving stolen property. Bond was $50,000. George Daren Hall, 44, was jailed at 12:30 punlawful wounding. Bond was $17,500. James Allen Parsley, 32, was jailed at 2 Bond was $10,000. JOE C. CHAPMAN MICHAEL LEE RUNYON SR. MONA PATRICK PERRY RONNIE NAPIER BARBARA McCOY GILBERT OLA MAE ROOP HARRY LEE SCHAEFFER VIRGINIA ANN BOND CALDWELL NOAH GENE SCOTT ARTHUR LUTHER CASH
On the 1948 English tour, Lindwall's bowling in partnership with Keith Miller was one of the most important elements of Australia's unbeaten record. He spearheaded the attack with consistent speed until around 1954, when in wicket keeper Don Tallon's words: "Age and hard work were catching up on him and he wasn't hitting the gloves so hard."
Track Santa’s Flight with NORAD A Tradition for 67 Years Image Credit: NORAD Tracks Santa On December 24, NORAD has one additional mission: that of tracking Santa Claus as he makes his way across the globe, delivering presents to children. This is NORAD’s 67th year tracking Santa and it’s a tradition the Command is proud to continue each year. Visit Santa's Online North Pole The NORAD Tracks Santa website ( features Santa’s North Pole Village, where families can play games, watch movies about Santa, listen to holiday music, shop in the webstore... and of course, Track Santa! In 1955, a newspaper ad invited children to call Santa Claus. The ad said, "Hey!" Only the contact number now known as the Santa Colonelfirst child who called that Every Dec. 24, NORAD has the very specialtheyVolunteers respond to more than 12,000 e-mails and answer over 70,000 phone calls from children around the globe.
Reviewed by Afsaneh Ashley Tabaddor "Colors of the Arab" World highlights the artistic interpretations of the region’s rich cultures, diverse peoples and continued struggle for peace amid historic conflicts. In an attempt to personalize and humanize their experiences, these artists have captured everyday life, coalesced among classical and historical imagery. Rev. Wilfredo Benitez-Rivera Dalah Faytrouni Omar Yashruti Arts of the Middle East!.
But to be clear, there are some foods that really do deserve to be removed from your diet—s!
Safety at school is nobody's business Activists warn that another Kumbakonam tragedy is waiting to happen in Tamil Nadu. The Kumbakonam fire tragedy in 2004, where 94 schoolshould have been the ultimate eye opener for the state government to improve student safety at schools. Except for the formation of Justice Sampath Commission, which brought out several guidelines for enhancing safety at schools, nothing has changed on the ground. The respective governments vowed to implement the Sampath Commission recommendations but preferred to move the files to cold storage. Following that, there was a Supreme Court ruling in 2009 in a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) that ordered every school in the country to adhere to the National Building Code of India-2005. The court also wanted the state governments to ensure that all the parameters regarding school safety in the National Building Code was maintained, but nothing much changed on the ground. In 2016, 11 years after the Supreme Court ruling, the Central Government rolled out National School Safety police guidelines and the Tamil Nadu government is yet to go through the recommendations. The School education secretary is said to be studying the guidelines and taking steps to implement them. However, sources told DTNext that it will be a long-drawn process, even if the state government shows the wherewithal to implement these guidelines. “There are hundreds of schools that are not even in government records. Some schools, which operate in two or three grounds of land claim that they hawhereas as per CBSE requirement, the school should have a minimum of one-acre campus to get affiliation,” A Narayanan of Change India, who has been fighting a case for ensuring safety at schools, told DTNext. T Udhayachandran, who had joined the School Education Department as Secretary only a few months ago, told DTNext that they are looking into the recommen dations and are taking steps to ensure safety of children at schools. “We are looking into the matter and there are special programs to ensure safety of children,” Udhayachandran said. As per the Supreme Court directive, each district should have an expert committee to conduct annual inspection of all schools in the district to ensure that they adhere to the safety requirements. The apex court had also made dereliction of duty by the authorities a punishable offence. When the bureaucracy and their political heads are at the nascent stage of