How to use laion/CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k to calculate similarity score of given 2 images?

by MonsterMMORPG - opened

Hello. I am looking for a Google Colab Notebook or a complete code example to calculate image similarity score of given 2 images

These images can be any dimension or image format

Could you provide example code?

So all I want is give image A and image B and get their similarity score.

Thank you so much.

Hello, see

ty so much

could you add a section which will calculate image to image similarity?

also which pre trained model would be best for this task?

Working on a tool that does just that. You can see examples on how to compare images there. Currently working on clustering via faiss index to do similarity matching/grouping.

Working on a tool that does just that. You can see examples on how to compare images there. Currently working on clustering via faiss index to do similarity matching/grouping.

Thank you so much I will check and try it asap

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