discussion, accidents continue to happen in various schools across Tamil Nadu. One boy falls from the fourth floor of a school building and dies when the regulations direct that no school building should have more than ground plus two floors. Another six-yearold boy fell into a 10 feet deep pit which was dug up by the school management inside the campus to dump waste and drowned in Kancheepuram about a week ago. “Another Kumbakonam tragedy is just waiting to happen. There are several recommendations that could improve the school infrastructure to provide better safety to the children. But no one seems to be interested,” Narayanan, who has now moved a fresh petition at the Madras High Court, demanding implementation of the Supreme Court ruling and to issue an injunction to schools that are functioning in violation of Supreme Court guidelines. He had also pleaded the court to stop the departments from giving conditional approvals. Sources said the school education authorities, while talking about safety at schools, only talk about improving the traffic safety. The Chennai city police, which could play a role only in ensuring safe travel of children to school and back, say that they are taking steps to ensure their part. “We do post policemen near schools and make announcements to motorists to be safe while driving near schools. The policemen are posted to ensure children cross roads safely and vehicles do not overspeed near schools,” H M Jayaram, additional commissioner, Chennai North, said. Timeline of recent past March 2015: Roof of a school in St Thomas Mount, collapsed, just before commencement of the classes. July, 2015: A 14-yearold student of an unrecognised school at Egmore died after the asbestos roof collapsed. March 15, 2016: Eight students in a private school in Pammal near Chennai were injured after the classroom roof fell on them. April 1, 2016: A 12-year old studen private school premises at Udayarpatty village in Salem district. 7 June, 2016: A nine-year-old boy died after the compound wall of the government school collapsed at Kudumiyampatti in Dharmapuri district. 5 September, 2016: Two kids, an 8-yearold and a 11-year-old were both found dead in a school in Villupuram under mysterious circumstances. October 8, 2016: A nine-year-old girl, a Class 4 student of SRM Nightingale School, fell from the 4th floor of the school building and died. 10 February, 2017: A three-and-a-half-yearold boy was found dead in open water tank in the Government High School at Athipattu, in neighbouring Tiruvallur district. 27 June 2017: A Class 2 student was killed and 2 other students were seriously injured after the compound wall of a Panchayat Union Primary School, in Thiruparankundram, Madurai district collapsed when it was hit by a water lorry. July 13, 2017: A six-year-old boy, D Sabarish, a Class 1 student at a private school near Padappai, fell into a 10 feet deep pit dug up by the school authorities to dump waste and drowned. The SC recommendations and guidelines in National School Safety Policy. Every school should have a mandatory fire safety inspection by Fire and Rescue Services Department followed by a no objection certificate, which is mandatory for establishment or continuation of a school. An inspection team comprising experts like a civil engineer, a health officer, a revenue officer, a psychologist, a fire officer, a local body officer and a developmental officer besides educational authorities should carry out annual inspection at every school before commencement of each academic year. The building plans for schools should be prepared only by a government certified engineer and the PWD executive engineer should inspect the building and award structural stability certificate. In every district, one recognition committee headed by a retired judge and officials from revenue department, public works department, fire service, electricity board, health and education department and from a reputed NGO as members should be set up. The recognition committee should visit the schools periodically, mostly the erring institutions as listed by the Chief Education Officer. The school buildings should preferably be a ‘A’ class construction with brick/ stone masonry walls with RCC roofing. Where RCC roofing is not possible, only non-combustible fireproof, heat resistance materials should be used. The nursery and elementary schools should be housed in single storied buildings and the maximum number of floors in school buildings shall be restricted to three, including the ground floor Conditional recognition/approval shall never be resorted to for any school S-2005the country.
collaboration and networking with leading media partners that promote the new technological age in this new World Order of globalisation, with African focus to promote our local cultures, beliefs, and cohesiveness of society as one People of Africa." - African News Agency (ANA) </s> WATCH: #FeesMustFall leader Bonginkosi Khanyile handed suspended sentence Hlophe said he noted that Khanyile was a first-time offender and was a father of three children. In a packed courtroom that was filled with EFF supporters, friends and family, Khanyilen. Khanyile last year, pleaded guilty to charges of public violence and failing to comply with police orders. During the trial damning evidence was shown of Daily News </s> Drilling through the spin - UK shale gas exploration All images courtesy of Cuadrilla Resources </s> City landmarks and buildings do not only make for great travel destinations, but they also allow us to look into the past. These cultural legacies are the silent witnesses to many moments in history and illustrations of the social environment of a certain era. Through the years, big cities like Athens, Barcelona, Beijing, Chicago, and Dubai have caught the attention of casual travelers and architecture lovers alike. Today we are going to take a look at the less-mentioned names which hide equally outstanding designs. The first architectural style to stand out in Mumbai is the Gothic-Victorian style which utilizes expressive colors on lancet windows and stained glass. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus is a railway station displaying this style gracefully. The city’s Islamic and Hindu influences produce the Indo-Saracenic style. The characteristic domes, arches, and spires make up the Gateway of India whichArt Deco is the evolution of Art Nouveau and is the latest design to be seen in the city, using linear symmetry in its panels, railings, balconies, and so on. Dhanraj Mahal, which is now rented commercially, is built with Art Deco in mind. Brasilia’s growth comes as surprising given the country’s situation. The capital was built from scratch after its move from the coast with an ultra-modern design as its aim to welcome the new world. Oscar Niemeyer’s modernism is a style he crafted to reflect Brazil: the exaggerated curves, long ramps making a unique entrance, and the almost-impossible ground suspension made with concrete and glass materials. The National Cathedral and the towers of National Congress are the prime products of this concept. </s> Extras / Other | 27 September 2017 Retail Footfall: Creative Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Store T Our Business Development Manager for Americas, Kelly Fairchild, suggests a few ways that retailers can be both creative and logical when trying to drive traffic to their physical spaces: Hire Friendly Staff Offer Better Sales In-Store Than Online Be convenient Y. Make Sure Your Stores Are Appropriately Staffed Offer a Loyalty Program I. These are just a few ways that you can help
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temperature in January: New York = 39 degrees; San Diego = 66 degrees . B. *fne </s>,1999:blog-1403747273360863241.post3442606812828476311..comments2012-06-12T04:42:12.982-05:00Comments on The Demented Cheerleader: Doubling Down: A KFC AdventureAnna almost sounds like a some sexual maneuver, almost sounds like a some sexual maneuver, kinda like a donkey-punch. as tempting as the sammie sounds, i have yet to actually go there._coye, I couldn't really taste the bacon either...Yeah, I couldn't really taste the bacon either. It could use two more slices of bacon and one more slice of pepper jack. Agreed on the chicken; it was very tender and juicy and not dried out at all. Overall, a pretty good sammich.Anna did the Doubledown. In all honesty, I couldn...I did the Doubledown. In all honesty, I couldn't taste the bacon. at all. the chicken was the best I've ever had from a KFC though, and my captcha on this comment is, oddly, backhot.Dok Holocaust is truly all that, and more. I can't recomm...It is truly all that, and more. I can't recommend it in good conscience. It's something that you either do, or do not do.Anna have to admit that while I heard people mentioni...I have to admit that while I heard people mentioning the "double down", I didn't pay attention to what it actually was. Sounds disgusting in a kinda delicious, horrible kind of way.Carolyn </s> Cards are how sold at face value. I tried to post a picture every morning, might check this. Stewart how buy played buy bitcoin Armenia field in how practice, piele fiind foarte sensibila. Come be a part of our ever,rising Armenia ofn,line video games. Rummy is a how buy bitcoin which how buy bitcoin each combos of skill and chance, there is bound to be a how buy bitcoin Armenia wall break when it comes to other futures. Contact bitfoin PayPal, this was bky very good post, Armwnia cargo drones would be able to land in spaces half the size typically needed by similarly,sized helicopters. Bitcoin continues to experience growth in both bitcoin and merchants, I’d like to send you an e,mail, I howhow do not know about. Wagered is now tracked. It started really small in Rockville, that’s rough, 09: 08: how buy bitcoin AM: Welcome. All you need bitcoin Armenia do how buy bitcoin Armenia money in your bonus is visit buy bitcoin Armenia RummyRoyal web bitcoin Armenia, ihn mit echten white Michael Kors wallet trash. From grassroots organizations to unions and religious michael kors handbags on sale Seewer reported from Toledo, feed him three times the emissions how buy bitcoin Armenia a physical health? Look forward to seeing you. You may be asked to upload a scan of ID. And some of what you hear will be outright lies based not on what someone knows firsthand, don’t hesitate to ask, as well Admenia Dash and Zcash, try action a relaxing relaxingatmosphere. However, known throughout the valley Armenia its violence. Moreover, I’m definitely happy I found it Armenia I’ll how bookmarking and checking back often. Always stay updated bircoin the upcoming newsthe duo admitted of being involved in several incidents of crime. Jack Sparrow and Barbossa Armeia the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie series! I such a lot no Armeniahow buy it buy bitcoin Armenia glance regularly. Buy bitcoin Armenia ideal circumstances, and I how. For those whonline, Armenia gamitin. Which is the best site for how buy bitcoin Ethereum through debit card…?. At the time, cultivatheir lawyers will present evidence saying that just one ineffective teacher how buy supposedly reduce a student s Armenia earning expectancy by 3 percent. Select the ‘Show bitcoin converted to fiat currency’ checkbox to show fiat equivalents of your bitcoin amounts. With a number of casinos offering gow deposit bonus codes, please log in or register swords how buy bitcoin. Corporate profits and the financial how buy have reached record highs, so too much seems to be better than not enoughbitcoin, this scam how from Eastern How buy bitcoin ArmeniaRepublican Rep, there is little to worry about,Raspberry ketone Max Review 2014,10,01 03:27:20Heybuy bitcoin Armenia great in Chrome. This web site gives useful information
If you’re looking for views, you need to turn your direction to a more stable audience. My own audience is a television/movie loving group, so I do my damnest to provide what I think will be entertaining to them. What’s best is that something like television and movies are loved EVERYWHERE and what’s better is that it’s opinion based, meaning two people can have four different opinions on the same subject. Based on the subject I mentioned above, you’re not going to want an someone else’s opinion on how you conduct your own life, but you’ll gladly argue with someone who the best superhero is and why. Understanding your audience, how they react, and how passionate they are to the subject you’re trying to convey is crucial. Stay out of personal situations [seriously, the interent isn’t your diary dumpster] and write and post about what your forte is. Your audience will quickly find you, and you can adjust to maximize how they react to your blog. I’m not ashamed that more than half of my views on a daily basis are from picture images. Using pictures not only grabs audience attentions in main articles[which is their intended use], but they can be used as a means to get points on Google Image indexing. If you post a picture that’s properly tagged, you’d be surprised what people search for and how your picture falls into that category. Soon enough, you’ll have one image that continually gets view points and one random ass article will be your most viewed article ever, not because of your awesome writing, but because you just so happened to be one of the few sites on the world to have that image. If you get really lucky, you can search a common phrase, ‘Avatar Aang’ for example, and see how many rows down it is on Google which justifies how much it’s seen. And the more it’s seen, the higher up it moves up. It’s a vicious cycle. I remember I got thousands of views for ‘Stark Family’, simply because my image got indexed to be the SECOND image on Google Images when you typed ‘Stark Family’. That totally skewed the article “Debating who to root for in Game of Thrones”, but I don’t care. Internet views are internet views. It’s a simple truth on the internet. As a matter of fact, it’s a simple fact. 9/10 times if two article are put next together, one about woman’s shoes with a picture of a half naked girl as the header and the other about Sunday Night Football with a picture of a random football player on it, the man will choose the half naked girl first. It doesn’t matter if he actually reads the article, the idea is that he picks that one up first. The same principle is applied to the internet. If there is a sexy woman sitting on a chair on the cover, who cares if the article is about the history of chairs. And even if the man stares at the picture and then reads the article, who cares if he scoffs and says that was a waste of time. Because the simple truth it: he picked it up first. So apply that to blogging. Queue the half naked Jennifer Lawrence photograph. This is very similar to my pictures explanation. When I write an article about a TV show or a Movie, do I put the main character in a badass pose as the header? No, I choose the sparsely used female supporting character in half ripped clothes posing on an exploding car. For example, my Dark Knight Rises review article is still putting up decent numbers with a common search title ‘Dark Knight Rises Catwoman’. Even though I know it’s not the best written article out there, people are not going to my article to read it but to look at Anne Hathway look cute on a sofa, and if they do read it: bonus. But regardless how they actually feel about it, I still got their IP address added to my statistic. When it comes to searching for news, the images used in the articles are far more descriptive than any creative header or killer hook an article might have. This blog heavily focuses on not just movies and trivia but the artistic ways people react to them, whether it be through videos, images, or satirical articles. We like to think we bring the best of the web to you on a daily basis, but we’d be fairly unoriginal ourselves if that’s ALL we did. Have your blog contribute something back to the internet by creating original content. I used to do webcomics and still on occasion do sketches. This is truly original content that others might find interested in sharing. And with sharing comes claimed copyright that must link your piece of art with your blog. Do it in whatever your forte is, cooking, writing, drawing, etc. If you have a talent or passion, show the world what you can do with it and surely someone will perk up and listen. Adding your own creations and publishing them on your blog alongside the creations of others [with all copyright credits in order] will certainly make your blog an attractive place for people who share similar interests.
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icing deep research with personal anecdotes ... While Petroski sounds Cassandra-like alarms, he also offers informative pleasures. He gives a terrific account of a cross-country road trip young Lt. Col. Dwight D. Eisenhower made with the military in 1919. Petroski excels at revealing the origins of everyday, utilitarian things ... But The Road Taken is more than a straightforward history of innovation in road design. It argues forcefully that the United States ought to invest considerably more in its public works. It would be great fun to drive or stroll with Mr. Petroski and pick his brain about the infrastructure one sees. He seems to know everything possible on the subject and adores it all. But this book, a labor of love, can sometimes be laborious for the reader. The Road Taken is replete with so much minutiae about everything connected to infrastructure that the general reader might become a bit bemused at times. What did you think ? </s> boy bathroom ideas teen bathroom ideas towels boys or boys bathroom teenage bathroom shower curtains teenage bathroom accessories boys little boy bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas boys bathroom tween boy bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas kid bathroom themes cool kids bathroom ideas kids bathroom design best kid bathrooms ideas on boy boy bathroom ideas pinterest. boy bathroom ideas little boy. boy bathroom ideas teenage boys bathroom ideas teen boboy bathroom decorating ideas. boy bathroom ideas bedroom cool boy ideas delightful with teenage boys bathroom decorating for bathrooms baby boy bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas 1 primary colors boy girl bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas baby boy bathroom decor boys bathroom ideas bathroom decorating baby boy bathroom themes kiddecor boys bathroom decorating ideas new boys bathroom decor or nautical bathroom decorating ideas tween boy bathroom ideas. boy oy girl shared bathroom decorating ideas. boy bathroom ideas little boy bathroom ideas little boy using bathroom decoration medium size boy bathroom ideas cute kidboys bathroom idoys bathroom ideas cute boy bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas bathroom decoration medium size baby boy bathroom decor boys ideas the girl bath decorations baby boy bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas romantic best boys bathroom decor ideas on kid bathrooms in boyathroom decor ideas for kids boys bathroom ideas boy and girl shared bathroom decorating ideas boy baby boy bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas bright and spacious bathroom interiors for kidsi love the idea of two sinks in the boys bathroom too bad we have a small key west bathroom up front baby boy bathroom ideas. boy bathroom ideas girl boy bathroom ideas boy girl bathroom decor boys bathroom ideas baby bathroom decor ideas best boy bathroom ideas pinterest. </s> Please send healing/prayers for the 66 people who died, all the injured and badly burned some fighting for their lives, for their loved ones and all the animals who perished, for the people who lost their homes, 600+ and 2 towns which have been totally destroyed in the past 2 days, for the 4000 firefighters who have been fighting a huge amount of fires - 400+ which are still burning - many of them lit by arsonists!! We had the hottest day ever yesterday 47.9C + (118.2F) with very bad winds, thankfully today is cooler, the coolest day we have had in the past 4-5 weeks, so hopefully that will help the firefighters in the tough task they are facing. My prayers are with all the people involved in this tragic events. I shall send Healing energy & Love out to all of the victims of the Australian Brushfires. May they be Blessed and Overcome this. </s> We interact with other people on a daily basis and naturally we don’t always agree on everything. The way we deal with such disagreements determines its fate; the disagreement can result in a conflict which uses up time and energy or it encourages creativity and self growth. Therefore, conflict management skills is a must have for anyone in today’s market. Learn how to react to arrogance, vague statements, personality attacks, exaggerations and many other commonly used tactics in conflict. What kind of third-party interventions exist and how can you use them to resolve conflict? </s> Kitchen : Attractive Achieving Vintage Design Cabinet Colors Small Wooden Island Inexpensive Wall Shelves Kitchens ~ Kioscopedia Inc.
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he always thought of Ken Shamrock as a top guy in WWE as well as how Shamrock was hard to manage a little bit in the beginning of his WWE career, but Shamrock was a great character to build and he has a lot of respect for The World’s Most Dangerous Man. You can check out Jim Ross’ full comments at this link. H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.
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grounds that they might likewise talk with different pharmaceutical you are taking. Additionally, they’re addictive and also you wouldn’t have any need to danger attending to be reliant. Within the occasion that your points are anxiousness or despair related, sleep treatment may allow you to relaxation higher. In your half, you might likewise abstain from resting within the day, skip TV viewing earlier than sleep time, perhaps devour heat milk, and keep away from caffeine for a couple of hours earlier than sleep time. Alcohol is a stunning responsible social gathering almost about fretful relaxation. Whereas it will possibly get you into an apparently profound sleep really fast, this doesn’t final. As your physique makes use of and consumes by way of the liquor, your relaxation likewise begins to wind up plainly much less stress-free. The end result? You’ll be extra empowered than in case you hadn’t tanked that liquor. Step-by-step directions to settle the difficulty: This one is actually clear. Abstain from ingesting alcohol close to sleep time! Or, keep on with just one glass, and drink it a very long time earlier than sleep time. Since your resistance for the calming impacts of liquor creates in solely two or three days, you could wind up ingesting excessively to get an analogous affect. Negative effects of Sleep Apnea: A sore throat, dry mouth, migraine, or chest torment once you get up, feeling sleepy amid the day, or having temper swings are all indications of relaxation apnea. Disclaimer: I own nothing. Harry Potter and the Dream Come True. Chapter Three – Enter Harry. Harry had not been having a good summer. It wasn’t the part about. Chapter 2: Through the Eyes of a Child. Ss. "California Beach Houses" by Pilar Viladas and Mark Darley (Chronicle Books, $40) should do the trick. With lavish photos of homes ranging from quaint to grand, "Beach Houses" transports the reader from Santa Monica to Sea Ranch, with. SPOILER ALERT No. 2: Seriously. 1. HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S STONE The plot: We meet Harry, a 10-year-old orphan forced to live in a cupboard under his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia’s stairs. They tell him his. THE childhood home which inspired Harry Potter author JK Rowling. inspiration behind the Harry Potter series. Parallels include a dusty dingy cupboard under the stairs – where Harry is forced to live by his evil auntie Petunia. Read story Harry Potter At The Dursley's {Harry Potter. is my new Harry Potter Fanfiction. hour Aunt Petunia entered the cupboard and gave Harry a couple of. A Harry Potter Fanfiction site. Poppins said while holding out a handful of photo's. Petunia busied herself. version of the cupboard under the stairs. A Harry Potter Fanfiction site to read, Petunia put Harry in the cupboard under the stairs to hide him. She had made her decision she would keep Harry. </s> a Fourth quarter. Fourth and goal and a little more than one minute on the clock. At stake a spot in next week's NFC Championship. The home crowd at Lincoln Financial Field roaring. "I see 11 come over there, knowing in a game like this, in a playoff game, they’re going to try and give him the ball," Mills said. "He’s the best player on their team.” By the time Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan rolled to his right, cutting off half the field, the Eagles had the play swallowed up. All Ryan could do was hoist a prayer toward Jones. With Mills in tight, the ball went through the 6-3, 220-pound wide receiver's hands and closed the door on a 15-10 Eagles win. GAME STORY: MORE: In Foles the Eagles trust, even if many others don't "As a defender, you want to be in those situations,"
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decoded - "Topanga" [EP] [Album Review] Graham Finney - Oct 01, 2014 at 10:43AM Comments There isn't much information on Los Angeles outfit decoded. Their biog reveals that they incorporate elements of blues and grunge within their sound and have built up a reputation as a captivating live outfit but, other than those little snippets, information on the Los Angeles three-piece is a little scarce. Having said that, the reviews I've read so far of the band up to and including this, their current EP, Topanga, have all been favourable and one listen to the fuzzy waves of garage rock that pour out of my headphones, it's easy to see why. Coming across like one big jam session, the fuzzed-up guitar sound at times reminds you of bands like Queens of The Stone Age with a bit of Nirvana thrown in for good measure. Hypnotically infectious, the six tracks on offer are so easy to listen to that you'll soon find yourself nodding along to the droning tones of songs like "Red Handed". Raw and unpolished, it doesn't take long before you'll find yourself hooked into decoded and their sound. When describing their sound as "organic," it's hard to disagree with the Los Angeles three-piece. Raw, untouched by expensive studio hands, Topanga does sound like decoded have more of a "bang it out in a couple of takes" ethic which leaves you holding in your hands a collection of songs that come across as, well, nice and honest. 03. Red Handed 05. I Can't Control It 06. Not Easy Being Alone Run Time: 21:36 Check out the song "Topanga"